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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>79597881

(Where we talked about prompts we want to write, fair use, contacting beta readers, and amanekanatach wife yoroshiku)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story recap. We had one story posted last thread:

Win-Win Situation >>79724972
Tags: Gigi Murin, SFW, fluff
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A friendly reminder to please title and tag your fics when you post them to the anchor. It makes things a lot easier for our Archiver. If you wish to know the process or have any other questions, the Archive link has guides for you to follow Otherwise, feel free to ask the thread.
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/wg/ is thriving so much we now need two threads.
Lets use this one because the one i made was late for one minute
As a shrine maiden, it's Miko's duty to instill fear in demons through divine dominance. But one day, a demon appears who seems enticed rather than repelled by Miko's techniques...and Miko finds herself drawn to her as well.
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I idea based off the discussion at the tail end of last thread.
Amane Kanata and her daily life trying to keep her boyfriend from being manipulated by other Kanatas with big tits (other holomems cosplaying).
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Mogojan gets hit with the normal beam and she turns into MogoJohn,a guy who plays madden casually and watches mid movies on netflix

>Im not a chiwawa! I am fuwawa!
>Im not Fuwawa! Im Mogojohn. Hey have you seen the godfather? Terrific movie
Kissing Mio's forehead.
A dudebro fratboy sounds like a fantastic side character
>"*Burp* Dude i think you projecting your insecurities in that chick who loves you was kinda gay bro, but i still get why that happened since not everyone reacts to situations the same way *fart*. I would go and apologize if i were you, because otherwise that's being a pussy."
>"You are right..Thanks Cole!"
>"Whatever Bro. Bring more beer once you get your girl back"
Fuwalter and Mogojohn just makes me imagine a shitpost where for the first half it's a gag story where the joke is "what if fuwamoco was normal" then half way through Mogojohn goes off the deep end about bringing about the order of angels and establishing the thousand year kingdom, while Fuwalter goes off to tear down the order of the world with the power of demons to create a world of freedom.
>To decide which Kanata is the real one, (You) grope them
>"This absence of definition... this complete lack of suppleness... these overly sensitive nipples... There is only one person this chest can belong to! This is the love of my life, Amane Kanata!"
>You get your fingers broken
>You're the worst, holy shit.
>B-But you're also the best...
Fuwalter and Mogojessie in Breaking Bau. Discuss.
>Mogojan, we have to stream
>Haey haey haey, Fuwawa! I'm Sui-chan!
>MOGOJAN! That's terminally silly, you are NOT SUI-CHAN-!
>Stellar stellar begins to play
>Fuwawa falls over.
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Gag that might work in a one-shot comedy fic: Gag subtitles that are blatantly not what's being said by the chuuba you're talking too, that only you seem to notice.
That sounds like a formatting nightmare.
So does anyone have a prompt they've been sitting on that they want to bounce ideas? Last thread was pretty fun in that regard.
>Kanata can't decide if she should be pissed off that you insulted her bust size, or pleased that you know it so well
Anyone have more ideas for the holo trap dungeon idea Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTo1_MPQFpCj_sbney-QI3nKx33y065MzgRyLXerJT5lXYOIezFiOD3a1BLGOmTaInik1BlhLNgPvju/pub
I loved seeing those greentexts when they came out, and even threw my hat in for a few of them.
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Decision: Will you enter the small metal door with a dice? (yes)
>As soon as you pass the door, the sound of the lock echoes across the small room. The sound of something like a sprinkler fills the air and you start coughing. The gas gets everywhere and it chokes you until you fall unconscious

>Then you jolt awake. You are in a weird place with a very big bed, like a bizarro bedroom. There's a spiked collar around your neck, and when you try to pry it off it shocks you
>your feet carry you outside of the bedroom and into a small living room with a sofa
>There's two more people there, one sporting a YMD uniform and the other seems to have a Banchou jacket. Seems like they didnt avoid that machine that puts weird girl clothes on you
>That is until they point out the rest of your outfit, which looks like a clown jerked off all over you. way too many colors
>The door opens, and a small jailer emerges from god knows where
>"Wassup! You girls my new backup dancers?"
>The three of you exchange glances, knowing its futile to try and take them head on. Its better to play their games and hope to come out without your brain fried
>Your Jailer, Baelz, explains that you three will be free once the "choreo is perfect". Fine, who gives a shit
>Dear god. Its like your limbs are melting. When you three finish the dance, all you can muster is to puke from exhaustion.
>The small girl shakes her head and tells you that its okay, that it will get better.
>After a week, the patron is the same.
>Go out, dance, come back, communal bath in the weird onsen the place has. Communal meal. free time and then sleep.
>All of you sleep on the same bed. Its weird. Sometimes you wake up hugging your jailer, after tossing and turning in your sleep
>or your "roomies"
>Step, Skip, turn, shake hands, kick up
>Deadbeat falls to her knees and you feel frustration in your gut. You were THIS close
>Bae tells you to break it off. You apologize
>But back home, you make sure to splash her on the onsen. Smugly covering behind Bae as she laughs
>But then you two,alongside Jimmy and Bae end up cuddling. Its no longer hot at night, and its better to warm your bodies together
>How...how long have you been here? How did you get here? Why are you here?
>You ask these questions naked in the night. Somehow its all a blur.
>You sneak off the bed and tiptoe to the living room. Maybe dancing can help you clear your ideas.
>and yet, as you spin, jump, and move, your brain seems to be more and more confused.
>Bae wakes up some time soon, and chastises you for not resting
>The public claps and hollers, as you hold your position.
>Its wild to think you girls finally dominated this choreo. It took way too much effort, team building..."team building" and even time but you did it dammit!
>You smile and bow, euphoric
>and yet somehow, for some reason
>your tears wont stop flowing

(BAD END: Dance little toy, Dance)
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What fic got you like pic related.
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A "cursed dagger" like fic where you gain the ability to listen to Kronii's internal monologues and learn that behind those 40 or so layers of sarcasm and dryness there's a cute girl waiting for her chance at romance
When it was getting updated, hololive Subjection. I liked the idea of a scummy chuuba slave training/breaking fic but the background story for it kind of turned me off.
Missed opportunity for this to have turned (You) into her shadow rat backup dancers. Also feel like the ending could have used a few more lines to denote that this is actually run/game ending for the bad end tone.
I was turned off HS because its way too focused on the stupid tribal war that was already aging badly by the second chapter. Well that and the fact it doesnt feel like a fic that wants to engage with the slave training side and just wants slave breaking.

Imo i would love to read scummy mcs and/or rancelites. Hell, a reason im a bit miffed by "your time is gonna come" is that it doesnt commit to the molestation/rape bits
Yeah Subjection really did age fucking terribly.
>scummy mcs and/or rancelites
Man I wish there was more will for that. Unfortunately I don't really think we have the writers who are simultaneously horny enough to write scummy sex acts but like the chuubas enough to subject them to those scummy sex acts.
It's a weird interlock. I've seen some ao3 fics manage to do it but they didn't come from a 'hardcore chuuba fan' background like the majority of the writers here instead they were a general
Smut writer that also did chuuba fics.
My own wip
when did I post this
yeah, me
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I made this post.
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I'm overdue on writing a Furea fic
"I know why you're crouching that way Irys. No, I will not hike your Math quiz grade."
I had a dream where I was talking some female friend of FWMC who told me that Mococo is suffering from anxiety and panic attacks and they might retire from vtubing altogether. I wanted to tell her that maybe Mococo needs a good fuck but I thought it might come off as insensitive, like I was belittling her condition, so I kept it to myself.
Now that I'm awake, I think it makes perfect dramatic sense for someone like Mococo of all the holos to be the main character of a premise like this. It's very anime. And you can have it, FOR FREE! >>79768993
I will hike up those panties though.
kinda makes me wonder who else would make good fusions?
Reading or writing about self insert characters who are awful people sounds like a bad idea. It's going to taint you if you feel good about it.
This image of Miko is like REALLY wholesome for some reason.
Hololive Fantasy.
Fuwamoco really are the only ones that have that 'could naturally be fused' dynamic.
Outside of that you basically have those that have cute Yuri children for their pairings... So Nerissa/Shiori?
This but your amulet or whatever isn't powerful enough to penetrate all the sarcasm layers so you have to go through some sort of Inception-like adventure into her mind to find her true feelings.
This artist draws one of the cutest looking exposed foreheads.
What if you were forced against your will to marry Towa?
I would hope she doesn't get me pregnant.
>get married to a demon.
>we reach our honeymoon suite
>doom music starts playing while I fuck the demon out of her
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Nooo anything but that haha. Not a Towife I'd hate that haha.
Could make for a good H-parody of Doom
i like to imagine Towa's full demon form is more succubus like and she's very shameful about it being so horny
She's a devil, not a demon
Live, damn you!
Can't fanfics just make her a "demon" just this one time?
Fine, I'll allow it this one time.
Yay! thanks mom!
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Demon, devil...both are fine.
Comforting and supporting Towa as she transforms from a devil into a full fledged demon
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i like this Shiorissa idea
>Bratty spoiled demon that combines the powers of nerissa with Shiori's intellect
>still girlfailures from time to time
Can someone like, tell me where this meme originated from? First time I saw it was when Reine played AA.
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hard to pinpoint it exactly but it became a thing when people started using girlboss. Here in Vtubing it was introduced with Nerissa who pretty much taught all her "hip" tiktok speech to her fanbase and 4chan caught on also language transforms
Girlboss is someone capable, cool and that takes charge. Girlfailure is the complete opposite. Its a fuckup, lame/pathetic and that rolls over anything.
Nerissa's fanbase (and nerissa herself) recognized her as as one and from there it expanded since its a funny meme like girldinner(Just throwing shit until it vaguely resembles a meal) and Wet sopping cat (It looks lame, shivers and meows so its endearing)
It's mostly a way to describe a girl who likes to talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. It can kinda range across anything a girl might try to do, from flirting, to cooking, to just overall existing. The comedy is how almost their every attempt to do something involves them falling flat on their ass in some way.
Ah, I see. Thanks for answering my question, anons!
The only thing she fears is (You)
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>2 different colored shoes
I don't even think I'm crazy enough to work that in without making anyone who reads it scratch their head and wonder what I was on. Off the top of my head I could spin up some bullshit like this
>The garb was worn and enchanted by a long gone elven hero
>Only one of their shoes was recovered
>Get the magic cobbler to make you a second, but on short notice all they have is normal brown
>Flare makes it work since she's a bad bitch
This is still an intense degree of schizo writing just to explain alternate colored shoes.
I want to plap a manko and I want to get laid
I want to plap a manko and I want to get laid
How about those wips huh?
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Wip this wip that
How about you wip it out and write it over my face huh
Is there a chuuba you want to write but are having trouble coming up with a scenario? Post about it and maybe we can workshop something.
I've been getting the feeling of writing some Noel or Ririka fluff or romance but no idea what.
Today I made quite a discovery
Shion and Panko are sisters by art.
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Noel can be easily worked. First question is what your setting would be? Would you want to lean into the fantasy setting and have her be an actual knight? The answer is yes, you should. I'm not biased. Or do you want to set it for 20 minutes into the future of Tokyo?

Next would be the kind of anon you want, which would depend on your setting.
>Fantasy world
>anon is an average villager, maybe someone with a trade profession, Noel saves his ass, or just gives warm greetings in passing by over time
>perhaps Noel lets her inner goofball out just around him since he isn't anyone important and she doesn't have to keep up appearances

Modernish Japan Land, your options are pretty vast here
>Anon and Noel meet via shared interests
>Anon has a nephew that he was looking after, the little fucker ran off and scrapped his knee, cue in Noel who came to the rescue with a bandaid and a kiss for his booboo
>Anon runs a pet shop, it has cute hamsters in the window

Any of these getting the brain working?
Hey no dying
For sure, that's a large part of the appeal. I would want to capture her inner goofball since that's part of her charm. So I think (You) being normal or a support roll could work. It would be easy to get some conflict that way as well. My only hangup is that unless its the point, I dont like imbalances in romance. Maybe have (You) be a Mage? It could give an easy avenue to show Noel's warm and motherly side. On the flipside, the Kanata talk got me thinking of an arranged marriage type of story were your both accomplished knights forced together for political ends.

As for a modern setting that's a bit harder. You give good ideas but it's a question of figuring out the conflict (for a romance story anyways) Is she still an androphobe? Using that feels kind of gross to me but it's an avenue.
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There is only imbalance in the romance if you want there to be. Also any relationship teeters on favoring one side over the other, that's how things progress until a true balance is achieved. Part of the whimsy of romance is navigating those uncertainties, feeling you have the upper hand, or battling with the uncertainty of possible being at a disadvantage, and doing all you can to tip the scales.
I usually don't bring in conflicts because I feel those are better saved in a writer's pocket until the actual reveal itself to a reader. Being broad with a conflict idea like maybe
>Inter-kingdom conflicts are on the rise, requiring Noel to take more trips to the front, forcing you to either sneak there yourself to help her however you can, OR
>Using whatever non-combat skills you have to take a risky gamble for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, likely one that lands your ass in a cooking cauldron to speak
I think you would likely not make Noel a hard androphobe in whatever story you got. She could easily be written to not have an innate attraction to men, so she just doesn't seek them out, or because of her physical features, she's come to think all men are pigs. She may not outright hate men or the idea of being intimate with one, but it's not really on her radar until a dude comes along that she shares a strong emotional connection with.
Meant for >>79826718
How about a pseudo medieval scenario with swapped gender dynamics? Noel writing poems and winning tournaments to court the handsome prince.
Having sex with a holo who is cosplaying as another holo and that holo walks in on you. Now I wonder how would you cast this to maximize the awkwardness of the situation and entertainment value. Well, actually the #1 candidate that comes to mind doesn't even involve (you). It's Miko having sex with Suisei who is cosplaying as Pekora and then Pekora opens the door.
I'll work on it when my brain stops feeling like mush, I swear.
Well conflict doesn't have to be grand or high stakes, even the simplest fluff pieces have some conflict. Like, if you were asking Noel what she wants for dinner and she's really insistent on gyudon but you'd rather have pizza that's still conflict.l even if it's just "Whats for dinner?" For example take the Mage/Civilian route, you could have the conflict being the eve of a war, or it could be that your respective peers look down on then other, or it could just be that Noel doesn't feel girly enough to warrant the affection because of her post and you don't feel manly enough to deserve her. But there's gotta be some limerence and good limerence has barriers that have to be overcome. It's what makes a modern setting a bit of a thinker for me because what barriers would "keep them apart" but at the same time what forces would "keep them together"
I wouldn't go hard on the androphobia in any scenario. I know we're writing wish fulfillment here but "She hates guys EXCEPT FOR ME so I fix her" is just a degree too far for me. I would only ever adapt it in the arranged marriage scenario as an aspect of her being cool and distance towards you rather than it being the crux

That's a cute idea. It lets her goofballness shine.
>Noel, your faithful Knight and Champion wins a jousting tournament
>She takes of her helmet, swishing the sweat off her silver locks.
>Her emerald eyes find you in the stands and she begins hollering and jumping around with huge waves.
>You get embarrassed and look away
>"Tell me about it," Luna says sitting nezt to you as she fold up her Nth poem, "Court politics... how tiresome nanora..."
Interesting idea, but I also can't think of a scenario with you which beats Pekora walking in right as Suisei goes on about how she's a dirty rabbit slut who needs to have her bunny spawner eaten, interspersed with pekos.
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Then just make it a slice of life flavored story set in a fantasy world. I think you might be confusing what I said about her low attraction to dating for "I fixed her man hating heart with my soul". The idea is that she just doesn't feel one way or the other towards the idea of a male partner, and those type of people wind up just being heavily attracted to those they share a strong emotional connection with, which would be the fluffy center of the relationship. You can also use the idea that it isn't so much the idea of an intimate relationship that gives Noel pause, but the implications and expectations; moving in together, getting married, raising a family, all things that would distract her from her duties and work as a knight that she enjoys. Build up the sexual tension and desire so much that Noel is ready to bubble over, but she doesn't know how to properly deal with it.
Miko walking in as Suisei, cosplaying Miko, begging for (You) to fuck the lesbian out of her and enslave her to your cock
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>Fucking Raora in a Liz cosplay
>Raora walks in
>You were fucking Liz in a Raora cosplay the entire time
This, but Suisei is terribly tasteless and makes a lot of comments about getting raped AND liking it, then Pekora walks in.
... yes.
>"Fuck the lesbian out of me, Anon!"
>Miko walks in but neither of you notice
>"Rape me like it's PekoMiko Xmas"
>Pekora walks in but neither of you notice
>"Anon, this pleasure is melting my brain! I'm turning into Aqua!"
>Aqua walks in but neither of you notice
>You cum
>You finally notice the group of depressed girls at the door
Spending a summer heat wave together with Gura!
As the entire town falls into disarray because of a sudden heatwave overlapping with a power outage, (you) must leave the confines of your well insulated house to help Gura survive without ending up in ER with a heat stroke. She is totally not prepared to last 3 to 7 days, so you essentially have to babysit her. You do complain over her lack of tidiness and any care in the world towards the fact that she doesn't have drinking water and food to last a week, but your every complaint goes in one ear and flies out the other.
Your brain gets increasingly more fried with heat, lack of entertainment, sexual frustration and Gura being increasingly way too unguarded around (you) while simultaneously being bratty about everything. It's almost as if she is waiting for you to snap.
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okay anons, today challenge; Find a reason to keep going.

What do you do when motivation and your own writing spark are at an all time low? What can you turn to for help?
Lie down on the bed
Put your headphones on
Close your eyes
Play this: https://japaneseasmr.com/33334/
You'll have to discover a scenario that's so compelling or hot that you aren't satisfied with merely imagining it.
>Thinking quickly Anon did the only thing he could think of.
>"I'm actually Mococo"
>"That's not how that works love"
God, could you imagine how mortified and embarrassed she would be?
All these "X walks in on Y" scenarios are better if X keeps peeking unnoticed and starts masturbating conflictedly.
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I've got scenarios, interactions, plots, smut, for years. I want to reach them, but it's like I'm injected with lethargy with a extra dose of depression. How can I even reach some of these when it takes me forever to get a paragraph closer?
Sounds like an issue of focusing too much on future highlights, which makes the road from the present to those highlights seem boring in comparison. You could shove all the far-off stuff aside and just indulge the current scene whenever you have time to think for a bit, so you have a sentence or three practically finished in your head and can write them down quickly multiple times per day.
Or you start writing non-linearly and concede that some of the "filler" inbetween the highlights will probably end up as summaries.
What can keep you going? The love of writing. Write not because it's hot. Write not because of the attention you'll get. Write because writing is impossible. You're a wizard carving runes within a black box made of electricity and science magic. Not only are those runes sending people to places they may never see within this life, but they get to bang amazing 10/10 anime women too. Your craft is pure, beautiful, and true. Every letter you carve is not only a victory for you, but a victory for the light.
Might not be what you want to hear but with how many amazing plot points and arcs that have been worked out for HJ by you and the thread you might have to quicken the pace a little bit. Tighten up the fight scenes and focus the fluff on the most meaningful moments while describing everything around them in fewer words
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What the fuck? How the fuck did you land that lucky shot? It couldn't have been that obvious.
>Inb4 Because you just told me, fox-fucker-boy

Getting a pace is part of my fucking problem right now. I have the scenes played in my head for days and days, and I'm tied to the present like >>79844312 talked about, but it's just become a herculean tasks to do anything like a straight half hour of writing. I still try to find ways to improve every time, and there is a thrill in the hunt when I'm in the thick of it, but it feels like I'm just stumbling through a fogged jungle right now. I don't know if I'm just burning out, or beaten down by external factors and obligations, but my head is just fucking filled to the brim with shit like
>2 lines is good enough for today, considering how little you've been able to do
>You've gone this slow already? Who the fuck cares if you stay slow?
>Another million excuses for how my own exhaustion prevents me from entering a writing headspace
>Who knows if you're improving anyway? I guess you'll know in two years when you reread it and can say you notice a visible improvement, but in the meanwhile, just keep reaching for ledges others create and hope you find your footing. Don't fall though, ain't shit to catch you down below.

I mostly just don't how to properly process or deal with any of this kind of shit since I was always used to it going away after a day or two, but it's been relentless.

These are nice words though, I'll try to remember them. Thanks.
Ah no, I understood what you were saying, I was just commenting on the idea in general. Sorry, I was phoneposting and I'm never as thorough or elegant as I want to be when I'm doing that. I like the idea you put forward through, duty versus desire, kind of a metaphor for the idol thing. Although I was saving something similar for a certain pirate. Its not quite the same, but its close.
>Build up the sexual tension and desire so much that Noel is ready to bubble over, but she doesn't know how to properly deal with it.
tfw Noel will never crush your spine in a bear hug because she doesn't know how to express how much she loves you
god why even inochi
>Sonic joke
only one person here makes those
Can't you just use a low-hanging fruit and see if you can spin a story from it.
Using your example, the low-hanging fruit for noel is "getting molested by the local onee-san and falling in love". Or if you want a fantasy spin to it, " Trying to impress your knight senpai despite being someone she has to protect (shota/healing class/royalty)".
Or if you want something more out there, "You are a dungeon monster awakening to love/lust after seeing this beautiful female knight enter your lair, and feeling your breeding instincts kick in for the first time"
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>Who the fuck cares if you stay slow?
Me! There's so many great moments to come that you teased or /wg/ brainstormed with you...
Elizabeth tries to figure out how to tell her boss their targets are being guarded by among other things the embodiment of death, the fundamental forces of chaos in human form, a Priestess of the Ancient Ones, an actual fucking angel from Heaven and the worlds most infamous criminal organisation
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I refuse to believe that. Sonic is an international franchise and I can't be the only one who likes to make jokes using the scenes from the snarky shit that blue hedgerat gets up to. It could have been anyone.

That's nice of you to say, and trust me, I want those moments too, but the pen just don't fly like it used to. I don't know how to even get back to half the pace with how things are going right now.
Heh, nice.

I took a bike ride a bit ago and tried some brainstorming. Now I'm a couple pages into a short story about ERB putting one of her subjects in his place after having bested him in the arena. I'm liking the ideas I've got and I hope it turns out good. Just letting the thread know they should be expecting this one soonish if it sounds like their cup of tea.
>What the fuck? How the fuck did you land that lucky shot? It couldn't have been that obvious.
1. Holo reaction image with timestamp filename
2. "scenarios, interactions, plots, smut, for years"
3. your eloquent-but-everyday-sounding tone
If me begging doesn't work, maybe you could ask your wife to make fun of your laziness.
We've all got that collection of story ideas that grows faster than our ability to write them, don't we?
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Alright I still don't think it could have been that obvious, but I'll take the L on if I were a vtuber, my lack of opsec could get me kidnapped or some shit.
Oh how I wish she would try to light a fire under my ass. I'd feel awkward asking though, since she ain't anywhere near caught up.
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This reminds me of all the anons I recognize because of their posting patterns.
I've been way too much time on this place, but so have all of you.
I don't think it's a bad thing for series authors to get recognised. I couldn't have replied to many of your posts as specifically as I did if I hadn't guessed that they were about future HJ chapters.
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I don't think it's bad either, and for when I do ask for some needed advice or brainstorming, I try to make it a little more obvious, but this time I was trying to keep it closer to the vest since I'm on that struggle bus. Didn't work as planned obviously.
But you deserve the assistance especially! HJ is the biggest series and has been a constant for years now.
I think your wife will help you, even though it's not a problem for her directly. She wouldn't want you to disappoint - neither yourself, nor your fans.
Read a book and take some time off. These two things work for me every time. Leaving writing alone for long enough while reading how others do it will reignite that spark like nothing else.
I second this. Sometimes you come across something so good you HAVE to steal it, and inspiration flows back.
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Today I did actually grab a book I eyed one day when I was skimming through stuff in the store and found it has decent prose compared to everything else I saw; Godkiller. I was kinda thinking the same thing on how maybe a good read could help reset me or something. Plus I was hoping to be ballsy and try to bring it up to the shop owners since my wife is good friends with them that I was in the middle of writing my own stuff and hit a slump of sorts, maybe just getting it out there to more people that I enjoy writing would help or something or at least serve as potential remind that I CAN write stuff. There was no opportunity since the owner just kept talking about the pizza next door that I mentioned I placed an order for.

Thanks, but sometimes I feel like all I have going for me is tenacity, and even that might not last forever.

She certainly would if I asked, that's just what we do for each other, and maybe it's selfish of me, but I just want her to read the damn thing so I can share the world I made with her. I keep losing priority to romance fantasy about vampires pretending they're fae and dudes with tails who use them in adventurous ways. Adventure bros...we can't beat the ratings of over 10 sex scenes in a single book.
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Hey, Mio's out of the hospital, which means it's tactful to resume working on a fanfic where she and her oni friend get spanked and collared.
Go back to streaming CC.
"There was a pause. Jack filled their glasses (how the tide went in and out) and observed, ‘Had I known you was a surgeon, sir, I do not think I could have resisted the temptation of pressing you.’
‘Surgeons are excellent fellows,’ said Stephen Maturin with a touch of acerbity. ‘And where should we be without them, God forbid: and indeed, the skill and dispatch and dexterity with which Mr Florey at the hospital here everted Mr Browne’s eparerial bronchus would have amazed and delighted you. But I have not the honour of counting myself among them, sir. I am a physician.’"

God I wish I could write dialogue like that without it being clunky.
you can kick back and relax for as long as you want. that way, I'll catch up and be the new king of action, and then you will be my little kohai huehuehuehue!
joking aside, you take a breather if you need it, but if it's a kick in the ass you need, I can do that too
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I certainly don't have the right to wear that crown, but I'll keep trying so I can someday, so if you get to it before I do, don't get too comfortable with it.
Probably both. Both is good.
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I used to make fun of people who used mechanical keyboards, but I got one recently and I want to apologize. This click-clack shit feels great to type on
Woo, story written. I've just got to edit it. I'll probably do so later. I've been putting off too many things on account of surprise inspiration which I cannot ignore..
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Your series is crazy man. You're great at what you do; wear your title with pride. You're a damn fine member of the general.
I need more images.
Kings never have the right to wear their crown. They're born to wear it. But are you going to fold as soon as some new kid on the block challenges your kingdom, or are you going to stand your ground and face me with the same hot blooded passion I plan to show you! Either way, while you're wallowing in self-pity, I'm getting ready to knock on your front door, dweeb.
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You don't need a kingdom to gain strength, or people to rule, or even any extraordinary powers. A true king doesn't use others to get to the top, instead they become stronger on their own, because THEY want to, and with their own abilities. True strength is yours when you have the will to become king of yourself.

For that goal I'll gladly stand at the gates when you knock them down, ready to meet you with all that I got and even more I didn't know I had. What kind of host would I be if I didn't give you what you came for? Even if I'm stuck in the pits of self doubt, I'll give you a fight worth remembering. That's a promise.

You and everyone else has been too kind to me. I may still be in a bit of a funk, but you all have helped me out a ton. I know I still got a ways to go to get back on track, but I'm at least a little more hopeful that I can find the light glimmering somewhere within that dark tunnel I've been wandering through. I'm not sure how I deserve it, but thanks, I'll try not to let your confidence in me be in vain.
Behold, plump sort!
>managing your girlfriend's meals so she's always just a little plump, but not enough weight gained to get new clothes
What is she planning...
Nothing, an Aqua that has willingly tanned under the sun is an Aqua with a head filled with nothing but lewd thoughts and sexual hunger.
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Holy shit, Pekora's camel toe
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Spare me the poetry. kingdom, power, pride even the legacy you built. it all crumbles under the feet of a weak minded leader.
Just don't expect me to pity you when I show up and you're still burying yourself in your castle of sand instead of standing up to show me that power you're puffing your chest about
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I accidently spilled a little soda on mine and now the shift, car, w, and 1 have some resistance when I push. it's annoying
I guess I'll have to sacrifice myself to sate her.
I made this post!
live goddamn it!
dead general son
shhh. everyone's just sleeping.
You'll see, once THE fic comes back, our activity will spike!
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So what fics are you waiting for anon?
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Shameful Desire 3 & Lost and Found 4
one to wring my heart dry and the other to fill it with love again
My own, but the faggot author won't finish them.
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>1 paragraph later
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I made this post
Beaches and tan lines are one of those things where no amount of words is going to grasp the erotic part of it as well as images can.
That kind of effect is why some stories really benefit from illustrations (or images opened on another screen).
Tan lines are one of the great wonders if the world
Holopocalypse, really any of HCAnons current series
Heartbreak Tokyo
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life is hard, wips accumulate and yet the only constant is that gacha is fun woeeeeeee yeaaaaah i fucking love new games weeee my wips are fucked anywaywooooo

Anyway how about going hiking and meeting Nene in the forest, then having a grand day and making a budding friendshipand the fic ends with you crumpling your suicide note and throwing it in the garbage
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Oiling Cecilia's joints
A fic where a chuuba gets catty towards other women hitting on you out of possessiveness and jealousy
Toasted garlic sex
Ft. Orange bitch (affectionate)
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Tanning isn't that hot.
Shut up Flare
Inochi is good, but Fragile is my favourite song from her.
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Fuwamoco clinging to you because the fireworks are scaring them
Shooting fireworks at Mococo while Fuwawa is laughing her ass off next to you. Unfortunately this backfires next week when you and Fuwawa play dodgeball against Mococo's team and she has become a master of dodging after overcoming that life or death situation.
she cute
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It's Miko after all.
Never relax around the gays
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Nene being that pillar of support that just allows you to be yourself is always something I can get behind.
And I'll also get behind her at some point if you can decipher the implications I am foreshadowing.
Usada "If I make you wet, I'll fill you with lead" Pekora
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I think "If I make you wet, it's the gat you get." Pekora flows off the tongue a little better.
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Usada "God hates fags" Pekora
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I tested myself with a short story and typos not accounted for I’m up to 53.3 wpm creative writing (not just copying stuff)
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Watame gets lost and blows you for directions(You are also lost)
Well shit, gotta go listen now.
Miko asks you, the smartest kid in school, to tutor her so she doesn't have to take summer remedial classes.
This is just making me imagine a scene of Miko humiliating herself to beg for your help. With the twist at the end being that both of you aren't in high school, she just thinks summer classes still happen for night schools.
Hey, when did I make this post
You didn't post >>79884568 I did.
>humiliating herself
Hmm… Miko could use a wedgie, couldn’t she?
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Please don't, we don't want the general to be even more dead.
You say that, but one of the most active periods of time this thread has seen was when the wedgieposter began writing holoshorts.
You're going to take advantage of her like that? Hot
>"That looks painful."
>"It is!
>"How did you even end up like that?"
>"Nyeheh... tripped..."
"...do you want help down?"
>There would be many rumors around the office about the mysterious pink flower-print fabric stuck on the fence top for weeks to come.
greentext fail. I will now kill myself and never attempt to "write" again.
Yoyoyo, Ushaiq'a Niggora.
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Who’s this broad
I was supposed to write an evil religious Mumei who has the hots for God, but I couldn't work her in. Maybe someday...
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So how did you come up with the title of your current wip? And If you haven't yet, what about the last fic you wrote?

There Are Days That Last Forever got its name from a Foo Fighters lyric and as a bonus, went through four different song-related titles before that one.
I usually make my titles something I can drop in later in a "HE SAID THE THING!" moment, or because the entire fic stems from it and the vibe it carries.

Auntie's little secret got its title because of how dirty and scandalois that combination of words made me feel
Ah yes, law route Mumei.
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it has to sound cool in my head and be something striking that hints at the content (ruffling some feathers, the right one, the canvas, etc)

Current WIP still has no title aside from "Yomotsushirasaka" but that's just a placeholder since that's the song that inspired it
>That was when I realized.
>I was in yomotsu hirasaka all along.
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mumei raping you at gunpoint
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>Insert Holo at the start since I suck at names
>Story is about taking a big journey
>Slap them together but make it plural since it will be a journey made of a lot of smaller journeys
>HJ is a funny abbreviation
>Fool that you are, for you have fallen into my trap!
>This is how I will end your Hollow Journeys!
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Sex with Startendim liying.just Towa
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I don't know why, but Mumei has been invading my brainspaces lately. It's probably because I find the idea of this seemingly carefree and psychotic girl getting desperately fixated on something all of a sudden really hot.
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I still don't know when I'm gonna plug that. I'm not sure what villain from my sack of jobbers it'll work best with.
Startend using Towa as bait in order to push (You) down and have their way with you?
>Startend takes a vacation. You go with them to make sure they dont die
>Suisei and Aqua try to get you hooked up with Towa
>Hardcut to them wondering why the hell they are present while you two are going at it
Mumei works as an unassuming villain or a really good yandere.
My only gripe with her is that her psychopath side is not as cool as the fandom paints it. Its just listening to an autist rant
I was thinking more them using Towa as bait, then having (You) get reversed raped by Aqua's inexplicable tard strength Suisei's surprising ability to eat ass.
okay fine but
>You two get fucked by Suisei and Aqua. Towa might be bait but we are using the whole animal
>standing sex with towa as Aqua and Suisei rim you two
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the idea of making towa squirm and make all the girliest (and most erotic) sounds in front of her friends sounds amazing.
Picrel makes me think of Rabbit Hole where Towa gets stuck in a wall and all her coworkers see her get fucked but not by who (Me, of course)
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But why are Suisei and Aqua trying to watch? Why would you be okay with that?
They didnt want to watch. They intended to let you guys do you thing but you two got naked too fast and that made suisei freeze and aqua faint.
Five minutes later,while towa is screaming your name, it's too awkward to leave and the switch is across the room so they just watch
I'd be alright with Suisei because watching her squirm would be fun but Aqua would be like your pet standing on your bed watching the two of you.
>Picrel makes me think of Rabbit Hole where Towa gets stuck in a wall and all her coworkers see her get fucked but not by who (Me, of course)
Imagine Towa's cute butt on display, wiggling around in nervousness, who would be able to resist playing with her
I'm thinking that her "psychopath side" can be made to look like autistic ranting at first so her enemies would lower their guards when she goes mask-off for real
Romance story where any art chuuba takes on a student, begrudgingly at first. Preferably Ina or Raora.
That student? Me.
This but it's a comedy fic where they think you wanted to be an apprentice for their "other" side and it's only when you're in the middle of a summoning a shoggoth/catching up to Advent that the question of "so how does this help me draw anime girls better?" occur to you.
I pick a title at random at the end because I legitimately couldn’t give any less of a shit about titles.
But the title is the first thing anyone seeing a place where the story is linked encounters. I'd argue the title is the most important factor in whether someone will read your story in the first place, and it plays an important role in setting expectations.
Still don’t care
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I feel like tags play a more important role than the name, at least online literature as opposed to classic books.
but on that note I think it's fun to bs a name then find a way to plug it.
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I can't imagine being in the same room as this airheaded ESL hag without breeding her
Does wedgie instantly trigger in your head when someone mentions "humiliating?"
Why begrudgingly? Is there a some kind of curse that falls upon Ina's students?
Actually, the other day I bumped into a guy who went to the same art class as me few years ago. Back then he looked like a metalhead, now the guy's all trooned out. I wonder what happened.
and if it does?
>Miko humiliation
Pekora finally takes her revenge on Miko for the rape by making her suck your cock. Then Miko vomits on your dick and with tears in your eyes you scream at Pekora that you hope this revenge was worth it.
Pekora wouldn't capture two people and force them to have sex
I dislike wedgie's and think they're very immature and childish. I also think that they take away the possibility of a "good prompt" (to me that is) all because of one word being mentioned.

...But I cannot hate you for being so honest, genuine and upfront about your fetish. I respect honesty and even if I don't like your fetish, my opinion shouldn't take you away from writing it. Infact, I think you should keep going and throw out like what, 55 more wedgie's?
It was a moment of madness triggered by an unfortunate faux pas by Miko at the worst possible place, at the worst possible time. All those years of holding a grudge, she couldn't control it anymore. She even made her boyfriend (you) suffer for the sake of her revenge.
Why such a specific number?
It was the first number that popped into my head.
Curious. What could it indicate about you?
Are you implying that I secretly enjoy wedgie's?
No I mean the number 55
Hmm... 5, S, 55, SS... Anon is suggesting /ss/!
- It was the first number that popped into my head.
- I was originally thinking of "55 orgasms" but realised that has "kind of" already happened plus it wouldn't have made sense when I'm talking to you. So I went with "55 wedgie's" instead.
- There are people on this general (who like wedgie's) who would genuinely enjoy reading 55 wedgie stories written by you (or another wedgie anon).

Did that make any sense, anon?
No, he's the Chinese guy in the 2015 Will Smith movie, Focus.
What a tragic tale.
They just don't wanna. Until they do.
Interesting angle you provided tho.

T. Goy who posted the prompt
Twas the whole point

Would happen eventually, hold your dragon.

But Inya is neither Advent nor Justice?
I guess you had Raora in mind more.
>I wonder what happened.
She turned out to be a better person than you, most likely?
For Ina the part about summoning a shoggoth was the connection. In my head Raora was training you to follow her in her job with Justice, while Ina was training you to be a priest of the Ancient Ones.
NTA but you will NEVER be a woman.
Fucking Raora so hard that she forgets how to speak English while her mind is melting
>Getting leglocked by Raora when her mind has melted so much she's reduced to meowing and purring
I was thinking Italian but that works too.
i just think its really hot when an ESL moans and mules in her native tongue because she can't focus enough to translate her words in her head
>t. someone whose belief system is entirely dictated by the current opinion on what is A Good Person(tm)
>Mamma Mia thats a bene digiorno
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oh yeah, that's the good shit
Hmmmm Migo bread...
You're sick of your chuuba wife and get tempted by fresh chuuba meat
Then the cucked hag chuuba meets with the young anon who got his girl stolen from him
Shenanigans ensue
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Help her anon.
I guess Kiara has more competition in that niche now.
Just got what you're saying here now lol.
Another interesting take on the prompt
to be fair, with the ID girls as well, the competition has more than enough contestsnts
This is just making me imagine a shitpost about railing an American chuuba in the ass and her speech degenerating into saying stereotypically american things.
>fucking the Texan out of mori
>Plow Anya
>She begins rotating between three different languages
>Fuck bae
I don't know, I'd prefer a language I am at least kind of familiar with.
I'm sure brat anon is more educated on the Rat, but I believe her first language is japanese. although it's a funny idea that fucking her has the opposite affect and makes her speak in a thicker aussie accent
>The only time Bae will say "cunt" is when she's begging for your dick
Not sure about her first language, but her parents speak Cantonese.
Her first language is English
First language is english, knows how to read and understands cantonese, fluent in japanese and is quite advanced in korean
Dunno how she does it
Asian woman are built different, I tell ya'
nah dude, the less I understand, the better. Just the sounds of her voice and her body language telling me how good of a dick she's getting is mmmph top tier.
imma fuck kronii so hard she's gonna speak quebecois
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>Meanwhile, I just deleted 3 pages.
Fucking Towa so hard she starts speaking in primordial tongues, causing your eyes to bleed, and your mind to break as she cums
Alternatively, you fuck Kanata so hard she accidentally starts the apocalypse
God imagining kronii doing that next talk shot she does sometimes in French...even if it's fake French is doing things to me
>next talk
fuck my phone, Sexy talk!
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>Meanwhile, I open the chapter doc
>Fucking Kanata so hard she starts speaking Enochian and turns everything in your room into piles of salt
Don't you have a school shooter to idolize?
It'd be funnier with gorilla noises
Are you okay anon
>fuck kanata
>she moans so loud her voice sounds like a trumpet...
>huh that was weird...everything's probably fine
>most of the water on earth becomes blood
>Canada's 6 sisters decend
>Canada's 6 sisters
...alright, that's a sign to go to bed.
Fucking Ayame so hard that it causes a diplomatic incident between humans and oni
Bur not because you fucked her too hard, but because you didn't fuck her hard enough?
>"She only called you thirteen Oni slurs for human? I'm afraid it's not looking good Anon..."
>oni women crave the BHC
I can see your elf ears from here.
She's over 1500 and I'm 24, how the fuck am I supposed to impress her?
wait, I'm losing track. Are you Jiren or Frieza?
>"She shouldn't be able to walk today, having to carry your lover around on your back all day is a sign of a good relationship"
We need more holos inspired by Japanese mythology. Where's my tengu holo?
You'll have to hope for JP7
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Quick, smoke this to stay alive.

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