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Previous: >>79684761
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i love Immergreen so much
/#/ is declining
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>SEAkeks still awake
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Kiara and Nerissa never getting ad rev ever again
>no water disposal
So she can't piss after all
So what did we learn from the last thread anons?
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Recent clip numbers
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we know, me.
>euro hours
>thread is shit
Like clockwork
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a picture really is worth a thousand words huh
Just nuke EU already
Sometimes it feels like Justice exists to make ID look more successful than it is.
go to sleep seavermin
EN5 will be a 'Seiso' Gen
anon, they never left. If one half of SEA is asleep the other half for some reason is awake, and vice-versa.
They are always /here/
>"Queen of Kaigai" poster was a retarded frog
Every single time.
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>11k with debuff content
How is CC so powerful?
I thought she was answering the lore questions because she is new and thinks she is supposed to do that but I think she actually likes writing lore
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>47,204: AZKi (Hololive)
>34,536: Miko (Hololive)
>27,169: Mio (Hololive)
>26,759: Pekora (Hololive)
>24,006: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>17,908: Aqua (Hololive)
>16,855: Mumei (Hololive)
>16,766: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>16,078: Koyori (Hololive)
>15,779: Cecilia (Hololive)
>14,346: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>14,184: Elizabeth (Hololive)
>14,118: Bijou (Hololive)
>13,799: Iofi (Hololive)
>11,991: Luna (Hololive)
>11,616: Sophia (Nijisanji)
>11,408: Okayu (Hololive)
>11,016: SakakiNess (Nijisanji)
>10,956: Lui (Hololive)
>10,857: Raora (Hololive)
>10,293: Noel (Hololive)
Euros constantly blame sea for their own shitposting
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Marrying Gigi and making her name Gigi Hernandez!
seems more like buff to me
Spic bro...
I liked when Kronii did collabs with Vesper…
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gee i wonder
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Just like phasekeks, euros despite making up a small percentage of the fanbase commit 90% of the shitposting
Another Fauna win
Cecilia wants 4 what?!
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What did we learn from this?
The world would be a better place if we nuke SEA and the middle east
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Art zatsu update
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A forge, for smithing
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>wants to own a forge and make a sword
yeah, she's an autist through and through.
Fauna least hit
in a bank heist, watson would be the wild card
based based based
Kiara at same timeslot barely hit 5k ccv though
If we rangeban Europe thread quality will increase by leaps and bounds
Kiara will have to improve her English beyond swear words? I see that as a win-win situation.
>Cecilia wants to operate a forge and tinker with metallurgy
Completely unrelated audiences.
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Cunny wins.
Wait why the fuck is Reine still streaming
I would argue the same for SEA
she won't change anything
ad revenue is minuscule compared to all other revenue flows
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This is a nerf to any girl relies on being a potty-mouth
bugmen is so predictable lmao, anons actually said this will happen when that indog streams on b2, this is why you stay away from that shithole
what did we learn? that the Gura-adjacent chuubas are the most successful
yk why
Cecillia should do mapart on Minecraft
Youre going to see massive change on who gets hired for corpo vtuber companies.
Yeah euros do love to use sea as their convinient scapegoat
Streaming as little as possible is a buff.
Only Europe uses an adblocker
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This lips? For me
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gura feet and toes
I know, and you take great umbrage whenever you get called out.
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queen of kaigai btw
sorry anon, my dick went through that mouth last night, you're too late ~
All the Aussie vtubers should just quit then.
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>under 500 now
>AI slop
We're reclining...
>t.SEA fag
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Gura won.
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>This lips
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Chance we get a fauna stream tomorrow? I haven't watched the Witcher VOD yet, so I don't know how sick she seemed and yes I know its teusday but one can hope
Oh no did your scapegoat not lie down and take it?
they'll migrate to Twitch
>euro shitposting
anon.... you didn't know?
Best to assume Wednesday or Thursday
It affects favorability with the algo.
Erb lost
>I will never understand why Mumei is the queen of Promise
>Ame BTFOing doubters
>FWMC dropping below Biboo, hope your JP pandering was worth it
>did Finigger actually fucking incline somehow?
>Grifty is the new undisputed runt queen of NijiEN, dethroning the Aia-Aster duology
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Shiorin fat tits
>No more drawing stream slop
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SEAfaggots talking mad shit for someone who eats stuff out of trash cans
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the legendary MinecraftM'tuesday is not impossible!
if fauna and cece collab theyre going to end up speaking french....
>Ame BTFOing doubters
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did Cecilia revealed her Hololive girl oshi yet?? I have a feeling its Ame
Yeah, I'm not holding out much hope, but you never know.
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Wednesday if you're lucky
Raid babies
Gigi was already low-tier now she's going to get nerfed in the next Neal patch
LMAO even
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Mumei and Ame is basically "stream little, do karaoke when you actually stream for once"
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>fauna cece collab
>they're both trying to speak with their bad british accents
>Bibbidiba passing MariBako in views
Update: DONE
>Bibbidiba passing BishoPai in views
Update: DONE
>Bibbidiba passing Phony in views
Update: DONE
>Suisei passing Fubuki in Subs
>Suisei passing Mori in Subs
>exposes itself
>seethes for the rest of thread
kill yourself ennacuck
Oh then it doesn't matter unless you're on YouTube's "this is a political shitstirrer" list
Hololive is fine
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CC doesn't rust because she stays well lubricated
With semen
My semen
I forgot Fauna could speak french
Myth mania is back
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I'd love that
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100 minutes without a piss break
I'm proud of her
Looks like the usual youtube fuckery then where they apply the rules extra judiciously to the ones they don't like.
Ah, it's just some chud whining.
I love the retarded face of this little fella.
Can she speak it well?
Can you be less cringe?
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>I will never understand why Mumei is the queen of Promise
always has been
>Ame BTFOing doubters
the rest of the Myth are so shit that anyone from the rest could be second to Gura
>FWMC dropping below Biboo, hope your JP pandering was worth it
picrel says it's worth it
>Grifty is the new undisputed runt queen of NijiEN, dethroning the Aia-Aster duology
i dont care about NijiEN
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>15 minutes of peace
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Here's your "Queen of Kaigai" SEA
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that "little fella" is a dangerous weapon of war and a cold-blooded killer
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Raora should design pokemons
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dunno, I don't know french
Personally I think we should have copious amounts of sex with IRyS at the concert
Are most of Fuwamoco's supas even from JPs?
Still a cute little retard. Reminds me of Aqua.
But the IDbros were so happy to hand her over to the chinks...
>Indonesia 3rd place
No wonder the country is bad
>the queen of Kaigai shitposter is an euro
Of course
Why does Europe hate id so much?
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She is wearing a diaper
>Why does everyone hate id so much?
They still haven't gotten over id getting a branch before them
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no, still USDs
Say aaah
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>Kobo below Shiori
>FWMC dropping below Biboo, hope your JP pandering was worth it
FWMC is more of a idol than streamer
She's at the "took french classes in highschool" level
Kobo mogs every EU holomem
What now?
Nijinigs and phasecucks are 3view shitters.
ID gets preferential treatment when it comes to merch and chuubas
Meanwhile Europe is still fucked when it comes to shipping and their supposed EU gen has only one Holo that actually streams in EU times
all of her ambrosia wasted in the sewers...
>chink beggars
>thread peaceful because you have 15 min timeout for seething about EU
>AAAA call my discord buddies, reset router, helpppp
>I will never understand why Mumei is the queen of Promise
Just like Ame, she barely streams and when she does it's an unarchived karaoke. That's it. If she ever actually streamed normally her numbers would drop unless she gets raid babied.
why do they love Aqua so much?
Is a number 2 isn't?
asking the more savvy anons, does kadokawa leaks affected general users especially Vtubers in niconico or outside of it?
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>fatgur losing to Bettel..........
Nocytx didn't really do well as expected huh
As far as I've read they mostly got employee and company info and docs
Is the lack of ID4 why you guys have sperged out so much lately?
They really are sisters...
So how come after only a week CC has been able to build up her own 10K EU box when Kiara can barely get 5K on a good day after 4 years?
>Immediately [Deleted]
self-shilling should result in a ban
Chat, bring up the week one Kiara statistics
Doing this again?
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>those large gaps in views for EN
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>majority of the audience is poor af couldn't paid up
>kobo start sucking chink cocks in desperation
geez i wonder why peeps keep shitting on ID, throwing your responsibility to the chinks and hololive as a whole got nothing in return
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the amogus tards found CC...
And you faggots told me Holo chats were better than fucking Twitch
If so, good thing holomems are not affected by their incompetence
ame and ina are an embarrassment to myth
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You say that like the queen of kaigai shitposting hasn't been going on for months now
That shit will follow him until the end of his life. Well deserved, shitter should not be allowed to spout shit.
1k left
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You could never know, it was 1.5TB of data after all
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Those are some fat numbers
>Kobo - $96,063
>Kiara - $1,692,842
who's mogging who??
Buy an ad
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Why is Fauna so fat
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speaking of 1k
Kiara was almost never in this slot. She always started her stream like 3-5 hours earlier than when CC starts.
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Go getters is doing really well on her topic channel, for reasons I can't really explain
>literally shown and compared in the pic
>says its cope
LMAO retard
Graduate everyone below Mori.
Disband HoloID immediately
>streams in a better slot but gets absolutely mogged anyways
>is still seething
Just go to sleep SEAkek
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All she does is stay inside baking bread and eating ice cream nowadays
It's to be expected
Bitch go spark Miku
graduate anyone below 1m
me too
Oh no did I ruin your shitposting session?
shes not fat shes very fluffy
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it's over jpbros..
HoloID's dissolve is unironically more likely than ID4
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Can you retards be normal for one thread?
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Is Reine's family really that powerful in Indonesia? I am having a hard time believing that.
Not during euro hours
That's a hard ask anon
where do you think you are, anon?
>she streamed for 28 seconds and then killed the stream
rip her numbers
turns out this is incorrect thankfully
Welcome to euro hours, I hope you enjoy your stay
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i thought having EU chuubas would significantly reduce the amount of shitposting during yurohours
Nobody mentioned GG is Live
that's all chuds do
go to bed
>shitposting session
I'm watching. She's rolling gacha. Well, was, now she's gonna play a song
No one really watches GG here, they only try to saviorfag
I only notice streams that break 5k
They would be if they were any good, but out of the two EU streamers none of them are actually any good so the eufags have to pass time by shitting on sea
I have a hard time believing that you are seething about yourself.
It's Ennacuck and xer schizo discord
they're more selfish, greedy, clout-chasing hags than idols
They don't, that retard made that comment while Aqua was streaming, meaning he wasn't even watching her.
>CC barely bleeding to GG
who? is that some micro corpo shitter?
Because the topic channel is gathering stray views from people who know about Suicide Skwad and use google music or some shit.
It's raover
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what about the ones shitting on HoloID and SEA?
That's all 1 person btw
Wouldn't those people be directed to the anime MV instead?
You need to change up your language discordbro
so no nijiEN merge?
the rat is lying?
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Why would the yuro self report?
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Cover really fucked up by not limiting per day
Niji won't merge nijien for the same reason they won't fire luca, it's bad optics and flies in the face of what they promised for nijien
Belo jogo...
Catalog pig Rrats. Please understand.
GG is actually kind of funny, I like her. She did a bit with CC yesterday about 50 Shades of Grey that made me do a spit take, I think she's gonna do okay
Nobody likes SEA
GG is crazy good at rhythm goods she and gura need to collab. Also a collab with CC this week.
Anyone expecting a major business decision like that to happen on a day other than Friday is an idiot.
Anon none of these are hard
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how is it shitting on them when its all true?
we love gg here
CCs giggles are so cute
And that proves that it's euros behind all the shitposting in the thread
-> /sp/ SPY HERE
<- /sp/ SPY OUT!
erb in chat.............
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Dirk Nowitzki otomo
If GG is live but there is nobody there to watch it, did the stream really happen?
All of Holo's ID girls are absolute treasures and I would take a bullet for any one of them
i thought its one schizo playing both sides, now its more likely 3 or 4 yuros getting baited by one schizo to shit on holoID and the thread on general
Luv me Yoidore
Luv me VBS
ERB pls go
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He's crying now lmao
No one was even shitting on holoID
Male voice on GG's stream...
The queen of kaigai shitposter has been active the entire time though
Bye bye Portugal
That is like Gura getting under 10k ccv here for Ronaldo fans. The shitposting in sports circles is going to be intense for months.
Realistically, /#/fags, what do you think is the ideal price to buy a scalped ticket?
I know that anything over $400 is too much, obviously. But beyond that, what's the range of acceptable seat cost? $200 seems like a steal, for comparison, if you can secure it.
>queen of kaigai
yes, that's the one schizo
if true, only virgins care
Yes, no one was shitting on HoloID
Belo jogo is crying.....
Market will drive the cost, its up to you if you think it is worth it at that price. We don't know your disposable income and what you are willing to drop on it.
That what most irl idol does, they don't inspire other anymore
iShowSpeedtomos status?
They inspire my balls so that's good enough
messi would never
Kiara being top 3 in SC and views always throws me for a loop. Like intellectually I get it but still
Holy fucking kek Gigi
Kino happening on GG's stream
So gigi has like a 4-6K average? I really don't see what's so grim about that, it's better than shiori
You're insulted by that? If anything else that's a compliment
It's as easy as just streaming.
This is why Lui wanted to sign up with umg so much
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comedians > idols
It's more about the timing. Shiori had like 10-20k at debut week. The drop will come for Justice too. Hard to say where they will land.
She playing the recorder?
Graduate anyone below shiori like seriously
is she playing a flute with her pussy? How then?
Anon anyone with any brains know it's a shitpost meant to get people to shit on holoID
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I'm going fucking insane trying to watch euros, CC, and GG at the same time
Is she a child??
GG is not an euro
She was playing the recorder. She literally stopped playing to play it and then the second time she was doing it with one hand
You die at the end of persona? thats fucking stupid
Anon you're a fucking retard. That guy was putting it in quotes, referencing the shitposter that uses that title unironically.
The post itself is an image of chinks shitting on her.
So that post is literally defending HoloID. You're just ESL.
You need to go to sleep.
Shiori was at like 4-6k without raids though, so same level as GG.
ina pls
Good for you then kanaken still better tho
This isn't even the right one. Kiara was at like 6.5M views.
It's not stupid, it makes sense.
But I just woke up
stop saying balls
Her worst metric has always been CCV which is the one people like to jerk themselves off over the most.
Aqours is fucking shit.
Only for persona 3, and that's why 4 and 5 didn't have you die at the end of it
nico nico niiii
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so who's the better rhythm gamer? GG or GG?
1/7th of a Gigi.
Not bad.
tfw empty seats despite selling out.
GG is idolpilled bros...
The point isn't to get the most views. There is room for everybody. Holo doesn't make hiring mistakes and all the girls and boys at cover are good.
It was limited to like eight per person
fillian bro..
theoretically, GG, but she would lose in a competion because of gura's sheer pressure
Kanade, she has the race perk
Isn't this the game that Nijis spammed?
Tapslop is easier than arcade or even regular controller games.
>and boys
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows things down?
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>all the homos at cover are good
>and boys
did I stutter?
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they had an entire tournament
gura on brain power was pretty damn impressive
also i havent seen gigi yet
Your free shilling was revoked 1 week ago. Buy an ad.
>blue archive
CunnyCHADS win again
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>Gigi has Blue Archive on her phone
Holy based.
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>GG is pretty much hitting every single note and near perfecting every song
>still only getting C rank
>and boys
you tried at least
>otomo water torture
that niji guy with a really generic model loves this game
Anya,she is going it daily for years now
kys tranny
otomo and saplings seem to overlap a lot in their cuck tendencies...
>doesn't make hiring mistakes
>the flips
I want to take a bath with CC
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>empty seats despite selling out.
you're retarded if you think no one would buy those tickets. People literally bought CtW tickets last minute for 1k USD
go back
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It's weird. Fauna is my oshi and Gigi's voice is a bit grating, but I really like her over pretty much anyone else in Advent/Justice. There's something about her personality that's appealing, and I can't place my finger on what it is. It's a damn shame she streams an hour before Fauna does regularly though, means I'll never actually sit through a full stream.
Gacha, points are based on your characters' skills rather your skill
I will learn to draw just to only draw white stockings.
Not now, teakek
Literal paywalled ranks.
you mean gremurins and saplings you retard?
You're wrong, stanley
Slovenia is giving them a run for their money
>open holoan
>0 mentions
gg is /our/ girl
Hating on the stars is so tedious. They're never going to be as popular as the girls, they aren't trying to be as popular as the girls, and they have a perfectly sustainable niche. They're very good buys especially the clown one. Bagging on niji is vastly preferable to bagging on the Stars, since we should support all of cover. Think about how best girl Yagoo would feel if we shat on his boys. I'll take stars over anything on the filthy niji-yacht.
i counted 65 hits
she'd probably make for a fun friend you can just talk about your degenerate hobbies with
Discordvermin need to be less obvious
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project diva is harder. GG is basically playing in baby mode by playing colorful stage
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Which one? I like Oteamo.
Holo doesn't make hiring mistakes because they learned from their hiring mistakes. And Ollie is a goddamned saint, we don't shit on Ollie when she is in mourning for her friend, don't be a dick.
Chances we get a new branch this year? Cover could 100% go into TW or KR and start up a successful branch, or try sniping the LATAM area before jewcorp has the entire market cornered.
Is GG happy because she is getting hundreds times more viewers than she used to, or is she frustrated for being the runt of the gen?
i don't support cover, i support hololive
He talking holoan site,not here
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Don't be retarded. Here's the responses to that raffle. Every time someone puts up a [wts] it gets taken up instantly
my guy there are literally threads for the boys here, keep up
>dislike homoyo slop
wtf i like gigi now
>it was a last minute buy
Brother how last minute
They get cheaper the CLOSER you get, all the way until like the last hour where they spike up in price
Maybe new gens, i don't believe are going for an entire branch with their glacier strategy
They are all here anon
and? why not go there instead of being here
better to be a glacier than niji's accelerate strategy
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> Divert attention from internal conflicts with an external enemy.
She's not even hiding it kek
There is a massive area between those two approaches.
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>perfectly sustainable
biboo 9
わため泣いてます 0
ロナウド泣いてます 24 3

They are reclining
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why don't you suck my balls?
Gigi is a filthy fucking fujo
Portugal keeper saves first penalty, Rolando to kick the next … and he scores
Kys homobegger
/#/ brainrot
>They get cheaper the CLOSER you get
wrong. They get cheaper if there's no demand. They get more expensive the closer it is if there's a lot of demand
>kaveh alhaitham shipper
/gig/ is melting down
>we should support all of cover
No, i support my oshi and the ones who help her, the homos and their retarded fans are directly harming her whenever she gains their attention.
you haven't done your orchiectomy yet sister?
Portugal keeper saves the second too, remember a win for Portugal is a win for Nijisanji
A flithy fujoshi to surpass IRyS...
as long as the boys fuck off and stay fuck offed, i dont give two shits but the moment they try to intrude on the walled garden i will wage scorched earth war on them
but glacier is still better. a more proactive cover that had tried to expand to places like KR and EU would be better, but what we have is still leagues better than niji's approach
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Who the fuck are those characters? I only know characters up to Kusanali.
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CC cute
I doubt it; after the statement at the quarterly earnings report about focusing on per-IP revenue growth over increasing the number of bodies, I'm surprised we got Justice. They will probs chill for a while and work on new revenue streams to make the company less dependent on gachikoi
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>top 4
>all white girls
There's no money to be made from Latinx
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>we should support all of cover
Over my dead and rotting body. I will support my oshi and the other girls but I'll never be a corpodrone.
irys is passing irys? anon youre not making any sense
She will do well in hololive
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Portugal keeper saves the THIRD as well…
guys you told me gigi wasn't like a nijikek...
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Gura still #1.
Yes, I vastly prefer that we minimize internal conflict with external enemies. Holo together strong.
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>dudes fucking is GG's entire personality
>before jewcorp has the entire market cornered
What market? Post SC or jewothon numbers.
this guy makes awesome holo games https://quarterpot.itch.io/
BELO JOGO! Portugal advances 3-0 on the penalty tie breaker
I'm still surprised that Device wasn't a "let's accelerate" branch, but thankful for that.
It's not about the money, it's about making sure that Hololive is the biggest brand in the market.
Fuck fuwamoco and their cringe pledge. Liz is gonna do just fine without those clout-chasing selfish hags
holy mother of grim anime sucks now
GG understands the otaku raison d'être
>itch dot io ip grabber in /#/
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>He doubted the GOATnaldo
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Alright GG, I've had enough of this gay ass convo, I'm out.
That's higher than I thought it would be. Suicide Squad isn't exactly in a good spot right now, just look at how badly the game bombed earlier this year.
>it's about making sure that Hololive is the biggest brand in the market.
Yea, nothing advances a premium brand like Hololive as much as debuting low viewed low revenue underperforming vtubers
It depends on buying pressure.
If the price is too expensive and consumers are rational, the price goes down. Look at the scalper site and you'll see tickets that were listed at $1,000 the night of the sale now at $750 or even $500.
If we are lucky, it'll go down even further before people start to cave.
The fans attending ANYC are gonna pay up the ass when they see everyone else going to BD
>it's about making sure that Hololive is the biggest brand in the market.
That's the mentality that gave us the homos and their subhumans fans.
>not 4th
This Gigi yap its much better than last week. It was a huge mistake to play games that took up a lot of concentration last week. Shes this close to being able to pull more people in. If only she could sprinkle in some GFE. Too bad.
Costa saved them
The difference is that the Homos are not a market. They are a pipe dream that will never be successful.
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>you're not dying your fine. stop complaining
>it's okay I can hurt you I'm not your mom
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT … The referee is calling the VAR!
WTF, he’s giving the victory to Slovenia, something about Portugal number being a Z or something!?
That's more to do with the game being absolute dogshit than suicide squad though
be white
be lazy
its THAT simple
I think i cracked the formula
Gigi is a brotuber but for degenerate women
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Delusional love and ERP with Gigi!
They sure do like diluting their brand by going away from what made it succesful.
june chart doko
A sischuuba
Yeah, tell that to Yagoo who shat on his pants once he saw Luxiem's botted and chink-boosted numbers.
she's just a dokibird thats been changed in every way to be good in hololive
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>Only cute girl is the ruski
Hololive having all the biggest vtubers allows us to have some lower performing vtubers that are more niche. It's a luxury. Not everybody has to be insanely huge.
She's literally made for Niji
If the number of debuts in a month is the determinant for the anon from the charts to delay or be on time he surely won’t be posting it tonight
What a degenerate, jesas
Why are nijiniggers like this
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I ship Fauna with Kiara
This season fucking sucks ass
Belo jogo win
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told you, gg just needed to get comfortable with chat and be less stiff
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I don't even know what to think with her anymore
You know what is a luxury? Studio time.
It should be reserved for EN, JP and ID branch of females only.
She's literally us... but into yaoishit...
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Whats the problem?
Take a look at their earnings year over year. It's not a walled garden anymore. Cover is a global brand now. We can't be afraid to grow. Nobody is taking your CAGDCT away, but pitching a fit every time a male is mentioned is not helping anybody. It also 100% makes your oshi dislike you.
>50 karaoke streams and rebroadcasts a week
How long until her throat is blown out?
>1 rest day debut week
>2 rest days the week after
woah ERB dont kill yourself by overworking
The R in her name is for "Rebroadcast".
>allows us
Who the fuck is “us”, nigger? And that’s not how a premium brand works at all. Other than that retarded class A (which was this exact mistake, btw) you don’t see Mercedes Benz going
>yeah, we’re doing fine on the luxury market, but we still don’t have a 1.0 car in the market to compete with Opel Corsa, let’s launch one! We can afford it!
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Speaking of, do you think that a new CEO would cease with trying to give the Homos extra chances? It's obvious that even if they could've made it big at one point in time, the opportunity has passed, and the brand of Holostars is forever tainted.
She's literally... a Nijisister...
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Becoming /#/'s favorite must have boosted her confidence.
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Finally, ERBong recline arc...
I swear to god I'm pretty sure you retards were bitching about nerissa not doing karaoke, now we have a singer that does karoke streams all the time and you guys are bitching too
Unironically not a problem if you are a professional
Singers on cruise ships sing 3x45 minutes 6 days a week
noooooo............................ it's over
>CC not streaming tomorrow
No cc and Fauna tomorrow..
3 rest days actually
>I am not streaming tomorrow
This is more GRIM than anything I could have imagined.
I'm filtered by the fujo shit personally, I don't watch vtubers to listen to girls talk about how much they want men to fuck each other.
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Good stream from CC
>excessive rebroadcasts
>3(three) more karaokes
is this a joke. what is this experimental shit? does anyone know this person as a streamer or just her belting shit?
Wow, Erb streams so much.
Lmao i didnt see the first rebroadcast
I miss CC and Fauna
I gotta say, trannies, grifters, and they/thems picking chud as an insult is awesome. It's incredibly cringe, any normal person that hears it thinks you sound like a retard, and you can just tell the people that use it are all smug like they just said something scathing. It's pretty funny.
>CC raid to GG
She's a fucking saint
>no fauna
>no cece
how am i supposed to survive on this accursed day
this board is the .1% loudest, most mentally ill dregs of the fandom. Who do you expect anything else?
Okay seriously are you guys just taking the piss or is there actually something wrong with this
>How long until her throat is blown out?
Never. She's the REAL throat goat.
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I'm a Tuesday anti
UH...this is not even a joke.
There's a balance. Spamming them like ERB is doing is just going to kill how much of a buff they can be. Avoiding them like Nerissa has at times is just missed opportunities.
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I don't really like Liz.
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i'm sorry gg.. but 10k DORRYAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>5 streams
>2 karaokes
>2 rebroadcasts
>Effectively 3 no stream days
If she wasn't a homo cocksucker she might be praised for it, but we'll never know.
I don't know why that would bother anybody. It's pretty funny desu. Nerd girls talk about that shit irl too and they're still fun to hang out with.
I don't mind really.
Can we remove rebroadcasts from metrics? I don't understand why premieres don't count but these do other than "uh the tally guy didn't count premieres at first".
wow this is really bad
I can look past it usually but GG really needs to tone it down
Dont care about ERB but Nerissa billed herself as "the demon of sound".
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You would assume that a vtuber, in her debut week and the next, would live stream AND bond with her nascent audience.
>No male collab on her first schedule with ban lifted
But numbers told me....?
Wow it's like there are different people here!!!
She isn't from Niji and she doesn't IRL ship like sisters do though?
I don't think karaoke spam is a bad idea but isn't the debut period for people to get to know you? The more tourists fuck off having learned nothing about you the less fans you'll ever have.
Also goddamn they're delaying the monetization an entire extra week at best?
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>Can't beat CC after getting railed
If you take out the rebroadcasts she still streams plenty. She's just trying to grow an audience outside her streaming times, it's actually pretty smart and more of them should do it.
A live stream counts for the livestream tally. Kiara did a rebroadcast as a premier and it didn't count
Anon you're past friendzoned and are into "gay friend" zone
Premieres don't count because legacy reasons
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Gigi is so good, I can't believe she wasn't popular before Hololive. Indiefags have no taste.
She played a lot of league on bilibili back then, and she was decently good at it. That enought to be super popular for the chinks.
All I expected from the demon of sound was a weekly karaoke every friday or something
I very much doubt anyone in this thread would praise someone doing four rebroadcasts in her debut buff weeks in lieu of actually streaming
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anon ?
But it isn't a livestream, it's a VOD one replays.
>GG continiung autofister discussion
They are getting to know her, karaoke and voice acting is the only things she knows what to do, she can't game for shit, she's only playing Undertale for voice acting purposes.
Shes just doing what IRyS does without being a coward about it hiding behind male "friendship".
Based retardGOD
They can't ever JUST be a homocollaber, can they?
Mori is a drama magnet
Ame is a spiteful burnout
Kronii is a lazy bitch
Bae is... Admittedly, the worst I can say about her is that she's boring
ERB doesn't have the first clue about what she's doing
>guys just taking the piss or is there actually something wrong with this
anon, she just debuted less than two weeks ago. And you're asking if there's anything wrong with rebroadcasts? LMAO
Her first few karaokes going tits up 100% got in her head, even if she's improved a lot at them since then. She probably joined wanting to do a lot of karaokes, but now would rather be more of a Mori in releasing more songs and covers than a consistent karaoker.
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>open gg
this is bullshit
you're in the right thread CHAD
i do, it shows their femininity
bot. nijisanji has nothing to do with anime
Gigi needs to yap louder over the music, I want to hear her better.
I'm married but okay lol
This is what I thought the vsinger was going to before IRyS debuted, thank God She wasn't like that
why does the NijiEN audience hates cunny?
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If Mumei hadn't raided a bunch of sleeping hoomen into her last rebroadcast it wouldn't have hit 10K in JPTZ.
So much of her fanart just looks like off-color-balance Kiara.
She has throat damage, she never wanted to do weekly karaokes until she learned how to sing properly without hurting herself. It's why she started vocal lessons right after debut.
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CC is so positive
GG doesn't deserve her
Yagoo is pushing hololive to be more idol oriented while breaking down the walls with holostars. Now that I think about it she's like his perfect model for his ideas.
It is literally a Livestream. The content or who is in it does not matter at all
Well, I don't really watch IRyS either. Not because I hate her, but because she's on too late for me to ever last to the after game chatting where I assume she goes full fujo.
sched aside, i actually like the rebroacasts
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IRyS is just a shipfag, she'll ship anything as long as it isn't yuri. I wouldn't even strictly classify her a fujo since she likes a bunch of straight ships too.
she's pretty good at drawing, too
that too, knew I forgot something.
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Laziest debut I've ever seen in holoen.

Are you so eager for your shitty self insert? Is one more week, retard.
Rebroadcasting at all is fine, but apparently they're completely replacing 2 days of content, there's a third break day in there, and the only not-karaoke solo content in that whole schedule is Undertale. People rightfully call Vesper a dumbass, but he was still right when he said you live and die by your solo content (himself inclusive in the dying part) and apparently Elizabeth is proving the haters right with her Karaoke > break/rebroadcast > fuckall pipeline.
she enabled raids? it cant be...
Fulgur raid
I guess Z right before a raid? Or a really small raid before a bigger one... Either way she has no retention lmao
I'm sorry bros...I can't explain it rationally, I can't say its a solid reason no to watch...but GG's got that "niji" voice that makes me skippa skippa
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Cute matching thumbnail
You've eaten too much nijinigger psyops
She sounds exactly like doki
Nah, she's apparently got a history of throat injury caused by singing in the past, and she's really afraid of it happening again. Also probably why she holds back in karaoke.
She sounds exactly like Enna, I can't blame you
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>you will listen to all my degeneracy and you will like it
>what is my orange kouhai yapping........
>61 seconds
One minute apart
It reminds me of Niji spamming handcam until they wore out the buff for all vtubers everywhere.
>ennafags last cope
She has no idea what she's doing and either no one is helping her, or she's stubbornly rejecting all suggestions by her manager. Seeing her personality, wouldn't surprise me if it's the latter. "Karaoke is my strong point, I'll do it a lot and then do rebroadcasts so I can rest my voice between them"
gg good advice in gatekeeping
>Vrabi erased her peak
Fuck you GG I will gatekeep
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>excessive rebroadcasts
Mori is a passionate worker.
Ame is a creative comedian.
Kronii is a hilarious snarker.
Bae is the total package.
ERB is a overachieving cheerleader.
And you are a sad douche.
it'll fix itself
She sounds like Nina mixed with Meloco.
>be me
>never watched nijiniggers
>never watched thitchwhores
>never watched liggers
gg sounds good to me :^)
maybe you should stop watching sisters?
Gigi is so innocent and pure, we must gatekeep to protecc her.
She's just Marine's fujo part but on blast constantly. Marine doesn't show it all the time but give her a suppository and she'll start fantasizing about fujoshit
She sounds exactly like Vox
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By Gigi's commands I'm forcing (you) to watch her
Kinda reminds me of early Kronii, every week had like 4-5 streams, at least she's filling up the empty days with rebroadcasts but she should stream more. It kinda makes sense because she's the only one of the gen that wasn't a regular streamer before but like, you got hired to stream, put a bit more effort into it, woman.
If you actually did believe she sounded like Enna, doesn't that mean her chance of joining Hololive at a negative now?
no I think she needs the gates wide open with her viewership
goddamn that's so flat, just like her chest
Isn’t it amusing as fuck, the “holo fans” knowing the detailed characteristics of unremarkable nijiEN girl la voices?
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gatekeeping bad
>total package
these words have actual meaning btw, don't misuse them
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Oh anon, you were doing so well before this part
Nijisisters don't have Blue Archive on their phone.
She already joined.
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as an unicorn I wont shut up about my wives as long they dont fuck up so technically I'm being a good fan in ggs concept
even though me having fun attracts estrogened males into shitting what I like
Gatekeep HARDER, never stop gatekeeping
>she's stubbornly rejecting all suggestions by her manager
she is a white british woman, this times a thousand
>Kinda reminds me of early Kronii, every week had like 4-5 streams, at least
Early Kronii had three to four solo interactive streams a week
>preach the virtues of gatekeeping
>fail at it
>for 4 years
I'm expecting that ERB will have more regular streams after the collab ban lifts. Remember when people used to make fun of Kronii for a while for doing so many collabs? Of course, a lot of ERB's collabs will probably be homos...
Then wouldn't mentioning that be considered "doxxing" and be reportable?
By any metric of a second week streamer she is over-achieving
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heh, good times
chubas penetrated me anon, what can i do
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Mori is a flawed workaholic that tries her best, and usually makes it.
Ame is swamped with burnout but keeps being enjoyable despite it.
Kronii is a woman who's tired 24/7 and streams to dull the pain.
Bae is a great idol who's great at both singing and choreo, but makes stupid decisions sometimes.
ERB is clueless but has a decent core to her at the end of the day.
the e-celebs mostly fucked off, didn't they?
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Gigi is so naive and oblivious
we must corrupt her
unicorns should die in a ditch
Why make your jokes so bland? I can't even kek at them.
>Only 5k people were watching Gigi before the CC raid.
Why don't unikeks watch the stream? Are the numbernigs lying to me?
The people here are retarded who simultaneously want hololive to grow larger but at the same time bitch and moan when they reach new audiences
if she just does a few they'll get good numbers for the novelty. if we're in month 3 and she's playing Valorant with Flaygon at 2 PM EST, it's gonna be fucking grim. Like 3k with no overlap grim.
what do you mean by bullshit?
It's called "selective gatekeeping," anon
The Soulsfags did it and now their franchise is the most popular hardcore game on the planet
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Skill issue
Smootbrain anon...
I suppose that's a less idealized take but I don't disagree
It hasn't been perfect but there have been many succeses. Like OTV or w/e they're called crying bitch tears at how impossible it is to collab with hololive, or about them being in Amogus before them
to be good at the rhythm game and yapping at the same time is both very rare and a damn good skill to have.
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GG isn't bleeding as hard anymore
I think she's slowly growing on people
Seethe homotranny
Wow the vspo en whore isn't cute at all
wdym? is a homostar ahead of her?
Through simply lack of interaction on the part of the Holos, not anything you've done. It's like the dog barking at cars all day long thinking he's scaring the cars.
Anyway this is why nijisanji lost
Don't forget Ludwig knowing that getting holos to join his Vtuber event is basically impossible
But is she good at video games
Thats what is important
This doesn't feel sustainable.
She's going to exit the debut period with no one really knowing what her solo content is like outside of karaokes at this rate
It's a more realistic take.
I want my purse to grow richer but not suck cock. There are no contradictions except in your mind, where sucking cock is the only path you can visualize.
5 streams in a week is way more than we get from Myth and a lot of Promise as well. I don't see the issue. 5 streams is honestly pretty standard. You just seem to be complaining for no real reason.
No overlap
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Did she send one?
>You haven't even gatekept anything
Why is the brownskin seething?
Remia is very good.
Arya is good at taking backshots.
Except your definition of sucking cock is whenever people you don't like watch holoive
Well Ludwig was always a normal human being from what I remember
The side of streaming where people aren't cock sucking retards, but just dudes being dudes and shit, like him or Doug Doug or Vinesauce.
Is this ERB's alt?
>Pure JP experience
never change nijikeks
Yes, it was just invisible
Yeah, from me (Leaf chaser)
CC is being lewd on twitter
Woah they have the Suisei song
I'm pretty sure it's because the e-celebs didn't want their skin to become book covers.
>pure jp experience
And this is why vspo is doomed
Yes.Why state the obvious? Are you special needs or something? Do you want a chocolate star for your performance?
So, no?
Kim Jong-un was right.
Oh hey, it's that one song with Anya/Petra dual cover
So you simultaneously want hololive to grow larger while not wanting new people to watch hololive?
>but GG's got that "niji" voice that makes me skippa skippa
agreed. Majority of the HoloEN girls have that breathy soft cute voice, Gura, Fauna, Mumei, Ame, Ina, Fuwamoco, CC, Shiori, and Raora. Then those who have sex voice like Nerissa, Kronii, and ERB. Mori and Bae got that tomboy in them. Biboo and GG sounds like Enna and Millie for me, is it because of too much screeching?
Justice feels like a NijiEN wave desu
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The Otomo is a great fandesign. It's up there with takos
Forgive me father, for I have sinned and am continuing to sin
I am attempting to get both Saturday and Sunday tickets to BD, despite having tickets for Saturday already, in the hopes that gaining even one extra ticket will allow me to use it as a bartering tool to gain either a Sunday ticket for myself, or failing that, cosplay sex
I didn't care for GG's debut but I grown to like her. all the other holo girls feel like proper ladies while's she's just a gremlin that doesn't give a shit if you haven't showered or changed clothes in a week.
I cannot fucking fathom how you put Fuwamoco, Raora, and fucking Shiori on the same fucking level as the rest of those you listed.
Hes a yuro
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Probably because she hasn't showered or changed in a week despite having coomed to BL various times throughout the week
Novelites are the Shadow the Hedgehogs of mascots.
Technically yes
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Something's growing as I watch Gigi.
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No nigger, that's a whole other sentence
Woah they have the Laplus song
Ask Shondo
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Then explain where are they supposed to get new audiences from when every time they do so you seethe about them
Brother heard someone sat
>I like pancakes
And went
>Oh so you hate waffles, faggot?
That's because you're retarded
Oh, the capcon shit started. Thanks for reminding me
Shondo nepohire for EN6
Guys, Gigi is holding 10k ccv.

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