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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
/vrt/ LOVE!
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ongoing streams

Ami is playing Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand

Ririka is playing Gundam 0079 The war for Earth

Margo is playing Juggernaut

Khubie is playing half-life
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Boktai's a weird one with the light sensor shenanigans
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It's the game that Joru wasn't able to play because the Netherlands are forever shrouded in shadows.
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It turns out that probably wasn’t the reason, she was playing on the SP and there was an issue with the Light sensor on the model she had.
Ami looking light headed
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what no perms does to a tigga
There is still time right, it was scheduled for tomorrow.
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meche is really popular in vrt huh
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Yuno’s schedule and the collection of Yuno chibis are out
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windwaker isn't retro is it
Hello /fig/ friend.
I’m sorry but it is.
Super Meche is Super cool.
That's not windwaker though
Nice of you to think of us and to ask but that isn’t Windwaker.
oh wtf is that why? I had the same issue when I was a kid and never figured out why, my friend lent me the game multiple times and I never got it to work on my SP
brainfart my bad i'll delete it aaaaaaaaaa
Too late, the boys are on the way
It’s whatever.
For the sakr of neutrality and something local to point to, the thread uses the /vr/ retro sticky rules as a guideline. This results in oddities where no DS game is retro but a game from December 2007 is retro if it released on PC too.
I don’t complain when older DS games get posted but you had asked about it so wanted to explain.
>manual reading
This is the real ASMR Ami.
Apparently. It came up again on Jowu’s stream recently in the last week or two but I don’t remember which one.
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>/vr/ retro sticky
oh thanks
i just heard 2007 as a rough number a couple of times, i'll make sure to check /vr/
2007 is the current rough number but the specifics are dumber than that.
Will Jowu go back to her revenge of Boktai or did she already?
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Lzysusan the German Bear Chuuba is playing Earthbound
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Beat me to it
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Thief Gold, on third mission
what the hell are those tags
I remember her playing some old resident evil a few months back. Luv me some Thief.
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Chibi cute
nice yuners
and rioners
The art in Boktai’s manual is so stylish
Which of your favorite? For me it’s abducted cow Riona.
i like the smt machete biker one, can't remember the name
she looks so tired and reluctant to do mischief and banditry
imagine how fat the lizards would get if yuma didn’t spill most of it
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Luv me some Thief, but Twitch is cucking me these days blocking all chats unless I give them my phone number.
Anyone else ever run into this shit?
Isn’t that an option the streamer can turn on? It might be to avoid bot spam.
Yes it's an option for streamers, but apparently Twitch can also force it on users blocking them from all chats until they verify the account.
Boktai manual reading finished
hell yeah nigguh
It was a good one (don’t call the number)
>it’s just a picture of a pipe dumbass
That’s a good one!
just (You) me what you want to say and i'll be your proxy
just get a burner number
Early GBA games are so washed out because of the no backlight issue.
I typically use a shader because of that.
Thanks but that doesn't sound very viable for real time chatting.

I'm more inclined to nuke my account and make a new one if needed.
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Sleepy Meche going to bed early (before 5am)
i'm glad you really like the gold soundpost anon i really hope she does more yt covers soon
At her age Meche should try getting a normal sleep schedule.
I know you have more so hand them over and nobody gets hurt
i'm waging with the thread on update but suit yourself
Ewwwww maybe. Which do you use? I wanted to replay the 2nd gba castlevania but it just l looks like glowing puke due to the overcorrection from the 1st one.
Where's Yuma? i need her.
She makes my days better.
do you like your pixels raw, medium or well-done?
GBA Color on mgba
Which is funny because the first one looks great when not played on a GBA.
I want my pixels to moo when I fork them!
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Sleepy is playing Twilight Princess in 5 minutes
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i was serious about waiting until i can make art for the patlabor one sorry anon
>ami is shooting spiders
Et tu, cute?
It’s still Tuesday in sleepy fairy time.
oh my cute
The sleeper is awake!
>C- score
The C is for Ami Cute.
Ami killed the vampire
Jowu… don’t look
Drunken Lifeline celebration stream was rescheduled to this Friday. I hope it happens and goes well.
Ami it isn’t Ys! Don’t bump into them!
Our cute
Well do you have any others?
you have the prefab sprout one right?
Do you think she will play an Ace Combat game on Thursday like that redeemer requested?
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she'll play some sort of AC game surely, hehe.
do you think she'd be into plane autism?
I don’t think she would be but once she starts playing some plane games she might pick it up.
One bad bunch spoils the apple and other Ami-isms
I bet Ami will bust out a red scarf when she plays this again.
made a kuusou rumba one at some point but i wasn't satisfied with how crunchy the drums came out, i think it was because i took the clip at 480p
>Ami has a mark on her skin and googled it
I can't believe she is gonna die.
Statistically, 100% of people are going to die.
Let that sink in.
>C- again
I never knew mummies had excellent hearing.
>Ami disappointed she didn't make the engine from scratch for her gamejam game
This perfectionist spider...
Sunny D and Sunchips don't sound like a tasty combo
Tourist, I like strategy games and rpg arpg (Civ, Fallout 1, Diablo 2, C&C Red Alert), could you recommend any Vtuber that play similar games? Thx
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why are you asking tourists?
in any case, busujima bibi has been doing fallout 1 runs but i'm not sure how much longer she'll be doing them
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>Yumanea_ has played through fallout 1 and 2 and started Fallout tactics.She is also playing through classic Daggerfall (non-unity) and VTMB each week currently.
>Iomi played through C&C Red Alert recently and is currently playing Warcraft III each week.
>OnoLumi plays a wide variety of Strategy, RPG and ARPG including most of those you listed. She is finishing up X-com Terror from the Deep in a couple streams at most.
>HesperaVT has been playing VTMB recently but tends to stick more to JRPGs. It isn't her 1st VTMB playthrough so she knows more about it than most that stream it.
>Goofieha0nko played Fallout 1 & 2 and is currently playing through Baldur's gate 2
>Medea Floyen plays retro ARPG like Gothic and Settlers but also boomer shooters

As for classic Fallout games, there are a large number of vtubers playing through it recently because of the new show.
>Angelina Kumalo finished Fallout 1 and started Fallout 2 last week
>Busujima Bibi is playing through Fallout 1
>FenariMori is playing Modded Fallout 2 each week
>Vesper_AWOL has been playing Fallout 1
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>Angelina Kumalo finished Fallout 1 and started Fallout 2 last week
In fact she is starting another Fallout 2 stream right now, doing some pre-game Zatsu
Ami was very bright during today’s game.
Ami is HOT
Everybody knows she’s Shmoking.
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Murmaider is playing Half-Life 1
Ami gone…
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>Hespera schedule this week is using that art
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Pumpkin Synth is playing Doom.
Margo gone... and raided into Lzysusan playing Earthbound still.
how's earthbound?
Good. She's lost as hell in Moonside but near the end of it.
how was juggernaut?
Switched to Fallen Aces? Damn.
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Tiddo Kiddo playing Mobile Suit Gundam (1993)
i feel like she sounds more childish every passing day
oh neat this looks like the blue destiny game
kiddo power increasing but how about the tiddo? inverse?
Until she needs to voice an adult character.
Still can't believe it took her nearly 7 hours to finish that last game
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Zenya playing Penguions! a puzzle game and some other penguin games.
this is the 1996 one (why did they name 3 games the same thing)
Thank you for the correction and clarification.
only knew for sure cause she had ver.2 in the title
she needs to stop hiding them
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Nettomorph is continuing her Megaman Marathon is Megaman X4
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Maple Alcesia is playing Gears of War (2007 PC)
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oh fug :DDD ids garin and redromandiq :DDDD
Freya gone… what a sleepy bear.
Molcar911.png returns
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That you for that Hespera.
This korabo...
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Ume Aino is playing Metroid Prime 1.
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Maime Meow is playing Silent Hill 3
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Hank Hill is playing Link's Awakening DX
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Kiki is streaming
Riona’s gone so now it is just the two Fujos being silly together.
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she left a gift first
>Karin tempted to pay someone to call her young woman in the SMTV ongami voice
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>Hespera IRL
>Karin's dream was to be the redrawer for male body parts in BL scanalations
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Mitora is joining in the Super Mario Bros gauntlet
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>This enrages the retro fujo
Wtf is this gay shit
the way they talk about it worse than 9/11
this whole stream is worse than 9/11, women were a mistake
You hate baroque that much?
tbf i have no idea what's going on in the game so it might as well be subway surfers
all the rooms look the same, enemies repeat, can't tell if there's progress and why are items called "idiot", "flesh", "retard"
>tbf i have no idea what's going on in the game so it might as well be subway surfers
Retro sovl
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Ronenn Haustoria is playing Tales of Phantasia
they are a dangerous combination
Earlier they had Freya and Riona that kept them contained but now they build off each other endlessly.
wonder who the most awkward duo would be
Hespera and Freya?
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Mumkeydee is starting
I'm curious how these small indies go about seeking streaming perms for games, especially games from defunct companies or mired in legal spaghetti
No need
Zenya raided into Karin and Hespera's korabo
/vrt/ unity
i wonder what the pengoons will think of the fujo chats
I miss cow tits.
>Hespera and Karin are trying to Baroquepill Zenya
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Fawna is finishing Ocarina of Time
Which cow tits?
the pink one playing Conker's Bad Fur Day yesterday. Ushimei Momoka.
Something about her cow tits are very appealing.
Super Meche has uploaded another self-made clip compilation to her youtube channel, from her Return of Double Dragon stream.

Cute! I wonder what made Meche pick these in particular.
That clip someone else made of her that she retweeted was really good too.
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Slump playing Crash Bandicoot
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Too powerful together.
Her cowtits are nice. And her voice is so nice that if she told me to kill myself I'd be pretty happy.
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Freya's back!
>Freya just woke up morning voice
That's rare.
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Stream today!
And tomorrow!
And the next day!
And the next day!
but why did she only sleep 4 hours...
She still sounds so eepy
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I missed her so much...
You know what this means though right? She's still in pain and hasn't been able to get her tooth tended to yet.
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And she won't get a cool eyepatch this time.
Fat pussy spotted. But Techibi isn't playing retro...
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>Keep saying she is going to nuke the VOD
>This is the one where she gets the ending
Fat horse pussy stream…
>Freya bringing up Gothic even while eepy
Autism bear
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Traveler Aria is playing TTYD
Freya still sick too
Garin gone... its like 8AM for her now.
Hell of a stream
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Goodnight /vrt/
Please wake me up if Clauvio streams
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Urato Chieru is playing Dawn of Mana
>Freya wanting to ensure the vod gets nuked because she joined before she knew it was on stream and announced she just woke up to go to the toilet
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Fantasy Jowu today for .hack
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Still world 3 after this time
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Nina said during hear stream yesterday that she is thinking of challenging Riona in something. Maybe some kind of randomizer race?
I wish she'd play games that weren't so long like she did before.
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still can't get over how great her setlist was, absolutely based
They’ve both done mm rando races before and Riona mentioned talking to her about mm rando during her stream on Monday.
Yuma uuuu
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Ecto playing Thief
thiefbros eating good today
Yuno uuuu
>"EN" vtuber
>jap songs only
Nowhere does it say she's an "EN" vtuber
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Yeah, I also wonder why this next level weeb has so much Japan related content on her channel
It's implied.
>jap songs only
based, that's what I watch vtubers for
Even better than her last one.
In your reps.
>no argument
I accept your concession
Pity her anni zatsu ended up somewhat more boring than the birthday one
Her normal game streams are her best zatsus anyway
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Jowu in an hour
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png cutie playing dq8

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