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hiRyS, its homobeggaRyS!
Irys got ANOTHER redesign?
>Pro-unity and doesn't shy from interacting with the boys
>Can sing frequently (2-4 times a week, 4 weeks a month) without killing her throat
>Loves other Hololive members and interacts with them publicly too
She is basically an improved Irys
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And your faggot ass still won't watch the homos.
Now I understand why she likes the homos so much. Her vagina must burn all day if her menstruation is a flame
>the ugly stranger calling themselves "twin" to the original
No one cares about homos. Talking about Holos here.
>now take off her singing skills
>now take off her personality
>now make her want cock 24/7
>here's your "ERB"
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ogey, beggar
you literally mentioned them first, ESLchama
>Pro-unity and doesn't shy from interacting with the boys
>doesn't shy from interacting with the boys
Yeah, sure thing. Anyway, watch streams and stop shit talking other holos who don't want to interact with the male leeches.
Correct, I don't watch their solo streams, but I don't mind when they show up in collabs. What's so hard to understand?
Watch, her first orisong with mog anything IRyS ever released
Look at NijiEN go
English please, monkey
Imagine prompting this unironically
>I don't watch them
Average beggar
I'm starting to be convinced that the only reason some anons are okay with homo collabs is because they don't watch streams. It's like the cure to homo delusion is to just watch streams.
IRyS is flash, ERB is the reverse flash
ERB disguised herself as Omega and sabotaged Project Hope
I unironically believe this rrat XD
Irys after getting stabbed on the throat and losing 98% of her singing skills
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>singing skills
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>it was me IRyS, i was the one that made you sing in higher tones so that you'd permanently damage your throat so that your kouhais can take your place as the singer of EN
Read. I've watched them occasionally in collabs and they're fine.
This is a ridiculous standard anyway, just about any out-of-branch collab is going to result in two audiences that don't overlap much.
Kill yourself Holo-Anit. If you don't support ERB then you don't support Hololive. You must like and support everything the Holo-brand does if you don't you're a Holo-Anti.
eh, she's better than the used whore enna at least
hololive fans are not drones nijisister, but nice try.
Holy shit, maybe you are not far from the truth!
>hololive fans are not drones
God can you remember when people used to say Enna was better than IRyS? Then I heard her nasal bug man voice and I almost died laughing
nijisister calling other fanbases drones is just a projection of themselves, like being the shithole that nijisanji is easy to understand it, even if your liver killed someone you will still support the organ, that is drone behaviour and that is what nijsisters actually are
Nobody cares, this thread is about ERByS?
she actually is reverse IRyS, she cannot stop pesting the homos
She made her stance on the Stars obvious before she even debuted. You should applaud her for her honesty, really
You lying faggot. You didn't say you "watch them occasionally", you said "you don't mind them", aka "out of sight out of mind", you can't mind something you don't watch and you basically admitted that you're just like every other homobeggar that doesn't watch streams.
>just about any out-of-branch collab is going to result in two audiences that don't overlap much.
so why even bother with collabs if there's no overlap, aka no new audience to get? you also admit that they're better off doing solo streams, you homobeggars are a riot
Indeed. I blocked her channel before debut, it was a big help.
You're trying really hard not to understand this even though it's very simple. They pop up occasionally in streams I do watch, last one I remember was Wrestletuber. I don't care about the dumb culture war you're fighting with homobeggars.
>so why even bother with collabs if there's no overlap, aka no new audience to get?
You do realize it's the opposite, right? If the audiences already overlap it's zero-sum, the only way to get a wider audience is to bring in people who don't usually watch you through collabs, different content forms, etc.
sounds like you hate the boys because you're too scared of being gay for them
Why are you responding to an obvious falseflagger? You should stop giving (you)s for free.
I mean Enna can sing, and thats the only good thing about that cunt. Credit where credit is due.
>muh dumb culture war
that's only a symptom of the fact that homobeggars don't pay anywhere close to the amount of noise they make, don't be surprised if a self-styled moderate like you gets caught in the crossfire
doki is an indie who has to pay managers and given her admission of getting broke i wouldn't be surprised if wrestletuber didn't break even, that's not the same as a corpo like hololive, corps need more than homobeggar pennies
>we need to get a wider audience
i agree with you on that but homocollabs only bring tourists, not dedicated paying fans
cover is actually better off wringing out gura for all her IP is worth rather than trying to get blood out of a stone with homobeggars
I donno man. Compared to the average anon screaming about le homobeggars this guy is fairly coherent. I think he's just brainwashed.
your moral grandstanding isn't even admirable, just annoying and ultimately useless
at the end of the day unicorns pay, you people don't, end of story
If you look at the graph posted in this thread there's actually an inflection point where StarsEN passes NijiEN with a massive incline for the Stars, that actually coincides exactly with Wrestletuber and probably consists partly or even mainly of people like me who saw them there, liked them and decided to watch. So in the right circumstances, mixed-gender collabs can actually bring benefits to Cover, in this case specifically the Stars. And before you suggest otherwise there was no negative to Doki, she didn't lose unicorns because she had none, and even if the event itself didn't make money it raised her profile and will help move merch.
You're talking about this on such a broad level, nobody except a small group of insane people are talking about totally integrating the branches and forcing Fuwamoco to collab with Bettel. Those people are obviously insane, but so are the people going after Bae or ERB because they want to collab with the Stars every once in a while.
The only one grandstanding here is you, larping like you're a cold-hearted sharehold. Cover itself obviously doesn't give a shit or else they wouldn't have debuted the homos at all, most fans don't care either, some of the talents want to avoid male collabs to cultivate unicorns and some don't. Just accept it and find something else to fixate on.
doki doesn't have unicorns, she has paying saviorfags, she's the exception not the rule
and nijien did career suicide, if that's what it takes to have whatever paltry remnants of the luxiem fanbase to come crawling to homos then whatever but the insane part of their fanbase is rightly shot down by the insane part of the unicorn fanbase, because unicorns pay
might makes right, or in this case money makes right, pay up first before you think about wanting to change people's hearts and minds
>larping like you're a cold-hearted sharehold
ofc i am, because cover's shareholders don't go browsing 4chan and naive people like you need to face reality
why do you think yagoo hides the homos at every quarterly report and shareholder meeting? every resource spent to homos could've been sent to the girls instead, maybe if you guys hid in your corner and blamed magni and vesper for fucking up everything instead of invisible guns then maybe we'll have some semblance of peace
>naive people like you need to face reality
The reality that Stars aren't going anywhere anytime soon no matter how much you piss and scream for Cover to cut them loose?
>might makes right and the only thing that matters in life is money!
Tell me you're SEA without telling me you're SEA... oh man, there are so many things you don't understand. If Hololive actually took your attitude it never would have achieved such enormous success, because it's precisely valuing things besides money that allows the magic to happen.
Kill yourself faggot
more like the reality that the homos are to be treated like an unhinged autistic stepchild until they become productive (aka profitable relative to the size of the company they're in) members of cover corp society
i assure you that unicorns will just begrudingly accept erb if she can prove to be as profitable as bae while still homocollabing (funnily enough, when was the last time bae did a male collab), but until then, lol lmao seethe sister
>If Hololive actually took your attitude it never would have achieved such enormous success
tell me you're a tourist without telling me you're a tourist
hololive did exactly that, starting with unicorn friendly sankisei (compare them with homocollabing subaru and miko back then), and with gura being #1 instead of homocollabing mori it's clear to anyone smarter than you where the money is
bait used to be believable
At this point, sisters have completely lost what behaviour the term "homobeggar" actually refers to
At least Liz didnt redirect to a male stream, lmao
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fucking kek
>Holo v Holo thread
I wonder who is behind this.
>the only thing that matters in life is money!
Money talks, bullshit walks
Subaru and Miko HAVE NEVER collabed with holostars, newfag
Sora has though. The literal Hololive talisman.
fucking idiot, i didn't say they collabs with holostars, i said they collabed with homos, aka every male vtuber out there, picrel
The homos = holostars, that's how it always been, unless you're a newfag which you are, but then even your "muh unicorn friendly" sankisei also collabed with males before
There has never been a male collab rule in Holo. The ones that want to do it, do it, and the ones that don't, don't. Both unicorns and homobeggars are trying to push an agenda neither the girls nor the company cares about.
Anyway when I say "your attitude" I mean acting like Machiavellian psychopath who claims "might makes right" and only cares about money. If you run a business like this you get Nijisanji, not Hololive, and look where they are now.
Unicorns also kept on paying Rushia even though they knew there was a real chance she was married (which later turned out she was).
>the homos = holostars
do your archive reps (if you even know where the archives are kek), every male from niji to indies are referred to as homos
You mean whoring with homofaggot?
The collab ban is over and yet she did not have any of the boys in the schedule...
Does she hate them so much?
Holo≠homo. Go watch their streams faggot instead crying in here
Does singing frequently matter when she's shit and sounds like your average American idol contestant
newfaggot, we've been calling holostars the homos long before nijifags and indiefags copied it from us
waiting for membership first, needs to make sure she isn't a complete flop kek
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I love IRoSe! My favorite vsingers
Do not compare IRyS to this creature
Cry som moar
Explain why Mori has always had so many whales then
Because she's one
I always thought she was more like a nerissa counterpart
they've even got that same thing where their hair is blue in the back
You mean the same talent who was a homocollaber that made them commit commercial suicide fucking unicores are braindead
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If you ever compare the two of them again I will doxx you, and then I'll go to your house and bash your head in with a rock before raping you and posting your corpse here on /vt/.

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