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I’m surprised she doesn’t rebroadcast her debut, too.
Don't care, psycho SJW cunt not worth watching ever
She has so far only rebroadcasted Unarchived karaokes and for a completely different timezone than when they originally happened. She also lurks chat and watches with said different audience during them. It is a completely logical strategy
Rebroadcasting unarchived karaokes is bad now?
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That's fascinating, but I'm still not going to watch her.
Honestly, i wish more the girls would do rebroadcasts. Especially gura and irys.
No, but half of her channel's streams are unarchived which is a bit excessive. Still that wouldn't really be an issue unless the lack of archived streams prevented her from getting monetization. If Saturday's streams were cancelled because they were supposed to be a monetization marathon then she is literally costing the other girls money.
"Red woman bad" posters have already progressed to the same state as eggs, where her doing completely normal and innocuous things makes them incredibly angry
People keep whinging about the girls rebroadcasting so I thought I'd whip something up since I saw yet another.
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Not particularly, but this much in your first week is a bit excessive, especially if it's assumed the rest of your career is gonna look like picrel.
TBF that's just as much a problem with youtube as it is with the talent.
Her talent is copying other peoples' voices - particularly for song.
Guess what US and JP law REALLY doesn't like but is also *insanely* popular.
So not even a third. Thanks for confirming that dramacucks love to make a big deal over nothing.
the one thing my wife could learn from her
grinding subs before debut buff wears off and holostars collab debuff starts
didn't advent get to 300k before debuts
Sounds like something a psycho would say.
More like half if you only count actual streams. And the newest rebroadcast is gonna get removed also. She should at least do some that can stay on her channel too.
My favourite one so far is them calling her a narcissist for asking her audience to show support for Ollie while she is grieving for her biggest paypig kicking the bucket.
>She also lurks chat and watches
lol you think that's actually her?
They literally had enough for monetization with the debut, maybe even before that, don't be retarded
YouTube doesn't care if a video is a stream or not for the purpose of monetization. It's not a streaming site to begin with.
Concert advertisement buff and post-ax hype really helped a lot.
2024 vtubing is in a bit of a slump, especially with nijisanji turbodumping half the industry's cred and shizos like ennacuck undermining the significance of viewership numbers with pointless botting.
People are burnt out from drama and a lot less eyes on them.
Not trying to make excuses just trying to say it was always gonna be like that. Gens 2 and 3 were gonna have big numbers - especially with the delay. At this point you're not going to get as many insta-free subscriptions because the market has spread out or moved on post-covid.
So then what happened with all the cancelled Saturday streams that were marked as "???" on their schedules? Advent did their monetization streams after a week, so why hasn't Justice?
Joke's on you guys the real reason was that they all actually got *demonetized* for fujo behavior. They couldn't do monetization because Youtube took it away.
Yes? Same writing style and she said she eats breakfast which makes sense at 8am BST
Its more that you are a distrusting retard than me being naive here
>she sings On My Own "again"
I'm fine with this.
Of course anon... She could heal 1000 blind children of terminal cancer, and it would still be bad here, because she interacted with 'homostars' ... you can beat the schizo in here.
Unironically indie small dog syndrome
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I'd have huge respect for her if she could "heal" 1000 blind children. I'd even chip in since it's for a good cause. As of now, however, she's an obnoxious homocollaborator that you beggars and sisters are promoting as your new poster girl to "own le unichuds". I'll stick to shitting on her, thanks. Also, it's "you CAN'T beat", ESL-yarou.
This is the one part that's most egregious about her.
>another rebroadcast
Holy kek, just debuted and already this lazy. I thought it couldn't get worse than Kronii but here it is.
She probably destroyed her voice by forcing to hard to hide her poor control over difficult notes, every time an uncomfortable note arrives, she changes register to avoid it
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And (you) all complaining about gura being lazy
Does she really think she has a great singing voice? I sing part time and even I can tell she doesn't have that good of a control. IRyS is the gold standard but she sounds mediocre because she's not creative enough with vocals and lacks character, ideally she'd at least want to sing like Nerissa or better if she's going the singing route. Or maybe it's something Yuros will appreciate? I legit don't get it.
I've been an Holofan for 4 years now and I've never seen anybody else from Holo do this many rebroadcast bullshit before, especially when they just debuted. This shit is so beneath Hololive.
Red woman bad
Yeah it would be much better if people in other timezones simply couldn't watch the content
I WILL complain until I gaslight the shark into returning to me.
I've never seen someone who can't even go a week or two after debut before they just flame out and are completely creatively bankrupt. This stupid bitch can only do karaokes and doodling, and can't even keep that up and has to do rebroadcasts constantly. It's fucking wild how she gets away with it
it hasn't even been a fucking week what the hell
Explain exactly how karaoke streams are less creative than playing a video game.
i stay up until 4am for jp streams. newfriends must know the same pain
That literally happened to Mr Beast.
>her EN genmate is streaming
>raids ID homocollaber instead
>Co-worker loses a big fan and is being really sad.
>Raids her to show support.
This is (you)
It's not even close to what the eggs did.
>replies an hour later
>seething and sharting
concession accepted
White woman's saviour complex, please understand.
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>Replies two hours later
Not sure how that's germane
>no u
what's the problem?
For maximum audience shouldn't she just rebroadcast 24/7?
Actually, I'd like it if regular rebroadcasting of unarchived stuff was something every holo did. They do it on occasion now, but if it were more frequent, it would allow more people to see it. Maybe something like, fill up empty slots throughout the week with the latest episode for everyone who missed it. That'd be convenient.
stfu bitch, that's a good thing for those who missed it and want to hear her sing
Sounds like a personal problem
Go back to sleep, Iron Lung
What the fuck are you talking about?
Rebroadcasting unarchived content has become the norm. What exactly is the problem?
>the norm
Where, twitch?
In hololive EN
Rebroadcasts mostly is there for unarchived karaokes for EN. JP doesn't have this and they rarely ever do unarchived karaokes because they sing entirely japanese songs. Music copyright autism for english songs that's out of their control.

>why not just sing japanese songs then?
They could and they sometimes do (or all the time for specific EN members). That aside, a portion of this board hates non english songs for whatever reason.
>Don’t care
Kek everytime
Also some are bad at JP songs, and ERB admits as much.
I knew Karaokefags were annoying but holy they are down right insufferable. Absolute bottom tier content for a chuuba
Insufferable how exactly?
Cause they aren't the ones shitting up the catalogue with retarded threads.
You seem to care enough to reply to me.
I just want a hololive girl to do a screamo hardcore and postpunk karaoke stream.
I'm pretty sure at this point Elizabeth could say she likes mint ice cream more than vanilla or something and you faggots would have a 300 reply whinefest over why this is grounds for her to be terminated
You're all such faggot ass babies
That too.
I'm fine with Elizabeth being a homobeggar, it's been a week and she's stayed in her lane. She was even an enjoyable level of autistic in the Justice collab. What I'm more angry about is the door she opened for you fucking r/Hololive cockloving faggots to show up and start shitting your pampers with glee thinking she was one of you unhinged politics brain rotten NPCs. You're just antis in disguise wanting to ruin another hobby space you find problematic because you're irl vampires.
Why do you faggots always start writing fanfic about people who disagree with you instead of actually responding to the post
>gets called out
>ignores the post
>"why do you ignore my post?"
Shoot yourself in the head tranny we know why you're /here/.
Damn anon you really imagined a whole ass backstory for me just to get yourself madder lol
You know she's only doing the same thing Kiara and Mori do ...right?
NTA, but you shouldn't assume someone is a terminally online twitter SJW just because they are annoyed at another anti-ERB thread, that is a position that anyone who isn't a shitposter would take.
Most of these threads are created by shitposters and nijisisters, they aren't legitimate complaints, they just seek to shit on whatever holo is the most vulnerable. From what I've seen, most unicorns have adopted the position of simply not watching her, especially since she doesn't seem likely to bring up males in collabs (and put her colleagues in a difficult position).
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Does she even play games? Every time I see her streaming it's always karaokes.
I saw her playing Valorant and not being terrible at it.
I'd rather rinse out my eyes for reading all of that instead.
Least cock-obsessed unicorn
>fucks her gens monetization
Is she the worst talent Cover has hired?
I think an interesting idea for older members would be "greatest hits" unarchived rebroadcasts of their best streams from 2+ years ago, so newer fans could have the experience of watching them "live" with other people
Maybe they could set up a few of those when they're on break
What is it with you weirdos and getting mad about things you made up
He didn't say he didn't care though? Retard
Pdf files?
Her most apparent strength is her singing. How dare she promote her most apparent strength!
What a nice way to refer to a human being
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Fuck off back to redit.
Just Tumblrinas who got mindbroken because she interacted with males and reminded them heterosexuality exists.
IRyS has been asked to like 100 times but is too lazy to press a button or just ask her new manager to do it.
karaoke is real content which takes skill, gaming is bottom barrel manchild garbage. can't believe people watch someone else sitting on their ass all day going bing bing wahoo.
I've watched enough streams to tell you with confidence that good game streamers are much rarer than good singers.
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She played valo and half of the people watching it ran away as soon as possible. I mean she is fucking bronze with more than 400 hours played it's not enjoyable to watch.
I still haven't seen her SJWness make an appearance on stream.
Her "no bullies" comment could be interpreted as her playing the victim(oppressed by the mob).
Judge her by what she does on stream and not by what she once was.
I'll be keeping a close eye on her albeit.
Advent was long awaited.
Nobody asked for Justice this soon.
People were expecting EN4 in September at the very earliest, more like October-November and many were of the opinion it will only happen in 2025.
What's more it ended up being kinda 75% but actually 50% EU gen except with ZERO hints/teasing/hype building beforehand and they debuted in the middle of Euro 2024 when nobody gives a shit about some vtubers debuting because they already have something more important to watch.

It's like Cover was trying to sabotage Justice as much as they did to Regloss.
KFP hate red whore
Is that it? Come on, you can do better
They shit up everything else though. Acting like hearing a bitch sing the same old songs you’ve heard thousands of time is like the second coming of christ.
because she is, chumcuck
That would be funny. She would own the incels once again.
She has no content outside karaoke and that would legit kill your throat if you sing that often, she has to rebroadcast
>to the same state as eggs
/EGG/ actually watches kiara/pippa, erb doesn't have any hate watchers
Not like there's much to watch atm

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