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More and more holomems are accepting Stars. They want unity, not division. Will you accept their decision, /vt/?
Sure, but they're gonna have to actually be fucking entertaining for once. So far only Bettel and Hakka (when singing) has been able to pull it off to any degree of success.
Oh? I like Oga.
Total Homo Death
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>more and more
Like who? My oshi is still not having collabs with them, so why should I care? Not that I dislike StarsJP to begin with.
Nothing against stars, but accepting "unity" means being in the same group as homobeggars and falseflagging nijisisters, ie.subhuman filth, so I'll pass.
Sora, AZKi, most of gen 1, Polka, pretty much all of ID, a significant portion of EN...
proof next thread?
>a significant portion of EN...
Like being real, isn't it only Ame, Liz and kinda Mori?
How could you forget Bae? She's had outright collabs with Stars.
Mori was more pro Stars than Ame was.
Then there was Bae and Kronii. Mumei did a couple of group collabs.
Ina did that music collab with them.
Sana said she talked extensively with them behind the scenes before she graduated, so she would have probably collabed with them.
Nope. The stars branch needs to be shut down. Clearly it isn't working out. They're just leaching off of the success of the girls. No one wants men in hololive.
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Sora, AZKi and gen 1 had always been open to collabing with starsJP. I still respect them because they're the pillars of Hololive. I don't care about ID beyond Kaela and Reine, and to say that "a significant portion" of EN are unityfags is a bold claim. I'd like to reiterate that my oshi, and other talents I watch are still maintaining zero contact with the boys, so I don't have a reason to care about this unity shit. Sounds like a narrative being pushed with an agenda behind it.
>Mumei did a couple of group collabs
it was one, she didn't talk at all and she has never mentioned or interacted with the Stars since. Rrat is Bae or Ollie didn't tell her the Stars were going to be there
Fubuki? Few mems have been as vocal about integrating the boys as FBK has.
So, only Ame and Bae then? Kronii and Mori haven't talked to them or collabed in months. Same goes for Muimei, but that timeline is measured in years, same goes for Ina, and well, Sana is dead.

Don't let me clip your wings, but I wouldn't take that as a win, but just because my oshi chatted with someone for an hour 2 years ago, I wouldn't call them accepting
Mori only pulled back because her "sons" were deleted. She's still fully pro-Stars.
>Few mems have been as vocal about integrating the boys as FBK has.
FBK has never been vocal about integrating them, she collabs with them, she is their friend, but she still insists that there's a separation between Hololive and Holostars and that the gap between them is needed and healthy, they're free to reach out to the other side, but it's not a requirement and she doesn't want it to be. To her they're just more collab partners and friends
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Mumei went from someone who would occasionally appear in homo chat to someone who will never mention them after that collab
a more plausible rrat is that she peeked /here/ that day and saw the vitriolic reaction from her fans and was uncomfortable and never wanted to do it again
>I don't care about ID beyond Kaela and Reine
Isn't Reine pro homo as well?
anon that's the default stance of human beings.
nobody should force them one way or the other.
Nigga it isn't the other talents job to inform someone of who will be in a collab. Mumei's manager would have done that and she still showed up.
What am I lying about retard?
>unicorns are bad and bully the girls
good one sister
Bae and Ollie may have just forgotten to mention it because all of the other girls in the collab were known Stars collabers
Hard to believe considering they have to plan schedules and collabs in like a week or half in advance. You can't tell me she was completely oblivious to it until day of.
Just making things clear, because some people intentionally lie or twist FBKs words to make it seem like she's in favor of a Holostars Hololive merge or that the stars should be present at all Hololive events or big collabs
yeah some people try to put her on the same level as what Ollie wanted to do when FBK was never even remotely of the same mindset
Time for Yagoo to step down.
Not to mention it's been repeatedly stated that they can all see each other's planned schedules on the Google doc. They like to leave cutesy messages to each other on it.
JPs were always whores
EN CHADS would never
Listen here young man. You don't need to lie and make up shit, completely diverting the blame of an adult woman's own willingless to do something she did a long time ago upon two people who had nothing to do with her decision. You have zero proof, you can take your "may have" this and that and shove it up your brown sharthole schizo.
She probably knew but didn't want to be a dick about it, before the collab Mumei mentioned asking Bae to include her in more JP collabs, so that probably lead to the invitation, not fully comfortable but not wanting to be a dick Mumei just rolled with it, and probably just told Bae no, or politely declined until she got the message whenever invited to a Stars collab.
Cover does a pretty decent job of incorporating the homos into larger events. They certainly don't treat them like outsiders, even if their collab/merch opportunities are fewer.
Mumei always feels very antisocial and aloof too me, but she really wants to be a respected idol, doesn't she?
>listen here young man
actually fuck off you 35 year old basement dweller
I'm just repeating the rrat that has been around since that stream happened, I'm not trying to claim it is 100% factual as nobody can claim that
the fact is she has NEVER referenced or interacted with the Stars since then so clearly something happened or changed
Yeah, but they don't force it on anyone, No one who isn't comfortable with the stars is made to be on an official stream with them, nor are they forced into the Hololive wide events that Hololive host, like the undokai, or the NY marioka tournament now a days they just shut down those projects if the Holo organizing doesn't intend to include them they might put them on official merch together or make a physical space for them at events, but they're still very much treated like their own thing, and no one is made to interact with someone they would rather not. Some people like to make it seem that FBK thinks that Hololive should be female only or that anyone who doesn't collab with males has ill intentions, which is ridiculous given that most of her friends do not
Do they? It always feels like a side show at best and the majority of the fans are either apathetic or outright upset if they have any actual inclusion during a main show. Not to mention that 90% of the company simply won't interact with or acknowledge their existence. It feels like they only include the Stars to put on the appearance of HoloPro unity, not because it's actually wanted or profitable.
I think she joined a collab or two, but definitely nowhere near ollie, iofi and kobo levels.
>rrat that has been around
Yeah, the rrat that has no basis to it and was spread around by lying unicorns in order to completely absolve her of any blame and push it all towards Bae
>The fact is that she has never since then
Keyword here is since then. She was spotted in Homo chats before that point, the screenshots are archived. From the top of my head, I still remember her popping up in Astel Karaoke and also in Ollie/Roberu/Bae apex
Fact of the matter is that before then, she was ambivalent towards the homos. Now stop being brown you irresponsible fuck. It's not a big deal, the rrat isn't real, she has never collabed with homos since then because she changed her mind. Simple as.
Mumei just strikes as someone who doesn't really any anything against men/stars/whatever has the dick, but would just rather stick with girls only, shes the type of girl who is hardcore into sorority or sisterhood. So the idea of mixing Hololive, her girls only group, with men doesn't really seem appealing, she is still very polite and kind so she used to extend basic courtesies. But when seeing what came after the collab for certain parts of the fanbase, and SPECIALLY what happened after HomoEN debuted she chose to keep her distance in order to keep her group nice, feminine and clean
No one likes a girl who brings her boyfriend over to the sleepover
The only thing that make them outsider are their result after all, despide all the constant shilling.
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>warned us about chloe
He's alright.
>lying unicorns
It's a possible scenario you delusional brown fuck. It was clear during the collab that she was uncomfortable and it has been VERY clear what her stance on Stars has been afterwards. Trying to claim that you know exactly what happened as your brown hands type this from behind your crusty keyboard in your mudhut is laughable.
She's second only to Kaela when it comes to least Homo interactions, she doesn't go out of her way to talk to them and pretty much all her very few male collabs big group collabs with many other ID members (always either Ollie o Iofi) and a few stars, and even then, I think it has been a real long while since the last one, she used to show up very rarely in their chats but she doesn't do that anymore
I think it was just her rolling with how ID handled stars and hololive interactions but as time went by she just started doing things her way, she's a hard dyke so I think she just genuinely doesn't find anything about them appealing
the Hakka annoying Kaela interaction is still hilarious. I wonder if him fucking that up so badly has just made the rest of Tempus avoid her chat
Ok, what the fuck happened? or is this some ERB shit still going on?
If they keep it to themselves then whatever, I just won't watch them. If they try to spread it to others then I will anti them.
Stars doesn't want to collab with marine, she's a gross lesbian who smells bad and is fat.
Its clear that Cover and/or Yagoo wants Stars to reach the same level of success as the girls. They've seen the potential of it in Niji but they can't seem to get the recipe to work for them in a way they want
It was a nice humbling moment, like just because the others behave a certain way you shouldn't expect all of them to be the same. Not like it matters because it looks like both Stars JP and EN have stopped caring about being polite, so shame about that
I can respect that, I also wish that if I did poorly at my job instead punishing me in any sort of way he kept increasing my salary, because he truly believes in my potential.
>I will continue claiming it's a possible scenario in order to defend a grown woman who made her own decision that one time even though I have zero proof or basis for my arguments
There is a grown man behind this post by the way. a man with an asshole so wide, he can continue to pull lies out of it.
You would be laughed out of court you shit-for-brains primate. Do you have any idea how foolish this rrat sounds?
>Uhhh she didn't her collab partners weeks in advance and she was tricked into it
fucking retarded shitcunt
>Trying to claim you know exactly what happened
Except my claim still has grounding to it. It's called common sense, compared to your utter shitefest of a "rrat", go drink cow shit juice soup like you deserve to.
That's the one thing Niji does better than holo and I'm not sure anyone knows why. They just managed to dodge the idol culture, I guess.
The top nijis (male) are less popular than the top holo girls though.
NTA but mumei herself said after that collab that she was accepting every collab opportunity without asking for details and considering how she acted during the collab and after the collab ( talking how she's in hololive to collab/interact with girls more ) it's not a far reach to assume that bae invited her and simply didn't mention that holostars would be in that collab.
lol what is this cope, kuzushart himself is part of an idol group called chronoir because even niji kneels to idolfagging
Because Nijisanji in general is less popular, especially nowadays.
Are you telling me, that Nanashi Mumei, threw her friend Hakos Baelz under the bus in order to save her own hide? you realize that's what you are trying to make her seem as right? stop trying so fucking hard
>Mumei willingly and knowlingly joined the collab
>proceeded to utter maybe three words the entire stream and didn't interact with the Stars at all
>was clearly uncomfortable the entire time
>ever since then she has avoided the Stars entirely
Yes, you abject moron there is at least some basis for what the rrat is theorizing. I don't 100% believe it but it's in the realm of possibility despite you evidently being a fucking clairvoyant who knows exactly what happened.
>except my claim has grounding to it
no it does not, you are simply stating your own retarded brown headcanon as if it is gospel when you don't know shit either.
of course you're British
The real answer? The first couple of JP stars sucked ass, at a time where vtubing was not only mostly out of it's growing pains but one where there were already a couple of very well established male vtubers. The stars didn't offer anything it was a bunch of bad to mediocre male vtubers, and they were shilled at an audience made of people who watched female vtubers (not unicorns tho, at the time the stars debuted, most Holos did collab with males, the trend started with Gen 3 who were relatively new) and in general, being real, most stars JP are just kinda bad at their jobs, that's why no matter who they're advertised to it really has never mattered, they've even managed to get into the normie streamer circle and it hasn't done much for them, hell the most popular stars is still a 1-2k streamer, in a genre of streaming where the top male can pull 100k.
EN just came in late, and in general the scene is pretty dead
Exactly, which is why it's moronic to try emulate a literally dying fad at the cost of your own booming fad.
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They absolutely do not do it better. The sexes are just swapped.
>threw her friend under the bus
or, perhaps, she simply admitted that she made a mistake herself by accepting every single collab without checking as well as Bae not mentioning that there would be Homos there?
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>Rrat is Bae or Ollie didn't tell her the Stars were going to be there
Niji has the co-ed feel but Hololive girls are way more successful that their Niji counterparts due to, in part, the aversion to male interactions
this has to be bait
Yeah, that's why you should stop trying to make rational sense of it, everything going on with the stars is made out of pure emotional thinking because the CEO personally likes them, he's at the top and specially now that the company has gone public and he holds a majority he can do whatever he wants and clearly is out to protect his boys, pretty clear when he throws Regloss over the board in a public hearing but doesn't mention the stars one

Yeah the situation sucks, and it's never going to change, ever
There is no universe out there where Mumei was tricked into an unwanted collab against her consent with zero knowledge of the collab members weeks in advance.
Why would Bae not mention homos weren't there? any particular reason? did she say this?
>tricked into an unwanted collab
holy shit you actual brainded British retard nobody is claiming she was "tricked". Bae simply either didn't know Mumei's Stars aversion or failed to mention it because all of the other girls in the collab were known Stars collabers. Nobody is trying to assign malicious intent to Bae except you
I've always said that Cover is incompetent and completely carried by the girls (and the hiring team up until gen 5) even before the rampant homoshilling started. I'm also expecting holo earth to be a flop.
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>Why would Bae not mention homos weren't there?
>weren't there
I digress, Bae could have simply forgotten to mention it because the other two participants Ollie and Iofi) are some of the most open Stars collabers in all of Holo. It isn't farfetched for Bae to just forget to mention it
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She talked about them in the watchalong with Bae and Fauna asking about if Aruran was actually Italian or something.
I hope you don't get cramps grasping so hard at those straws
Thats a grim way to look at things. Throwing away all it because it ended badly. Theres lessons to learn in failure, especially in the failures to others.(inb4 stars are failures) If theres a way to make Stars succesful it might be found in what Niji did right with their males and trimming off what went wrong
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Except Cover isn't learning at all, they just keep trying to force them together with the girls to try leech their popularity, for fucking years without gain.
>Mumei's star aversion
You seriously expect me to believe that Bae and Mumei, 2 people who have been talking since debut every single day and know most things about each other, somehow Mumei forgot to mention this to her?
That is completely Mumei's responsibility to share such information with Bae
How would Bae know about Mumei's star aversion if she was in a collab with Ollie and Roberu during Apex and Mumei stopped by in chat?
Bae wasn't even on the thumbnail of that collab
You do realize that the entire collab was organized by Iofi and she invited everyone correct? it's not Bae's responsibility to mention the participants to Mumei if she was an invitee herself
one of the reasons is using the girls as mere accessories, yeah i don't think that helps
we have several threads like this every day since ERB's debut, connect the dots
That's the thing, stars keep failing at everything they do and they don't learn
They don't need to learn from niji
The west HAS successful male streamers. Tons of them, of all kinds.
They're being retarded going after this idol angle to begin with. They should be making men for men rather than men for chinese women.
Please go back to SEAbook
NTA but you need to kill yourself right now lying faggot
In your post here, >>79727108 you worded it in a malicious way which implies trickery
>Didn't tell her
>Forgot to tell her
Male viewers don't buy merch and don't superchat male vtubers, it is completely retarded to expect them to only pander to other men
Making Holostars successful means attracting all the nyfco retards. It's better to just axe it.
literally semantics. Nothing in the way I worded it ascribes blame to anyone it's all in your head.
they're already here, have you seen erb's fanbase?
Maybe elaborate on your semantics next time fucktard. You know full well how many schizos are there on this board who take everything the wrong way.
Men are the absolute top of both youtube and twitch. Are you telling me that every single top male streamer or youtuber has an entirely female audience?
It's somewhere around here
>you seriously expect me to believe
No, because you are genuinely retarded. But I think a reasonable human being could see how it could be possible. I've definitely forgotten to mention that certain people a friend may not want to be around were going to be at events before, it can easily just slip your mind.
The only good homo is a dead homo. Expect Roberu. I love that nigga.
When was the last time Polka had a homo collab?
>a significant portion of EN
Bae, Mori and soon to be ERB aren't a significant portion.
Mori is a big part of EN
Reasonable humans don't simply stay unaware of their own job briefing weeks in advance. The scenario you have created is fictious, especially when work is involved
I commend you for trying, but you're arguing with a pajeet bong.
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Ah yes, it is my responsibility to word everything in such a safe way that no ESL brown schizo could possibly misinterpret it. You are fucking retarded
>bro thinks its niji where managers ignore everything and send everybody into their streams completely unprepared
Mumei isn't a child.
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bruh, this homobeggar copium is fucking insane. the girls hate you and hate your homostar pieces of shit and celebrated when vesper and magni got terminated. the moment they saw fans didn't care about homostars, they said "oh good, I can treat those leeches like the trash they are."
proof is in the pudding.
She's very influential in the EN sphere, sadly.
No you mongoloid, it's your responsibility to make sure you aren't spreading misinformation with misuse of words. Prepare to get called out for it if you do.
I'm talking specifically about vtubers. The men donating thousands of dollars to someone like xqc are not going to even look in the direction of male vtubers, it's the same thing with female viewers watching female vtubers.
Your lack of any situational or communicative intelligence continues to impress me. Anyone who has worked a job that involves meetings has had forgotten to mention something relevant to their coworkers before a meeting at some point.
Cold bitch Kiara is way better than insecure Kiara
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This is now a Fuwawa thread.
Don't know as much about merch (it's usually just sponsors like Gamersupps), but men absolutely donate and member/sub to male streamers or it wouldn't be a viable field. There's nothing in theory preventing that with a male vtuber, said vtuber just needs to appeal to men. Give someone like Bettel a model that isn't repulsive to men and he becomes a insta-hit with men.
Yeah probably but we can't tell if Cover is forcing or rewarding girls for interacting with the males or not
Its easier as a JP company to see what another JP company is doing, I don't know any popular JP streamer that isn't a vtuber except maybe Daigo and thats pushing it. Yes they can go scouting but you can't like Vinny from vinesauce to drop everything to join bottom rung in a company unless you're giving a large paycheck
>spreading misinformation with misuse of words
"Didn't" is not a phrase that ascribes blame or malicious intent you ESL fuck.
>prepare to get called out for it if you do
acting hard on a vtuber forum is hilarious. Get back to your mudhut
Maybe gay men
if betel is a hit I don't want to see a miss
Copium is absolving a grown women of her own actions and attributing them all to her colleagues as if she is a lobotomite who cannot function. Don't ever reply to me again you waste of skin.
I simply believe that blaming others for your own inability to not being able to acquire the information necessary for your work is your own fault. All you have done so far, is portray Mumei as someone who is throwing others under the bus to save her own hide because she "wasn't told" even though all the participants are in the exact same position of self servitude.
You are aware that talents can set up their own collabs with just slight management approval right? Iofi or Bae can ask Mumei if she wants to join a collab and Mumei can say yes, the managers don't handhold them 24/7 dumbass
Nice job, Anon. You're making the monkey dance.
Beggars do far more damage to hololive's reputation than unicorns could ever hope to
I'm talking total percent, here. Not mass.
Then isn't the obvious answer to stop emulating male vtubers and start emulating male streamers?
That one comic of Oga warning us while we no way fag him still gets me
I didn't know anons could suck other anons off but here we are. Congrats on coming out.
Who would win?
>the entirety of the beggar armada
>ten seconds of silence
Or she decided that she didn't enjoy collabing with males, she was really quiet during the one stream she did with them
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>throwing others under the bus
Is your small brown brain unable to process a scenario where neither party had any malicious intent? Why could Mumei not just be describing what happened without ascribing blame to any of the other girls?
they're STILL seething about that
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I love my wives.
I mean she made a joke or two in passing to fill the time in a watchalong, which is made even funnier because both of those homos whom she knows nothing about were in the collab
Ame had not collabed with stars after the astroneer collab, and then kronii bailed on a monopoly collab and mori begged ame to fill it, after that she hasn't collabed with them since. It's been a year and a half, it most likely won't happen again, and she figured out her fanbase doesn't want it.
For rhe record, her fanbase does not care about her being a fujo from afar. This is the woman who read a eroge with a guy being raped with a baseball bat until he died.
>she figured out her fanbase doesn't want it
Only after being a spiteful bitch about it on numerous occasions
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You know, instead of arguing with the monkey, you could just post cunny and scare it off.
Crazy how you beggars still hang on to a collab from years ago. Whatever made her join the collab she clearly changed her stance since then and doesn't do it anymore. Just accept her decision and move on. You whine and whine about unicorns flipping their shit whenever there's a male interaction, but here you are doing the just the same when someone stops with it. You're no fucking different.
>More and more holomems are accepting Stars
New gens since 2023
Advent - Homocollabers: 1 Nerissa but depends on whether you think Zentreya is male or not
Regloss - Homocollabers: 2 Ao and Ririka
Justice - Homocollabers: 0 for now, potentially ERB
So technically out of 14 girls only 2-4 homocollab actually lowering the % of homocollabers in total.
Do only gay men consume shounen? Sports anime? Mecha? Comedy anime? Vtubing is anime, it's not just CGCDT and Otome gacha. Give someone actually entertaining a model from the Cromartie High School or Baki artist and see what the gender split of the audience ends up being.
They aren't really outsiders, while I'd prefer not seeing them, I think there is a good separation that is just enough.
No she isn't you brown schizo. No amount of "muh orcschizo" rrats are gpnna make that true.
No if all Holomems choose unity with the stars then I will leave Hololive behind
Simple as
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Homobeggar calling anyone else a faggot. Have some cunny.
raden collabed with a male
Even I don't believe in that, Amber was enough
I will not.
I see what's happened here. You're a brown Brrat who is somehow upset that other brown Hoomans have made Bae into a villain over this despite me never doing that a single time. Just stop typing now and go back to fighting imaginary wars in your head.
>it's brought up in /#/
I'm sure your brown ass is there all the time
>Mumei is /here/
genuine retardation
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what happened with all that, I saw some shit about her apologizing or saying she wouldn't collab with that guy again or something? It was the Joe Rikiichi right?
You should stick to /who/ man you're clearly not cutout for the catalog.
How am I a homobeggar you son of a gutter slut? god shitty whores can't even send their children to school these days to learn enough intellect to not butcher the english language by turning it into a lexicon of buzzwords. Tell that bitch to take your phone away from you worthless critter.
When you parrot that Mumei was unaware, you are always giving schizos ammo to continue their blame because that's what they always do. You lack self-respect to know that and will continue doing it though even if your argument is based upon a fucking rrat and a theory
nta but she is/was here at some point 100% would bet my nuts on it, I even have an example
One time she retweeted an art of a homostar that her mama made on twitter and after a few minutes decided to delete it ( probably because people in /who/ were talking about it )
No idea, stopped following her after seeing that
You seem upset. Is it really that easy to get to under your skin you brown homobegging faggot?
>He doesn't know about amber
>april fool impersonations after stream note in /who/
She wasn't, she was telling the retarded trolls who don't watch her that started harassing people that they would be better off spending their time making their own lives better instead of being trolls on the internet. Those people are the same people who pushed her saying two words instead of the full sentence specifically to be trolls and harass people. Course, you are most likely one of those people so I don't even know why I'm telling you this.
Didn't she use a bingo card /who/ made for her birthday?
I knew about Amber, though I never believed it was her. What's the impersonation one though? I've never heard of that one before.
>you are always giving schizos ammo to continue their blame
Nice ESL. Hey retard, they are SCHIZOS. They will continue to do that regardless. I'm simply mentioning a plausible scenario where Bae forgot to tell Mumei. Nothing malicious about it, just a normal person forgetting something which happens ALL THE TIME in the real world, something I don't think you know much about.
>You lack self-respect to know that
Nice ESL again.
That was a decisive blow to their morale.
Thousands of seething beggars cried in pain seconds later after the silent attack.
The comment section was a fucking riot.
She said if you don't like male collabs go improve yourself
I've watched Ame since debut, she has literally had spiteful outbursts towards her chat multiple times. You can disingenuously try to frame it in the best light possible but she was definitely having a woman moment at the time
damn, shame because her model is beautiful
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I do appreciate how rude and clinical Kiara is about the homos. She wants to be an idol and has no problem stepping on male necks to get there.
Memoryholing the magni tweet I see
Magni doesn't exist anymore, so neither does his tweet.
I remember that time Kiara wanted to invite Roberu on Holotalk when he was blowing up, good times
That's not what she said at all lmao, fucking retard doesn't even know how to understand English.
yikes, she would stoop that low for a little relevance
Why didn't she then? Roberu's still around.
two more weeks sis
His boom period with EOPs lasted too short and they stopped memeing him
She only pro homojp not homoen, she doesn't even name red dino when he raid her.
sure thing buddy
red dino is the worst hire in HoloPro history
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She's very good at making homobeggars seethe too.
Babu, get the syrup out of your ears.
I remember her seething because she wanted to be in the homo group cover
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>"silence is violence"
wrong, she was seething because she wanted to make a Hololive cover of the song but the homo dog started one instead
Bummer I guess will live in eternity
Nice misinterpretation of that situation, anon.
kinda funny how entitled they are to think their faggots are in any way deserving of acknowledgement. as if they are owed it or something. fucking schizos.
i remeber that clip. she was sadder for pakopappa losing another chuuba than she was about fagni and the junkie schizo getting killed off. lol
AFAIK Kiara has been the only one to openly admit that collabing with the homos is number poison
Fuck no. Just do what you're already doing when you're winning. How hard is that? What is wrong with women's brains?
She's right. And it would be especially bad for her because her numbers are already stagnant.
She just had her strongest month in long while, dumbass.
she's doing so bad this is considered a good month?
lol she's as close to 2 mil now as she has been for three years.
ERB is making all the threads, it makes sense.
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I don't know what world you live in, but this looks like a pretty solid month to me.
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I want to see Kiara naked.
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>Or she decided that she didn't enjoy collabing with males
Well that clearly wasn't the case...
>sister can't even get a basic joke
i actually wonder how people like you function
That does indeed sound nice...
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>More and more holomems are accepting Stars
I always find the co-worker comments funny since it seems to imply that it's normal to just randomly talk to every individual person who works at the same company as you.
It's not unreasonable when there's only like 10 of them and your job is entertainment, to be fair.
>sister can't even get a basic joke
Ollie, Zeta, iofi, Kobo, and early Risu I can see being homocollabers.
Moona, Reine, Anya, Kaela I'll need some examples. I can't speak for the others but Reine's interactions have been restricted to one-time EN group collabs, which can be said about every other girl in the company.
Moona awkwardly shilled the homos in the middle of a girls only halloween stream
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I will forever kneel to FWMC
I just felt bad for Bae.
Mumei simply decided her journey as idol didn't involve JP and EN Stars, she is happy where she is and I respect that
she's known the consequences. she's no rookie.
>More and more holomems are accepting Stars
I guess if 1 of 4 new hires accepts stars then technically it counts as "more and more", but it's really disingenuous
>Will you accept their decision, /vt/?
Yes. I also won't watch anyone who collabs with the homos.
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This. Beggars are completely insane now.
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yes, Reine is very much pro homo
Gura is the only one who will never bent the knee to yagoo cock mongering obsession. Because she can simply tell him to fuck off or threaten him with graduating and going indie if he were to pester her about it. Dump your stock on the shark cunny.
I would've believe you if some faggot name lolicunny2 weren't there stirring shit. Will you faggot stop your false flags attacks already?
I fine thinking women owe you some sort of purity contract when you haven't met them the actual insanity, it's obvious to anyone that's not a unicorn what your agenda is and you guys aren't stubble at pushing it nore doing a good job a painting yourselves as the "good guys"
she at least followed bettel on twitter, congratulated him on his anniversary and said something like "perform at my circus"
Man, Indians are fucking built.
i dont know any of the stars
my oshi does not collab with men
yours might, but i probably dont know her name either
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It's a war of attrition that you're never gonna win.
I gotta give it to you progressists though, "evil never sleeps", you cockroaches always come back for more.
The price to maintain something good is eternal vigilance.
>erb got in
if only cover were vigilant
Unicorns are not gonna watch her, neither support her.
That's why they're never gonna win, we just move on, it's their loss not ours.
Even as a stars envoyer I know it's bullshit, come on, bait better
I will, because it means means a tide of dramabait and whining which will shit this board up to no end.
Don't mistake me, I don't hate Unicorns and I don't side with Beggars. I just really hate the Jannies and want their workload to skyrocket beyond sustainable levels
Holy ESL.
No I will not
She's right. Whenever youtube recommends me a new vtuber, the first thing I do is check if there is any male collab.
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Male collabs are always kino. we need more
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Nah, it's fighting human nature. There's ways to make money from couples but this isn't it, hell I pretty much explained it right there: the way to do it is to dismiss the dating atmosphere and be Ironmouse/Connor where you know they're more or less done judging each other, this has more to do with the mean age of the viewer than their gender or role. You're not too male for this, you're too old, so it's funny you use the haggiest of them all to whom this would apply most. Keep pretending it's about fags or whatever lol.
the monkey snapped after getting obliterated, you LOVE to see it
why would you feel bad for the sleeve of en?
I really don't understand how anyone could be proud to be a janny for Hiroshi, he's a piece of shit who needs to be disappeared by public security. He's an embarrassment to the nation of Japan and they have every right to just throw him in a dark cage forever. Also funny to think how if that happened there probably isn't a single organization in the world that would come help him.
Link for the kiara irys one?
>more and more holomems want unity
I promise you that most of them don’t give a shit one way or the other, the only people who care are homofans
It’s a panel and that fag you’re replying to should kill himself.
I won't ever accept such a decision. If my oshi and all other hololive vtubers go this route. I will leave and play retro games on PC instead. I will accept that my judgment in women and in hololive was wrong. I will stop posting on /vt/ and shit up /v/ instead. If vidya also becomes so abhorrent to me in the future, I can't enjoy playing and talking about games I will go to /pol/.
i'll accept it just because i love to see unicorns seethe, it's baffling to me just how delusional these mfs are
be grateful nigger, without him, you'd shitfling on twitter, or worse, tumblr
Male vtubers are worthless, i like miko/korone/aqua/peko/etc cuz they are living anime girls doing anime girls things, but male vtubers are just unskilled normal male streamers.

They fail utterly at being Vtubers, the whole point is being a LARGER THAN LIFE fictional character.
We shit on vox but he understood the job by being a gay seducer for the fujos.
Because I like her.
i wanna see fwmc in this getup

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