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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>79715017
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sex with my cute wife
Killing myself because the person I asked to commit suicide with ignored me but failing at it because I'm too retarded and incompetent
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wuca wuca!
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I love Rosemi with all of my heart!
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luca rabu!!
just 5 more days...
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Ikey! <3

where did vanta go... come back it's too quiet
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Vanta if you're here, please tell Ike I love him so much
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molesting vantacrow bringer! my oshi is still live with stardew valley, come ball when he comes back!
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just 5 more days!
vanta ran to go download the vocaroo since he realized that anons delete their vocaroos
he sees your post about him its over
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Yuyu Q. Wilson rabu rabu!!!!

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Ah. We're so close to seeing IT. And I know there's prep fatigue but I've been waiting so long to see what he'll do I can't be anything but eager for IT.
who needs meds when the truth is right there
So Vanta didn't level his vigor to 60 to make himself suffer because I brought it up itt before.
in minecraft right
why didn't you make the last thread
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week go faster onegai, i need to see him move and schmove in 3D again
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the less you think about it, the faster it goes. trust me!
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MEDS let me go back to living in bliss
ryu on the telly
if it happens again this stream that means he's trying to give us a clue!
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I love my bird wife Enna!
vanta was here please something nice to him
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why won't you help her
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haihaihai dry your tears and hop in the car, lets go get you some ramen comferdant
fat fuck
i give her a sunflower seed
Love you Vanta and thank you for taking care of my oshi
i want to make coffee to keep watching vanta...
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how are you, what are you doing? im so fuckinmg tired
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watching vanta and he's lasted longer than i thought he would playing solo
For some reason, reading is making me nauseous today...i may die. So im bad. But now im good cause at least I could read (You), chu.
You should make a mod or just remake sprites/change names for some characters with similarities to some of the livers, doing something like that isn't very difficult at all. There are a few mods that replace characters in the game with random anime characters and stuff like that with basically no effort
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me too, watching my nigga vanta and attempting to draw oshi again becuase i miss him
cute wiwas
is elijah wood the guy in lord of the rings
Vanta on debut: "I like rouglikes and soulslikes and etc.."
Vanta now
>girl game
>girl game
>girl game
has fulgur been writing more of his chuuni stuff?
watching benta and looking up art for my non-vtuber interests...
your WHAT???
im telling kindred you said that
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yayyy are you having fun, are you gonna buy the luca figure?
reading is hard, chu~
yayyy!! cute drawing! are you getting his figure?
ohh what are they?
who is that "i miss you"
Vanta my nigga
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listening to vanta. I'm also tired even though I haven't done anything productive yet.. have a good rest pentomo
Hasn't he just been playing the Elden Ring DLC?
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i am! but i cried so now im sleepy
i plan on buying 2...
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I REALLY WANT TO T-T if all goes well in life ill be able to buy before the deadline but i doubt it uuuu, the poorfag life hurts
i'm happy we have a black guy in nijisanji this isn't a shitpost or meant to be racist because i am black
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YOU ARE BLACK TOO???? i'm in love...



Gabriella was cute but all she did was carry a little tune like let's be real
has anyone played through Lies of P?
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vanta this game cannot allow mugging why are you like this
>what are they
osomatsu and gintama....i saw some cute art of my ship on my tl while at work in the former's case, while new official art of my faves came out in the latter case.
fuck off northernlion
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We NijiNAACP tonight?
vanta has
>vanta this game cannot allow mugging why are you like this
its part of his cultural heritage he cant help it
vanta and reimu i know for certainty did
only half
wrong lucub
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this guy always shows up when a lucub gets attention itt
why do black people all want to fuck luca...
So I literally though when high school musical came out and even up to when I performed in it when my school put it on right after high school musical the musical came out, I thought that Sharpay and Ryan were a couple. I continued to think that HSM had incest in it until about a year later when gay people were told about to me and I realised Ryan is celarly gay. About two years later I realised I'm lesbian myself and that it was absurd that this was my firs though when seeing them. A few years later, I ended up shipping incest ships in games and anime and that I'm kind of just really stupid in general.
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>lmao that's not a good thing
Too many neiggers in this thread
i've never seen that tweet....
so my father is autistic?
Pale skin manchild
tbqh i'm not even considered true african american because my parents immigrated here so stuff like juneteenth isn't for us
>i cheated because im autistic i cant help it
hello black femanons would you date someone that likes rap
my top 3 rappers are eminem, g-eazy, and post malone
oh my god that thread was so braindead i can't wait until normalfags start saying they're experiencing schizophrenia and psychosis because they're afraid of the dark
I cheated because I'm ADHD and got distracted and I woke up in a hotel room with someone who talked to me at a bar but I can't help it, it's just my ADHD
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i miss rosemi-sama
The fucking gay baseball field dance number in the hsm sequel didn't tip you off?
Sharpay/Ryan was popular as fuck on fanfiction dot net, I don't think you were dumb at all

Racism? On 4chan? Oh no, I'm so sad whatever shall I do I can't believe you've done this.
Post Malone your cock, heh
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ahhhh i havent been productive either did some normal stuff but i am now exhausted ;-; have fun producing quilldren~
yayy!!! aww dont be sad lucub *hug* it will be ok, i might sleep soon too...
soon, i hope you can get him, poorfagging sucks aaaa its time to break out your credit card, you can purchase responsibly correct?
osomatsu is based i fucking loved that anime, its so funny i have the karamatsu t shirt
I think black weeb girls are cuties.
bent over by radahn...
how do you outscale a dragon when theyre literally covered in it
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whos going to anime expo again?
Ike and I both have autism so our relationship requires no nonverbal cues
I want to fuck Luca because I'm a hag, being black is just kind of a sidebar
Speaking of autistic people and Radahn
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>you can purchase responsibly correct?
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why do people always act like the fishing in this game is so hard you just click the button
this is ragebait
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>join NijiEN fan discord group
>go to a channel that's for people to give basic intros about themselves
>all the women are she/they artists
>all the men are /asp/ies trying to meet up with the women in the server(outside of the regular con meetups being planned)
how hard is it to just find normal vtuber fans, why do they all have something up with them?
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Eminem is washed, idk if I've ever listened to that guy, and Posty is cool. This song is cute
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no sadge! you should sleep soon and so should i but i juste ate a while ago so ill wait a bit
Technically Juneteeth was based in the southern US so it isn't even really an all AA holiday anyway, I'll give you a pass
if only i can afford it.... have fun anons
I guess the only guys who would follow NijiEN are extremely ugly and unwanted dudes trying to fuck the ugly chicks who follow vtubers. That is sketchy as fuck
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>Vanta is a fishingfag
i loved watching oso weekly, i feel like i should rewatch it sooner rather than later before s4 releases kek. karamatsu's t-shirt? cool!!! the only thing i was able to collect were like stands and the dog plushies for oso, ichi and jyushi.
You lost me with G-eazy as a fave but he's not bad.
Vanta please collab with Ike on a fishing game it would be so cute and chill
you meet them in pictochat>>79726188
anon the south is the blackest part of the country what do you mean
>dating app
is it okay to be on dating apps if you're suicidal
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Tittyfuck Kunai Nakasato.
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hoeru designs really are something
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
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eventually i just ate too so i need to wait, i made breakdast
its super fun, its a nice shirt!! i should wear it as a cheap cosplay lol, my friend has a bday fig of ichimatsu on a chair and it looks super cool!
do not ;-;
ah yes, the farming game experience. you get so addicted focusing on something else and then realize last minute that you didn't water your plants
Most normal vtuber fans went back to being productive members of society after the virus. Only autists/menheras are left.
he means it was meant for southern US blacks because northern ones got freedom and thus knew what date they were emancipated, but those in texas did not know until later, they celebrated when they finally got news
I hadn't seen HSM 2 then and even if it was out and I had probably wouldn't have picked up on what I Don't Dance was putting down, please understand I was a child who spent so much time between school and activities my parents had me doing since I was a literal toddler that as an early teen I'd been exposed to so little real life that I didn't really know about gay people until I was 14. I spent over half my life without realising that it wasn't weird that I had no feeling towards boys while others had crushes on classmates since entering school I was a total dick and as soon as I realised it hurt them, would kick boys in the nuts and then run and climb a tree laughing because I was good at climbing and light so could get really far up and they were both in pain and heavier so stood no chance.
Oh? I never read HSM fics but nice, I feel better now.
b-breakfast? isn't it 10pm for you
Normal vtuber fans don't watch NijiEN anymore
We need a black girl to debut in nijien
those men, all me
you're supposed to grind until 4:59am so no time is wasted
i've never played stardew tho
>First time playing Stardew
Revoke his pass.
That's what I mean, Juneteenth is a holiday in the south because we found out that slavery ended a lot later that the rest of the country.

I did not think this was a talk I would be having here but life is funny that way!
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anon... i make breakfast the night beforehand for tomorrow
nightmare taste
you die at 2am and have to pay money when you wake up in the hospital, you need to water your plants/pet your animals in the morning so you can leave the rest of the day for grinding especially since shops don't open till 9
OH ive never thought of doing that before
Ike loves fishing in games so much but has never played an actual fishing game it'll be such a chill zatsu collab please Vanta just fish with him and you don't need to babysit him in dark souls anymore
is kunai even alive
I keep auditioning but honestly I need to work harder, I'll probably try again later this year sometime
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i have no idea who g easy is but post malone has some catchy music, i love candy paint
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black femanons, what do you think of rush hour, it is fun, do you want to fight crime with me, we can find gang members and win
I've met some at cons but it's a weird scene. Online asides from anime fans I knew from before who started watching and already knew some of most normal people I've met into nijien have been from here.
I know you mean pass out but if you just fucking died in Stardew that would be hilarious
i sometimes do crops at the end of the day because i need time to meet and give gifts to villagers
in some SoS games you have to water crops twice a day (once in the morning, once at night) to make them grow faster
yes! it saves a lot of time! its nice to have a nice meal for you in the morning~
ive never got to meet the hat mouse..
calling out the shitposters who spread fanfiction.....
fufuf I think vanta and clark has been hanging out recently
i just have coffee and eat lunch at 1pm..
Post your youtube/twitch
Rush hour is the best
Scarle is a brown queen
Exactly! I wonder what kind of zatsu they'll do but I think it'll be comfy as hell
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We're just special, anon
>candy paint
I'm was skim reading this thread and thought you said candy melon and was going to say I got one on the weekend and they're like sweeter rock melons and really good. I need to buy another one, hopefully the shops near me have them it was so yum.
i've never seen it...
my bad i missed the "all" in "all AA" and thought you meant juneteenth as a white thing because it came from the south. my brain is too melted by /pol/tards who think in dichotomy and i assumed you were implying the south=conservative=good=white thing
anon.. i do that sometimes too when i dont have work ;-; life is hard
My dad loves it and I never watched it. He also loves The Gods Must Be Crazy, now that is a movie we have all watched several times
why would you water the dog..
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But that's scary!
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it is, its so funny i watched it with my dad a lot as a kid
you should! they are super good movies!
oh i never saw that one, whats it about, you need to watch it its so fun!
>Time to use my hoe
>Hoe time!
>It's hoe-ing time
lmao lmao
have you ever pointed a water hose at a dog they love it
why are you making fences kek for the crows? that won't work silly
i dont like eating early in the morning unless im starving..
but you should go to sleep soon pentomo!
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he tried to water the dog....
pentomo are you chinese?
everyone in this thread except wucub
This is an important question. Which NijiEN girls have the puffiest vulva?
but to feed it!
i am a girl and idk what a puffy vulva looks like
This is an important question. Which NijiEN girls have the largest cocks?
Rosemi Lovelock
Wrong. I'm going to Smash in Sydney.
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S'all good, no worries!
Vanta is so funny
>searches candy melon
they look like cantaloupe? unless its a different thing youre talking about
yay maybe ill see you there
eventually, once i digest more, i eat in the morning cause boss is annoying n it lets me slack
y-yes? why
Elira looked like she had a fat pussy in the figure of her
Rosemi Lovelock
but shu's new outfit is just long legs japanses guy....
speak for yourself, i don't live anywhere near AX and i'm too poor to take a trip there
holy moly you're literally like those chinese femboys that anons always share itt
Elira looked like she had a fat cock in the figure of her
Why? I'll watch you and you'll be more likely to get in since you'll have an extra viewer
And if I'm not mistaken cantaloupe is another name for rock melon and it tasted like a sweeter version of that.
It's a comedy movie/parody documentary about an African Tribe who found a coca cola bottle that fell from a plane, and thought it was a message from God so he wants to return it to God, and he encounters some white scientists who were observing them, a lot of slapstick is involved
>Smash in Sydney
Maria loves farming games I'm sure some of her cocks are large
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i hope you sleep well when you do
If you see biker with short hair can you please hit him for me.
i'll smash in sydney with you if you catch my drift
>dropping a hoyo gacha for another hoyo gacha if you get really into it
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aaaah naruhodoneee
vanta you dummy, don't drop genshin. imagine the possible sponsorship
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w-what? what do you mean?
ohh that sounds funny, i really like slapstick, i watched the 3 stooges a lot as a kid cause my family didnt have cable but they had VHS tapes
soon~ hope you sleep well as well lucub
is aussie pomie going to smash?
i want to have sex with that zenless zone zoopdibop robot
I am still really shy about self-shilling, but maybe I'll post it for ya all ninja-style
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i like ZZZ's style but i only have the mental capacity for one gacha at a time and that is occupied by star rail
>might do multiple honkai streams on twitch
vantacrew dont look
Nijisanji should really make an Indian branch, they're becoming big weebs iirc.
Y-yeah............. totally.........................
Black shota in nijien when?
i will eventually! i didnt drink coffee tonight so i will pass out soon
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i'll be there all weekend and going to all the niji things, so you'd have to basically be trying to avoid me not to see me
surely that won't happen....
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ni hao
wucub is going to rape every blone australian boys she sees....
Is he gonna be a jiangshi? The sleeves put me into the mind of it.
what was he talking about being involved in? that thing with seitokai?
He's taking singing lessons?
thats not me
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me but i'm not going to the watchalong
Good thing Sydney only has asians
ask myanon next time when you see him
i didn't save those femboys' twitter
Yeah, me
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how do people get scammed just don't answer unexpected phone calls from unknown numbers and don't open sketchy emails
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soon~ i am on the verge as well
same i will go to a lot of things as well as the fuwamoco panel we will see each other, are you gonna cosplay, we can make a nijien meetup
ni hao!! petra is super cute in this!
ah i understand, i wanted to go to ax for anime stuff the niji was a bonus, im sad its gone but it wont stop me from doing anime stuff
o-oh does he like them?
the scammers have new tricks
they would try to casually chat and become friends with you first (over 3-6 months) and then scam you
Very quiet here
i love the roleplay ones i always respond to them and post anime shit or reaction images
We call those women
yeah they are all me
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where are you chatting with people did your mom never teach you not to talk to strangers
Let me know when you do.
AX anons, Smash anons, are there any other anons who meet up or is it just a small group of Americans and every fucking Australian in the thread? SEAnons?
they'd be lucky if it was a woman scamming them, most of them are old men larping as pretty girls
I didn't get scammed but I see them on the news a lot
they target people on fb, text or line messenger
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>AX anons, Smash anons
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Monty Python's Hori Gulairu
Isn't it just Biker and a Dragoon going to Smash?
I didn't think the Pentomo, Aloupeep, or Pomudachi were going.
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again, just don't answer unexpected messages from people you don't know
wo ai ni xiao pentomo~
why is he making a fence
i'll get a decent job by the end of this year... then i'll get a car... then next year i'll go to ax and befriend all the anons and ...and..and..
imagine you live in sea, terrifying i know.
would you ever risk meeting up with a stranger?
some people are lonely
it's no difference from anons itt wanting to meet other anons at cons
Both were trying to convince the Pomudachi to go at the very least, I don't know if Femelira is going but there's at least 2 here that meet anons in real life
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i cant speak chinese ;-;
ermm... what the sigma
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then get a job or something and meet people in a context where you are not strangers
wo ai ni means I love you, idk the other word
oh are you third gen chinese... no wonder you own a gun...
I feel like I yap too much I'm sorry
Good plan anon, so how many jobs have you applied for so far?
wo ai ni too anon! chu chu
pentomo... i speak vietnamese, i am half viet n half chinese, none of my family know chinese
Vanta doesn't just wanna go down, foreplay with Vantacrow Sexbringer!
cool you need to teach me some viet then!
xiao means little!
.. not that many i need to get to that tmrw.. but cvs and application forms can be so tiring
i am closer to this pentomo more than i thought.. is half your family chinese ethnic but immigrated to vietnam then america then? that's pretty common.
nta but you hit me with a stray, let me get back to applying
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Congrats! Your reward for not leplying!!
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is this a universal third generation thing i thought it was just because i am hafu
no health is definitely going to be your actual problem the second you step in the skull mines....
Vanta is now British
Vantacrow Crumpetbringer
nakarats sound like THIS?
I can't fathom this as SEA that having a job can automatically buy you a car
And I am your problem, if you don't let me step on you then your skull is mine
just closed the stream. absolutely disgusting i hope he is terminated soon.
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kiss me and jizz on my face
I have a new crush now I can't do this chu chu nakarat... I hope she's okay
nah i'm too broke (and out of shape) for cosplay, i'll just be hanging out
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ah sorry my parents said they'd get me a car if i get an industry job .. i don't think an entry job would automatically get me a car unless it's a used one and i save months of wages
i dunno i just made a guess... do you also own a gun??
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youve improved so much, im proud of you
I had a feeling Vanta would love stardew
Vanta is such a white woman kek
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Oh... Thank you for the reward nakarat! You have a very nice voice and also nade nade
yay!! viet is structurally very similar to english both grammatically and phonically! only think you gotta worry about is accents con yeu em!
yeah that is actually accurate they left during the great leap forward cause china was killing everyone then
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Whoa... First time I've clicked on a vocaroo link, I thought it was gonna be a shitpost, but nice voice, hazukashii...
cute luca
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no i live in california and even if i didn't i have too many attempts under my belt to be entrusted with a magical painless suicide button
ah i see, cosplay is fun but its not for everyone, it will be a fun weekend!
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having sex with all of my fellow viet americans itt... who knows maybe we have an actual kevin nguyen here
I really like your lines
your style is so nice...
Most vocaroo posts are anons singing, voice acting, doing fan service for other anons or preferring to speak rather than type for some reason. I've never opened one here that was a literal shitpost but have opened some odd ones from horny anons targeting specific people.
what is wrong with you
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sonny burning all those japanese food calories everyday while im just a lazy bum who does nothing but work, sleep, eat and the cycle goes on
who's kevin
should I draw luca too?
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>im proud of you
UWWEHHHH, sometimes i feel like i draw him a lil too much
thank you anons <3
kevin nguyens are just a viet american stereotype
chinese anons...
People who is born from CAVE IN.
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w-what should i say in vocaro?
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i miss panchi......
Vanta your cardinal direction reps
can you say good morning sweetheart
I never open them because I feel like 90% of the time they're posted in the middle of a reply chain and I'd feel like a nosy neighbor listening in on something I shouldn't involve myself in. I feel like I lucked up, I got the nice voice Nakarat on my first try, I never have to open another vocaroo ever again!
Make kissing sounds
con yeu em!! does it mean i love you too?
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Confess your love to all the Pomie ojisans of the world and ask them to lock you up in a cage and throw away the key.
>It's wizard time motherfucker!
The way Aia had to keep saying Doppio Dropscytle the wizard to make sure they knew which she was talking about was so funny. Also Damn Vanta just immediately jumped to the assumption that his audience want to see him play femboys? Vanta...
Sonny no. Focus on your work for the AX concert, dance copboy dance. No time for sex.
Yeah! Go for it!
this: https://vocaroo.com/1b1sT1LRzne4
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say how much you love petra in viet
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i save all your doodles youve shared, i can see your improvement everytime you post a new one! i think you dont draw him enough ackshually
go for it
Write a few bars of a rap about Petra
say 白人聽不懂
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i cannot
hhhgnn im not that fluent and id get too nervous
i will not
what does that mean?
Welcome to being a vtuber. Enjoy your stay.
okay then what about this: https://vocaroo.com/1b1sT1LRzne4
SO GOOD!! hehe
i remember when a malay honey was trying to go to a yaminion meetup and he kept posting about how he'd look like a pedo so ne needs to get a femanon to pretend to be his little sister
that anon is trying to have you say "i love big white cock"
Oh wow it's just me and the pentomo in pictochat. Hazukashii
Is Vanta pretending to be retarded on purpose kek
>on purpose
he is naturally like this..
He just needs to follow the yellow brick road
no most of the characters are just ugly, you can admit it vanta
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Do you actually watch Nijisanji?
many nijien livers are holofans...
you can like both..?
Thank you

I'm a unity person but Nijisanji is who I love the mostest
no more amongus
thank you yuqt!! *hug*
o-oh i will not say it
holocure is fun, i like bullet hells
please dont make this a denpa 2.0 again
okay sorry, here's an example: https://vocaroo.com/1b1sT1LRzne4
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2525 nii~~
im no even chinese...
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cant you also romance the wizard
cute ryu noises
who's your niji oshi(s)? i really hope you get in please keep applying, even if it's open indefinitely apply again in like 8 months
s-shoot your load right?
He's cooking
that's a mod...kek
oh BOO
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Thanks!! I like giving back a little since you guys have given me art, great laughs, and your overall passion about your oshis is so infectious that I always leave the thread with a smile on my face whenever theres an event or fun collab going on. I love NijiEn... Stay strong!!

i see you like gundam wing
I have a thing for hands and voices so I love vocaroo hours
I love vocaroo whores
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nijien rabu!
you should recite this https://vocaroo.com/1b1sT1LRzne4
i still can't believe an jesus christ YouTuber is gonna sing and dance in like 5 days
Can you try this?
ryu is no longer a bed pisser
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I got into EN with Luxiem so they're my hako-oshi but I like Rosemi a lot and Maria is cute but I can never catch her and who doesn't love Fuuchan and Aia's grown on me so much and I really adore/d Pomu which is hard to say because people get so testy about people who graduated

And thankies
Sex with this handsome lad
Vanta.. you're supposed to be the dog owner...
you know what, aia's grown on me too lately
It was basically my introduction to soap operas and Wufei was my introduction to the concept of misogyny even though I was too young to realize it at the time XD
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i am tired
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OKAERI dechi
I need to go to bed but I am enjoying Vanta's fishin and minin, it's a cozy feeling
good night!
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goodnighty cute pentomo
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goodnite anons
https://voca.ro/1dZ2xxXHc5dN but what if I respond to you
Unclench your jaw
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wtf nakarrat sounds cyute
Having listening to cyberpunk dead boy countless times I think I’m starting to pick up the difference in shu and claude when they sing
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i found myanon's vocaroo in my vocaroo folder i thought i didn't save it kek
I'd jump in, can't draw for shit but that's what makes it fun right?
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vanta really loves fishing...
I have it downloaded but I don't have any of my vocaroos named so I have no clue which one it is
i'll kms if ough isn't there again
bc you said this i wont join
time to kms
I'm sure I can still sound like a kid, trust me! But people can still appreciate shota-jiji, no?
skinwalker impostor
why do white people like jackie chan so much... i prefer stephen chow's early works
he speak engrish
i love god of cookery so much. but to be fair jackie speaks english
Shota-jijis are hot I love that lil blue bitch from FGO
I can't believe I'm getting cucked by Vanta's dog
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Lurcar Kurnersheerow
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Oh baby, you were born as a killer
Nothing but a sinner
Oh, I'd better run for my own.
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Are you ever just not into a subject matter but you love hearing someone talk about it endlessly because it's just nice? Yeah...
Watching a fleshtuber right now but it applies heavily to vtubers.
If we gartic please 3 minutes warning so I can move rooms and move to my PC, I can't do that shit on a phone
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my favourite fleshstreamer on youtube is a 40+ years old ojisan, he does just chattting stream every week and plays music for us like a radio show
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he's so cute
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I've watched some tiktoks of white people being asked to name three chinese people and them failing at the task, I dunno how you can fail that task in 2024
That sounds really comfy~
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>It's a come
oh hes ending soon
Hi tako
since when was that a tako
Sounds like a great idea, to persistantly remind certain classes of people about their perpetual victimhood status and their status as apart from everyone else. Great notion. Celebrate that every year
That kind of sounded like an Ike sneeze
Let's play the Telephone Game together!

1 more day we ball
2525 2…. ueue
someone pointed out that his ytb language really does change to japanese
my japanese boy….
pls lmk if you do corpse mode, i can't think of any prompts rn so thats all i can do..
we ball and then i sleep
Normal, normal, sandwich, animation

Starting in 5 min
Oooooh, someone's original
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Should I get the basic Geforce now plan for $3.5/month or go Priority for $20/month which gives me RTX graphics and lets me play for 6 hours straight every session.
vanta you dumbass kek
get an actual pc
>paying for games
Imagine playing games when you can watch vtubers
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I do. I have a mac.
i had no idea this even exists, but the $20 a month sounds like a decent value if you'll actually use it that much
now you've got me thinking about using this while i'm at AX LMAO
It's actually $20 AUD. for $20USD you can play up to 4k/120HZ with a 4080 GPU. I am tempted to get that for my 4k monitor.
I'm a comeposter, not a tako
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bye bye vanta YOURE COOL
bye vanta!! youre cooler!!
his niconico is making me niconico
what a witty and adorable boy!
he's going full japanese... there goes my last bit of respect for americans...
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bye bye vanta, otsuuu on the streamI stardew valley today was fun though! it's nice to see your reactions to discovering new things. it was very cute and surprisingly pure rather than pure rage kek I hope you branch out and try out other farming games someday.
>might stream honkai on twitch tomorrow
see you for hollow cocoon!
FUCK no one told me maririn started
i need a nijien cover of this
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For your playlist:

I think I did a pretty bad job with these ones so sorry...
Also the last is a video because I was trying to figure out karaoke in OBS but I can't get the reverb to sound good.
>"We have stardew at home" type of game
Someone confused Gorillas with Godzilla....
i read it as godzilla........
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kek ganba
Not listening until its a femanon joi or maleanon wimpering vocaroo.
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finally break fweeee
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i simply will not see....
now sleep!
the casket one is nice
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i'll do an acapella today, i'm too lazy to get a non-vocal version of play back
yippee a peep cover
vocaroo NOW
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Let's plucking grow!!!
TY. I didn't post the Ren singalongs back when I recorded them because I got self conscious and thought they both sounded really bad... So it helps if you liked it even a little! Thank you!!!
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oh shit i actually managed to go to sleep
only a quick nap though...
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i liked it more than a little i want to hear you sing with PASSION next time you post a song, stand up from your chair, gesture with your arms, get pumped, it'll be apparent in the recording
@anon we're doing corpse after this
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gn! sleep well lucub
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I live in an apartment...
I can't...
Goodnight cub sleep well!
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gnite babu wifecub
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be patient, i have one on standby but it's a short cover of redbone by childish gambino if you wanna hear that
goodnite lucub
Sonny's rare foot collection has met freaking it that's crazy man
Oh look the avatarposting looking for attention.
How about you kill yourself
Sorry I thought it was a suicide countdown...
"ya wanna" know why Enna hates america so much?
The same reason she keeps bleating about feminism and climate change
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goodnight babu lucub
chu chu
Oh Enna often keeps ranting about feminism stuff and includes climate change and other progressive social topics in many of her zatsus
gn sleep welll!
It's getting really late but the Ike in my head doesn't want to go to sleep yet
goodnight babu
spin him around until he gets dizzy and just wants to cuddle with you
Enna dyed her hair hot pink, she is a typical damaged scenegirl progressive type, with a massive chip on her shoulder.

Don't forget she befriended Diego because he claimed he suffered racism for being a mexican in France. She constantly blames her own situations on supposed "racism" despite living in the literal elite of society in Canada with tons of nepotism and racial preference going her direction for being chinese. Remember "slumsaint" lmao
No I don't even play Minecraft

I'm retarded

Thank you I love ramen
He won't listen to me he just wants to play minecraft
i'm so fucking lonely
if my ike's ever being bratty i just shrink him so he's the size of my palm, hard for him to do anything that way
yeee looing forward to it!!
It's very nice that you have control over the Ike in your head but mine is the one in control of me
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I'm laughing so much at these my tooth wound is opening up again. Maybe I should join next time
i don't have to kms now!
a shame, bullying him is fun.
this one kinda matches
woah nice
cute pentomo
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doppio's rap part is hard dechi
other garlic results doko
join the room to wattch
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Have you tried writing down the lyrics then reading them out loud in a singing voice?
I think that helps.
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the charli xcx one is my favorite
Too big
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Gm!! How are you guys!?
i'm about to go to bed weewa
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gnite anons!! happyhappyhappy
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Good morning Weewa!
I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but you missed vocaroo hours and gartic.
I'm okay. I might have accidentally used some expired milk with my cereal though...
playing gartic
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sleep well!!
gn lucubbbb
WHAT THE FUCK WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i hope your cereal tastes good.........
we are still playing gartic retard
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i am krilling myself
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Well one Aloupeep said he'd post a Play Back acapella so you might be able to listen to that at least.
I thought this was the last round don't be mean.
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hopefully he posts it before i leave then..
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i did this in as few as many tries as possible, don't blame me, this isn't edited at all HAHAHAHAHAHA holy cow it sounds terrible
Last round sandwich?
daaamn thats good thank you peep
ough hates us again....
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ITS SO GOOD HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! i love your voice peep weeeh im jealous
aloupeeps are now the sexiest fanbase itt.. also that high note and the play back part made my heart tingle..
The sonnyban vortex....

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