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Does anyone else not really care about the concerts and wish they could stream more?
Why are you watching idols then? Go watch some streamers
You could always watch Nijisanji.
Pretty much everyone who watches daily.
quality over quantity
More streams are always good, but no. Not at all. I love the concerts and special events. The anticipation. The unveiling of each group performance throughout, the performances themselves... all top tier content creating peak tension and excitement.
Just an annoying minority that don't watch streams in the first place.
I don't particularly like the concerts, and I'm not exactly a fan of idol music to begin with.
I really don't get the appeal.
In fact, I'm actually curious if the people who do watch the concerts actually like the music, or if they just want to see their oshi.
I felt this way in the past. Now with 4 gens I'm content and have more than enough backlog.
Yes I prefer regular streams over big events
Holofes once a year is nice but they keep increasing the recording burden on talents and it's cutting into their stream time really badly
It just means that you are a subhuman shipfag and new material for your shipfaggotry is all that you care for
I don't like concerts but I like watching my oshis having fun.
Yes, me. I don't care about idolshit, cons, 3D streams, etc. I just wanna spend time with my oshi, and if she wasn't in Hololive I wouldn't even bother with corpo shit at all.
I don't mind concerts as long as they don't interrupt stream schedules . . which they usually do >:c
I would sacrifice concerts if it means we'd never get postponed streams again because why the hell do we need to postpone ANIME GIRLS PLAYING VIDEOGAMES THATS ALL YOU NEED TO DO ITS THAT EASY JUST STREAM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
converts will always be a thing sadly, the JP side invests a lot in it, so its only natural for them to utilize the EN side as well.
For me, i wish they did more Merch instead of concerts.
The question is whether concerts/music drive merch sales more than streams do. Nothing matters other than merch sales.
Yea, at least until the 3D tech evolves to allow for more facial expressiveness. There's no soul in 3D performances presently.
holo is like one of the few companies that constantly puts out 3D shit so you can watch your oshi fumble around unathletically like a cute retard.
Just watch literally anyone other than Hololive if you want streams. There's literally chuubas that give you what you want, but you people refuse to watch them.
Holo has a merch drop for every single talent every few months+birthday+anniversary+gen anniversary+concert promotional merch+collaboration merch+event merch, etc. Most indies can afford to do 1 merch drop per year and sometimes they lose their ass on it if they get scammed by middlemen. It's just that holo has limited stock, rare reruns, and shipping is ass.
The months of intermittent streams is a big negative but there are enough fans that will pay thousands of dollars on concerts that it makes financial sense for Hololive.
>Phasecucks larping as Hololive fans
anon... it's YWNBAJ
You'd think so. But somehow, I get the impression that a lot of Cover's business decisions aren't motivated by careful analysis and consideration, but by "Well, this is just how we do things, so..."
Dear sister, you need to understand that herding only works on your kind... We have plenty of content to not be affected, unless you're a schizo targetting a specific streamer to bitch about what the say live...
It's easy for JP to put in an occasional day at the studio and then return to their comfy house. EN has to put their life on hold to travel and record non stop for days while experiencing culture shock. Simply getting dinner after having their social battery overloaded all day is a massive chore.
Yeah, merch sales for those events are pretty massive. Stream watching is a niche and will always be a minority of the support. The biggest supporters will be stream watchers of course, but there will be far more people who just show up for big events.
Suisei doesn't agree with you, who do you think you are to go against the pride of hololive nigga?
Nah. Concerts/irl events are more than just being an avenue to sell merchs.
Yes and less male collabs too
Because Hololive should be at the top when they're behind other agencies in streaming hours
I wish they could stream less and do more concerts.
Look, I'm a Holofag and a unicorn just like you but they're never gonna be idols since half of them are mid tier singers at best. There is no idolshitter crowd either, people just want streams and GFE. It's that simple.
Same. All the focus on dancing and choreography seems insane when the camera constantly cuts away anyway.
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>Cover's business decisions aren't motivated by careful analysis and consideration
They're a publicly traded company, they have to report on revenue breakdowns and merch eclipses streams easily.
As long as there's clips I'm good either way.
Nijisanji, phase connect, idolEN and indies on twitch arr RIGHT THERE for you to watch.
go watch them instead because hololive isn't for you.
don't waste your time trying to like something you clearly don't.
You act like merch sales wouldn't exist without concerts. That's nonsense.
Also, countless Japanese companies are publicly traded. Those same companies are also susceptible to business by stupid traditions, habits, internal politics, and other forms of "that's just how we do things here."
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Why are sisters like this
I like both. And there are enough talents to keep you occupied during the drought from your favorites.
Based. This anon gets it.
This anon has no idea what we unicorns want. Just stream and don't collab with males. Simple as.
The problem aren't the concerts, the problem is bad management which doesn't get game perms, hires whores that don't want to stream, are bad at it or even worse, want total nijification.
It's also all prerecorded and cringe as fuck
Whoa nigga I'm not watching your m*les
Music is the least entertaining part of their brand.
These autistic women need to get over their pretended insecurities and ask for more collabs. That's where the real fun is.
then go watch other streamers. this is hololive
Man, lots of Hololive fans seem to be pretty anti-streaming in here.
Guess we should expect that to be the future of Holo - no more streams, just concerts once every four to six months.
And nobody will complain, right, /vt/? Because real Hololive fans don't care about streams?
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If the girls don't wanna do idol stuff or concerts they can always leave and stream somewhere else
i don't know how you can see a product, read a label that says
"Does idol stuff", purchase the product then complain that they should do less idol stuff or remove it entirely.
why even watch them in the first place?
It's insulting to call this cushy job being an idol
I don't, and it's pathetic, because idolshit is inherently cringe. We just want comfy streams after our shitty days and no males. Simple as.
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Post hands.
>providing GFE
You're a fucking idiot
>Man, lots of Hololive fans seem to be pretty anti-streaming in here.
Serious theory.
If you liked streams, and Hololive doesn't stream much, you'd probably leave and watch someone who streams.
The anti-streaming fans are those who are left.
Yes. I don't hate the concerts and don't even mind a reduction of streams while the talents are busy with them, but for a lot of talents it's less of a reduction and more of a temporary hiatus and that sucks.
>idolshit is inherently cringe
I wouldn't call it inherently cringe, but it does nothing for me, yeah.
or, we leave it how it is right now.
OP is either a sapfag or a disgruntled ruffian.
you aren't a unicorn, stop larping. go watch shondo or something and stop watching hololive
then stop bitching because it won't change.
Not this time, memeshitter. They're literally saying "You want to watch streams? If you want streamers, go watch someone else, we're here for idols."
Imagine investing into prerecorded shit tier singing and dancing, couldn't be me
It's supposed to you fucking tourist.
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>random seethe at my daughterwife
OK tranny
> they're never gonna be idols since half of them are mid tier singers at best
Most idols are mid tier singers at best. Usually worse. Where did people get the idea that idols need to be decent at dancing or singing from?
Look at it in the perspective of the talent bro. No one's going to put in more hours streaming if you can make similar amounts of money investing in merch and brand sponsorships.
The infrastructure is there. The work hours are better. Sponsored streams are time limited which means you don't have to stream for hours on end hoping for premium subscriptions or donations. The money is just preloaded and your core audience will always show up.
Unless your oshi enjoys streaming as an activity, they actually have no incentive at all to stream more beyond growing and advertising their brand.
It sucks, but that's what it is. Hololive has moved beyond streaming, and if you disagree, look at the casual holo fanbase immediately buy out any Gura merch on day 1 despite the lack of streams. They're literally just buying the brand and there's so many holofans who are clipwatchers who don't watch streams in the first place. This happens with any big streamer. They all go into merchandising and reduce streaming because the hours spent streaming are no longer giving them a return that is worth it.
No. I'm here for the music.
>>79693002 (me)
Further, people only care about the concerts because their oshis are in it, and the chuubas are only their oshis because the fans have had stream time to bond with them. No streams = no point, IMO
Watch Eurovision. The production levels of those mog the shit out of Holoslop """concerts."""
No, it's not, retard. Idolshit is what the direction of the company has always been about. The only true GFE Hololive ever had was fucking Rushia, and we all know how that turned out.
Mask off i guess, why are you in this thread then
>Look at it in the perspective of the talent bro. No one's going to put in more hours streaming if you can make similar amounts of money investing in merch and brand sponsorships.
Look at it in the perspective of me.
I don't care about that.
>Watch trannyfilled political clown fiesta
Nta but no, thanks
It's pozzed but it isn't soulless prerecorded trash
I don't give a shit about concerts but I also don't watch Hololive anymore.
Eurofag why are you seething now that you have Europoor gen to watch?
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>Hmm I don't like idolshit and just want to watch anime girl streamers play video games
>I know! I'll watch the ONE big vtuber corpo known for leaning into idolshit and putting on lots of concerts!
What did OP mean by this?
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Because I had the highest standards for Hololive and no one except maybe Gura, Fauna, Biboo, and Ceci can get the job done right. The """top""" agency KWAB
And unfortunately, stream watchers are only ever going down in metrics in a post-lockdown world. Want more streams? Don't buy merch, don't buy concert tickets, and never donate.
Well that's fine as long as you understand that your opinions wont change anything
people who demand more streams, despite the fact that EN has almost 20 members for them to catch up now, are clearly clipfags, they never support hololive in the first place
it's easy to fall for the "can't you see that they stream less" trap, but you gotta keep reminding yourself that hololive is all about multifaceted talents not bound by livestreaming
Except this isn't just a case of "branching out into merchandising." The effort that goes into production for live events is way, waaaay more than streaming, not less. And with relatively few exceptions, the girls only do it because they have to. And clipwatchers don't buy merch or CDs, and won't even be able to watch clips without streams. Gura became popular because of her funny videos, not because of her concert appearances.
Nobody on Earth could seriously believe Hololive could end streaming or video creation today and survive just on concerts, but that's the reasoning we're being fed here.
Let's look at the other alternatives
>Phase Connect
Yeah, I think I'll stick with Holo even if they don't stream as much as I'd like.
Tourist please, Hololive is a CGDCT agency and should operate as one without failure. That's what I signed up for when Gura debuted.
What are you on about faggot, I said Ceci was good.
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Phase Connect isn't bad. Pic-related sings better than all of Hololive too
>Don't buy merch, don't buy concert tickets, and never donate.
Cover sees the drop in revenue and doubles down on what makes them the most money which is concerts and merch lol
Oh, i should've known that you are just baiting, good luck i guess
Holo concerts are meant to be similar to JP idol concerts, not Western events
The tourists don't know that Hololive was literally founded as a streaming company. Them exploring other avenues are all risky copes that have managed to drag on long enough. By contractual means, the primary obligation of the Holo girls is to FUCKING STREAM. And don't piss your fans off too. But only a few of them get that memo, why?
>Thinly veiled phaseshill thread
if hololive was a streams only corpo, they would be below nijisanji, all the current holos wouldn't be here and cover would basically be a restricted vshojo.
why would the current roster of holos join here when they would make even more as indies + stream whatever the fuck they want?
have you thought of that?
i forgot you people rarely think, my bad.

this is a bait thread.
>That's what I signed up for
No one cares what (You) signed up for, and no one will care if you leave
I don't mind concerts. What I do mind, however, is a third of the year spent on JP arcs causing tummy hort, then the girl heals up just in time for another JP arc and so on and so forth. All of them are constantly overworked, all of them are constantly blowing their voices out, none of them gets to settle the fuck down.
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Nah I want cute girls doing cute things. Hololive used to be able to perfect it but now only a few girls can master it now.
More like they'd be the top of the world because their job is to fucking stream and don't collab with males
I'll still watch the girls that do their jobs bro. No need to get defensive sister
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lol lmao even
It’s just shitposters. Perhaps some newfags who have never experienced the ‘21 ‘22 content drought, but I doubt newfags are even that dumb
HoloEN has been streaming more often than they ever did pre Advent, especially with Justice filling out EU hours
I don't hate them or anything, definitely think they should happen, but to be honest I'm feeling a bit burnt after last year. I was so excited to see them get this special treatment for once, and you could feel them being happy in anticipation too. Then it came, very super prerecorded, went by, and all of them were just like, "concert? oh yeah, that was a thing I guess..." I don't know why but it made me a bit sad.
Eurovision isn't prerecorded cunt
Tourist please, people like you are why people laugh at nu-Holofags. Where's the fucking demand for streams, where's the accountability? People like you are why Hololive is losing relevancy now.
> And with relatively few exceptions, the girls only do it because they have to
Source: it came to me in a dream even though many girls said how they love concerts and their atmosphere before
>The effort that goes into production for live events is way, waaaay more than streaming, not less.
For technical staff yes, but for talents, absolutely not. It's like 4-6 hours of recording(most of which that can be done remotely) and a few hours mocap rehearsal a month and you get to fuck off and do whatever you want for the rest of your time.
Hololive has already built their brand and established themselves. Gura is the face of vtubing and can fuck off for several months at a time.
There is no incentive for legacy and older Hololive members to stream more because it's all diminishing returns. That's simply it. Unless your holo oshi enjoys streaming itself, you're not going to see more streams once they build their brand to a certain level where they can coast on merch drops.
Again, not even Hololive specific phenomenon. Mainstream flesh streamers do this as well. It's better money for less hours invested.
Why hasn't Gura streamed regularly then? Outside her obvious beef with management, why not?
No they are worse than clipfags, they watch only 1-2 people in holo and don't watch/anti everyone else. Thats why this thread was created for example. They want THEIR oshi to stream and no one else
It depends, I do like an event every now and then, but some talents are much better streamers than they are singers/dancers and I wish they focused on that.
I'm talking about girls like fauna, ame, ina, kronii. I don't mention any jp talent because even though they join events all the time, they stream a lot too
At the end of the day, it's up to the talent to decide what they want to do. I don't think Cover pressures them to perform
>Gura is the face of vtubing and can fuck off for several months at a time.
This is why Hololive has fallen. Why apologize for this shit?
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>Hololive is losing relevancy now
lol lmao even harder
Nigga I'm not gonna watch the whores
actual nijisister behavior, company is your oshi
> why Hololive is losing relevancy now
>Meanwhile both Hololive’s CCV, revenue and watch hours have been increasing
Come on, sister. At least shitpost with facts and data. Otherwise people might queue up to “lose relevancy” (roru)
Translate it weeb
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>please watch the whores who stream with males regularly, they're in Hololive t-ACK
Gura isn’t the only streamer in HoloEN. She might be burnt out or busy - whatever you choose to believe - but there are 8 new members to fill the gap
I'm not apologizing. I'm just explaining the status quo. This is how high end streamers operate. They are brands. They exist to sell shit.
This is why people tell stream watchers who want personalized interaction to watch literally anything but hololive. It's just a waiting game. You get streams at the start because holos needs to build an audience, but once they have that, they will fuck off unless they enjoy the activity of streaming and talking to chat.
Watch indies, watch small corpo chuubas, watch people who enjoy the act of streaming and not the money that comes from it.
Jesus. Why even bother joining corpos other than Hololive? Might as well switch careers.
Her entire gen is a failure though
Sad. I've been watching indies and small corpos a lot more lately. Holoslop isn't for me but wow they really forgot their roots of what made them great. Sad.
Hololive good. Not Hololive bad.
Because they stream regularly and don't piss their fans off every day unlike nu-Hololive.
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Nah, I've been into it since Beyond the Stage
It actually pulled me in more from casual viewer status to real fan.
Seeing Miko this year made me fall in love a 2nd time with her.
It's good if your oshi leans into that sort of thing.
There's plenty options if not though.
like i said above.
this is a bait thread to make CGDCT and unicorns look bad.
because god knows they are more popular than ever and will continue to grow within the coming years.
the 20k waiting que that reached max capacity for people trying to buy tickets for a 2 day event is enough proof that what cover is doing is worth it.
Oh boy chunko pops and acrylic stands!! I just love corpoplastics
Nigga please we just want streams and no pozzed males. How hard is that for you to comprehend?
What if you only have one oshi?
Guarantee you it's just another pippa connect shill thread because they can only shill their sluts by trying to drag down Hololive.
I don't get why people aspire to be failures when they can be winners in life by joining Hololive.
>just buy the heckin overpriced low quality slop while your oshi collabs with more males goy
Holo only accepts 4-5 girls every 1.5-2 years, anon…
Exactly. I'm not interested in 20 streamers. Or "idols."
>the bot keeps saying the same thing
here's your (you) and im hiding this retarded thread.
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Nigga actually thinks you're wnner by doing nothing
Take the dick out of your mind, son. You've been spamming the same replies on cooldown.
I accept your concession
Kys pebble and sapling fags. Literally all fans want Concerts except you faggots
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Stay mad sister. Hope you like the daily homo collabs
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I *like* the concerts, just not enough to make it worth it for me with everything I lose out on and the stress/burnout/sickness it causes on the girls who aren't built for that sort of thing. The problem is that the concerts make Cover boatloads of money between tickets, merch, virtual tickets, and SCs given in celebration of the big day. But no, I'd take a week or two more of streams 9 times out of 10 if I had the choice.
Chill, its a phasefag falseflagging as usual
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>random seethe at the 2 most based fanbases
You're the only one who can't stop mentioning them. Why are you so obsessed with dick?
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calm down kronus
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>random seethe at Phase
Who hurt you tranny?
And he reveals himself
phasecuck bro...
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I'm not a cuck who tolerates male sex pests in VTubing.
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>he reveals himself
>Unironic reactionimg spammer
Where the fuck did you come from? /v/?
I guess? But I did enjoy Marine's concerts a lot, like last year one that ended up with bishoujo muzai or her retro one. I think they were really good, but I'm also eop so I won't watch usual streams and there is nothing to lose for me.
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the concerts don't really feel relevant to my interests
except for the ones that can actually sing
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If the girls want to do concerts then whatever, if they don't then they shouldn't be pressured and allowed to do just streams.

I have a bigger problem with Cover still developing their metaverse shit and whoring out the talents to any sponsor under the sun because that serves no one and also impacts stream regularity
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Yeah, the puddle arc was brutal and entirely unsurprising.

Yes, if you take a girl who functions best with her regular routine and make her live somewhere away from her pet and comfortable home environment, eat poorly because she's vegan in a country that barely knows vegans exist, deprive her of sleep due to crunching super hard trying to fit in recordings for Holofes, Connect the World, her birthday AND appearances in other birthdays all on top of catching Covid it shouldn't exactly be a shock that she basically implodes and needs to recover.
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>having to announce you're leaving
You literally can't control yourself, you literally can't stop engaging in these retarded arguments despite knowing they serve no purpose and bring you a net negative.
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Cute images, but what's the link with the thread?
Have you never heard of AKB48? they have a hundred members and only like two of them can hold a note while singing, and they are idols
Don't really care for vtuber music. I mean for the most part it's okay but nothing to write home about. Same goes for concerts
lmfao what
janny, did your finger slip?
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Eurovision has idols?
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At least for EN yes somehow i do. It's just because each concert the amount of stream REALLY plunder Like those who will appear for a concert goes missing for like a whole month? and it's not like there are many stream in the first place, well at least it give time to watch the 3 new girls.
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Nope, if I only wanted to watch womyn play video games badly I'd be a phasebrown or some other subhuman.
Thankfully, my skin is white.
yes, it's a lot of investment for 2 or 3 songs
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That's a poorfag sentiment
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Thread Summary
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Suisei has more power, influence and importance than the entirety of the English branch combined. If she wants music and dance to be a priority, then so it will be. As long as your EN sluts stay in their fucking lane, then they can stream to their heart's content and only participate in Cover's mandatory events.
Your oshi is focusing on events instead of streaming? Just drop them and find someone else. There's a fuck ton of vtubers you can choose from. You don't like how hololive is doing things? Just fuck off and leave.
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That's legitimately the correct answer and the reason I mostly stopped watching holos Except for CC now but this board will treat you like some kind of freak if you do that
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Fauna should just do weekly ASMR instead of wasting time on singing which she's bad at
Yeah but they first succeeded by having entertaining streamers. People were joking about them being comedians at the start.
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Go back to twitch faggot
They don't even call themselves an idol company anymore except as a running bit, that ship sailed years ago
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I for one am pretty bummed I'm missing my Advent oshi first concert. I wish I could be there to support her. The stream will still be fun tho I loved last year's. There's plenty of streams across 4 gens to go around bros. Try not to act so spoiled for choice
>I wish this group of talented and funny performers would do the thing that attracted me to them to begin with instead of shoehorning in this other thing I don't like
>Why don't you just watch this shittier group instead?
>Because they're shitty?
>OMG, you're stupid!
You should get the fuck away from hololive and then kill yourself
Good idea, thanks.
hi quest
and one Ado is equal to ten Suishit
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Hololive concerts aren’t pre-recorded either with the exception of holofes, dipshit
>I love my idol Pekora, who is primarily known for her idol activities and her songs!
Concerts are an addition, they should never get in front of the main thing, which is streaming and entertaining their audience on a somewhat constant basis. No one would attend those concerts in the first place if they weren't attracted to chuubas personality on stream in the first place.
Or are you gonna tell me there are anons that have Suisei as an oshi and never watched her streams, because she is an aidoru first and foremost? I'd argue they are bigger retards than Michael Gato fans.
BVTM discord server thread
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Are they diluting their brand?
>Then it came, very super prerecorded, went by, and all of them were just like, "concert? oh yeah, that was a thing I guess..." I don't know why but it made me a bit sad.
Huh? That only applies to the girls who never did post-fes talks, there were plenty of girls who talked about the concert trip and performance more than that.
Most of the girls want to do the idol shit so it's for them as much as it's for us. If you don't care about, it then just watch someone like fauna who knows she can't sing and doesn't want to go to japan if she can get out of it.
Holofags have got to be the most paranoid fanbase in existance, this is like the most mild dissenting opinion ever and there's multiple meltys happening itt.

Concerts maybe be pretty mundane now but if cover's head gets too big from all the success they're going to hit a wall eventually and things will start tanking fast. See every industry ever that ran out of new markets to break into but needed the line to keep going up eternally because shareholders would riot otherwise
>Changes to a product or brand identity undermining what initially attracted loyal customers, leading to dissatisfaction or alienation.
Sounds about right, though this will only apply to those who were attracted to their streams first. People attracted through the idol stuff won't mind it so it means you are no longer their target audience especially for newer gens. You can see this with erb with Cover testing the waters in just having a talented singer while acting as a way to promote holostars inside hololive.
Oh i found you >>79693851
I honestly care little for streams, I enjoy the idol larp. I’m a long time idol fan and find the streaming format rather cringe, might be why I’m okay with fewer streams and more variety.
They saw the result from ReGloss after thinking they can finally do it after their failure with virtual singers first like Azki, IRyS.
Aaaand immediate deflection lmao this board is a joke
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Which ones are idols? It's an idol company after all, so it should have a lot of idols right?
>though this will only apply to those who were attracted to their streams first
The issue is that's most people. The idol stuff has always been for the fans with extra disposable income who go to the concerts to support the personas they got to know through streams, if people really wanted idols they'd watch idols, Cover is smart enough to know this and doesn't bank on being an "idol company," in their most recent financials they mention becoming an "IP company"
I don't care much for the concerts or the music but I do understand the importance of the building of the culture.

If Hololive didn't have concerts and stuff to tie all the branches together it would be just a bunch of isolated fandoms and talents all be doing their own thing.

It's the equivalent of doing those team building exercises, it might feel BS but it helps the girls' make bonds and all that.
This thread is so fucking funny now that I think about it. Hololive's streaming hours are so fucking inconsistent that they call Biboo and Koyori "endurance streamers" when they're live just as much as the typical non-holomem vtuber. Sure you could argue that Kaela is a freak of nature but she's still not THAT much of a juggernaut and has to rely on variety. Whereas plenty of vtubers can do what Nerissa did the other day... All the time. 10 hour streams are nothing if you're known for STREAMING and not content. Nobody fucking cares about VODs for most Twitchtubers for this reason.
No I wouldn't be watching the only company doing idol activities and streaming if that were the case. Idol is a huge part of their identity and what sets them apart from other agencies.
You should blame Kiara. Wasn't Kiara the one nagging the management about giving EN more concerts?
I don't know about everyone else, but if I was working at a company that regularly insisted I stop doing actual money-making work and fly half way across the world, spend day after day training and practicing, all just to make a 10 minute appearance at a virtual concert, I wouldn't feel "bonded," I'd feel extremely resentful.
Basically every JP vtuber agency also does concerts in some capacity.
VOMs is the only one I can think of that doesn't and that's one of the reasons Pikamee left. So she went to Vshojo who ALSO does concerts
>that regularly insisted I stop doing actual money-making work
Except, if you've even taken a single look at their financials, concerts and the related merch bring in shit loads of money. Like, by a pretty large amount. Merchandising is what brings them lots of money, not just streaming. But you're just here to stir shit and act like a retard on purpose so I don't know why I'm bothering.
At this point that is the shit you signed up for, if you want Hololive fame and money better expect to fly over there and work your ass off.

Money making work? This idol shit building the Hololive brand, a brand that Cover can sell to sponsors to make way more than what youtube ads and superchats can pay. Slap on a Holo on cup ramen and that shit flies off the shelves over ones that don't have it. This is marketing 101.
Nobody wants to admit that Holostars are better at keeping up the idol bit than Hololive AND they stream more consistently.
Who will be the first "Fat Elvis" vtuber who signs on to holo and fucking dies from doing too many concerts
I wish Eminem streamed more...
>AND they stream more consistently.
That's definitely not true, the more popular Holostars like Bettel and Altare have streaming frequency issues too. Happens to all the older gens, which is why new gens are debuted to replace them.
holostars JP yeah not fucking EN kek
even then they still got aruran so not really
Fuck off back to your drama streamers
Who are you quoting?
Holomems get money on their personal merch, not Coffee cups with a blue triangle on it. And they can move personal merch just fine without busting their asses for concerts that are only going to be attended by the exact same people who would already have watched their streams in the first place.
Nobody is saying concerts don't make money. The question is "Couldn't they make just as much money without spending so much money and man-hours that could be used for other things that don't detract from the primary product?" Cover is convinced concerts are the way to go, but it's a product I'm not interested in.
>Happens to all the older gens, which is why new gens are debuted to replace them
I wonder why this is such a consistent thing, it couldn't have anything to do with older gens doing most of the concerts and sponsorships right?
It makes alot of money but the people that attend it are the same people who watches streams. Singing and idol stuff have always been a secondary focus of fans, since if it was people wouldn't attend to watch talent's that doesn't have talented singing ability like ame.
I wanna say that this is why I don't really watch Holos these days, but then I remember that Peko and Miko stream pretty much every day and I do tune in from time to time.
The funniest part is how Biboo and Kaela are slipping with their hours because they're forced to do idol stuff. It's literally undermining their personal images.
The biggest casualty in Advent has been FWMC by far, they went from being incredibly consistent to needing forced breaks because their bodies won't physically let them stream while doing everything else.
I hate that this is just accepted now.
Like how can I get attached to Justice when I know there's 8 months maximum before they get broken down by corpo work and stream significantly less?
On that list?
Marine, Mori, Suisei, Watame, Kiara
I mean, yeah… I’m with you
Yes. I started watching Hololive because of the streams. Fes was always that special event where you could cheer for your oshi but its starting become too much with them having these smaller and EN dedicated ones. Frankly if they double down with selling them as IPs, I probably just leave from vtubers all together.
Just to be clear:
The girls stay in Hololive because they want to do idol/3D content and that's hard to achieve on their own, after all, not everyone can build a motion tracking studio in their garage. Let's say that Cover says "we're shutting down the studio, go and stream to your heart's content". About third of the talents would graduate on the spot, with the rest of them following in the upcoming year. Why would any of them stay if they could just go indie and have all their fans follow them there? Why let Cover take a share on the income they generate?
Face it: most of the girls want the idol activities. Either they yearn for the stage from the beginning, or they think it's a fun challenge to take on, but either way idol activities rank higher on their Maslow pyramid than grinding out streaming hours for potentially a bit more money.
It's also never gonna be taken seriously because "streaming is the easiest job ever!!" or something
You know, if you have energy. Which you won't from doing constant dance lessons and stuff.
Fes is the yearly highlight of /vt/
>Face it: most of the girls want the idol activities. Either they yearn for the stage from the beginning, or they think it's a fun challenge to take on, but either way idol activities rank higher on their Maslow pyramid than grinding out streaming hours for potentially a bit more money.
This is true and its why a bunch of holos are soft-graduated and only show up to concerts. Hope you didn't get attached since there's a charge to see them for 10 minutes at a time now
It is. it's also the only concert worth doing
Fippy bippy


Look sisters.
Yagoo EXPLICITLY stated that he made Hololice to be like AKB48

Sure, there is the meme of Hololive being comedians and failing, but thats exactly what Hololive was suppoaed to be. AKB48 but with anime girls. Its the focus some rival small corpos like Idol corp and v4mirai also have. ITS THEIR THING.
If it bothers yoy so much, go watch something else. Even Gura has branded herself as a "shark idol" now.
This thread reads like an NDF attempt to sway cover into anycolor's business model of just selling shit merch.
If you're a fan that only watches streams, then whatever, more power to you. But don't judge a concert before you've attended one, or at least watched through.
Concerts are amazing events that give a lot of energy to the viewer and honestly there's no alternative of that experience for me.
So I don't agree with you. Girls that stream and train to dance and sing are way more endearing, than just streamers. They're hard workers behind the scenes. (Inbefore they don't stream, they're lazy. You're the type of person who can be a pure streamer.)
Just streamers are probably overweight slobs with no self control and shitty people.
Has your girl performed in a concert? Then she's an idol. Pretty much every Holo gen other than Advent and Justice are idols

>t-t-they're streamers first

Okay you pedantic retard. Then lets see who has a BACKGROUND of being an idol?


And who advertises herself as an idol?

>Gawr Gura

So there. They're idols. If Gura is not streaming she's doing idol reps.
This video is 4 years old and is a joke about the talents not being idols
Hololive hasn't called themselves an idol company in years, it's a vestigial part of their branding. They hire people to make character designs and slap them on merchandise now, that's what they mean when they say they're an IP company
That does not make them a stresmer company either. Its now a franchise with marketable characters. If it means more stuff like animes, games, exhibitions and, yes, concerts, I would take that over "just streaming".
The Gura I am in love with is the person, her character, not just her streams.
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I don't get this thread. My bunny oshi always streams. She streams right before and right after a concert. What does anons mean by lack of streams?
>Its now a franchise with marketable characters.
This is the problem, it's a Micky Mouse-ifcation of their brand. They'll be a point where "Gura" the character operated and marketed by hololive becomes entirely divorced from Gura the person who used to live stream, and at that point who do you love?
You don't know Mickey Mouse. Go fuck yourself.
>pekora JP talent
>rest of thread reeks strawhat arguments
NDF thread
The only reason they're marketed as idols is because money. Yagoo wants so badly to make sure that image never shatters lmao since they're all just variety streamers or gamers at best who they trained to sing well enough to not sound awful and they're all most likely in relationships etc
I believe in Yagoo's dream
Concerts are fun tho
Taking in consideration that the one who moves the most merch (and is not even a close race with second place) is Suisei ... I think yeah, music helps...
I much prefer a stream a week. I'm an working adult, I did't have time to really watch full streams since the pandemic... I still have 2 Reddit Memes reviews from Coco to catch up on.
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>stay a streamer
>be the current thing now
>become irrelevant as people eventually stop watching streams and chuubas
>eventually be forgotten

>be Mickey Mouse
>become an icon
>your first appearance, seemingly forgotten, enters the public domain
>become History
>live Forever

Sounds awesome to me.
I’d take two concerts a year if hololive stopped streaming as a sacrifice.
Stars bleeding less than I thought. Also, +200% is crazy.
a lot of people enjoy concerts, a lot of people enjoy girls playing video games. so no, you cant sacrifice either. this is the culture we have cultivated and now we are here

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