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Not even AZKi is safe
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>cover comes back to bilibili
Oh it's fine
>A male appears on stream
No,fuck you
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I'm mad there's a male on stream but I'm impressed about his guitar playing rigging
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azki sex
>male on stream
she can't be a mother anymore
how fucking new
Not even the first time. Please stop larping newfag, and die in a fire alongside your parents.
What makes them not understand the one thing fans don't like?
We are idol fans, they are idols, why present yourself with other than girls on stream?
I don't understand
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unicuck/nijisister bait threads, move along
Dude she's been an utaite for almost 20 years, she started under upd8 then ported to Hololive, she predates all of the Hololive idol stuff and does not give one fuck about changing what she's been doing for so long just become Cover decided to become an idol company.
They're mad that the background accompanists have 3D models before their talents.
Nice try sister
No... I thought you were the good one...
It doesn't matter, she can do whatever she wants outside of her hololive character but when she's playing AZKi she should not do this, it's that simple
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Begone, unicuck
They're literally paid musician, have you never went to a concert before?
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What did Niji do this time
Can you sisters just go back to doxing minors and eachother again?
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Idols should never be around men, because men should douse me and my discord hommie's in cum. Holy shit bro, I need to be bathed in so much cum I smell like fish for weeks. literally rub every corner of my body in fat cock.
yeah collab with male staff is not good too
jesus these unicorns
Nobody mentioned cum until you did, beggar. Glad to see you're honest in where your mind is though.
stop larping, they are musicians no unicorn cares that's like sperging over the live band at holofes
>literally says idols shouldn't be around men
>calls him a beggar

In Azki's case you should be happy there's a male on stream because it means you still have a chance. Maybe if you channel all your fat bastard energy you can manage something OP?
>women are nowhere near men's superior prowess in playing musical instruments
>sister shitposts baiting unikeks
When will you apes learn men are needed ?
Use your brain for once, you fucking idiot. That anon is clearly falseflagging, I don't even know how you can be so fucking blind.
>concert ends
>"Thank you every one."
>all the men surround Azki
>"Guys what's going on?"
>the staff lose control and all of them have creampie sex with Azki
>after they ran a train on Azki, they make her do a double peace sign + ahegao and take a picture of her
just like in my japanese doujins
I'm more impressed in how she bases her hole personality on a browser game, that's crazy
Who is we dude? You are out of your bloody mind if you think those girls want you as a fan. Incels are schizophrenics, they are the worst thing you can have as fans. Is just like K-pop stans, they act like loyal fans, and then eat you alive the first time you don't live to their expectations. Why keep yourself a prisoner to mentally ill people? Walking on eggshells is stressful as hell. And the reward is not worth it. Moreover, schizophrenics keep normies and chill fans away. Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN, especially because of this idea that Holofans are creepy idol fans that are toxic and not welcoming. Even the JP Holo had this issue for years, that why they are tying units such as ReGloss to bring in non-idol fans and Niji Fans. Smart Holomembers realized early that is better to do away with the schizophrenic early and build a more mentally sane audience. That's why Suisei is ahead of Mori in the race for mainstream acknowledgment. Suisei did away with unicorns and schizo's early, and she is prospering as a result, not only attracting lots of women in her fandom, but also many normies. Cali was stuck with schizos in the first years, and didn't know how to deal with it, and now she is struggling to rebuild her audience. Towa, Laplus, Sora, Aki, Fubuki, Subaru - all realized the benefit of filtering unicorns, and they are prosper as a result. Moreover, they expanded their opportunities and feel bigger than they are. I mean, I watch and follow Hololive, but I'd be damned if I know anything about Kanata since Coco left. She is almost invisible, living in her isolated bubble. At the same time, I don't use Twitch, yet I still know a lot more about what Laplus is up too.
Isn't azki the original hololive whore?
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Holy shit, this is not your fucking blog. I'm not gonna read all that.
>unicuck who cries and screams when they see a man then endlessly worship cocks thinks he has ground to call anyone brain dead
Lmao even
>males on stream bait getting no replies in global or /#/
>slink off to the catalog to try your luck
Nobody cares sisters and anyone taking the ""unicorns"" pretending to be offended by her having musicians in her live is extremely retarded. It's sisters and beggars larping so they can do their ebin
>I can't BELIEVE unikeks are really like this
Stop larping as idol fan. Go back to Love Live you faggot
I didn't mention cocks at all? Why do you have cock on your mind?
I'm Unicorn Prime and I don't care. You sisters have a lot to learn about we actually want.
I don't know why being illiterate and stupid is a reason to brag...
I'm not bragging, I'm telling you to shove your book up your ass and take it to reddit.
>lost a massive chunk of fans to nijiEN
i wonder where those fans are, since they're clearly not watching streams lol
roru, rumao even
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>schizophrenics keep normies and chill fans away. Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN, especially because of this idea that Holofans are creepy idol fans that are toxic and not welcoming
Gatekeeping is based, newfag. I don't want to share a fanbase with faggots who'd watch Niji.
Uncultured swine, don't you dare call yourself an idol fan if you don't even understand one bit idol culture, I will forever disown anyone larper or actual unicorn that says this shit.
>Moreover, schizophrenics keep normies and chill fans away. Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN
Have you even seen Niji's fanbase? They're currently doxing eachother because of some bullshit.
Too much text and while I agree with you in some points
>creepy idol fans that are toxic and not welcoming.
They are not idol fans, if they were, they would understand why some idols are different from others and not sperg out because of a male interaction.
Unicorns are sick in the head
>Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN
this is what homobeggar thinks holy kek not even nijiniggers believe this that says alot about you maggots
>yet I still know a lot more about what Laplus is up too
bullshit beggars like you don't even watch clips
phase connect would never allow this.
You're not an idol fan, you're retarded and/or shitposting. It's about whether they make a journey to go as far as they can, not about their collab choices.
if there is something holobronnies are good at is at gaslighting themselves and put on blinders. That is nothing to be proud about, especially with the debut of this terrible EN4 gen. Lots of work ahead of you. Lots of denial and coping for years to come.
Yeah, to me.
Real talk? AZKi is so fucking beautiful.
What's this? I want to watch it.
Anon, I think you need to kill yourself. You are clearly in a lot of pain.
>Verification not required.
I don't know if this is a troll/shitpost, yes there are real facts but then…
>Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN
You have an actual good long post, but I have to ask, did this really happen?
What's going on in SEA that they dig up oldest baits?
Suisei swimsuits, AZKi doing same shit she always did...
>Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN, especially because of this idea that Holofans are creepy idol fans that are toxic and not welcoming
This is your first clue it's a sister writing fanfiction, also.
>that whole suisei vs Mori section
>Cali was stuck with schizos in the first years, and didn't know how to deal with it, and now she is struggling to rebuild her audience
Mori had schizos absolutely but implying it's because she didn't filter this retards idea of a unicorn hard enough is dumb as fuck, she collabed early with trash taste, songs with homos, streams with homos and ALSO implying Mori isn't infamously extremely popular with women to the point where female chuubas turning out to be deadbeats is a running joke.
So much is wrong with that post in it's effort to blame everything on unicorns, including Mori's decline in viewership.
>caring about males being around AZKI of all people
No one is this new
I remember when anons used to put a bit of effort into their bait threads. Shame on you OP
Project sekai's first concert, pretty easy to find
They have a few groups with different gimmicks
I think we all collectively agree that you should kill yourself
Those are some nice tiddies
She's also effortlessly cute. A true professional.
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>A full hour later.
>30 minutes later again.
You really only do have to keep bumping from page 10 until some hapless fucking idiot bites the bait again, huh? I hope your parents suffer when they die.
I forgive the retarded bumper because I now have an excuse to post pics of this cute girl
>Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN
>this is what homobeggar thinks holy kek not even nijiniggers believe this that says alot about you maggots
Is the truth thou... you being a newfag is not my problem. But I was there. I was on the NijiEN forum and it was full of former Hololive fans. Those fans didn't manifest out of the aether. Luxiem fans were new to the community. But the 3 waves of NijiEN were full of ex-Holo fans - the idea was that NijiEN was less idol, they had more creative freedom and etc. And if you look at the CVV numbers back then you can clearly see the drop in HoloEN while NijiEN goes up. Mori and Ame where doing Gura numbers, while Gura was doing Pekora and Marine numbers before NijiEN. Even the Luxiem summer of 2022 when they were at their peak, was the worst summer of Hololive. Council was also hurt by NijiEN. You have to be blind to not see that, or you are simply a newfagg.
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Yeah, I was on 2 reddit groups and I do remember groups of Holofans shifting. Luxiem and Noctys brought in a lot of new fans, as Holo didn't have EN male vtubers, but the first 3 gens in large out of Holo migrants, in the same way as a growing NijiEN migrant mass is making a large chunk of the new viewers that boost Phase numbers, as for many, Phase is like an early NijiEN. I also remember that NijiEN debuting just 2 months earlier took some shine of Council, despise them being a better gen overall than Myth. In the image bellow you can clearly see a decline in HoloEN while Niji inclines
>Even the Luxiem summer of 2022 when they were at their peak, was the worst summer of Hololive. Council was also hurt by NijiEN.
Summer of 2022 was a period of decline but the decline continued more, and kept all the way to almost the summer of 2023. And by then Luxiem was in decline too.
>nijien merge soon
>concert was supposed to be 5 days from now
sister civil war>>79628615
This is grim. So this is what Suisei meant by how things are changing.
Jap needs to take A-Chan's spot ASAP.
Traditional idols are starting to become controversial even in Japan and Hololive is slowly moving away from unicorn pandering. Cover isn't quite ready to debut a HoloPro mixed gen but they are moving in that direction. Regloss and Justice have been testing the waters.
i only see homobeggars necking themselves
stop sharing your fantasy homobeggar faggot
Unsub, do not recommend, dislike, block.
Isn't that Ashino-san? I remember watching him on Aki's karaoke stream. He's a great dude.
this but unironically
damn, ashino-san improved his 3D model
that's cool
go back faggot
go to bed esl flipsis
I thought only kids on tiktok liked this game
sure sis, next gen will be mixed for sure. how does that turn out for other corps?
no need to be mad>>79662225
also refer to>>79674997
5ch believes that married women can regenerate their hymen so she's completely safe.
wetard BTFO
Rikka's Voice is so good, he can hit those high notes without cracking. I don't think anyone else in stars has a voice like him.
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gatekeeping is unironically a good thing. not all cultures should be xenophilic. normie culture, especially in japan have always been anti-otaku. and this culture is otaku prime. cover being greedy retards and wanting to diversify their markets is just that. trying to get women and kids watching - is the easiest agenda you can spot for this.

gachi markets do exist, look at gacha games, and anti-gachi transitions have always been a net disaster. for the fans who see a marked decline in pandering to them, and for the companies who lose their undesired but undeniable and noticeable whales.

suisei is an exception to the rule but even then, she may not be up to the standards of sole singers (i wouldnt know i dont watch or care for actual singers) and dont pretend mori's or most vtubers' popularity is easily measurable when the former was a drama magnet for a while and the general latter are trend susceptible see- ui's sudden popularity for an mv of a song she already had for a long time
Don't fucking associate me with your retarded mentality. Also if you have ever watched any stream of her in the past you would know she has collabed dudes for the live music in her karaokes.
I mean, I prefer the same, but it's fucking Azki. She's been doing shit like this since forever.
thats a nice projection for a sister who's in total denial of the very clear merge of their retarded ass organs to the main Niji branch, lmao
Speriobros, we got too cocky...
is this an old pasta or something? lmao

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