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Convention rat edition
Last Thread: >>79500508

Previously on /fvr/:
> Nyana judged fanart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCDdqv_nwd4
> NiiCola, Sorin, Saltea, and Temp powerwashed some stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwgSYZxkwjo
> Sawa played Turok 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNvI1l4z0qw
> Brolime streamed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C47ohkXfHvw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kHkJSLtB-A
> Raimi Ricotta has a meet and greet at Anime Expo >>79607185 https://x.com/Raimi_Ricotta/status/1807489530435699165
> There's a new FlaVR? Amanda Splatts. >>79613909 >>79617344
> NiiCola did handcam and 3D printing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu9DiSqvnw8
> Temp drew stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXsJaD4cL2g
> Raimi learned Japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmBA0eNkiUA

>What's this about?
Phase Connect's Pipkin Pippa (and eventually Panko) designed a parody VTuber company with AI-generated art. Some of her fans played along and it outgrew the joke to become an actual indie circle (with Pippa's blessing), using a corpo-style gen structure and AI art as a kickoff point. Some of the talents have reached consistent 3views and a couple of 4views, it is only time for complete FlaVR domination. Some designs were made /here/ by AI wrangling anons.

▼FlaVR Fresh:
▶Minna Vanilla: https://youtube.com/@BakedFreshFlaVR | x.com/BakedFreshFlaVR
>Baker, sassy, mother of two. Has that real motherlike energy (obviously).
▶Sena Bonbon: https://twitch.tv/sena_bonbon | x.com/Bonbon_Sena | https://youtube.com/@senabonbon
>Hardworking DIYer, likes conspiracies. Made her own L2D. No longer streams on youtube after she got exiled on false (unironic) terrorism charges, but her old youtube VODs remain.
▶Dr. Lollime [Kinolime]: https://youtube.com/@drlollime | x.com/DrLollime
>German FNAF loremaster with a cute accent, decent gameplay and can do attitude.
▶Dr. Citrea Lolime [Brolime]: https://youtube.com/@doctorlolime | https://youtube.com/@doctorlolimeVODs | x.com/DrLolime
>Endurance streamer, actual medical worker, occasional 'tism bouts.
▶Rika Paprika: https://youtube.com/@RikaPaprikaFlaVRES | x.com/RikaFlaVR
>Chilean babi, autistic kino, likes “free helicopter rides”.
▶Juwun Sugarbloom: https://youtube.com/@JuwunFlaVR | x.com/JuwunFlaVR
>Actual femboy nurse IRL, incredible voice range (UwU to Macho Man), decent gamer.
▶Donna Darkstar: https://youtube.com/@Donna_Darkstar | x.com/Donna_Darkstar
>Likes FPS games. Openly streams with a voice changer.

▶Nyana Banyana: https://youtube.com/@NyanaBanyana | https://twitch.tv/nyanabanyanavt | x.com/Nyanabanyana
>Puertorican catgirl, la creatividad, cracked at some games, terrible at others (racing). Formerly known as Nyana Sextyn9.

▼FlaVR Sweet:
▶Mixie Mixin: https://youtube.com/@mixiemixin | x.com/MixinMixie
>Turbo 'tisms, old school internet user, enjoys oddball games and is CRACKED at rhythm games.
▶Nayvell Milkdrop: https://youtube.com/@nayvellmilkdrop | x.com/MilkdropNayvell
>Memelord with a golden voice and terrible internet, but does her best. Made her own L2D. Pivoted towards projects rather than streams, streams VERY infrequently.

▼FlaVR Infusions
▶Sour Grape (Sawa) Sama: https://youtube.com/@SourGrapeVA | x.com/SourGrapeVA
>Toxic (and proud) memelord. Expert voice actress with dozens of voices.
▶Neo Pawlino: https://www.youtube.com/@NeoPawlino | https://twitter.com/NeoPawlino
>Neapolitan dog boy with a smooth voice, plays both niche and known games.
▶NiiCola: https://www.youtube.com/@NiiColaOfficial
>Memelord singer, has made several kino covers.
▶Traube: https://www.youtube.com/@Traubei | https://twitter.com/TraubeSucker
>Foxboy with a heart of gold, variety streamer.
▶Loligae: https://www.youtube.com/@ItoOni_ | https://x.com/DrLoligae
>Schizo lime, shitposter, great at drawing and singing, Sci-Fi enthusiast, also goes by Gaymi at times.

▼FlaVR Umami
▶Raimi Ricotta: https://youtube.com/@RaimiRicotta | tumblr.com/raimi-ricotta | x.com/Raimi_Ricotta | https://twitch.tv/raimi_ricotta
>Cheesed to meet you, zoomer boomer, good at zatsus. Streams many hours at a time. Occasionally streams on Twitch when playing very copyrightable music or doing watchalongs.

▼FlaVR Friends

▼OP & Assorted Copypastas

▼Stable Diffusion Prompts - Character AI :

▼Historical Archive (WIP) - Retired/Inactive - Leftovers:
A record of the early history of FlaVR, including retired or inactive chuubas, early FlaVR scuff and the leftover designs our AI anons prompted. Inactive chuubas will be restored if they start streaming again.

▼Archived Streams:

▼FlaVR General Friends
Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Chocolate Chuubas >>>/vt//choc/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Kiki’s Thread >>>/vt/pyon
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Today evening Nyana and Meat at 23 EDT, 22 CDT, 20 PDT, or 3 UTC next day.
Rrat is strong lately
Sweet, I wonder what Meat will think of Gaia
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I miss this man.
Hello be back to Ramble cutely about Mushrooms.
Is it really healthy to grow mushrooms indoors? Don't mushrooms release spores? Those may get into small places and start growing mushrooms without your knowledge. It feels a bit risky.
As long as you fumigation the room, it should be okay.
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That question mark next to my name is doing some heavy lifting. Still not sure when I can start. I'm trying to corral my finances though, asking around for equipment, etc. I figured I'd be straight up and honest with you.

I probably wouldn't even have said anything if these AI pics didn't come out so fucking good.

I'm trying to educate myself on Flavr though. Do my reps. Your catto and your ratto are very cute. And I love how Niicola is actually doing something with the medium of AI.

I'll pop in my head here and there. Give you updates.
Thanks gor the update, take your time to sort you finances out, that's important in this economy.
Those are very wide hips.
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They are for breeding
Sawa in half an hour, and Nyana in 1.5 hours.
Cute girl.
Minna live soon with her mom
Wait, no. Sawa is tomorrow, not today
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Meal plan
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looking foward to the collab tonight
she set the time wrong. See you guys in 11 hours I guess.
I just saw the update
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In 40 minutes, Meat and Nyana, Gaia online

>You can play the game here: https://www.gaiaonline.com/
Damn, pigtails Minna looked cute.
I've read a couple of shroom growth guides and they claim you should grow em in a positive pressure box (air can only ever go into the box, never outta), with proper air filters.
Of course, you can freeball it with no safeties if you have a shed or something you don't mind getting a bit shroomy.
For a quick and dirty history on flavr you can read the archive, it's mostly accurate, and you can always ask here for info, should you want to know more.
You could start streaming right now as a PNGtuber, we don't mind. Mixie (for example) was a pngtuber for months, before she got her proper model.
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Google Docs Anon here, been a while.
We're running critically low on space on the OP at this rate. We're running fine for now, but we still haven't added:
-Lulu Teala
-Cara Malone
And soon, if she streams a couple of times, Amanda Splatts.
Assuming a short description like minna's, that's around 150 characters per chuuba, or 750 characters total. The average OP is hovering at 4700 characters, meaning that we'd be at a deficit of 450 characters just to fit the missing/new chuubas, and it'd be a tight fit to make new previously on /fvr/ sections, as those tend to vary wildly in size.
What do? I tried making a prototype of how it could look if we moved all the chuuba info to a rentry (like the /choc/ friends do), see here: https://rentry.org/FlaVR_Chuubas - but it was shot down at the time. Perhaps it's time to redesign or move to a rentry?
We can fit just about 1 or 2 more as is with no edits to the OP, but we're really cutting it close.
Opinions? Ideas? Suggestions?
Bah, I counted wrong, it's actually 900 characters total, meaning we'd be at a deficit of 600 characters, not 450.
>(air can only ever go into the box, never outta),
by definition that's impossible, I'm sure you mean something else because air will always go out no matter what. You'd need to have some sort of vacuum sealed chamber to prevent any air circulation, and I doubt the books are telling you to get thousands of dollars in laboratory equipment.
I explained myself wrong, what I meant was that, passively, air can only go in, as it is constantly getting pumped out through the filter/pump, meaning no air ever flows out from the room to the surroundings.
It's how the virology labs can keep quarantine properly, the air can only ever flow into the chamber from any source, cause it's always getting pumped out through the filtering system, meaning no rogue virus can just hitch a ride out from an open door or whatever.
There are cheap(ish) shroom growing air filters that do this exact thing, you just gotta build a semi-isolated box to place the danged things in.
I'd simplify the text, it's way too verbose as it is right now.
>Pippa created FlaVR in one stream. Pippa and Panko created a second generation in a following stream.
Etc. Just cutting the text without giving too much backstory.
That would give us around 300 characters, so we're still running short for all 900 characters.
Yeah, I meant to do that to the entire OP, not just that paragraph.
yeah, I think I get the idea.
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already ahead of you
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Is pinball good for you?
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nothing beats the real deal
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What about fishing?

(Pippa is also streaming and she mentioned Nyana but it seems she will raid Nasa instead)
Goodnight /fvr/ see you tomorrow!
Man, I wish pinball was still a big thing.
when was it ever big, unless you are an ojisan and are talking about the 1980s?
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I tried cutting down some of the OP but in the end it will be too long to add all the others. A rentry will have to be used.

However, I thought of a tradeoff: a "FlaVR of the Day", or "Today's Special" in the OP, which has a more in depth description of a single chuuba chosen for that thread by OP (if he isn't drunk off his ass). This could include FlaVR friends as well. Add it to the rentry, and call it the "menu", kinda like what choc does iirc. If OP is very lazy he can just keep the same special like real restaurants do. Just a fun idea
Google Docs Anon here.
That sounds cool, but it'll probably be too much hassle for our assorted set of OPs, a rentry seems like the most logical choice, but thus far I've seen votes both in favour and against a rentry file, so I'm unsure.
I voted against a rentry, but it just isn't going to be possible anymore if we want to add the new streamers. Malone deserves to be up there, he's pretty dedicated. Rika can probably be removed as he is basically kil. Nayvell could too, but she's an actual girl so she gets bias. I don't see much of Grub or Lulu, but that might just be due to my algo.
Still think we should call the rentry the menu like choc
Why do the mamabichos want feet
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a mix of ironic shitposting and horny
also pic related
Oh, I just remembered, Temp is streaming in some hours
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The golden age was in the 90s. It just fell off with the death of the arcade scene, but new tables are still being built to this day.
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Gaia janny is being a nigger so they swapped to Habbo hotel, close the pool
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>i fell
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>As long as you fumigation the room
thank you for your service Mr. Panc
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They are pretty comfortable with each other
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Now Meat is teaching Nyana about the German poop shelf toilet? Huh? And Meat is Southern and she can actually do the voice? Interesting.
meathead here, we didn't know meat was southern 100% till last year when she had her dad on for father's day and they two of them were like hard southern dialect. her southern accent is cute when she lets it fly though
They really are. Very good chemistry together
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OtsuNyana. OtsuMeat. Nyana ended stream.
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Temp will play Animal Well in 1.5 hours

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