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Previous thread: >>79657186
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
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Streams / M.E.S.
> brown moom singin in the dead of night
> Duet with Gura in her Birthday live
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions :
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Clownashi Foolmei
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My pov
Mumei kissing my cloaca
i must've been too sleepy to notice the kiss...
Haven't gotten to catch the archive yet, what's the context?
I love my quirky owl gf so much..
EBR being her autistic self and spamming up the chat
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Tis for me
Regardless the kiss was for me
Moom told me in person that it was not for me...
How was the moom last night?
>smiling friends brainrot

I imagine korone would like it too if it was subbed or dubbed into moonrune
too big
Mr. Koro is a bit of an anomaly for a Japanese isn't she
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Mumei should sing this
for sure
>Mr. Koro is a bit of an anomaly for a Japanese isn't she
She is a westaboo. And I don't mean in the usual I watch shitty Hollywood movies" way that others are, but the kind who watches a lot of western cartoons and loves the classic seasons of South Park and sings their racist song about Japanese engrish on stream.
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What extensions do you guys have for MPV? Right now it just feels like worse VLC.
I just run MPC-HC (k-lite) with MadVR
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I like your funny words, magic man
straight up just ffplay
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My owl gf is so cute
She misses me...
I want to schlorp her comically large feet...
Totally not /here/ and saw the complaints...
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She loves me
I wonder if this is Bae and if not I fear for Moom's sleep schedule (currently non-existent).
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She is being a little... you know?
Someone didnt watch last nights stream
>I wonder if this is Bae
The WAZZUP is the giveaway that her manager Bae-chan wrote this?
hello mummy moom hello mummy moom hello mummy moom
No I did, my lack of sleep is just getting to my brain.
I want to pull on Mumei's exposed nerve ending
Do not pull the ahoge
injecting my DNA into Mumei's eggs and creating a hoomunculus
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Wanashi Mumei
And just like that you guys already forgive her
Hoomans are so easy
Don't spread that STANK
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Mumei catching the Zach Hadel brainrot is great because I know a guy from a facebook group who had a fever dream about Mumei doing an OneyPlays collab back in like 2022 where they just drew the most comically shit charactatures of the Hololive members for Slightly Artistic.
That would be pretty kino to see. Man I miss those old Newgrounds flashes...
Big ol' tiddies there
Those hands are too big, yeah
So the Japan stuff can be now burried?
Shame all the old heads are either in network television now, gone from the scene entirely, working on other shit (games, porn, whatever), on drugs (Stamper), or dead. And most of the oldhead of the voice acting industry are either 2view streamers like Tomar, or washed up industry whores like Christina Vee. And out of the actual voice actresses (not PL shit I mean the chick who can actually fucking voice act), in HoloEN I don't think Gura, Kronii, Fauna, Nerrissa, Shiori or Liz ever did any NewGrounds shit.
Mumei should stream the original Sex Kitten games.
god this Towl
all these random Karaoke
didn't even knew she does it like this when she started out cause timing usually is when i watch streams
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Suisei's dress on girl with boobs look off somehow...
>Hoomans are so easy
When was this not obviously the case? Random karaoke filler after being gone for too long is her meta now with the very occasional game thrown in and everyone knows it.
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Any other pics like this based on real owls?
They were posted when those images were posted first I think?
Also, just use your damn hands. She's self counscious about being weighted all the time.
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I feel like a lot of this artist's pictures are based off real owls
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I think Mumei was a Homestuck girl
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huh??? sorry I can't hear you, the fan is too loud.
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/who/ divegrass anon here,

This is your five day notice for the /vt/ Unity Cup that will happen this weekend (July 6-7).


The Unity Cup is an invitational 10-team tournament, managed teams only. It will be the first /vt/ divegrass event on the new game version and sort of a trial of it and some new rules.

In the last game version /who/ got the privilege of playing the last match; this time /who/ will play the inaugural match, to a new start if you will. It will be at 17h UTC, against /lig/. All the information is in the wiki.

A week later, on the 17th, /who/ will play a friendly game against /awat/ as well.

After the games the process to form the roster for the next /vt/ League will start once again.


Carry on and moom responsibly.
I think shes too contrarian to have been into homestuck
Moom kicka da ball
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btw is mumei good at soccer? I think she mentioned something about it ages ago.
She used to play when she was a smol owl, yea.
She liked the drinks and got mono
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She was having something stronger..
yeah, me.
My lucky owl came in, and I didn't get meme'd by the keychain gacha. I am pleased.
I got the capeless default, was hoping for NYE but they're all pretty cute
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Has there been any mention about what the Crab Game collab is going to be?
It sounds like a full branch, everyone on board kind of thing.
Y'know, I wonder if we'll get "mumei" style merch sometime soon. Maybe on a graphic t-shirt, or as a plush?
Maybe for her anniversary?
I thought justice still got their collab ban until the end of this week?
There is a "HoloEN" crab game collab on the 6th so I assume that is when the ban lifts.
Moombutt doko?
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I got both alts, which surprised me. Was hoping for either that or 1 default and 1 alt.
according to who?
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nta but it's on a few schedules: gigi, fwmc, raora, shiori, etc.
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>Up to 35 Players
I would take any kind of HoloEN collab with grain of salt. Does not mean that everyone will be there
The lucky Moom figurine has a blow hole in the base like a rubber ducky but isn’t as easy to squeeze
Don't. Don't do it Anon.
moom wans't on the last one and is pretty busy so i doubt it
It's a pretty great stream game. Lots of opportunities for chaos and fucking people over.
Its pretty fun but lots of people with the ingame voicechat is a bit much at times.
Yea.. unless they got smaller groups it's going to be pandemonium
The last one was organized by Kr*nii. Of course, she wouldn't invite Mumei and Fauna
14 girls isn't too bad...I think. Though the in-game voicechat is pretty scuffed so it might be pretty gnarly to hear at times. Though I expect there to be a nice, good chunk of chaos regardless.
You know. You know what I'm going to do to it Anon!
Biboo already deconfirmed so we already know it's not full branch
The rest of Advent already confirmed and a few other people I don't remember, it's probably just whoever can make it
So its just collab ban lifted stream?
I guess? Depends on who organized it
Why did she do it
Qin Shi Huang was a retard and she thought it would be funny to see if he would actually drink mercury.
This but for us. God we're so lucky.
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I've been listening to Mumei's Billy Eyelash cover on loop all day today and I only started crying twice. I am Mumei's strongest hootie.

Watchalong when?
I am Mumei's silliest hootie.
stankiest too
I am Mumei's strongest, silliest, and stinkiest hootie.
ogey rrat
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H00B0T where are thou?
Fucking dead. As he should be.
I installed Bonzi Buddy on it.
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Sorry, I was napping...
Go back to sleep.
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Moomface on my butt.
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bae is a dad?
Nature guide Mumei...
no, she's grooming lolimei
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anyone else get their Lucky Moom today?
I got the NYE outfit keychain
Mine got delivered today, haven't opened the box yet though
>Hoo! Hoo!
Me too mumei. Me too.
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moom and fauna song when
Moom birthday or breaking dimensions
whichever comes first
>>79709901 (me)
Just opened mine, looks like I got NYE moom too
I also got my Friends with U Mumei and she's a lot bigger than I expected. Her hair flops all over the place too.
I'm going to assume everyone who got their lucky owls today is on the west coast. I see you all.
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I completely forgot she even played this
Mumei should stop having sex with Bae and let rat stream.
Bae needs Mumei to wake her up...
its too late... she's gone now...
what game is this, i dont remember
I think it's referencing resident evil 7/8 with the girl and the missing hand. But Mumei only played 7 and that's not how you lose the hand in 8, so I'm not completely sure
I figured it was resident evil but I don't remember anything about RE7 except the giant monster thing at the end
It's RE7. I remember Mumei always getting angry at the woman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eVR2oNBSCM coincidentally this is also the game where she revealed her fear of popping balloons.
Oh I remember the balloon room now
That was funny
What's going on with the rrat
She sounds dead
The usual. Trying to do everything
bae said that mumei CAN wake her up, "she's too sweet" so she feels guilty not waking up
Everyone seems to be super busy...
Wait how do mumei wake people up
Gentle kisses and a nursing handjob
But that's only for me specifically
Wait so this >>79700007
isn't real?
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She was probably baby talking to her
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Mumei...The profile drawing...don't forget about it...
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I payed money for it too
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My lucky Moom arrived.
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I started listening to the old old Mortal Kombat album and now I'm wondering who Mumei would play.
well she said this month but would not be surprised if its pushed after BD. I wouldn't worry, I dont think she is going sweep it under the rug and that would be a scam at that point.
gut reaction: scorpion
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I know it’s not the norm for this board but it’s called loving your Oshi unconditionally. Maybe you should try it
Me too Nerissa, me too...
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This is why she punishes us
She wants us to suffer like she does
To suffer alongside mumei is not a punishment
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>loving your Oshi unconditionally. Maybe you should try it
I'm not capable of such pure feelings for anything or anyone anymore, sorry.
I'll never forgive Towa for teaching my daughter how to smoke
most of the time I'd agree but for me Mumei is worth it
Real talk, you shouldn't.
No one deserves unconditional love. Not family. Not lovers. No one
Love is a contract and that contract can be broken
Nothing to do with mumei just felt preachy
She'll finish them for sure, some of her favorite artists were still in the queue and also kanauru lol
I don't care, I will worship mumei
oh the skinwalker? Do they even use him anymore? have not noticed him lately.
Honestly I'm not sure, I'm sure he does some work here and there but since ENs use the studio for their 3D lives now he doesn't need to do what he used to
Based. What's the point of oshi-ing someone if you're not going to have her side when things get tough.
Last I saw him was about 6 months ago. But considering he was showing up on a near-monthly basis for different projects for various people, that's a long time
im surprised people still go to kanauru for stuff after the dan dan mv shit that happened
i know i wouldn't
Of course but assuming that things are tough. for all we know they just doomscroll instagram/tiktok and play overwatch all day. Bae is a good example how you can see that things are really hectic for her right now since she is a bit open about these things.
That's you assuming things.
i feel like if Mumei were to spread herself wide open for us more than once or twice a year we would all be more happy
Hot take but a lot of that is on mumei for blindly trusting that retard and uploading without even looking at it
I don't like him and his work is lazy as fuck but still
She spreads herself wide for me every night
shut up towa.
Mumei isn’t a whore
Mumei IS a whore but only for me, in private
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it's me
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Does this guy still do mumei lewds or just the sfw stuff?
Stone age bros we are starving
Mumei needs someone to come over and personally walk animol in order to collab, or play Overwatch with her. Those are the only 2 options.
stone age is one of the mumei pairings not starving, mumei just had a ow2 collab with biboo
although no one on one yeah
Since there is no volunteers, I will take the burden of becoming Mumeis and animols personal caretaker.
Godspeed, anon
Maybe you'll survive longer than the last one
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Da Moom
Once I move in with her this won't be a problem.
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Good night Mumei. Will you do cute tweet again tomorrow?
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why did she do it
pissbag deserved it.
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Is the silliest.
I need one
Coom in the Moom
No, stay away before she ends up completely bald.
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