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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>79656414

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
That's a short list
thats a cute bunny
I need a taste of Rima's raw cunny ToT
Europeans HATE cunny. All cunnytubers that are european get sent to ojisan jail where they get their body groped, licked, and sucked on. Thats why no one streams european time.
funny that the 2 most popular ctubers here are european but all their fans are either american or just people from their own country
dead hours. are all of you oji-sans actually responsible wageslages? noo waaay
Yeah, so we can pay for your pink cat ears gaming headset and your new Live2D model and hope you don't graduate a month later.
Their the ones in charge of the ojisan jail. Why do you think they tease us all the time? They have to make us horny so when someone gets sent to jail we won't hold back.
moneys coming in what you need? Post link and get groomed. bonus points if you're miwa
>bonus points if you are a grifter
They dont even bother trying to hide anymore
What the fuck are you talking about? If she a grifter it makes it 10 times hotter
give it to me straight bros, I'm spending my time watching softcore virtual prostitutes aren't I?
No. It's not even softcore.
they aren't softcore
Nigga, just multitask.
Full art doko?
She is one of the least grifting vtubers I've seen you're just outing yourself as a jealous sister
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>geisha, a form of prostitute, originate in japan
>vtubers, a form of prostitute, originate in japan
what does it mean bros
Please stop putting yourself under unnecessary pressure. You are living in a world made by your brain and every experience should count to something. If you are enjoying it, and think nobody would be hurted by your actions, it is okay. You should quit If part of you is miserably overthinking that you are watching 5 yr old loli vtubers
nigger I was just shitposting sit down
shit. I was smoking a joint it all came up as love my nigga.
Did the jannies nuke our last 2 threads? What happened to those?
No one is discussing anything worthwhile here while catalogniggers continue spamming bait threads every hour on the hour so we get pushed to 11.
No? The Nyana thread reached bump limit and the Neetbrat thread I assume just died due to inactivity and being pushed off the catalog.
all good my nigga enjoy the joint
Last 2 threads had some stuff happen in them. 1st one aru isn't a loli and made the thread really fast which caused us to get underage shitposters that spam unfunny memes. 2nd was miu posting on /soc/ and graduating immediately after getting caught the shitposters died down before that now theyre lurking here hoping for more juicy drama.
Aruru isn't a loli though
She is a hag turned loli for views and money
You made a thread at night time US? These threads are always dead at those times. Who are you fags and where is the other guy who makes theeads?
This isn't true she has been a loli for over half her vtubing presence. And she has spoken about how she never liked her old model. If you're going to hate at least be factual. Everyone knows if you want easy money and views you become a mommy (ew)
Stop baiting me. I made 3 long ass posts arguing that she isnt loli and the only other anon that agreed was the "aru is boring" poster and thats literally all he ever says. Why dont you say anything when other "lolis" with the same body type as her get posted? Im the thread schizo now because of you.
>there are people in this thread every day who argue which one of these masquerading withered hags is actually a loli IRL
you niggers really are something else
Being a 6'0 lolituber reading these threads is truly a laff
nah the worst faggotery in this thread is the obvious pinkposters seething over tubers they are jealous of
Aruru isn't a loli she's just a petiete model at this point. Her merch she just released with big hag tits is just more proof of that.
Youre disgusting no one cares about what they look like irl except maybe kyunies or whatever mius viewers are called. I always hated 3dpd, but for some reason everyone else is ok with it for some reason?
I git banned for calling someone this inthis thread, but now everyine can just say it whenever they like. Theres a new group of vtubers here and they want to remove cute and funny and replace it with petite and mature.
Going to fuck this brat so extremely rough that not only the bed will be destroyed but the entire building will have to be evacuated because of an earthquake that's epicenter will be located entirely in our bedroom.
I just thought about it and koinu graduated and is/was /here/ so she was problably the one that reported for racism all the time. Even the guy that called everyone a "subhuman" got thanos snapped because people kept reporting for racism.
if you hate 3dpd you should go back to anime. vtubers will always have the real life affiliation
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If you aruru antis actually read threads and watched streams you'd know how to make it less obvious your opinions are worthless
you sound like a faggot
>6'0 lolituber
if you're a guy with a voicechanger on top of it then toppest of keks to you sir
pls don't call me sir it makes my princess parts sad :(
do you know how rare 6'0 girls are?
you're a fucking troon aren't you
Ah yes, the girl who lusts for racist white guy dick came in and reported everyone who says nigger. How did you solve this mystery?
>aru isn't a loli
These did a 180 once the aru is not a loli thing happened. Now it's just a bunch of normal fags that want onlyfans vtubers who whore themselves out and do vtubing once in a while for fun
I don't want them to whore out their body but if they wanna post cosplay or show hands or whatever its fine. I don't go into a fit of autism rage if they show their real self like you do.
plus I honestly care more about the person behind the avatar than the "character" they put on
what a pickme girl
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I know this graphic won't help anything but it's fun to compare approximate head-to-body ratio.
inb4 fallenshadow isn't a loli
>lusts for racist white guy dick
You're being pandered to retard. Before she went to offkai she was talking abiut her shirt and asked how many people were 100% going and somewhere in between that conversation she complained that everyone was white and that there wasnt any black guys.
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Damn, this place is garbage.
>Fallenshadow isn't a loli
>hunney turns me on the most
was it this simple all along?
Who's 2nd, next to hunney?
>I don't want them to whore out their body
This is exactly what i meant. Handcams are whatever. I dont like them posting tits,ass, thighs, or anything that you would send to someone youre trying to fuck, but everyine here loves that shit and came over the idea of lilriri core doing gfe, but then having a a baby and then posting the baby pictures on twitter.
LOL why not use her default model? Oh because it's not loli
Good. You can leave anytime
kill yourself
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It's literally just a circlejerk for antis and schizos at this point. Sad
I draw the line at Aruru
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Vtuber for this feel?
The way Koinuantis or uoh touristards will pull stuff out of their ass just to shit on people. Koinu literally makes fun of her darker fans in her discord and on stream. I was there at OffKai when she was in the Atrium and actively heard her shilling to a group of people and telling the one token in the group he wasn't allowed.
>shondo has longer legs than koinu
What war have you just started? Also Aruru having the longest loli legs is comedy.
do you know how rare it is to be 6'0, female and also ethnically japanese? hi.
yeah, I picked her
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Shondo copying Neppie. Isn't Shondo supposed to be a cat?
yeah and I'm santa claus dumbass
youre hafu. disgusting. if youre half american into the trash you go.
nice im going to watch her debut and never come back
copying neppie, kiki, para, miwa. We dont need another loli floppy ear bunny
Sorry Shondo, but neppie is my one and only british bunny wife, you are my british cat wife, stop roleplaying as a bunny
I will fuck all of them anyway.
what are those hags doing on the right
put a spoiler on that nasty shit
In what order?
aussie so not much better but i'll take it.
I was waiting for someone to point it out. He put shylily on there. One of her main things is how big her tits are and how you can see them through her wet shirt. It looks like she chopped them off or the guy edited them down for some reason.
why is gura the same height as shon when shondo is smaller
Koinu's proportions are all kinds of fucked up.
so? the only difference are clothes
total hag apologist death
Canonical height is disregarded and they are scaled to make all their heads the same size. Height isn't as relevant as proportions since you can have a 50 foot tall giant loli or a 3 foot tall mini woman.
>>79682827 was meant for >>79682534
Welp, I guess it's time to take one of my list of Vtubers
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>western indie "vtubers"
I know all australians get a boomerang when their young just like americans get guns whenever they get older, but since your japanese is it a oragami boomerang or a throwing star?
Shondo is whatever she damn well pleases
origami boomerang sounds pretty cool ngl.
a katana, a wakizashi, and a tantou
A tenga for boys, hitachi massager for girls.
ummm what the blast... indie westerners man.
Stop capping you know her tits are bigger on her normal outfit and she doesn't look loli
Instead of bludgeoning things to death it kills things with a thousand papercuts
She's chubbier than I imagined but still cute.
Need Noa vtuber
he loves talking to himself doesnt he
Omg she looks awful and bloated. The makeup is clownlike.
so true, sister
would impregnate her and dump her only for her to become a vtubing millionaire in 11 years while she hides our daughter from her fans
Why do vtubers face reveal when they are fat and ugly I don't understand
Welp, I enjoyed her streams but I guess I will just stop watching her, the warning was fair, the immersion is ruined along my wish to watching her from now on.
Sorry anon, I'm grooming your daughter when that happens
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This ber is pissin on people in Postal 2 (unfortunately not me)
somebody do a tierlist of how fat they are
unngghhh hnghgghgg where are the loods aaaahhhhnnn
If you put thay much effort into it I'm convinced you just have a fat fetish
I respect it brother I would do the same to you.
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wtf, she's so cool.
Can't get enough of Aruru screams, now on webm format, hopefully it works.
>Miukyun is involved in /asp/ sexpest doxxer drama
>her /soc/ posts get exposed
>immediately graduates
Cuck slop
good job anon, it works
you even realized you can omit the https:// part I'm proud of you
We went over this yesterday check 3 threads before this one. The op is a newfag and didnt know that /uoh/ is strictly US and dies during EU hours so the last 2 threads have nothing in them.
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>lolis are petite adults
this is why you don't trust ironic fags. lolis are children you fat grifter cunt
You have now spent an hour replying to yourself
Settle down sperg, you don't own the word.
Anyone making the argument that loli is a body type should be told to look up any lolicon doujin and see what kind of characters are usually in it.
Settle down and open your wallet for the landwhale.
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Tenma is doing the helicopter in elden ring
>the loli debate is on twitter now
that explains why the thread took such a massive dive in quality. some drama fags invaded the thread and started shitposting and screenshotting to twitter.
>all of twitter knows you are a retard
>youre a sensitive sheltered manchild that cant fathom the thought of other people disliking things you like so everyone who doesnt like what you like is one person
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>thread is dead
>suddenly 8 "people" out of nowhere all shit on a vtuber in the exact same style
Its one person. Continue replying to yourself.
Super Mega /uoh/ Poll 2000!!!!!
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Airandou is probably the most popular loli artist atm and his most recent series is about a 27 year old woman.
>in the exact same style
Youre so god damn dumb. Which ones do you think are me so i can screenshot and make you feel like the dumbass you are. Youre sad honestly. So afraid of confrontation you reply to my post, quote me, then remove the one arrow. It must be hard being that afraid of getting told things you dont like how do you live day to day without everyone agreeing with you 100% of the time?

Unless youre doing the arrow thing because of the one anon that says he uses a hide replies feature then youre a big brain troll good on you
twitch.tv/runa - roblox
twitch.tv/irinakumai - postal 2 - probably letting her dog lick her
twitch.tv/inislein - yapping
twitch.tv/neppienep - dawntrail
twitch.tv/krumroll - house flipper 2
berry - https://www.twitch.tv/fruitbatp
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Are they really? The last one really looks wrong and when using the same circle on everyone you can see that she wasn't scaled properly, she should be way bigger. Some others are kinda off by a few pixels too
>Which ones do you think are me
Every post on this website that isn't mine was made by you.
this is the most autistic post I've seen in a while anon
Are you surprised that a troll post is incorrect in order to spread a false rrat?
pretending to be retarded to anti vtubers isnt a rrat its just him being retarded
He's trying to spread a false narrative to piss off people in the thread
He's trolling and anons are feeding him
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You mean these anons
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You're right. My bad. Made some corrections and added Cuemew and Zenya.
I don't think it's the meimei /pol/tard
He hasn't gone in a tardrage and called anyone a sjew yet
I don't think I've ever said how much I want my head in Zenya's crotch
The anon making this size chart is literally retarded they aren't scaled properly
whats mishie and runa's size comparison
Then scale them yourself, lazy bones. https://files.catbox.moe/5s19ve.psd
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Looks way better now, now it feels like a big sister taking her dozen little sisters out to the park. (I gotta replay Sister Princess)
>Hunney can eat out half of the girls there while standing
god that's hot
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How about we hang you instead
How about you stop feeding him instead, retard
Miwa live with cute asmr
>Airandou is probably the most popular loli artist atm
Not even close lol
thank you anon
Oh nice. At least now I know that aruru and below are lolis.
You guys aren't black.
of course I'm not.
I know I'm supposed to use "nigger" with the -er like a white man should, it just feels too insulting when used like that
sometimes you just wonna call someone your nigga you know
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how dare you assume my race
i'll have you know my name is irina kumai and i am proudly black, dummy
fuck them from largest to smallest so I can progressively enjoy the benefits of a smaller body and tighter cunny
How was the Irina stream? Work was crazy today, so I couldn't watch
Expose the channel name tho
Cute guitar stream, thx for the cunny
It was fun. It took her a little bit, but she ended up getting into it by the end. Postal 2's humor is exactly the kind she likes.
Also, if you wanna chat with her some, she's hanging out in her twitch chat for a bit.
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I added more. I was looking for ones that would be close to Aruru's proportions and also some more for the far right.
Stop spamming the thread with this garbage you're not even doing it correctly
Can we get a list of names from left to right for lazy fucks? (me)
Trolling outside /b/
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I just added them to the image. Maybe the person who is false reporting me would like the .psd file if she thinks she can do a better job than me?
much appreciated ^
everyone here is a hard working ojisan.
also this is retarded why are you posting tits in the loli thread?
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i thought everyone here was supposed to be a child all groomed by the same person
any good word on the wild and silly front?
only bad word
taiga got banned from YouTube
it used to be like that. this used to be a cute and funny thread, but now its turning into a petite and mature thread.
remove everyone right from Fuyo
The grand opening of Kiki's minecraft server is now LIVE!
Why would you remove kobo?
NTA but Kobo is such a weird exception where her loli-ness that comes from her voice, personality, and having a skinny character makes up for everything else.
how? taiga showing a bulge that doesn't exist?
Bonnie stream
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Not shota.
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https://www.twitch.tv/muga - cunny archive
Mond Wife
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I didn't realize the oppai loli was so tiny.
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post more
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If you are going to post Ina at least post one of these versions
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I wish lily hopkins had a wider appeal, f-for a friend...
>ywn turn to the side while drifting to sleep to hear your sister whisper "pog" in your ear while snuggling you to sleep
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Name of oppai loli?
Can this AI spamming grifter cunt just fuck off already?
x.com/fruitbatP. She goes by Berry and is currently a pngtuber.
Its painfully obvious when you simultaneously post both from your PC and phone at the same time.
My boy, you're in charge of what links you're clicking.
I'm going to wait to see it to make up my mind proper but I'm really skeptical.
Thank you I can now ignore another grifter who keeps trying to dilute cunny
I'm not clicking her links, I'm just scrolling the thread.
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I grifted my pants.
Cute voice, wanna hug.
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Schedules are out. I waited for the slowpokes. Who did I miss?
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/cute-and-funny-vtubers-15732221-2
Part 2 of Kiki's Marathon of Minecraft
Didnt you say you were fucking off and how you admitted you only come here to take a shit in the thread and on the vtubers
Why would a anti stop attacking vtubers
yes he did
didnt even bother changing the link to try and larp as someone else. And its evident who it is thanks to this >>79736544
Always knew it was the retard that was shitting up the thread with shion but its always nice to have confirmation
Am european. Love cunny.
He never stopped
>Spent a year shitposting with shion, realized he cant use her as bait anymore since shes suspended
>switched to neuro
>gets banned and gets exposed for trying to force pedophilia, shotas in the thread, gets exposed for samefagging and antying vtubers
What a sad pathetic "human" being. If you've ever been to /swarm/ then you know they have to deal with this retard as well, thats why he uses neuro to try and get people to attack their thread
If you ever see bait polls done by a guy with the name "anon-kun" thats him as well.
It was all one guy for years. JFK, 9/11, the moon landing, Area 51, global warming. He did all of that. And he did it all in this very thread.
Its pretty sad when he tries to damage control and his only defense is 3 letters
That's nice and all but i want Lily to peg me.
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grifter is when oppai loli
grifter is when i no like
What's going with Miu? I skipped the last few threads.
/asp/ie matched a /soc/ post up to her. She replied with a Vocaroo denying the connection and also minutes later announced her graduation. She is starting college and admitted to lying about her age. She turned 18 in May. She will leave her server up.
correction: graduated first then posted vocaroo
If Irina wants to have kids then she should have sex
I don't think I ever heard anything good followed by those 3 letters. Someone I watch is from there and I pray that she isn't as horrible as everyone else there.
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Fffffuuuck, got a boner size-a texas and it just won't go down. I want to rub my dick on her chest.
yeah, with me
She's underaged!? Uh oh...
Was. All while doing brotherhusband roleplay.
>another thread ruined by retarded antis
Yeah, her, you retarded troon obsessed faggot.
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I haven't seen lillyhops in forever, did they stop streaming
>all negative opnions are antis
this isn't a hug box. if seeing people say bad things about you or your oshi hurts your feelings make a discord and ban anyone who doesn't do what you like.
>bad things
you are literally straight up just spreading lies, slander and misinformation
just fuck off
shut up retard
This needed to be said, but we have some very mentally ill anons here who think it's all one guy and they are probably unreachable.
>you are literally straight up just spreading
i'm the person saying bad things about miu. i was there 3 threads ago and said what i had to say. grow up get thicker skin. if it's lies then disprove them or ahut up and stop crying
*not the person
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shut up and post vtubers
Being an edgy retard isn't mandatory if you want to fit in newfag-kun
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no. have this picture of boobs some anon posted a while ago
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In general, if a post just says something like "you are bad and a retard and an anti" or "no u" and doesn't actually contribute anything, you should probably disregard it and report it as trolling. They do what they accuse others of doing.
im guessing your a vtuber then? you're just saying random words and hoping they stick. like I said before, get thicker skin and don't be retarded and do things that would get you negative attention if you can't handle the backlash
>ebi picture
some new lewds with unique artstyle and rare vtuber? you convinced me
Hard to believe you when you anti vtubers exactly 1 minute later. Now go ahead and post the 3 letters you love using
Some literal autist who reposts bass shit on YouTube went out of his way to falsely report taiga. Check his Twitter, it's all there
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That's not boobs. But this is.
>Go to her twitter
>Several naizuri memes on display
That's disturbing...
chuuba designed by alexi_ fucking when
fuck antis i wish miu never graduated, idk if she even really did that shit, we all get lonely in this god forsaken earth but the time with her was still real
Such a shame you'll never get to anti her again huh? Doesn't seem to bother you since you already picked a new target.
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Miu is lying about starting college. She's been in college since last year and has talked about her classes and professors on previous streams.
im not an anti, i actually liked her asshole
in my hs we called the teachers professor
She lives in America currently so shes talking about college/university professors.
so do i but maybe its because i went to a top high school in the country so the teachers actually were smart and had degrees
You think teachers at other schools don't have degrees? I think your high school was just weird.
why are kyunies all weirdos
she said in her discord that she copied things her brother said since he went to school. why are women so weird??
we only used mr and mrs in top hs in us.
that doesn't explain the kilograms and her constant usage of cm
nta but I assume that's just because she's intellectual and understands viewers are all over the world
if i saw that soc post i would've dmed her and made her my wife. lonely girls make good brides
she's literally like me trying to fit in a mmorpg group of older people like 15 years ago
She used to live in Asia until she moved to the US. Thats why she talked about missing her homeland before. Pretty sure you can find messages about it in her server or Twitter if its not deleted
its not too late. that account is still active even though she definitely wont admit to being miu lmfao
>Debating over what the ESL chuuba meant when she said professor instead of teacher
She is alive
Irina's return really was a rare win in a series of ctuber losses
>Coping this hard about miu not being a liar
She literally spoke about the classes being college lectures in her earlier streams in the Spring. She didn't say anything about a graduation conveniently until the drama because she has been out of HS for a year. It's very common for Asian transfer students to be accelerated ahead of the typical American student, which is why she started uni at 17 instead of 18 IF she is even being honest about her age
>vtuber is suddenly esl when its convenient to disprove something
Mods and groomers are pathetic. The second their oshi is publicly put in a bad light due to the vtuber themselves fucking up they scramble to find the smallest scraps they can to call everyone anti or schizo. I hope you don't fall behind the other groomers and get thrown into irrelevance.
>Mond is Korean
I feel betrayed but at least she's not Asian (bad). She's Asian(meh).
She literally lied about her age. How does lying about being in college disprove the fact she lied about her age?
Looks like he is trying to make up for all the time he wont get to anti her from now on
My point of bringing up college is that shes lying about it being the reason she is quitting Vtubing. She has juggled college classes while streaming in the Spring and had no issues lol. That's why most of her weekday streams were in the evening
Or, she was lying and going to high school in Spring, which would obviously result in her free time being in the evening.
Cant wait to see another person that "watched her from time to time" to come in next thread and we see the identical posts there for hours
>You will never ficken Mond's tiny Korean fotze
Why even leben?
Okay so whatever you believe in, she's a liar. So why do people still whiteknight her? Idgi
She tricked you. Just admit it.
>Mond is asian
I feel betrayed...
German Korean is pure sex
I had no idea there were koreans in germany
Anal full nelson Mond's tiny German Korean ass!
Korean german cunny ToT
Are you me? The weirdest part is the sister of my guild leader is a cunnytuber now.
Korean ojisans, it's your chance to groom Mond while she is there
Does anyone else think Mond is cute? I hope I'm not weird hehe!
I'll think of mond while jacking off to korean porn.
File: eepy baby.jpg (272 KB, 1280x1440)
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272 KB JPG
Mond is very cute
You are not alone anon, Mond's cuteness needs to be protected
Somebody should bake with Mond in the OP. Baker? Anyone? Hello?
>moving from a socially oppressive country where at least psychological problems have some recognition to an even worse socially oppressive country where they think psychological problems does not exist
i can see why she got so broken, shit parents will always be shit.
Who is this about?
wrong reply?
Koinu is dead. The anti is now targetting Mond.
I'll do it in a hour or 2 if no one else does. I'm wageslaving rn.
She will never be able to live by herself, I just hope she starts changing at some point... poor Mond...
>people start saying mond is cute
>he thinks its an anti
I think the dont lewd mond poster is her mom . Didnt mond go on hiatus because her parents or family found out about her vtubing?
mond isn't a loli look at her finger to ahoge ratio
I love the cunnunity!
>I think the dont lewd mond poster is her mom
This is the most hilarious rrat I've ever read. Her mom doesn't speak english and would certainly not go on 4chan.
New >>79750606

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