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ES (/indiES/) general
Previous thread >>79607278
> no /wactor/
quiero debut de la nueva hinamisora. Yp la seguire ya que para mi lo unico interesante de hinamisora era su diseno, ya que la verdad meica se me hace muy aburrida no se cual es su opinion pero esa es la mia.
tener marron ahora ees llamado suerte, en que mundo estamos viviendo?
she took the "english is my first language" thing seriously
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Gifts birthday<3
Who cares about that hag whore
Somalian anon, when are you going to learn english?
Off-topic trash, go back to /jidf/
I've seen her tweet, it's going to be an extensible. How long can it take?
She said until friday
Chica Irrelevante, se lo merece nosotros la criamos pero se quiso ir para donde no le dan bola por pdj.
So Neon is coming back?
After all the good models are reused
So lucky, she got her invitation to join smash
Imma smash yo sistah
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She did nothing wrong
i was thinking the same
i hate how she started to write only on english or first on english and then in spanish, its just pathetic. and im her fan since her lunas days but im not gonna let her treat me like a stepping stone. i have pride.
Confirmed to be a /here/ shitter
fuck off to your thread, dramatrannies
Misora coming back
Luna coming back
Himea coming back
Neon coming back
Anya coming back
Lia coming back
i no longer need any of the whores you keep talking about in this general
gay pride maybe
this this this this
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Lily writes her titles in English too but they get only ars now so is to be expected
>si me vas a cambiar cámbiame por alguien mejor
Dropping Nisha at the end of last year was the best decision I could have made.
I am happy with my new oshi, she keeps her promises
Fucking grim
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Lea coming back as Mimi
Koa playing games from her chilhood like alexelcapo 30s gang
i expected this, nisha's only reason for joining idol was to leech to the anglo audience.
she said that? kek thats just belittling other girls, pretty shitter to be nisha tbf who is she to say who is better and who is not?
btw who is your new oshi? is she better?
sigue fallando entonces, lo intento como luna, nisha y ahora es donde esta perdiendo mas publico la verdad ni me da nadita de pena.
that's like 100 ccv above the average whore commented /here/ tho, even for those who try to coombait with asmr
and meica sold out to get a house in japan
she's even losing her spics audience
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Being above the average? idk, you tell me
con algunos bits por stream no se consigue una casa en japon pobre chica seguro fue arrastrada por su "amiga" y debe estar arrepentida.
Last night a koaniki was in yamu's stream without his oshimark, I don't if fags are just shitposting but are her spic audience really leaving her?
Notice how shitposts always came came on batches, i wonder from what discord this 2-3 retards are from
She used to have the double of that as Nisha
I thought IdolES was banned from this place. I guess it isn't if it's for shitpost.
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Mimi... will you be back if I start talking about you /here/?
entonces llamas shitpost porque escribo en espanol? Que acaso este no es el hilo indie ES, deje de llorar KOAfan
this is insane
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Remember to report this chispatard. Inshallah this faggot will be banned.
There’s a plenty of koanikis in Sylvie’s streams
im not shitposting, she really lose some of her regulars, just look esclavodenisha or gigachaddelanoche, they are full time eruditos now, gigachad even criticized her loli succubus model, and besides that just look at her numbers, they are worse than when she was nisha
and one of the worst things is that Nisha's voice sounded cute and sweet and now Koa's voice recovering her spaniard accent sounds like a bitter old hag
Gaslighting Aivy is a fun activity and a human right, you should try it
I want her to be Eru's sex slave
the pedo of ignacio bullon as an example
It was the same with Yamu yesterday and is one dumb kid phoneposting no a discord boogieman
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I think the membership drama really killed all good will, today they were "fixed" but they're still at the same prizes but without higher tier benefits
No shit they started pandering to anglos the only full time Es girl makes like 5 buck in a good day
The membership drama was for sure the defining factor in the failure of this gen. I don't know who was responsible for that debacle but he or she needs to be sent to the frontline in Palestine.
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Happy weekschlangen!!
>gaslighting an autistic girl
Can't expect less from ignorant apes with no morals or principles.
In case you wonder someone posted the thread in a FB group (post already deleted)
She will be happy under Eru's boot
My Cute Wife!! <3 <3
I guess our personal mindbroken clown and toilet is trying to find new ways to "entertain" us
>birthday is on the same day as Zona
Just report and ignore off-topic shit and shitters on general.
Also a friendly reminder that you can leave a moderation feedback here:
I've seen this coming since her announcement, I thought it would be funny but now I just feel sorry for koanikis/nishadows
I watch every single koa stream, and i can guarantee you, koanikis barely donate sc, is nothing compared to her nisha's days. I though it was because they donate on streamelements now but idk im an argie i don't use that because im poor
and retards yamusagi will continue to say it's not shitter
attention whore and poor arg pedo?
ignacio is very based
In general all girls get bad supas, i don't know what happened to Rubi but a year without content hurts everyone
>even low 3view spic only like Sylvie makes more than idolES girls per stream
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Same energy
Ok Ignacio kys :)
UwU Enya
fk off shitter
Fucking grim
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Negrito malvado Based kek
What a fake ass gfe just to sell merch
>No capitalization
Hmmmm really makes you think
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We will always be stepping stones lmao just end it
Koa having fun with girls in the English Minecraft server
I was just thinking the same...Remember that shitter with japanese time in his phone?
>japanese folks
>android phones
Tell Shura to login, fast!!
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i am so lucky
>that retarded way of writting
that motherfucker
She was playing or is still playing but she's not streaming her pov
Who'll save her?
Any recommendations for ES indie vtubers? I truly don't know any of them even though I speak the language
The one above you
Sylvie Ruru she’s cute and funny
Aisu Kurimu
Nei Vtuber
Enya Yoruneko
She seems to have found her place, I’m glad
Not a Yamufag but as should be
Did she see Shura’s gift?
Yacucksagis are scum
No, what was it?
She left everyone in the server cookies, but she also added a cake for those special to her. Koa and Ruby had cakes of course.
>Poko reciprocated the gift and left a cute note
>Koa ignored and maybe destroyed the gift so she didn’t have to acknowledge it
Says a lot
This. Besides they always have to compare their morenazi with other girls and end up being humiliated like yesterday's ASMR KEK.
I recommend Giftschlangen
She is the best that can be found /here/
Shura Hiwa, don’t listen to the shitters
>like yesterday's ASMR KEK
that will never not be funny LMAO
Sylvie Ruru
Eru Nabura
Shura Hiwa
Enya Yoruneko
I heard somewhere Wactor is planning to reuse the models pertaining to its former talents, how true is this and where can I read more about it? I doubt they are going to incurse into the spanish market again but it would be great to see these characters moving again.
Get a job somalian anon
Just a rrat for now but here's the brand new Lia Mitsurugi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_Yv79VwQjo
Yet they leave the other trash unreported I wonder why
Report for your own oshi
It's 910inc, Akira sold the corpo and thats why they are reusing old models now
not your personal army
Shura and Sylvie collab incoming
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Dude i just want to be on a thread that don't reeks of shit, scat is not my fetish you know.
>i just want to be on a thread that don't reeks of shit
too bad
we talk about yamu here and your gonna like it
wait, gift's birthday is the same as her human?
N-no that would be stupid h-haha
based Koa did not let herself be carried away by social pressure, not one step back con la gorda malagradecida
fuck off koa, go back with ur pedo jews vieja asquerosa ya ponte a estudiar en vez de calentar porongas de pedofilos
Apparently the 910inc page says they are preparing more debuts
Best girl
Can you fags convince Shura and Gift to move to YT already so I can give them a chance?
You are not missing anithing really
it's over, merun is already preparing to abandon us, we were always stepping stones
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Just change this general to /step/
STGR was a HUGE red flag
i hope sylvie’s model its gonna be like nisha’s in quality
I didn't know sylvie changed name to koa
deepl pls
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She gonna pull an Eru...
> 95% english in koa's stream
It's so over. It's over. https://files.catbox.moe/a0qidn.mp4

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> on wednesday i'm going to play a horror game. i'm going to play it in english
webm pls
Could someone just tell me why the fuck they call subathons "extensible"? Even the Chinese and Japanese don't have such a crappy name for their marathons.
Because the stream is extended by donations
Koa is a certified bully anyway
who is she?, she is cute
What webm?
why nara puts those chuubas to beg for cock from manolos streamers for only spics numbers?
Yt silence the morenazi for copyright Kek
What's Vjin playing?
>Merun and Karuna there
I'm disappointed
Eru is too fucking poor to buy stuff during the summer sale, she should open and onlyfans
you know which
Chained together
Yes please and oiled and in bikini
This one? I really had to dig through my files. https://files.catbox.moe/lj362i.mp4
yeah that one
love you anon
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I like this model so much more. The one she uses now looks too whorish for me. Also
> react slop
Hana prime :o
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Hana is entertaining, her fanbase is the fucking problem she would benefit of having a mature audience like Shura's
you mean sylvie's
She's entertaining when she's
> not playing overwatch slop and
> not going menhera
NTA but Shura’s. Sylvie’s audience is mature and whiny old men but Hana is not what they look for.
Fucking Oji-san magnet correction is needed
Hana is literally explaining Miguel gato type girls
Hana took her family to a red district to dinner by accident
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Sylvie always says she wants Ojisans
>like Shura's
Low testosterone ojis?
yes thats what im saying
el bumpo
Koa doesn't give a shit that idol doesn't earn a single cent because Merol keeps donating hundreds of euros to her Nisha Kofi
good night everyone except Koa and Sylvie, you lying bitches
You forgot Yamu
She’s la mas mentirosita also la mas morenita
Damn hahaha koa really is a piece of shit, yeah we all know that but with Nisha at least had some decency with their spic fans, in her last comunity post on YouTube of the VSMP server she only gave hearts to the english writters. Hahaha that's a new level of being cucked Nishadowns
She is Yamu kek
They made her grow and now she leaves them lying around kek
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This is what a fever dream sounds like
>Shura at the center
stop Yamu go back to dms with kazze. Koa and Sylvie will always be better cunnys than you will ever be
LMAO you are right
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el bumpo
otro bump
this is so fucking sad at this point...
i don't understand why koa does that kind of things, she is hurting herself... she will never get new followers. yesterday she got a lot of viewers because she got some raids, she thinks she will be able to create a new community... she is so pathetic.
I this is offtopic but is this a managment decision? Are the other girls doing the same?
No, she's just retarded and doesn't realize that she doesn't even have EN fans and will never do because she's an ESL already categorized as an ES vtuber. It doesn't help that whenever someone criticizes her on maros she doubles down, even if that person is already an anti or a falseflagger. She's trying to appeal to a new audience that doesn't exist by filtering her current and only audience
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This already happened with lunita and her numbers were damaged too, then she decided to delete all of her eng streams
I find it funny that Shura’s tweets about VSMP are all in Spanish, she knows and accepts her place
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Jesas... She's probably getting hate maros and she does this because she's stubborn as fuck.
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This fucking brat kek
Take care of your daughter, or Eru will do it
Apparently Akira is taking advantage of a migration from Nico Nico
>Damage control this late
that only confirms that she keeps coming back here
Not /here/ specifically, she probably can't find the thread anymore because these monkeys keep changing the name. She's for sure in /jidf/ though, and I saw someone post the image in there too.
it is easy to find this thread, even idolesfags link to it when someone says something against koa or meica
not to mention the threads are cleaner now, even panthcucks are well behaved now
>not to mention the threads are cleaner now
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I think the janny just banned the Anyaschizo and the Yamuschizo since they were posting dox info
This gotta be sarcasm
Scroll up and you will see he is still around, he just went to sleep probably.
She's asking to be subdued
>twitter links posting general
>t. newfag
If they banned phoneposters this general would be comfy af.
Flags and IDs would fix this general and the whole board, in fact. I understand they don't put flags because a lot of the discussions will turn to /int/ shitflinging specially against SEAniggers but not having IDs is unforgivable. I don't know what hiromoot is thinking. Having post IDs is long overdue.
So Koa really destroyed that gift huh...
What would be the point of coming to an anonymous imageboard if you can't stay anonymous?
You not only can tell them about this place shitters in "moderation feedback" but you also can keep spaming in the "board suggestion" for the unique IDs here https://4chan.org/feedback
I'm a huge proponent and supporter of anonymity and anonymous culture but stopping shitters from samefagging is just too attractive of an idea to just ignore.
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It's sad at this point m8
Proof your claims
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I don't need gifts anymore
Is this a chatGPT reply?
Get rid of phonephosters and you also get rid of the annoying kid obsessed with random community fags resetting his phone IP every time he gets banned. He is the source of 99% of the bait posts in this general.
Unique IDs per thread is still anonymity
no real change or discussion will come from a spic thread, stay on topic
I forgot to add a question mark but anons who saw her pov yesterday didn’t see the gift apparently, Shura left it pretty much near the entrance of each home so it was visible to all the girls
Aren't ID attached to IP addresses? That will only fuck up the experience of people with static IPs, phonephosters and dynamic IP fags will still samefag and shitpost at will like always.
IDs just stay up for a thread and you can just ignore all "one post by this ID" fags. Samefagging is so easy to expose with it that it's embarrassing. Also you can hide all posts by that ID once you see he's a shitter.
It's the same fag who keep changing the general handler to 'deceive' the shitposter. Retarded faggot has no clue how an anonymous board works if he unironically believes IDs will solve anything.
You get a new ID for each thread even if your IP is the same
He should preach with the example and get a tripcode then.
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Oji-san magnet
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>Normal browsing through twitter
>See EN chuubas already in Shura’s replies and others even using pictures with her as thumbnails for minecraft streams
She was nobody a week ago, how does she do it?
There are some Enfags and Jpfags in her chat
I was the one who changed the handle. Not because tourists, shitters and all that faggotry. I did it because branding is important if you want to lead something, now dance for me
She doubles or triples their ccv
>lead something
The only place this shithole deserves to be led is to death and irrelevancy
You can... You know... Not come here?
I’ve seen this girl higher or the same than her
Is she 1k ccv?
I have to stay here to report shitters so they don't run completely rampant
Shura is just nice to have around also
They use bots
you use bots
recuerdan cuando la gorda usaba 3k bots en Twitch?? kek
still does, only now she more discreet
Learn english before shitting the thread
i try but i'm a poor black argensimian living in arjentina don't expect my education to be good
Then that explains a lot
t. mexican butthurt about copa america
Sylvie stop
Omg un mexichango
This doesn’t even make sense to Sylvie anon take your meds
im starting to hate her even when she's my oshi...
>imagine having a bully for an oshi
Someone railed the Jew thread
>English stream
Nice collab over there
Please don't link the jew thread and stay in this containment shithole
The Jew thread is the containment one tho
koa ranting about the english thing on space kek
What is the fag from your first link even trying to say
Keep us informed
Women proclaiming themselves as "cunny" is cringe and creepy af
Stop reading this place, Koa
Who did that
Ok basically she compared the "japanese vtuber speaking spanish" topic with the "spanish vtuber speaking english" topic and saying koanikis who complain about that are selfish
She’s talking about maros you sociopath
Women proclaiming themselves as "Le Yandere Cannibalism girl" is cringe and creepy af
And they let their oshi treat them like that? Yikes
My fucking costados LMAO
Yamu stop shitting the thread
She said that people get excited when a Japanese vtuber speak spanish, or when a Japanese vtuber speaks english. But she doesn’t undertake why there’s such a backlash when a spanish vtuber speaks english, she feels like that’s selfish
Based Sylvie
She basically said now that don't complain and stfu if you want ES vtubers kek what a cunt
Even Japanese vtubers speaking Spanish had an angry mob some months ago when spics realized they were being used as stepping stones
I pity her fans
She actually believes hsipanic vtubing may die if IdolES fails, the arrogance
What was that "passive aggressive behavior" she was yaping about?
She said that the Spanish fandom is really aggressive and if they don’t control themeselves there isn’t much hope for a Spanish scene. Which looking at this thread on the daily it’s pretty obvious, you guys keep making shit up or bringing age old speculation.
puchy is so lucky
Made me kek, please tell me she didn't actually say that while making steps to migrate to an EN audience
you haven't read JP boards right? go back
Such a newfag, I pitty you
She said she feels bad about constantly being told that she is leaving her spanish audience. And how its a lie, if she didn’t want to interact with the spanish audience she would not have auditioned for idolES and would have instead done IdolEN.
Since when Sylvie it’s trying to do that edgy cringe shit like Yamu?
I've just realize the new sylvieschizo and yamuschizo is the same koanicuck
anyaschizo, sylvieschizo, yamuschizo its a brotecuck and a koacuck
Aggressive? Bitch is aware how crazy the JP and EN fanbase is? The average nijisister is thousands times worse than the most deranged ES schizo
>as if she had an opportunity in idol ES without Meica's help
Why like only EN comments though? She just hates the spanish community but can't afford to completely drop it
They are her plan B, seems like most of them are aware of that
that wasn't his question. She did hint something dire happening if stuff like this kept happening. That's a passive-agressive statement, a threat
Is the same kid being obsessed for two years already. His childish mannerism gives him away.
this kinda sucks major ass
Retarded example. JP vtubers speak spanish because we're the stepping stone. ES vtubers speak english to find a better audience.
It seems she only wants casual watchers that give her money and don't complain.
she can't drop them since they are her scape route un case thing in idol goes to shit
LMAO she wishes
That a dangerous stattement, anglos may drop her by thinking they are the stteping stone and not the spics
Honestly I feel kinda uneasy about this, I don't want to anti but all her actions tell me to go away
>tards don't get that other agencies like phase or eben Hololive are monotorizing the jews to think to enter on the market or not
No need to anti, you can always give zero fucks about her and the whole IdolES thing. Anons give too much importance to a failed project.
When shit hits the fan she will just fuck back off to her Nisha channel and farm even more audience from the drama.
Why announce an Es gen without Es?
She could just have debuted in "Idol corp" and be an "Idol corp" chuba but she is an "Idoles" one, she's telling me that I am being unreasonable for asking what was advertised to me
they already know that spics are poor, that's why the haven't launched ES branches
numbers are still numbers and money is still money even is no much
>I don't want to anti but all her actions tell me to go away
You don't need to anti, just go away.
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You fags don't know what "hostility towards spics" really is. Koa doing an English stream on an English speaking Minecraft server is not it. Check this true queen of spic hate.
She will piss off a lot of her fans by that moment and she doesn't realize that
Based Hana, a true visionary
Tell me how long will it take to recover the 35k USD they invested in the ES gen just for the debuts. They're still in the red.
she cared enough to add that extra blurb <3
>Sé que saben hablar inglés así que hablo inglés
The queen, I kneel. She's not only better at singing than Koa, she's better at hating spics too.
My brain automatically reads putiglota instead of poliglota
About the spanish comments: she was mad because WE didn't speak in english when she knows we can or at least we try sometimes. She didn't like that we were "forcing" her to speak spanish with our spanish comments in an EN stream.
Eru is a great example of how to handle English streams and collabs without turning your back to your main audience (Spanish), she does them sometimes but doesn’t get full of it and doesn’t even tweet in English
Shura might be too, her EN collabs start next week but so far she’s keeping everything in Spanish and EN girls still reply to her so it’s not an issue, also she keeps VSMP game commentary in Spanish
Either way idolES is irrelevant in the spic scene, nothing will change if they fail
I just want Neon back...
You must be really retarded.
Why English streams tho
There’s a difference between some English streams and full on prioritizing English
They hated her because she spoke the truth.
The difference is those two resort to speaking English out of necessity instead of preference, unlike Koa.
Don't forget la presidenta too
Eru has only one fag who speaks english, that's why she doesn't even try
>there are fags that don't know that Eru was a EN vtuber before joining Wactor
When she says those short English phrases she's pure sexo
And they say miguel gato is a true menhera
And she learned her lesson it seems.
So what?
is the luna's incident all over again, she doesn't learn from the past
Now she's playing la vistima?
Shura has EN, JP and even one FR fag and still hasn’t turned her back on ES
The stepping stone narrative is proof spic who watch vtubers have low self esteem and abandonment issues
And she pulled a similar retarded move after coming back from Japan
File deleted.
Spics are truly the worst audience a chuba could have
You mean she dropped her JP nikis?
It's not a narrative anymore once it gets proven true.
I just pity ES fags who will stay with them because they clearly don’t care about you
>>79764807 (Me)
Attached the wrong image
Bro, before Idol, the only foreign company to even look our way had a strategy which was basically to attract spics with "jap girl learns spanish" and use those numbers to attract investors in the Japanese market. We were just stepping stones and that hasn't changed.
She stuck pandering to jp while dissing spaniards for not giving her star diva treatment in conventions.
Change the name of this shithole, it's just numbernigs and IdolES shitpost. Indie stuff is like only the 2%.
who cares. numberfagging and small corpo shittalk is the hallmark of ES threads
/iESg/ = IdolES General, it was a trap all this time
Anyways Shura VSMP in an hour and a gringa replied without the need to tweet in english... What a surprise...
change the name to EScalonES or stepping stonES
You are a grow ass woman, Koa. Learn to take criticism like an adult.
a general about the viewers is a novel concept.
Spics are just full of traumas
Gamedev anons have to make a mario clone where you step on spics to reach the EN audience
I guess that other girl read VSMP in the tweet and replied after that
Made me kek
A bit of self-depreciating humor is funny sometimes

New thread
Yes, it was a key word, but doesn’t change the fact she doesn’t need to act gringa
they should make a rage game Getting Over It/ Game of Sisyphus clone with spics at the lower levels
And that gives way to make them even more dramafags
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Even she is abandoning spics...
>literally cancelling projects because spic don't deserve it
>more threats
She doesn't learn
now this feels like a toxic relationship kek
get out of there koaniki
That's just her usual menhera emotional manipulation
sylvie does it better

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