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lazy baker on duty edition
my wife on the right and left
Previous Thread >>79710084

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Previous Thread >>79710084

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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hey man
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rabu mocotyan rabu
what went wrong?
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Thanks, Moco-chan. Now come here.
I told you to let it die
Mini rock and rawr party at AX, it'll the first in many months
Sister this isn't /uuu/, ruffians are oldfags we know how to handle shitposting
Do we make you seethe?
LMAO I feel good
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imagine being proud of that
this genuinely blindsided me when it happened, i knew the doggy pack version would have fanservice but i didn't expect the explicit threesome baiting + bare mocoass

i still haven't fapped to it
They are so going to play this game if they get the chance
>fuwawa in the corner
How does she get away with it?
that's when they jumped the shark for me, and I just because casual ruffian instead of a die-hard
The filtering process works
I guess, it just felt manipulative to me. I'm not even against GFE, but I prefer when it's more organic like Mumei for example
okay i know you're a troll now
Mumei doesn't even know you exist
do better we have better shitposters at SEA hours
No? I just like when GFE feels just barely reciprocated. Like she may be dropping hints, or maybe I'm just reading into it. Feels more real
Unironically my preference
What are doing here go to her split retard
>GFE feels more real when I'm treated like a beta orbiter and ignored
Because I'm literally talking about FUWAMOCO, read the chain retard. Mumei was just an example
oh my goodness
I've had crushes and I've been married and I'd prefer the former every time
Friendly reminder
This loser also were samefagging in /who/ too
He has been trying to start fanbase wars so hard lol
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FWMC should play chained together
1. no I haven't
2. learn english
mumei got them to admit they want to be mothers
He shitpost in ggg too. It's the same baiting style
Study grammar before you attempt to analyze writing styles
You sound frustrated, sister
What's wrong? Your secret just got exposed?
trying too hard
Played the demo for this and it's pretty fun but they would struggle big time later on.
The crab game collab has justice members
Kronii's also joining and Biboo won't be joining
I believe in Moco-chan's abilities
Gigi's schedule
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I was gonna skip it anyways.
Huh, wasn't expecting to actually get proof.
Raora looks like more Mococo's older sister there than Fuwawa does
Its the combination of pink hair and blue eyes.
>Collabs outside their gen on the 2nd week
What is this bullshit
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Unity motherfucker
Collab ban ends on the 2nd weekend after debut yes
>What is this bullshit
Probably not anything good. The whole point of the collab ban is to find your own niche and get used to Vtubing before you start collabing with others.
Not having a collab ban means that it's much more possible for your niche to become collabing with others. Which would mean people watch you for someone else, not you
How fucking new are you
New gens have a 1 month long ban collab outside their own gen
Or at least they had until now, I guess they're trying to avoid a 2nd flop like regloss
>Newfag forgot Biboo collabed outside Advent after 2 weeks too
Maybe they learned from FWMC that it's more entertaining to watch 2 people stream than 1
Kronii's gonna be in the crab game too. Jesus this is going to suck.
? what's wrong with Kronii?
She's just not very entertaining and is kind of a buzzkill. It's like doomer jokes without the punchline.
*spreads her cheeks*
Retard, this already changed with Advent
I now want some sister-cucking porn
>Maybe they learned from FWMC that it's more entertaining to watch 2 people stream than 1
That's retarded.
If new holomembers wanted to make their niche "multiple people on the stream" they should have hired 2 people for the same channel.
As things are right now if Justice members depend too much on other holomembers they'll just fail. Their whole identity will be "I collab with other holomembers" and they won't really get a dedicated fanbase, and if they don't get that they won't be able to sell merch because people will only watch them for their collab partners.
FWMC work perfectly because they know each other since birth, completely trust each other and share a channel/income.
You can't replicate FWMC's success by collabing with others.
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gn ruffians
Outside of Hololive there are plenty of vtubers that collab pretty much every stream, and they do fine
No monetization in 2nd week though
A collab ban ending isn't a mandate to collab with others. They can all decide for themselves, no? They could stick to solo or gen collabs for two months and only then branch out if they wanted to, while others will immediately go for it.
there are also plenty of vtubers that collab pretty much every stream and they ain't doing fine
>newfag calling others newfag
Kek. Welcome and enjoy your stay

It's not cucking if Fuwawa enjoys watching
>Outside of Hololive
That's the thing.

Hololive works like this:
>holomember streams
>gets dedicated fans
>Cover releases merch of the talent
>dedicated fans buy the merch
If your "fans" only watch you for your collab partners they won't care enough about you to go to your events or buy your merch, you'll just be a secondary character on another member's stream.
That's why people only buy Fuwawa's merch and not Mococo's, right?
I agree with you, but I still think that removing the collab ban is a bad idea.
Collab bans are really good because it forces new members to stream by themselves or interact with their own gen. It makes new members have a more defined identity and a stronger bond inside their own gen.
I don't follow you, what are you trying to imply?
Most ruffians love Fuwawa AND Mococo. Because they share a channel, they are always together, and they always market themselves as a package deal.
As far as I know they sell their merch with no issues, both of them, but even if they didn't it wouldn't really matter because they share their income. That's not something that you can replicate if you rely on collabs too much, because the money made from the merch of your collab partner only goes for the collab partner.
Why are there even retards arguing about this? The collab is just under 2 weeks after their debut. That's the same time it took Advent to collab with Kiara.
People can have collabs without one of them being some neglected side kick. It's not always gonna be like a Nerissa/Kiara situation. Just in justice, CC&GG have a duo dynamic that is much more than the sum of their parts, for example
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>what's wrong with Kronii?
Answer the question. Bonus points: don't sound obsessed with cocks while doing so
Nta but she has the same problem as Mori where sometimes she's just super deadpan and uninterested during collabs, or even solo streams. There's humor in being deadpan when the environment is receptive to it, but sometimes it seems like the only person being entertained by the "bit" of being uninterested is her
Fuwawa will be the fat round robot because she's blue.
Boring, hates Hololive, homocollaber
why are you even giving them attention, report offtopic posts and move on
in what universe is discussing the people that FWMC are scheduled to be in not on-topic?
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>Fuwawa is Doraemon
>Mococo is Doremi
This fits too much even considering their general competency
Time to discuss CEO of Goodsmile then
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Goodsmile is fucking weird
They do been acquiring rights left and right (heh) but idk, the QC doesn't seems to too good
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They were on the verge of bankruptcy a while ago
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I do wish they were a little more coy with their affections.
why isn't Moco-chan wearing panties?
I told her not to wear any.
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Any predictions on how their interactions with Justice will go in the upcoming collab?
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I think it will be fine as long as the Justice members can play along with FWMC actually sticking to their character lore and not dropping it like majority of the other holo members.
also praying liz doesn't bring up holostars randomly cause it will make it awkward for FWMC, they'll handle it like pros on stream but they might not collab with her again.
Ironically Liz is probably the best at actually maintaining kayfabe so far. She plays it up a lot. Raora too to a lesser extent, but more tongue in cheek than actually selling the character.
Okay, it's 6pm JST. Can we talk about how we hope they start scheduling more JP streams, now? I would love for them to do weekly collabs with a new JP senpai each time, especially if they were just Fuwawa or Mococo solo
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I can't tell if you're the same anon trying this again, or just someone that thought it was funny
Regardless who it is, I don't know why they do it at all
But when the thread is dead like this it helps with bumps I guess
I guess so, I haven't been as active in the thread lately because of dawntrail so I guess anything that somewhat keeps it alive is fine
Well, if you really wanna know I genuinely mean it
Bringing up JP streams, JP senpai, or the Japanese language automatically makes you an anti. You should know better.
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That would make them sad to read
Advent should do a collab for The First Descendant.
It's co-op.
This is the kind of situation that happens when one doesn't even understand their own identity. To struggle with whether they identify more with English or Japanese must be like looking into a fractured mirror for FuwaMoco.
If you SC them YWNBJ they will self destruct.
I don't think they're struggling at all. They clearly identify more with Japanese. They are anime women trying to be idols and living in Japan ffs. They only spoke enough English as was necessary to get them there
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Fuwawa's face when she sees my R$100 akasupa
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Food poisoning...
What the hell did they eat.
I really hope they skip Portal 2 and FWMC Morning if they need to get over and recover from the food poisoning
Imagine the smell of that small appartment right now...If they both have it, I hope they have two toilets, or a bath they can clean properly.
Fuwawa soup
So if they've had food poisoning since over 24 hours ago, they were also sick during FWMC Morning 104?
I've had food poisoning since a little after lunch yesterday. It's a sign, I have the mandate of heaven.
I sure fucking hope they didn't get food poisoning from the one time they decide to try eating properly without outside help, it's going to reinforce their granola out of cups diet
Just cancel Portal 2.
I remember getting food poisoning in Japan whilst on holiday a few years ago. My friend and I went to the Tori-no-Ichi fair and had some squid on a stick. The squid had like milky colour slimed inside it, but we were drunk so didn't really care. Anyway like 2 hours later we're walking back to our house in Oshiage trying not to shit our pants. Glad the place we were at had two seperate toilets. Every step felt like a massive battle to keep my asshole closed.
I fucking hate Twitter, I didn't get a notification.
>eat like shit
>barely eat at all, actually
>get food poisoning
Literally the Bad Luck Brian meme come to life.
Too bad, already got a like on my reply.
it's because they replied to themselves, it's fucked and doesn't notify you for those.
They reply to their own posts to intentionally spite shock collar fags.
yet we're here
how did we even notice
God they are probably taking such watery, ugly shits right now.
/baubau/ is my shock collar. I was busy bossing and just happened to check here afterwards
It only takes one person to respond to appear on someone's feed
I only noticed because I checked twitter around the same time they replied
I was just scrolling through my feed when it suddenly popped up. Living in JST is great.
why are you on twitter at 3AM
It's 7AM.
Anon it's 7am for me, I'm starting my morning
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i dont feew so good wuffians...bau ba-ACK
God I'd start cumming right there if she did this on stream.
I hope they don't catch that flesh-eating bacteria that's picking up steam in Japan. I'm worried about their fragile hag immune systems.
Kek I love reading "you're doing great keep it up hang in there!" messages sent to the hashtag just for Fuwamoco to make posts like this soon after
https://x.com/rswxx/status/1808098091146567736Mama love
you fucked up the link but
>(no need to reply!)
cute mama
kek same. one of the few times I'm happy I'm not a ritual poster.
you think it's the bad food poisoning that comes out both ends at the same time
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Good to use with schizos and menheras
>we've been sick AS dogs
but AREN'T they dogs? that would be like me saying "i'm sick as a human"
they're demon guard dogs, watch streams
Portal 2 is not happening, right? Severe food poisoning. Specially like the one they seem to be having will take them out of commission for a while…
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>I'm shitting my colon out am I doing good ruffians
They're technically subjects of Great Exardia and they're white. They'll be fine
See, it's like I said. English or Japanese, Demon Dog or Human, they themselves don't know anymore.
they're demon dogs
You’re puking your guts out so well, Moco-chan…
Raora said Fuwalter and Mogojohn.
Portal 2 is overrated anyway
>mococo isn't sexy
None of the people who voted in that poll are members
She said it again. Her sides are in orbit.
I’d feel so bad if they went out to a restaurant to treat themselves and got food poisoning
It's over tonight then if they're still sick, right?
Good, less VoD action to catch up on. My week is busy as fuck and I won't be able to watch them.
It won't be.
Lemmie see that crystal ball you got there.
Even if they stop throwing up/shitting before stream they're still going to be very worn fown and feel terrible since they've probably kept no water/food down for the past 24 hours. I'd like for the stream to happen, but if they both feel worn down I'd rather them rest and play portal 2 when they feel healthy and can actually enjoy it and have fun
It's not fun when they're suffering.
I like observation, so natural stay voyeur stuff, and embarassment plays into it too. Some woman would 100% rather show you their pussy/tits than let you know they shit. Moco-chan being embarassed about blowing up the bathroom wouls turn me on, but seeing her in pain and suffering would turn me off.
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You're destroying the toilet quite well Moco-chan!
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I had this experience with my ex gf. We had been going out for like 6 months and one night she got food poisoning and had been in the bathroom for an hour. I knocked on the door and asked if she was okay. Even at the thought of me coming in to check on her she begged me whilst sounding like she was going to cry to not come in and see her.
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>food poisoning reply right above pregnancy art on my for you
hearty kek
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I bet getting some sleep might help with the food poisoning
I don't get it.
Kind of? Depends what kind it is, but for some all it will do is make the time pass faster so you're not just sitting there feeling terrible.
Too bad they can't, because almost all of EN and ID are busy right now for a variety of stuff happening, ans they've talked a lot about taking on a ton, so there's probably no room for taking it easy for a day. Imagine being the studio guy who has to keep pausing every 2-3 takes for them to run off to the bathroom for 5 minutes.
Also, depending on what way it's going, up or down or both, their troats might be absolutely wrecked for the next week or two.
Raora is like season 1 FWMC, I miss when they actually tried for us
>food poisoning
>throwing up
I've never once thrown up when having food poisoning so I forgot that was a thing, poor girls
I hope they're getting enough water (Not tea. Water)
They're taking their fanbase for granted and trying to do idolshit like they've always wanted
>Holo vs Holo bait that doesn't even make sense
fucking retarded
Yeah, it can be either variety. The worst I've ever had was both ends for a day straight at an all inclusive resort with afriend who also got it. I ordered so much bottled water to the room, they probably wondered what the fuck we were doing.
You can leave any time
I've been watching her a lot while FUWAMOCO have been away. The difference between her stream and theirs is like night and day. Feels like she actually appreciates us as more than just a paycheck.
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This bait is weaker than FWMC's stomach right now
When is the sex with wuffians stream? I can't take this anymore. Membership anniversary?
fuwawa alter my beloved
Floofies too small.
They're too busy sexing the management ruffian dick can't satisfy them
I'm the management
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They're just trying to give head er get ahead of their senpai.
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Good for you. I'm happy with FWMC, and I know that they love us and we are their number 1 priority, so you can go shill that married whore elsewhere.
Keep doing posts like that and I'll become her worst anti.
>number 1 priority
>barely stream anymore
Lol, remember when they used to stream every day for us? Those days are loooong gone.
>sexing the management ruffian dick
Holy ESL.
Yes, they are too busy managing my ruffian dick to stream.
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I'm going to save Mococo. You're in my way, Fuwawa Alter.
KEK, I was baiting the shitposter.
Thanks for the reply though, now it's obvious that you are a shitposting brown tranny.
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Ya I'm sure all the chumbuds who started complaining about Gura's low effort became brown too
Hey guys, I have a question:
Why do I have small white worms in my poop? They started appearing 2 days ago after eating my daily pagpag. What should I do about it?
Eat the worms they're good protein
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Who do (YOU) think spends more time on the toilet?
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I've had the screaming shits since yesterday morning so I can relate more then ever before. I wonder how their bathroom situation is going
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They can still hit 1M if
>they do an ASMR dojo offcollab with Patra
>Mocochan eats a tarantula with Haachama
>they release a good new orisong
>Mocochan eats Ririka's weird sad sausage dinner
>they do more unarchived karaoke and karaoke offcollabs
>Mocochan eats Gura's moldy bread
>they get a Misudo sponsorship
>Membership anni stream
Thank goodness for their bidet.
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>I wonder how their bathroom situation is going
It's probably like a classic enama JAV in there
I can't say I've watched one of those
link me one its been years
Portal 2 getting cancelled again
I remember when FWMC played don't scream they would just stop talking to "win" the game aka make the viewing experience shit. Raora is actually talking through this and making it kino.
Imagine the sounds.
Oh well. Tired, worn out hags are not as fun as bubbly happy hags.
>please watch raora please please i’m begging you i will take as many dicks up my ass as need be just please watch her
I don't care about the Raora shit, but I really didn't like that Moco-chan basically muted at one point and took off the headphones to beat the game in a reasonable time. Abiut on the same level as just asking the chat for answers directly cheating for Dogs Organized Neatly at the end just so they could end on level 50.
As if I needed more reason to hate this guy

>Things may not have started on the right paw, but they're gonna get much better, I'm sure of it! Last time I tried to do one of these puptalks, I ended up jinxing it for you... Not this time, though!

Oh no, did I jinx you yet again with my puptalk attempt, puppies?!

I swear I'm not doing it on purpose, I'm just trying to help! I can kinda relate, since I was feeling pretty bad for a good portion of yesterday with indigestion myself! Feel better soon, okay?

KEK people really act like that /here/... I don't know if her fans are that desperate to shill her or if it's just a shitposting retard, but all this shilling of her here is making me want to watch her even less.
Cry more, gameplayschizo.
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It's not for someone with a weak stomach
All my good links on mommyless are dead unfortunately
Oh my good fuck the groans and moans of hags dying on the toilet
He didn’t actually say this, right?
If pastebin anon is still around, you should add some stuff to the VN/anime one, like Kanokon and Kiss X Sis. I'm checking it again because of all the scat talk.
Have they even finished that yet?
I've been wanting to ask but since sc backlog I've refrained.
Yes. I wonder if it realizes just how loathsome it's existence is.


Fucker put a curse on FUWAMOCO.
Someone kill him.
My summer started when I was born, silly puppies

You're right, though, a new month has just started about 10 hours ago! Even though FWMC Noon is almost three decades and a half too late to start my summer, it's not too late at all to start a (hopefully) fun month!

Fuwamoco have tummy hurt, the dogs are dying and you people are fighting
Probably not, but the pastebin includes even things they're interested in watching, not just completed.
Suck shit. It's just a parallel of their shot for 1m. Run shorts, ask for answers. Skip the gameplan, jump to 1m. The only difference is that at least there's actual tangible benifits to getting 1m subs.
No, think of what FuwaMoco and the Ruffians have to lose if the Fuzzian does kick the bucket.
>this creature that hates Fuwawa actually is a 35 year old unwashed asswipe.
I wonder how old the people who obsess about men and gossip all day like teenage girls are.
>busiest week of your life
>go out to treat yourself like the Ruffians have been asking, finally
>food poisoning
>both of you
>relegated to sitting in the tub as your older sister has the throne
>have to cancel a stream for the second
>forced to watch your fans have fun with other girls with tears in your eyes as you empty from both ends
I want them to the SC reading stream from the bathroom
I don't understand why the rich paypuppies are so against FuwaMoco eating their soup and granola. Just let them eat what and when they want ffs.
Not gonna lie, having to cancel anything for food poisoning and the shits is extremely annoying and frustrating. I had planned on getting tons of painting done last night and spent most of the evening laying on the couch with a migraine and the rest of it shitting relentlessly. I hope they aren't that bad off because having to cancel a fun coop game with an audience for the shits and migraines sounds positively miserable.
they haven't had soup in Japan yet because they don't have bowls
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Icomochi please
Isn't this one already there? I could swear I saw it. Maybe just a short version?
No one has contril over them, but eating like shit won't do them any favors. Working out with dancing as much as they seem to be lately means that they will shed weight, but they should eat protien to replace some of it with a little muscle. On top if that, the protien will help them rebuild and heal their muscles that they are beating the piss out of while doing all of this. It's only benifitial for them to eat a bit better/healthier.
They're always talking about eating with Advent, just the other day had Yakiniku with Suisei, talked about having dinner with A-chan when saying goodbye. Nobody is equipped to tell them what to do because only they have the full picture. Them not having shit at home except for grapes and granola doesn't mean that's all they eat, it means they're eating out a lot.
Wonder if they got food poisoned at the A-chan farewell party… Gonna be interesting to see what happens later but hope that their stomachs are feeling better now. Nta
>They're always talking about eating with Advent
I could have sworn they said the exact opposite during Suika.
For sure, that's why I don't stress too much about it but laugh when they talk about eating and say that they've been eating trash frequently. They also have mentioned konbini food a lot tol though and how much it's changed over the years.
They got parfaits once, Pon-de-rings once, and I think they’ve mentioned getting Nerissa to try new things a couple times. They also got McDonalds together. It’s probably a regular thing after practice like the yakiniku dinner.
They said they're not spending as much time with Advent as they wanted, while meeting them almost daily. It's just their way of saying how much they appreciate this time they get to spend together, and lamenting that they're all so busy that there hasn't been time for an actual vacation with Advent. Seeing each other all the time is great, but going on a trip together to relax is likely not happening this year.
>horrible diet
>terrible sleep habits
>out of shape
How much longer are they going to last?
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Uh oh...
I wonder who will top
70 extra years for each time you make this post
Nice. Wasn't a huge fan of dikko's work before because everything is the same, too much stuff recycled, but when you stick to your oshi's stuff, it's really good. I don't know or care how many times that Fuwawa sex animation was recycled, I only watched Fuwawa's version and it's amazing.
>dikko slop
Last? They're already burned out, it's why we've had all these cancelations. They already got showered with money so they don't feel hungry for our attention anymore.
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Menhera wall on their tag about the clique
Did you atlast read the post before shitposting?
not le fucking polar bear…
>"FUWAMOCO deserves better than fans than you"
which menhera asshole sent this one?
It was who cares
Why do you fags follow each others posting habits?
they're right
If someone goes to witter because someone said bad things to him in a discord, yeah he need meds. And stop soft tagging them achIzo.
Don't know the details and don't want to know, but anyone throwing this shit on FWMC's lap when they have nothing to do with it and are having a terrible day already definitely doesn't make me want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Siding with whoever said this without even knowing why.
I agree FUWAMOCO deserve better fans than gender confused trannies.
So and so posted this, so and so said that, this person got a like but I didn't. The only people that care are the paypigs competing with each other.
It's like clockwork. Every single time they talk about things being hard for them someone posts a MEMEMEME menhera meltdown.
>Shouldn't throw their personal problems on the tag/under their name.
That's like, a quarter of the extremely active Ruffians on their twitter tags though.
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It seems that beggars found another target
You are obsessed with paypigs.
Not FWMC related but based Gigi, I guess? Isn’t she a hardcore fujo, though?
I don't care who got a like but I do care about people trying to make FWMC feel like shit on their tag.
FWMC's job is to entertain us, if they're not doing that and instead justifying their streaming negligence then they deserve people whining back at them
This but with Fuwawa
>>79742813 (me)
Sorry guys, I can get a bit agitated when my axe wound starts leaking.
Nothing you can do about it ruffian. Stop name dropping them and giving them attention like a gossiping high schooler.
thanks for your input entertainmentschizo
Did you read something before shitposting, the shit has nothing to do with them. We got twe worst shitposter
Based. My entertainment is paramount, the success of my oshis is a secondary consideration.
I can't see it
Yes FWMC don't love you, you're a customer to them, and I am paying them as long as the product is good.
I appreciate you footing the bill for my entertainment, ruffian.
Customer schizo...
Did they make a members post that actually matters?
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They must feel horrible right now. I saw Icomochi-mama mention medicine for food poisoning, so hopefully they took something.
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Ruffians remember this is not just entertainment, they are giving you their actual feelings. They DO actually love you
Repeat after me:
They love me
They can love me
They are my wives
FWMC streams are the product, if you enjoy them you should be paying for them, although recently they've been slacking
They entertain me.
They can entertain me.
I am their customer.
If they love you then surely they would be exstatic if you came over to their house, right? They totally wouldn't freak out and call the police, right?
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I need to speak to FuwaMoco's manager. I demand satisfaction for this poor showing.
Lmao alright I like her
>ruffians start showing up at FWMC's house with roses and chocolates
They wouldn't have time to dial the police.
>We can be whatever you want
>Sister, mom, or something else
They play pretend with me. If that makes my smile stick around, they're happy to be there, but if it doesn't they don't expect me to stick around if I'm not keeping my smile when I show up and they've openly stated they'd be here if I ever wanted to return.
Fake fans
>he thinks demon dogs can't eat chocolate
watch streams fake fan
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Perfect Blue watchalong when
If you're trying to woo them, you wouldn't gift them something they don't like, even if it's not poison to them.
They're gonna feel really bad if they have to delay a stream again... I need to hug them
>they don't remember the biboo chocolate
Brownies, not chocolate
With how many streams they've had to postpone/cancel I imagine they're slowing getting used to it now.
It sucks but they need to put themselves first more often when it comes to health.
All the stress and HW is really taking a toll on them.
Still chocolate.
Me when FWMC don't like my chocolates
alright baker time to rock and roll
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They love me
They can love me
They are my wives
FWMC love your superchats and your subs.
YES, they also love my dick.
I wish they loved my SC's but they don't
They love me
They can love me
They are my wives
subs are free, though?
don't tell me you're a twitchtranny who uses subscriptions to refer to memberships, couldn't be...
He is probably a seething vshojo cuck.
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