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>Leaves NijiEN
this game is co-op?
most of these games have a multiplayer mode where each player controls a specific character
How would a Mint/Nova collab do?
This isn't to counter your point or argue, but I was wondering, what is the reason for their subscriber disparity? Are those 500k extra just from the drama? It just feels a bit inflated.
Also consider their almost equal viewership.
The first one would be pretty big because of dramafags, the rest would be ok
-22.52% drop total views gained from may to june, doki might need to bring out the rope again.
Because Doki asked people to subscribe to her after she got fired from Niji. You could say it was dramafags/tourists but she explicitly said she wanted to surpass her Selen sub count, so people were encouraged to sub.
Mint doesn't seem to care about sub growth at all.
Mint took a 4 month break between her graduation and redebut, Doki redebuted on the same day she graduated and had nijisanji doing their level best to give her more subs throughout
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Anon, there's like 10 different Novas out there, you have to specify.
Dr. Nova(e), Doki's sister? Don't watch her but seems decent? The most popular of her gen.
Bestie? She mostly plays card games but is high energy and would be a fun collab.
Elira? lol, lmao even
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>How would a Mint/Nova collab do?
Ah. I haven't been following this universe of games. It started with that one with the chick from Heroes, right?
So glad pikamee never joined
Meanwhile Sayu, matara, and all the boys are in the dumpster
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matara is a 4k average streamer how is that dumpster?
sayu and the males are just bad streamers.
still waiting for graduation because i will not give her a single view while shes under nijisanji
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mata and sayu are doing just fine
Dualstreams and get average 1.5k, not bad considering she was a twitch 3view last year.
>all the boys
Quinn is a 3view, Kuro is at 1k down from 10k. Fair enough basically the dumpster.
3k, not that far behind Doki, definitely not in the dumpster.
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we're almost at full circle. It will happen eventually and it will be glorious
>Kuro giga reclining into 3view status
>No one gives a shit about Quinn
Only works for the females who are being kept down by the dudes, the unicorns were right
Why is the fourth one with different people on there?
ALWAYS right.
She basically said everything that needed to be said when she revealed she only likes CGDCT. They were forcing her to be nice to the males.
Did you miss her gigantic wrestling homocollab with Doki? Fucking delusional kek.
Shitting on nijisanji covers a multitude of sins
How many finanas ?
is one finana still 300?
Mint didn't contact Doki for months because she was terrified that Doki would associate her with Nijisanji and the trauma she endured there, and THIS is your biggest concern?
20.5 for Mint, 21.5 for Doki
yeah, always, it's standardized
What? Look at the post I'm responding to.
>Are those 500k extra just from the drama
Yes. That isn't knocking Doki but she came out kicking and screaming immediately after being terminated in the highest profile EN vtuber scandal. Whereas Pomu graduated amicably, and spent months in limbo agonizing about her future before eventually tepidly returning while repeatedly warning fans that this wasn't a sure thing and that she was just testing the waters.
Doki's return stream was right after NijiEN's thermonuclear yab and the reveal that Doki attempted unaliving so emotions were high and everyone and their mother was paying attention to the drama, at one point she had 130k viewers.
Mint's return stream happened 4 months after her relatively uneventful graduation and the aforementioned yab that shortly followed, so by then everyone had calmed the fuck down and her return stream gathered ~20-30k viewers and the vibe was less intense and more wholesome, subtle jabs to NijiEN notwithstanding.
No one gives a shit about stars. They're toothless and always were compared to Niji males.
Subs have never mattered for CCV. Those were all drama subs.
didnt notpomu do some kinda twitter stream from time to time?
The fuck do you mean by incline? They've lost over 70% of their viewers compared to when they redebuted. They're back to their usual Niji numbers now
Yes, and in one of them she told about something she learned after leaving that traumatized her. Sisters tried to spin it as Doki betraying her, when it was much more likely Elira spearheading the black stream.
I'm guessing you didn't watch it? Because Mint didn't play with them, she just sat in her co-host seat while Juna interviewed the participants.
All large vtubers (and all large streamers in general to be honest) have a massive disparity between subscribers and CCV. If you look at Playboard (I know you fags are going to start posting monkey pics but I'm replying to a post specifically asking about numbers) every single major streamer has "Low' or "Very Low" under their average viewers compared to subscribers. This is the case even with Gura.
Doki also IMMEDIATELY restarted her old channel after leaving. Like within the same week she was streaming again in some form. The time between Pomu graduating and Mint debuting was long enough for her to cool off and only really the most dedicated pomudachi followed her.
That said, Doki also does a LOT more networking and advertising. She's bought youtube ads and tries to join any event or con she can.
Now this is nijicope
Doki was involved in one of the biggest vtuber dramas in history and switched to her Doki account right away. Mint was Deerskin for months and that account still has more followers than Mint despite it having zero advertising.
This two will need to drop like a lot to be like niji with only 1 Finana per NijiEN.
It wouldn't because they're no longer friends.
You're seriously going to sit here and tell me Wrestletuber was unicorn friendly? No both Doki and Mint both interacted with the males, why are you lying?
Friendship ended with lyrica and nova.
>don't watch streams, make shit up about them instead
Many such cases with shitposters.
this is actually true. sub count is like the worst metric to compare things.
It's the same with hololive. All these companies are dogshit and run by disgusting people. The way hololive treated mel is sickening and I hope they get the kyoani treatment. That's not even going into the other disgusting shit management has done like trying to solicit sex from underage girls. I'm glad these dogshit companies are dying off, shit like niji and holo won't be around in a few years.
True that. You need to count for how much people watch the stream regularly. If you have a 1K+ you are in a ok spot. 5K+ is doing really well and anything under 1K is really a problem.
How do you even know this though when she's best friends with Maia still? They probably just aren't publicly interacting with Elira anymore to protect their public image
Maia isn't Elira
wow -22% almost like she did a whole week on twitch which is 25% of a month retard. I think you might need to bring out the rope
Anon if you only have 80% of your OG viewers after a month it shows that there is something wrong. Not like she hasn't been doing this for a while.
Sister spotted.
Did you read the reply chain or are you just retarded?
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Enough about Mint/Nova collab. Let's imagine for a second... a Doki/Nova Collab.
Goddammit Enna, how come Diego's dick hasn't fixed you?
Fuck off retard. Your shitty company is no different from the others. Instead of supporting dogshit like hololive you should support rica, she gets sexually harassed and stalked by management, then these disgusting cunts try to erase every trace of her. Hololive management deserves the kyoani treatment.
sister malding as she gets found out
Uh oh melty
It would be the only way for Nova to salvage her career is if Doki is seen to have forgiven her. Which she probably would if Nova could set aside her ego and truthfully apologize.
>it shows that there is something wrong
It shows she streamed on Twitch instead of Youtube
Sorry your to retarded to understand people who aren't braindamaged morons think hololive is just as disgusting as everywhere company. That's why grimmi didn't join your dogshit company, it's just the same as niji wactor akioar etc. Of course you'll just call anyone who calls it out a nijifaggot and try to console war because you can't disprove any of hololives dogshit. You retards would say hitomi Chris should have shut up and fucked holo management like they wanted and be grateful for the chance, fuck off you disgusting company dick riders. I'll beat yagoo teeth out if he comes to another one of those events
seek professional help
You get help you fucking retard. Stop supporting these fucking disgusting companies you fucking faggot. I'm glad cover and niji and brave etc will be dead and gone in a few years, even with retards like you supporting the sickening shit they do.
Nijiseethe. Stop projecting.
>that's why Grimmi didn't join
You lack critical information
Proving my point you retards justify the disgusting shit these companies do and would rather console war which sack of shit is the better pile of shit. Holo niji brave wactor akio, they're all the same and you retards only care about sucking the companies cock.
You're obviously a newfag so I'll clue you in. They're baiting you by saying retarded shit.
Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning
If they weren't retarded they wouldn't be nijiniggers
When did she says this?
Is this a seething 2 view?
>I'm glad these dogshit companies are dying off
Every year Holo only grows more and more. Your delusions are not reality.
this will never happen because they did like 2 collabs together and never hit it off
1 was the kinda awkward battle ducks and then the other was when selen randomly made elira by a tetris game to shit on her
I don't know how true it is, but I heard on Discord and X that Nijisanji might be bringing Selen back with a different VA
You mean like wactor?
Like brave did with coco and miria sakuragi. And probably what holo would do with mel, they've already spat on her might as well go all the way.
From the minds of The Clique, who brought you hits such as Secret GC Stream, and the award-winning Black Screen Stream, comes the latest stream in the franchise: NijiENecromancy
that would be a devastating blow to dokibird's mentality, and riku is not that cruel to do such terrible things to his childrens. the livers are all essentially, riku's kids.
>if Nova could set aside her ego
roru. if that was even possible then black screen would have never happened.
Can we stop pretending they are getting all those viewers because they are entertaining? We all fucking know that is all thanks to drama.
Why do Niji cucks stay retarded even after their oshis are out of the shitty company? Shut the fuck up about those drama leeching whores already.
not very subtle sis
>5 months removed
>uhhh the dramabuff!!!1
nice try
This anon >>79706590 should be proud then. Mint found out.
>>Verification not required.
That would be hilarious.
Would unironically be jaw dropping in the EN sphere and reignite the drama like gasoline on dry grass. Like digging up a corpse of a loved one, and stringing them up like a puppet to perform. The entire vtuber community would go at them like starving dogs let loose in a hen house. Indies, Corpos, Dramatubers, even some in company PLs/RMs would join together in shitting on them. And whoever said yes to being new selen would be on top of everyone's list.
beer o clock
You holoshitters need to learn that literally no one cares about male collabs outside of your psychotic fanbase and no one thinks about cock more than you
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The VA has to know what they're getting into if this is true.
>nijisanji doing their level best to give her more subs
Yeah, you really can't credit niji enough for being the driving force of Doki's popularity.
It's like they're so horrible on the scale that they burst through the other side and came out supportive.
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>I heard on Discord and X
Bullshit. Proof or it didn't happen.
Considering what happened to Kizuna AI, I refuse to believe even Nijisanji would be stupid enough to try that.
what's so funny? they have always been good friends and still hang out irl, do your reps idiot
proof? Cuz I don't think there's been any confirmed contact between anyone still within Niji and her since the graduation. They've been in contact with Mata, but I haven't seen anything with Mint herself.
She hung out with someone from Niji while they were in Japan but I don't remember who. Petra I think?
Nope. She hang out with Matara a couple of times. She hang out with Kiara and FWMC. She hang out with a girl friend of hers that works at Grasshopper. She hang out with an old indie friend of hers and they bought matching necklaces. She hang out with a grand total of ZERO nijis.
>>79722104 (me)
Oh and she also went to have a dinner at a restaurant with Onigiri.
Does a day go by when sisters aren't seething at Doki (who hasn't even thought of Niji since like March)?
what about kyo or what's his name
Your right I was thinking of Matara running into Millie.
Luca's cock is not getting unsucked, no matter how hard you try to forget
He's unironically offtopic for this board now. He stopped using his vtuber model and now only does facecam shit. And also is trying to stir up drama with shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FONN8E3shTY
my point was he also left niji and last I heard he was a borderline 2view
Yeah well my dad works for Nijisanji and he said they're going to release the Playstation 360 next year
Why do you think he stopped using vtuber model and is now doing clickbait shit?
This board would become a nova.
Numbers. It obviously wasn't earning him money, subs, or viewers so he dropped it in favor of drama farming.
Wactor did it yesterday so apparently some people are stupid enough to do it.
one chuuba with past NTR history is enough for hololive. Also I doubt she went to hololive and not nijiniggers when that whole shit went down.
what do you mean? What did wactor do?
>meloco gta watchalong 22k
>mint and doki combined 11k
>Luxiem full-wave collab to announce 3D debut: 9k
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>botted stream
lmfao pathetic nijinig
Resurrected one of their graduated talents(Mitsurugi Lia) with new voice actor.
I thought they were both supposed to join HoloEN4?
literally impossible to happen.
Nobody does content in the format of the Kizuna AI project. You're delusional if you think that means anything to anybody that can make decisions.
You should stop listening to the sisters' false flag.
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You should stop listening to delulu holofags
I guess Im the only one here old enough to give you the confirmation that she is the one from heroes, lmao
>join holoen4
>when mint and doki are more popular than most of them
lmfao what the fuck
Both of them seem to be happy as indies right now.
I know you're shitposting, but Riku's not even 30.
That would just kill NijiEN
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nah not even akira going to do th-
>her channel uploaded a vid 20h ago
>different person
what the fuck israel
well good luck dealing with that guy michaello
I too didn't believe that she went to apply to Holo, until allegations about MSM's Seth came to light.
>only 4 streams for an entire month
lazy white monkey
These are not holchads, sister.
No such tning exists, there's only holochuds
Hololive boards
Hololive posters
Do the Chinks still hate him for that your mama joke?
Who knows, but they haven't been showing up for his streams ever since 2022
The what? Qrd?
Nobody wants this bitch on hololive, sisters.
Daily threads made by holocucks begging for her say otherwise rumao
>Grimmi announced graduation the same day a bunch of other talents her size are graduating, everyone knows that means she's joining a corpo (either Holo or Niji)
>very sad goodbyes with lots of money thrown around
>day before graduation announced she's decided not to graduate
>comes back to cheers, a higher ccv, and tons of donations
>announces that she's made some kind of business partnership with Seth, CEO of MSM (a company that legally doesn't exist)
>turns out it's a hot sauce company with Grimmi-themed sauces
>people buy drop-ship hot sauce
>two months later, people start looking into MSM due to autism
>find out that MSM doesn't exist
>find out that her hot sauce company doesn't exist
>find out that the hot sauce company has an insanely bare-bones Shopify store front (pic)
>most people ignore this until Grimmi posts on Twitter that she's getting an LLC registered two months after she started selling
Other things of note
>Grimmi has literally been in a cult before and falls for grifters all the time
>Grimmi is rumored to have $10000 worth of hot sauce sitting in a warehouse that she can't get rid of
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>Nijisanji might be bringing Selen back with a different VA
Would be an idiotic move, but this is Anycolor we're talking about. Considering Wactor just did it despite the case study of changing VAs for Kizuna flopping, I wouldn't be shocked if NijisanjiEN staff knew they were potentially losing big names by November 2023 and launched the "acting-focus" auditions to find replacements. Anycolor management is convinced their audiences are loyal to the brand itself and being able to reopen revenue streams of terminated organs (maybe even graduated ones) while saving on new models and branding is a tempting prospect in their minds.
Part of me wants this to be true purely to see how much of a shit show it would be. No one with a brain would willing put themselves into the massive firing line this would cause.
Especially if the portrayal of Selen was radically different
Didn't know about that part, so she basically scammed everyone? I mean, I wanted to say that the girl that has no morals, enough to voice cuckporn to buy herself food wouldn't drop holo over some minor yab as long as she could have a successful career there, but that just confirms my beliefs about her. Unless she was groomed into it, which I don't know which worse honestly.
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Doki was always a numberfag for sub gain, and she had a ton in Niji too, highest subbed girl I think. That and the absolutely massive drama boost. Most of those people don't watch her for daily stuff but it does give her a higher ceiling for stuff like outfit reveals and whatnot.
She was absolutely groomed. Seth keeps blacklists and emotionally manipulates the talents under him. The Meat and Coqui debacle is the most well-known example.
I'm all but certain Grimmi pulled out of Hololive because Seth threatened her somehow.
I don't think Grimmi can audition for Hololive if she has existing contracts with other groups.
MSM does not exist, my repost specified that, anon.
Do you think there was even an agency and not you know, bait and switch or purpose?
those are sisters' falseflags.
This is a sister falseflag.
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I'm sorry, I'm not dunking on Grimmi or defend anyone, it's just I have slightly negative opinion of her in the first place, so I'm skewed to believe that she is a baddie, or a massive retard. I do have this funny image though.
This is a sister falseflag, us holoCHADS always wanted Mint to be /in/
Seriously, fuck Mintcucks.
Nobody wants this bitch on hololive, stop making falseflags.
>1 minute apart
But of course
No, that bitch is not good enough to be on hololive.
Thanks for the laugh anon. You found the only way this ciuld get worse. It's a cast iron rrat to because it also happens to be a way that they might delusionally try to crawl something back. Very good.
but enough about cecilia and elizabeth
cope sis.
but they got in.
How can they not be good enough if... they were good enough?
Cecilia is better than your whores, moron.
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>cecilia is better than gura
Do ceciliafags REALLY?!
Shut the fuck up BVTMfags
I never said that, nijnigger.
ks for showing that you are not a holofan.
Seethe about it ceciliafag, NOONE IS BETTER THAN GOOMBA
cringe but I guess I already won this argument.bye
phasecucks, most notably pippacucks
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teh, newfagchamas, KNEEL TO THE VT GOD
ok, thanks for the response.
A lot of people subbed to spite nijisanji.
To be fair she gets a fuckton of raids. That's the power of being socially connected.
But even her non-raided norm of 2k-3k eclipses anything she had at Niji. Back there she was 1k at best.
>random skits and no fan interaction
Nah, Barbie clears
speaking of raids, Doki needs to freaking enable hers.
I don't think I've ever seen her raid anyone or get raided, other than raiding herself.
Oh no no no Anoying Orangebros our response?
>cries for attention
>causes the biggest vtubing drama in recent years
>sympathy watchers gather
Nijikeks could never
Now ask yourself, why doesn't anyone sympathize with Nijisanji?
>Its that simple
Let’s see Finana test that
Cause the barcoder came out swinging with the sob story first?
You think twitter wouldn't side with the suicidal sack of shit?
I'm sorry, are you saying 5k is good? oof
But Nijisanji came out swinging first with the termination notice. Why didn't that get them any sympathy?
Plus, Nijisanji answered back with its own suicide attempt with the Black Screen Stream. Why didn't that get them any sympathy either?
But nijisanji fired the first shot tho?
You are fucking delusional if you think 5k ccv on a regular stream is not good
Nijiniggers are retarded, please understand
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The drama's over, sis. It's been months.
The two of their audiences are just their audiences now.
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It's also not entirely accurate. It was even higher.
But also the collab was kino and they play off each other so well.
It's a collab stream, not regular. But if you wanna go with that, Cecilia and Gigi's collab just did 3 times that. 5k CCV doesn't even beat the last FWMC Morning.
Wait, I thought Mint was ghosting Doki and conspiring to exclude her.

What happened, Nijibros?
>split POV collab, vs single-POV collabs
>ignores the part where they didn't even do as good as a morning show
Recent full gen Justice collab beat those numbers, and that was split 4 ways, if that's how you wanna measure.
>listening to nijinigger cope
There's your problem right there
>indie performs worse than hololive. More news at 11
6k is still fucking fantastic for a regular stream for an indie. Or really for any vtuber not in hololive.
This whole thread is about going indie and then supposedly doing better than corpos. Sure, it's fine for the little leagues, but don't act like they're heavy hitters now
This whole thread is about going indie and then doing better than NijiEN
Well as long as you're admitting that indies and Niji are garbage next to Hololive, that's fine by me
Unicorn always right why do you think vspo, phase, idol, v4mirai and most vtuber company is ALL FEMALE?
Most of them except for the actually successful ones.
To be fair mint keep getting rejected by holo so shes kinda frustated, but its not the end
well yeah. Nobody can come close to holo right now. I'd assume that was obvious. Even Doki's said straight up how she wasn't going to fight Goliath.
That said, Doki and Mint have become the next step downwards on youtube, which is extremely impressive.
Depends, what happens when someone from Hololive gets lower numbers than indies? Do they get kicked out and replaced with someone better?
Holy seethe sister, take your meds kek
Entertainment is objective. I mean just look at the Cocomelon channel just because it gets a lot of views doesn't mean it's better.
You want to go back and re examine your post
Doki was terminated so its a no go, mint failed the audition again and continue as indie until next Audition
proof next thread, right?
Shut the fuck up
Hololive is all female no mix gen
what do you have against Coco's melons?
how can you keep getting rejected, when you don't actually apply? that doesn't make sense
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There are males and male collabs
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Nothing against Coco's melons, if anything I miss them.
She's talking about it with kiara and fwmc even with their help in jp mint still got rejected, probably because justice already picked
So does phase and others who collab with males, but their member is all female
soooo, proof?
She's not just that, she got Nepo by kiara and fwmc but cover choose justice member for obvious reason
Stars are separated
They don't have any. It's just one guy who's been trying to push that for weeks.
>My FotM corpotards get higher views than indies.
Wow. Cool story bro. How did they do as indies?
Proof what? You blind or what?
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I don't know why SEAfags try to start fanbase wars and Tribalfag just shut the fuck up a watch what you like, retards.
did you even see the pic?
Proof of her applying. Since you're making that claim, you have that proof, right?
Yeah and? Go check hololive website, hololive member list, even holo plus named 1 male hololive member?
This has to be a samefagging BVTMtard.
>literally her talk about it on her Twitter couple months ago
Do your reps
Good enough to impress Cover and be selected for greatness. Thanks for asking. Sorry about your oshi.
Great, they are well known
Range ban SEA
I don't see what point you are trying to make. They're under a different brand? So what? There are males in the company and they interact with the females.
If it's on twitter, it should be easy for you to link it, right? Just pop that link right in the comment box and hit post, please
who cares where is their 3D? :)
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>he doesn't know
Funniest post in this whole thread
You think twitter would side with an employer firing literally anybody?
>sister outed herself
No one gonna spoonfeed you
Yes their janitor are male too but are they holo member? You either playing dumb or actually retarded? Holo, vspo, phase etc are all female cgdct thats their selling point there is no male mix gen allowed
Does the name "Zaion" ring any bell, sister?
NTA but she sure did kek.
Give up on trying to push your rrat. Everyone knows Mint didn't apply, and Doki has absolutely no plans to join anybody.
She was who I was getting at with "anybody"
Doki literally showcased a chibi 3D model before
They both had 6-7k during the finale. Seriously NijiEN fucked up so hard it's incredible.
Then you should know twitter didn't side with her, unless you're trying to rewrite history.
She made the mistake of not playing the cripple card
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Because they don't actually watch vtubers - they just like to shit on them and cause issues /here/ and on twitter. (Picrel, the first account is BVTM's alt crying about getting his account banned)
Everyone keeps bringing up what things would be like if Nova returned. Problem is that she completely nuked everything. She fully deleted her twitter account so someone took over the handle - after the blackstream they changed the pfp and header pic to Doki fanart for a while. She's never getting that back.
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Aren't you forgetting somebody?
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cute lesbian lovers!
Crowki... Pls marry me
because the alternative is letting >>79734833 get away with their lies
you do your reps you braindead nijinigger sister
Doki didnt cry her eyes out for sympathy?
notice how the nijisister ignored
when they called her out in her lies
And the sins of the nijiniggers continues to grow
Doki was spinning her sob story long before she actually got fired
As if the termination was the start of this lmao
I replied to them?
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No the start of this is when Nijisisters thought she was their best supporter until big boss riku decided she wasn't good enough for them and lauched their smear campaign
and nijisanji made the mistake of thinking they can pull the same thing they did with Zaion on a well liked talent with a long and respected history
Why does every nijinigger post start with “well i dont actually watch X talent but heres my retarded opinion anyway”
If they are actually capable of watching nijisanji their latest wave wouldn't be entering 2view territory
sisters are too busy defending their company on 4chan to watch streams please understand
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>on a well liked talent with a long and respected history
lol who exactly liked and respected selen?
Their mistake was letting her spin up a sob storyer
When twitter hears about your employee going to the hospital "because of you" its over
>spent all their money on giftcards so cant afford the concert tickets
cant make this shit up
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You sisters used to like her before riku told you guys to hate her
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This is BS obviously but it would end up being like this:
How many Finanas is that? I haven't checked the conversion rate lately.
This is why we keep reciepts
a little under 18 finanas
>replies 5 times
I accept your concession
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Next time you try to lie maybe lie better
Some random persons post? wow thats crazy
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I'm sorry didn't you have some concessions to accept? Why are you backtracking now?
and now you understand why nijisisters lost the PR war so badly
About 20 fnn. Those are average numbers for someone like Baelz, Mori or Nerissa, wtf is this cope that 6k isn't that much actually?
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holy shit birdniggers what do we do?
its so over
You guys told me they were only 2 views now. VT lied to me?
Truly nijiniggers are recruting the smartest of the crop
>VT lied to me?
if you actually believed what >>79743842 is posting you might actually be too young for this board
>Most competent nijinigger psyops
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In a way I’m glad that Doki still lives rent free in some people’s heads since it gives the opportunity of shutting down bait like >>79731675 and preventing people from ever forgetting about Niji’s fuck up.
I quite literally have not even made a divisive statement of any kind
Selen cried on twitter about trying to kill herself because of discord DMs so now they got her back
Thats literally what happened
Woah... She's just like me!
Oh I'm sorry what happened to Doki made the first move, oh wait actually nijisanji did BUT DON'T LOOK IT DIDN'T HAPPEN
this is why Nijisisters are their own worst enemies
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Got em good sister
remember lads
nijisisters unironically believe this is going to get more people on their side
Their solo numbers are in the toilet, hell mint is on her pomu numbers when she's not doing MGS.
This is just leeching of each other, a mutually parasitic relationship if you will.
I feel bad for sisters, being trapped time-looping the month of February would make anyone go insane
Doki tweeted about being in the hospital long before she got fired you insufferable spastic holy shit
Sorry meant for >>79743570
Oh, so all I need to do is pretend to be a victim and I'll be successful?
No, NijiEN did that and it didn't work.
No, I meant it for >>79743842
how's Elira's victim act working out for her?
me. And I would do it again
You need to be a victim and then proceed to prove that you were actually being shackled.
That is what twitter is for yes
Twitter doesnt care about proof they care about your image and that you were first
If you were accused of being an abuser first they wont buy it
Oh my bad again I meant >>79743439
No I definitely meant >>79743842
i shit you not nijisisters are so deranged that they need two homo threads because they cant stand each other. at some point part of them invaded and took over /nijien/ solely because of their retarded infighting.
Even vshojofags hate homo

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