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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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You Did This Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/1:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,656)
2: https://twitch.tv/FRAIKI (4,318)
3: https://twitch.tv/OniGiri (3,440)
4: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,915)
5: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,602)
6: https://twitch.tv/Saruei (2,479)
7: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (2,375)
8: https://twitch.tv/Yuzu (1,883)
9: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (1,703)
10: https://twitch.tv/Trickywi (1,662)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,443) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (3,163) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (2,100) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 2nd - Buffpup
July 4th - Dokibird
July 8th - Lumituber and Marimari

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed)

>Thread Music

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>79738126
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Olivia Monroe should kiss Shondo on the mouth, NOW.
>Have you considered the possibility that shondo doesn't want to show you more of her life because this is your reaction to the very little you get
Shondo cultivated this behavior though. She encouraged "doing reps" on her life and stalking her every move as a way of showing your love to her because she does it to us, it's one way that she shows her own love. And I know she's been discouraging that kind of behavior lately, like telling people to only reply to her online when you have something you want to say instead of getting out a random response as fast as possible just to show that you're watching her, but many people aren't going to get the message unless she makes an official statement and denounces those old ways of showing her love and banning those who can't adapt. Not everyone is going to make it but I think it's a necessary thing that needs to happen, for the sanity of both her and her viewers
Eighth for hot steamy marathon sex between my wife and Olivia
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Why does she have so many verbal tics and how is she infecting so many other liggers with them
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I miss Oli's farts
damn that's a lot of words lol
i think chromuchromu should woii on me
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We all love NTR here, right?
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Love my wolf wife
back to your thread now, go on
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There's a lot of mental illness in our community and some of it manifests in people being long-winded hobby psychoanalysts
/lig/ looks like the catalog when shoggers invade i do not rike it
>aicandii OP
oh eww. that's low, even for you Lucyschizo
I'm autistic?
I'm always here and never in /shon/, sorry
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When I find myself in times of trouble, I post gym Mari in /lig/
Why are you seething over large indie vtubers being discussed. Do you even watch non corpos?
I am undergoing extraordinarily painful roboticization surgery in order to be a tall faceless robot man that will fuck her brains out
nice huh
shoggers are unironically way more obnoxious than schizos on the log nowadays
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Good afternoon lig I blub my oshi very very much!
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Fang was chosen as an official streamer for Vket this year
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good morning max she was very cute yesterday
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womp womp
I just heard the Jews
Yuribros... We won
Oh don't be so modest. All of it is done on purpose by pskycheologists Mr. Government Meth.
>He doesn't know
Why is she looking at me like that
can you please shut the fuck up
so when are the real shondo and oli posters coming back I dont like the ones that dont post cute girls
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Space catto live!
Going on a aquarium date with Lumi
when did shondo draw anny?
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I love that guy's wife
I like being here, but why isn't there a thread up? Did the mods finally crack down on baking during her hiatus?
Those aren’t the real posters sorry to burst your bubble lil guy
Because she knows what you're thinking.
Honestly just nap or take a break, it'll only get worse until someone bakes
I love jets
Do you know what's better than a streamer announcing she's going to take her second covid vaccine, and so you just have to type in the chat, "F", and you see all the light leave her life instantly on stream as she doesn't break character within one step's stumble?
she drew her for her birthday on the 4th of June
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I love my wife! I can't wait to catch up with her today!
>t. groomer
can you bake
The past week I've been looking at the catalog for the first time in over a year cause of Cecelia threads and holy shit it's actually unreal how much better it is in here
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Does shondo share Olivia’s uhh tastes
Is there any art of Mint gorging herself on food? I need it for future posting.
I'm here for goldfish princesses and literally nothing else.
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
Yes c:
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bnuuy cnuuy
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Coqui bursting out in laughter when you cum on her face from just a handjob and it's more than she expected.
shonpedo invasion is real
she already knows that shes attractive, chest debuff aside
who is FRAIKI?
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>chest debuff
always has been
>damn that's a lot of words
>one paragraph
you need to be over 18 to post here
>"Do those pants actually exist? Whats the purpose of the slightly exposed hip cuts... hmmm"
It is the psychiatrickery industry decapitation factory that is 4chan.org as it has been since October 1, 2003. The day I found you all.
will Beri stream this week or is the mental damage too great?
Certified Shondo fan, certified pedophile
nobody wants to read your paragraphs shogga
I'm not reading that.
A vtuber
Im more attracted to Shondos personality than her looks. I can't even get hard to other lolis
what her fans find attractive is irrelevant, to regular people being a literal washboard is a debuff
Honestly I think people talk about 'lots of words' purely because they're phoneposters. Mobile computing and its consequences have been a disaster for online discourse.
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Littleman really loves slapping ass
can you post her more it would unironically be better than whatever's happening in the thread right now
I tickle Tob twice.
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She is always cute, she doesn't even have to try
I just ritual post then go watch streams.
Then she probably believes you're thinking
>Rape rape rape rape rape
From staring at her pelvic region so much.
grrr stop talking about large indies in the large indie thread grrr
You're not wrong but also it's rare that someone posts something of value so I understand why zoomers are so averse to reading multiple paragraphs
Honestly I think people that talk about "lots of words" purely because they're right. Ignoring schizo babble and only responding with a well established meme is great for online discourse.
cute growls
this but unironically
She's watching me do my weighted uppercuts
grrr it makes me so mad when people talk about large indies
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your indie is quite small and needs bread
enjoying this pink thing 'asmr'
what if your oshi did a homunculus making stream
shut up camila
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I do not personally care for lolis
i resonate spiritually with this post except the work part
She is perfect her body is perfect I wish I could gently kiss every square inch of it but I'm relieved that Olivia did for me
why are shonpedos all indonesian
Olivia Monroe is a fake Christian just like Nina and Kitanya
My second thoughts would be let me rub my face into your beautiful skin and absorb the musk of your post workout body AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Tune in
>Drowzee plush on the bed
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So true oomfie
can you go back already and bake
Lolis are cute but not sexy or arousing with the exception of one beautiful British lady
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strangely enough the only chuuba I know who's very versed in the bible and all it's stories is blue
I love Miia
He baked this thread
It's crazy how hungry for (You)s shonpedos are today
Olivia took Shondo and Lyra to have fun with the biggest, darkest guys in LA
There will be a para chu later and I am claiming it now
So what planet is Kuu from
Yeah, me
youre realizing this now?
based grug
Draping my balls over Coqui's face and trying to piss into her navel.
i want to make love to tanya but only for her benefit and I don't even have to cum
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Is this your (You)?
most of them are american neets
can you not drag lyra into your cuckposts thank you
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At first I thought this post was in scottish.
I want to piss on Tanya's face and have her thank me for it.
do our resident drunks even watch shondo?
You and I are not the same
Based I hope Shon likes Compton
Sorry buddy, but she was dragging her tongue all over Tyrone the other night, he scratched that breeding itch Lyra keeps talking about
What about pissing inside of vtubers
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You know what, fuck you.
don't do that
Based. Who would you like to piss in anon?
any reason why /shon/posters cuckpost so much? i thought they liked guro and cunny not ntr
I think she is not from any planet but a god-like creature from space or a portal of some kind
I cannot wait until I get to hear my wife talk about how beautiful Olivia is while barely containing her yurilust
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Reminder that shonpedos are discriminated everywhere and this thread is no exception
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did somebody offcollab with her?
I always figured the cuck posters came from this general. Whenever someone brings up ntr during streams Shondo and most of the chat dunk on them
I've cuckposted before about someone else and it was about getting it out of my head and making it not really matter because it really doesn't
Yeah the cutest white woman in the world
the ones here are more polite even if braindead retarded, dont know why the /shon/ ones are so nasty
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There's a cuck schizo who spergs about anyone who so much as interacts with someone outside of their community
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Squ is being very scatcore today
Olivia Monroe
/shon/ is made up in large part of a handful of antis who got mindbroken long ago and spend their days being angry at a cartoon girl.
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It's just one guy (fleece)
Layna should stop trying to please everyone and just be the nasty ass cunt everyone knows she is
hey look at this
Rainhoe mogs her
total shonpedo death
They're not gonna leave anon
Olivia Monroe is very nice and I want to give her a hug!
I haven't been able to catch the last couple of streams, did she get that tooth sorted yet?
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im just letting the scatanons itt know that theyve influenced another vtuber to join their ranks
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Thought this said Sharpedo
This midwit thinks people can't post in two threads
I'm not surprised since you don't even understand what LIG stands for
She had it partially done a few weeks ago and getting it finished tomorrow
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Now we're talking
Have you sold your kidney for your oshi yet? You only need 1 to live. What about a portion of your liver? It regenerates over time so it's just a waste if you're just letting it sit there doing nothing.
if youre not shonbaker i would prefer you go away
please anon, shondo has already eaten sO many chunks of my liver
Based, I haven't even posted about how Saru should drink my pee yet, and I like having fellow men of taste.
What about pissing on vtubers then collecting the piss into a bottle and making them boof it or drink it?
We both know marimari underscore en would wear zoomer-core gym tights where the fabric goes all the way up her ass
personally i just dont like how they type like women and hold grudges like women
they should be posting their cute wife not a manifesto
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My wife is in the mail on her way to me
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Ideally, if jannies weren't feckless cuckolds, they'd stomp out having multiple threads about the same topic. It serves no purpose other than cluttering the catalog.
probably back tomorrow she was watching bella not long ago
Those are some high high-leg panties god damn.
Loving, lifelong, monogamous marriage with Tob.
marimari_en is the ceo of sex
>type like women
Fits in perfectly with /lig/
schizophrenia is contagious and can make anyone type like a woman. it is what it is
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I don't care that shoggers post in 2 threads. I care that they post bad in 2 threads.
Drowning Shondo in a kiddie pool filled with my pee
a respectable post
>my friend you bow to no one
ohhh like BA
god i love futa
instead of getting upset can you post more edits of vtubers wearing slutty panties
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Fat Vei you're a cornerstone of the thread
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smart boy
an unexpected betrayal from a red oni poster
>get reminded of bat
>think about bat
what is this sorcery?
I didn't know saru had it in her
thank you for finally baking /shon/ I know you hate to
>>79743624 (me)
Sorry for bringing it up last thread…
their thread wouldnt have been baked for an hour regardless, wouldve happened anyway
Very cool, thanks for sharing
swimsuits are basically panties
I can’t decide if I want to make Miwa my oshi or make Zenya my oshi. They can both be my oshis.
Sooner or later they will realize their posts make no difference
i can jork my peanits to this
We're gonna have the schizos anyway, whether it's Layna, Saru, Shondo, whoever.
who is this again?
why did you respond to me i just made a normal post
i wish that guy was otisbaker
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Bedg. No naiyo, maybe juni (I'm guessing). I have no info on alice.
I literally go to gym 3 days a week, meet friends regularly, buy groceries every other day bc I can't carry a lot n prefer fresh food, and check out hobby stores. Why is me going outside so surprising when I've been on that for quite some time lol Maybe not few years ago but still. A lot of chatters are more accomplished than one might think. That's why I don't feel like it's healthy to project ones shortcomings onto them and rather use them as inspiration or sheer entertainment. Even the nastiest, most "haha stinky" self proclaimed incels are often married adults even if people like to believe otherwise. You gotta be an adult with a stable income to be a chatter anyway, unless you live with your parents. That usually includes job, or the years out into building something up digitally
honestly fallen shadow is so cute and sometimes I want to punch her in the nose.
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good bedge cute spedgie
ohh like bat at hygiene
kill yourself shonpedo
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Alchemia Menace its in the filename
i like purple streamers
Deebo, any bad ligga, he a free throw
Man down, call an amberlamps, tell him, "Breathe, bro"
Nail a ligga to the cross, he walk around like Teezo
What's up with these jabroni-ass liggas tryna be content?
The industry can hate me, fuck 'em all and they mama
How many opps you really got? I mean, it's too many options
I'm finna pass on this body, I'm John Stockton

Beat your ass and hide the Bible if God watchin'

Sometimes you gotta pop out and show liggas
Certified boogeyman, I'm the one that up the score with 'em
Walk him down, whole time I know he got some ho in him
Pole on him, extort shit, bully, Death Row on him
Say, Fallen, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to cell block one
To any bitch that talk to him and they in love
Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him
They tell me Otis the only one that get your hand-me-downs
And Shondo at the party, playin' with her nose now
And Anon got a weird case, why is he around?
Certified Shondo fan? Certified pedophiles
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Anon, fuck 'em up
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I'ma do my stuff
Why you trollin' like a bitch? Ain't you tired?
Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minor
same but after licking her nose
I'm the opposite, I can get attracted to all the lolis except for shondo
why are kiddie diddlers like this
>calls anyone else a seanig
please stop responding to me schizo
also i am white
salutations from bucharest
NTA but there is a spammer and your post looked like it might be from them, I'm sure all the rest were from them though
Shondo x Pookie collab wen?
Sweet dreams spedge bro
I literally buzz about 3 days a week, meet friends regularly, visit the flower patch every other day bc I can't carry a lot n prefer fresh nectar n pollen, and check out berry bushes. Why is me going outside so surprising when I've been on that for quite some time lol Maybe not few years ago but still. A lot of nectar n pollen collectors are more accomplished than one might think. That's why I don't feel like it's healthy to project ones shortcomings onto them and rather use them as inspiration or sheer entertainment. Even the nastiest, most "haha stinky" self proclaimed beecels are often married adults even if people like to believe otherwise. You gotta be an adult with a stable income to be a nectar n pollen collector anyway, unless you live with your parents. That usually includes job, or the years out into building something up on the web
bot picked up some new bait?
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Why is it that every person that is obsessed with calling other people groomers or screaming about protecting children ends up being a pedo with terabytes of cheese pizza?
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this is fallenshadow the large independent 'vTuber' (virtual youtuber) from twitch dot tv
there's a lil horsin around in this thread
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All of the southeast asian pedophiles in the thread. Yeah, you already know, all me.
Seems like it.
probably, it literally copy and pastes replies made towards it to spam reply the thread with
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i am attempting to groom my oshi and consistently call other people groomers to ostracize them within the community
its shover
she's a nice lady and lots of the vtubers i watch like her
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Unexpected tidings, bringing toasts, usurp.
they have the same model mama, your oshis are sisters anon thats sus
When most vtubers make noises to show that they are drinking water it sounds like they are sucking a dick and when they make noises showing they are stretching it sometimes sounds like they are getting fucked or licked. You know I'm right
Hell yeah!
you can have two little sisters thats still legal i think
Minion mari
Inis, and her feet!!
go back to your containment thread shonpedo
You solved the mystery
post em
Anon, admitting your a pedo isn't the own you think it is.
i really wish this squishy bitch would stream in a real time zone
Which liggers are the most anal?
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what do you mean by anal
I am very smort
drinking water sounds nothing like sucking dick
chromu is a streamer i never woulda known about if not for this thread but she's rapidly climbing the ranks into my favorite streamers
why is that maggotchamp bathing in piss
god i hope the bot picked up on the cuckposting that would be funny as hell
Maggotchamp, nooooo
Yeah it normally shouldn't that's true
Oh shit it might have
>drinking water it sounds like they are sucking a dick
sucking is very specific sound anon what
Need more liggers in gymn clothes I beseech thee.
what is wrong with this pink trash cat?
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I like how its just one schizo spamming both /lig/ and /pcg/ similar writing styles and several repeated posts
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I know how to solve this problem.
Without the sucking sound
Having your mouth full while you subtly moan is another thing
The name of that schizo? Albert Einstein
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dont know whats happening in pcg but in here it's a bot
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i wish i could go
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Does your oshi really have a big ass or is it just lumbar lordosis?
Isn't he that guy that invented the cure for slavery?
True they should stop spamming about BBC. It's going to make Saru jealous
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Forgive me.
Nina sex and impregnation
fat vei will save us all
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Wife live with catch-up zatsu and possibly truck simulator!
Loli pussy
This but anally
When did she get a fast food sponsorship
Gobbed to Inis crying again
Sex. Mari Mari sex sex.
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It's 8pm, time to wake up.
shitposting has changed
ai genrated cuckposts using ai generated porn replying ai generated antiposts
This will lead to Oli getting a loli model and then others will follow and then half the liggers discussed will just be lolis.
Go back to bed theres nothing well here
These keep getting better and better every time I see them
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Where comfy bimches at?
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I've never watched her what's she like

3am will become an entirely loli company
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It's missing something... perhaps a certain logo or brand name. hmmmmmggghh....
thats too old and tall to be mari
Yeah it's missing the Nike tick
jesas that footjob one isnt half bad
Castrate pedos
I for one welcome our cunny overlords
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Sick. I miss her. I miss her a lot.
painfully autistic and desperate for an older brother to coddle her
I've been busy the past week watching our bean queen mog all of Hololive, why is everyone talking about Oli and Shondo?
Back breaking violent sex with Chibi
Have you ever been called a schizo /here/?
What makes a 3view actually get posted on here?
If you haven't, you are irrelevant.
yes but by big g, so it doesn't count
Seeing people talk about some new /lig/ger as "my oshi" has the same vibe as faggots on /a/ who say
>flavor of the month is my waifu I would die for her
worse, ive been called a bat
this one>>79749680
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Thank you kind sir
starting with yourself, you should do that and then hang yourself instead of projecting
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Uoooh selkie get well soon
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What do you think?
OHHHH like Bad at ASMR
moriko smells no matter what she says
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Yes because I have a bad habit of also baiting them. Kind of feel bad for making drillbit crazier than he already is
ze dildo
Getting partnered, read the rules
But I still like Marin though
ive been called a mod more than ive been called a schizo desu
Isn't real
The replies prove that we are all schizos
80% of my posts
Sex, sex with racists.
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Greetings, /lig/gers.
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Both are true
yellow vei needs to be corrected
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I've been called a Discord raider like 666 times. I'm just a dedicated autist who likes to post a few different chuubas.
There's plenty of partnered 3views I don't see here tho
what if you were scrolling twitter and saw a post from your oshi and you liked it and responded and then a couple of minutes later they liked your response but then they replied to you and misinterpreted what you said to them and you cant correct them because it would seem combative so you had to just accept that you left a bad impression
>If this is a tavern why do you look like you work in a brothel?
based chatter, i kneel
Do you ask stupid questions like these in other threads?
That's because people don't post them
then it's your duty to post them, maybe start doing a "lesser known liggers" roundup
That's worse
Nothing stops you from posting them. It takes just one ritual poster to generate some interest.
Vtubers aren't real this board is just a collective hallucination and you need to wake up
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fallen shadow
This is even worse. This is the worst insult you can get here
you can post them if they meet the criteria but that doesn't mean they're gonna take off on lig
interesting timing
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I think we should all cut our dicks off.
Do you?
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And I think I'm done for now.
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nta but yes
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a fine addition to my digital harem
long ass grippy toes are peak
Liggas wanting to share a vtuber they like just start posting them and what they do when live and after a while others check her out and bam 1 person can create a thread darling. You will also mindbreak 2 other posters but its worth it.
But who is the dreamer?
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Why does she stream on youtube and not twitch today?
i would never share my oshi with anyone
the margussy
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Any cool collabs happened lately ?
Vtubers are real because I deem so. I am the god of my world.
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Tuesdays are the silly skit stream days and if she streams on YouTube she will probably stream on Twitch later the same day.
Basically a dice roll of someone being willing to post them and there not being any lurking schizos who have a vendetta against them
what attributes does a chuuba need to be lig popular
not like huge views but like meat or saru or moriko where you guys post them alot
Are you a robot?
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Elly still counts right
have a personality
/here/ chuubas like them always get a lot of attention because anons are desperately trying to get a dogwhistle from them
I personally post or compliment all the lolis because I find them cute, they don't need to be my oshi, I'm just reciprocating the feelings back to them
Be nice to chat, be consistent, play games.
Could you make one where she doesn't have those white and gray stripes on the outfit pretty please?
saru -> huge views and huge fansly
meat -> unique and loves her viewers
moriko -> I dunno, retro games and controversial personality I suppose
Mind break 2 other posters?
What the other anons said, also drama works
miroki -> chudette incel pickme
>model Elly fucking sex
>IRL Elly let's not talk about it
Bye, Snuffy...
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Good sleam!
either huge tits or a loli

no in-between
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Not yet, but I'm sure it's coming soon.
I don't like it when you're a chuuba or a sister jealous of other people getting attention. I hope you're not one of them.
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Any and all dolphin shorts, sports bra, yog pants, and spats wearing sweaty liggers are welcomed.
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Moriko -> cute bat design, unique sex voice, giggles every few seconds.
I don't know anything about the yellow vei but I will watch her today and form an opinion
Speaking of huge tits, what happened to Dazey?
And I like that. Twice.
i wanna punch her in the stomach
i want to hate rape her
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This one's a bit outside the range you were asking about, but it's got the spirit.
Drama doesn't work, Nijisanji is literally dying if not dead already.
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Whiskey Love
Have someone Avatarfag them.
Saru was popular here before her fansly had anything on it
Drama works, look at coqui numbers after msm
she's doing karaoke to medieval covers of songs it's bretty good
At least one of their posters needs to have severe autism and/or an avatarfag.
/here/ coded
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Stop pretending to be a chuuba
yours sucked
File deleted.
I will allow it as I like me my tacticool liggers
Just lurk or go back to discord already goddamn
But that's positive drama. 95% of all drama are negative or destroys reputation. Same reason why dokibird is popular but nijisanji is losing popularity. There will always need to be a villain and if you choose the wrong person to be the villain you will get hated by everybody.
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don't leave us shonbaker...
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bread doko
You sluts
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Best I can offer is some sloppa.
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haha yeah
Uh oh, too much bread
migrate to this one instead
You didn't even remove the vandalism
You didn't even remove lucyfag's vandalization. Delete this thread
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Oh, I was being facetious
are you retarded?
fuck off shondo faggot
stop shitting on new bakers, while not baking yourself
I will shit on every Lucy poster cause they deserve it.
is yellow vei gfe? it feels like gfe.
Lemon woman will work for me full time as my personal onahole, and breeding stock.
even me?
kill yourself groomer faggot
pedophiles should be burned alive
starting with yourself
fuck off and kill yourself groomer
Set an example and burn yourself alive
I've been called half of the schizos in the thread and also three different bots, it's a very common defense mechanism to brush off people who disagree with you
i think that there should be an experiment where the jannies let users each delete 1 post per day
call it the "shitposting national guard"
>US woman trying to sound British
>British woman trying to sound US
Grass is always greener huh?
>he wants youtube heroes on 4chan

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