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The Android Release is Real Edition
>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
OP Template: https://rentry.org/brg-op
>◆Clotho v Melodiam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClothovMelodiam
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@ClothovMelodiam | https://www.twitch.tv/clothovmelodiam (embed)
>◆Lulu Lasso
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuLu_Lasso
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@LuluLasso | https://www.twitch.tv/lululasso (embed)
>◆Piko Halo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PikoHalo
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@PikoNEXAS | https://www.twitch.tv/pikohalo (embed) | https://www.tiktok.com/@pikohalo
>◆Aurix “Rixxy” Brightful
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rixxybrightful
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@rixxybrightful | https://www.twitch.tv/rixxybrightful (embed)
>◆Sweet E. Hiroshi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SweetEHiroshi
Channels: https://www.twitch.tv/sweetehiroshi (embed)
>◆Kyohei Tekma
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KyoheiTekma
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@KyoheiTekma | https://www.twitch.tv/kyoheitekma (embed)
>◆Esila Shephield
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EsilaShephield
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@EsilaShephield | https://www.tiktok.com/@esilashephield
>◆Poette Evergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvergreenPoette
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@Poette | https://www.twitch.tv/evergreenpoette (embed)
>◆Pyon Phelix
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PyonPhelix
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@PyonPhelix | https://www.twitch.tv/pyonphelix (embed) | https://www.tiktok.com/@pyonphelix
>◆Faelie Fallwood
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FaelieFallwood
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@FaelieFallwood | https://www.twitch.tv/faeliefallwood (embed)
>◆Nox Orphee
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nox_Orphee
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@Nox_Orphee | https://www.twitch.tv/noxorphee (embed)
>◆Kenzo Kozima
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KenzoKozima
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@KenzoKozimaNexas | https://www.twitch.tv/kenzokozima (embed)
>◆Odette Mori
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Odette_Mori
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@OdetteMori
>◆Enaria Liliales
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnariaLiliales
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@EnariaVT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXASReverie
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@ReverieNEXAS | https://www.twitch.tv/reveriestreamz (embed)
>◆Leobel Purson
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeobelPurson
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@LeobelPurson | https://www.twitch.tv/leobelpurson (embed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NyantsumeVT
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@NyantsumeVT | https://www.twitch.tv/nyantsumevt (embed)
>◆Alvyn Asher
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlvynAsher
>◆Noah Marcellios
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NoahNEXAS
>◆Melody Cordelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelooMuse
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@MelooMuse
>◆Soma Fujimori
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SomaBean
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@SomaBean | https://www.twitch.tv/cozysoma (embed)
>◆Lumiora Lumen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LumioraLumen
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@LumioraLumen | https://www.twitch.tv/lumioralumen (embed)
>◆Kiko Hayashi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KikoHayashi
>◆Nano Gurē
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NanoGure
Channels: https://www.twitch.tv/nanogure (embed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NellNEXAS
Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@Nell-oo7pn | https://www.twitch.tv/nellthecrow (embed)
>◆Bakurah Noir
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BakurahNoir
Channels: https://www.twitch.tv/bakurahnoir (embed)
>◆Endra Jiéshù
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NexasEndra
Channels: https://www.twitch.tv/endra_nexas (embed)
>◆NEXAS Volunteer Restreamers
burgerposting: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting (embed) | https://www.youtube.com/@burgerposting
Tetheraa: https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa (embed)
Beebs: https://www.twitch.tv/beeb_sack (embed) | https://www.youtube.com/@beebs4cc
TProducts: https://www.twitch.tv/tproducts (embed)
MystiKnight: https://www.twitch.tv/mystiknight (embed) | https://www.twitch.tv/meesteeknight (embed)
Tako Tamayaki: https://www.twitch.tv/tako_tamayaki (embed)
>◆The Teamup
>◆Who is on the telly?
Previous Thread: >>79631413
the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anotherball.anilive
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SCHEDULE ANCHOR [all times in PT (UTC-7)]
Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule or rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
>Check out the link
Isn't it a bit too late for this though? I haven't really been keeping up much with Nexas but aren't the tributes supposed to be on YT/Twitch now?
Why didn’t they make a bigger deal about the android release so people knew it was happening, are they retarded?
>are they retarded
Y-you're just realizing this now?
Wave 2 will be locked in AniLive hell too, mark my words
only like half of them have actually done enough hours on anilive to get out of exclusion probation and it breaks down another barrier of use
>This app is not available for your device
*cries in the corner*
thankfully Esila will dual stream as long as she's allowed to
Only AniLiveGODS deserve them.
retardchama! you forgot the subject line.
Android emulators exist anon. Just run Bluestacks or something on your PC.
(This was legit the only reason why i was annoyed at the apple release, you can't emulate an iPhone easily even if you want to)
My brother in Christ, check the previous thread. None of the emulators work with this trashfire of an app. It errors out. Most likely intended result.
>Most likely intended result.
yep, with both waydroid and android studio
I'm not gonna install winblows even in a VM to emulate an android app when Wife will keep streaming on youtube anyway. The app would have been nice to be able to boost her during a cup, but that's about it. StreamElements is still a thing for proper support, you know.
Even I am not able to follow every tribute closely so sorry if there are a couple people who are off by one category but my understanding is that this is the current "score".
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we're all a bit retarded here my man
Hmm....has anyone tried using the emulation on Android Studio instead? I have a feeling it's probably related to Google play services but this is from me skimming the previous thread
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3rd live stream for the day!
Not even android studio? I guess it's deliberate in that case then. It's such a stupid move though they need all the viewers they can get
Update since I didn't see it get posted last thread. Sweet E is taking a break for the rest of the week.
Hope he is doing okay.
This guy still exists?
I'm not an android dev so I might be missing something. If you can make it work, do let us know, also how.
I'm in the same boat. Even if I could get it working on Android, I would only use it to drop some coins if someone I really liked was really pushing to win a cup. Otherwise I will stick to restreams, especially since more and more tributes can restream themselves now.
He has been streaming pretty regularly up until this and slowly getting stuff for a Twitch debut. I don't think he gets much attention though.
Don't they get a bigger cut on Anilive?
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>Baku mentions dressing a a woman to assassinate
>chat starts the "femboi" chants
>he refuses to elaborate
>monkey in chat dumps all his coins
>you are here
I honestly can't even blame male vtubers for homobaiting, it pays handsomely
Google play services are needed to keep track of your account iirc and your coins, so devices that run android but don't have that aren't gonna work I imagine. Plus the app kicks you out if it's outdated, so it'll be a PITA keeping up with fresh apks
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You can be a femboy without homobaiting. Kira from Stars mostly pandered to straight male coomers
Is it possible to look at the source code if I open the .apk file on android studios? Is there anything that the app files can ommit? I wanted to take a peek under the hood since I don't have any apple products
Kira made me gay though
I honestly can't tell if he retold a fanfic, a part true part fiction life anecdote or what. Sasuga chuuni king, we're back
people already opened the iOS app file, you should be able to learn stuff with just the apk
Auditions are open, apparently.
Femboys themselves are gay, but liking femboys is straight. The whole appeal of femboys is that they look like girls. If they were hairy and muscular, it would be gay
>she must consider herself female
>she mustn't have any Y chromosomes
liking that is straight, anything else isn't.
I won’t cope anon, I would fuck the shit out of Kira and if that makes me gay, so be it.
you know what I noticed, both Poette and Alvyn had these showcases https://x.com/AniLive_app/status/1804304362531098753
and both stopped streaming right after
this is an unexpected combo
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harry really needs his 100 "V-Livers"
Just came from the catalog cause I saw this godforsaken software is finally on android. You guys tried running it? Does it kill the battery too?
I’m pretty sure the app itself works on android, but it seems to get an error if you attempt emulating it.
it just came out we haven't had time to check how it fares on android. On iOS it seems to use little battery (to watch, apparently streaming uses most of the battery in about 2 hours) and you can keep listening with the app minimized
What does "academy" mean, will I get a model or no
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Day without wife…

Day without life…
Ah yeah I backread the threads. Kinda sucks cause I had originally planned to emulate.

Alright, I'll check back later.
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couldn't be me
Esila is answering questions about that right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJhuwkPHZrY
Faelie: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
What happened to Poette?
Are (You) applying?
>>she must consider herself female
No anon, some gender fluid snowflake is still a woman biologically no matter what she thinks about herself.
Thanks for the tip, Esila. I'll make sure to keep that info to myself during my interview.
it might be a bio woman but if you find _it_ attractive you aren't straight, simple as.
>are you white?
I wanted to retort that she's Fr*nch, but that does not carry the same implication as it used to...
Holy shit a piko schedule
We had kiko's last chance saloon and now its Piko's turn
riggsy: https://www.twitch.tv/rixxybrightful
Off sick for maybe a week, then had one return stream (where she still sounded kinda sick) where she was a little upsetti about not being paid and some other anilive HATEposting (finding out later from soma the process to get paid) and she hasn't been back since.
>They have not been washed yet
>chasing the footfag audience
added, thank you
also had to correct myself a few times because I kept writing Kiko instead of Piko
>Can't fuck the menhera out of woman
Return when you become a man, boy
by that "standard" men don't exist.
>Verification not required.
This is true but also as you grow older you realize it actually doesn't matter what women think about anything. If she respects you at all she will begin to adopt your beliefs and discard any silly ideas she has about gender and the like.
>Men don't exist because I'm too much of a faggot
If you ever marry, I suggest to buy that IKEA cuck chair to not miss out the BBC
>involving the government in your personal life
retard or even worse, a w*man
has anyone tried running the android app on a real device? does it let you in or error out?
Yeah, I'm watching Faelie right now. Battery drain is not that bad at all, haven't even crashed for me yet.
Yeah, there's a bunch of android users in Esila's stream today. It's just the emulators that can't run it properly. It might be an intentional choice to block emulation to make it harder for people to make a ton of fake accounts to spend the free coins they're giving out on, but that's entirely speculation on my part.
It errors out if I connect with my workplace wifi. Otherwise it works fine
kenzo: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
someone in Esila's chat said that their work wifi blocked the traffic but it worked off of mobile data
Anyone have a picture of the folder file structure? I worked a couple years as a mobile dev and want to see how clean their code is
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idk how to unpack an android apk, but someone did it for the apple version a while ago.
The vtuber to footfag pipeline is real
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frengineeers funded rixxy's funny music instrument
current android build, no idea how the encoding got fucked
windows is still a fucking mess
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clotho yappin: https://www.twitch.tv/clothovmelodiam
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rev reads: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
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what in the chinese spyware
Green wife is back!
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She still loves us…
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Kiki… come back to us…
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Anyone restreaming Endra?
Don't you guys have phones?
AniLIve does not have VODs.
>rev wont be streaming from 15th to 19th, will be streaming on anilive on the weekends to make up for quota hours
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>I don’t want a GFE audience
>but also, I won’t collab with men outside of Nexas (most of whom are nonthreatening gay femboys)
What did she mean by this?
for Nexans that decide to stream on youtube
they should know a thing:
Youtube for some reason has bugged CCV meaning it always shows less viewers than you actually have, this has been proven over and over again by chuubas getting liek double the votes in polls than they had active viewers
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anyone on the android version want to take a screenshot for me?
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I thought NEXAS talents weren't dramaniggers
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only got the most expensive earlier
how new?
lulu literally collab'd with her
I'm no fan of dramafaggots, but how new are you?
poette: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
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deet: https://twitch.tv/elle_liketheletter
Kiko https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa

should be the usual difference due to the Apple Cut ™
>For apps and in-app purchases of digital goods and services, Apple takes a 30% commission. 145
>For developers making less than $1 million per year in App Store sales, Apple offers a reduced commission of 15% through the App Store Small Business Program.
these are USD right?
there is no difference except that the last tier changed from 33300 to only 20000 coins
see >>79758459
>Shiori Novella Novelite Knight
is a massive dramanigger while pretending otherwise. he also pretends to be a Sayu fan but hops on every drama video like there's no tomorrow, never considering the chuuba in the equation.
kyohei and nyan live
everyone watching on their phone now I guess?
lumi on https://www.twitch.tv/lumioralumen
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
pre-game zatsu (i hope)
19 is too young for marriage. For a hag like Esila, meanwhile, it’s long overdue
numberfag update
4 on endra
16 on poette
9 on odette
6 on kiko
3 on kyohei
3 on nyantsume
Individual tribute #s I do not care about, but 41 users on the entire ecosystem during very close to peak hours is hilariously grim.
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Why don't the nexas mane-sans in this thread go see what the websites that are even worse than this one are saying about their talents?
that's in app ccv only, but yea there's not many viewers which is a plus for better chat experience imo
>only one catching on is sheep
Ignoring how Lulu has double her CCV and subcount, then sure
>Nexas advertised to us an hourly pay for vtubing
>That never happened
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Does AniLive even pay through watch hours?
>I can't defend Harry anymore
>Nexas and Anilive were supposed to be separated entities
>But Anilive is the parent company of Nexas
Everyone had an inkling about this.
That one anon's gigarat about talents' focus being to push the app rather than actually be successful chuubas starting to gain a lot of momentum
Poette actually believed the rrats?

oi guys, Kiko Hayashi of NEXAS is live
Poette? Is she unironically having a menhera moment because she didn’t turn in her payment info on time?

She already made it out of Anilive jail. She’s on Youtube now. Why doesn’t she just work on that like Lulu and Esila instead of bitching about an app she has no reason to use anymore?
Kiko Hayashi of NEXAS dodged the height question
Maybe from the way management sees it, tributes get coins during the hours they vtube on Anilive which determines their pay. So to management thats an hourly pay.
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Oh,is this the real Nox watching Pippa. It seems like it, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDvNQYnjkTmK3o0M9dT82g
>an app she has no reason to use anymore
but if the parent company thing is real they'll have incentives to
She already said they are going to pay her peanuts
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The only ones she recognized from the playing cards were Lulu and Esila
She also recognized Poette
Poette news: TAKE YOUR MEDS
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I love you so much Poette
Why does Poette's zatsu stream feels more like a dark descent than Lumi's amnesia stream.
Because Lumi actually streams
Poette is streaming
Watching Esila's vod and the sadness I felt hearing her say "I've applied to other places before, but obviously I didn't get in." Sheep... You're doing good, sheepo.
because one is lighthearted and easy to watch and the other remind us of how grim life is while trying to do the opposite
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I love Poette
I appreciate Lumi so much.
I'm a bit skeptical of the peanuts because Clotho was saying he was able to spend a lot of his nexas money for flstudio and singing lessons



Considering flstudio is $199 and looking up singing lessons for maplefags it costs
50 to 150 an hour, I doubt they're being paid peanuts considering Poette streamed for much longer than Clotho, right?
Maybe she expected a living wage? Her expectations may have been skewed given she didn't seem to know much about vtubing when starting. That's still on her though for not looking into it. Everyone else seems fine with the payout or haven't spoken about it.
Yeah USD

not clotho, but i think he got a couple hundreds of dollars
why this nigga lyin'
soma said that he got around $500 for an event in reality before, but he only received around $60-$80 from it. He seems fine with the anilive payout.
Imagine being in a tiny ass corpo like nexas and expecting a living wage fucking kek
If even Soma is fine with his payout, that means it's not as horrible as Poette is saying it is, right? Kinda fits that she wants to be the first vtuber to talk in the UN cause it's just a circlejerk full of idiots
weird i could have swore she straight up said her height when you asked
what was is it, can we add it to the chart?
why are her hands so gross looking? I thought vtubers had cute manicures, not these gross yellowed witch claws.
now im second guessing myself but I swore she said something like “5 foot 4” and then something along the lines of being tiny
>won’t tell you her height
>but she’ll give you her old roblox account and her relationship status
Soma is live on AL. Any restreamers?
both tatan and mysti are sitting in anilive chat
sike she did say it
Maybe it doesn't count people with adblockers but they can still vote.
Clotho... use LMMS. You just wasted 200 bucks on nothing...
I want simp money and attention but I don't want to deal with their mental illness and unreciprocated love for me.
Listeners in alt-tab, probably users of YouTube revanced and stuff like that included.
>unreciprocated love
She told me she loves me onstream, tho
Those nails look vile and disgusting, clean them you bitch.
It was just a guess, anon, it's cool if she is cool, it's just a tactic, so girls can say later "I told you I'm not gfe" if shit hits the fan.
or just pirate it like everyone else
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Well, I did say I would... Strange they're holding auditions again before wave 2 has even been announced though.
What's the pink owl on the right?
I mean, it's not that strange. I'd imagine it's a long process from recruitment to debut, so, they kinda need to be "processing" more than one gen at a time
the pink owl is some other sensei it seems, maybe some new staff?
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It’s Lulu’s birthday tomorrow, bros! Let’s write her a happy birthday message, one word at a time! I’ll start:

I haven't kept up in a while glad the android version is out, have any of the tributes dropped out?
2 are MIA
Damn, I know about Alvyn but who else?
Noah's been gone for a while. Apparently he has a new PL Twitch where he streams to nobody too.
noah's fucked off
we saw him streaming on an unrelated twitch alt once before though, that was kinda funny
Damn, having a wolf girlfriend will do that to ya
Anyone restreaming Soma?
>soma went to school for art and to be a graphic designer
new rrat, soma was yaoianon all along
grumpy cat on the telly: https://www.twitch.tv/mystiknight

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