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>You don't understand guys, making morning twitter spaces is literally EVIL!
>Whispering into listeners ears is EVIL and MANIPULATIVE!
>Huh? What? Yes, I did do fairly sensual ASMR before, so what?
It's like smoking, everybody knows is bad, but they do it anyways
i only know about this bitch because of her meme :POV: you vented to a woman and she got some incels angry on twitter and even double downed on it
Sava is an evil bitch
Do not trust her
How many paypigs will she lose before the year ends?
Her whole thing is that she is a grifter.
kys Nene
Stupid whore ruining Coni
imagine not just watching her to enjoy her fat juicy tits jiggle around
theres literally thousands pairs of tits to enjoy
I can't wait for her to have her eventual mental breakdown. It's coming soon, I can feel it. And I will enjoy it.
I pick her
There are better tits or just as good without the awful personality
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She has some of the finest ones though. Imagine slapping them around whilst she looks at you lovingly.
>looks at you lovingly
she wouldn't
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There's better out there, like Noel or Ramy.
>sex model
>no good animations
why fucking live.
Is she really that bad or is this all just being blown out of proportion as usual?
You might've missed the first 50 times
>schedule stream
>feels bad for whatever reason or just doesn't feel like streaming
>doesn't cancel the stream and let's 100+ people sit on the waiting room
>she is usually late so people wonder if she just overslept
>finally notices that the waiting room is still up and silently deletes it
>maybe tells her paid members that she cancelled the stream

What do you call this kind of behavior?
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She's only for paizuri rape.
the end of the year is when she gets paypigs
I'm genuinely only subbed to her to see what she gets up to this year
she's just lazy. wants success without effort. just hook up with one of your rich paypigs and get pregnant already.
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>knows she is allergic to eggs
>eats abnormal amount of eggs, even if she didn't have an allergy
>keeps having to cancel streams due to tummy horts
Sometimes you just want to shid and fard.
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Wrong image sentenno
I don't follow her at all and I already know that's not what she said

Take your meds
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>I don't follow her at all
Good, keep it that way
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for context this is what she used to do up until january, that's why she mentioned it
Every time I see her I feel pain in my heart. I really wanted to love her, to support her fully.
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Mozzu doesn't do gfe at all
when she first join kawaii ex pl fags post that she is the shady scumbag worse grifter in vtubing and would to leave soon as she got higher numbers then she had an she did just that
she is friend with menace that is doing same thing now that is all you need to know
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Imagine the smell
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I don't have the stomach for a "need bath" compilation
thats hot though
anon yeast infections are not hot
The one that betrayed best girl Lumi?
People who think ASMR, GFE or whatever else FOTM word they use, is "evil" and "manipulative" are sad people without a sense of personal accountability. The kind of people who wants the government to micro manage every aspect of their lives.
hate to say it but the hottest girls i know all have IBS. get out now or lock in.
I got news for you, Coni was always ruined.
Guess she started getting fucked on occasion sometimes later after that image.
This is actually true though. Like if you're constipated, sometimes you need chipotle to get the show on the road.
The more comes out about Mozzu the more I think Nene was right all along
maybe, I remember seeing chat logs of her saying she was going out to meet someone and she had to shave or something
wonder if that friend she went out to see gave her a gift that keeps on giving. especially if she doesn't shower after doing it and let everything down there fester
They want to be able to exit with the loot when they return to normalfag social life, leaving their paypigs holding their dicks.
Their weird argument is that because of this evil and manipulative behaviour people will end up alone and will never seek a companionship, as if that's not why they got attracted to those bitches in the first place. People who are pulled into gfe with no way back were already done with real life romance. A lot of the times it is manipulative and evil, but not because gfe and asmr are evil itself, it's just a tool for an evil/shallow person. Is the gun evil because it killed a man? No, it's the person who used that tool in the first place. Yes, vtubing is full of grifting whores, especially lately, does it mean every chuuba is a grifting whore? No, not at all.
>wanting comfort in place of an actual loving gf is evil
>giving all your money to a menhera that hates you is actually good
Nene is literally cucking her entire fanbase, she is worse than mozzu. All the Kawaii-Cyberlive girls are basically grifters, but some are outright malicious.
that makes sense now
It doesn't matter if she is gfe or not, when you are attracted to chuuba and dislike that she gets fucked, but still watch her, you are a cuck, no matter whether she calls you slurs or makes soft kisses into the mic.
what's the problem?
ogey mozzu
I don't think she's that bad.
She may have potential as a braptuber
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I wish she fucked off from vtubing and the internet holy shit she's a fucking horrible person.
So is she just a depressed girl that's jealous of GFE vtubers or something? That's what I'm getting at?
She is not going to fuck you, anon
Who am I trying to fuck? I'm not defending anyone here?
Pretty much, but add spiteful grifter to it too.
Be kind, that anon is lucky to read. You can't expect him to have reading comprehension as well.
She's just a grifting menhera. How she got so popular? I don't know
Because she's just so silly and funny, anon. She's so weird and quirky doing things like eating soap and playing with her pee. Oh, and she makes silly noises too! Hehe, whoopee!
eh i watched like 3 streams of her. Nice voice and entertaining. Too bad she doesn't give a shit.
her initial boom in popularity while still in kawaii was when she started doing gyaru ASMR
At this point if you are following her and giving her your money its your own fucking fault. This bitch doesn't deserve any of that because she doesn't give a fuck about her fans.
One of these days, I'm gonna get high and rewatch sava christmas with all this context.
Do you have the archive?
I should be allowed to watch GFE, pay prostitutes to sug my cock, whatever
the rest of you should be banned from doing it or else society will collapse
Yeah, I archived it myself at the time.
erm... would you be willing to share it? I too would like to revisit
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It's in my slow as fuck block storage and I need to sleep (yuro), but tell me a date and a time and I'll post sava to the 'log for you.
holy based. I'll be here all day, don't know if this thread will be up. I'll occasionally bump it
As Marine once explained, shouldn't the middle part of her chest not be pressed together? Since naturally big breasts just flow into a line.
It looks like the leaves are magical and are pushing the breasts into the middle part there.
Coincidentally I can't find the clip of Marine talking about this, it was an explanation about Towa being smaller than what she looks.
Opened this thread expecting high quality tits. Im dissapointed. Its just bunch of teenage girl with hormonal issue bitching at each other.
Wait it's that why Coni/Menace did Gyaru ASMR too? Holy shit Mozu lives inside her head rent free to that extent impressive
Menace used to do asmr before gezu joined kawaii, retard
Go shit some more, Mozzu
I often think about December 2022 these days.... I should have bought bitcoin in november 2022 just because bitcoin bottom out in november 2019, I'm so stupid I coulda been rich!
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I’m kind of scared of this happening with my oshi if I ever decided to leave her
I had an ex that thought the exact same way and it turned out she's a sociopath
nta but I think he was talking about the gyaru ASMR specifically
I fucked up and didn't make a backup, now it's lost
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Maybe if she streamed she wouldn't have this problem.
yeah lmao
imagine not streaming and constantly complaining about shit then unironically going
>i dont get it, why are people leaving
nice soundpost loser lmao
seriously though, firefox fucked up and ruined soundpost filename saving so everytime you download one, change the _ to a %
>btw I'm taking another trip to Norway
she's got nice tits though holy shit
could've been worse, at least she's not Elia
Because she is already got groomed by a Norwegian
stop trying to astroturf that elia bullshit, the reason mozzu threads hit bump limit is because people actually care about her enough to hate her
ok Elia
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>I did do fairly sensual ASMR before, so what?
I show you ass and you complain, what fuck
Show more you faggot, I will complain until you post enough till I fall in love with this dumb mentally ill slut for norwegian cock.
This is it. Is her getting wedgied not enough for you?
Do your own reps, faggot
gross of mozzu to attack her supposed friends like that
Idol is having very obviously having cash flow problems, menace is rebooting her PL as a backup strategy to pay her bills in the meantime
Good morning! https://gofile.io/d/LVdNia
This was really something special, to be enjoyed on its own.
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>>You don't understand guys, making morning twitter spaces is literally EVIL!
>>Whispering into listeners ears is EVIL and MANIPULATIVE!
>>Huh? What? Yes, I did do fairly sensual ASMR before, so what?
Wait a second
menace also did gyaru asmr before her. what, do you think gezu had a "gyaru" alt personality to play off of?
What happened with her now? Does she or does she not want to do this vtubing thing?
Pretty much. Girl is already running on Easy Mode in life and she can't even bother to do the bare minimum.
I wish my oshi loved me like this
More like someone who hates the field she's working in but is too much of a pussy to even think about working retail.
She wants an out but doesn't have the balls to commit.
I liked her better when she was in Kawaii.
Had better content too.
*had content too
this bitch had the gall to shit about men's mental health during june
Well, kawaii management pushed her to keep her shitty behavior and opinions off stream and pushed her to actually stream and commit to her promises. Even N**na seemed like a decent girl for a while when she was under kawaii
Why are you letting her live rent free in your head?
What's wrong with Elia
what isn't wrong with Elia
Nice tits. Horrible work ethic.
Was there another free chat meltdown?
Apart from the menhera (she's a vtuber, so it's a job requirement) she's perfectly fine.
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She's completely fake, and not menhera at all
She constantly pitybaits and begs for money every stream, then goes on a vacation every other week. I'm surprised some retards actually fall for it
bitch talked about having to choose between food or heat because she can't afford both, even though she gets like 10k from donos everyday
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become a member to find out!
Wtf, I thought she stopped doing that after leaving kawaii as she already made decent amount of money then. At least there was a chance that she might not had money when she just jumped into kawaii and didn't have money back then. She shouldn't be "poor" as Elia.
Pity farmer whorse
She does it literally every stream
She also still plays the victim and tells sob stories, and also stories where she talks about how people around her are dumb and she's the bestest
read the thread fag, or atleast bump it in a more interesting way. Her paypigger left for gfe and now she is seething, while also crying constantly about being lazy bitch and has an extremely questionable "work" ethic.
A shame about her personality. Those tits are fire.
Does she even have any more paypigs left?
She still have a lot for her size of vtuber.
Anon I honestly don't know, I'm just a bored catalogfag, I was just pointing out what the other anon meant.
>and pushed her to actually stream
Dude she debuted, streamed for a bit and then took a 2 week break. Came back, stream for a bit and then took another break, and then came back, streamed for a bit and went on that vacation in Norway that made streaming really hard for her,
I don't know why the fuck did she apply in the first place. Ohhhh wait a minute, maybe as a kickstarter for her future projects and farming up paypiggies because she could never ever do that on her own/outside of a corpo.
One of the most disgusting grifters I ever saw in vtubing. And she is completely talentless. Pity baiting in front of her beta male sissy cuck fanbase is all she has.
>I was bullied as a kid (repeat her 10 stories over and over again just in case someone missed them)
>I'm so poor I also grew up poor, have I mentioned how poor I am?
At least she got a nice laptop. I got that same Legion and that is the best laptop I've ever owned in my life. Apple will forever make the best laptops but when it comes to Windows laptops Levovo Legions are the absolute best. Legion 5-7-9-phat-slim-pro all of them are the best.
My employer handed those out for remote work, I threw it back at them and asked for an X1 Carbon. I'm not lugging that shit around. Happy you're happy with yours tho!
Yet another example of how western women (read: Amerimutts) getting into vtubing was a mistake.
Vtubing is all about who could lie to you the best.
You can't compare the genuine self-destructive and entertaining mental illness of Rushia to your archtypical American thot who just jumped into vtubing because she's too ugly for onlyfans and begs, grifts and openly insult her cuck simps.

Read: Vshoujo, V-Dere.
yes I can, dumb yellow fever fag.
jesus christ
Can't stream normally or regularly with her sister around hence why she's moving out
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She's off her rockers, literally perfect. An acquired taste, sure. Coomer tourists hover because of the lewd bait. I stay because of all the things you guys portray as something negative.
I don't get it, that's what they give her the money for, so she can spend it on stuff and living costs.
The "choose between food or heat" is an old story from when she was in Kawaii and talked about her life before streaming. It's obviously not the case now.
You sound like a jealous sister desu.
She could stream every single day if she woke up a couple of hours earlier while her sister is at work. I think she tried that a couple of times but dropped the idea. For her it's easier to move out than wake up earlier than 4pm.
Or she just doesn't want to stream and uses her sister as an excuse.
Bitch, I just wanna sleep.
>talking and breathing into a mic is considered bad
Ok I will
Her model is sexo and she's nuts?
Changing her timeslot could end up doing more harm than good for her
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I could literally look a thousand pair of tits right now. What else does she got going for her?
The clown from idol? What do they have in common?
ASMR is inherently sexual.
They've been best friends for years, they'll move out and start living together in a month
>She's completely fake
If you can't tell when she's playing up her part and when she's being honest, that's a skill issue.
>not menhera at all
She has chronic insecurity / self worth / self doubt issues. Just the other day she was about to fall into depression because some old time member stopped watching her and came back mentioning another vtuber.
>She constantly pitybaits and begs for money every stream
Never did it. Tell me in those tweets where she's begging or even asking for anything. You can't, because she doesn't.
>goes on a vacation every other week.
Good for her, for her mental health, and for her content.
>bitch talked about having to choose between food or heat
That was decades ago, way before she was a streamer. As a hater, you're doing a sloppy job.
Body hair
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Based cuckchad defending her Oshi again, don't forget to tip her 10k so she can get her back blown out by Tyrone while in LA
I can't imagine devoting even five lines of text like this to defending someone whose content as as bland as hers. You might as well spend your time arguing about how wrong people are for disliking pocket lint; at least lint has texture.
I can only guess you are doing this for attention so enjoy the (You)
>Or she just doesn't want to stream and uses her sister as an excuse.
the fact that she never streams when her sister goes away tells you anything?
You're telling me 17 million people were jerking it to this old guy talking in the void?
finally someone's talking sense here
Yes. He's very handsome.
this fucking retard groomed me into getting hard when I read "mitessss.."
I used to side with her cause she shat on Nene's bs, but then she felt the need to shit on my oshi just cause one of her paypigs left her for someone who actually gives a shit about their fans, so I guess fuck her too.
sorry anon but she lasers her body hair and shaves her pubic hair
Not on my watch

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