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/VReX/ Schedule: https://pomu.pages.dev/vrex


Nova Aokami [Gen 1]

Arial Yuriko [Gen 3]

Estella Starfall [Gen 3]

Furi Ferntail [Gen 3]

Kamiko Rinona [Gen 3]

Scarlett Flameheart [Gen 3]



Amaya Whisper

Bri At Cookiebox

Mom At Cookiebox

Kanna Yanagi

Lida Oriana

Nyanami Ruru & Rumi

Relia Lace

Umi Kyoku



Graduated members links:

Song playlist:


Ruru karaoke: https://nch.pl/s/7xEwTJgib4J5WPy


Previous thread: >>79500501
Ari VSMP live
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duck starting 10 minutes early
still helping out her kouhai even after she left...
Why is Amaya dying
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I was just about to post this. Seeing both these posts >>79709921 makes me genuinely happy. I'm glad our girls have been invited to VSMP, it seems to be really good for them. I just hope Stella comes back soon.
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It's been over a week and still no update from Estella
Feline maidens playing Elden Ring
Now that the dust has settled, was that poster really not Freya or is she pretending?
Nta but I still don't believe it
are you saying the rrat that it was lida trolling was actually true
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>source identifier
i never clean my links idc, yes this is fox
Best laugh in vtubing, idc what the haters say
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Is Nova saved?
Yeah, by dogboys
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Charming her sisters genmates
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Not my style but I'm not going to complain about more Val content
Holy cute
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>Kanna hates the word negligible
How many times has Scarlett restarted Skyrim?
>Miquella is inspired by Griffith
Fromsoft would never
Bri posted a 20min edited video of her first ER bingo collab. It's neat
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Amaya...I can't live without your poison. I want it. I need it. I'm hopelessly hooked...

(Amaya take all the time you need to recuperate. I'll always wait for you. So don't feel bad about anything, just get better.)
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It's over for Ari
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At least she had fun
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@Hotties, Scartlett's been in Tomoe's chat for a while
It's true, she even dropped by Ari's stream earlier today
Furi boxing live
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grim for cars
/pkg/ anon...
Ari's stream was extra good today. And getting sidetracked by Pillow made for a fun adventure
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I feel kinda bad for not giving the new girls a chance before... They are really nice
Anon is infected by what is commonly referred to as a Nijisister syndrome.
Symptoms often include immediate and poor deflection to any posts that would imply anything negative regarding their oshi, ANYCOLOR Inc.
In this case, sister(a shortened term for the infected) linked /pol/ as to call you a poltard because you triggered them twice. First by posting an unflattering image of Riku Tazumi and then mentioning the word "negligible".
To avoid further triggering, and possibly initiating a full blown mental breakdown, specialists suggest not mentioning their oshi in any capacity.
Val is live and playing Barotrauma
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How come no one talks about the weasel girl
I miss Kanna...
Why talk about a cheap copy when Bri is right there?
she is a literal child making content for literal children
/wool/ and /vsmp/ does
/here/ only talks about duck, bri, sometimes amaya and the cats and recently the hag
People here rarely talk about streams if you haven't noticed. It's a good day if thread makes it to the bump limit
>People here
>He says while not posting about streams
>he's doing the same
I'm waiting for more JOI content
>he missed last week's
And I'm not sharing my archive for lazy unnatentive bastards like you
Umi live
You don't know that
I do
Tomoefriend if you're still lurking I just wanted to say that your oshi cute. I would post this in /pkg/ but
Post it in there, coward
Thank you anon! Duck raided into her earlier which I'm guessing is maybe how you're watching? (and why I'm currently /here/) Glad you like her!

I've been watching Scarlett vods since I asked last and she's really wholesome and I've been loving her so thanks to the anons that recommended vods! I saw her tweet last night too and.. man.. it's sweet

Hopefully this doesnt spawn another /pkg/ threadshitter here after last time..
Nothing should be posted there ever again
post it and I'll give you a chu
Scarlett with more Pentiment
My wife is so cute bros.
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I think I might be falling for Val. There are times when she's being an absolute gremlin but then she recites a poem and sings a slow song and my heart melts.
She's also really nice jack off material
Yeah, my jack off material
I would never steal another anon's chu.
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It was your chu tho
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Scarlett is stinky.
Face of someone who has had their expectations crushed almost immediately after getting them. It's just sheer disappointment
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I know, it took me a long time to check out gen3 and it was Estella. She cute, yknow?
her laugh is so great
you know, the scenario anon described in his question is pretty hilarious
Scarlett is cute
This is art is not flat enough. Hope we hear from her soon
Her ass is also not fat enough
And she's a reverse bunny kinda girl
I hope she comes back tomorrow or so. It's just about been a week
dont care, still jerked off to it
wait did she just start using it? like no "debut" or anything? kinda based ngl
Weak, I've sucked cock to it
jealous ngl
She did the twitter reveal thing and I think she already used the model for her appearance on some german expo
multi-thread drifting huh
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Arial playing with a male and twisty
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Furi played League with Twisty yesterday too
That whole gen has such ridiculous names
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Duck eep
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Bestie live with Leah
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Cute hag
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super cute
Give me the elevator pitch on this hag, first time catching a solo stream from her.
t. /vsmp/ tourist
yearns for the mines
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I don't know enough because I started watching her two or three weeks ago. I just think she is cute and really friendly
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I will marry Leah in a barn...
Tomomi is literally a shota
She's really smart and funny. She likes to play Bethesda games but with a RP theme - check out her VODs of Fallout but as a 1920s gangster. She does whole history lessons preceding these.

Or just watch her on the VSMP server, she pairs well with almost anyone. She's well known as a couple with Daiya, but I thought her interactions with Koa were also incredibly cute.
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Leah wanting someone that loves her and only her just makes her all the more appealing
>She's well known as a couple with Daiya
They divorced...
I love you Rumi I love you Ruru
I love you Ruru I love you Rumi
I love you Rumi I love you Ruru
I love you Ruru I love you Rumi
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This is so retarded
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The duck's ducks
I missed your little cheating ass, how you been bestie?
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i've been busy and have been too sleepy to watch streams lately. i wish my bestie would comfort me with another asmr...
Well I hope you find some free time soon, surely Bestie was just waiting for you to do another asmr
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My wives
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i'm wishing upon a star. take care of yourself anon
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You too bestie glad to see you pop in
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Hello /VReX/. I come bearing a gift. Thanks for the references.
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Without the box.
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These came as a package deal
>It's the brown ones that don't like you, I think that's what Kanna told me
What is Chio teaching Scarlett
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Hags cute
Are any of the new girls hags?
Scarlett is for sure
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Guardians love
Ari is playing apex with Misma
>>79803359 (me)
my bad i can't tell the difference between competitive games
Please Ari's thread lurking friend who sends her screenies, tell her there's only ARI LOVE ARI LOVE ARI LOVE ARI LOVE ARI LOVE ARI LOVE
or don't send her anything at all
hag love!
Rino gacha soon
up again
Hey, that's my girlfriend and platonic friend with benefits!
I really want to have sex with Relia.
Duck ER live
Ari RE4 live
Nyanheras Minecraft challenge thing live
Umi drawing live
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Kanna is very cute today
dont tell duck
Hey now. She doesn't do that anymore
Anyone catch Stella’s stream on her PL last night?
>he doesnt know
have theirs been shared here previosuly? i've never catched mention of the gen 3's
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lasacunt, hetardo, prepare your anuses
thanks, ill keep an eye. has she said anything to be worried about? "job" venting or wanting to change something in her life?
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The IDEAL Estella for you Anons
You say this as if people knew her PL
I wasn't there last night sorry anon
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I love Fertility-Goddess archetype women. I just know my seed will be appreciated!
Whoa, my favorite cute retard but without limiters. I think I even heard a semi-normal laugh for a second.
already back on pl... man...

anyone got scarletts?
By the looks of it she never really stopped
>>79827652 (me)
wait, shes been active the whole time??
so do we post their tweets and streams freely now like vrexies?
may as well since someone broke the damn
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Where are the ones from the other 4, though?
If someone has no access to brand name meds, do you think it's fair to keep generic brands from them? It's a matter of (mostly mental) health, when such medicine is needed... We never know when the worse might happen, so...
this hits different huh...
Sounds like Estella is graduating or terminated.
She said she is going to start streaming on her PL 4 times a week starting next week. And that she has "things to settle" this week first involving "people she cares about."

Really glad someone finally linked her PL.

Fuck Vreverie. How do they keep doing this shit.
Your analogy skills...
Scarlett PL?
ok,anons. bring them out of the bag, no one will get angry for you keeping it a secret until now
Furi is graduated and set to private, no point
then why gatekeep it..
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Gatekeeping Anons, think about it this way: what would be better? To help a fellow Anon prepare for the worst and know you're preventing their eventual depression and suffering, or have these fellow, desperate Anons beg for PL information on maros, while prepping for the "worst case scenario" (thus, exposing the girls to the echoing unease of doomposting)? We all just want to be happy...
last time I saw this grap was with Yuko.
so I hope it is 'we're back' phase but if not, I feel girls are pretty good at networking (bless you Fat Cat and Kanna) so they should be fine.
>Twisty raided into Kanna
She raided the Duck 3 days ago during the VSMP stream too
I miss Kanna...
Anon she played with Ari, Twisty is for all intents and purposes just another small corpo chuuba
With Furi too >>79772229
She's been interacting with PixelLink and VReverie girls both on Twitter and in stream chats. Good for her - I imagine this is a healthier environment than whatever is happening in the "big" leagues.
twisty isnalso very familiar with pixel girls. likely scenario is she applied to many corpo auditions and had to get familiar with their existing talents (or was already a fan herself, applied, didnt get in but still loves the girls)
she'll be having collab with Arial as well
Duck VSMP live

>There hasn't been a tweet from management on the vreverielive twitter account since May 22nd.
>No birthday announcement for Stella on twitter from Vreverielive main account
>No birthday merch released for Stella despite her saying everything on her end was ready on stream
>Scarlette tweeting about feeling isolated despite presumably having management and the other girls to lean on

Estella can't be fired if management has completely disappeared.
The writing is on the wall, the company is falling apart. There's been no communication on the main twitter aside from the automatic retweet bot in 6 weeks. We can safely assume they've been gone for AT LEAST 5 weeks.
We know they are incompetent but at the very least they should be able to post a tweet for one of their talents birthdays like they did for everyone else.

I'm not surprised she's streaming on PL more, we don't even know if she's even getting her cut from Vreverie right now.
She is probably having trouble getting people from the "big leagues" to interact with her. Nijisanji waves are less and less successful with each one so the newer talents are networking with smaller corpos more.
Or yknow, they're just PL friends
Stella birthday stream gave off the feeling that this was all the momentum left in Vrev was gone. The only thing they could accomplish to show signs of life was the meet and greet and BDay since it was pre-scheduled.

After that it's on the talent's volition with whatever staff left trying to keep it together. Social media is going to be one of the first things to triage.
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But BDay was never posted so it was never scheduled.
Management is AWOL, it's literally all on the talents now.
I understand what you mean, but if she's still private I don't see the point. You can find it yourself if you go to the /vrex/ thread where she debuted
Hag live
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This raid went suprisingly well after they started using wool
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I think for now it should be enough for gatekeeper anons to confirm they still have the keys to the gates. I also hope the wizzler from another thread is /here/ otherwise I'm going to feel terrible and awkward telling him the news
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Bri live
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Cat preview
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Dog wants to see the jugs
she's just like me
>Misspelt Mio's name
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I miss Kanna...
Bestie live
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>brain rotted girl failures go on haitus or guerilla with tard wrangling management AWOL

That explains a lot more than a graduation or termination. Stella is too parasocial and can't cope.
So true! VRev is doing just fine
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duck eep
Incredible how you interpreted that from what he said
Also Stella doesn't have a stable job right now after her dental assistant stint, so no Vrev income means she has to pay the bills somehow.
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good night anons
gn anon
Never wake up again, anon
How about I eat you
How about you do?
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Cute besties bestie
minorly concerned by the fact that the teaser video is for ruru's model. aside from the pink it's very gray. that's rumi's color! ruru's hair is brown!
to my understanding both sisters are getting models, it's a double package

I wouldn't put it past ruru to do a funny switcharoo and sacrifice her sister's ahoge to hungry twitter dogs
no i know they're both getting them, i'm just concerned that ruru seems to be yoinking the colors from rumi's temp model
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watching furi sexo-boxing from yesterday., she's 98 pounds? imagine the positions.
5' 2" and 98 lbs.
I'm gonna mating-press this fun-sized Welsh girlfailure
Breathe deep anon. She's a noodle that gets blown over in the wind. Gonna be sore after any exercise.
I will just rope her to some pillows, it will be fine.
What do I do if those are my measurements too
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I want so badly to put attention in her streams, but I can't get my head around or understand Yugioh
Need Kanna...
Peetuber in 10
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Do you guys get depressed and piss in plastic gallon jugs because you just want to dissappear in your room? Uknow cuz you can make your room a manageable space to live in sometimes. I'm having work lunch break thoughts today.
So this is how Ari sounds during sex...
Arial sex noises...
Yeah, with me
I wrote this

shitpost aside, it's a pretty good stream. I hope the game won't break her
Stronk quaso
Piss stream was great, now it's time for some Ari ASMR
her sound is quite nice today
She has very nice whispering voice, at least I think she does. I like it a lot
she is seriously relaxing, a real angelic voice
She's nice every day
Well, I'm deaf now but at least I'm happy
Not just you, love the whispering voice too
Another Scarlett adventure on VSMP
I don't get the appeal of whispering, it's like TTS, it doesn't sound like the person you know at all
heartbeat schizo...
this hag is cute
Looks like she fixed the weird static sound and now the stream is comfy again
It sounds like static you would get from speakers whenever there would be an incoming call on a nearby mobile phone
Yeah but could also be just the cable, I hope she can get it fixed soon. She was a bit more cute today than usual
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She's always super cute. Except when she's being a bit of a gremlin. Those are her only two states.
>watch vtuber
>some chatters are cringe spawn of the earth and each message physically hurts to read
>watch another vtuber completely unrelated
>same chatters are also there
i cant escape anons...
the curse of the small corpo and indiesphere
It's me, isn't it...
Just ignore me and how I can get literally every vtuber to read my comments because I'm such a chad. It doesn't make you any less valid.
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Pillow is cute when she screams
1. Show tits
2. Find a guy who will press you as hard as that anon wants to press Furi
3. Become a tradwife
4. Live a happy life
feral furi...
wow cool art
Ducksmr live
Why is Bestie doing feral rp with Furi while neither of them are streaming...
Wow stopped by out of curiosity and this actually goes quite hard, I actually feel giddy

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