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For the ケイソン組 and 桐生会
Previous: >>79578563
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>title still says "ITS MY BIRTHDAY"
Man, has it really been that long?
Live on twitch!
I thought she forgot about the stream again
buying the sonch watch
(it looks really nice)
That is pretty cool
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I'm poor
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>Koro is taking a shit again
Denim Street, eh?
How did this shitpost of a game get on steam?
There are FAR worse games that are on stream.
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steam has near zero standards like nintendo eshop
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This game seems kinda jank
Wall jumps... her only weakness
>jumps into a pit labelled "Fully Assured Death"
>"Wait I died?"
>I get it
>doesn't get it at all
Defeated by xbox buttons
Some things never change.
Goldfish memory
Sex with General Pitaya
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have faith that it'll all work out
Man, this hacking situation is rough.
By any chance does anybody have all of her NND videos archived?
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zoomers don't even know how to read analogue watches. it's sad because only old people will buy this.
My sister is 26 and she can't read analog clocks...
Anyone younger than 29 are all part of Gen Z which means Zoomers.
>inb4 phase 2
this is a pretty long stream
Outlasted my Airpods battery
I want to lick her sweaty butt
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please sonch go to sleep so I can make my lunch
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>What time is it?
>Time to fuck.
Nice long stream. Now I gotta nap.
That does look pretty cool.
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It's hot again after a nice weekend
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Board is fast suddenly
Her cats are cute.
Waiting for kinnikuKoro fanart
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Oh, I really like this.
Sonching with sonch
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>Target acquired.
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clay junjun
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Jun a cute.
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Bed time for me, see you at 21:00!
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VShojo opening applications for a JP talent. Likely to hear more about this soon. https://x.com/VShojoJP/status/1808365099046129917
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2 years too late
I don't quite think so. At the beginning barely anyone in Japan knew about vshojo and how they work.
I'd like to think by now enough people will have knowledge about them and know what they would be getting into if they joined.
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Not that guy but the problem is, there are only 2 current JP members in which Henya might as well be an EN streamer at this point and kson who is pretty much half retired already. These new JP hires would pretty much carry the JP brand by themselves and not the previous ones which would pressure them in the long run.
why are you in this thread phasenigger?

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