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On the 9th of July a NijiEN will graduate without any farewell content. They have told me themselves. I also got hand of a doc that listed several other NijiEN either on the same date or one week later.
Is this before or after the merge into the main branch that was supposed to happen today, that monkeys spammed for months
>unironic nijifag
>guise guise let me fake the 574th leak
no one cares nigger
That was always schizo shit. I am an insider and haven't heard anything about a merger. Usually I would be the first to hear about something like that besides the people directly involved in it and even then I knew about the cancellation of the Niji concert before some of the Nijis.
Oh yeah ? Then can you tell me the reason why the concert is cancelled ? Is it because of antis threatening to raid AX ?
>On the 9th of July a NijiEN will graduate without any farewell content
My money is on Kunai. I'm sceptical of any leak after February anyways
Not primarily. Venue got a few bomb threats from schizos but main reason was they found out that from the tickets that got sold about 1/3rd were purchased fraudulently. So AX, LACC and AC with a few of the ticket vendor services had a sitdown. Don't know what happened there since I am not a business guy but result was its cancelled.
Sounds like a load of bullshit. Atleast show us some proof if you're gonna claim something.
I don't do that. Would reveal way too much and potential ruin my very comfy position as shrink and vent for like 80% of the relevant english vtubing community. Also I don't want any of them to get fired for breaking NDA like what happened with Mel. I post these on the DL without any proof get like 20 replies and when it happens or doesn't happen because a change of plans anons remember. Makes it easy to not get too much attention.
>from the tickets that got sold about 1/3rd were purchased fraudulently
Funny if true. Not only they would have sold jack shit, but the numbers would also have been even more grim than what we believed.
>potential ruin my very comfy position as shrink and vent for like 80% of the relevant english vtubing community.
if any of this was true you just outed yourself retard.
What is even the poin of these leaks? (If they are true)
The leaks dont harm or benefit anyone, you just get some attention but thats it.
I am not the only one of this kind plus who reads these threads? Most fuckers have it filtered or just reply with useless shit. Even from the vtuvers that are /here/ they wouldn't care, or be able to deduce it me, since I haven't mentioned names or ever posted any screencaps. In a few minutes when this thread is archived it will just be another one in the sea of people posting speculations as rrats. My place is safe as long as everyone thinks I am just a rambling schizo.
I don't post harmful leaks. I need my vent too from listening to people cry about first world problems and how they are feeling bad "cuz tummeh hort" and I use /vt/ for it since its the mainhub of western vtubing. I can get away with it here.
Assuming you're speaking the truth, then you likely already outted yourself like >>79668455 said.
But in the off chance you aren't lapping, is it a G20 member or post G20 member? Considering how many you claim are also leaving it should be a vague enough detail. Bonus points if you give a gender.
I am not claiming that many are leaving. I know one for sure since they told me. And that a doc file with a lot of names and that had the 9th and 16th written on it. Nobody else said they are leaving nor have I heard so from others. My guess its the graduation wating list and AnyColour just writes in the most recent possible date for everyone and just picks one that can leave.
I know it's all bullshit but I'll oblige as long as you keep the writeups interesting.
I mean: it's funny if it's true, and if not it's still more amusing than NijiEN streams.
In that case ado you know the reason why on the 9th? Also you didn't answer my questions earlier.
Surely there aren't that many psychological staff? I think this would be rather easy to narrow down. Don't you realize you jeopardize the other shrinks when they start grilling you all to find out which one is the leaker?
It doesn't even matter if you're sincere or not, you're just selling this really poorly with farfetched reassurances and additions.
Just post your leak and fuck off if you're not looking for attention.
No. I am not a part of AnyColour so I don't know the ins and outs of things. I can make a guess which is they have some internal contract reasons and that there is a timer after every graduation before another happens. And yes they are G20 but not going to say the gender.
Not a psychlogist. Just a person that a lot of english vtubers vent to about their shit. Not a unique spot but I hear and see a lot of stuff. Also Niji doesn't have any psychologists hired.
thats a weird ass occupation that i didnt know exist, i mean i get it, but its such a wild thing for me
This is all fake but the writing has been on the wall for Kunai for a while. At the beginning she bragged about how she frequents the gym and how healthy she was but after everything she suddenly became “sick” and it became an on and off thing
with all the things she did for her PL account, basically
I wonder how is the artist feeling, since Sayu reconciled with Matara and even got somewhat close to Mint, all the while Quinn has been eating shit non-stop
You shouldn't project your own feelings upon others.
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Oh so this is the new fanfic cope holocuckis came up with because the merge didn't happen
That artist is a notorious Sayu anti, anon.
If you say so. I may check later
so you are just an attention whore like them got it

I still dont believe you but im glad youre enjoying the YOU's
have something to looking for is not too bad.
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And thus the goalpost moving begins.
is there anything you can say, that will happen soon, that can prove your claims and not give up who you are?
Leak the luxiem 3d announcement later then just to prove you’re legit. What special thing are they doing
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rrats for the rrat god!
My man is COMMITTING to this LARP
Cant be Kunai, she has an anime impulse apperance in August.
Sounds like the wose.
>AX cancelled
>No NBA collab
>Not invited to cons
>Still talks to Matara
>Part of the AX concert
>Has talked about upcoming projects and other things in members
Its not an occupation. I am not getting paid and I don't count seeing stuff early or seeing private stuff as payment.
Okay. A very large and popular indie will announce that they are going to enter an exclusive sponsorship deal with a drink company.
That one is in limbo. I know Noctyx is further ahead with plans for one.
>That one is in limbo. I know Noctyx is further ahead with plans for one.
And just like that your larp just fell apart.
>That one is in limbo. I know Noctyx is further ahead with plans for one.
I only speak with talents. So I might be skewed in perspective since I don't know AnyColours inner workings. I know Obsydia and Ethyria aren't getting any 3D things since none of the talents ever mentioned it.
That is literally only for Vox. I thought you are talking about a 3D collab/concert for the whole group. For which I said "Thats in limbo." since it is. There seems to be nothing concrete written down for it while Noctyx does. If you want to know what happens in Voxs 3D. He has planned the usual stuff like singing and skits of him pretending to dominate the camera. The model is really fucking tall even compared to his reference sheet.
>I know Obsydia and Ethyria aren't getting any 3D things since none of the talents ever mentioned it.
Yea its not like Enna is literally opening for Nornis in September.
You're doing a very poor job of this mr. larper.
I hope it's Rosemi.
>I thought you are talking about a 3D collab/concert for the whole group
>claims to talk to vtubers
>doesn't know what a 3D debut is
lol. are you a woman btw, because this is just sad if you're a male
>Twisty baiting for donations and whales on PL, openly talks about that account and where to find her on stream
>Kotoka hasn't been seen in 7 months
>Elira seems to have been fired already and her VA replaced. Sounds nothing like herself, skinwalker
>All of TTT doomposting on PL. Hinting graduations
>Shu got fucked for the 2nd time on a live concert, hinting graduation
>Meloco has fully stopped streaming and pandering to ENfags. Already assimilated to the JP merge
>Rose doomposting on PL
>Millie and Enna gave up hope and know they wont survive a JP merge
Goodbye NijiEN you will not be missed.
two more weeks, sister~
>Rose doomposting on PL
She was doomposting on main
Man you guys are really good at twisting my words. Lucky for me its good that people think I am just a schizo larper. If you want to know who has a 3D model. Its all except TTT and Denauth.
A simple question was asked and you failes to understand the most basic vtuber terminology. Keep posting more though, you make Nijiantis look stupid.
>I post these on the DL without any proof get like 20 replies and when it happens or doesn't happen because a change of plans anons remember.
Translation: I post random shit and if it happens I say I called it, if it doesn't happen it's because plans changed! Kill yourself you dumb larping faggot.
Assuming you’re not full of shit, i appreciate the info. Hopefully its Rosemi. She deserves happines.
Black company anon.....
OP is full of shit, but Kunai will graduate next. I don't know when, but her activity on PL makes it absolutely clear.
Meanwhile Rosemi is in Japan and she just started a new project with Petra. She's not leaving.
>a few
Not even one. If the joke tweet is to be believed, the guy was just gonna punch someone kek. Shutting down a concert cause someone was gonna punch a niji fan
Honestly yeah unless something else major happens I can't see rose leaving until after her project with Petra who might be the only one keep her around since losing half of your first two gens would nuke any remaining morale for the branch
>Rose doomposting on PL
Nice LARP illiterate retard
Can you at least do a gender reveal of the organ
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Not notorious but she definitely enjoyed shitting on Sayu
More weeks Holokeks Holozhangs bootlicker of the CCP and China.
I'm too invested in the merger rrat to be stopped. Let me spin a theory, the sources are the voices in my head and that it would be funny to spread the plague.

Yesterday doom posting of several livers could be what the OP posited, but there is also the possibility that the merger was internally announced yesterday, or rather the 30-day notice for the undergraduates hired by Anycolor under Japanese soil that manage the en branch vtubers. They wouldn't need to give a fuck about the streamers, but the Japanese Undergraduates are actually seem as human and need to be treated as such under the law.
As per https://www.rippling.com/blog/termination-in-japan, the notice period is 30 days, and under the conditions stated, they could hit those employees with either Futsu Kaiko or Seiri Kaiko, the former because the branch keeps getting worse on the books and the latter because they could be preparing to kill the branch before the 1st quarter ends.
don't take your meds anon I like this rrat
inb4 its Kotoka and no one gives a shit because she hasn't existed for months
why do they hate sayu so much?
They blame the graduated livers for tanking nijisanjis reputation

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