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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Previous: >>79698626
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Someone PLEASE save Nerissa from her crippling Runescape addiction
My wife
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So what did we learn from the last thread anons?
If you're a tranny, you're not welcome in this hobby.
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Recent clip numbers
>outing yourself as the sapling that posted that list
please continue humiliating yourself
Why is /#/ so dead?
Is this legal?
>virtual avatars
>female dominated
nigga you're knee deep in a tranny hobby
I think that they're pulling the increased audience from the fans that gave NijiEN a chance back when it could be described as Holo adjacent. They left come fall/winter 2021, when the branch became much more like the main branch in its culture, and are only back now because they know they don't have to deal with it. Them + some fans that have kept watching throughout their stays in the Niji asylum, leading to an overall higher average CCV.

>Mint and Doki are pulling in two groups of audience members, those who like Holo adjacent chuubas, and those who stuck with them while in Niji.
Gigi kisses with her tongue down your throat.
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>47,204: AZKi (Hololive)
>34,536: Miko (Hololive)
>27,169: Mio (Hololive)
>26,759: Pekora (Hololive)
>24,006: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>17,908: Aqua (Hololive)
>16,855: Mumei (Hololive)
>16,766: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>16,078: Koyori (Hololive)
>15,779: Cecilia (Hololive)
>14,346: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>14,184: Elizabeth (Hololive)
>14,118: Bijou (Hololive)
>13,799: Iofi (Hololive)
>11,991: Luna (Hololive)
>11,616: Sophia (Nijisanji)
>11,408: Okayu (Hololive)
>11,016: SakakiNess (Nijisanji)
>10,956: Lui (Hololive)
>10,857: Raora (Hololive)
>10,293: Noel (Hololive)
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Yeah, just don't get caught.
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its ad friendly, same thing
Because (you) here
>he actually believes this
There's a reason you can't make a profit on sucking up to them. Not. Welcome.
my daughter rock...
How did Bae leave runthood?
You forgot about the unityfags who mostly stuck with doki after the selen shock happened
It’s getting worse for nijisanji
we are busy watching gigi
Today, I will remind them.
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I watched a vspo girl play cs and I liked it
I think I'll continue doing so until she collabs with males at which point I will sperg and make it everyone's problem
>vtubers are actually man with a voice changer
wow extra bored tonight
>Gura #1
>Gura #2
>Gura's wife #3
>Gura's wife #4
Hololive wins by doing nothing while the rest of the industry bursts in flames.
Sapfags aren't here to spam the thread with every unimportant thing Fauna says or does
New gen, new splits, dead thread.
Fauna is not streaming
>Gigi's rationing water
What a retard
Watching Biboo about to push Radahn's shit in
EU sleeping
Bijou and Gigi are neck to neck to suck my dick
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Yeah, I’m her diaper
Gigi's sweaty spats...
Fauna just said my cock hits all the right spots, thoughts?
Go to sleep eurocuck
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>CGDCT all at the top
Feels good
CGDCT is king
they should help in putting out the flames, as industry leaders. selfish hololivers
Fuck off shill
>China not happy with Kobo
It's over, they are going to anti hololive even more…
>leave nijien
>get better numbers
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The ones below 100 streams should stream more; no more excuses.
>europoors are still awake
I know I will get replies with the cope of
>You can be friends with more than one group of people
But why is Mint siding so hard with Doki after pretending she was also close to the Nijis? Her graduation feels so fake now
Nerissa, Shiori, Gigi, and ERB decided to debut
the only vtubers worth watching at mint and fauna
it's time you forgive ame for her lapse in judgment she's suffer enough don't you think?
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How come all these GG posts and the graph looks like this? Is this the Fauna gaslight all over again?
Link last homo collab?
Has she admitted fault?
Anyone realize that Justice has further split the branch by timezones?
>Mori, IRyS, Bae, FWMC, Raora in JST
>Kiara, ERB, Ceci in EU times
>Ina, Gura, Ame, Fauna, Kronii, Mumei, Shiori, Biboo, Nerissa in NA times
It's 9:9 in NA:EU/JP, is that a bad thing? I feel like collabs are just getting harder and harder to plan out.
>Bae last
Unironically kill yourself, Sapkek. Nobody in HoloEN loves Hololive more than Bae does.
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what are you trying to say?
That's a lot of NijiEN organs with more than 1k. This thread lied to me.
She graduated before the black screen stream
RWBY remembrance time.
Also, whatever ended up happening to the Ruby vtuber?
Terrible start, Schizo
the only vtubers worth watching are mint and fauna
He used ties, so ERB, Kronii, Bae, Mori, and Nerissa are all last place.
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So did we talk about how vox's 3d falls on the same date their AX concert would've fallen on had it not been cancelled?
And during that time Selen was already MIA and silent, are you dumb?
Wouldn't having more girls similar timeslots increase the chance a collab happening?
>Brrat always in here shitting on Fauna
big surprise.
Gigi is better today.
Remember when Faunaschizo couldn't tell white people apart earlier? That was funny.
EUkeks watching CC went to sleep, retard
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It has been decided.
> ERB > Nerissa
> Raora > FWMC
> Cecilia > Shiori
> Gigi > Bijou
Even the Justice runt wins.
Advent lost.
Luxiem is going to mog Advent 3D so hard lmao
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This happened after she decided to graduate
>>79705454 (me)
omg i forgot gigi
I mean like for things like full branch collabs, or even a full gen collab for Justice.
How having more flexibility make collabs harder to plan out exactly? are you a data scientist by any chance? lmao.
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jwu qrd on why /wawa/ was melting down?
Go to sleep europoor
I'm curious as to why you reply to your own post all the time.
who? is that some small corpo shitter?
Explain this behavior
First timezone is SEA. If your oshi streams at those hours you probably eat pagpag.
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Soon more time will have passed since that stream and now than for the duration they were alive.
Shut the fuck up Rowling nobody cares about your politics.
That girl is friends with Elira and went on a date with Enna
Europoors are still awake
>Gura #1
>Gura #2
>Gura's wife #3
>Gura's wife #4
>Gura-killer #1

Forced to stop streaming after the studio closed
What the fuck is this trash
Chart out all active timezones for EN, and see how you need to have some members streaming at awful times to have a collab.
They weren't, sisters raided unsuccessfully Global, here and their thread and got BTFO out of them all in the same 30 minute period.
>jp homos at anime expo
for what purpose
Realityposting, holocunt.
Shitposters go back to global if you want to use numbers so wrongly
Casey L. Williams for EN5
I believe
Europoor shitposts
>Homos biggest illustration
>CC so cute, already generating seethe threads from 2views in the catalog

That's how you know she is good.
Damn aside from FWMC and Mori, there's no EN presence
Good for you anon. Doing so will help VSPO grow and hopefully aid tge Brave group in replacing Anycolor for the #2 spot
They're sending all the trash lmao.
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i'm a pebblephile.
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Actual unironic GRIM.
monkeys more obsessed than usual today what's up
Ogey jannies do your job
why is halschizo melting down
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It lit started in hlgg
You know it's the same eurocuck because he's the only one that uses vstats around this time
Why can't Gigi retain people?
piss break
kill yourself ennacuck
that is not how you eat ice cream you stupid child
Surely that's why FWMC gets so much money right? From all the third worlders right?
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A lot of narratives are going to age like milk. Imagine really believing there's bad blood here.
We will finally see who has more mindshare in person.
Hololive vs Vshojo vs Nijisanji vs Dokibird
Males need not apply
you wish
I just had the realization that the great influx of newfags are from the old communities of the new holos that discovered the great /vt/, thats why they act like they know something, and I'm feeling kinda dumb
Literally only four things on here worth watching
What a dogshit display from Cover, literally hurting themselves just to prop up shitters
Without a Herculean effort from the girls propping up the company, Yagoo wouldn't be able to manage a fucking Burger King
Can't wait to see how few people is going to watch the homos
Then explain why they are shitposting on overdrive right now
euroschizo is a thing?
Retard who thinks it’s funny to LARP as a sister
What are they gonna do? Watch Nijisanji? Kek
Everyone you don't like is a schizo now
I see what you did there, kek.
no, it's one of the usual suspects working an angle
I only see a router plapper spamming euro-something
Her swearing up and down after she graduated that she doesn't ACKSHUALLY care about male vtubers was so funny
its ennacuck again
So now that it's more or less confirmed that Mumei is in Doki's birthday Apex thing, will any other EN's join?
Why give space to homoshit?
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Random but with the Wii Sports stream the other day I felt a need, a need to watch a Bowling movie. There was less options than I thought there would be.
I chose Kingpin.
I think I'll watch it tonight.
Any ERB banger tweets todat?
there's a difference between watching them for entertainment, vs. having to interact with them because they're you're coworkers
>homos get two hours
Hopefully not
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More or less confirmed how?
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>>79705817 (me)
Even in a overall decent spread of times like picrel, it's still too early for west coast and past midnight for Japan. And it's either this or switch it around to have evening NA, past midnight EU, and early morning JP.
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She played with "Luca" offstream retard-kun
Wow she actually remembered to refer to the JP girls as senpai this time
Must have gotten chewed out by a JP manager for all the disrespect
this is fucking weak
Why is she sexpesting my holos? Whore
Fuck off vermin
>Octavio STILL hasn't sold out his M&G 5 hours later
none of you fags are even going to AX
Unfortunately unlike with crunchyfes they didn't get to monopolize the event this time
Jurard is confirmed in yes
I assume that means most of the EN boys will show up
You mean Raziel/Mizuchi?
Why offcolab in a hotel tho?
>25 streams
>77 hours
Where the fuck is Ame
Men are better than women
I didn't even know he was the runt of Holostars
I thought it was Flaygod
What a bitch, at the very least address by her name as well
yeah but 3hrs of homo karaoke, reserve this kind of programs for anime impulse that's fujo central ffs
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>HoloLIVE meet
>25% of the content is Stars
Genuinely surprising considering the other homos, unsurprisingly given this is sister territory, I guess he really is just that boring even by their standards.
dangerous blowjob fetishist...
Whoooooo the actual fuck is at Anime Expo for Rio and Fuma?
For over six months?
>Nene makes a post and ERB makes it about herself
Is she autistic or something?
She needs to get away from her family please understand
I mean hololive meet is the proto-HLZNTL, shoehorning homos in to get welfare checks for the turbo runts
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Rate my taste /#/
Im not a deadbeat btw
Nene was posting in her rebroadcast chat as she was singing that anon, stop reaching for things to hate her for when there are other much more obvious things.
anon, it was about her rebroadcast, nene was watching it
he doesn't ybdbd so he's useless.
t. homobeggars
you guys actually watched her karaoke?
Nene was watching ERB's rebroadcast
wait he hasn't sold out at anime impulse? that's a sisters stronghold no?
He's leeching hard from ERB though
If you’re a male, do not leave Nijisanji. Without Nijisanji’s warm embrace of the precious boiz, they don’t stand a chance in this cruel world filled with incels and unicron transformers.
Cant rate your taste until I know how far at the bottom ERB is
t. cuckbeat
ruined your shitpost?
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And he's not even the absolute runt.
Are you gonna keep trying this every new Dokishitter event?
>Constantly moving the goalpost
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Is this scam? It says hololive
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What the actual fuck happened!? Even if you disregard bots n debuff game there's no way she should already be a mid 3 view. GRIM, I tell you, GRIIIIM.
ERB didn't exist until a week ago. Where is his history of sexpesting. Trex flip has been very blatant since last year
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Gura doko
Anon that's from her karaoke
Hololive Meet always included the boys, do you guys not remember the promo art?
The gray letters say
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>If you’re a male, do not leave Nijisanji.
Don't join either. The last two MALES, Claude and Hogwarts Quickreandown, aren't doing so hot
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Oh I'm sorry did I ruin your shitposting session?
you're so fucking cringe man, where did you train for it? (nta btw)
the future is holopro
You guys even post like women
she picked fucking OW2, bitch is toasted.
Why are yuros like this?
The tweet is about her stream in the first place
Stream horts again now that debut week is over.
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that and she said on debut she plays a healbot so youre not gonna see anything too exciting
Who is gonna make asians learn that filtering their faces that much fucking ruins every picture, I rather see eyebags than this shit
Why are you retarded?
you didnt have to reply to my post 6 times
He's sexpesting in EN girls' birthday tweet along with jutard
yet moom can get 4views
and she's not even good at it
I hope this makes you realize that just because we don't like a girl doesn't mean you can make shit up and we'll eat it with a spoon
yeah but moom is moom
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>yet moom can get 4views
No she can't.
being one of Towa's onaholes is a passive buff to fps numbers
>smartest euroshart
Any bets on Shiori singing new songs?
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For frame of reference this is the objective rating for EN
Jesus, Gigi totally mogs Gura when it comes to Rhythm games.
Wait, this entire branch actually made 1 million fucking dollars? I don't know if we can say they're useless guys, that sounds like a lot of money a million other corpos that can afford to debut these many people will never make.
why anyone wants to expose their ears to shiori singing is beyond me.
I read that as 5 views I'm retarded
I'm not sure why the fuck you would bring up 4 views when that's literally the bare minimum in hololive though
based retard what the fuck do you think a 4view is
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What was that? Are you guys really that new?
What did Ame ever do to you
Too late you must now commit suicide
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Your taste is TERRIBLE. Noel at the bottom? Below Botan? Below ERB? Fuck you.
She perpetuates the "gluten bad" myth
are you new?
idk, I like watching her have fun
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What does this say about me?
karaoke is about having fun
sisters aren't going to like this.
As someone with celiac's, I miss when pizza & bagels tasted good...
Gigi really is just the better Gura.

>Better at being a brat
>Better at rhythm games
>Better at collabs
>Better at streaming frequency

The only thing Gura has over her is singing ability.
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Another Saplingschizo is born
I was a teamate at the time of her homo escapades
Holy retard
It's a faggot, please understand.
made up disease
like adhd or covid
What is this some discord activity? I don't see the link on the main holo discord.
Don't let the shitposting distract you that there are still JP bros watching GG.
Probably the same subhuman
I am the chumbud. I am biting the bait. You will wonder, reading this real chumbud post, why are the cumbuds like this.
maybe they should play vs each other.
the blood I shit when I eat gluten says otherwise
Tempiss status?
I shit blood if I have gluten, but go off king I guess
He's not wrong though, Sapkeks are fucking annoying fauna nuthuggers.
Jilted exes are the most annoying posters on /vt/.
How fucking new
that you like dumb (smart) women
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This shit is getting more likes per day than the Dyes Iwasaki song is getting views, kek
Kill yourself
two more terminated homos soon.
>Sapkeks are fucking annoying fauna nuthuggers.
[fanbase] are fucking annoying [person they're a fanbase for] nuthugger
You don't fucking say
How does it feels
Oh look xhe's here
>cute girls
You must be new to the internet bro, cats are the steroids of virality
Old school internet personality/humor.
Just don’t become a vtuber if you are a male. Just stay away for everyone’s sake.
If your taste so great then share with the class anon
Maybe. There is no doubt that Gigi is mogging Gura in Project Sekai but it doesn't seem as if Gura plays that game. The fact that Gura can clear Project Diva songs on extra extreme means she shouldn't be underestimated. I'm sure if she played Project Sekai she would be just as good as Gigi is now. Doing this well on Master difficulty on Project Sekai is impressive though so Gigi is absolutely a force.
What a shit lineup. They better step the fuck up in ANYC
Really though, when it comes to Hololive especially, the chuubas you dislike says more about you than the chuubas you like
>holo en post deleted
they will make homos even bigger
Then how come Okayu isn't a top holo?
I did it earlier, I excluded ID and ReGloss because I don't watch them.
>reading the archive during Ceci stream
yeah EU deserve ERB
imageboard? board to post images?
I like that there is a button to filter non-JP holos but nothing to filter JP holos.
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I bothered to check out other Holos afterwards so I guess it worked out
they posted the schedule and deleted it dunno why
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we're checking out azur promilia right?
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oh it's just that
why did they delete it? do they hate the homos?
Yuros shit up the thread like no other
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Does it have cute hebes and lolis? The one in your pic is cute, but I'm not into potatoes.
They're just more honest and aren't hugbox crybabies like most American posters tend to be.
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Probably some errors in the schedule
Either that or it isn't supposed to go up yet
its the same fag seething 15 minutes earlier about EU
Why are euros like this
i'm expecting nice thread atmosphere like when Fauna is streaming but got endless shitposts and timeloops instead
I fucking hate this song
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Reminder that if you don't have any first army chuuba in your top 10 you are in fact a anti
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Not yet, we are still playing Azur Lane Cunnychads. All the hipsters moved onto Blue Archive but the true Cunnychads are still playing Azur Lane.
More than half of EN is mediocre in live singing and people just watch them to have fun
>expecting euro hours to be good
Yeah there's your problem right there
>about to get lapped by an indie
Yes anon the fujo intern suddenly turned on the homo.
Probably just needs to reupload it or something
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>do they hate the homos
more like one interested in homos
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It's 2am here anon... My shift starts at 9am
I only watch Gura, Nerissa, ERB, Marine, Suisei, Sora, IRyS, Kanatan, Towa, and Azki karaokes. So I am the other half.
imagine getting BTFO'd by Scott so hard you seethe for months about an entire continent
I decide my oshis based on monthly average
I saw a comment from a sister asking them to change Astel'a icon into the right one, and considering the intern alqays listens to sisters, well...
Then why are you awake?
about fucking time we got some good cunny. Im sick and tired of dishwasher shit
The reason why he’s one of the least popular is bordering doxx territory. But basically there’s no way he can court hardcore yumes like other homos potentially could.
It’s another reason why holos can still succeed where homos can’t - they can still exist in the cgdct space and the box and be successful, see Azki.
>he can't function on 3 hours of sleep
yuropoors truly the weakest race
Just say women are doxxsisters and be done with it.
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Holy. Shame that the lolis barely get art from that game though. All the good artists are over at BA.
but i remember AWO streams the thread being good with few v autists in between
im going to assume you mean that he is too brown
Blame the CCP for fucking them over
4 hours of holostars?
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Finishing my Dragon's Dogma spreadsheet I'm gooning
How to eat pagpag
Oh it's the song Koyori x Gura x Noel sang in holofes
ask the monkeys shitting the thread
Seriously though did we overlook this? Or did they plan to do an overlap all along?
NPC spotted
>i forgot their last name... and their first name

Holofags seething about Mori is such an amazing feeling. I can't wait for the crab game collab where she ruins your entertainment especially the cgdct unicucks.
Good to know that your concept of good is just people that the masses say are good and you have 0 personal taste
did nerissa and shiori fly together to japan?
>personal taste
thats called cope.
>homoshiller doesn't even know the homo she's shilling
quite telling
I mean 1 million spit to the managers and like 10+ talents is not that much.
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Gigi's been nice this stream. She's growing on me.
no one is seething at mori
We love Mori in this thread tho, you should try this in global
Yea. Nerissa went to Shiori's house and then they flew from there
Strange post
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she just needed time to get comfy
Probably yeah. I'm assuming Nerissa's city airport is not a major hub for international flights
Fags complaining about this need to understand that this is very last minute. AX took the feedback from anime fags complaining that cons are being taken over by Hololive seriously so they removed Hololive except a Mori appearance for DC. Only recently the realized that They were looking at a huge drop in attendance and shit themselves. They approached Hololive very last minute to invite them but almost everyone is now very busy and they only got a few that could be spared and some homos since they don't really have anything to do anyway. This is 100% on AX for trying to cut Hololive out then begging them to come back.
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This was fun. Didn't rate the IDs since I didn't trust my opinion of them was valid.

Not even a PekoMikofag. I like Pekora and Miko as separate entities but if they want to start collabing again I wouldn't be opposed.
proof? it'd be funny if actually true lol
800k post youtube cut in 2 years when they have management/staff to pay for 10 homos
what an odd falseflag
I mean yeah
She didn't care about them to begin with
The duet and collabs were just because she's a cunty person
squirmbeat did you tab in the wrong thread?
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discount pikamee is a 4 view
we love _______ here
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>im raiding the new bois Debut join if you want
>half the chat says no thanks/im good
that was one of the funniest things ive ever seen and i think that was the point where she stopped giving a fuck.
>mercy main
yeah shes gonna be the runt
GG love
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See how black co Kadokawa hid potential leak and yet still deflecting that users personal information has been compromised
ERB leaked that Advent 3D announcement is on the 6th
is she seriously boosted? funny thought
Did squirm's bot break or something
Are you squirming for me right now?
Her worst trait that she shared with Mori too. They both acted out against the audience for literally no reason. Mori got carried by her gay music contract shit but Ame was just nasty and a lot of her fans noticed. That girl can be a real piece of work.
Sushi, Nintendo and Toyota to you too anon
Squirmbeat is such a weirdo. First, most of Mori's seethe anywhere has nothing to do with unicorns or cgdct. Second, I think Mori would legit slap him with a bike chain if he shitposted about "holofags" as if she wasn't part of hololive.
Where even is Shiori? Did Nerissa fly to hang out with Shiori?
go back to bed Rider
groomable tier
you're such a retard lmao
181 is not even that bad nowadays, it's that grim in nijiland
Pretty sure most people here enjoyed Nerissa and Mori in Fauna's bday dungeon
wrong tab retard
So how's the merch going, ERB still at the bottom?
go back
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fauna why do you lie so much...
That thing replied twice to the same post in one message, did the bot break?
Sorry anon, the 180s aren't enough to give me my grim hit anymore
no one knows. We just know because of that incognito mode bullshit that that she's in CST like Rissa
moonrunes tldr
Only FWMC, Nenechi and Mori worth watching for the regular holofag. Id enjoy Kanade too but thats just me, Americans not gonna give a fuck about ReGloss
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*dying gremlin noises*
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Alright, pretty clear what their audience wants.
Why its relevant /here/ because niconico is under Kadokawa group, and majority of Nijisanji and Hololive Vtubers came from there.
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EN only list
Numbertomos im the only one who thinks that the erb schedule is retarded, she is doing the same that kanade did and suesei told her not to do
This will get seethe but it's true chumbuds,saplings,ruffians especially you know in the back of a unicorns mind he's seething.
Arya overlapped Remia the whole time
Mansister saying Regus gonna graduate and leave Dingo alone
thats tempoop
Gigi's stream is just fucking dead air
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anon? we love mori 12.0 itt
Yeah but I can't read that shit anon
Kanade might do okay because she's being slotted in the same place right before Mori, so I'm sure Holofans will be there for at least some of her set. They should've paired Ririka with FWMC for the same reason.
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All I'm gonna say:
I'm so fucking glad I'm an East Coast fan
We get less, but when we get something we get to EAT FUCKING GOOD
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My wife
yes, losing to gg
not even chammers can make me go to AXPO. sorry
I'd think that it's not somewhere too far from Nerissa, because if they were on opposite sides of CST, like, say Minnesota and Texas, then it just wouldn't make sense for Nerissa to visit Shiori.
See you are so mind broken from shit like le Mori version 1038838 seethe holofag. You make up versions of people that doesn't exist. She doesn't bow to your pathetic Corp
if streamer then why no gura streams?
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if gigi give her blessing to lewdish art she will incline so hard
Four hour Gigi stream? :O
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Well love mori and her barely covered breast
the same one who said "i fuck hard" and joked about edging?
we talking about that gigi?
Gigi is the "Aster" of HoloEN
le skilled gamer who requires dead silence and concentration, while muttering to himself and internally malding, and isn't even all that great at the game all things considered.
Fuck off already that lazy piece of shit doesn't even stream
the difference is that none of us care to try and see erb make good decisions
She's had that for a year stupid holofag
no one has any clue about what the fuck she's doing between late frames even if she's online spamming in other holo/homo chats or going that hard with karaoke week 1 but I gotta say the instant rebroadcast to hit 2 different timezones is nice.
udders love
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Good morning chattini
Acrylic stand stock update:
>Remaining stock in Holoshop/GJ = Total sales
Raora: 4482/315 = 703
Cecilia: 4511/324 = 665
Gigi: 4487/368 = 645
Elizabeth: 4511/350 = 639
>nigga watches nijien unironically
Phasenigger wrong thread.
We need this for the next holoEXPO
Are you pretending to be retarded, we all know who that is
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>watching nijien
>Niconico got shut down with reason 'ransomware' but dont worry, it only affected the platform (hiding huge detail)
>Black suit group bm Kadokawa to paid them for security before 1st July
>They didnt give the amount of money the hacker wanted
>A portion of leaks happened last midnight
>Some streamers under contract with niconico got leaked, name, address, photo, etc
And here we are, press release that they still investigating and only reassure credit card information is safely secured (still hiding potential general users information)
Why are you leaving out the JP shitters like Haachama and Nene?
do unpurchasers work on merch? or just ticket sales?
That... makes perfect sense, actually. Far enough to where it makes sense there's only been the one time where they've stayed together, there's public transport like buses between the two, and it's CST.
A phasenigger?
This gremlin is so cute i'm glad she joined holo
She is doing the same this week btw
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Ngl I'd be pissed if I was one of her genmates busting my ass off streaming everyday and I saw her put this schedule out
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guess we know who the better ennaclone is now
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This time for sure
thats doxshit
You might be the only one
Yikes that is too many homo for me
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>stops playing the game
>views go up
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Bro how? It can't be just the homos, she hasn't even nuked herself with a collab yet, it's all been twitter shit and maybe some stream mentions right?
If you watched any of her karaoke streams you'd know she's writing and recording her debut album.
Squirmbeat you fucking newfag
Why so much shitposting right now?
holy shit a solo game!
>2 rebroadcast
HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH what the fuck is this shit
Man, you are still trying to push this
Bae overslept again.
that's squirmbeat, sometimes he wander here for a thread or two especially after advent debuted (really was the UMG contract) and mori mellowed, a lot.
Fauna streams less than that a week and you faggots fellate her so what's the problem.
Yeah it's like they let loose a headless chicken in HoloEN to be honest
This doesn’t make much sense to me at all, very interesting I guess
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>Anon spreading misinformation on the internet again
2view seethe
Holoan are all the same thing.
she's a vet who has done her time, retardbro newnig.
Brother this is like seeing a boss enemy and going
>oh great another goblin
less zatsu than the others?

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