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Before you start saying this is Mori, let me remind you that the rest of Myth consists of Kiara, Ame, and Ina.
EN fans are disloyal whores who move onto the latest shiny thing
this is Mori
using mori as an example wouldn't yield the most accurate results
I will be the last deadbeat.
She's fine
>biboo raid
post the graph after everyone leaves
Mori tends to hold onto advent raids
EN VTubers have the whole content EN Content Creation space as competition, arguably bigger than the Japanese counterpart.
EN fans larp as goslings and then immediately move onto the new hot thing after like 4 months
JP fandom culture in general is just incredibly strong. They will hold onto their oshis until the end of time barring a Rushia-level yab. See the longevity of Arashi vs Backstreet Boys for example. It's not limited to just Vtubing.
how did Ina manage to hold her audience then
ENs just burnout in a foreign corpo environment. It will happen to Advent too.
Wasn’t she basically uncontested in her niche (drawing) for a long time? I know mumei and iofi are also good, but nothing on ina’s level. So that’s a real differentiator
I haven’t watched her or Hololive regularly since 2021 and yet when I catch a glimpse of her I still feel an extreme sexual lust.

So probably that.
>Myth lost their first chunk of their CCV to Promise and then later to Advent.
>Promise somehow retained a majority of their CCV aside from Kronii.
>Advent didn't do as well as expected with Shiori or Nerissa. A good chunk of Myth only viewers migrated over to Bijou and FWMC.
>Justice is TBD.

Competition happened and better talents came.
Indies and small corpos are doing fine. Holoen and nijien are dying because a large percentage of their fans were not actually vtubing fans and just wanted to mindlessly ride the hype wave because other people were doing it. It's now been 3-4 years since the 2020 Myth boomer and the 2021 Luxiem boom pushed separate groups of female and male vtubers into the limelight in the ensphere.
>A good chunk of Myth only viewers migrated over to Bijou and FWMC.
This one came to you in a dream I suppose
It's funny how people who have no idea what they're talking about still compare hololive to kurosanji
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>Holoen and nijien are dying
Niji sure, but Holo? Hahaha in your dreams small corpo/indie shitter
Mori stinks
This is what I mean, you're a numbermonkey screaming and crying and shitting your pants. In reality like OP says, Mori is a shitter losing to Filian now. Mori used to get 12,000 people each stream in 2021.

Since you are just a numbermonkey, probably from manial, you will eventually fuck off too because you are a fake fan. That's all you'll ever be. A brony.
You're right mud hut anon. The chumkeks and teamates offed their selves so maybe take the hint.
fpbp. They cope by projecting it onto JP too
>comparing the most popular indie to the least liked holo
at least numberfag correctly if you want to be taken seriously
>Holoen and nijien are dying
>get shown proof that holoen is doing better than ever
>y-y-you're a numbermonkey
Fuck off faggot
Because she didn't foster a bunch of angry, tribalist, number-obsessed manbabies in her fanbase like Fauna or Bijou did for example
They're very lazy because they're americans.
EN chuubas are lazy whores, they feel that streaming for an hour or two a day is the equivalent of working in a Chinese sweatshop
>ook ook numbers
Grow up kid
Dumbass Malaysian. I hate Mori but the bitch is getting paid to do anime songs. She's doing fine.
You know, I won't watch chuubas just because they are holos if I don't feel they are putting the effort to ENTERTAIN ME.
Not trying to justify Holo vs Holo, but Advent members are consistent enough for someone that doesn't has stockholm syndrome.
Face it, time passes and people move on if you don't keep up with the game.
Myth is from 4 years ago. People born in 2006 can post here now.
I accept your concession I guess, you don't look like a Hololive fan that knows what they are talking about.
Trying too hard sister
>any criticism is now met with sister accusations
The sad state of this board
>my shitposting retardation should be taken as valid criticism
I came here just to laugh at you.
Hahaha point and laugh everybody
>I won't watch chuubas
>putting the effort to ENTERTAIN ME!!!
>People born in 2006 can post here now.
fuck off homobeggersister
Fauna's one of the most stable Holo performance-wise, schizo
hi brownfeet
If only you used your strength to be a productive member of society instead of moving goal posts, you might still have a concert, nigger
because her stream quality didnt leap off a cliff
too obvious
Despite making less than the 4% phasefags make up 90% of the antis.
It is a terrible thing on this board. The other day I was in battle with a homobegger, it was a good fight we were both evenly matched. But then 2-4 phasefags came at us from behind and ruined our exchange,
You said the same thing twice
jesus fuck, up 208% vs -44%
I guess that's from advent + justice, but still, damn.
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Anon, Mori's ID tier. She doesn't represent EN. Her fans fucked off because they realized she's garbage.
>thread topic is literally about numbers
>her fans
You mean trashtaste's fans
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You wish
Where is the competition? On YT the only one with good numbers is holo.
Hololive is like Apple. The first-gen was classic, the second-gen was an improvement, the third-gen was polished but not any different from the previous-gen, and the latest-gen is artificially polished and is the same as the last two gens. The more gens Hololive makes, the more the quality degrades. At this point, the only reason people watch Hololive is for the brand, not the talents themselves. Hololive's brand has become the main draw, similar to how people buy Apple products only for the brand.
Newer generations are seen as extensions of the brand rather than unique talents, leading to a perceived decline in quality. This is a problem for Cover Corp as people seeing the newer gens as extensions of the brand will now look for other Vtubers for a sense of "uniqueness" rather than "cookie-cutter" stuff. Additionally, the fact that there are other options(Vtubers) to watch further oversaturates the VT market. The VT market is now oversaturated with many options available to the masses. People are seeking “uniqueness” and are turning to Indies and small corpos.
This is why I think some Holofans(Tribaltards) genuinely hate Indies and small corpos, because they have carved out a niche for themselves with a dedicated loyal following (fanbase) without the popular-branding stuff that cuts into the potential viewership of Hololive. Hololive is trying to appeal to as many people as possible, but in doing so, it loses that sense of "uniqueness" as people have noticed the "cocomelon" feeling to newer content.
Sure, a Holo talent may “overlap” an Indie/Small Corpo Vtuber and take away casual tourists(grey names or whatever you wanna call them), but the core audience of that Indie/Small Corpo VTuber will stay and they’re the ones that pay (super chats, memberships, merch, etc.), and they are the ones that really matter. The core audience of that Indie/Small Corpo chuuba is where the money is at, and if Hololive can't take them, then that's profit(money) Hololive isn’t getting/making. I’m not saying Hololive is dying, but what I am saying is that the growth of Hololive is at its peak and will likely become stunted.
Also, this >>79717398 whenever a new gen debuts some Holofans move on to them leaving the older gen with less CCV and memberships which is another problem Cover Corp faces. Not only is the VT market oversaturated but one could say the Hololive "market" is as well.
>whenever a new gen debuts some Holofans move on to them leaving the older gen with less CCV and membership
Pulled out of your ass. The opposite actually happens, when a new gen debuts in small corpos and the competition gets shit numbers for a few month. Advent absolutely murdered everything non holo for a period.
And there's 10x more english speakers compared with japanese speakers
congrats anon, it took me a few sentences to figure out you're full of shit
After this useless wall of text can you answer this? >>79724314
Yeah, sister, tell them
This must be wrong. Mumei IRyS and Fauna get amazing CCV. They're top 3 after Gura. How are their monthly views so low by comparison?
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update before the new shiori raid that's about to hit.
the amount of seething this post created must mean you're right kek
It's entertainment. I'm not going to stay on someone's channel when another one is more fun to watch
Good retention
The plain and simple answer is , is that En livers don't understand the saiso lifestyle. Jp idols suffer daily trying to follow it, and when En livers just act freely, the core fans notice.
Yes this creates different fan bases for the EN livers, thus creating different outcomes. Its a lot to go over, but thats the simple version of it.
Nice larp Holoshart
Honestly, this is a good take
You samefagging this post is not a good look, Sister.
They are not gonna answer because it would out them as phasekeks
your welcome
They don't stream and don't push out songs like Mori
This. Honestly Im starting to think all these seethe posts about Holo are from those that are suddenly realizing that Holo is now branching in their timeslots (esp the EU ones)
Oh no chumpedos our response?
>amazing CCV
For EN, maybe. You need to have Pekora-tier CCV to get that amount of views from streaming alone
this is why raids are important, most viewers dont care about mori yabs or homoshit just shove them in the stream and theyll be too lazy to click off.
I love how this copypasta gets like 12 (you)’s in 15 minutes whenever it gets posted
I also like the fact there are never really any good arguments to counter this copypasta lmao
Here's a good one >>79720110
She always retains well. She's pretty comfy as a streamer and often there's nothing else on when she's streaming
there's also the fact that Mori's schedule attracted fans from all timezones, which is why her actual views usually leads EN.
or asleep
again with this cope
see >>79724068
please update your cope before embarrassing yourself at least
anon that's from today.
3.4k is pretty good for solo Mori
big ups my dude
Mori is a homocollaber, Ame is a homosupporter, Kiara is narcissistic and annoying, Ina is boring af.
A million flies, anon.
Notice how you said nothing about Gura, cumbud.
Face it. All of Myth is dogshit.
I like how Ina is so perfect antis can't even make shit up about her
>enter numbers thread
>'holo ded'
>get shown numbers proving holo not def
>'reeeeeeee numbers'
That count music views and shorts views, and Mori is pushing out tons of music/shorts. I think only she and Shiori release shorts nowadays (normal ones, not shorts streams)
That has nothing to do with the point that the copypasta-post is making but good for you I guess.
>the people who expect purity from their vtuber are disloyal
Really makes you think.
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Anons forgot what HoloEN was like at the end of 2022. NijiEN had their chance, but couldn't capitalize when HoloEN was at their lowest. Myth has recovered since then and is rebounding. Ina didn't quit and Gura has been back. As A-Chan has reminded us, we are lucky that all of Myth is still around. Unlike other agencies, Holo talents can leave while being financially secure. They stay because there's not much better place to be.

Overlap is a reality that JP has experienced for a while. Gura needs to build back up in the algorithm to become a gateway for tourists again. And with many new members, should not just rely on her.
What core audience? Only idol tards notice it
>Hololive is at its peak
>Still growing
>Still number 1 in SC and merch despite the core fanbase has moved to indies (lmao) according to that retard
Stop coping
> All of myth
Go back to being fwmc's dog walker
Stop coping that phase is gonna be anything but 4th place
Stop acting like this isn't your 10th Mori anti thread in the last week. Get a life.
EN doesn't get as much merch or IRL meetups as JP, meaning there's less of an investment made towards the talent and eventually the only thing keeping viewers from oshihenning is their personality. JP girls have constatnt brand shilling that keeps salarymen brains from losing interest.

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