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Fauna believes Hololive is an elite club and they're the "chosen ones". Based or unbased opinion?

>Kiara: We should pick our friends based on how talented they are? [...] Only be friends with the people who play the game the best... That's so sad!
>Fauna: Is it sad? Do you feel like Hololive is kind of like that? We're all very talented. And we're here because of some level of talent. We were put together because of it.
All of Hololive is full of bitches that think they are hot shit and the top of the world when they are not.
They are hot shit, they are at the top of the world, plus NIJISEETHE
It seems that once again, Fauna manages to piss off stupid people by stating truths that they didn't want to hear.
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>Is it sad?
Based. This is why she's at the top instead of being a vhoejo and TT orbiter which just happen to be the runts of Hololive.
Base and truth. only anti think otherwise. no exception
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10 month old vod really?
Also based
She's completely right, but it's hilarious that she'd just blurt that out like that. Not even just because "be more humble" but because the topic wasn't really related to that yet this was the first thing that popped into her head.
I mean... this is factually true
She’s a realist, not an elitist.
>shit bait thread copypasted from /#/
of course
Based and stop copying shit from #
Bait threads are where the catalog pigs congregate.
i think some retard stay on 4chan for far too long and take it as reality.
>because the topic wasn't really related to that
Watch the stream. It was.
Could she do as well she does without the blue dorito logo? So talent probably got shit to do with it kek
ESL needs to learn what an elitist is. Ethical vegans are like the complete opposite of elitists.
it's nice to finally see a chuuba who doesn't have retarded imposter syndrome that they whine on about all the time and actually let affect their mental.
recognizing your own worth isn't elitist, it's called having self esteem. a foreign concept for terminally online autists.
>Fauna believes Hololive is an elite club and they're the "chosen ones"
I'm pretty sure most of them feel that way. You're garbage if you don't have the blue dorito. Only the untalented can't get into Hololive.
plus NOT thinking hololive is an elite club creates bitches like Kronii who treat the job as some casual side-slop they don't need to put effort into
Why is it that every time there's a thread about something Fauna said, whenever I actually watch the stream it's actually a very normal and reasonable take? Why do they always cut context? Why is the quote not even what she said?
Except Fauna’s self esteem is garbage, and both you and OP are retarded clipniggers.
Do you think hololive recruit by randomly grabbing someone's CV?
Funny that this conversation you're having is between two girls with zero talent. Or well, Kiara has zero talent or appeal or reason to watch or give even a single second of time to. Fauna can draw and has a voice I want to hear speaking into my ear while she pegs me. (85% of holomems have zero talent btw)
Hololive has absolutely managed to scout some gems. This is true.
Does that mean everyone is like that? I would not agree.
The logo is what makes them popular and immediately palatable to some people.

People are now having their misgivings with Fauna herself for not making schedules and such, like Gura. And while I do like Fauna and think she is among the better Promise talents, in terms of pure charisma and magnetism she is still mogged by Gura and the Bau Baus.
Literally what is missing?
>it's a timestamp from the actual stream
what did he mean by that
>posts thread about a clip
>replies to posts about a clip
ok retard
>frothing eggseethe
>is an obvious phasebrown
Every time
The weakest in any group tend to want to elevate that group as much as possible. They feel like they don't have anything to brag about or feel confident in, so they want to make it seem like just by being in that group they're at a higher level.
>weakest of her gen
speaks volumes
Based Fauna
they were not talking about "popularity" or if "talent" makes them popular tho
Fauna is not the weakest of her gen, tranny
OP has been obsessed with the whole Fauna is an elitist angle ever since somebody else posted that exact timestamp in /#/. He doesn’t watch streams.
Because it's faunaschizo twisting words and trying to find ANYTHING to attack Fauna with for nearly 3 years now. Like the entire friend thing that ignores all the context in hopes someone will bite and hate her. Sometimes the schizo even tries to imply it was her career ruining yab that cratered her numbers, similar to Kronii situation, when in reality everyone forgot about it a week later and Fauna only massively inclined since.
I dunno about OP but it is factual that hololive is an elite club
Like... cover themselves literally said that
If you own over 98% of the marketshare of the medium, can make as many mistakes as possible and not kill your career, and get thrown money for laughing and breathing, then you will start to believe that you are in an elite club.
well thank to these schizo, i got remind daily that 4chan is just for entertainment and got 0 value otherwise. so they're not all useless
I missed the part where she shat on other people rather than just gassed up the girls. Weird to cut out the context of what Kiara was talking about with that [...] to jump straight to that. Also weird to remove the "presumably, maybe" joking parts from that retelling.
Also why is
>"chosen ones"
In quotes? Who are you quoting?
Isn't she the bottom of her gen since Sana left?
Wasn't she a low 3view when she was a twitch indie without the blue dorito? But to be fair that's already top 1% so she isn't wrong either way.
By which metric? In merch sales it's Kronii, in CCV it's Bae. In stream quantity it's Mumei. In superchat income it's Bae. In subs, yes.
Go fuck yourself Shondo
She has lower subs because she doesn't do vertical streams and music, gaming alone isn't perfect for big subs gain, everything else (CCV, super chats, merch sales) she is near the top.
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>full of bitches that think they are hot shit and the top of the world when they are not
seethe and dilate
Olivia is doing that right now. Anyway, take your meds weirdo.
Wow what a weird coincidence that this bait thread misconstruing her intentions just so happens to have this guy show up. How bizzare. I know who you are. I think the real reason you don't want to post it is because the last time you did someone called you out on being a liar, with receipts, and corrected the timeline you've been lying with for years.
I dunno dude
>Quotation marks are used to indicate a direct quote, transcribe speech to text, signify titles of small works like poems, show that the validity of a word is doubted, discuss words as words without referencing their intended meaning, and to set apart nicknames from formal names.
maybe use your fucking brain?
even shondo fan know it's shondo's fault. who the fuck are you?
The last person I will take medication advice from is a Shontard fan.
idk, i once ask about that in shondo thread and no one blame fauna. they all know it's shondo who is wrong.
Dude this cheered me up like you wouldn't believe, I love when people schizopost and imagine me as some rival they've been battling across the internet for years
thank you anon, keep fighting the good fight.
She didn't say anything that is wrong tho?
wth do you retards think hololive even is? what are the odds of getting in hololive again? 1 in 20k? 40k?
A real passerby would call him schizo and care no further, he's got your number
I have no idea why you would keep bringing her up without prompt unless you're unmedicated.
No, go ahead, do it. Because Fauna factually was not the one in the wrong in that situation, and even shondo herself admits that. Make your post. What did she do?
Stop playing coy, you’re not fooling anyone.
Yes they are the chosen ones. Once you entered the walled garden, you are automatically given a seat at the top of vtubing pyramid. Hololive will place you Y on the very peak of vtubing meta and will give you the rights to look down on every /lig/ chuuba on your feet. Yes, chuuba who have receive the blue dorito logo is considered the chosen ones.
They are hot shit, they are the pinnacle of what vtubing success is thus they are on top of the world. Also NIJISEETH
I'm not a passerby though. I'm the enemy of justice who is fated to fall in battle to his righteous blade.
the third person is cute
I love how people ignore that she said >PRESUMABLY because even she still doesn't believe she belongs standing next to others in Holo or deserves it and has said as much recently
Your paranoid delusions have fooled you for me. Like the ESL anon said the drama with Shondo is a settled matter, for everyone except you I guess.
The entire tone and delivery of what she said was different from how OP presented it, even down to her self-deprecating multiple times, which he removed from his "direct" transcription. It's the friends shit all over again.
you don't need to seriously reply to this low effort bait post.
if she was completely serious this would be based but it's clear she was what the kids call 'trolling'
as always.
fauna pretty much always sounds like she's being sarcastic or joking. she laughs at most of the things she says because they're meant to be silly.
Can I get a QRD on this? What was her betrayal? It can't have been just joining hololive because that would be a completely unreasonable thing to be upset over.
>g-g-guys she caught herself and added plausible deniability
Shut the fuck up, she's not even wrong so why would you pretend she doesn't mean it?
Weird that an admitted shitposter would go so far to defend Shondo fans if I hadn’t hit the mark.
are you slow? everyone does it to gain humble points "huh i was so lucky" "huh i'm not good at all at <basic-activity>" "huh i'm just like you all"
>gura 30k average
Yeah nah lmao no one’s gonna believe that shit. You shot too high with the fake stats kek
Fauna literally stops streaming every time holofes happens because her imposter syndrome flares up and she can't handle it.
and that is really it. even her fan admit she's wrong and don't want to talk about it anymore. you can try to ask shon thread, though most would tell you to fuck off or kys.
Nobody's saying she's wrong, dumbass. The point is this OP's whole assertion is that she's an elitist when she's got the biggest case of impostor syndrome in her generation.
Because I actually watch Fauna and retards are using this timestamp to completely misrepresent her.
No, that’s just because she has off stream work to do you dummy
You're an idiot, because everyone streams almost immediately after holofes ends and she takes like 2 days to instead, and then never acknowledges holofes until forced to with SC readings, unlike girls who do talks about it.
Nah I'm good, I don't really care since this shit all happened in 2021 and they made up pretty quickly. Ive got no problems with shondo and everyone involved seems to have grown a lot. I just wanted to know if this guy had some extra info I missed somehow or if it was just holding a grudge for 4+ years that everyone involved has moved past.
She literally said that was the reason, though.
desu I don't think this guy is a shondo fan, I think he's just an LL anti who uses who he can to that end.
>we're all very talented
Lmao. I could see kiara since she grinds idolshit but fauna is literally "that one chick", even mumei is good at singing.
NTA, not even a Shondophrenic. But she is a loli groomer bro. No that I think that's bad. But stop pretending.
classic ESL schizo reading too much into things.
You don’t watch Fauna then. There is a reason a lot of saplings say they don’t care about idol shit and it’s cus of Fauna attitude towards it like she doesn’t belong. I hate all these retards cus they should be supporting her and saying she doing a good job instead of whining like bitches that she didn’t stream instead
No, she is talking about having an innate talent that lands them in Hololive. And the answer is, again: not always.
Anon, things like word choice, tone of voice, context, etc. are extremely important for understanding what someone's saying.
I mean, her average viewership is 20-30k with some going into mid 30s and a few in 18k ish. And because of the Bday stream, the stats show a 30k average instead of like 25k.
>takes away valuable stream time and forces Fauna to travel to Japan which she clearly hates doing for minimal content, often which is paywalled
Nah, I’ll continue not caring about idolshit thank you
I think it is easier to become a fucking astronaut than to join Hololive. So yeah, it is elite idol group. Golden ticket, but also you have to be beyond superhuman to get in
You might want to add the context that this was after multiple hours of Kiara refusing to read her skills and Fauna was getting close to the end of her rope. Sometimes in order to make someone do something, you have to try positive reinforcement.
Fauna was just doing the "you're so talented and special and unique, please read your skills" trick.
Fauna is possibly the most insecure HoloEN. Almost 3 years later and she is still looking down on herself. It's sweet, even if a bit sad. That's why she needs love and encouragement.
wrong again
they weren't fucking talking about "innate talent" or what land who in hololive
OP is probably brownfeet, a dedicated fauna anti schizo.

Not that Fauna is wrong here, but it is needed to note the intent of the OP.
saplings don't say that, thats falseniggers like this guy >>79757137
she's still doing her singing reps and is working on her condition
On a more positive note, I adore Fauna. She is lovely.
You can’t just say anybody that disagrees with you a falseflagger. Fauna was clearly fucking miserable from her first Japan trip. I’d much rather she enjoy herself doing a unique DnD birthday stream than torture herself to appease idolfags.
>being online friends in an entire circle of friends with people both significantly older and younger than you makes you a groomer because one of the people in this circle of online friends was 16 at one point when you were 20-21
The word groomer has lost all meaning. Who do we even blame for this? Twitter?
Oh, you're ESL. I won't waste any more of my time, then.
Basically Shondo was of the opinion that she raised Fauna to stardom. Then Fauna applied to holo, got in, and ghosted everyone (likely was playing it safe about holo's opsec rules even if talking to her wouldn't have directly broke them she didn't want to rock the boat). Shondo had a schizo fit on debut, eventually took her meds realized she was being schizo and they made up offscreen.

CC was almost the exact same circumstances but this time Shondo took her meds early.

I should also add some context that at the time shondo was super anti corpo, but her stance has softened.
If you're over 18 you shouldn't be interacting with children that aren't yours at all, in any capacity.
when every stats presented are readily available for everyone in multiple sites LMAO
>t. seething 2view
That's not average, it's median. Her median stream peaked at 30k. Not hard when she has only 22.
This is why Fauna is my oshi.
>Not hard
who else in that list could have a median of 30k if you nitpicked only 22 streams???
Take your meds
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Small correction, she didn't ghost everyone pre-debut she just didn't tell them she was joining holo until she actually debuted and the rest was history. The public record shows she was still chatting with her circle on twitter right up to debut, at least. CC did the same but hinted at it in some way I guess and everyone involved handled it better. I think it was just a case of it being the first time this happened and everyone being afraid of change and assuming an apocalyptic scenario.
No one, I'm just pointing out it's not hard for Gura and the stats are real. Calm down chumbud
she was, but mainly because of the covid she caught and then stalker schizo, she said that she is going to keep up with the girls on stage, stop making an ambitious girl into a mere twitch streamer
I have some speculation also that one of shondo's goals is to make not quite a corpo but a collective union of her own as a far off goal, but each time one of her prospects leave for holo it sets it further back.
not even a chumbud. You were just the last reply when I get in this thread
Lesser agencies should know their damn place
>and then stalker schizo
Holy shit I remember that arc. Bro ironically killed the one shitposting angle antis had against Fauna due to his hard doxxing.
Not compared to others, just the less streams you have, the easier it is to maintain high median/average
>less streams overall to ruin numbers
>better chance the remaining streams had "return buff" when streaming is a rarity
Which also applies to Ame and Mumei there, with the bonus of big chunk of their streams this year being karaoke (this pretty much always brings more viewers compared to regular streams)
My place? Nursing from Fauna's teat.
why are catalogfags so mentally ill
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woah my goodness what is this from
>why are /vt/fags so mentally ill
ftfy. I’m the only sane person on this board. I’m only here because I feel it’s my moral duty to bless the less able with my wisdom.
Because they get easily recognized in generals and mass reported or drowned out by other discussion, so they stick to the catalog where discussion is slower and they're less likely to be recognized since tourists are more common and regulars spend most of their time in generals.
agreed. But my point is no one in that list except for Gura could have a median of 30k even when you apply every buff possible (except for outfit reveals or 3D lives of course)
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i like to call it brown feet syndrome, he's OP and 80 of the 120 posters here at least
I said it doesn't matter. The weird part is her fans acting like her friendship never happened.
If this board never came off as some church for retards or step-on's who lick floors and bathrooms clean then I don't know what to tell you

It's crafted around people who will never and don't ever expect to get laid, hell extend that to use of this site
blue dorito dependant person says what?
>default holo-cuck reply

Sub 50 IQ, dont forget to turn the streams up loud if you hear loud noises
You forget its 2024 America where just stating observable facts is considered fascism.
Also, ESL every fucking time.
type that again without crying
Being able to make the cut to become a “blue dorito dependant” is a talent. Cover didn’t pick 5 random CVs from their pile of 50k+ applicants

Subtract -20 more for same fagging, also look below the belt line
Hate to tell you sister, but they are in the vtubing world. Remember, your 2view will put in her application next year and get poached if she's half decent and leave all of you loyal fans in the dirt.
sure, whatever helps you sleep at night
Fauna is cursed with a >120 IQ, so whenever she says something obvious, it causes eternal seethe <80 IQ brownoids.
>Subtract -20 more for same fagging, also look below the belt line
I fixed it for you, ESLchama.
>Brands are dumb becuz
This is what contrarianism does to a person. Do you think Hololive is going to hire nobody talents? Could she do as well without the dorito? No. Is getting into Hololive a talent in of itself?

The brand signifies that a person is talented. Is it 100% true? No, like all things there are outliers. But if you had the choice between hiring someone from Meta or someone from dogshit company, you'll hire the person from Meta.

INB4 someone says NOE I wouldn't cuz Meta is overrated is beside the point. Insert any reputable company if you don't like Meta.
What off brand phone do you have anon? What hipster shit clothing do you wear? What car do you own?
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This is why KFP and Saplings will never ever be friends
I significantly respect any 4view indie than those who get into Hololive and do nothing.
>when they are not
In fact they are
It's just the truth desu
Well, did you look below the belt line yet?

also YNBAW

Fandoms like these make me question why their streamer or fanbase are too Pussy to come come to fists to talk the talk, Determine it that Way

Im talking directly to the Talents too :)

You're all tremendously Beta
Any 4view indie has connections with bigger vtubers or fleshtubers. No one is "self-made"
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>schizo rumblings
>t. nijisister who hides behind his discord troons
They'll just screech "NIJISEETHE" or try and tran'logic flip it because their too weak willed and are a soft as cotton, thus repeats the cycle of shitposting endlessly about which side is better yet are willing not to back it up in any proper form

Plus, this Board is full of Cowards and hawk-tuah's, get your head out of your ass
least obvious samefag
>copypasted #spam bait thread is going to hit bump limit
What do jannies even get paid to do?
I want Fauna to be the top of my world. And by my world i mean my face and by top of uuuhhhhh I lost the metaphor or something but I want Fauna to sit on my face
>reddit spacing
RUMAO, someone got mindbroken today
>anon learns how streaming works
>auna believes Hololive is an elite club and they're the "chosen ones"
It's true
I like her
Post feet.
I like Kiara, she's a hard worker, decent singer and for the most part gets idol culture but holo is better off being a walled garden. Fauna is 100% correct
99% don't know, and the other 1% don't care. Why should it be an issue to have an online friend who is younger than you?
She told the story about the swearing aversion. It's basically childhood trauma. A classmate called got super shocked when she said fuck during PE and that scared her so much she never did it again(outside of reciting songs) There's a clip of her talking about it with Kiara somewhere.
I mean her not swearing or being vulgar isn't just a hololive thing, she unironically just lives like that. She was seiso before hololive too.
I could totally believe Fauna is secretly a massive coomer, though.
>a classmate gets offended at her swearing one time
>is so traumatized she never swears again
>a classmate comments on her arm hair one time
>is so traumatized she gains a fixation on being hairless to the point she develops a bald fetish
Do women really work like this?
>Do women really work off of shame?
Yes, anon, yes. Why do you think there are so many campaigns against shaming?
based eugenicist
It's fucked up that women are so cute when I'm never going to get to be with one.
I can't believe she's ableist. Time to cancel ehr
>290 CAD
oh so its like 5 bucks then? lol
True, they can't topple the average male flesh streamer. They are nothing in the grand scheme of things. A fish in a pond
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Are you really so retarded to think Gura would be LESS popular if she streamed more. If anything her inconsistency is the only thing keeping her from Pekora numbers.
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>be doctor
>a kid shows up with whats obviously a broken leg
>you can't do anything with them because this anon decided that adults cant talk to children at all because it hurts his feelings
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>fists to talk
>offers you a handshake
>pull out my pocket knife with my other hand
>stabs you by the neck
>repeatedly stabs you as you try to feel your neck if it's bleeding
what anon gonna do? gonna piss and cry for being unfair?
this reeks of brown incel cope posting, its like l*dditor cringe
Sounds to me like the opposite should be the policy. It could be a fast-track to self improvement.
Unfortunately, the cycle usually goes like this:
>girl is shamed
>tries to fix the problem, probably incorrectly
>"This is impossible!"
>Insists that she was actually perfect all along
>Demands that nobody be permitted to shame anybody ever again
And that brings us to today, the downfall of society.
>offtopic page 10 bump
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incredibly based, Hololive only picks the cream of the crop anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool
explains why the phasewhores and enna didn't get in KEK
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Sounds like Fauna needs correction.
lmao I'm saving this for future grudgeposts sister
The only weird part is that Kiara was talking about other players in Pokemon Unite and Fauna made it to be about Hololive out of nowhere.
What an embarrassing life you live
Seething sisters like you Make. My. Day.
They will never collab again, kek.
There's hundreds of astronauts, SEALS and brain surgeons. There's only so many Holos so yes it is indeed harder.
I also think Hololive vtubers are more important in the long run than each of those put together, because Hololive is something the average person in the world can watch right on their phones. Those other fields are too specialized and niche and possibly a waste of money.
AOE2 and Easter collabs were after that you stupid faggot.
It's a shame the Nijisanji hugbox is also here. They don't deserve to share this board with real vtubing fans.
>There's hundreds of astronauts, SEALS and brain surgeons. There's only so many Holos so yes it is indeed harder.
That's incredibly not how that works.
its only rational
if you can eliminate genetic disease why wouldn't you
why wouldn't you make sure people can truly live their best life and not be held back by factors beyond their control at birth
Kiara literally went out of her way to get Fauna into the Minecraft Hardcore server. There is nothing happening between them.
She's correct of course.
Which is why fans get mad when some low quality hires are added to the roster, as they bring the quality of the whole company down. (I will not name names, they've been repeated many Times in a Chaos of bait threads, I'll just go eat some tacos with hERBs and spicy texas Reapers)
Myth was a fluke none of them are talented
Read the thread you stupid mongoloid
you idiots are ruining nijiseethe, at least save it for when its real. it has no impact anymore
Yeah I bet Luxiem was full of talent thoughever, right Nijisis?
You're the stupid mongoloid. You literally said
>They won't collab after that
This fucking video, this conversation, was from a YEAR AGO and they've fucking talked and collabed with each other after that.
If not talent then why gura still number 1 and not dethroned?
>Dethroned by Cookie
Cookie doesn't stream
neither does Gura
Couldn't agree more, they keep trying to smear every gen Hololive puts out, but it always fails.
>t. someone who never had a girl spit on his thang
Fauna truly hates saplings. She only sees you as an ATM machine
>ATM machine
Retarded ESLchama... what do you think ATM stand for?
>Fauna: Is it sad? Do you feel like Hololive is kind of like that? We're all very talented
>very talented
Wrong one, that's Lui.
People say that all the time esl
lmao bitch
They are both right.
It is sad to pick friends based on their ability, thats not a friend, thats a professional connection.
Hiring a person based on their skill though is normal and thats what Hololive did.
Nijisanji used to be the larger corporation. They had the first choice among tens of thousands of applicants.
Really? You have 3 cases of girls who have left from Holo who are doing absolutely nowhere near as well as when they were in holo. You could a monkey with tits with a blue dorito logo and they would just as well.
They're both wrong.
The world is a morally unjust place and friends should be chosen so that they can reciprocate whatever aid they are being given.
Intuition isn't infallible; There's too many variables to consider the hiring process as a rite of passage.
There is a big difference between running your own platform by your lonesome, and having an established platform with people working behind the scenes for your benefit. Equating the two shows how clueless you are anon. You could hire a monkey with tits and it would make a better point than you, while also checking the spelling before hitting post.
there are few who can handle fauna’s redpills.
I don’t know why this surprised anyone. She was a complete cunt to fallenshadow when she got into holo.

That’s why I can’t stand her. She’s fake. She puts on some goody-goody seiso persona while stabbing everyone in the back.
Why are you projecting Phasecuck that's Pippa to a T
>She was a complete cunt to fallenshadow when she got into holo
interesting, what happened?
Nothing, Fauna got into Holo and this was the first time anything like it happened. Shondo forgot her meds, schizod out but then took her meds and realized things weren't as bad as they seemed.
>when they are not
But they are, in the vtubing world at least.
blonde tanned jk gyaru Fauna outfit with summer toggles when?
>You forget its 2024 America where just stating observable facts is considered fascism.
>CEO of fascism was a vegan animal lover
>Fauna is a vegan animal lover
thats a nice rrat you've got there
Already discussed earlier in the thread. Schizo theories already timelooping in the same thread, for shame.
I wouldn't hire from meta because those people are immoral fuckwits who work for an evil corpo.
They are the CHOSEN ONE, Nijiseethe
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They can't change model's hair color.
Why not? It's not like blonde in gyarus is the natural colour in the first place. Fine, make it a sunburned green.

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