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What went wrong?
She joined Niji. Good think that era is over
Joined niji for some ungodly reason, despite being an idolfag
Indie on Youtube
Hasn't joined Vshojo yet.
fippy bippy
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FPBP! Thankfully we are back to BUSTIN
would you as a fan join an idol group as your oshi?
if yes then you need to be in jail for stalking
did she fail the holo auditions again? lmao
buy an ad
Wrong in what sense?
no but you wouldn't join a brothel as an alternative either
Mint and Doki are collabing again this week btw.
>Didn't make it into hololive
>Joined niji
>Left niji
>Still not in hololive
Didn't convince Kiara hard enough to get her into Justice or something
Justice was already selected by the time pomu got out you retard.
She is actually a decent person with some self respect, not a fucking grifter who pity and drama baited for grifterbux, unlike some others.
Did something happen? Why mint bait? She didn't even do anything.
NotGigi graduated in March from a corpo, so you are absolutely wrong
>unlike some others
May I ask who do you have in mind?
Mint's collabing with Dokibird today I think.
That's not the case with gamers when they suddenly put fubuki into it and she wasn't pre selected.
But she has already collabed with her before.
We didn't make chubby Mint real
and you think pomu is as bold as notgigi to apply before graduate? she almost quit vtuber after get out of niji.
she got rejected that was why she almost retired
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It still makes Nijisisters and Lazufags seethe to this day.
Selen/Pomu collabs were always kino, of course they'd do more of them.
Pomu sent her resignation a year prior to her resignation.
Do you think she didn't plan her exit?
I still don't get this line of thinking from so many anons. You can enjoy idol culture as a fan (and she's clearly a massive fan) but not want to be an idol yourself.
Just send her art of herself from /ag/ a few times a day and maybe she'll go for it in a future model update.
But lazufags loved mint and doki. I saw their thread whenever mintdoki happened.
Selen sat on her face, the crush damage and asphyxiation gave her brain damage.
she plan to quit maybe?
Head canon doesn't make it true
>new holo gen already fell into 4view territory
Is this another "why isn't she in Hololive" bait thread?
You weren't there when Mint redebuted and now they act "happy" about it to save face.
During the most recent collab the only comments about it in /lazu+/ were positive, but that's only because the sisters who used Mint as a stick to beat other ex-Nijis with saw the writing on the wall after Wrestletuber. Now it's just genuine fans of Elira and Finana left (I still can't understand their thought process but at least they're not the ones shitting over the ex-Nijis).
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It's a Mintsperg.
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Yep. Holofags have been seething for over 3 years about her not joining their trash jap corpo.
with their performance though it seems to be less
>Sekiro deflect deflect deflect
and more of whiffing every hit
So Mint has
>support from Doki
>support from Vshojo
>support from mid and small corpos
>support from countless indies
I don't know, seems like she's winning.
The chibi model she revealed yesterday was really cute and looked amazing. She teased puppet merch in members. Confirmed that she's working on multiple outfits and 3D. A japanese company is in talks with her for something she's really excited about.
Go get em sister!
Chances are it's some MGS merch sponsorship thing.
It's not, otherwise she would have been contacted by Konami's western branch. But she said she got a translator for the meeting to help her, meaning it's a company without a western branch.
They certainly dodged a bullet with Nova. I also heard that Lyrica was collabing a bit with Moona and some other IDs, glad they dodged her too.
I could already differentiate the lazu fans from the sisters a few months back.
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Never forget. Never forgive.
Daily reminder that Pomu love Nijisanji.

>bunch of random images
What am I supposed to see in those?
I don't know how many times I need to tell Mintgers to shove their used, spit-roasted whore into a meat-grinder, but I still get accused of wanting garbage.
I was correct >>79666154
There's 2 mintspergs at least. One is the same fag that has been spamming sad/crying pomu threads ever since she joined niji, another surfaced recently that is a pippafag and has been spamming what he considers "proof of mint cucking her fans".
wait hol up
the trip to antarctica was literal?
Yes. She used footage she recorded for a cover. And also a bunch of short videos she posted on her non-niji accounts.
Well, I be damned.
Yes. Pomu and Elira, just the two of them, literally went there together.
oh shit i just thought it was a metaphor or something
To go from that to completely cutting her friend off, man I wouldn't have it me to make such life decisions.
early Lyrica was legitimately good with HoloID, she was honorary ID and it really helped them alot
the only bad thing was that Millie wanted a package deal to include fucking enna with her
honestly if she chose Moona over enna, we'd be in a better timeline
no clique + Moona would make sure to damn straighten her out in HoloID to not pull any shit
alternate Lyrica's worries right now would be picking which sponsor to turn down because of too many to choose
Pomu did not cuck her fans. All those collabs were professional in nature.
justice will have less viewers than mint by halloween.
where they pulled these shitters from is a head scratcher. compare their numbers to the other EN gens after each of their debut weeks, and it is grim. down 50%
>where they pulled these shitters from is a head scratcher.
Europe, duh.
Mint didn't cuck anyone.
the hired cookie cutter runts from minnow agencies that weren't even popular in their own corpos. i guess they thought it worked with bauabu, so why not try again?
>she wanted a package deal to include fucking enna with her
Is this just a believable rrat or is there any evidence of it? Genuinely curious.
Only one of them was corpo before Justice and she'd only joined recently (presumably because that corpo got back to her before Hololive)
NTA, and I'm too lazy to look for it, but they talked about it in like a week or 2 after debuting in niji.
Imagine becoming a ghost after that, but you retain your wounds from your death and so you have two massive craters where her buttcheeks used to be
yea it's fucking ancient lmao
damn, we could've had the timeline where notMillie and Biboo are both driving Kaela up the wall lmao
why would indos hire flips and chinks?
That Pomu tried her darndest to keep up a pleasant work atmosphere in that fucking hellhole of a company.
Yeah, that much was obvious considering she was the main force behind unity projects like full branch covers.
>There are also some problems with Nijisanji - isn't NijisanjiCN dissolving?
only flip
Lyrica was collabbing alot-ish with HoloID at the time it wasn't as big as it is now, she was also very well respected even if abit stoopid
only the most ungrateful delusional holokek would deny the importance of Lyrica to early HoloID, which makes Millie's fall from grace just a sad state of affairs
I blame the bitch next to her shoulder whispering shit
Pomu and Nina were the ones who kept Nijien from imploding
when both left, no one was left to release the pressure valve from time to time
>I blame the bitch next to her shoulder whispering shit
They really picked the perfect character for Enna, huh
What exactly did she see in Niji back then? Was she talking about their JP branch and she wanted to bring that to the West?
She seems to be the kind of person who thrives in her 30s after "wasting" her 20s.
Pomu, Selen, and Millie are the only ones who seemed to (and still seems to in the case of Millie) actually genuinely love NijiEN and care about it as a whole. With two out of three gone (and the remaining one not intelligent or hard working enough to replicate what was lost) all that's left are livers who simply never really cared - it was only their own career progression that mattered to them.
>unlike some others
Leave Vox out of this
way too perfect if you ask me kek
and as is tradition, it's the flip holding the bag when it all goes to shit
fpbp and /thread
Yes she was talking about JP, because EN didn't exist yet. This was 2 months before EN auditions were announced.
Just watch the video nigger. Or do any thinking. She is literally the first EN wave. What else could she have seen but JP? And to be fair, Nijisanji does have some great vtubers.
She got rejected by Hololive. Of course, the next best thing back then was Nijisanji.
>What else could she have seen but JP?
>She got rejected by Hololive.
I was not aware she was first gen. It makes sense why she was fond of the company then.
> itt people who don't watch mint
She said in her first stream that she was not sure she wanted to join any corpo. It's clear that she could join vshoujo if she wanted, but she is too insecure even for that. Why would she apply to hololive?

Mint will stay a ghost for the foreseeable future, and that's OK. She has a big and dedicated fanbase as an indie.
>not want to be an idol yourself
Why do you keep saying this when she was a Myth reject alongside Millie?
...FYI, Elira, Pomu and Finana were the first gen.
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literally who?
Funny how i don't see you nigger in who but in numbers and catalogs. You need to chop your father head off, feed it to pigs, before killing yourself. Got it anon?
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Niji was still the more prestigious one back then
Hololive especially HoloEN didn't exist + blow up thanks to COVID the chink Wuhan flu yet, it was still the challenger at that point
no one could predict Myth especially the Goomba doing Goomba things
you'd need legitimate future sight to predict
I could be wrong since this is ancient or mistaking it for someone else, but iirc Pomu applied to both
while waiting for Holo, Niji replied first then the rest is history
she's too much of an idolfag so I doubt it's through the other branches
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Uh Medsj
>I could be wrong since this is ancient or mistaking it for someone else, but iirc Pomu applied to both
>while waiting for Holo, Niji replied first then the rest is history
This can't be true because the audition for NijiEN's first gen was not happening at the same time as any HoloEN audition. So you're just making shit up.
That's not nice to say.
As a Holofan I have to agree with this one but I hate to admit it.
Goomba was literally hired when she had 1million subs already.
Quit trying to pretend holoEN was some kind of against all odds story ffs. They are the Walmart of vtubing.

Same goes for NIJIEN. Both of these programs were destined, designed, and had the financial support from they JP parents to be what they were.
She applied to Myth during early 2020, but had no streaming or content creation experience, so was naturally passed over.
She applied to NijiEN when they announced the branch auditions in December 2020, and was accepted by early February 2021.
Council auditions didn't open until after she was already accepted into Niji.
>She applied to Myth during early 2020
erm aksuhally, hololive was a small agency that debuted to 500 people and who's talents started out with a base ccv of 40.
I did mention that I could be mixing shit up my bad
I don't really know Pomu's story arc + early Myth-Lazulight that much
oh there
they were destined to blow up cause of support, but not to the level that it was thanks to COVID lockdowns
that shit was a giga buff
First post best post
>she had 1million subs already.
Nta but as someone actually subscribed to her PL back then she absolutely did not. I wish newfags would stop talking absolute shit.
Covid did not help NijiEN pre homos
Gura had enough clout to collab with an up and coming Belle Delphine
She's not a literal who pre-holo
this but Phase Connect unironically. I am pretty sure they are the only vtuber agency whos Gen1 has grown considerably year-over-year.

Although I think that company is at their limit. They might grow a little bigger, but not much more. Still cool so see a corpo start with nothing and climb to 4views and playbuttons.

Yes anon pre holo Gura and Cali were both no names and literal who's. amazing.
I'm not saying she was nobody, I'm calling out the absolute bullshit claim that she had 1 million subs.
I think it's pretty obvious, Doki. She is GrifterPrime
talentless cocksleeve does not belong in Hololive. once a nijiturd always a nijiturd
Pomu always seemed to have way more fun with Elira, she made her laugh like nobody else. Her Selen collabs were often more cringe than kino imo
>he says this when garbage like cecilia and elizabeth got in
Phase has 30 talents already but its box is still smaller than StarsEN.
tbf all they needed to be was
>be EU
so bar isn't as high
What do you think a grift is? Let me tell you, giving your fans what they want and investing a ton into projects for them is not grifting. Of course you wouldn't know this as a NijiEN fan. Dragoons even got a concert this weekend. How was yours?
I've no issue with either Cecilia or Elizabeth (though I can understand why some do have issues with the latter's PL) but Cici didn't have anything close to anything that could be considered a yab by a Holofan in her PL. She's also a rigger who did a better job on her indie model than whatever rigger Holo got to deal with her current model.
Lazucope and nijiseethe.
>he doesn't know
typical holocuck kek
Hell no man, you have to hear Kiara rant about the early myths, they almost sound like failures. Gura isn't ready for the popularity, Calli is broke (her room doesn't have enough space, so she has to put her mouse on the cpu) and is a drama magnet, Ame is a runt (before ppl know about her creativity, she has no talent), Ina is too shy, Kiara despresses the bcs number, but still has to help the management bcs there is only 1 manager for Myth and bcs are all too shy to do any collab within their own gen, remember EN discord leak? Any fag who thinks that Myths have a smooth sail is fucking retarded.
idk what that means, but all i know is that what they have done as a small corpo has never been done before in the english scene.

all I am saying is if you were to compare Elira & Finana's July 1 2021 numbers to Tenma, Lia, Uruka July 1 2021 numbers, and now compare them today, it is incredible.
sour grapes
>She's also a rigger who did a better job on her indie model than whatever rigger Holo got to deal with her current model.
She must be pretty frustrated at this. Imagine being the first person in Hololive history to actually get a fidelity downgrade. Her violin tracking is substantially worse as well. It really paints a clear picture of how far behind the curve Hololive has fallen in terms of model rigging.
But enough about holofags
I'm going to assume it's because they already have their own group of dedicated riggers on a paycheck, so they don't have the need of hunting new ones who could obviously do a better job. At least they're not Niji's riggers, I still can't get over how Kunai is more stiff than a plank.
you're clueless. they start at 0 so they can have new things like update 2.0 3.0 and 3d. you think cover doesn't have justice 3d alr? also their is no violin tracking. it's 2d, it's just a toggle.
lmfao holochads mindbroke you
Anon you are falling for obvious bait, at this point no one should be retarded enough to keep parroting nijisisters buzzwords, next time just answer "oh yeah I love my grifter bird" you are wasting time arguing with a total retard nijinigg or a retard false flagger
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the only ones mindbroken here are holochuds because they've been begging for Mint for over 3 years kek
True kek
It could definitely be worse but this is just more Jap corpo autism. A large part of the problem is the in-house Holo app being fucking garbage and they're forced to use it.
>retard tries to call someone else clueless
>is himself clueless
Watch her past violin streams and compare them to her debut stream. It's a night and day difference. The violin is painfully inaccurate and I would not be surprised if she's upset about it and having to follow corporate autism knowing full well she could make it better herself if she was allowed to.
Hololive rigger has always been dogshit.
>put her mouse on the cpu
idk too much about early shit, but iirc early Calli had it super rough PC setup-wise
it was barebones beyond hell
even a PC bang would be better
her case. my bad
That one dude that fantacized about Justice draining Doki and Mint's viewership made me think for a little, where would the new gen actually get viewers when the chuuba market is already oversaturated? The answer is they'll most likely take them from previous holo gens, lol. Like you can already see that the runts of Myth have 3-4k average, even Nerissa dropped a lot since the justice debut(of course, EN4 has two their own nerissas). That's why Cover tries to occupy new time slots and target new geography, and this is why its new strategy is to generate more money per talent rather than release more talents. As for Doki and Mint, they both have like 3k of core audience that watches every stream and would watch any kusoge, and 3k of casual tourists that watch streams from time to time.
must be hard living on copium for years
your talentless cocksleeve will stay irrelevant forever
>hat's why Cover tries to occupy new time slots and target new geography
I feel like this should be obvious
HoloEU to capture the EU market, especially since they get shafted by NA time usually
even the EU Dragoons keep getting fucked and have to fuck their sleep schedule or vod watch
but enough about holoen 4 like elizabeth and cecilia kek
it is all relative to the timeslot. EU timeslot has always been the least competitive. They will eat a chunk from the other prominent corpo/indie vtubers who stream in that time
Okay, wtf is wrong with Cece? take the 3 day like a man, pussy
Nothing is wrong with Cecilia. It's the usual suspects trying to force something that doesn't exist because their preemptive push against Raora failed and people now love her.
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>That one dude that fantacized about Justice draining Doki and Mint's viewership
If you're talking about the fucker that used Gura images to spam every non-Holo general when EN4 was announced that was clearly just a troll, probably someone who doesn't even watch Hololive. And I say this as someone who barely watches Hololive these days. Reminder that the majority of the supposed tribalfags on this board are actually people who don't even watch vtubers at all - they're mainly BVTM fans or just general shitposters from other boards. Picrel (the first account is BVTM complaining that his newest account was just banned).
>like elizabeth and cecilia
mindbroken kek
yeah, holocucks are mindbroken by those 2 lol
Noting. Literally deflection.
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cecilia is universally loved here, retarded thumbnail reader
meant for >>79673239
Niji had basically no bad press back when she joined. There was no downside to joining at the time.
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>chuuba market is already oversaturated
says who? also, they are in different timezones
They're friends, anon. When you're actual friends it's not really a collab, it's just "hanging out"
The cancer, but that's not really her fault. Also >>79660359
Pomu didn't have cancer, they found a benign lump and so they decided to perform preventative surgery in hopes it would stop her from getting cancer in the future because it runs in her family really bad.
>en discord leak
You mean niji all out war?
Yes, this time both kiara and fwmc tried to help her and mint still failed to join holo
>they decided to perform preventative surgery
I feel it eventually costed her a spot for Hololive.
Her Mistake was that she think kiara matters to cover, if its gura its easy in for mint
Ducking stealth in her MGS playthroughs and being dubbed the 'MG Vtuber' did her in. She's never getting that metal gear collab no matter how hard she shills
I don't think Kiara or FWMC can do anything to negate Anycolor NDAs and NCCs.
>being dubbed the 'MG Vtuber'
never knew she played the series until recently, must've been her shills lol
Fpbp for once
no the one where kiara try to organize a collab and also a amongus sponsor stream.
There's someone in charge of Holo hiring that sympathizes more with ERB than Mint even though the latter outright said she's pro-CGDCT. That's what went wrong. I think it's Nodoka.
Hololive is like Apple. The first-gen was classic, the second-gen was an improvement, the third-gen was polished but not any different from the previous-gen, and the latest-gen is artificially polished and is the same as the last two gens. The more gens Hololive makes, the more the quality degrades. At this point, the only reason people watch Hololive is for the brand, not the talents themselves. Hololive's brand has become the main draw, similar to how people buy Apple products only for the brand.
Newer generations are seen as extensions of the brand rather than unique talents, leading to a perceived decline in quality. This is a problem for Cover Corp as people seeing the newer gens as extensions of the brand will now look for other Vtubers for a sense of "uniqueness" rather than "cookie-cutter" stuff. Additionally, the fact that there are other options(Vtubers) to watch further oversaturates the VT market. The VT market is now oversaturated with many options available to the masses. People are seeking “uniqueness” and are turning to Indies and small corpos.
This is why I think some Holofans(Tribaltards) genuinely hate Indies and small corpos, because they have carved out a niche for themselves with a dedicated loyal following (fanbase) without the popular-branding stuff that cuts into the potential viewership of Hololive. Hololive is trying to appeal to as many people as possible, but in doing so, loses that sense of "uniqueness" as people have noticed the "cocomelon" feeling to newer content.
Sure, a Holo talent may “overlap” an Indie/Small Corpo Vtuber and take away casual tourists(grey names or whatever you wanna call them), but the core audience of that Indie/Small Corpo VTuber will stay and they’re the ones that pay (super chats, memberships, merch, etc.), and they are the ones that really matter. The core audience of that Indie/Small Corpo chuuba is where the money is at, and if Hololive can't take them, then that's profit(money) Hololive isn’t getting/making. I’m not saying Hololive is dying, but what I am saying is that the growth of Hololive is at its peak and will likely become stunted.
Anyway, this is just the ramblings of a Holofan and is not related to whatever retarded shit is happening here, I just wanted to get this off my chest.
mint also said her oshi was mito
Her Niji oshi, sure. Her kamioshi has always been Pikamee/Henya.
Just accept it that mint got rejected mint fag and move on holy shit you guys want to beat nijisisters or what?
luckily cover don't depending on youtube money. maybe because their collab stuff mostly in japan now so you retard really don't understand hololive brand's grow. let wait for COVER USA operate and see if hololive is alr peak.
They don't need too because its useless
>indie is where the money at
Who's gonna tell him?
Yeah, just like how trying to apply for Holo is useless when you have legal documents preventing you from doing so. Hence why she didn't apply.
I'm talking about the fans of said Indie.
says literally everyone
holobronnies will never have a comeback for this, only cope. EN4 are fucking trash. You could go and choose some 2views randomly and the chances of them being a much better pick than any of these EN4 girls is extremely high.
but nobody cared about her until after niji, she was a literal 2view, i remember from her phasmaphobia streams, niji uniorinically gave her the audience she now has
Why did you fags even thought that /b/omu had a chance in hololive or that she was holo material, when there are multiple nudes of her online?
>he doesn't know about multiple Holo JPs
Mint is literally the perfect vtuber.
Missing moles, like you've been told a million times

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