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>smart but acts dumb
>openly /here/
>hates apple products
>uses android
>wants to forge a sword
why are you trying to sell me on her?
You're bored of Gigi already catalogshitter
Getting her own dedicated catalog schizos?
Based, that's how you know she's good.
>openly /here/
??? the fuck are you on about
don't use my dollwife for your shitty bait threads
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>uses android
That's pretty much true for all of the non-shit countries in Europe.
sounds pretty based
ur brown lol
>openly /here/
EN Luna
There is nothing women hate more than a woman that has based opinions
Ew. Green chats are disgusting. Outs you as a poorfag.
Every chuba are openly /here/ by default, without exception
Way for OP to out itself as an Apple bootlicker.
The entire stream that literally just finished. It was pickme on another level. She listed some feminine hobbies she 'attempted' and pathetically failed at because she's such a cool bro like /us/. Fucking obnoxious woman. I'm hoping the act will cool off once she's more comfortable.
t. poorfag
The testosterone is so low in this one
What DAW does she use?
>>openly /here/
Did you get her mixed up with pink cat?
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Why are anti-pickmes so bitter about everything?
You must also believe the vaccines contain 6G nanobots and you can clearly hear other people's mind
In other words take your meds
Read through the expired threads from her recent stream. Again and again she was referring to things they posted. She's /here/ and it's pathetic.
wow she sounds perfect
what streams should i watch to get into her?
>uses adobe products
Ok sis
does she realize that they own her drawings now?
ok wow i know people sometimes meme about sisters but you are 2000% female brained
Driniking the Apple kool-aid this hard. Only ameritards think like this.
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>doll hands firmly squeeze your balls
Next time just say that you are proud of adhering to the norm instead of having things you genuinely like.
Wait they dont? What the fuck was even the point of getting my boosters if I can't cryptomine with my white blood cells, fuck you.
post tits
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>hates apple products
>uses android
I wish all women were this smart instead of all going for the shiniest turd on the market.
I love her now
Most of that you can blame on being german
>She's /here/ and it's pathetic.
Calm your tits, sister
>spamming 'pickme'
You need to expand your vocab a bit, Liz
this post radiates estrogen
>Pick me
Yeah I pick her. Seethe sister.
Genuine question, people (mostly women) always talk about pickgirls like they are bad, while listing all things that are good.
How does that work? What is the part that I'm supposed to find bad?
>like /us/
You're no part of /us/, sis. Post sanitary pad.
its faking intresst to attract the other sex
They must think that shaming other women for being "pick me" will make them to go to their side.
I hear them say it irl too women are seething when other to mens hobbies and are part of the guy groups.
they view it as cheating.
So it's better to antagonize men ?
Contrary to what most women think, men can't read minds
You dumb fucking whore. It's her job to get picked.
I can smell your cunt through the screen
sapling janny is keeping an eye on this thread it seems
Is the opposite of "just be yourself"
They often feign their interests.
But men do it all the time, why is it suddenly not ok if a woman does it?
except she's been more genuine than everyone else in hololive
The fuck are you talking about? Fauna is literally a pickme too
>Likes games no women would ever play
>Ohhh saplings please backseat me I'm so helpless oh nooooo
How so? She's exactly as fake as the rest of them. You guys really fell for it again huh.
Go back to your thread, autistic phasekek. They're nothing alike.
They think that "pick me" women fake their interests because, in their mind, no woman can have "male" hobbies", and that they do so to use men for their own benefit, like getting easy money and so on. Which is sad because it speaks more of them being incapable of liking things that aren't "femenine enough" than of the "pick me" women themselves.
She even puts on a stupid fake pickme voice. Go ahead and explain how she's not a pickme.
>she's been doing the same thing for years
>continues to do the same thing despite joining hololive and didn't change
a pickme would've changed after letting all that get to her
Who is the realist chuuba to you, anon?
If Fauna was a pickme she definitely wouldn't continue making a point of being vegan. I'm not a fan of Fauna but she was never as obnoxious as CC when she started and she isn't scared to show her wit or intelligence. She has her retarded moments but it's never a bit or an act.
Unironically there's truth to this kek.
Anon's search for a True and Honest Vtuber continues.
Your axe wound fucking reeks. Neck yourself.
post pits please
Women from Germany tend to have more male-aligned interests and hobbies. Collective autism rubs off on everyone
the word has truly lost its meaning because of you retard fucks.
do you realize hobbies have no gender? you should really improve yourself. You are on the wrong side of history, sister
>Men here defending pickmes again
I don't give a fuck which whores you watch but it's funny seeing everyone learn absolutely nothing from that ghost loli from Idol.
Sister, people can have different tastes. Stop being a stereotypical woman and maybe you too could find happines on a new hobby.
Sis................................. Atleast pretend to have been watching streams
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she's managed to grab Kiara's shitty voice and make it sound sexy by raising her pitch a bit higher, I kneel.
Women really like to preach the girl's power preach then proceed to shit on another female that got more attention from other males in a heartbeat huh.
>Defending pickmes
As opposed to defending what? Broads who openly hate men? Neck yourself.
Keep defending her all you want. Months from now she won't be /vt/'s little darling anymore and a lot of you will be echoing the things I'm saying about her once you catch on. I can see right through CC and she's the fakest member of Justice.
Tomers weekend cocksleeve just wanted to continue coom contents. Idol wouldn't let her. Coni too. He atleast had vision to make a cunny avtuber corpo. By now I bet some of the girls would have fantia tiers etc. Shame.
I've seen those for sale on an online chinese marketplace. The cheerful yellow boxes have animu robo cyberpunk girls on them. Winder what the Africans think about that?
>NO! You can't have shared interests with men and also not be born with a penis! It isn't fair!
>openly /here/
Go watch a fleshie if you want someone real.
>Include the word "pickme" in your post/thread OP
>half the board rushes in to bite your bait
Holy shit it can't be this easy.
Using android is pick me behaviour, next you're going to tell me that your brain developing after 13 is pick me behaviour also
They are mad that some women are lowering the market value because women want men to chase them, by having someone with clear advantage (aka metagaming of sorts) they get annoyed because if too many women play this game they would be forced to actually put some work to get men interested, it would be a complete reverse of default which is men doing the heavy-lifting and chasing women.
She’s just German anon. she won’t be so Pickme to you when she mentions taking a hot dookie on your head.
Unless you’re into that I guess
Top tier bait thread
Out of all the girls I feel she is the one with a higher propensity to have a woman moment. The way she gets angry at chat tells me this much.
> implying bait
Good one sis
I'll pick her everytime
She's definitely a tryhard but I chalk that up to just typical German tism, so it's fine
>Hates apple products
>Is a programmer
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Her using android isn't the issue, it's knowingly making a point of it to a bunch of /vt/ fags and also 'BASED' baiting about not liking apple products. She knew that would go down well. You can literally see her waiting for chat's delayed reaction after she says it. She knows what she's doing and that's what makes it worse.
when she pops off, it better be in full german rage.
we get it cc, you wanna fondle the otomos
schizophrenic post
Finding iPhone users retarded is not a 4chan thing
Exposing yourself as a Chuddette that can't pull in any men isn't the win you think it is.
A great amount of yuros do not like Appletrash, anon. Just because it's pickme shit in your open sewer of a country doesn't mean it's so everywhere else.
She does not get angry at chat though. Maybe you just have autism and think one of her bits are real.
I will never understand this dumbass idea women have.
>doing things that will openly attract a man is bad because...
>"it's... it's not genuine!!!"
how do you know it's not genuine, and why would that be worse than a girl who completely avoids things guys like?
ok, i pick her
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Hi there, Anonymous!

It seems that you've made several statements, yet they aren't well-connected.

Your statements:
>pick me! pick me! pick me!
aren't capitalized properly.

You should instead rewrite them as:
>Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
The emphasize capitalization improves the look of your statements.

In addition to the lack of capitalization, your usage of quotations relegates grammar, syntax, and spelling to a non-important role.

Your quotations of:
>"smart but acts dumb"
>"openly /here/"
>"hates apple products"
>"uses android"
>"wants to forge a sword"
are rather non-cohesive with one abbreviation of "DAW" being extremely ambiguous. In addition to that, there is a concerning lack of capitalization which results in a lowered impact of your post.

If you wish to rewrite your bait, you can use the following format instead:
>Is intelligent but acts like a fool
>Openly /here/
>Despises Apple products
>Uses Android OS
>Is a programmer
>Wants to forge a sword
>DAW [Needs clarification]

Please improve upon your posts as the lack of substance and articulation results in a poor product.
They gonna argue women can do all kind of things men do to but then a girl showed a more masculine interest they gonna shit on her for being a fake. Like what do they even want at this point?
based clippy
The concept of pick me for males is so retarded because of how much men have to fake being interested in something just to fuck someone
NTA, but I explained my guess of how their line of thinking works in >>79701075
Basically, for them a woman can't genuinely like things that aren't "femenine enough", and those that say they do are faking it to take advantage out of easy men.
this is why clippy is my oshi
fuck MS for graduating her
anti-pickmes are all feminazis and they're bitter about everything.
>Verification not required.
failed liggers and not dissing other women challenge level: impossible.
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If it's so normal for her then why did she bring it up? Why act all awkward and dorky like she was going to say something super controversial and whisper into the mic that she hates apple? Literally watch it. That's exactly what she did.

Choco's main phone was also a really old android she kept running for years and guess how long it took for her to finally mention it to her fans? 5 fucking years. CC made sure her /vt/ fans knew within the first WEEK that she's such a bro like (You) that hates apple, uses android, is a feminine girl failure programmer that's such a cute dork!
those balls. mine. CC i love the way your internal gears vibrate and hum act like a vibrator.
calm the fuck down finana.
>you guys didn't fall for me so i will shit post the catalog seething mad.
why are you so mad? did she hurt you by being more popular or something?
music producers usually like iTrash and she was talking about DAWs
are you mentally challenged?
I forgot that /vt/ was a phone company board and not a vtuber board. Retard.
TL;DR: Chuddette is a lesbian for Choco.
>pick me!
Why don't femoids understand yet that the second they call another girl a "pick me" they are basically signalling to all men to like the one being "insulted" and to hate the whore making the "insult"??
Educate yourself
don't threaten me with a good time
See >>79704050
I have, and I know her from her PL. You don't get to pull this shit on me, finana.
>Verification not required.
Ok I picked her now what?
OP's brain is short-circuiting because Cecilia has male interests while she feels feminine and has a feminine voice, unlike burgers that have so much testosterone that they're basically deficient males. In short he doesn't understand how different cultures nurture different kind of people, he's still seeing Cecilia through burger lens.
become gachikoi for her
Mmm...I wonder why you're so mad anon. Couldn't it be cause you're a...
you should be nicer to men.
>music producers usually like iTrash and she was talking about DAWs
Absolute retard. There are so many surveys carried out by DAW/plugin developers/distributors that are easy to find that show a huge majority of producers and engineers are still on Windows. The arm macs closed the gap a little but nothing worth noting.
He thinks he knows her, haha PARASOCIAL FUCK
Holy shit hi clippy
based Clippy
Thats not what macshills told me
I'm starting to think the woman might actually just be Ceci wanting to see the Otomos defend her.
we get it finana, you lost all your views and feel bad now because you fucked up. Maybe change your ways and you too can become a good enough pick me to gain them back.
They are applying the logic of "the nail that sticks gets hammered down" that ironically goes against of the "be yourself" message that is generally preached by them nowadays.
I will pick her.
Fuck, I knew she was based but now I have to watch the VODs I missed too
Cease your thinking immediately
You will remain a two view till you rot.
This legitimately is a seething woman kek
I'm gonna stop because I feel you are getting too excited like those people that talk to AI KEK
she's one of the two "safe" justice members, and apparently GiGi is too much of a runt to boost, so they picked the boring german.
>CC made sure her /vt/ fans knew within the first WEEK that she's such a bro like (You) that hates apple, uses android, is a feminine girl failure programmer that's such a cute dork!
So she's fucking awesome is what you're saying? Am I supposed to be mad about this? Why are you so fucking female? That kind of shit doesn't work on men, dumb bitch.
Oh hey newfag, how is the new hobby?
Nah, Gigi already had like 6 or 7 bait threads today. You must've missed them.
You could say that, with that amount of seethe, she's a chuddette, even.
Baffling schizo post
they must have died pretty fast, I'm terminally /here/
>>wants to forge a sword
She will forge Gram and you will like it.
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it's easy to "miss" bait threads, all you have to do is filter threads without a subject line and most of them are gone, just like that.
this doll makes me so horny
Yeah you don't give a fuck but then make a post crying about the very thing you don't care for. Actual moron just go watch stars instead.
>lost its meaning
All it ever really meant was "not a bitter radfem cunt".
Every new gen this board gets substantially worse from both sides of the spectrum holy fuck
Literally this. From the moment "pick me" was born, it just existed for feminazi whores to tell on themselves and point out which women are actually worth picking.
That's not gens, that's just the fact that as time goes on the global culture war is intensifying. It's like this everywhere, every board, every social media site, it's not a hololive thing.
Niji wanted All Out War thoughbeit
Stop doing this zoomer shit
you're so biboo tax
you're so bau bau
i just want to be your shiori
I pick her.
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Women thread. >>79698154
>Cecilia is fake
Yes? She's an automaton you retard.
It's kind like the guy in your friend group who turns into an absolute retard when a girl shows up to hang out with everyone. He tends to become a try hard which ruins the vibe and makes it less likely that said girl will ever hang out with y'all again especially if he's gonna be present.
>hates apple products
>uses android
Fucking based. Android is the superior mobile OS. Only retards and teenagers which is the same thing fawn over Apple's over priced garbo.
Yes, I will pick her.
Guys don't get put off by women doing this though.
Except this is the opposite. Everyone except the guy trying to hard can tell the girl is uncomfortable in your scenario. To make it similar to what you call a "pick me", you would have to have the girl actively paying attention only to him and enjoying his efforts, despite how bad he is, in which case any other guy trying to interfere with him would be considered a jealous clockblocker.
It's called having an interest in someone and their hobbies, you daft socially isolated fucks. Jesus fuck, I thought I was asocial... You faggots never tried a hobby someone else liked just to see what it's all about?
go to sleep
I think it depends on the guy. For some, being too eager is a red flag. True pick me's are a little tapped in the head due to low self worth and they need damn near constant external validation. The word does get flung around a lot for sure though as just having hobbies that are traditionally seen as masculine as a woman doesn't constitute a pick-me. It's all in her unhinged behaviour.
I can't. It's too fucking hot.
I call them 'stay aways'
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Appletoddlers btfo
This thread is further proof that the only people that hate women more than men are other women
americans have that weird idea that everything should happen at the first try and actually trying is being a tryhard. That's why they find effort disgusting and not genuine
Enjoy your cats and loneliness.
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>>pick me
pick me is an insult that women with no personality throw at women with a personality
Gig fucking sucks LMAO
Now this, I LOVE this!
Textbook case of Reference Delusion. Congrats, go seek help from a shrink.
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I pick her
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my green doll wife is so perfect
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>smart but acts dumb
>openly /here/
>uses apple products
>hates android
>pick me
Nobody says this except jealous women. Contrary to what they believe, not being cunty is actually a good thing.
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Stop shit talking my wife OP
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ennacuck, you jerk off over married /pkg/ sluts, dont shit on the doll you absolute brown mess
There's nothing contradictory about this
>calls herself CC
>is actually /g/g/
>>smart but acts dumb
>>openly /here/
>hates apple products
>uses android
that's called being European.
>wants to forge a sword
nothing wrong with that.
>>>openly /here/
*picks her*

most female post i've seen since i got a goodnight text from me beloved ma
what is it with this whole site wanting to be puritan? am i missing something here?
I picked her
You should go back to r*ddit if you don't know how to argue.
To see a real "openly /here/" vtuber watch Pipkin Pippa.
she sounds based and you sound insecure
That comment has none of that, not even a little bit.
Why are there so many redditors lately?
Clearly, you’re missing a lot. Ever been to /po/? They’re hardcore as FUCK
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do your reps
CC really made it huh, sisters are starting seethe and make anti threads about her
>do your reps
>openly /here/
Thanks for proving that I was right, moron redditor.
i just wish she'd use a real game engine, not that troon slop
Only way she can prove it is if she plays Jackbox with other EN members and does something like what Biboo does with her answers.
She literally already achieved it in her debut, the only thing she had to do was maintain her level of quality.
What does Biboo do?
>he doesn't know
not my problem, asshole
Gigi's boring but she's got a point
Yes, that's exactly the reason because I'm right.
You're so stupid that you don't know what "openly /here/" means.
>Gigi's boring
shit taste
> but she's got a point
That was a joke, moron.
A lot of women can't imagine other women not being part of the Hollywood hive mind so if they don't worship Apple they must be lying. Who knows if that was pickme behavior but it's funny since they never question why they have such loyalty to a brand name.
Is she an actual programmer, or a JS "programmer"?
OP is either a woman or a faggot. Only women use the term pick me.
Ok, I pick her
Now what, sister?
How is she a pick me if she's german?
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The women who are actually online in the same spaces as us are never as hot or nice or cool as we imagine.
>actually online
But there are no women on the internet.
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All cute frustrated femcels who rage at pickmes online look like this. Let me cope.
top fucking kek
I wish they did, then I’d be able to stomach their existences.
so what literally every single chuuba does?
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Nah, it's because she was the REAL reason their concert got cancelled.
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HAHA OH WOW. Man, you're in for giga disappointment if that's what you think. Women who spend their days shitting on affable chubas like CC, you know the nyfco types, tend to be extremely repugnant. Think your average anon, but more smelly and unkempt, with unwashed vaginas. I shit you not.
I can save them
Why are german women so self-centerned?
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Anon, I don't personally know you, but unless you're one of those insufferable nijinogs, I wouldn't wish any of those harpies on you. If you don't believe me, attend cons focused on niji and try talking to them. You'll haul ass before they can say "miloaaaaaad".
Only commie Americans think this way.
So...half the country, then?
because all Germans are.
Africans have shit life conditions, I'd imagine anything cheery and upbeat and positive is seen as good.
Why are iPhone fags like that?
>if you don't like Apple products it means you are a poser, because everybody likes apple!!!
>if you don't it means you are contrarian
I hope she switches to LMMS someday.
Sex with seething femanon??
I'm telling you, anon, it's not worth it.
Imagine as they struggle against your superior strength. All they have to do now is take it. Walatch as the mascara rolling down their eye begging for mercy and forgiveness. Wew
When will sisters learn that pick me is not an insult or something men consider a bad thing. The only ones upset about "pick mes" are bitter hags who think they deserve to be treated like goddesses just for having a vagina.
>seething femanon
NTA, but I’d settle for seeing the hatred in her eyes.
>no dolljoints
I can't even get hard
I've actually met one who was actually terminally online, fit, smart, obsessed with computers and electronics and hella cute. She was such a one-in-a-million I literally overpowered my lifelong shyness and insecurities to ask her out. She was already engaged with another woman.
im not op nor a woman, heck im not even handsome, but it always make me laugh when i read comments like this from anons mocking other people about their looks, specially with all te pictures of cons and m&g, and man most of you are super fat and not even white
nice,but why?
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I can't hear you over my inability to give a flying fuck. She's cute.
im so high
violin is cute i need to defend her hinor r
>she gets angry at chat
Bitch when? Drop a fucking time stamp.
It's valid sometimes e.g. Just Pearly Things is a pickme. But 99% of the time it's women seething other women are more desirable and instead of being better the women just try to drag them down. Like encoraging whores and obesity, women can't go back to not being whores and they know fit women look better, so they encourage other women to ruin themselves.
I need her to make a giantess skit for old times sake
Calm down Librarian
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>prototype murderdoll created by Yakub himself 7000 years ago to kill and enslave black people
>vastly superior in it than white people
>Yakub abandoned project only because mass producing was more expensive than creating white people
ok, hear me out. i think what sisters really mean by "pickme" is akin to when they think the girl in question is pretending to be someone she is not. females have heightened senses when it comes to detecting other girls lying. you see this trope all the time, when an unpopular girl sees through popular girl's facade for who the latter really is, and from unpopular girl's perspective it's mind-boggling that other people can't see it and get fooled by it, it drives the unpopular girl nuts. pickmeism is the same, except instead of "jocks falling for fake bitches and not me" trope you get "geeks falling for fake pickmes and not me" one. i think the key issue seething femanons have with "pickmes" is not that the girl happens to have same interests/hobbies as men, but that she is necessarily "faking" them, and they cannot comprehend the fact that some people cannot see this "fake behaviour" because again, women are better at spotting these things, just by the nature of being women, nothing to do with seething or jealosy or anything. some are even unaware that men are not so good at it which prompt them to write paragraphs that boil down to "can you not fucking see how fake she is?.."
does it mean all women they call pickmes are acting defferently to get attention? yes, but which woman doesn't RUMAO
don't trust any women, bros, pickmes or not, they are all lying cheating snakes that crave attention and validation, even the grimest of grim femcels will go down this path given ths chance but at least the "pickmes" are entertaining, and that's why men who are aware of all women being lying bitches and men who are both enjoy their company. you get it now, femanon? now go do something productive with your time, like get a hobby or two.
Dont care desu
Comeback when she announces that shes going to fight for Hamas
>pretending to be someone she is not
you realize this is vtubing right?
Trust no one, not even your shelf
>>79731023 (me)
>...bitches and men who are *not* both enjoy...
>but that she is necessarily "faking" them
Just because they're not common interests or hobbies for women, much less for women in different cultures, doesn't make it fake. She's been doing this for several years before even joining Holo. If someone still thinks she's faking it just to get a one-up over the other girls, they're genuinely just fucking paranoid.
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>girl enters chat/group
>suddenly everyone becomes a comedian or philosopher
>everyone is mad at you for criticizing her for anything she fucks up on
there's nothing wrong with showing an interest in the hobbies and likes of your target demographic. men like it when women show an interest in their hobbies. just because other women are too jaded and entitled to do the same, does not make those who do pickmes. it just makes the women who call them that spiteful bitches.
I already picked her though.
>'men are easy, just be nice'
>*cue feminazis pissing and shitting themselves in a mental breakdown*
*plays devil's advocate*
>She's been doing this for several years
well I can totally see a girl doing it for her entire life, but not (or, at best, not only) because she gets some personal enjoyment from the activity, but because she deems it to be "cool" and "fashionable", because it would in turn make her look hip. remember, we're talking about women here, it's all style over substance for them. for example, they like music based on the superficial things like "uhh Morrissey is so cool and i wanna fuck him i fucking love the Smiths" or "Cobain is so based, and i wanna fuck him i hecking love Nirvana" etc. etc.
>We are talking about women here
You sound like an actual incels.
post tits
Not for free you gayass
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> they are fake boohoo why doesn't anyone see it
Because people are usually not digging into the inner self of every single person they meet, Linda
> but I am real
You are real actively to your detriment, Sharon. Some concessions and compromises must be made lest we all die alone, clutching our dakimakuras and anime figures.
based onlyfans whore
I pick her and Ill watch her
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This smug look
>>hates apple products
>>uses android
That's pretty common in Europe
I mean if someone want to pay money to see my man tits then be my guest, i'm not gonna say no.
You know what, fair.
from what I've seen average iphonefag is a poorfag that compensates. He'd rather eat cheap shitty food than not have a new apple product.
I want to smell Gawr Gura's stuffy feet.
>Pick me
What a fucking gay buzzword. Try actually being interesting, OP. You dumb whore
i spent too much time around females at some point and i learnt how their brains work.
additionally, i thought i found a perfect girl once, but turns out she was really hollow, exhausting to deal with and a whore. at least the sex was cool i guess
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I dont think thats the correct response...
Thanks, gonna go watch her now
>>smart but acts dumb
>>openly /here/
>>hates apple products
>>uses android
>>wants to forge a sword
I will now watch your chuuba
>and hollow
Did you try handing her a Humanity?
She has cute feet and thats all I wanted
>She listed some feminine hobbies she 'attempted' and pathetically failed at
But that's the opposite of what she said?
... C-Cecilia is this you? Or...?
ASMR when?
only seething femcels and onion knights think being a pickme is a bad thing
There is plenty wrong with menhera bitches who pretend to like things they despise for attention. They are always a step away from a meltdown and shitting on their audience, for one. "Android is pickme" is mental illness though.
i handed her my music and game interests which only got her extra attention from other guys after we broke up. this taught me that if a girl has cool interests and is "one of da boys" or "pickme" if you will, she probably got those interests from her past bf/brother/cousin etc, whom she desired to impress/recieve validation from while acquiring said interests.
As a guy I was never interested in sports but because i wanted my friends to like me i started learning about the teams and players so i can talk about it with them .. Am I a pickme girl?!
Absolute horseshit. Women hate "pickmes" because they think that they are entitled to love from men while at the same time hating them and somehow not thinking that it's a contadiction.
They're all mechanical though.
There's no warmth, no sweat, no smell, she's probably not even ticklish.
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Only females will turn a list of good traits into something that is bad. This is indicative of how women truly are: in that when a female sees a another female with a lengthy list of positive characteristics, the former female's default belief is that the other female (the one with all the traits) is in fact FAKING it, just as they would be were they would be were they to broadcast such traits. Such as a boring-ass, basic AF female who picks up all the hobbies of her current boyfriend, and then drops them right after they break up (because she was only interested in them for the purposes of mate acquisition), basic bitches (such as OP) do the exact same thing, and their default belief is to believe all other women are doing the exact same thing - and that this smooth-brain specimen absolutely CANNOT envision a world full of women who have ACTUAL hobbies, passions and interests.

For the life of a basic bitch is terminal, and it is just as ol' Ron "Tater Salad" White put it: Ya can't fix stupid.
idk, do you wanna fuck one of your friends? if not then probably no, you're not a pickme.
Are you gay?
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>basic AF female who picks up all the hobbies of her current boyfriend, and then drops them right after they break up
not really, the smart ones don't drop them, they pretend the hobbies were their own all along to keep getting attention from guys.
A lot of men can see through fake bitches. We call them grifters, not pickmes.
what a pickme whore
>not really, the smart ones don't drop them, they pretend the hobbies were their own all along to keep getting attention from guys.
Even worse, anon.

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