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It's the first of July. Where's the merge at? When's the new date?
To earn it, you have to merge your mouth with my scrotum.
1st April
That explains the uptick of Twisty bait threads. Dramafaggot deflection from having a rrat proved wrong
Once the official 4chan nijisanji employee posts it here we'll know
A photo of a building is all it takes to convince a bunch of apes. Humanity is doomed
Here are two cope options: Since it is the EN branch, the merge is actually happening July 1 in NA time zone. Alternatively the merge has already happened internally but it isn't being announced publicly yet and we will start seeing EN members graduating soon.
Yagoo told me ID4 later this year btw
also A-chan was fired
I wonder which cope holofags will take. This is keeping me on the edge of my seat
I'm not sure it matters, EN is dead in the water, merge or not
I can't believe A-chan got fired after her relationship with Vesper was discovered
sisterJP doesn't want to do anything with that rotten branch
He actually announced ID4 during last year's investor meeting. FY2024 was supposed to have 1 new EN (Advent), 1 new JP (ReGloss) and 1 new ID gen (???).
My favorite part is when the NDF celebrate that nothing happens despite it always being a shitpost that instigates this, effectively getting baited into thinking they’ve won.
>inb4 some asinine response
The reason you get meme’d into oblivion is because you wholeheartedly believe everyone is against you simply because you like Nijisanji, when in reality, it’s because you act like Tumblr cunts.
Holy Holoseethe
Here’s your (You)
So the merge isn't happening? I accept your concession
i hope niji is not merging.
i want them to keep debuting new wave.
that feeling of seeing 3 view after debut is so satifying
Not as satisfying as seeing holokeks prove they're brown ESLs like you
But will they achieve the mythical 2view debut?
>taking serious a random anon
Sister, calm down your tits and go watch your organs
Holokiddies seething over their retarded rrat being proven wrong again. Holy kek
>when you’re right its a dunk on Niji
>when you’re wrong it was all just a shitpost and you totally never believed the rrat
Very convenient position you’ve placed yourself in.
just imagine niji keep debuting wave with denauth numbers made me cum
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The only people who give enough of a shit about twisty to make bait threads are the sisters.
Why do they never type the names correctly? I know there’s a reason, but they sound like faggots.
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To all holocuckis and phasebrowns
For avoiding egosearching, but these retards don't realize the For You algorithm would just make these tweets pop up within the same community unless they're shadowbanned
Also twisty's a dictionary word so they're just making their own posts easier to look for
It’s all so tiresome.
>results 1/5
Rent-free, eh sisters?
nah please dont merge.
nijien is already beyond recovery. they cant gaining new audience anymore with new wave.
the only fate waiting for them is old livers are graduating and their viewers bleed over time.

and just like this anon said >>79657345, i want them to keep debuting wave full of burdens and eventually self destructing
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>Spams sister in any thread possible
Deflecting Twisty harassment into sisters while simultaneously deflecting from the merge rrat being wrong. Holokiddies need an award for the amount of deflecting going on
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stop replying yourself millie
Do you not see the 5 different threads browns have made in the last two hours about Twisty? Or is that also sisters? How's that merge coming along?
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always rent free
kira kira might a faggot, but they're not wrong.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying.
The sisters are the ONLY people who give a shit about twisty in any capacity. They've shown themselves plenty capable of eating their own in the past, and they fucking hate her for getting close to "da boiz" and making them "uncomfortable."
Cool, now do the same thing for sister in any drama bait thread
sisters is pretty ambiguous innit
No, it's almost always referring to Nijisisters
You might as well say
Because the entire community is against you at this point.
so the homosisters are the same thing or what
>t. projecting phasecuck
pickme plappa fucks d-tier flesh streamers btw
I have no idea at this point. The stars are pretty harmless and the actual /mans/ fans seem tame and dislike people trying to force collabs, too.
It seems like a lot of the hate is either shitstirrers, or directed at tourists.
ESL-anon is right, though. KuroEN is beyond recovery at this point.
It's really amusing to see how holokiddies keep using "Everyone hates you!" and want me to be genuinely insulted. Keep drinking your juice box, kiddo
Your oshi is taking a 'mental health leave' because of that hatred though?

Sucks to suck, shitskin
We don't care if you're insulted.
We just want you to leave.
Who? And in the scenario that someone did go on a leave because mental health, are you saying you'd be proud of harassing someone into depression? Holofags are sociopaths
>When's the new date?
80 more work-hours
>are you saying you'd be proud of harassing someone into depression?
Don't try and turn this into a moralist debate, faggot. Crying 'Oh, my thin skin!' doesn't work outside of twitter and reddit.
We all know how nijisisters were parading and celebrating over the fact that Doki tried to kill herself. No one is above the other in terms of morality, but you can bet your ass niji-antis have the high ground in regards to taste.
So why do you keep replying to yourself, Millie?
Can't handle the pressure, holokiddy?
So why do you keep replying to yourself, Millie?
Homosisters are sisters who not only oshi the Niji organs but also some homostars (but they still mainly oshi Nijis) because of how frequent the collab between the two are

But don't be fooled into thinking that all Niji sisters respect Starmins. If anything, they are the main culprits who are responsible for the unicorn larps and falseflagging bait threads about Stars
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No, that's because she is the first to have such low numbers in the company.
>We all know how nijisisters were parading and celebrating over the fact that Doki tried to kill herself
LMAO. How far will the LARP go?
That's just the waiting room anon, post average CCV.
If the past is anything to go by then things happen when you least expect it and they do not go the way you think they will. The EN branch will slowly wither away and will be kept on life support for a long time. Maybe they won't ever officially pull the plug. It won't be very dramatic like people here are hoping for
You Sisters always try.

But you never learn.
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My brother, that is a premiere for a YouTube video. Not even a stream. Twisty antis are browner than dirt
I hope not.
Because otherwise, Vivi and Kunai aren't getting out for another year at minimum, and there's no fucking way their channels will last that long.
It's not a mere insult, it's reality. And you are hiding from it by deflecting all criticism as being from some singular monolithic overarching bogeyman. People respect Hololive but despise Nijisanji because one is grossly incompetent and malicious in how it treats its talents, while the other is not. How fucking hard is this to figure out?
why are you trying so hard to defend nijisisters lmao
>I'm super serial. No one likes you and they all love me!
You're gonna be late for summer school, kid
morons, she still has shitty numbers.
Whose work hours? If it's the managers' that could be months from now.
Oh people will get out. But it will happen slowly. Like water dripping out of a leaky pipe. Kunai is PL streaming already so it doesn't matter. If they get fired for it then it will make things easier for them.
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Two more weeks, right?
Then post the real numbers instead of making up fake shit you dumb nigger.
Fairly amusing seeing the melty from the holocucks as they continue to deflect to noombers because their retarded rrat was wrong which proved they're easier to trick than mice
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Hope so. Kunai's literally making a THIRD of the numbers she had as an indie. She's been suffering under that dogshit brand so hard it's ridiculous.
She's so fucking done and ready to leave, she started following goddamn Sayu in the past few weeks. If that's not a declaration of wanting the fuck out, I don't know what is.
No. Probably a lot longer than that.
She's looking for people to shill her post niji. Smart girl.
So when she dies of old age? Depressing
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>Kunai's literally making a THIRD of the numbers she had as an indie.
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not live?
When are you going to post the real numbers.
Nijinfant can't understand the concept of time
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ah, I misremembered. It's more like half, but whatever.
can you because she peaked higher than that on that stream.
>holonigs posting doxx openly
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>posting active vtubers is dox now
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Fucking fleshie dramatubers with millions of subs have exposed your company's blackness. By and large, the world dos indeed hate you.
>nijinigs suddenly care about doxxing
>activve vtubers
>clearly says hiatus
Holocuckis can't read wumao wumao
>posting someone's passport
>sisters sleep
>posting a VTuber alt account
>real shit
>clearly tweeted just last week
Totally inactive btw.
yet if I post kronii or kiara I would get banned.
Don't worry, they'll just call the person posting it a sister and act like they did nothing
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>calling that doxxing
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>sayucucks want us to believe random shitty paint edit
>doxxsisters want us to believe they didn't doxx her
But enough about holocucks and phasebrowns
Even if the amount of view were triple, it would still be very low.
Sister, did you already forget when you tried to dox the chuuba in the OP's image and accidentally doxx a minor?
Drama trannies are nervous
Are they really celebrating that the worst, most fringe rrats aren't true?
It's like celebrating that the Level 5 hurricane predictions were wrong while your house is torn apart by a Level 4 hurricane in the background.
Those are RMs, retard. I don't agree with the rules but what about
>3DPD = ban
>Vtuber = no ban
don't you understand??
Millie please have mercy on your own mental
this isn't healthy
you can still clutch salvation by leaking everything you know
Niji and hololive merge coming soon.
>like Tumblr cunts.

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