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Does she even have the mental capacity or sapience needed to self-reflect? Can she see her big numbers then, and her smaller numbers now, and make the connection that it’s her fault?
>Does she even have the mental capacity or sapience needed to self-reflect?
A woman? lmao Ofcourse not, it's the fans' fault to her.
You are asking an awful lot for a woman whos only literal use is as a sexual relief tool. Beyond that she has no purpose on this planet, i hope you read this finana fuck you
She probably can't. I'm not joking or trying to just shit on her when I say (and I've said in the past) that she's clearly developmentally disabled. Like a child she probably just blames it on others, and will probably never be able to fully understand her responsibility.
All I know is when she spread for us in group, I used to jerk off like crazy
She never had big numbers though. Feesh had the lowest views in NijiEN for a long time and now there is a dozen of even worse performers some of whom don't do anything outrageously wrong. It would be relatively easy to write it off to NijiEN declining in general even for a normal person, let alone Finana.
That's like asking a fish what time is it.
So new you still have that factory smell.
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You want to talk about it? Maybe about how Finana was the only Lazu not to get culled before debut but still dropping below 1k viewers within a month? Or maybe about her seksi seks XD clips that weren't translating into viewership at all?
Goldfish memory is working in her favor right now.
She saw her own numbers, and everyone else's numbers, begin to drop in February. I don't know if she knows why her sub count had stalled in the 530k-540k range for months before then, but she knows that management killed the branch just to spite Selen - but for the black screen and ensuing boycott, she'd still be above 500k, and might have gotten back up to 530k by Christmas.
She may be dumb, but she's not too dumb to notice the trainwreck happening directly in front of her.
Or maybe about how she drove all her viewers away with the whole valoguard saga that had her ccv dropping even further like a fucking brick?
She has Claude “just fucking ask” Clawmark for a boyfriend now, I don’t think she would care if she did realize the consequences of her own actions.
It didn't even put her below what she had before Luxiem raised all boats with chink sister flood. Again, she was always a shitter with very low viewership. Even today her relative recline to her first month after debut is much lower than for, e.g., Iluna.
You could have just said she's a woman, anon.
Honestly I don't think so. Her and Millie are beyond fucked in the head. A strong combination of arrogance, snake-like mindset and double digit IQ.
Even Enna despite being an even more malicious person, has at least some sense of keeping up appearances and knows to hide her sociopathy behind "dark humor", these two retards just blabber out whatever the fuck enters their brain.
Dragoon you can't say that. Your oshi is a woman too.
Not anymore
Ignore that guy, he is a globohomo shill that thinks all tomboys are ftm trannies
>goes to finana youtube channel
>goes to live tab
>sort by most popular
3D Live
More fucking ASMR

Finana is good for one thing only and thats making blowjob noises.
Thats literally it.
I don't like him but even I wouldn't wish Finana as a partner on my enemies. Hope the fish cloaca is worth the mental damage.
That's not what globohomo means thoughbeit
If there are any ryuguards left, i want you to explain what her current appeal is?
She is a ccv measure unit too
She's a tranny according to this board though?
Who? Nijiscum? lmao
Why are you rewriting history? It was Pomu that needed saving from her numbers.
You guys can correct me if I get this wrong, from everything I’ve read of Finana this is essentially what happened with her career
She started off as the least popular member of her wave but managed to gain a decent following. Due to her naive and joyful personality her fans were really dedicated and at times her Super Chat earnings got close to Pomu. She was also pretty lewd, mostly in her choice of topics, she even dabbled on doing ASMR which became her most popular content. But in time she started making mistakes, never really apologizing and closed herself off. Eventually she would even create a secret discord group made up of twitterfreake that will go on to insult her original dedicated audience. This will end up catching up to her where she no longer has the dedicated fanbase she once had, she refuses to do any more ASMR and even call those people freaks for wanting more, her numbers are down all around, and worse of all is that blames everyone but herself
Essentially she messed up so many times that she even alienated her fans, and refuses to take advantage of what will make her popular.
You're the one rewriting history, Ryucuck.
Pomu had less subs because shortly after debut, the one time you need to be really active for the Youtube algorhythm to pick you up and recommend you to others, she had surgery.
And yet, her CCV was always higher than Finana's. And eventually she overtook both your worthless fish whore and that snake Elira in subs. In CCV it was never a question of who was more popular.
Nor has it ever been a question of who appreciates fans more, who is more responsible, who isn't an absolute fucking retard that can't deal with the consequences her actions reap (Finana came up with the idea of her and Pomu doing an off-collab only to have that faggot Uki show up and she thought that bait and switch would be just fucking swell with everyone).
You lost. She lost. Kurosanji lost.
More or less what happened. Although she ironically had more subs than Pomu early on, and her CCV I think was about on par with the rest of Lazulight/Obsydia. She wasn’t really that much of a runt.
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Reminder that she also tagged along to New York with Pomu only to explain she'd spent all her money on gatcha so Pomu had to pay for everything during the trip.
No, Finana, I do not expect you have the mental capacity to parse short paragraphs, or that you have the mental fortitude to stay on task for more than 10 seconds.
qrd on this?
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Everyone talks about how great she was a blowjob asmrs but is the fish actually any good at oral sex? Asking for her future employment needs of course.
>being capable of introspection
Pick one.
Literally cost sunk fallacy.
When the topic of her more boring streams is brought up the other Ryuguards only respond with: "It's not that bad" or "Her voice is still nice", or they quickly try to change subject.
That and her zatsus are comfy sometimes
>t. 2021 Ryuguard.
Given the way she used to talk about sex and various sexual acts, I get the feeling she's pretty inexperienced in reality. Of course I'm not saying she's a virgin or anything, but she's certainly not the experienced sex-crazed semon demon she makes herself out to be.
She mostly talks about Claude on stream nowadays.
And dropped he frequently calls her on discord for dinner right before she left for Japan so uh... yeah, Ryuguards are unironically cucks now.
No, she unironically thought the splurting cum sfx from porn and hentai was real
I sometimes wonder if they are victim or deserve to be ridiculed, how lokg do you stay from a feeling of obligation till you realize its not healthy. So many of her fans moved on and the one staying seems to be on high copium, I do wonder how many of those will stay if Finana ever goes indie
>And dropped he frequently calls her on discord for dinner
What? So he frequently invites her to dinners? The “just fucking ask” guy. Holy shit this Feesh has no future
He's a nice guy, I think he has a good day job and a STEM degree. Probably the best catch Finana can hope for if she can put a ring on it.
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>Riku n the boys spent so much time turning Elira into a cum gutter instead of training the fish to be a sex worker

So she pulled a Yuko before Yuko did. Makes sense considering they're both a bit mentally challenged
>she refuses to do any more ASMR and even call those people freaks for wanting more
Did she, though?
Did Finana make the decision that she wouldn't do any more ASMR streams? Or did management make the decision that Finana wouldn't do any more ASMR streams? Keep in mind that when "Finana" made that post calling her fans freaks for wanting her to do more ASMR streams and that she wouldn't, the yab with Hana/Nym had just happened. She also stopped posting on her alt. business account around that time.
Vox was still happily raping his audience at the time.
It's Yuko who pulled a Finana
Except Finana kept her ASMR streams up, while Yuko did not. Finana did it earlier, but Yuko did it stupider.
The common stance is basically demoting feesh as either a low priority view or tabbed out listening, and getting another oshi (Usually from Phase for some reason, istg they get more discussion than Finana herself some times)
>If Feesh goes indie
That topic was actually brought up once, most Ryuguards would drop Niji and follow her, although then it'd be a question of how hard valoguards gatekeep her.
If she didn't do it out of disgust for the fans of the ASMR then why make the April Fools stream?
Lmao what
He says while posting the actual lowest CCV of lazulight for the first 3 months.
Imagine that, management granting perms for a thing to a member of Luxiem or Noctyx while denying perms for that same thing to a (female) member of any other wave. What are the odds of management displaying that kind of favoritism.
>shortly after debut
3 months isn't "short" anon.
Pomu's CCV was fucking castrated by being forced to stream link's awakening remake her first week, poor stream consistency due to being an OL (Remember when she tried to do a pre-work stream and overslept so the entire stream was just a waiting room?) not to mention 80% of her fanbase that watched her regular were ones from her PL back then.
You're the one rewriting history just because Finana dropped like a rock. Pomu was not popular at debut. Period. Pomu was often mocked for being a runt and 90% of pomu threads were "I WILL SAVE HER" because she was doing so bad.

Then she had her schizo arc and she realized she didn't have to keep to keyfab and she got more popular. She did the grindgame and got her deserved popularity, but pomu was not popular at debut. Mint isn't going to suck your dick just because you're acting like she was.

Finana was right behind Elira in subcount and was fairly popular due to her on-stream personality, often making lewd jokes but pretending she didn't know she had, and just generally being retarded.
She doubled down on the lewd 'little sister' GFE style and had a few kino streams. The only reason she wasn't most popular at debut was because Elira was the apex normalfag draw. She had higher superchat earnings than pomu at the start, but pomu's smaller fans were dedicated so the gap wasn't that much, both had larger individual superchats than elira, it's just elira did lots of endurance meme streams that got her a fuckton of $5 super chats.
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She's still hatefuckable.
She essentially said:"Yes im a whore but not everyone's personal whore, so i say when i whore myself out, not you parasocial fucks." and stopped doing asmr, nothing wrong with that in fact i respect her decision but at the same time between this and her yabs wit her community you can see why her numbers dwindled over time...
that just sounds like one of those "i'm just doing this to feel empowered from my sexuality" types, when in reality they just want your money and attention by whoring themselves out but can't take the consequences.
Millie's a different cookie. She's a lot smarter than she thinks. She's also matured a lot.
Her problem is her optimistic outlook can be too forgiving of people that don't deserve it.
Is it reeeeally her fault or the people around her and their fanbases
i dont know you tell me
Fuck off, Millie
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I don't watch Finana since her choice of games are dogshit but I still like her. You guys are too hard on the Feesh.
So you're telling me that all I have to do is respond in first person defensively to mindless slander against the nijis and people will think I'm them?
Is this entire board just full of larpers?
>I think he has a good day job and a STEM degree
Rmao nice fanfiction
There's no reason for someone with a STEM degree to join Kurosanji
>I don't watch Finana
Yeah that's kind of her problem.
calm down finana
She still had 1-2k viewers, even when the branch was still new and unpopular.
ESL? How do you confuse "shortly after debut" with "her health break was short"?

I started watching Pomu in late 2021 and by that time she'd often have more CCV than Finana despite Finana having a lot more subs.
I saw her tired OL arc, I got the wagie ragie moments, and the catharsis of leaving.

Finana, had she done what fans liked, could have very easily coasted more than comfortably until the Selen thing. But gachas, being really fucking gullible and stupid, and thinking that she could, in so many words, shit on fans often without repercussion killed her career.
I only like her for her model and the porn.
When she decided not to do ASMR anymore, she made a lot of people on this board mad. It got her a lot of views, but Vox had just been forced to stop his "ASMR" due to youtube cracking down on sexual content. The CCV drop didn't matter much, since the guys who actually spent money had left well before that. So they have held a grudge ever since. You have a lot of them willing to dogpile on whatever the couple dedicated schizo decided she'd done for a while. I guess those threads fill people's hate quota when there isn't any other dumbass drama going on.
>the only people mad at her are ASMR coomers
lmao, you didn't even try to lie convincingly, huh?
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I think she was talking about him giving off the impression he could have a stable income stream, but it does confirm he has a STEM degree, like Shu. If he had a job in the industry, he wouldn't stream especially when CS and engineering is pretty red hot at the moment. Also, Petra is being way too much of a women and it makes sense her parents are freaking out she isn't going off to marry someone when she is marriage material pretty much despite her fujo tendencies that got her to learn Japanese in the first place.
Graduation when
>valoguards gatekeep her
if that ever happens they will have no one to blame but themselves. They knew what was going on but decided to ignore it, some like ironmonkey even defended Finana from fans who were angry at her making a private discord with them
So no different than Sayu.
what happened?
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bitch, my oshi finana is doing just fine with her 7.894m views gained this year. why should she apologizes to you drama retards anyway ? zaion deserves worse for being a terrible friend to feesh.
Your bitch oshi is a terrible person who us incapable of maintaining any real friendship. She betrayed her old group for the valoguards as well as her fans, every connection she made before doesn't even aknowledge her and all she has left is mister "Just fucking ask" who is hated by the majority.
When this company burns she will be lucky to not end up in an abusive relationship
But unlike dookieshit, finana is not diagnosed with borderline-personality-disorder, so she will be fine. plus she still has a bunch of loyal fishsticks/guards following her, and aia will always have her back. claude is a good man that helped ryoma settles into nijisanji, you just like to parrot whatever khyo and falseeyed says.
She doesn't care
Post membership.
clearly she should've ''educated herself''

her voice is good but everything else about her is a massive red flag
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I love traps!
Who or what are the valoguards?
a group of ryuguards she plays valorant with off stream on their grooming discord server
Women don't have an inner self. They exist purely as a performance.
what kind of optimist makes that secret gc stream?
Does Sayu even do ASMR?
Does she still tell people to educate themselves for not supporting gender blobs?
Trannies do not self reflect nor do they introspect
>finana is not diagnosed with borderline-personality-disorder
sis if anything that only makes finana look even worse lmao
if the girl with bpd or whatever is the good one compared to the rest of pigs in nijien that says something isn't it?
>Finana's brother is extremely autistic
>Finana frequently acts autistic
Does reading count?
For me it nah wish she would do some thou
God, she's so fucking hot when she's berating trolls, though.
Definitely awakened shit in me. She'd absolutely destroy me with a dommy mommy voice pack or something.
real question: when is the last time anyone in nijisanji has given a genuine apology for anything?

I can list off a bunch of fake or forced apologies
>finana apologizing for using the word trap
>enna apologizing after being caught talking about chicken and watermelon
>riku apologizing to everyone but selen in a video about selen
>scarle apologizing for wanting to eat starbucks
>iirc someone apologizing for wanting to eat mcdonalds
im probably missing a lot more fake apologies but I dont think im missing any real apologies because the number is... I mean it's gotta be zero
Her face reveal destroyed that illusion. Now she just comes off as a brat who keeps babbling at you as you try to restrain your laughter and the urge to pick her up.
I know, isn't it great? She's small enough that if she starts acting uppity you could put her on top of the fridge.
Actual I M A G I N E sized.
small? she's a hideous hag, that face reveal was probably one of the worst differentials between face and model in vtubing history
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It's not zero. It's absolutely far from zero.
The answer though is that nearly all of the apologies came directly from Selen or Pomu, but Selen in like 90% of cases. There's a lot more than just these.
for pomu and selen it doesnt really count
how many from within the "clique" is the real question or even the ones in the maybe-clique
But that's not dommy mommy type. She can make a bratty tsundere type voicepack. Or a somewhat depressed hag in need of saving. Yeah that will work.
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All this talk about Finana redeeming herself when all she has to do is this...
Give people a faceful of her Ass and then Faet on their Face and/or Dick, whichever they prefer!
She's talked about getting Gassy and Farting onstream before, now she has to be seen/heard doing it.
She also admits to having a Fat Ass so either way giving fans a faceful of it is one way for her to go through repentance.
thats really sad somehow...
but it's not her fault. she didn't do anything worse than Fauna or countless other girls. Her only crime is being in nijisanji and being subject to you tribalfag sperges and insane fagoons
dokidick israel
She's not retarded, just hmong.

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