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her hot take about wasabi seems offended Japanese people
they're eating wasabi icecream over there
do NOT let elevens cook
>using a matome site as a credible source
I couldn't agree more.
This is off-topic
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Op is a faggot.
>not even 2/10
Get better material.
Wasabi tastes like soap, Mumei is right.
>JP anti site is shitstirring over food taste
You woke me up for this?
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wasabicucks btfo
Who gives a shit what some sliteyed easily offended fools think? Japs are little bitches that get upset about the weirdest trivial things. Imagine giving a rat's ass about how people like their food.
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>it's okay when Towa doesn't like it
No, that's asparagus
> "Japanese people are furious"
> Only those retards from 2chan and normies who are already anti-vtubing to begin with

imma be real dawg, if humans are willing to cancel a girl for personal sushi taste then humanity is doomed. We have more important shit to deal with and that fucking black company still exists and yet Mumei hating wasabi is a """megayab"""
fuck takeshi gonna do?
I think the whole thing is a joke, m8
rip mumer is gonna get gundou'd
there is nothing at 2chan and on twitter also pretty much quiet
So we're making bait threads from matome sites now?

what's with all these bait threads today, anyways?
>offended Japanese people
Roughly 200 people yeah.
Now that is a rrat I can subscribe to
>hot take

Sounds more like the nipponese are being whiners to be angry over this. Then again, they already are among the biggest crybabies on the planet that a dozen or two will now do their part for the national suicide rate after having read that.
elevens think that wasabi is the ultimate hot/spicy thing too so their opinions can obviously be ignored
based, j-ews should shut up about other cultures
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sambal sushi
I mean, sushi works better with bbq sauce. Unironically.
Mumei should be forced to issue a public apology, or Cover should fire her.
americans invented putting a crap ton of mayo on sushi
it's our dish now
Terminate Nanashi Mumei
>holo "yab": i don't like wasabi.
>niji yab: you don't get your fucking concert! already spend money traveling to AX? TOO BAD!
You win nijifags, holo yab cannot compare.
Oh nyo!! This is worse than the baseball joke...
She has hurt the feelings of the 123 million Japanese people.
I'm sure people will massively care about this by the halfway point of the week. Surely.
Isn't the only state in the US that commercially produces wasabi like West Virginia or something
naked dogeza live on stream lets gooooo
I mean, for all your faults, you amerifags DID make the california roll, so in a sense, yeah.
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It's always ok when Taa does it
Nothing beats the traditional Scottish Deep-Fried Sushi rolls.
Yeah, love me some カリフォルニア ロール
>HololiveEN Megayab
>American does not like a Japanese ingredient

>NijisanjiEN Regular Yab
>Sicklings tearing each other apart for internal bullying

Wow, is HoloEN even trying? They have no drama, that's so boring
Real wasabi is good, fake wasabi is disgusting
who cares about what the japs say
No, that's Cilantro you numpty.
Wasabi isn't going to brin g your concert back, sister.
I hate Japanese autism when it comes to sushi. How the hell does the chef know what the perfect amount of onions sauce seasoning is for me? I have reduced taste buds, I need extremely sharp tasting food to taste anything how is the chef going to know what I need without asking?
They're riding around on mopeds looking for her. Rumours of her visa being revoked. Things aren't looking good.
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>onions sauce
>tweet with 200 likes
>100 replies
>basically all are going "well i get it" or "just ask for without it then"
what happened to niji this time
wow japanese fans are vocal about the new tweet and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way mumei tweeted and the whole monging. I guess they were holding out hope for a good writing route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the tweet changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
Too busy doxxing each other they cannot even reply to this kek
Gigayab like Rushia and Mel get ignored
Its pure sexism, just because tower is a man doesnt mean you treat mumei like this
..the fuck even is this post
>Rushia and Mel are HoloEN
>Rushia got ignored
well is she talking about wasabi wasabi, or is she just talking about horseradish?
I called her a dumb bitch for disliking wasabi. But I wouldn't say it's yab-worthy.
California rolls are fucking delicious and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
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It's just a board filter. Anon meant picrel.
Japanese are cucks. Everything cucks them even their own laws. Who cares what some seething manlet samurai thinks.
That's coriander (cilantro if you're American or countries larping as Americans). Asparagus is fucking delicious - the only issue is that it makes your piss smell weird.
Such newfag
Much gay
Lurk 1000 more before posting gayboi
test onions sauce
Cilantro doesn't even taste like soap you fags just inherited shit tastebuds
It's not just this board by the way. It's because of redditfags invading /pol/ a few years ago.
I agree with Mumei, I always throw out the wasabi when eating sushi.
Come at me Japan, do your worst.
>Through these studies, scientists were able to point out the fact that most cilantro haters shared a particular group of olfactory receptor genes called OR6A2 that has the capacity to identify the smell of aldehyde chemicals that are present in coriander leaves as well as soaps.
Superior tastebuds* we can taste a wider range of things than you.
These antis are going to get shanked by the JP hoomans.
Japs loves their rice eggs and ketch up slop I find egg and ketch up disgusting but you don't hear me say shit about them fuck the japs nuke them a third time.
You sure do gringo is that why you raided the natives for spices you don't even use? Gringos only season they beef with salt and pepper
extremely small amount of Wasabi are fine but that stuff overpowers everything else easily. I'd prefer not to use that stuff lol
It originated around Mediterranean Europe, the Levant and North Africa, lmao. I'm quite happy with what food my country brought back from India and Pakistan, I enjoy a curry from my local takeaway every weekend. They don't oversaturate all their food with that disgusting plant.
There is only one thing she can do to apologize.
I do also prefer my food when it doesn't taste like molten plastic
>Board filter
Newfag, it's a site wide filter other than /ck/
>Hiding likes
She can say whatever she wants but when it comes from Amerimutt it's just a laughing stock.
>There are literal BABIES posting on 4chan
The only thing she's wrong about is that sushi is dogshit with or without wasabi. Japanese cuisine is a joke.
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>Mumei says she's sorry for not liking it
>Towa and other 11s tell her how to order sushi without wasabi
Please tell down!!!
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Is Peruvian cuisine really that bad? I've never been and being from Europe I've never come across places selling it. I've always been genuinely curious how guinea pigs taste (but I can't imagine they're much value for money considering how small they are). Any Peruvians around to answer?
do sisters really...?
>British cuisine above Taiwanese, Singaporean, Indonesian, Moroccan, Lebanese, Caribbean, and Argentinian
As a white Brit even I'm confused. Our food isn't as bad as people make it out to be online but this seems a bit bizarre.
It's the average south American food. Which isn't bad. The obvious shit food is British and American but Anglos might be desperate there.
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How the fuck do you score lower than Norwegian and Danish?
Holo EN yab:
>"I don't like wasabi with my sushi!"
Niji EN yab:
>...(the table of content alone is over a hundred pages long)
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The Japanese are starting to allow homobeggars into Hololive without a fight, they've fucking grown soft and deserve to be insulted.
It's a megayab cause one guy got butthurt in quote retweets because he interpreted "I think it makes it taste bad" as "People who like wasabi with sushi like eating shit"
Well coriander sounds faggy so they probably don't want to call it that.
you tried and failed, OP. take the L and fuck off
That's because Towa is JP whereas Mumei is EN.
The fact that Sweden, Germany, and Denmark dislike British cuisine so much is cope about the fact there's very little difference. I'm not saying any of it should be top, but none of it is terrible.
Some Japanese people misunderstood and think she's saying that wasabi shouldn't exist. The Japanese she used comes across as somewhat direct, and so they think that she isn't just giving her opinion, but declaring her opinion as objective fact and insulting Japanese cuisine.
So some Japanese normies who don't even know about vtubers are offended and saying things like Americans shouldn't criticize Japanese food because they have inferior taste or that she should stay out of Japan.
I like dominos
I like burgers.
I like turtles.
>the biggest "yab" nijifags can conjure is "I dont like food"
daily reminder that japan is full of massive snowflakes who can't handle a single word of criticism and default to "erm, ackshually, you're just uncultured"
The fact that it was written in Japanese even though Mumei doesn't speak Japanese makes it clear that she wanted to send this message to the the nips. They are rightfully upset for the unneeded provocation.
I don't think you can even eat sushi in Japan without wasabi, she probably doesn't even know and just meant adding extra wasabi when you're going to eat it
>Japanese people are furious
What are they gonna do about it? They couldn't even handle that somali nigger as a society.
Wow Japanese Hololive fans are vocal about Mumei not liking wasabi and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way she struggles with shitty spicy food, I guess the were holding out hope for more wasabi-inclusive content. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have her be forced to eat only wasabi for a whole week as punishment. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
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The nijisister hex civil was got more interactions than this
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no it didn't you schizo
Other companies’ yabs
>Aggressively and unequivocally reveal themselves to be black companies
>Eh, I just don’t like the taste of wasabi
some retard tiktoker or someshit went around harassing japan on video but eventually he got arrested and now he is doing the same thing to the jews
see no lies here
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>gets away with racism AGAIN
who the fuck care about japaneses being mad? we defeated them; they bow to us since then.
I bet because fish & chips pulls up the average by 20 points
Which is hilarious since they imported all "dey culcha" from the chinese and koreans and then everything that makes their existence bearable in the present they got from the west.
no a single reply is angry, and several agree that wasabi ruins the taste.
They probably count stuff such as butter chicken and tikka masala as yours too, most likely.
You won't believe this, but the California Roll is actually another example of what we would like to call a "Canadian War Crime."
You heard it right, folks - the same bastards who invented Pineapple Pizza invented the California Roll.
To be fair tikka masala is British. It might have been created by British Indians or Pakistanis but that doesn't change the fact it's British. Otherwise the US has literally no cuisine because everything is adapted from other cultures.
>Mel get ignored
When's Kotoka gonna stream from her sealed bunker now that it's obvious she's the one that backstabbed Mel?
Why do they keep blaming their culinary crimes against humanity on US states? Pizza Hawaii? California Roll?
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>tikka masala is British because it was adopted from Indian cuisine
>US has no cuisine because it's all adopted from other cultures
you are too stupid to breathe
Can you not understand English? I'm saying that if you don't consider tikka masala British because it's an adapted cuisine then you can't consider any American dish to be actually American. I'm on favour of the former - I think adapted dishes should be considered part of the cuisine of that country. Think and re-read before you respond to posts.
>>79705057 (me)
And I said adapted, not adopted.
I agree with her. I don't mind cheap rice rolls with the toppings or whatever but my favorite by far is just good ass plain sashimi
It's fucking over
retard, even japanese people know it tastes like shit
Woman moment
>>79705057 (me)
*in favour
not everyone appreciates wasabi, i like the taste but it triggers my ibs
it's overino for the owlerino
we also threw tins of foods to condition the germans in their trenches to come out and grab them. then one time we threw grenades instead.
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I just mix the wasabi into my onions sauce.
moomers watching me masturbate
>pagpag is so bad, it lowered the score of flip food
That's a shame since there's some really good flip dishes.
Not all Japanese people like wasabi either.
>I mean
Go back, redditor
>part of the allied force that was most willing to commit war crimes next to the Australians
>Canadian soldiers often take no prisoners and kill all wounded
>Canada used the most Mustard Gas until gas warfare was banned
>they continue their war crime heritage by inventing all this food
Anons, I think we should stop shitting on Canadians...
>burgerfag is angry it's been pointed out he doesn't have reading comprehension
Maybe next time don't be so defensive about your food. As a bong I take part in shitting on our food all the time - learn to laugh at yourself; it makes life more enjoyable.
I don't think it's necessarily pagpag. Filipino food in general just isn't that strong when it comes to aesthetics - most dishes are served in pots that are then ladled next to mountains of rice on plates. Also, since most Filipino dishes are meant to be eaten with rice, the dishes themselves tend to be too salty for most foreigners.
>t. Flip
Your original statement was poorly worded. I make no apologies for misunderstanding a substandard expression of your point. I appreciated your following clarification and merely wished to participate in the corrective process you initiated. At least - I don't have to resort; to typing like: a retard*

*fuck you

*fuck you
i call in mio as a witness
>food opinion
Slow news day, huh sis?
POWs. what POWs?
An FYI to americans here, wasabi is put above the rice and underneath the sushi in traditional japanese sushi
Mumei is plainly stating she prefers american sushi which has a non traditional taste to it
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>"POWs. what POWs?" the Canadian said as easily as he breathed.
I'm so sorry you feel it was poorly worded because of one word that was incorrect. It was very close to 1am at my time when I posted and I wasn't aware that one typo would cause a complete breakdown in reading comprehension for Americans; especially considering the original post had none. Continue to prove that Americans are unable to take banter though, it's interesting. Very telling that the thread the other about pizza the other day between Brits and Europeans was just fun shitposting until you guys woke up.
I accept your apology. Maybe catch some sleep before posting again though. The syntax in your original post was poor, you followed up with a typo, and
>Very telling that the thread the other about pizza the other day
is barely comprehensible. If the; English can't be trusted - to properly - use: their own; language then we - are: truly lost.
Ah, given this post you're clearly trolling. Fair enough; well done. You managed to get me to reply repeatedly.
The irony is palpable. Catch some sleep bongfriend.
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i must confess
i despise all asian food
it's not even real wasabi
Isn't this normally how it's done in America?
I don't think i've ever had sushi without wasabi. That being said i'm a leaf and we love to be """different""" from americans so idk
She's fine
>japanese people
show receipt
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the word s*y was filtered at the request of U.S. Onions and the Indiana Basedbean Alliance so that their primary food product wouldn't become associated a negative meme. you will do as your betters ask of you at all times.
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Hiroshi apparently accepted an outrageous amount of money over this, he doesn't use any of it to help run the site though
bruh some japs hates wasabi too
Wasted potential.
I hope she gets stabbed because of this wasabi is goated

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