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Ketchup Tuesday today! Retroge on Thursday! Shirahiko collab into DS3 raw axe run on Saturday to Sunday!

>who is Nina?
Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.
She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://x.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>79495893
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Lads, I bloody love Nina!
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I love Nina so much, bros.
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Nina? Love her
I've said it before but Nina's starting music is pretty great, I was a huge future funk guy back in the day
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Same. I don't listen to it as often as I used to, but I still love it.
Does this schedule give anyone else the impression that Nina is trying to tie up loose ends?
>The Dokomi crowd was cheering
I'd like to think they'll give her better billing next year but they seem to enjoy shooting themselves in the foot
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Dorkomi hate.
Why does it feel like she's not doing okay? I don't want her to burn out.
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>The shibes finally arrived
Nice, hope they get out soon
>I'm going to take off some layers
Everything's changed, isn't it?
I'm feeling the same, it's been rough for her in the last few months.
Plus, she keeps surrounding herself with people who gaslight her.

Other than Contra, the Dark souls one was planned months ago.
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>finishing DS3
>trying to tie up loose ends
Yeah. Cause that's the one and only game/series she has started over the years and not finished yet amirite.
Her menstruation is coming up soon. You fags are just seeing things that aren't there. Again.
She announced the DS3 thing months ago though, way before she knew about bean
What now?
Playing Twister with Nina and winning easily because she's tiny and would struggle to reach some of the colours!
It could be anything, her day job could be sucking (though she has said it's fine at the moment, women idk), the whole other thing possibly too, I know she say she's happy for her friend... but she has more or less said she still feels weird about it, like most of us do.
>her day job could be sucking
yeah, me
I miss Ninas.
2.0 3D, my beloved.
A moment of silence for Nina's Neeners. They're in heaven now...
I can't wait to see her point again
I believe in shondo, but I'll try not to huff too much copium
Has Nina always referred to her models as 2.0 and 2.1?
More or less
I heard they're in cryogenic storage under the highest mountain in the Netherlands (0.5m above sea level)
>3D model debut in Sep
Imagine you've been playing music with your best friend for years and one day he gets a record deal, touring the world, hanging out with musicians you were both into and making millions while you still play at an indie festival for a hot dog and beer
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Can't wait see more buttslut on the ninaninin experience
I had a realization and it made me a little sad and regretful, though with a desire to support Nina and the others more.
>Heavy hangers should sag
share with the class and inspire others to support Nina more
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What's the game name?
any Dragon Age game / every Fade sequence
What prompted buttslut allegations anyway?
I can't think of a single game that doesn't have THAT part
Cry of Fear, Saxon Avenue backtrack
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Hello fellow shibes, due to popular demand and archival purposes I've finally started collecting Nina lewds and other stuff. There is a lot of things missing, like recent Skebs and KK media that was in the lig booru, so please help out if you can.
Please feel free to reach out after reading the README or just post in the thread.
The Sherry/Ada parts of the RE2 remake when I was going for S rank, they become so dull after a few runs
thanks, Nina
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Shira is a proud, open buttslut
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Thanks for your service shibe
She's a fake Christian just like Kitanya and Olivia Monroe
don't crucify me for saying this, i feel if her friend made it to nijisanji instead, the changes wouldn't have been as drastic as it is now
if she made it to nijisanji, the mixed feelings would be way worse for everyone and not very mixed
Nina's really cool and all, but she's kinda holding her friend back.
There would have defiantly been a sense of "she's coming back at some point" at least
obviously not, she got into hololive
I didn't know Nina had this much Koikatsu stuff
yeah, i'm with you 100%
Faggotshibes can't help themselves.
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big nina in small nina's outfit gives me life
It is what it is. Toxic positivity is also not good.
>I'd like to think they'll give her better billing next year
How many fucking years have we been saying this? I swear every time she goes into an event like these, they give her a shit spot because she's just some 2 view that they've never heard of before. Then Nina blows everyone away with her performance, but process just repeats next time.
Good shit
she did a rice purity test on a subathon and marked yes to anal
They treated all the vtubers the same, even a 4view like shoxto got the same stage.
I mean they even used Nina in some of their promotional material, like the cola thing, and i think she was on their page too.
I think some smart ass decided to give vtubers their own dedicated space and well, what happened happened.
>multiple shibes spend 9999 points to get that top tier atelier outfit
>she reverts it back to the basic outfit not even 10 minutes later anyway
I've learned.
I could be completely blind but here's everything I have that I couldn't see in the mega
KK anons are an endangered species
Doki and Kikihime were at the exact same place.
At least the thread seems to be getting a little saner, aside from a couple of doomers
>Not saving your points for the 1 mill marriage redeem
Nina's pretty clever to mod the most annoying community members so they are busy doing something else instead of chatting
Adding more mods at least sounds like she might be taking going full time seriously at least.
But he was a fine and inoffensive chatter?
I actually have these ones, but didn't add them. I think the reasons why not are pretty clear. Someone could try to convince me to somehow add them, though. Anyway, thanks for the rest, I'll add them later!

The original for this one is missing too (it's a Skeb), if anyone has it in full quality.
Every chatter other than me is offensive.
Didn't see this VR stuff in there
Even me?
You're the most offensive of all
Especially (You).
Aww beans
>doesn have big neeners anymore
>doesn't greet every viewer by name anymore
>doesn't do unprompted or casual karaoke anymore
I'm happy Nina introduced me to this song, it's a banger
ngl, at first I thought the third point said
>doesn't do uprotected casual sex anymore
But she literally said she wants to do casual karaoke streams more in the future.
And hellos depend on mood, maybe she could add a redeem like Vivi has for it, that'd be nice at least.
This is the curse of growing.
Is this BBC music
What a twist
>Nina discovering old /v/ sings
oh god
Fucking who?
Whats fay doing now?
i will be honest, the main stage was better than this setup, but massive amount of people left the room after the section before her (some german VA talk) ended. this looks like the vtuber fans stayed mostly there and since it is openly placed in the hall maybe some random people also took a look.
>tfw no one uploaded a video anywhere of crowd pov
>its the year 2024 and furuguy ist still not a homostar
>if they go all in
Yeah. That's what I've been missing from Ninas singing lately.
Nothing beats the Devil Trigger one imo, the hype in the threads from the time really shows through
The guy singing Shall Never Surrender during the instrumental break is great too.
the dmc5 announcement was the last time /v/ was somewhat fun to browse.
Yeah. A lot of technique goes into her singing now, maybe. But not a lot of herself.
Maybe you'll get that back when she's doing some drunk karaoke again
What if Nina is actually falling off because of her growing baby fever and her teacher is right about improving by getting dicked?
Feels like Nina's numbers are crawling up again, not even counting the raid
That's normal at her level but it's a wall she has to overcome herself
Ah yes, the superhuman girlfailure Moriko. Morons.
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>Bat studying human computer interactions
Come to think of it I've never met the person who's been supplying the tech for the gestalt project...
Nobody actually believes it, they're just playing along.
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fucked up
I believe that morch kind of sucks
Welcome to the club.
How new?
That wasn't 5 to 10 minutes.
That's what she said.
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Bat should be raped in her ass by her father.
I mean...she's right.
This is fine, but pregnancy is disgusting? Bat is a psycho
Shibes really love biting bait these days.
Based opinion.
This has been one of the better threads lately though..
>Makes her characters dress in sexy nun costumes
I am once again requesting for Nina to be my pocket healer who dotes on me after battle
Surely she wouldn't lie on the Internet?
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I hope we get more Barbie action when Shondo finally comes back.
Milk posters getting called out live
Barbie girls is finished
Hopefully, maybe her scheme with Oli will come to fruition too
Remember Girls FC?
nina will drink my cock milk
Odd way to type GirlsFC.
Girls (Former Companions)
The name Riona still makes me do a double take
Soon (Trust)
Nink my new beloved
shondo is my least favorite barbie
I miss blue girl
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Well, she's green now
coomer bros eating good with the sus nina-link noises
It does feel like they're planning something big. Maybe making the Barbie Girls part of 3AM?
Green is good but I liked blue more
I don't like MMRtism but that is a cute mod
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I'm ready
That's the most likely rrat from /lig/. I'm all in if it finally means Tanya merch
I still haven't been able to watch a green stream since her debut. It just feels really wrong.
It's what i'm hoping for but i don't want to overdose on copium and get disappointed
I've watched a little, but i tend to flip tabs on it
>i don't want to overdose on copium and get disappointed
Beanbros final cope was holo and look where they are now. It's not unreasonable to hope a bit these days.
Does this mean that Nina is going to start arbitrarily paywalling things? Or are they hands off as far as everything besides merch?
The content in the streams is practically the same but something feels off. I will continue supporting her, especially if Nina is too.
I still occasionally think about that Nina 64 panting clip
3AM is like a more professional vdere, not like MSM
the problem with 3am is that I couldn't care less about anyone there except oli. I don't even care enough to watch the collabs when oli is there
I think there's one patreon watchalong a month but other then that it's just merch and sorting out appearances at cons
The real issue for me is that most of 3AM are live during prime burger hours when I snore in the sack.
I've watched a bit but it does feel uncanny. It's not really that anything is different, it's just that she's getting showered with love now solely because of blue dorito and that gives me a bit of a bad taste.
Eh, i like Coqui and Mint, Callie seems alright.
is this how other green's fans felt
3AM is very hands off, there's no indication that it would be anything to worry about
My problem with 3AM is that it makes absolutely no sense for any of the Barbies to join them, especially not as a group.
I think they have it worse since they basically don't exist in chat anymore with the speed it's going on now.
Stop making the bat sound based!
A broken clock is still right twice a day.
More exposure, extra money and company clout for projects, and merch handling.
Those would be great benefits for all of them
For me I don't like how sterile it all feels now. I'm still happy for her and will support her and tune in to lurk when Nina isn't streaming, but the Bean as I knew her is gone.
Maybe if people are right and things slow down once the debut hype goes away and her memberships open up, I'll stick around.
They're a good bunch, I've talked to Coqui very briefly in DMs and she was very sweet
If this happened to other green's fans, it will happen this time too unless a miracle comes by
I mean as individual people. The original 3AM group is loosely tied around having a similar timeslot and some fanbase overlap, but the Barbies aren't like any of them.
Not that they wouldn't get along but there's no relation besides being friends with Oli, and she's friends with everyone so that's barely a point.
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Cecilia is literally the exact same streamer as before except popular now, which means I will now watch her
I feel exactly the same. It's like, most of the people watching and praising her would never have given her the time of day before, even if they did know about her. To me it feels like the only reason they care about her is because she has the right 'brand.'
I don't even think Oli is like any of the other girls, she stands out so much with her personality and it's super obvious in collabs. I don't see why it would be a problem to have more talents under their umbrella if that's something the company can handle.
Thing is 3AM is more of a business than a friend group.
For what it's worth i can see all the girls getting along, i know Nina likes both Coqui and Meat too.

But i'd rather not get too crazy with speculation.
I have to say I used to like Hololive in the past but this whole arc really soured me on it. I feel like I'm a couple steps away from really starting to hate the company.
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You know, there was a time when we had fun in these threads, but you guys have become a bunch of wet blankets. I can't blame Nina for wanting to chase Soya now, when she has to put up with you sad sacks.
The other big thing is the lingering dread that she's gonna get burned out by concert prep once that starts happening, start spending half her time in Japan or on vacations, and generally stop streaming. Just like other holos
>To me it feels like the only reason they care about her is because she has the right 'brand.'
It feels like that because that is what's happening here. None of the new people watching her would have given her a second of their time half a year ago. And if Nina ever gets the opportunity for a collab, they won't care for Nina either.
What's fun about the current situation though?
Yeah, seeing as the chuubas who've flown out are an eclectic mix they could be working on absolutely anything
the streamer you like is still streaming
I have no doubts they can get along even if it doesn't look like feel like their personalities mix very well
same streamer but with less per person chat interaction.
People who keep speculating on chasing or corpo nonsense and drama are what's ruining this thread.
All we need to do is talk about the stream and make some OC.
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Nina pls say something controversial or horny again. These retardshibes keep hitting their pipe and dig up their dumb rrats.
Which mean she's not really the same since the experience is different.
In a glass cage where she's not allowed to publicly interact with anyone from her past. Sounds very fun, right?
>Talking about not liking driving again
I'd just like to say I'm very good behind the wheel, extremely virile and my DMs are open
I mean i have mixed feelings about the bean situation, but i think to avoid shitting it might be good to follow Nina's own rules...
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>you stay right here, don't make me get the rope
I've been a baaaad shibe, Nina.
Better to let it all out here instead of dicksword but I agree we should tone it down. I apologize.
These threads have been used to post shit you can't post in chat or discord basically since the beginning.
This is basically the designated vent space since it's not allowed anywhere else.
It's gonna get real old if it's still the main topic a few weeks from now, but I'm sure it will die down when acceptance hits. Or the walls lower a bit and they're allowed to interact
If it makes you feel better I started in the last few days watching Nina because I really liked her when I was looking into what said streamers content looked like I came across Nina and really liked Nina also so I discovered and started watching.

So it's not all take (but mostly is).
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Basically this. Even if people behave in public facing spaces there are some really strong emotions caused by this whole situation and this is the only place where people can let them all out.
>Making Nina list all the Barbies one by one
Astral projecting into Gember and stealing his kisses as we speak.
Some fag in chat has asked if all Barbies have cats. Don't make this weird you faggot.
Hello Shibes, here look at my wife. She is cute.
That's not your wife, that's your imouto.
Sometimes i feel like i'm one of the few shibes who got Nina's message about milkposting
Same thing
That's part of the problem isn't it? Joining Hololive is overall a detriment to the actual quality of the streams.
If Nina were to join Phase, would you guys be okay with it?
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But she gains loads of money
There are plenty who got the message but the ones who didn't are really loud about not getting it.
I mean it's not going to happen but it would be the same thing as Inis joining Socks. Nothing would change.
While we're at it, i'd really love to see Nina and Vivi do something 1 on 1
we've never really gotten that combo before so i'd really like to see it
If Dizzy would castrate you for posting weak bait on /nina/, would you still do it?
You don't want her to be popular so you can groom her.
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damn shitposting wife
Her 'style' of streaming relied heavily on interacting with her chat. You simply do not get same experience now that she can't do that in any meaningful capacity.
Is that how you call interacting with the streamer?
Nina has consistently been over 500 today, nearly at 600 too. That's a pretty positive sign.
>Hit a parked car on a bike because she 'didn't see it'
Buying a tandem bike and insisting I'm at the front so I can steer!
She has been surfing these numbers for weeks now.
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Be careful anon, if you're in there too long not all of you will come back out
Judging from what I've seen, I think some people unironically do.
Not baiting. I want her to remain indie, but I think she needs a real support.
Is that really a bad thing? Being spoiled and pampered by Nina for the rest of my days.
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Most comedians are dogshit. Change my mind.
I think this is why some people are hoping for 3AM, something like them is the right blend of independence and support.
amy schumer is a comedic genius, chuddie
True but you'll be licking your own ass to clean yourself
What's the downside?
nta but I fail to see the problem
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u mad shibeboi
go away
Name a better combination than cats and derailing streams.
shibebros.. how can we compete
It's not fair
>Getting all those kisses
Ohh I'm huffing and puffing and stamping my feet
All according to plan
With Gember? No way to win.
Halo 1
It's cute that shibes appear in her dreams
Now we just need to save her life in a dream
I'll watch Inception a few times and get to work
Does Nina ever, you know...
In her dreams?
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>Nina when she sees some guy in his mid thirties having a mid-life crisis
bros im so in
yeah, with me
I have a chance!
The fuck is wrong with Gember tonight.
Since she debuted Lolina, she has been pulling a better average monthly CCV than previously, but she fluctuates quite a bit so it's difficult to extrapolate into the future.
I noticed that Nina does favor shibes that are older than her.
I'm definitely not as cute as she imagines
Anon astral projected into him and got trapped.
Lucky bastard.
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>pools closed
It's my time to shine
Where does the time go bros...
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Nina should get a heaslut outfit next
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>September is only 2 months away
>2024 is half over
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>Nina as Whitemane
Don't do this to me anon...
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Painting Nina's mane white
Nina's cute little toes
I hope there's someone on /lig/ that saved has the KK from the booru, there's really a bunch missing
Just ask, surely someone saved it all
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do what?
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Sorry Shibes, but I want to watch Star Trek. See you Thursday so I can cut that short as well.
I'm going to anti this fat fuck
Like 15 minutes, not like she's dipping out an hour early
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That orange menace can't keep getting away with it. At least we got some very nice chatting and Nina love before the end.
Mint isn't in 3AM?
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this is truly a raid target
Fugg, i was thinking of Meat
A very comfy evening/10. Ketchup Tuesdays are always great though it would have been fun to see her flip her truck
I'm not ready for DS3 marathon.
Imagine forcing a harder kawaii uguu voice than Shondo.
I want to nerd out about startrek with Nina...
I rate it Gember/10
Astral project then.
Someone should convince Nina to do a Star Trek watchalong.
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I have never watched Star Trek, but I would gladly listen to Nina to go full nerd and educate me about it while watching it.
She might be up for doing the movies, but the series is too much of a commitment i think
more people should make posts here with this image so I can read them in the TTS voice
True, there's a crazy amount of episodes. Picking a few of the best/worst ones to watch and nerd out about could be fun though
Maybe not a full series but a few random episodes as a one time event could work.
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Shondo recently talked how she knew people of incredible talent and of highest quality, and yet were still unable to succeed alone.
Until a corpo(most certainly Holo) 'saves' them and then they become big and successful.
When she said that I definitely thought of Nina and how hard she's tried over the years to grow, but to little avail despite the sheer talent she already has.

Shondo concluded that making it as an indie is mostly luck, which might be true, but I think there is more to this picture.

She merely restated the common narrative of how so many indies mostly of the seiso type just stagnate as 2views or 3views no matter how skilled they are, to the point they conclude that joining something like Hololive is their only viable path to success.
This idea is actually made stronger from the recent success of many indie 4views, because those 4views are what many consider "whores who embrace Twitch culture".
It roughly sums up to "People nice like Nina need Hololive in order to prosper", which is reflected well enough on Cover's indie picks for Advent and Justice, something Shondo has also pointed out.

But what if Hololive was the very reason Nina had been unable to find success to begin with?

It should be clear enough to anyone familiar with indies that Cover doesn't and likely couldn't dominate the entire EN market even if they are the biggest singular faction, due to enough people preferring different content like those from said "Twitch whores".
But they do have a near complete lock on the seiso-loving audience, "OG vtuber fans" many liken themselves as, the people who would have been most appreciative of Nina's content.

I initially naively thought that Hololive English succeeding would help bolster and embolden those who wanted to do content in a similar vein as theirs.
And while it did inspire a generation of new chuubas many of whom were eager to embrace "idol culture", it's pretty obvious from the get-go Cover doesn't intend to share that goodwill or prosperity to outsiders (and why would they? What kind of self-respecting company would let others leech off of them so freely?)
We end up in a situation where the most Holo-like indies(and small corpo talents) are the ones most deprived of their essential potential viewers, that is until they actually join the blue company itself.
Then the floodgates open, letting the lucky few to finally embrace the kind of audience most aligned to what they had wanted to do all along.

Far from the image of being the magical platform that brings salvation to hopeful starving 2views, they are the clout gatekeepers who have starved everyone with similar dreams from the beginning.
Then selecting 4 or 5 survivors to let in, to further reinforce their dominance of this audience.
I can think of a friend who did just that, and frankly..
I don't blame her at all, not one bit, considering the suffering in stagnancy she's endured for so long, worse than Nina herself had.

The biggest take is that the further success of HoloEN ends up hurting seiso indies like Nina the most.
All the while the whorish ones (which some holofans imagine being on a crusade against) are not only unharmed but even helped by Cover's own actions, as it allows them to better contrast with the dominant corpo, more easily winning over different audiences.

It all seems fairly obvious in hindsight; them being direct competitors of a sort. It feels dumb not realizing it sooner.
But it all still is so depressing.

Seiso-style independent creators are the people I love the most, which makes it painful how so many of them genuinely love Hololive and what they represent in spite of how they should be rationally treated, as competition to be swiped aside.
It does make me feel incredibly grateful however for the Barbie Girls being able to strive as they are, like a bubble of hope in the midst of a Holo-induced viewer drought.

So how could Nina escape the 3view ceiling of no fault of her own? I can think of two things.
She either changes her branding enough to be able to attract different viewers, as she already loses the most having her content being a near 1:1 match to Hololive's tone aside from more retro games.
Or she accomplishes something so truly exceptional it's able at least temporarily break Cover's stranglehold over her target audience.

As nice it is for Nina to personally know someone who's received the golden ticket into the company she's partly idolized for so long, knowing that this course ultimately exacerbates her struggles further is why I ended up feeling so mixed about it.
Maybe deep down Shondo also felt something similar but that's just my schizo-ing.

Being a hard competitor to Hololive's content is a harrowing endeavor; that Nina's been able to hold on for this long is somewhat reassuring.
I just wanna do what I can to keep the Indie Seiso dream alive.
It's an ideal too precious to be subsumed by any company however benevolent they are.
That's a lot of words.
Funny thing is i don't think Nina is that amazingly seiso, it depends on her mood but she can be quite spicy at times, not whoreclan levels of course, but most people i watch are around the same level of being raunchy once in a while.
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Lies and slander.
I always believed that spiciness is one of the reasons why she captured a bigger audience than Soya in a shorter amount of time.
I largely agree, but I think what I would say to that is there's a very high likelihood that if holo didn't exist 2 views would likely end up as 1 views and 3 views as 2 views. But there absolutely is a stagnancy for seiso type vtubers in the high 3view and low 4view category that they just can't escape. My rational for saying this is largely dependent on many more people understanding hololive and finding out vtubers aren't actually dudes with a voice changer which was the super common rrat before 2020.

Further I would say if it wasn't holo it likely would've been some other corp doing similar that would've been a breakout hit. I couldn't tell you which one as it would require them to vastly change paths from the path we're on in our timeline. So it's a matter that yes holo is holding back seiso type vtubers but hololive is a symptom it's not the cause.

So what is the cause? I actually frankly don't know, if I did I could probably exploit it to blow up or back someone with the right characteristics to. But I just don't know what the solution to this is because if holo falls some corpo will just take it's place.
Unless you're going for nu-Trek, all the older series had episodes with self-contained arcs and sometimes a multi-parter. As long as you know the cast, you pick any random episode and watch it.
I mean i honestly think Nina can possibly still loosen up a little in that regard, but it's a delicate balance, because it can easily go too far.
I think our essayist is a bit hung up on holo and twitch culture things, the biggest thing Nina really needs as an indie is support, networking, exposure and opportunities.
I wasn't expecting an essay but I agree with you.
As large as the hololive audience is, none of that goodwill is shared with indies in a general sense. Some of the hololive audience branches out to indies and that's really cool of them to do, but most of them don't even look at other corpo vtubers.
I'd add the erasure ingrained in their culture when new vtubers are hired to work under them is big part of that. They're not allowed to acknowledge anything they ever did prior to becoming a new toy for thousands of people. That makes their bubble more and more impenetrable and self-sufficient so hololive fans have even less incentives to search for anyone outside hololive.
If EN didn't exist many of the new indies wouldn't have existed either. I'd have to credit them for that.
I also think those who've reached 4view status like Grimmi, Shondo and Oli were able to do so by deviating ever so slightly from the usual style in important ways.
The most common path for a seiso-type to stand out seems like to act slightly more unhinged than usual wouldn't mind Nina doing that more but it won't be the same comfy vibes
I just want Nina to reach 4-view status and be able to live comfortably while full time streaming. That way she doesn't have to sacrifice anything or compromise.
I made this post.
I think what you're overlooking here isn't just the type of "activities" the vtubers do, it's the entire viewing experience you have to take into account.

Holo streams are very hands off for the viewer to a point where interaction with the streamer is almost non existent and indies build on exactly that interaction. But what happens if a streamer actually reaches those several thousand of active viewers? They lose chat interaction, meaning they lose what made them grow in the first place.

So once an indie gets, they suddenly no longer have their strength and because they lack the corpo funding, they also lack stuff like high quality 3D rigs, models by famous artists, support in musical endeavours and general lack of man power for fun stuff like big collabs. Meaning that big indies are cripples that fit in neither niche, which makes them drop back down to where they can sustain chat interaction or makes them shell out money to make up for the deficits.

I wouldn't say Hololive is some big gatekeeper, they're just an alternative evolution for a streamer.
I want Nina to have a good life and to be happy doing what she loves
>muh interaction
Ok groomer
At least in /lig/dom the sweet spot is the low 4view size, chat is at a level you can still interact with, general community is manageable and money is usually pretty decent, especially if topped up with sponsorships and the like.

Even Nina can access good quality 3d and a decent artist, most streamers settle into an artist too, even if they aren't the most famous one in the world.
Vshojo was able to do most of these things well enough and I'm confident 3AM will be able to do the same one day. Looking forward to the kind of stuff Oli has in store.
Will you buy the shibe soba ramen
I want Nina to find a nice man and start a family while still streaming and enjoying herself like Bessie.
As long as it's not shibe hot sauce...
Yeah, me
Yeah i think shes conquwreed by bbc
One way Nina might feel more comfortable is if she gets more voice acting gigs. So if any shibes are developing games...
What genre should a potential Nina fan game be?
3D platformer or a rhythm game
Majoras Mask like

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