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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Hidden Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 6/30:
1: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (4,893)
2: https://twitch.tv/SquChan (3,613)
3: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,530)
4: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,927)
5: https://twitch.tv/Saruei (2,645)
6: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,304)
7: https://twitch.tv/MurderCrumpet (1,759)
8: https://twitch.tv/Yuzu (1,661)
9: https://twitch.tv/marimari_en (1,514)
10: https://twitch.tv/Sweetily (1,415)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (8,344) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/kagasumire (2,420) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/kanotic_ (1,857) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 2nd - Buffpup
July 4th - Dokibird
July 8th - Lumituber and Marimari

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>79724845
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I love my wife
Good morning lig I blub my oshi!
>slap para's bloated beer belly
>beer shakes around inside
>co2 is released
>she burps and vomits uncontrollably through her mouth and nose
>unbearable pain in her nostrils
>she curls up in the puke and ugly cries for 20 minutes
>intermittently choking on bile which is now in her windpipe
i will be ashton marten's james joyce
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I miss feemsh
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Lig G. Erman /here/.
One month away from the Large Indie General Annual Awards Show, The Liggies!
The second week is dedicated to voting on the categories. We had 20 submissions with about 24 useful categories. Everyone is getting 10 votes, then the top 15 that get at least 1 vote will be the final categories for this year.
While voting keep in mind not just what you would like to see, but who/what you'd most want to nominate and what categories you'd think they'd belong in.

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Crossposting and anchoring here, In 2 days it will be Dokibird's birthday, so it's time to start the Dokibird birthday card! This will be a collaboration between /lig/ and /haha/, with a deadline of 8pm pst on July 3rd. Tiles must be SFW and have dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400). Anything that is clearly baiting or drama related will be ignored. We could also use some tiles to be smaller gap fillers under where the next tile starts and above the crowki tile.

Dunno what do make a tile about? Here's some ideas:

>Her favorite games (apex, minecraft, ect)
>Tiles with her friends (Mint, RPR, Snuffy, dtto, Gumi, ect)
>Her pet Doki Amber Doge (DAD)
>Any fun memes you'd think would get a good laugh that are relevant to her.
>Things such as edits, memes, art, and KK gag scenes are all encouraged and OK
luv ecto
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
it was funny to see how mad she got over somebody making her play the game nearly immediately
porkus maximus
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what if your oshi looked like this and did this
the one on the left or the one on the right
i wonder what mine look like by now. probably not quite as bad, but not too far off.
your asking me too many questions and its stressing me out please leave me alone
i'm too scared to ask, I've done like 10 steroid cycles over the past 7 years
my heart is probably a fatberg
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Love my wolf wife
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Take the dingus, take the dongus, stretch your pingus and your pongus
chubby IT admin RPing as a dance instructor

copeshit, you can take all the niacin and vitamin D you want, won't do shit to slow down progression
>getting on gear without getting regular bloodwork
how are your bitchtits anon
Is Uto a ligger?
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sleepy rrat
My bloods are pretty good but my E runs super high, I have a little bit of gyno, like a pea sized lump
hopefully she still has fucked up feet
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Goodnight /lig/ the guy in the video Ecto is watching sounds like Chris Chan
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i spot a hair pin she better be in some comfy ass pajamers
why did you use the same words when you were in pain
the words i told you
the words you threw back into my face
I listed one vitamin you retard
Didn't ask nerd
That's two
gn shogga
you can run AIs on cycle yknow
vitamin D is a hormone
Yes. Voice-Ore exploded and we ignore little corpos like that anyway.
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I get my hormone boost by listening to Olivia Monroe
is it? i had no idea. interesting
That doesn't mean it isn't a vitamin
how do you stop feeling jealous of other peoples success i hate feeling like this it makes me want to throw up
just leave denpa
stop comparing yourself to them
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I simply wish for all these ladies and liggermen to be happy.
it's actually well established that starving does completely reverse progression, they've known this for nearly 80 years.

doctors don't mention it much because its impossible to get fat fucks to stop eating
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Need bugs *cough* *cough* *farts* please
this gif x2 bat
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Hell yeah oomfie
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I need a YouTube video that goes over this. I can't read
fat fuck
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forgot how much i loved this rat
>wrist so fat it has rolls
liggers for this feel that ARE NOT Mint
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I really feel bad about not being able to attend all of Miwa's streams now that I'm dating someone

I was super super active and while I'm still pretty active, it isn't enough
Grimmi's feet in my mouth
its a bent wrist you retard
is kisabee the most hated bug ligger
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Dollar store junji ito.
its literally about wasting diseases, not just starving. the schizo is illiterate.
This engram stuff explains a lot of behaviour of some of our antis
Like how?
isn't enough for what? for her to think you haven't become bored of her? I'm sure she'd understand if you said you had a gf
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Men are reactive more to language. All it would take is for a certain chuuba they don't like to be mentioned ITT
I think the fact she is so sweet almost makes me feel worse at times, but I agree

Especially when you consider her mods have GFs/wives
you ever think about putting Nemu's head into a vice and just cranking it down. Imagine the cracking sound as the vice jaws build up enough pressure to crush her skull while she screams in agony
Makes sense. I cant imagine having the mind of somebody who spends time being an anti, it just seems exhausting and boring desu
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You dont need a video to know anti behavior is almost always a scorned gosling
>Especially when you consider her mods have GFs/wives
Is it real, or cope like all of nekrolina's mods being gay?
gods mockery...
I don't get it either anon. I just like my chuubas. Simple as.
>lil bro legitly only read the title of the article
retard-chama "wasting disease" referred to starvation in the 40s
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That's exactly it, oomfie. I wish the lost liggermen could come back from the cold and just enjoy vtubers again instead of spending 14 hours a day crying about them
One day. Not everyone is too far gone.
what's up with meat today
Old scene kid videos and now some weird Puff and Stuff coded sort of movie.
For me, it's just about boredom. I'm not anyone's anti though, I just signal boost every anti & schizo when I'm bored, so they don't feel alone in their quest, and strengthen their resolve. Once they reach their peak, I turn on them and start shitting on them instead
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Day 42 of doing nothing but communicating by repeating the word "tobs" verbally and carving it into any available surface, including the soft walls of the psych ward's isolation room, until news of my story hits the mainstream and the subtle malice of it all reaches tobs herself until she becomes uncomfortable enough to reconcile with her friends who care about her
she just had one of those "Couldn't decide what to play today so bummed around youtube" kinda days. We had some scene kid nostalgia stuff, some old FUSE videos, a bit of unsolved mysteries and now we're watching Gooby.
one of her mods was posting about his newborn and another about vacation with his wife or something

I feel weird chatting during her ASMR streams, like I'm distracting her
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One of the games of all time.
Dramas over move on.
how do you guys manage to get attached to a vtuber and watch them for more than like a month, i can't watch one chuuba for more than a few weeks at most before i feel out of place and go menhera and disappear from their community
You could not foster them and instead assist people in posting not completely worthless, embarrassing anti shit in this thread!
Even if you keep saying this it will change nothing
that's loser talk
i dont get involved in their communities i just watch from afar
antis and schizos are the content
I try to, but this thread devolved into posting only about wanting to have sex with chuubas, AI slop, and fighting each other. No one discusses streams anymore
I like ecto
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I've found a few chuubas whose streams I can consistently watch or listen to regardless of game or topic, even without chatting or being part of their community. I think it's the one upside of being really picky. I don't dislike most chuubas, but very rarely does one "click" for me, so when they do it usually holds for a long time.
same desu, my longest was 4 months when she was a low 3view, I played jackbox with her and she was really lovely and then I ghosted the next day. I like chatting because there's no better feeling on the internet than making these cute girls laugh but I'd rather be anonymous because I can't handle being part of a community
I dunno it just clicked that I liked one or two and they became my preferred viewing
me too :)
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Saru sends her regards
I'm kinda surprised people don't wear NBC rated respirators to cons by now.
buy the ramen
dont look at this post it has a typo
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hecking love watchalongs
This is my favorite Tob ritual post
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please dont make fun of me
>i longer my mom
Maybe it's like longing but well... longer?
I love Miia
You could get a ramen flavor too if you steamed instead of shit up the thread for two days straight.
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I'm sorry
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Sex with Slug wife
Turning big Slug sis into Mommy Slug
Having children with Slug wife
Being happy with Slug wife and kids
Is Layna okay lig
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Rat? Rat!
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yo belly hang over yo pant
>before i feel out of place and go menhera and disappear
I don't know your situation but the way you phrased this makes it sounds to me like you're being immature and sperging out because you aren't getting instant gratification of being the streamer's favorite viewer right away.
Another Meat and Nyana collab tomorrow. She doesn’t even collab with Coqui, 3am, Southside, or Snuffy this frequently. I am happy she’s found a bestie.
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i love my mom
I like Olivia Monroe as well as Kitanya and would like to give them each a hug.
She's just literally butthurt. As in her ass is spewing toxic diarrhea and it's hurting badly
at least she had the presence of mind to toggle on crying
those girls are both really nice to me and i like them alot
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Layna is like little baby
Said she's sick but worried about her hope she's okay soon
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Total barbie girls hugs
I don't know but I hope she streams soon
I like layna and I like her streams with Olivia Monroe
it'd be pretty funny to show up in full bsl-3 appropriate ppe, should be pretty much guaranteed you wouldn't catch anything
None of them are safe to gosling for. None of them. You cannot trust them. Do not believe their lies.
I hope her manager will let her give him a blowie at least
She's just having a woman moment.
what are they doing
doesnt she have like 5 oilers who give this much every month
nyana is really annoying
Gaia online on Nyana's channel
Twitchcon special
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I miss her so much liggas please say nice things so she Comes back
nice, their collabs are cute
Wtf is Gaia Online?
She has a nice butt and I think that's very good
She is a nise lady
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It could double as cosplay too, all the SAS ops in rainbow six wear gas masks, though at least one of them is actually based on a fake airsoft facemask. There's also that one resident evil character who wears either an avon S10 or an FN12, I don't remember.
Also she's ugly and smells bad.
go to bed nanna cat
Sort of like Maplestory.
No one really hates her, but that one anti that tries his best to get under her skin. Even then, I don't think he actually hates her, he's just an attentionwhore

well, never know but the name of the dono sounded like a girls name, lesbian gooner perhaps, either way some gave her their full tax returns probably, kinda sad.
finna beat my meat to saru’s feet
I like her voice and I appreciate that she wants to get better at cooking
Layna should be one of least hated liggas
You are such a nerd
This wouldn't be such a problem if vtubers went outside more than once every two months.
>There's also that one resident evil character who wears either an avon S10 or an FN12, I don't remember.
going outside is for losers
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Good morning
i like it when meat laughs and sounds like she's being shaken
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Sometimes Meat acts so cute I'm reminded she's a woman
Nah, I don't think that's the actual issue. Cons bring a lot of people from different areas so you can still end up catching a lot of illnesses you would never develop a natural immunity to in whatever place you live in.
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Heyyooo sexooo
I did what she said and the game was mid shounenshit
I shoot bat twice
Its surprising bat played something that wasn't mario zelda or monhun
having an underdeveloped immune system is still a massive contributing factor
Yeah, that's the guy. I've never actually played RE but the character has enough popularity to show up in random places.
R6S and RE aren't even niche games...
Sure, but knowing the model of gasmask they're wearing certainly is
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Yeah fair enough.
it's more the communities than the streamer, i keep trying to get involved and talk to people in communities for vtubers i like, participate in things like movie nights and book clubs, try to make friends with people, but it's like everyone already has their own group and it feels wrong to try to get in. it gives me the ick so i assume other people feel the same way even though i just want friends. so i end up leaving and ghosting anyone i talked to, but then i feel bad about ghosting them and i can't just come back like nothing ever happened, so i stop chatting in the discord, then in the stream, and then i stop watching entirely. i don't know what to do anymore
Remember when immunocompromised layna got sick after a con and everyone buried her for claiming they lied even though everyone else got sick
i wonder why layna mods prefer hanging out here instead of their discord
Don't worry, it's a charm point
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The way I see it, it just takes time for people to recognize you as a regular part of the community. they talk to people they're used to talking to. they'll be more likely to talk to you eventually if they recognize you as someone that isn't rude or disruptive or temporary. eventually you will find people that you talk to regularly and new people will join and you will mostly brush them off as just another name that will be gone. so many people come and go in these communities that people rarely want to step outside of their comfort zone. Its probably nothing to do with you personally.
It’s time for a new oshi who should be my new oshi
cute wormies (:
we do it just to fuck with you specifically
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I still don't know if this is more of a naiyo or a molly.
I love frau beri, she'd be so soft to take a nap on in the biergarten after a couple liters of paulaner
It's a naiyo
Noone wants you as an oshi denpa
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The vtuber con curse is spreading again
there are blue centipedes theyre so cool they look like they would taste like blue raspberry candy
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You should play the RE series before Naiyo gets to it, well at least the good ones (1-4 and 7-8)
>>79734251 (me)
basically just fake it till you make it. pretend like you belong until you do. that will take longer than a month, but assuming you're not doing anything wrong it should sort itself out if you keep trying.
hehe fat
Olivia Monroe is my new oshi now I’m an Olivia Monroe watcher she’s my favorite twitch chuuba
beri when she has access to shotas
The one i watch the most are one that i can put on the background. That why layna and rikku have been my most watch by months
Squchan avoided going to Dokomi and Twitchcon so she can dodge Dya.
retarded phone poster
now I want to see beri taking on at least 4 aphid shotas
it's a sloog so more of a Slugma. Her model was so good.
one time when i was a kid i told my friends pacman was an aphid and they made fun of me
those aphids are a nice light green so they probably taste pretty sweet, if they're darker colored, waxy, or yellowish they probably won't taste good, and might even be toxic, they taste different depending on the plant they eat, so if they're eating a plant that's tasty, they're probably gonna taste good too
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which one of you was rewriting history? mowtendoo was a regular in anny's chat, multiple collabs under her belt, a place on the minecraft server, and her friends who were in at the time told her that she was basically /in/ and it came as a world-shattering shock that she got rejected, but she likely would have left after vei and nyan anyway.
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If naiyo continues on like this she'll have me play through my entire culturally influential game backlog just so I can watch her streams without spoiling myself...
The specks do make them look like sour candy to some extent.
>those aphids are a nice light green so they probably taste pretty sweet, if they're darker colored, waxy, or yellowish they probably won't taste good, and might even be toxic, they taste different depending on the plant they eat, so if they're eating a plant that's tasty, they're probably gonna taste good too
Naiyo doesnt seem like she would be into RE unless you tell her how much Wesker wants to hatefuck Chris
what if Juniper but Falin Chimera body.
what if I kiss
Hmm... I see.
I am not sure if this is Beri, Vesper or Juni
who is your old one
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I love my duwag
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I'm pretty sure she was considering the series just as one of the random things she has heard about and wanted to play. Her playing fujo games is more of a recent development than anything.
Any taur bodied chuubas? Not just seasonal model ones.
she'll be playing Identity V soon and you will all regret it I have seen it in my moth ball
Probably through Henemimi since she is yume for Leon
sounds expensive for additional outifts, rigging and rarer talent
sadly not any that I know of. It must be a nightmare to rig. Even Juni's Full Moon with it's simpler frontal perspective and her rigging skills always had issues.
I awaken. Watching sharky lady get sexually harassed by another woman https://www.twitch.tv/makofukasame
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trashcat sex
Hmm. Juni came to mind at first.
I can see the same point reinforced here.
>It must be a nightmare to rig.
Probably mostly because it's an unusual format so people wouldn't be practiced in it, the rest would probably depend on the execution. I think the posing would be a pain though, you can't really just do the a-pose facing the camera thing when you want to show off a body that's horizontal.
Clio saying "ffffuck" did something to me.
I dont like seeing holo threads saying mean things about the bean lady she’s nice.
so nice she left you for a paycheck like some kind of street whore.
catalog says mean things about everyone no exceptions
I just now realised she's live https://www.twitch.tv/chromuchromu
Apparently doing ASMR for the first time?
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So glad slam pig is still on for the yaps.
ecto giggles
meat makes me feel better when i wake up all wrong and helps me calm down
powerful stuff
Meat saying Gooby for like an hour is so cute desu
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Imagine taking a nap with ecto and her giggling in her sleep
>hear giggling
>flail arm angrily, elbowing ecto right in the nose
>she undeath dies in my arms
meat is my mom in real life and i love her
impregnate leaflit twice
I relapsed into my hentai addiction again...
I would enter into a sexless marriage with her if we lived in a traditional society where lesbians are illegal just to give her cover and listen to her laughs sometimes
>dies to singular elbow
strongest ligger
money's tight
Its not really an addiction
What if you thought you were make funny joke and were going to make your oshi laugh but she said wtf and u got ban
i'd be sad
is ecto lesbian (true), lesbian (bi), or lesbian (schizo)
the last half an hour of ectos stream has warmed my soul, i can now sleep, i love the 2d women who live in my computer
Become a discord screencap boy who cried mod anti schizo on 4chan dot org forward slash vt forward slash ducks in the search bar of the catalog
she's a silly girl
She should have sex with me for money
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Good morning saru! Sorry I'm so late saying it, I just got home, been working hard outside since 7am, going to eat something then shower because I'm dirty and wet but I'm done with this work now till mid august

Hope you have a good day, good luck with your work, or enjoy resting. Whichever you're doing.
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things are getting weird
what happen
what if your oshi's blood was white
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It ends in World Whore 4 all the way ))))off((((. Elsewhere than 4chinker as you can see.
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Things are getting weird
Please elaborate
Don't shower saru likes men musk
Musk is the least of my smells right now
what's with this ecto broad, where'd she come from?
fucking woke up at 6am thinking it was 6pm again
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The people around me keep acting weird and doing weird things
Where did you come from is the better question.
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like this?
magic month just started that might be it
Why the long face?
they might have been replaced by imposters. just a thought
Pretty fox lady had a great time at twitchcon
what if at the end of your oshi's stream she would always say "thank you so mucha for to playing my game"
>that hairline
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the wurst is yet to Cum.
my oshi isn't towa
This is a human soul trapped in an animals body
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im posting ina ass in the lig
Only autists who can't read the room do this
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they all are
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i did that once and i'll never chat again
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please get better soon uuuuu
finally stopped smoking cigarettes long enough i dont even crave them while drinking anymore huge W
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anteater asmr
I feel like as long as you lurk for 500 years before chatting and don't start off with the riskiest shit possible this shouldn't realistically happen. I'm guessing most chuubas would give the benefit of the doubt to people who have already proven themselves to be normal.
Right before reading this post I was thinking about calling chromu's Gura plush an onahole but didn't want her to get mad at me
Good job ligga.
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if theres ever an anteater chuuba they should specialize in ear licking ASMR and make jokes about digging out the ants in your brain or something. call chat col-Oniis. like ant colony.
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weird lookin fella
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kek what a jolly fella
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More eepy hours Snuffy with Dawntrail. Goodnight blokes may everyone and everything be truly RADICAL.

Wake up snuffybros! She's live!
>Anny captured by russian agents upon returning to ukraine
So kind of those chinamen to help anny out of a tight spot
anny being arrested by laotian police for flooding the village's harvest with her tears
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Goodnight my love
Anny getting baptised
Sweet dreams snuff bro
Imagine, if you will, Clauvio sitting next to you on your balcony, wearing a sundress and telling you something about Hebereke or something
>sitting next to you on your balcony
you lost me, too poor to afford a balcony, immersion ruined
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I think I got roped into going on a date this sunday should I make her hold up a drawing a feemsh for a photo? Is that fucked up? I think it could be a really funny thing.
I think you should blow your brains out for being a blogging normalfaggot
ok i usually like you but you are cooked right now. go away
>should I make her hold up a drawing a feemsh for a photo
also wtf i thought you loved feemsh
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I love feemsh but I want free food
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wtf is chromu cooking
why would you get free food?
i knew you were a femanon
I think you shouldn't make posts like this. You're normally a good poster. But this ain't it
Didn't you get banned for avatar use like yesterday? I'm not announcing a report just saying
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Looks like wooden blocks to me.
Would you munch on pink thing's wood soup?
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This guy exclusively posts about his longing for the touch of a woman you think he's good??

No one here is moral or just, it's a cynical pit of sludge and sin
thats wood soup and its shondo's favourite
This happened to me in my oshies discord, luckely everyine else defended me and she backed down so she was the retard in this case.
You're one to talk
Never said I was good
i want to nibble on her elf ears
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This is the worst conspiracy yet. First you thought no one could actually love feemsh (I do), then there's that weird gore guy trying to gaslight people about what I want to do to feemsh, now this. What next that I'm feemsh herself?
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Those are snake ears actually.
You just selfreported and it makes sense since you never post when she's live. Hi feemsh, your bwahs are funny
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Snakes don't have ears
why do reptile girls always have big ass and long pointy ears are they overcompensating because mammals keep ear mogging them
Good poster as in he makes posts that aren't dogshit (like yours for example).
nta but yes at least his posts of longing are relevant and sometimes even poetic. i think he's one of the more tolerable avatarfags but this recent blogging is ruining that
but the real question is why does he call her feemsh
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Maybe the ones that have feathers also happen to have ears, have you thought about that?
How are you going on a date and getting free food? Typically the guy pays or you each pay for yourself.
Also you'd hurt feemsh by flaunting your date and you'd seem weird to your date making her hold up feemsh. And its shitty to go on a date just to get something from the other person, whore.
my brother in christ. icant... what... whaaaaeeet? that would be very disrespectful but also really embarrassing for both parties. what the tuna? thank god you have the common sense to ask about this first because holy frick. like, what the heck was going through your mind when you had this idea. i think you need to rethink your priorities just a little bit oh okay i just read the thing about getting free food lmao give it your best shot, no way you have the rizz to convince a girl to pay instead of you, besides the fact that that's kinda morally icky.
that being said, i think you should go on the date because it is good for your social and mental health, if you're gonna string her along just for food you might as well take it further, if you need any.. erm.. advice? i'm pretty darn good at backseating unhealthy relationships (and healthy ones too). i'm interested to see where this goes. very interested
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I'd munch on something of pink thing's
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I don't see no ears
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looks like she's boiling hinoki cypress wood tea for it's incredible godcrafted antiviral
good morning meat uuu
Bought some kuussy Pepsi today and it's pretty good. My oshi's pussy can't possibly be this delicious.
Now vivi a little to the left dlc
7pm nina post dokomi catchup

tanya (still not doing the best)

Oli (2 week break)
Shondo (hiatus)
Lucy (10 day break)
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You're trying to hard to sound like nino, if you're gonna skinwalk do it properly
stop that
Well this snake seems to be pretty large so it would be hard to see the ears wouldn't it.
god chromu is so sex
Please be in london
i just really really really wanted to say what the tuna so i went the vibe
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>click on pink buggers stream
I hope you didn't pay for this shit lmao
im gonna call her prey
why is it looking at me like that?
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>How are you going on a date and getting free food?
by not paying for it duh
diazepam coded post
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i want to lift her up by the armpits bringing her nipples level with my mouth while she swings her legs in surprise eventually resting them interlocked around me as i cover her hardening nipples in my saliva
i tabbed back in to see what you said and i died in the video game (my fault) but its your fault now because you make me look i hate you why are you so mean to me leave me alone
Does Dya hate Squ or does Squ hate Dya
womb bump coded post
Post your womb bump (no shirt on)
Another wannabe hall monitor? Where do these niggers come from?
been away for like a week, did I miss any Lyra collabs? I know she doesn't host them on her channel
Squ finds Dya too controlling and Dya finds Squ too rebelious. But they act nice to each other in front of the camera
southeast asia
I think that's the same one as usual.
Protip: whenever something like this happens it usually turns out to be the same guy.
Its still a major asshole move to go on a date just to get free food out of someone. If you're like this, I was wrong about you and your a fucking asshole. I hope feemsh hates you
no she post poned her coqui karaoke to this week I think
only my oshi can ask me that and i dont have a womb
I can smell the estrogen from your vagina
feemsh has been being a fag stop crying
it is in fact not better to know where some random anon came from, there's just nothing to speak of about ecto? no introduction? no traits? just straight up massively faggoted histrionic defensive retards? that's not a good sign.
They interacted after Vyugen was disbanded?
oh right seriously though you NEED to go now maybe not hold up the picture of feemsh that's a little weird but seriously i'm going to fucking kill you if you dont. you seem confident enough so you can probably pull it off but you NEED to keep going on dates with this girl and being nice to her, i can backseat you into being able to get more free food and stuff trust me if you dont i will.. well... i don't know. trust me, you can trust me i am like seriously really good at this i can help you
whats your problem?
You can imagine Clauvio but not a balcony?
She’s collabing with Coqui on Friday
Idk I was thinking about when they interacted when Vyugen was still around
boredom, desire to distract myself, lack of social boundary understanding, loneliness
extremely weird thread
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It's not like I'm just leading her on. I told her if I do this it'll be mostly for the free food and she said "that's fine."
why do you type like that
yes. i prefer the simpler less material life and i think she does too. i would prefer to go on a walk with her through one of the many forest trails. my state is in the top 10 for total forest coverage
Okay, then I take back what I said
this is how i type normally but i hold back usually because FUCKERS like you make fun of it and point it out
Your fault for wording it as you did, she was getting posted once in a while for a long time already.
As for a tldr - dead rrat, predominantly a horror chuuba. She's a proper weirdo but I mean that in the most positive way possible. Has a permanent shaky voice going on, owns a fuckton of plushies and is generally a pretty chill streamer. Also, giggling. I am definitely forgetting things though.
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>I told her if I do this it'll be mostly for the free food and she said "that's fine."
She's on a gameshow with Isaa on Yozora's channel today I think
can you attention whores make a discord and have your niche micro internet celeb meetup there? thanks faggots, eat shit and die.
We need to take our meds NOW
>I told her if I do this it'll be mostly for the free food and she said "that's fine."
you are 100% a retard falling for upcoming emotional blackmail or just a straight up crazy bitch
take a chill pill lad
I pay 400 a month in rent and got a balcony included you’re simply thinking of the wrong environment then
I don't want the chuubas to disappear...
seems more like youre mocking some strawman
This thread will be worse
sounds like you're deeply retarded and socially stunted.
No it won't I put a cute mascot as the OP that means it will be better
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Well yeah, the 2011 tumblr post internet dialect was largely forged by preteens and highschoolers who were obsessed with invader zim and tried to mimic the voice acting tone via text. It is an inherently unserious and generally self reporting style of writing that usually means the author is under the age of 18.
no, i dont think i am.
>I pay [...] rent
lol retard
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I like when Snuffy re-enacts cliché anime stuff. She would be a nice VA in a shounen dub.
She should speak to Coqui about making connections.
I don't really think of balconies as luxury anymore. In my city most buildings that are owned by housing cooperatives got balconies when they were being renovated in the last 10 -15 years or so. Rather price-efficient construction, but not small.
Definitely. Even if is not anime but indie video games. Meat brought it up wanting to do it for menus.
i live in a trailer i just have my comfy little porch
Do you pee on it?
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t. taken head of a POW
sometimes i piss off the side onto the ground. not as much anymore since i quit smoking cigarettes so i dont go out there as much in general
Please be memeing
why would i be memeing? my trailer is covered by trees, it's not like anyone can see me, why would i not enjoy an outside piss, feeling the breeze on my balls and penis?

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