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Oh yeah, THAT happened.
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Can't top this collab
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It's always weird to me how people exaggerate how bad this was. It was just an awkward comment wishing Pomu good luck on her surgery, but since it was during the peak of Vshojo hate and NijiEN hype I guess that amplified it a lot more.
>the nijisanji family
>if you don't like it, leaving is always an option
She wasn’t even vshojo back then? Vshojo hate for this was directed at Zentreya, not her lmao.
>if you don't like it, leaving is always an option
We know for a fact it's not always an option.
she wasnt vshojo and it's not much of an exaggeration, it was the most retarded autistic thing I've ever seen even with all the vtubers I watch and vtuber fans I talk to
what the fuck was she actually thinking
She wasn't in the agency yet, but she had always been part of the Vshojo clique
Just tism things.
Isn't she an *actual* autist?
Apparently she has actual diagnosed autism, not sure how true that is though
lol cope
an awkward comment wishing her good luck would've been exactly that, but it wasn't
pomu didn't want to reveal it to many people either but she just dumped it in front of everyone
Her surgery's topic was NOT public knowledge at the time.
>All of them are legends

It's clinically impossible for women to have autism, they have a different brain synapse structure than men. However, psychologists pamper women who want to shine as special snowflakes and sometimes hand them out the autism diagnosis.
>It's clinically impossible for women to have autism
>psychologists pamper women who want to shine as special snowflakes and sometimes hand them out the autism diagnosis.
literally the worst collab in history of vtubing
she is a genuine autistic retard. she gets content out of it by waiting until she's on stream to learn about things
I remember when that saruei girl tried to get diagnosed with autism through an online therapist kek
actual fucking cult
just needs a cruise ship
*gets into vshojo*
Haruka has the deep autism, not the 'teehee' kind but the 'sometimes i realize i havent talked this month' kind.
NTA but it definetly was. Pomu literally had an entire announcement talking about the surgery at the time, and pomu has mentioned her familie's history of breast cancer so naturally 2 and 2 was put together.
Man, I will forever hate this bitch.
no wonder mint don't want to join vshojo
Do you want me to grudgepost with a screencap of over 100 posts saying Pikamee will never join vshojo, because troons harassed her over the harry potter game and froot sided with them?
>no Selen, Pomu, Nina, Mysta
Wait is this the clique?
Always has been. And I'm willing to shoot any deluded rosebud in the shin on sight.
are weird knowledge gaps part of that? she knew what a dick girl is but didn't know the word futanari
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that was another time.
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Any chances of Mint joining Vshojo were squashed when she reconnected with Dokibird.
She almost did... Though that was more because of Kurosanji than for them...
How so?
I don't really care which way since both indie and vshojo would be fine for her purposes from what I can tell, but I don't know how Doki would squash the vshojo chances.
Nina is 4th from the top
both cases are different and i never said pikamee would never join vshojo so idk what that has to do with me. any reason you can come up with that justifies why mint would get all the vshojo help but not join it?
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It's simple. Dokibird showed Mint that she doesn't need Vshojo. Now that Mint has an indie buddy to help her out, she won't need to join Vshojo to support her anymore.
If Mint is as sweet and kind as everyone says she is, you would think she would join out of gratitude for the help she is receiving.
It's simple: Mint's gonna join Dokicorp
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I don't think they're comparable. Doki's a networking machine with like 12 dedicated employees and has effectively started her own little company. Mint doesn't even have a manager right now of any kind helping her out, and will likely want some kind of staff to help her out sooner than later.
Dokibird is capable of running a 30 man team and multiple projects, Mint absolutely needs someone to manage stuff for her would only benefit from joining a corp.
Then why doesn't she join vshojo. that will stop the bait thread acting like holofan is desperate to have her. is there any rrat about this?
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I believe this rrat even if it's kind of silly. Would be awesome if true.
Mint will just get help from Dokbird. That's the point I'm trying to make.
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>Pomu and Selen weren't in this picture
I want to believe that, but right now Doki's kind of struggling to get her own shit set up still. She's almost done getting everything she needs, but I don't quite think she's ready to lend anybody some staff yet.
They weren't in the secret gc stream either. Pomu flat out said it made her uncomfortable, and Selen wasn't even in the server.
In due time my fren, in due time. We'll see.
She is retarded autist
Had a hard life...
She hated Niji en from the very beginning, case closed.
All this complaining and ignoring the tts dragon and the literal fatass male
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About the tts dragon. I would fuck her. Thanks for asking.
If Mint has issues with Vshojo, they definitely have nothing to do with Haruka
Didn't she bad mouth the online ((shrink}}} because they wouldn't give her a tism diagnosis?
and she threw a frenchbitchfit.
>I would fuck her.
Excellent bait.
Thank you. I have been preparing this post for the last 5 years.
She's French, being autistic is a given
do it on stream so chat has to hear the tts moans and can critique your technique
I liked Zen humour and mannerism, but her TTS unironically fucks with my head, I don't wanna watch a dude and giggle as if I'm watching a girl, also I hated when s/he read the chat and laughed it was soundless, what's the point? I'd prefer her use some sort of robotic voice changer instead, but then it would be obvious if it's a dude.
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You think?
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Autism is just more respectable I guess.
It was awkward at the moment, but people do took it as if Pomu or well Mint actually hated Haruka which isn't slightly true. Both interacted even after on Twitter, and recently with her coming back as Mint they had two collabs. So pretty much it was an autism moment.
Isn't this the clique -Nina?
Yeah guys she must fucking HATE Haruk--AAAAAAA
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A matter of taste. For me, TTS is the best thing about her streams. I hate it when streamers start screaming, squeaking and the like, but she's always monotonous and has a constant volume. And it's a peak comedy when she gets mad, but all that comes out is a monotone voice.
Around the time Mint reconnecting with doki, Mint expressed something like " it would have been cool to leave together with someone and restart as a team. I just miss.... I miss the comradery "
i'm sure the clip is out there.
But here is a very probable situation.
>Mint- wants to do a lot but needs some one to push her. (like matara pushed her to come back)
>Doki Has so many ideas she will go into debt just to realize these things.
>Doki and mint reconnect.
>Mint"man we should start our own company...."
>Doki "WEEE SHOULD!!!"
Time traveler here, thank me later.
Zen should get a better TTS voice similar to what MotherV3 has
Woah, it's actually Monday what the fuck
I'm gonna rrat both ways because the future is uncertain.
>if Mint joins
The reason why Mint didn't join just like Henya, Kuro, Michi and Matara did, is not only her keeping her character (Kson did this), it's because genuinely, the Mint that you see now it's totally different from the one that came back at first. She was genuinely all over the place and didn't had much hope of coming back, with the past few months she seems happier. So, even if we want to think that VShojo is as heartless as any company can be, Mint situation wasn't the best to bring in, and it would have been certainly a challenge. So if she ends up joining "late", it was mostly a period of uncertainty where she winged as an indie.
>but if she doesn't end up joining them?
Well, as said before maybe in that period of uncertainty she realized VShojo isn't also for her, and she would wing it in another way, it's not like VShojo is gonna blacklist her, she's just going to do what she does. And as seen with Offkai, they are most welcome to help her out. And if she finds idk Mythic joinable, she cooks with Doki to do something between the two, or just stay indie. It was a choice done in that period.

I'll say that it will never stop baits, people will beg (or bait about) her in VShojo, Hololive, fucking idk Phase, because she's an easy target to bait around here. Just like Pikamee was.
Pomu cut off her tits?
Nah, she had surgery when yab stonks where high, so people starting making rrats.
Or maybe she did, but i dont see how that matters as much as the sisters want it too.
It amazes me people can just go around being so ignorant and retarded and then people will act like "wow they so real fr fr."
No bitch, they just read shit off tiktok and never read an article in their life. Literal retards who can't be bothered.
michi's fun but she does the same shit. Like how can you be that fucking retarded about basic human anatomy if you had the slightest school education to get a college-level job?
Holy shit
Oof I'm cringing and my insides are in pain from just remembering what a shitshow this was, especially Haruka and Zen slowly losing his shit.
People, especially in this day and age, are generally retarded. It's usually best to assume the least out of people.
Also the spectrum isn't that wide, so watch your step.
I read the rest of the thread. Somehow I missed the whole breast cancer arc. That's rough if true.
Like a friend of mine said, you can't be into anime - least of all anime women - without at least a touch of the 'tism.
Oh yeah and Pikame just going silent, I wonder if she cried afterwards
IIRC the general consesus is that Pomu was in the gc stream in the beginning, then was almost immediately disgusted by it, bailed out and rushed to do a guerrilla stream on her channel.
Man I'm starting to think about it now.
Doki's new model is starting to make more sense.
Maybe im reading too much into it, but thats pretty sweet if true.
I think the main difference is Doki's attitude when there's a proboem is to just go for it anyway and figure it out along the way, and if it works then good but if it doesn't then talk about it and make the failure part of content. Pomu seems like the type to try to stay in the lane and follow rules way too hard and won't take risks because then it becomes her own fault something failed and considers failures to he too embarrassing to make into content.
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I don't think THAT part had to do with her.
The hairclip is the mint reference.
Man, I remember when being bpd diagnosis was the thing. Last I checked it was being neuro divergent and troon but now I guess it's the tisms.
No, I can see the appeal, it's just I'm an alt-tab viewer, so I'd alt tab when I hear something funny or shit, I don't mind her monotonous voice, but it doesn't let her give us some pure emotions. Also she is shit for collabs, but collabs in general are sort of crap.
This isn't a 90's arcade, its the internet.
Shit makes its rounds when enough people over use one.
True, that's why only 20% of all autist people are women
>I remember when being bpd diagnosis was the thing
Why would you ever want that, that's like being diagnosed a sociopath or narcissist. That's not a cool thing to be, it means that you are probably a person who does a lot of harm to others.
Because you get to act like a bitch and use it as an excuse to not get any backlash.
Its a classic pity farm mechanism
>if you had the slightest school education to get a college-level job?
Anon, people in my school got away with skipping half a year and overall just not paying attention to anything. They still had proper graduations.
Even at my university, we had retards being absent for almost the whole thing and they still got their degrees.
Granted, I'm from Central Asia and have no idea whether things are better or worse over there, but this can absolutely happen.
her autism was so severe that she didn't speak as a child.
Conveniently leaves out selen saying she'll die for Nijisanji being the biggest bootlicker of all these offenders lmao Niggoons are shameless.
its true.
Colledge, at least in america, is just a means to gate keep the poor.
It's already obvious it's a dude, why do you care about the TTS?
yes, as it should be.
You are the poor anon if their is someone above you.
tourist here, can someone give me a qrd on the gc stream?
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No. put selen in the Nijisanji hall of shame for that tweet she doesn't get to get away Scott free. I'm asking this time.
That's sweet if true.
isn't this just a massive stretch? don't even want to shit on your cake, just curious, cause i feel like this is a really common style of hairclip used on designs
She did talk about it, but it feels like one no matter the answer
Indie on YouTube is a slow decline into obscurity
2021 was a strange time.
I never said that, but I'm not American.
Pomu and Selen actually had references for what's going on the other side of the fence (Kiara and Mumei) while the rest of NijiEN is operating on /vt/ schizo rrats
They knew it was extremely retarded to burn bridges with the other major corpos and shitting on fans is a cardinal sin in the entertainment medium
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actual unironic autism
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this anon skippa skippa the fucking Covid arc, no one with a good head over their shoulders could go through that and not realize genuine unironic retards barely short out being extras on Idiocracy/Don't look up are the fucking majority nowadays
because I'm coping
that was amazing. I hope there's Holosummer2024. I need it.
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>It's always weird to me how people exaggerate how bad this was.
That post was only slightly exaggerated. That's exactly what she did, she just didn't do it with that much energy or force. She did relentlessly push a subject that Pomu could not have been any more obvious in not wanting to talk about without directly telling her to shut the fuck up because she didn't want to talk about it.

People like to bring up retardation and autism a lot but this is genuinely one of the best examples in vtubing of someone being a retarded autist. It's not malicious, it's not a joke pushed too far, it's not ignorance, she's just genuinely a really fucking stupid autist.
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What did you mean by this?
>I liked Zen humour and mannerism
At this point I don't even care of Zen is a guy. I would rather he just talk normally regardless of what voice comes out of the model. The TTS gimmick is old and stupid and it completely ruins the flow of collabs.
You put emphasis on elongating the wrong word for Doki. It's less of a "Weeee should!" and more of a "We shouuuld!"
It's never gonna happen, but there may be a TTS upgrade at some point that reduces the delay.
Selen and kanae made similar tweets tho
Read the thread
God I hate this pile of dogshit
It was a kind of "make fun of 4chan rrats" deal with everybody being anonymous, but turned into some genuinely mean comments about coworkers who weren't there pretty quickly
She is begging for correctional mating press
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There was also the Helldivers collab.
Matara, my hag wife...
Hi, protein
Does anyone have a link to the VOD?>>79654650

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