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Yapping, pulling gacha, and playing rhythm game rn!

>Latest & Upcoming
Project Sekai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvS1AeFDho0
Another Crab's Treasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uozB3KQa5pY
Later This Week: Cece Collab, Rara Collab

>Recent Stream
More A Way Out w/ Cece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrs-TbHuoaA
Little Kitty, Big City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ncr8Q_xnc

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_ジジ・ムリン%22

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

Previous: >>79626113
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bad abble
She's good. Now I wanna see this bitch play a DIVA game
is this the one?
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1k combo getto!!!!
boys i don't think gigi is going to eat today.......
my gigi is going hungry...
she missed when the level was basically over...
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She really needs to collab with other Granblue fans.
>yapdoodle stream soon
Grems mention!
It's better to go into a yap stream with no yaps planned, as evidenced by this one
>fallout 1 and 2
based based based
So happy the gremlin gets to eat tonight
>fallout 4 hater
I tried Fallout 4 multiple times, I couldn't get into it, she has great taste
Why does this gacha gremlin have such good taste in games?
I've known a couple from my time in MMOs.
All the older ones (like 30) that still are single become so obnoxious it's unbearable, and tend to just become a mom-friend to some other girl.
The good ones by that age always seem to have found a boy toy, or are so illusive it's difficult to maintain a friendship with them without being pushy. One of my fujofriends that I missed the boat on got married and I tease her occasionally during parties by putting literally anything cylindrical in my mouth. She loses her mind and her husband gives me "why are you like this" looks.
10 years later i still hate FO4 main quest
the writing is so bad i can`t progress it without coom anime mods
God she's a fast talker.
I look forward to the Inevitable outting of Biboo as a closeted fujo what with her interest in granblue.
she just play A LOT of games, not just gacha shit 24/7
>FO4 is nearly 10 years old
wtf it felt like 3 years ago...
I loved Dragon Age Origins as a kid, came back to it a few years ago and found it difficult to get into due to how dated it felt. Feels bad
>I tease her occasionally during parties by putting literally anything cylindrical in my mouth.
Anon maybe you are the problem
>stinky self insert
She's perfect kek
>taking rp seriously in rpgs
She really is her
Origins was definitely the peak of that series too. I tried a bit of inquisition awhile ago and holy hell is that game painful to experience now.
this girl is so fucking CUTE
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time sure flies
and theres still no fallout 5, its like these companies forgot how to make games
I know what she likes. I just can't provide it.
Based. Witcher 1 combat was fucking cheeks. It's insane how much that series improved over each iteration
Witcher 1 is getting a remake, so we could see that in the future
Yeah I also heard Witcher games were OK. Played the first one and wasn't into it at all
W1 has good story trash everything else. W2 was a tech demo. W3 is one of the best RPGs ever made.
i never got into witcher since like 2 and 3
10/10 all over the media, tried it a lot of times over the years but those games bores the crap out of me
1 is rough. 2 is decent, but still rough. 3 is peak. They don't really have any narrative cohesion, so you can just start on 3 if you ever decide to try them out
I just kinda straight up stopped doing anything except listen to Gigi yap for the past 95 minutes. What is this woman doing to my brain?
The combat is what I find extremely boring in Witcher 3
She's ironing out the wrinkles in your brain. Let's be honest, anon - you didn't need them anyway
>more money than ever
>makes fewer games
how does he do it
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Combat is meh but it's an RPG first and story is great.
yesss harumaki gohan song
jesus i love this girl, she has some incredibly good takes that i agree with. she's surprised me a lot. surprisingly relatable
i still haven't played blood & wine because i got the bad ending for the main story so it didn't feel right
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dude rolled 10 charisma and luck at birth
and you will buy TES6 when it came out
fair enough, I couldn't finish it due to combat being boring, but the game is perfect to watch. I've had a blast watching Fauna play it
holy shit she likes replicant over automata, I love her
Alright, give some suggestion of games that sound up her alley that can make her ugly cry
>doesn't know how to say automata despite it coming up frequently with CC
Cute moron
Lisa the Painful
She's a XIV player and Shadowbringers is pretty emotional. Then Endwalker is even more emotional, somehow.
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She cried over what make the sky blue, BASED
What Makes the Sky Blue was unironically good, i say this as a granblue fujo hater
i've gave up on nier after automata. Is replicant really much better?
ha ha...
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Something inside me really wants to see Gigi cry.
as a straight male that hates homos in gacha these days
when the event came out it was kino
i love gigi murin
It's different more than anything. But it's also less focused on broad philosophical questions and more focused on "I must save my sister-waif" and awakening to your inner desires for futa girls while asking questions of what makes a person a person and contemplating the consequences of cycles of revenge.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to experience the full range of emotions from the person you love
i too love gigi murin
I played Gestalt where the main character is the father instead of the brother, and I found him very relatable as a guy that's just trying to do his best for his daughter. It depends a lot on how attached you get to the characters, but I found the cast to be a lot more down to earth and relatable. Kaine is also a badass
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of joy right ?
Automata is trash I replay replicant all the time
personally i think the story is better, still like papa nier more
>13 Sentinels
I'm fucking ready, that will be a trip
Replicant can be a messier game (though I don't know how much that remake fixed it), but I prefer it way more than Automata. Though you can't get papa Nier without hunting down the OG Nier, so that sucks
Dang, I didn't know relayouter was popular enough to get in this game. Let's go inaba
i don't know how she does it but she gets more based every stream
>fata morgana
alright she's my oshi now
What I love about her is how positive she seems, and the fact that she doesn't exactly hate on anything and seems to want to enjoy all things instead
she doesn't shit on things but she's not dishonest or disrespectful about if she likes or doesn't like something. she manages to be positive even while explaining why she doesn't enjoy a game.
i really enjoy her attitude on things and i find her surprisingly relatable
I love her yippies
yea that's what I love, it's a breath of fresh air and it's what I always wanted in a chuuba
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>one note
>attitude towards everything remaining positive
>even towards things she doesn't personally care for
>appreciation for rp in rpgs
>her innate talents in gaming
>all compounded by her incredible yapping powers
I am more assured than ever that this is the oshi I've been looking for since getting into vtubers. I can't get enough of this dummy.
When I was in highschool, I dreamed of buying a Sound Voltex controller
ahhh male voice on stream!
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yea mine
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all mine, i am the male voice
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She did it
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a full combo
gg GG!
>no 3rd meal for gigi
it's so over...
Love how open Gigi is with her proclivities. I don't know what people could even try to start drama about with her that she hasn't already yapped about
sweaty gigi
sweaty gigi...
tasty gigi...
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hood off
Alright, anons - when she gets cooked to death, who's taking a bite? And from where?
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i wanna go back man
taste test by licking her pussy
sex on
Probably should be the gimmick when she gets super locked on/serious. The hood comes off
Waiting for Gigi to sing one of the "I love you"s...
that was hype as hell
I don't know rhythm games too well, is she a godgamer?
yes, she's extremely good
She doesn't stop talking...
Yeah, she's pretty good. I've never been able to cope with Sekai's touch inputs
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i love her angry lil eyes
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I dive in front of Nerissa's lips like I'm taking a bullet for the fucking president
I did NOT close my ears
bity kisses are Gigi's love language... TuT
Gigi love!
she has to ration water...
She totally pisses in jars so she can game without interruptions
those jars? my mouth.
sweaty gigi...
that guys mouth? actually my mouth.
I love this gamer gremlin
She has weeks old soda on her desk. She's a true gamer gremlin
Wow that lag was actual bullshit
those are just her fermenting piss bottles
>hi migu~
>she's dancing for me!
kek and cute
forcefeeding gigi water so she doesn't fucking die
>Double fisting
She really has a way to slip in the most HUH things into conversation lol
sweaty gigi sitting on your face playing sekai, wiggling her butt on your face when she gets frustrated
kek so I didn't misheard
The traffic sounds in the BG are really distracting
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I love her so much.
Wait nevermind my post I had a video in another tab open my bad
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She's gonna fill these pants at the rate she's going
this but on your crotch and she teases you for being rock hard
why she likes flips so much?
fuck yes, that's good too
Wowaka rolling over in his gravu...
I'm glad she didn't put up with the people telling her to rest. She has presence and confidence in what she is doing
why she sound like bibu
How much longer will the stream be?
not even close
As long as her bladder can take it
i love this gamer gremlin so much, she's gonna do what she wants
These past two songs have been Otomachi Una erasure and I don't like it
>μ's started more than 10 years ago
what other rhythm games does gigi play?
Other than when suzie releases a new cover I don't even hear that name anymore (unfortunately)
i think she said she also plays project diva earlier and there was the bpm stream
she's played pretty much all the major gacha ones. love live sif, imas (not sure which one), idolish7, bandori. also project diva a non gacha one.
Pinocchio-P kino... wish this shit used the original MVs
>project diva KINO incoming
I'm gonna fuckin punch her bladder then
i hope she streams more rhythm stuff then.
Simmer down there, grem
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My favorite Reese's Puffs gremlin
reese's puffs reese's puffs
eat 'em up eat 'em up eat 'em up
The gremlin read my message, I'm so happy. It's like getting a big (you)....
i'm sleepy and gotta pee
You're literally deaf dude
She sounds nothing like Biboo, you're a schizo.
When she makes certain noises she does
I went away about an hour and a half ago and there is definitely a difference in her voice when she's not projecting a ton of energy. It sounds a lot more "real" than her keyfabe voice.
I love both but man her real voice is very nice.
yeah it's like she slowly drifts to it as she gets more tired and you don't notice unless you stop listening then tune back in
nice! she read me earlier, i felt my heart melt
the miku buff turns a powerful gamer into an unstoppable gamer
daddy chill
change da world
my final message
So this is the idol journey!
Rhythm gamer anons, is she really good? I have no clue, but she keeps getting so many Perfects that it terrifies me.
giving gigi an after stream hand massage!
She is very good, especially if you watch the earlier songs in the vod when she was just yapping the entire time while casually being 2-3 notes off a full combo. She's gotten pretty tired and sore since then and has run out of things to yap on, so she's a bit more low energy.
Master rank Sekai charts fuck me up still, and she's doing it without completely failing, on top of the fact she's been doing it non stop for 4 hour by now. She's fucking nuts.
she's gonna get fat
make gigi fill out those big jeans
is every gigi stream going to be this long? I feel spoiled
i hope so
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holy shit she's good
do they make these songs with the express purpose of them being difficult in rhythm games?
No... don't go...
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i miss gigi....
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it's giover
>gigi gone
what do now...
Go fit in those big gijeans, girl.
Wasn't expecting a full almost 4hr30m stream.
She did so good, I'm proud of her for trucking through even through the pain. Rest well Gigi!
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If you miss Gigi stream her cover!
sweaty gigi is stretching right now...
stretching, trying to get her spine bent out of the gamer 90 degree angle
i like at 1:02, you can hear her go pew pew pew pew, so cute
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>Was into Touhou/Miku memery
>Used to fall asleep to Miku songs on YouTube
>Enjoy stream
>Rest my eyes
>Time skips
>Gigi is super excited about doing the last song
>She fails but that's okay.
Fun stream. Not just because I'm getting older and really needed the nap. She's good at that game.
I love the mindless banter she had for the first half of the stream. I want her to do more of that and have a completely unhinged collab with Shiori where they just soak themselves over the characters they like and carry on a directionless, enigmatic conversation that nobody but them can decipher.
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I've been so obsessed with this one image of Gigi and every time I see other anons post it I get happy inside.
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I'm saving it just to post it for you occasionally bro
will try to post it for you
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I love it as well.
Same and I want Gigi to scold me like that
>Busts out the recorder
Alright, I like Gigi.
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Timestamp? I was late to the stream.
Full song from start for more context.
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i underestimated exactly how much of a sandalphon fujo she is
Anya vs Gigi collab when?
Anya talked about a collab the other day, but we don't have a Gigi schedule yet so we're not sure if it's planned for this week or later.
Gigi already mentioned a collab with each member of justice this week, plus she's likely in the big holoEN collab so I doubt there would be any more.
>Do not gamble in real life.
I'm sorry GG, I am a gambling addict...
So she's saying pregnancy shouldn't be left to chance. It's best to make absolute certain.
>If my every waking thought is not plagued about sad, depressed men, am I really living
She really loves us...
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Hello, I'm just visiting to ask why there's no fisting art of gigi yet?
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There technically is but it doesn't directly involve her.
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After today's stream, where does Gigi rank on the smelliest Holomems? Is she top 3 stinky?
Wait, she's still ACTIVELY playing maplestory
Oh boy...
The worst part is she's actively playing it despite playing La Tale for a long time. She must have some serious sunk cost fallacy going on to do that.
why do you think she has the fans?
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yeah, doing dailys and everything
One day she'll catch up to that one guy who was going to hit level 300 before trolling the entire community
Welcome to Maplestory. The only reason I quit was because my main account got banned back in 2020. There's so many legacy items/equipement/abilities that make you buff as fuck for having been playing for 10+ years. Plus being an actual woman means the real shit, free and easy access to fury all the time which makes the game not completely miserably slow. I wanted to hop back on when I saw they updated the angelic buster.
haha dumbass fuckin stupid grem go eat your idiot flakes with your moron milk dingus
Which is better, Project Sekai or Project Diva?
project this dick in your mouth
i love Gigi. she is my gacha coomer wife. we will play uma musume together.
Ummmm no sweaty you can't coom to the umas that's not allowed :)
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>I need to start keeping a notebook on me so I can remember everything I want to tangent on
Ahh, she's taking after the queen of EN tangenting.
Is it really a tangent if it's pre-planned? Wouldn't that be orthogonal?
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Yeah. The book is more keeping little reminders to spark a longform story to tell where you can offshoot all the time.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to reply with the camera emojis to Cece's self-reply correcting herself?
What the hell is fury? Frenzy?
Yeah sorry, was thinking of frenzy totem. Fury was the version you could get for a 4 hour period for maple points for a long while before Nexon decided to lock catching up behind paying someone for frenzy service 8 hours a day.
Oh, got it. I haven't touched reg servers since 2014.
what's the best way to attract a girl like gigi and make her mine?
be a yaoi manga character, i guess?
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ok ill try playing the new hoyoslop game coming out in a few days and see if that works
Now swap her ahoge and remaining pigtail
I did not watch the stream but did she say she'll play fallout 1 and 2? Based if true!
She said she wants to play New Vegas, and pondered if she should play Fallout 1 and 2 first.
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>Finally get home, time to watch some Gigi before bed
>4.5 hour VOD
what the fuck
>I wanna play a game with a story that makes me cry on stream.
Just watched Reine, slightly bossy and standoff-ish sometimes, rather cold, break down at the end of P3R. Obviously not saying she should play it because it's 100 hours, but she's also talking about playing Ace Attorney, which is another game Reine really liked.
She did mention P3 being her favorite persona game, but she wanted the female MC which is not in the remake.
When did she say that? I must have missed it if it was in this rhythm game stream, or maybe it was later in the VoD?
I'm looking forward to GBF: Relink. I've heard good things and I've been hungry for a decent JRPG. Might even get it if it looks fun
Ah yep, just about to get there. She's talking about 999 where I am on the VoD.
Gigi Murin is
my wife
da fister
okay with creampies on dangerous days
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gigi murin
Gigi your schedule...
She’s so cute. I want to smell her butthole.
Nah she's great. She keeps talking like she lived in the east at some point, but also doesn't know another language, right? Or did she just mean if she's in Japan for Cover in the future she wants to learn a singular rhythm game?
I don't if there are any other trips, but as part of pre-debut training Cover brought all of Justice to Japan (She calls it the Far-East) and that's what she is talking about.
She mentioned in the stream today that next time she is in Japan she wants to learn a rhythm arcade game since they are hard to get to elsewhere.
>Sitting and sweating in her room while slapping her phone for a game
Ok now I know why that guy asked about stink level.
I wonder where she lives, even in a midwest shithole like where I live we have an arcade with Japanese rhythm cabinets.
Yeah, the way she was positing it made it sound like she'd been before for some amount of time but that makes sense, didn't realize they brought Justice over but I guess why wouldn't they at this point.
Somewhere in the pacific time zone from a time or two she dropped her current time
Hey, the Midwest isn't so bad.
Get back to dance practice, newissa
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What cat picture?
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why are they so :|
>'Kissing sounds'
>Chomping sounds
what the hell is she?
Wrong move anon. Fujos have very little interest in ZZZ.
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I guess?
kek cute
a child
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schedule up
>CG 7D2D
oh boy more kino
>Objectification of Sandalphon
operation tanigo?
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Looks like a fun week, my body is ready
i hope you guys are ready
This schedule looking pretty great
>you're not going to like what i say about him
she's going to edge the whole stream
this horny stinky fujo
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THEY ARE very cute
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very nice schedule
thinking about gigi
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I'm excited, nice schedule wifey.
gigi cute
operation tango is an asymmetrical co-op game where you play as secret agents. one person is the hacker, the other is on-site. it's really neat, I was hoping CCGG would play that though.
You mean auto-fister? Yeah, however 7d2d will be great and they can always do Tango another day
Fair! tango is asymmetrical, so she can just play the part she didn't play this time.
I'm not sure if I trust Gigi with the hacker buttons though.
I died.
Bruh her butthole is so sticky with sweat your nose would stick to the grease.
Do you think her ahoge will get even longer in second outfit
another week of kino incoming

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