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What would you do if your oshi dies irl?
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She almost did. I went a little menhera for a bit.
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Be sad and mourn. Shes become a staple in my life and I cant really imagine her quittin or dying on me.
It took me a while to realize that this Elira wasn't drooling like a retard while crying, it implied that she got severely throat raped and the drool is actually cum.
is this whore gonna to do another begathon?
With how many vtubers there are, there is a non-insignificant chance that several of them will die in our lifetime, and not in a "40 years from now of natural causes" way
Cancel my membership immediately so her corpo can't grift off her dead body
what loot will she drop
There already have been quite a few (though I think almost all have been JP iirc). One even died quite suddenly due to a car accident. There was that one EN indie who kept complaining about leg pain for a while who went to the doctor and they just said I was severe cramp or something. Then she died a little while later from DVT. Reminder if you're a NEET who sits at a computer all day to at least do some exercise at least once in a day.
I've always wondered, why wouldn't ypu just bite the dudes dick off?
Yeah but so far they've all been pretty small people.

I'm talking about the big ones, the ones that've been around a while, the ones people actually know
You wouldn’t if you’re worried about him killing you
Too bad she's trapped in the dying husk of 774.
is it actually real this time or is she just farming for donos again
Neither. As usual it's clipfags taking something she's said out of context and making a clickbait thumbnail from it.
that's retarded though
he'd be in too much pain to do anything + pants down + bleeds out in minutes, so its extremely easy to get away
Extremely risky move
Can you do enough damage to make him recoil and give yourself an opening to run? Will that be enough even if it happens?
Or will he grab you in a fit of rage and snap your neck?
I considered that, but how is he gonna kill you if he's writhing in pain and bleeding out from his penis? I really don't think I'd be able to get the energy together to beat somebody to death if I just lost the top half of my dong. I guess it's probably just not worth the risk, assuming you can deal with the psychotrauma
cmon anon, no one who really wants to unalive themselves survive 2 attemps, she didn't really wanted to die. Not denying she might have been depressed af tho.
Ps. I tried to unalive myself but I was coward to try the 100% effective methods
During the past 20 years, not a single streamer has ever died live, despite the trillions of hours they've all collectively streamed. Yet hundreds of thousands of people die every single day. This is a statistical impossibility.
Streams are not real.
I'm tired of that rat milking her illness all the time
she's been streaming for years and she's still alive
Dick is extremely elastic and therefore chewy, it's pretty much impossible to bite off. So all you'll really do is give him an injury that most likely will heal with stitches, in exchange for him beating you to death.
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>joins the nijien of small corpos
She sure feels dead to me
The really sad thing is that the illness grifting barely even makes the top 3 in her most shameless leeching tactics.
thread didn't go how op expected so he has to samefag kek
I was more interested in the dick biting topic tbdesu
The really sad thing is that she lives rent free in your numbermonkey skull.
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Nobody actually wants to die. Suicidal people just want a way out, and suicide just feels like the best answer at the time...
If you've followed Selen for any length of time though, the scariest thing is that it really wasn't out of character for her to want to leave quietly without causing problems for everyone else. Especially with the context of those discord leaks.
Fuck, man. If these messages WERE fake, they absolutely nailed her writing style and personality.
That's not true at all. Plenty of people have commited suicide live on stream, some of them children even. And even disregarding suicide, a quick google search disproves you still.
>noooo you can't have a chronic illness you either must be healthy or dead!
The only numbermonkey here is the grifting whore who spams "sleeping" streams or just re-streaming Connor 24/7
Wouldn't that be a good thing? Because then you could be with her in the afterlife.
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>>79752633 (me)
Nevermind, I just read it again. Didn't realise you we're shitting around. lol
Probably used a low-fatality method. Pills, cutting, etc.
You are so tsundere anon. But everybody can see how much you care about her numbers.
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Yes. It is very worrying.
Why would I cry for any of them? Would they cry if you or me died? Nope
Im not sure what you mean by that.
I'd probably fall right back into the massive depression arc she pulled me out of. Maybe drink myself into the hospital again, dunno really.
What happened to 774? Is Patra okay?
this is as sad as the last five times she almost died. I should give her more money
Patra left 774 over a year ago. She is an indie for a while now. 774inc has had nothing but graduations for a while and their growth is in the negative. No new blood in.
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I would be so heartbroken. Flare is someone I look forward to watching whenever I can and her absence, by graduation or otherwise, would leave a massive hole in my heart
>death baiting
She's never claimed to be dying. ever
what the fuck, so did honeystrap disband?
actual psychopath reasoning
Imagine how painful it would be for the girls they leave behind? If a popular big corpo vtuber died the other girls would constantly be reminded of them through fan art, old clips, and when fans take pictures of their merch etc. Like imagine if whenever you saw an image of Gura or a Gura emote you're reminded of the fact she's now gone forever? I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Yes. All of their subgroups disbanded. Sugarlyric, Honeystrap, animare. HNST still exists to me and splitting them up wont change that. Mico, Sharu and Mary are still in 774. I wish that Patra would adopt all 3
women do have a higher suicidal rate in terms of attempts but low chance of success compared to men
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>chuuba fucking dies
I see it more as some positives of it, the memory and everything they left behind will be well always kept on touch and though dueling with death, they might be able to overcome it and have a nice memory with old clips, fan art and merch. A nice memento that even post death, that person is still loved.
Which is really negative, is that spergs/antis and just overall general people can clown on them, and there's nothing that you can do, and that can easily bring another person (in this case a coworker and friend) down, which in this sphere the person has also fans and who wouldn't like to see end up like this, an image tainted of one that you called a friend.

It's always the same deal with fame and those who are around you.
Imagine the fans who have entire shrines of merch, maybe enough their whole room draped in someone who's dead
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Kill myself most likely
The girls who are staying are all getting new models with different artists one by one so you should check on them
My dakis would definitely feel different if she died.
Thats another thing entirely and not necessarily for the better,
Most of the time this is actually happening there's a weapon involved. Even if someone isn't operating at 100% a flailing and stabbing knife can still kill you. And a gun is pretty much a a guaranteed death for you since you're in point blank range.
A big caliber weapon, maybe. Handgun - usually a lot more survival than youd imagine, with lasting damage.
You're saying that only because you have nostalgia for the older designs. Many of the girls suffered from same face syndrome and ugly clothing before updates started rolling in.
Some I like some I dont. Renes new design is a plain downgrade for me. Nothing to do with nostalgia.
I agree, I rarely whine about new models but it's such a dramatically different and less-fun design.
she quit but there had been rumors about health issues prior to that so there was a lot of speculation if she had gotten worse, but she clarified later that she was ok just moving on.
but there was a short period of time where it kind of seemed like she might be dying or crippled or something and it was pretty unpleasant.
There have been several already.
Leave it to the dratroons to throw themselves in a thread of a girl who was born with a health issue with an actual fatality rate vs some fat bitch who took 3 sleeping pills and a shot of brandy and suddenly that's an attempt.
It's the usual, so just a clipper taking her words out of context for clickbait.
She has a chronic illness, not a terminal one. She isn't dying and she never said she is, but her awful clippers try to milk her illness for clickbait.
they're the ones cherrypicking clips to make her look bad so they can use it to get a little bit of attention.
but they call her the leech
the irony is palpable...
my life belongs to Gura, she saved me. so if she dies I'll go with her
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She will never mee Conor

>posting clickbait trash from 2023
Leave it to dramafags to constantly slightly alter their insults for vtubers or their fans to evade filters for shitposts. Range ban SEA - I don't care if the majority of jannies are from there. They're probably the ones doing the bait and shitposting too.
Why are sisters so obsessed with calling anyone they don’t like “fat” and whatever mental illness to discredit the person? Is it projecting?
Good to see you're using warosu now.
I know about palanq, I just can't be bothered to change my 4chanX settings.
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Like I said in >>79758845 it's probably not even sisters at this point, it's just dramafags. You can tell the difference because actual sisters will argue angrily until bump limit is reached - dramafags just post something and let people reply without response usually. They use key words to ensure they piss as many anons off as they can - one of those things is implying Selen/Doki is fat. Even if that's true they don't understand that it doesn't really bother dragoons. They were equally stupid in their bait attempts when she first came back as Doki when they started mocking the fact she was collabing with males - because they thought dragoons were unicorns. The reason for this is that they don't actually watch vtubers and only threadread.
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Is mouses aids cancer actually going 2 kill her this time?
Why are you being a faggot? You can say suicide/kill here
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>survive 2 attempts
Good, recently I saw a guy drop himself from a balcony, the guy was like 14, messy break up and got drunk and jumped off. What a massive retard. His friends bring flowers almost daily to the place he fell onto. If he did something like OD on pills like a woman, then he would at least have a chance to think for himself. It's just sad, even though I don't feel for the guy personally.
because women's suicide is crying for attention, men's suicide is to bring all of it to an end. I'm not bashing girls for that, but that's just literally how it is. "Somebody save me" vs "I'm done with this world"
vshojo janny got pinged on discord kek
I hope not
New bait from ironmouse?
it's a skit
Why are clippers like this?
I'd pray for her soul.
if this is real, I'm glad NijiEn's dying, and that most of them will lose their careers.
nijinigger seethe
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And right when I was thinking I couldn't dislike this image anymore
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My oshi is completely immune to such things.
Used to be close friends with a depressed girl who reflected this take. She would constantly insist that suicide is never ever pre-mediated or planned out, and is always an impulse decision from start to finish. I just quietly nodded along and didn’t want to argue, but the only reason I wasn’t blasting myself in the head back then was a lack of a 100% success rate, like access to a gun or something.

I don’t think that makes it any less real when women do it, though. Obviously they did try and actually took a risk. Even if it’s an impulse.
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A chuuba I used to watch a couple of years ago did die suddenly. Her name was heavens_betsy (heavenstobetsy)
Hi, Reddit!
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>Ignoring this one whose energy actually plummeted at the news to the point of needing hugs from her irl friends
Ollie deserves the fucking world regardless of what anyone says
>lack of a 100% success rate
One idea I've had when pondering suicide methods (in Minecraft), was taking a large kitchen knife, sitting in the shower/bathtub, slicing one hand on its length, then stabbing my throat. It's abit gruesome, but surely I'd die from asphyxiation or blood loss pretty quickly right? It doesn't seem that hard to do.
Thankfully I can still live for my oshi, but if I ever felt the need, I think this'd be a reliable method.
watch someone else? You faggots take this hobby way too seriously
It's not as easy to die as you think, if you saw someone dying from suicide, it was more than likely not the first attempt
the world would have been a better place had she succeeded. god knows this board would have been.
yeah, her's was 100% for attention, pity and money. Pop a few too many aspirin, go to the emergency room to get your stomach pumped so you can show off your wristband, and the rest is history. One of the most successful grifts of all time
Ollie deserves a swift kick in the throat, she's a cancer to the industry
You will die alone and bitter
Ollie will be loved and cherished for many years more than your entire life
call her a whore who had it coming
nobody just suddenly dies like that unless it was bad karma
>the happiness of a bunch of nijisisters outweighs the life of a real, breedable girl
Do you not understand why your kind is not tolerated here?
>the happiness of people I like outweighs the life of someone I dont.
Yes, and? That's true for almost anyone. Would you want your friends to suffer so some fucking rando you care nothing for could live? I doubt it.
Sisters really are cold hearted bitches
You reap what you sow and that's why your company is dying
Cherished by who, her 12 fans? kek, nice try Ollie
so you're going to tell me, unironically, you'd want every chuuba you enjoy to be miserable and broke, their careers withering until they quit, so some dipshit you never you never watched and care nothing for could live? You're full of shit.
breedable? who would want to breed that whale?
maybe they shouldn't have bullied her?
sisters have no rationality it's outstanding.
people don't like your organs because they caused suffering to an innocent girl while she was vulnerable.
It's 11 fans now.
>they shouldn't have bullied her
Why? And "bullying bad" is not answer.
People with her condition can life to around 50. Because ironlung has a lot of money, she'll probably live into her 70s.
innocent? since when do retards not deserve to get shit on for being retarded?
ironmouse is my oshi and i've always contemplated how things would be handled if she dies before graduating. that being said, i'd mourn her like everyone else for a bit then move on.
because it backfired and now their company is falling apart. "bullying bad" isn't just because it hurts others. it's way more likely to blow up in your face when your bullying is exposed like what happened here. no one likes a bully.
t. ex-niji fan
do you not realize you're here being a bitch because your organs are suffering since the vtuber community rejects them? they are culpable and responsible for the suffering inflicted on doki and for that reason everyone is ok with their careers ending. i dont need to justify anything, that's just how the public feels.
you're insane if you can't see that.
>you're here being a bitch because your organs are suffering since the vtuber community rejects them
Speak fucking English.
This is a proper answer.
>they are culpable and responsible for the suffering inflicted on doki
>i dont need to justify anything,
Is it lonely up there on your cross?
pray tell, what bullying occurred? what did doki say happened? oh right. Nothing. Ever. All of the fagoon antis just made this shit up in a dream based on one vague sentence in her termination notice. The mass hysteria and contagious retardation should be a case study on how to manipulate the masses.
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That's what I mean, it's a real cry for help and nothing good comes out of it, and I'm not shitting on depressed girls for that, it's sad either way. It's just men are more pre-mediated about it.
If the chuuba you enjoy are bullying other chuubas to death, then fuck you and fuck your chuuba.
"bullying to death" lmfao. OH NO, my vanity projects aren't approved fast enough. Fuck off, if you can't see the grift for what it was you're a naive fool
Time looping back to february isn't going to bring your july concert back.
the only one in a timeloop is doki and her fagoons, trying to have the same look, the same name, the same collabs
I have been following my oshi for 15 years. That's a little less than half of my life.
I wouldn't kill myself, but I'm sure I would unironically go into a severe depression and the mild alcoholism I already have would only get worse.
no we have to say 'an attempt' and cleverly be in the know to understand what was attempted.
I hate whatever tumblr hole that euphemism crawled out of
It's working, and it's not over yet.
My drug addiction will get worse that's for sure
Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit, sister. You never cared about the welfare of the organs, you always used the Nijisanji brand as a point of prestige, like kpop stans.
That's an expensive hobby
>twitch thot said she's close to dying years ago
Didnt actually die
>up until now, clips like these still exist
Its farming sympathy at this point
my oshi almost did
charcoal is cheap anon
It would be better if Hololive bought Nanashinku and turn into a subsidiary.
move into another, no one is indispensable in this life.

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