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>joins vshojo
>does a subathon but quits after two weeks despite hitting all goals
>doesn't stream because "omg long covid" but it's been two years now
>ffxiv marathon to catch up to the new DLC but she only did four streams and gave up
>only goes live four times a month and two of those streams are most likely sponsors...

If you wanted to throw away your career Haruka, you could've just graduated
She has autism plz understand
Vshojo doesn't do graduation. They just leave.
her scamathon will never not be funny to me
what do you expect of the nepohire?
thats the only based thing about vshojo desu
I feel like she's the most forgettable sizeable chuuba ever.
i genuinely forgot about her until seeing this thread desu
she probably hates streaming but has no other options career wise anon
Don't understand why they have to copy every little thing that Hololive does. Why bother with the debuts/graduation, they're not supposed to be idols.
I thought she was a voice actor?
nta but no, she's just a hobbyist AT BEST. unironically she couldn't even commit to that let alone streaming
sister deflection thread detected
I only watch her when she shows up on Naggz streams that's it
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She's a lot bigger than I expected wtf. I guess it's because of all the FFXIV streams. Does she run drops or something or is that normal?
she only did ffxiv streams recently

she was big 2020 during the boom, but just joined vshojo and got really lazy
im not even joking, i always forget she is part of vshojo. i only remember it when she appears on any vshojo advertising and i go "oh yeah...she is there"
Are you kidding man? She's an oldfag and in VShojo. She has an unmistakable personality. The max numbers are from raids but she's a decent-sized channel yes.
She gets a lot of raids from vshojo members when she's live
She's doing the meta gura strat
without raids she pulls 2k at best
If it's not obvious, the little streams that she does is just to keep her average CCV high to get paid more for sponsors, thats how she gets a living, if she streamed more it would drop. Yeah a vshojo member is a grifter, shocker
>Gura will never scam people with subathons and donothons
KYS seaster
Can you show some examples of this? Keep in mind VShojo has several members who stream 40hrs or more a week. It's also just not how Twitch normally works because it usually rewards long and frequent streams compared to Youtube which punishes it.
she's busy playing final fantasy with her 1view friends instead of her community plz understand
I'm not saying every vshojo member does this, but is a well known fact that sponsors only care about average CCV on twitch at least, Asmongold would be the perfect example
she streams 5 hours a week at best anon
isn't she the runt of vshojo too or is that geega?
I remember this bitch from 2020. Stopped watching her when Myth debuted and have only heard bad/unfortunate things since.
I'm not asking for evidence she streams infrequently. I'm asking for evidence that streaming more would make her recline. Keep in mind Ironmouse streams something like 50 hours a week and is the top Twitch vtuber.
>Hololive invented debuts
OK sure, but Haruka doesn't take that many sponsors... so...?
she's pretty hard in the autism sprectrum so she probable gets episodes.
isn't she the girl that got in through the "auditions", or was that someone else?
not true every other stream (except her ffxiv failed marathon) is a sponsor for honkai starrail or merch shill. i dropped her cus it felt soulless
Yeah she's the nepohire
>every other stream is a sponsor
That is, in fact, not many sponsors.Count them.

>>does a subathon but quits
Still waiting for her to make good on that.
It's a lot when she barely streams anon, hope that helps
Ironmouse is the funnel of raids from twitch's vtubing community, everyone sees her as the golden ticket for the inner circle, if you are trying to compare her to haruka I'm sorry for you
yeah i hope she locks in and continues the subathon soon, but its not likely. i just wish i didnt gift subs to her
No she isn't and no they don't. Anyway the next four VShojo members behind her are Zentreya, Henya and Mochi. They also all stream around 40 hours/week. All of the biggest members stream a lot. Even if this somehow comes down to raids it's just the Twitch meta, no, streaming infrequently does not boost your numbers.
Don't forget her scamathon anon, she ran away with thousands and didn't complete any goals or finish the subathon, and its been years
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Haruka's kind of weird in that she appears on other people's streams way more than her own. She's often on Zen's streams and pops up on Henya, Michi, and her best friend Arielle's streams regularly. But she can also appear literally anywhere unannounced on the streams of fleshstreamers or even literal 2views you have never heard of in your life. People in /vsj+/ actively keep track off her and let people know who she's currently collabing with.
shitruka shartibu
Zen, henya and mochi all mog haruka ccv wise. Haruka's infrequent streaming is definitely a debuff
I agree absolutely. She squandered her opportunity in joining the corpo.
If she did anything in the corpo, she would've been fine. But she's lazy
funny how she doesnt stream because shes sick but mouse whos dying streams everyday
I was scrolling hoping someone would say this, or I was going to.
She is on other people's streams for more hours per week than her own.
Normal person who falls ill = this is fucked up
Person who is ill all the time, forever = this is normal

People with chronic illnesses get used to it.
Does she explain why? If she's on other people's streams a lot why can't she stream at the same time
if its been two years of illness isn't it her new normal then?
They don't boost the numbers, they retain it, why are you trying do discuss something you fail so hard to understand?
i love the moose but the subathon is undependable
Read the thread, retard. The person I was responding to said, verbatim
>if she streamed more it would drop
That's what I'm disagreeing with. No one said they boost the numbers by streaming more.
haruka pls prove everyone wrong and just stream
She doesn't have COVID anymore
She just has autism
how could she stream consistently before then
she cant leave vshojo otherwise she'd be irrelevant
She was never consistent.
2020 to 2021 she was
Don't let this thread distract from you the fact that Geega is the single most boring "large" chuuba in the entire Western market.
Haruka's stream schedule went tits-up post-Vshojo debut, COVID and the gigadepression she fell into after getting oneguyed by a 1view she rejected a collab invitation from.
I'm geegin
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true but at least shes a chuuba who cares enough to stream
That's really depressing.
she still streams which is better than your oshi
VShojo is 100% nepohires, weird take dude
i forgot about her before seeing this thread, she always seemed like she had good potential. im a little sad things changed for the worst
Meh, not really. Vshojo is a loose collective of a bunch of indies with a few official girls giving the illusion of a cohesive group. Anyone who has even stepped foot in /vsj+/ would know this. The term loses all meaning when you consider that they're ultimately operating in their own micro-cliques and aren't really a unit like other corpos. If anything getting into Vshojo instead of staying on the sidelines is a debuff as has been shown multiple times.
everyone in vshojo was hired because they know someone related to vshojo
i remember when myth auditions were released, a lot of people including myself hoped she applied for it. cover dodged a bullet
I like to listen to her talk so you're wrong
>bitch who never streams
>"welp, better pay my hard earned money for her plopping her ass down to stream since the birth of Christ

they deserved it
That's all she does
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>believing the brown Munchhausen hag

do indietards truly?
Proof next thread?
>they're ultimately operating in their own micro-cliques and aren't really a unit like other corpos
Unity has skyrocketed to an all-time high since Henya debuted

>getting into Vshojo instead of staying on the sidelines is a debuff as has been shown multiple times.
What do you mean? With the exception of Kuro, just about everyone has inclined since joining. Worst case, stayed the same.
I watched her when she was an orbiter along with Snuffy but once Nyan left I just dropped VShojo altogether
context on the oneguy?
Most corporations are not cohesive groups. NijiEN obviously isn't a cohesive group, there are members of HoloEN who have never interacted on stream and loads that aren't friends, Idol fell apart because it was just a collection of talents, and Phase? I don't really know I don't watch them it's doubtlessly the same.
The weirdest thing here is the reference to /vsj+/, which is considerably more pro-unity than the actual streamers, if anything visiting that thread would give you an impression of more unity than actually exists.
>watching for Nyanners

nigger what?

been around the mulberry bush on this one before, the main proof yields a 3 day ban
That's actually funny.
Most people during that era were watching for Mouse and Nyan, and especially their interactions
green gura
You’re full of shit
So no proof then?
Does anyone know why she doesn't stream but appears on everyone else's?
>Intimidation tactics
Stats with a D, nine letters minus one, and simply typing it into Warosu nets lots of trash bin icons
Everyone knows this, no one is allowed to talk about it.
proof doko?
Unironically the autism, or more specifically the executive dysfunction associated with autism

Going on-stream myself is a task, but hanging out with my friend is fun
She actually said this?
Streaming is her job, if this is her mindset I'm genuinely worried for her future
No, but if you are familiar with autism it's pretty easy to guess.

Haruka is fairly deep on the spectrum, she just masks very well.
Grim. Hoping for the best for then
I miss when mouse and nyan were still friends and nyan was still a lesbian
Haruka Scamibu
how much did she even make from her subathon?
Why would she graduate? She's on twitch pretty much every day, just usually on someone elses stream.
true, if she graduated no free money from brainless twitch users
That's the same for every vtuber. And when she guests on collabs she's not making any money.
>in someone else stream
>making money
Anon... What are we trying to deflect today? A baitthread about the most harmeless and forgetful vtuber must be something big...
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guys leave her alone, she has friends IRL who may or may not be manipulating her, either way don't be an ass.
I remember this bitch dropping her leeches in 2020
sounds like her problem. maybe she should stop being autistic
That's not what nepotism means. Hiring someone who works in the same field for years and you already know is Patronage/ clientelism or even networking. La+ who never knew what vtubing is and getting into Hololive because her father owns20% of the marketshare is Nepotism.
>Hololive invented Debut and Graduations.
She's a neet who doesn't go outside, she's said before on stream that all her friends are online
Haruka please prove them all wrong and just stream
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Is she the one that Hololive ripped off the design for their green nature friendly chuba?
Haruka invented the color green
Nah, haruka debuted before myth came out anon
fucking long covid. I remember people talking about it when the coof was still bugland exclusive
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She's so fucking cute...
She is, I miss her even if she's a scammer. I just want her to stream
Reading comprehension.
My bad anon, I have autism
So why is Nyan cratering?
lurkerfag here, did she complete her subathon goals after cancelling the subathon? If she did it's only half a scam then
>If anything getting into Vshojo instead of staying on the sidelines is a debuff as has been shown multiple times.
Geega and Haruka were skyrocketing after joining Vshojo but one got sick and never streamed consistently afterwards and the other got addicted to GTA RP and yet both of them stay relevant despite it. So no, it's not a "debuff".
based retard scam moose
Yeah I with you

Haruka is lucky she's in vshojo since it's kinda saved her relevancy since she's not consistently streaming.

I just wish she would take thing seriously and stream again like she used to

Sorry ESL
>50 hours a week and is the top Twitch vtuber.
she is struggling against Filian who doesnt have the connections mouse has with Twitch, hololive and other large flesh streamers but yeah i get your point.
Why did you feel the need to bring that up?
Unironically because she wanted to. Being big and representing a brand stressed her out, so she tanked her own viewership and is more happy now
got to fact check here.
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I saw her stream talk show with Baldur's Gate Voice actors not long ago. She's living her best life.
You didn't fact check anything he said. You were just defensive about why mouse is the top vtuber on twitch.
i didnt strike haruka of all people to be like this
that stream was how I found her, I really do wish she streamed more
>You were just defensive about why mouse is the top vtuber on twitch.
defensive about why he is wrong about the analytics about ironmouse being the top vtuber of twitch struggling with CCV against filian? If anything both are lucky that nyanners or vei didnt want to be the poster girls of twitch vtubing.
I thought the only thing Haruka did bad was whatever she did with Pomu about her medical condition in the garrys mod collab.
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weird burst of unsolicited informations.
I'm a newfag, can you give me a tldr of those
Holy fuck, to this day I will never understand why they didnt choose snuffy or anny over these 2. Its a bigger mystery than Dr.Disrespects ban until the reason of that ban got revealed.
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That's nice. I'm happy for her.
if haruka streamed consistently again she'd be my oshi
>why he is wrong
so you're saying filian is the top vtuber of twitch?
Viewer wise yes if we dont talk about large events like the rust server.
No but no one brought her up, we were talking about vshojo and haruka
This pretty much highlights it. The fact they have Haruka and Froot there makes me wonder if they did a background check on Snuffy or Annytf in the hiring process of doing some kind of serious illegal shit in the past to not get hired but these 2 liabilities did.
Is this the tranny twitch hall monitor who was larping as a real deer from a few years back?
I don't think she does.
Thanks anonsama
>I just wish she would take thing seriously and stream again like she used to
>if haruka streamed consistently again
She never streamed that much
She went from 40 hours a month to 35 after joining
other then the bg3 event, has haruka done any big events in vshojo?
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This kills the IMschizo
well here is an average viewbase, might update it later.
From top the to bottom on peak viewers, average viewers and followers per average day. dates are from 30 may to june 17. will update the june 18 to july 2nd next later

-Ironmouse has more viewers and average viewers, Filian just got more followers.
-ironmouse had a short stream, Filian wins all 3.
-Ironmouse has more viewers and average viewers, Filian just got more followers.
-Filian wins all 3.
-Filian wins all 3.
-Ironmouse has more viewers and average viewers, Filian just got more followers.
-Filian has more viewers and average viewers, Ironmouse just got more followers.
-Filian wins all 3.
-Filian wins all 3.
-Filian had a short stream, ironmouse wins all 3.
-Filian had more average viewers, ironmouse wins the other 2.
Question implies knowing and watching streamers. I'm here to anti and stir some shit.
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We already know you can't.
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2/3 months after rejecting all remaining applicants apart from haruka they debuted RuMiNa
Nobody is doing background checks
Or I could just go and look at their monthly average graphs and see that mouse is always higher so far, even if Filian is growing more than her for a while.
This drama is like 2 years old.
Explain this then? 30 hours a month for streaming is what most chuubas do in a week minimum. And she's not doing anything offline on twitter or youtube
I'm a oldfag I want 2020-2021 haruka back she was peak kino
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This is for the month of June. IM is above Filian in everything.
Trying too hard to prove something that's clearly false. Come back when Filian's at least the most succesful vtuber using that model.
>30 hours a month for streaming is what most chuubas do in a week minimum
i wish
I guess mousefags are ESL like their chuuba when I state large events excluded like rust
We're not talking about filian here retard go back to your own thread
Nazuna made them a shit ton of money from merch, then fucked off. Even if she was a disappointment, it was not a bad financial decision to have her
>2021 Nyanners had the most viewers.
>2022 Vei had the most viewers
>2023 Vei and nyanners chose retirement, mouse had the most viewers
>2024 ironmouse will have the most viewers again based on connections everywhere coming out of the ass, but on an average day struggles against a zoomer fox who only started to become relevant in 2022.

Imagine Twitch constantly promoting you on twitter, pulling the I am dying card, connections with Hololive collabs, connections with large flesh tuber events with mizkif, connor, sykunno, xqc, austin show, corpse husband, hasanabi, ludwig, etc and you are still struggling against a zoomer fox on a regular stream day whose only connections are to just regular vtuber collabs. mousefags are more shameless than the Vtuber they constantly shill.
>Just exclude
Why? Are you using the same for Filian? Can I just take out every YLYL or Collab at my will?
Rust was in May. This is June.
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The entire twitch scene was much better back then. Now they all learned bad habits from the normalfag twitch streamers and now they truly are just egirls with anime filters.
Rust accounts for one momth, what about literally ever other month?
37 streams in 2024 from haruka and half the year is gone, I just want my oshi to stream more
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Love my autistic Moose wife
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That is more
Seems like you are just seething about mouse for some reason. It's not like Filian isn't noteworthy in her own right so even if she started losing to her it's not going to change the past.
I got her nendo, she has one of the best models ever made.
Me too, please stream more haruka
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Think the only time IM does great against Filian is if IM has some kind of major event backing her and Filian is not a large event kind of person.but it still it shows her struggling bad against filian on average day comparison. Vshojo with their connections should have just chose Vei and nyanners as their poster girl instead of mouse.
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>2022 Vei had the most viewers
No she didn't.
bro is overdosing on pagpag
Funny thing, she streams on alt
What's her alt?
seethe more retard.
I believe the joke anon is trying to make is that she's on other people's streams more than on her own. Especially her friend Arielle's stream
dividing 12 months of their CCVs from the year into an average she does.
it's pretty funny how obsessed the numbermonkeys on /#/ are with vshojo, especially mousey.
Oh thanks anon

This does make me wonder if her friends are pushing her to stream or if they're satisfied with her not streaming so they can leech viewers
>Vshojofags cant into math.
tale as old as time.
not beating the allegations, numbermonkey.
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That's not how numbers work. The golden standard ranking is Hours watched.
you mean Ennacuck who use IM for trolling? No they don't care abouttwitch numbers at all in general because it's too easy to manipulate them with embeds, multitabs on mute etc. every big streamer there is bloated with deadviews all the time.
They are quite obsessed with Vshojo even without the Ennacuck baiting them and your numbermonkey reply in this thread just further cements that.
>I am boring as fuck, let me make it up by streaming a shit load of more hours than the fact less people watch me because they don't find me that entertaining excuse.

CCV if you want to know your worth as a streamer in terms of being entertaining.
God get a different thread you two, this one's about scammerbu
twitch removed viewers from embeds like 8 months ago. Fextralie literally died. Guy used to have 20k easily all the time and now refuses to stream.
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>moving goal posts
>leddit spacing
>nu uh
>No sources
NTA but the original post said Vei had the most viewers in 2022, not views or hours watched but viewers. CCV is exactly what you look at for that.
But FTR Mouse actually had most viewers in 2022 with 9.9k ave to Vei's 9.1k.
111286 for the 12 months for mouse divided by 12 is 9273 and Vei is 109831 divided by 12 is 9152 but that is really not a grand achievement because Vei was a lazy bitch.
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haruka is the one I watch when henya, mint, matara, dokibird, mouse, giri, filian, kson, bao, nyanners, michi, sushidog isnt online
not really an issue anymore since haruka and mint talk regularly now
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Define a big event

She was part of Candy Pop. She's a regular for con appearances, including a panel at AX this year
yo lets go sinder aka better silvervale
also surprised bao is nowhere to be seen since shes been so viral lately
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nazuna merch sold like pancakes iirc vshojo still made money from her for sure her fans are insane and wealthy
>often well spoken and intelligent
so that excludes ironmouse then
>because they know someone related to vshojo
Usually that someone is either Zen or Ironmouse.
Sorry, guys. Haruka doesn't have much free time to stream because she has to take care of our house, kids and her husband (me)
I'm sorry you're so dumb a retarded moose can take care of you
Her case is the worst case of nepotism, the others I understand, but she joined through the audition process.
In hindsight, probably would have left with nyan and vei. Never really tried to get close to a majority of members, it just happens that her circle overlapped with a few people who were in.
Literal who at the time. Its like complaining that they didnt hire filian when she applied as a vrchat troll with no youtube channel and no streaming experience.
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Anny also would have left with Nyan and Vei, she's a fan of both of them.

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