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Bau Edition
Previous Thread >>79759309

>Upcoming Stream
FWMC Morning 105(?)
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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it's time to decide, ruffians
schedule or no schedule?
A Moco-berry is fine too
no schedule
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Fuwawa & Mococo Abyssgard with Kiryu Coco, SFW 437 pieces. No preview, rotation on.
Fuwawa and Moco-chan: we, the Ruffians, have agreed to forgive you for canceling the past several streams only if you provide the members with audio recordings of each of you in the bathroom to prove you do indeed have food poisoning
Schedule, but only if we pronounce it 'shedule'.
no schedule.
only shitposters want a schedule so when they cancel a stream they get a reason to come shit up the thread.
Gimme a schedule, but I think they should really assess what needs to be done homework wise among other obligations. Then complete the hw and other crap and then finally make a schedule.
Maybe it's weird but I prefer having a schedule even if things get cancelled.
it's too hard
Schedule but in puzzle form where there's only a stream if ruffians can figure out the slot.
FWMC should play a group puzzle game with the wuffians
It's not weird at all. Having a schedule brings normalcy, even if things don't pan out as initially planned.
But FUWAMOCO definitely won't go schedule-less unless they're forced to.
nta but i don't want them to have a schedule just to cancel it.
i don't want them to look bad and have ruffians on twitter send anti tier shit to them for canceling
Any guesses as to what besides BD? Kinda sounds like another all-EN song like CtW, plus probably orisongs for Advent or FWMC.
Makes me wonder if we'll get an Advent/Justice 9-member song
No schedule. Also I think they should just make fuwamoco mornings a once a week news show at this point. Having to do it at midnight their time is really messing them up.
I understand that but even if they end up cancelling, a schedule at least gives us notice that they're streaming something.
But yeah the anti stuff is brutal and unfortunate, hopefully they rethink things now more than ever and stop biting off more than they can reliably chew.
Rufferans hear me out
6 girls debut on a single channel and they all stream once a day and have a collab on sunday
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Sounds like a good idea in theory but would be a nightmare in execution
What if all the girls had their own channel and we called it a gen?
Schedule, only sisters push for no schedules. Every single time a Holo drops schedules it has literally never ever been a good thing.
I can’t stop crying
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That's ridiculous
Where do you even get these wild ideas
You know they won't do it
You would forgive them anything then, why stop now?
But what if I don't want my superchat revenue to be split between the girls I like, dislike, and am ambivalent about?
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It's ok ruffian now is the time to be upset
I can't stop cumin
I can't stop cinnamon
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stupid sexy kemono friends...
But the convention only RNR won't be canceled.
>fuwamoco thread
>creates a thread with only one of the girls
ruffians are the most retarded fans out there
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>deliver cuck delivered the wrong order
>literally double what i ordered
>have to eat it all
god wants me to be fat
this nigga dont know about fluffy and fuzzy threads
feel free to bake yourself nigger
you have to ask for a refund, even if you ate it
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Dr. Koseki has given a diagnosis.
>a single mccrispy and 3 fries
bruh that's barely any food
thanks doc
fat people are fucking disgusting holy shit
I got aisle seats at BD so I'll only need to sit next to a single obese person in the worst case scenario.
Suisuis meaty balls
No schedule ,I don't have keep my expectations high
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FUWAMOCO and a bunch of ruffians take cancellations much more seriously than I do. But my thoughts and feelings aren't easily swayed based on a schedule or lack there of.
So yes I will forgive them since it is what it is and I don't really care that deeply anymore.
I just wanna send them cheesy cringe SC's and enjoy comfy games, VN and fun karaoke with them. That is all I want.
Always have a schedule. Can’t predict food poisoning
nah ill survive. this actually is more expensive than my meal
and 10 mcnuggets. one of the fries was large as well so they even fucked THAT up
Schedule. I've dealt with chuubas that don't have schedules and it fucking sucks.
Just two more months of this and Season 3 will return us to the good days.
Look at the asano sisters channel and report back.
>catching up on streams
>Bijou's brainrot affected the rest of Advent again
Realistically speaking how upset are Fuwawa and Mococo going to be when they start getting rule 63 art on their tag because of this?
Remember when they put together the Christmas CYOA and Valentines CYOA in a span of 3 months while streaming like mad all the time? Homework increased when they got to Japan. I bet they've had zero time to work on anything for themselves, don't expect anything for Members 1 year.
They'll just do this again. Dogs can't help but overheat.
I'm hoping FUWAMOCO will be like Minami-ke where Season 1 is good, Season 2 is absolute dogshit and sucks, and Season 3 is return to form.
fuwamoco rabu
I pity you ruffian
You are very good and faithful to them, I hope that by the end of the year everything will be resolved
These threads used to be really lively months ago, it's funny how as soon as things change a bit people just leave
New toys and bad news will do that.
I don't post when there's nothing FUWAMOCO related to talk about
Thanks. I do hope things get better preferably before the end of the year, but things take time and so I'll just coast along watching them when possible.
FUWAMOCO used to be really lively months ago. But now they rarely stream and when they do, they're always tired and forcing themselves. They've been crying every day. They say that they can't stop and enjoy what is happening. The mood has changed.
>crying every day
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>food poisoning
their tummies...
>don't expect anything for Members 1 year.
Realistically what we got was almost an anomaly. I just wish we'll get another fun member only VN stream where we can troll them softly a bit.
They were the new thing and now they are not anymore, that and the lack of streams
Also their shtick got old so people moved on... it is what it is
they're in the bathroom RIGHT NOW
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They've mentioned their schedule looks better once the 3d stuff is over. Most of the issues they're facing are related to this being their first time dealing with all these things anyway.
Jokes aside, I feel bad for them. I've had food poisoning before and it fucking sucks
Makes me feel like the weird one for sticking by them through thick and thin. I meant what I said when I wanted to support them always.
I just want debut fuwamoco back again..., comfy streams, watching movies, etc...
Watch streams. They've literally said that.
The kino Friday the 13th stream...
Ah yes I forget how much work 3d really creates given how it affected the other gens initially.
Yeah it's really exhausting
Nah you aren't the only one. There are only a few things that made me turn my back on them and this isn't one of them. I do wish the comfy streams come back soon though.
No it never was. If you want to talk about random VNs or your progress then go to /JP/
>I just wanna send them cheesy cringe SC's and enjoy comfy games, VN and fun karaoke with them. That is all I want.
Aye, same. Will take some time but we'll get there eventually.
we won’t ever get those days back and you know it
had it a few years ago as well as some family members since it all started for us within like 30 minutes of each other
waking up and puking like 10+ times each throughout the night was pretty fucking awful, like waking up while puking too
genuinely one of the worst things out there, really makes you realize you have basically zero control over your body at the end of the day when stuff gets real
think I'd rather have that though than off and on episodes of it for days, which is what I've heard it's like for others. I'll take half a day of spewing my guts out instead of suffering off and on through 2-7 days
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I will keep holding out hope for that day to come.
I will still hold hope those days will come and I will enjoy them a lot more instead of taking them for granted like before.
>another canceled stream
Glad I dropped these girls
As a Ruffian i only want 2 thing for now
>Candy Boy watchalong
Sex is optional but i take it
You guys told me the Japan move wouldn't change things...
Did the actual shitposters give up? What is this low effort shit?
>Candy Boy
That's not how you write Princess Bride
Same, I would be a lot more upset if I already hadn't dropped them from the last stream. Now it's past me
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I don't think that's weird. Said the same. Most I can do is support them when they need it.
They stopped sending their best it would seem. That and I think there's like 4 other bait threads in the catalog currently more active than /here/.
same posts every time
But Candy Boy is about twin sex...
I realize this is shitposting but the move to Japan has nothing to do with this(aside from maybe the food poisoning because Japs love raw food and I'll never understand why.) It's just 3D recordings. Between the anniversary 3D and the concert all of Advent has slowed down big time.
Their attention has largely shifted over to Justice. They're still going hard on Elizabeth and it seems like they've shifted from Raora to Cecilia because their preemptive attack on Raora failed monumentally because she's one of the most loved members and even has a decent number of JP viewers.
Neat thanks ruffian, I didn't know you could stream anime on there
>they won't touch Gigi with a 10-foot pole
Nice, now they won't know I've been cheating on them daily.
Raora is a goofy retarded sweetheart.
Hey discordsisters
Remember they see EVERYTHING(allegedly)
I'm a discordsister because I like Raora? OK.
You like a nijiwhore, yes
You're also brown
yeah stop having fun loser
Hating on ERB is nothing shitposting worthy. I hope she graduates this year because even if you ignore her she will open up the floodgates to faggots
Pushing other whores in the FWMC thread? At the very least, you're not a Ruffian.
>Holo vs Holo
>calls others sisters
I like a lot of things I don't talk about in the FWMC thread because they are not FWMC.
Hello sister
Gonna shill homos next?
Anon do not engage, this is just a thing they do. When their behavior is exposed they just shift to calling you the sister.
Talk about FWMC then.
I still visit BauBau to see my old ruffian colleagues and it is really sad what happened.
I jumped ship (you think I'm a coward or false ruffian) to look for someone else, I was grateful for the first half year of FWMC but we simply didn't agree on some things.
Now I'm more comfortable with another Advent girl but it really hurts me to see both FWMC and you so bad, please stay positive
i will never recognize justice as a hololive gen
Lizzie isn’t a holo
Holo vs Holo only applies to Holos not whores. For instance, trying to start a fight by saying IRyS is a better singer than Nerissa or vice versa is Holo vs Holo.
Saying that FWMC are CGDCT and Raora is a whore is correct and not Holo vs Holo. It's Holo vs Whore.
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Can we talk about FUWAMOCO once please
We love homocollabing whores here chuds
Since there's no stream today, I'm gonna go and roll
Lotta insecure hater ruffians 'round these parts.
There's nothing to talk about. If I talk about FUWAMOCO, I just get accused of looping because it's been the same thing for months. They promise they are working hard and "doing their best". Then they fall short, have to cancel or postpone, and say sorry. Some people criticize them for this and others defend them. Sisters falseflag and say they should drop schedules and stop streaming. It's always the same.
jong is shit
nijifans really hates hololive huh
Love me some Fuwawa giggles.
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No, talk about rice
Lol what? I haven't mentioned anyone else besides FUWAMOCO ITT.
I was making a joke about them watching us all the time in prechat.
I enjoyed my Raora stream this morning, I hope you enjoy your Portal 2 stream, ruffian!
They love Justice
Meant to reply to >>79776075
Wait until she is a year in then we talk.
So it has come to this...
She'll be collabing with homos and doing nothing but whore content
Would have been nice to get a year of good FWMC. Even Gura lasted longer.
You know for a fact that anyone defending the pink whore is a brown subhuman
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It happens, I left /uuuu/ because Fauna just wasn't hitting the spot anymore and her schedule was really bad. So I have no reason to judge someone for leaving. And I understand what you mean, the changes sucked and sometimes I feel like an idiot for staying but these two have my heart and unless I am truly swayed I will stick around for them.
And thanks for saying to stay positive it's not easy nowadays but I'll stay strong.
i mean.... i dont think you are supposed to
I'd be bitter too if my oshi treated me as her side bitch.
Gura's peaks were never as high as FWMC's and she didn't last that long either.
Raora is not perfect but at this point which Hololive girl is?
Everyone has their own points that make a Holo good or not, but don't you think it's hypocritical to throw trash at Raora when even FWMC is faltering?
Now that's ironic
Looking forward to you crying in your cuckshed next month
lmao even
FWMC are the biggest numberfags in HoloEN, Gura's peak is over 5 times as high as FWMC's.
>when even FWMC is faltering
Make it less obvious faggot, get the fuck out
This sudden shift is totally natural.
lol raora is the married one you stupid twat
>more people talking about her here than in her thread
>but at this point which Hololive girl is?
Miko, Ina, and Biboo
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think I found why they keep avoiding the portal stream
Fuck off to her thread
I fucking love FUWAMOCO
Oh. Well that's fine I'd tune in if I could right now.
Gura had COVID buff and being the first Holo EN. But by peak I'm referring to content not numbers.
Seethe more brownoid
come on I know we bite everything but this is really low effort even for us
You forgot the meme queen buff too
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I love fucking FuwaMoco
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FWMC are the Kawhi Leonard of Hololive English. The Kawaii Leonard. When they can stay healthy, they are among the greatest to ever do it. They can win a championship in 1 year. But they're never healthy.
Maybe people would discuss FUWAMOCO here if FUWAMOCO actually streamed.
they couldn't make it to the bathroom in time...
i don’t watch nigger sports
Is that poo?
If it makes you feel better, FWMC didn't grab me 100% because I was never attracted to them.
I can't see either Fuwawa or Mococo with perverted eyes, they are cute and pleasant but outside of there there was no other attraction.
Unlike the other Advent girl, her design activates all my neurons 100% and I love her voice.
Although it doesn't capture me 100%, I feel much more comfortable.
Just have faith Ruffian, I would recommend watching his streams from the beginning
Typing of the dead is still my favorite series and FWMC at its best.
and their karaoke of songs in English is great
You forget Trashtaste. Mori gets all the blame for it but Gura won out in the normie exposure.
Aww fuck I didn't think this one through...
>COVID cope
By every metric Gura blows FWMC out of the water and they'll never catch her. They already fucked over their own momentum. Gura hit 1 million in little over a month and they won't be able to match that by their anniversary. The dogs are old news. It's over.
Nigga she just debuted and her thread is dead. This is normal, when streams aren't on, threads are slow, even if she just streamed today. Your constant shitposting with your tranny friends is not the norm. You're not fooling anyone.
Puts the lick it clean option in another context
Again I was talking content, not numbers. You being a brainrotted seanigger numbermonkey missed that. Is that because you were thinking of numbers or because you don't know english?
I just realized they took down the frames for both portal 2 and the next fwmc morning...
The NND leak is going to bring down your company holokeks
There was a frame for the next FWMC Morning?
>brainrotted seanigger numbermonkey
>vertical streams
>Five Nights at Freddy's
>Subscribe Now!
>sub count on screen
You shouldn't insult FWMC like that
Brown post
they'd love this comparison, i bet they fantasize about big black basketball players
i don't think there was
>FWMC didn't grab me 100% because I was never attracted to them.
Same and then they dropped RE4R and OoT
The complaining is strange because I thought EN fans would be used to this. I don't see hoomans complaining about 2 week long breaks as much as Ruffians do about 'only' getting 3 streams a week. If you're used to JP then yeah it's a change but given the whining here over JP content I doubt thats the case
No one genuinely cares about Portal
It's over...
They're busy partying with Suisei's clique...
I suspect that one of their co-workers actually poisoned their food. There could be someone in Japan who doesn't want them to be successful.
FWMC Sunset...
I'm just guessing but right now even Shiori finished more games than FWMC.
the complaining is because we thought FWMC represented a new start to EN where that didn't happen anymore
Roara and Liz certainly do
>If you're used to JP then yeah it's a change
if you're used to Pekora it's a change, maybe. "No delivery" is VERY common in JP too.
EN fans are used to lazy shit yes. The whole reason FWMC blew up is because they were hardworking and consistent.
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Getting raped by miko next. That’s why you should align yourself with the pekora clique
Hoomans are cucks
I'm used to almost half a decade of korone where you would know if there's a stream or not like 2 hours before it happening
It's fine, I'm fine about things. I've thought about going after one of the other advent girls but I can't see them accepting my terrible cringy romance orientated SC's so I'll stick around FUWAMOCO for a long time.
But I do enjoy watching Shiori, Newissa and Biboo as more of a casual fan.
So it is what it is in the long run.
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If you're feeling sad you can always head on over to the official JP hololive channel and listen to FWMC's first ever ASMR hosted by Nodoka
There's also continuation of that stream with the ASMR portion extended a bit but it's only for members
Thank me later
You could just....not write terribly cringy romance SC's?
are you counting chilla games individually?
>No delivery" is VERY common in JP too.
Found the discordsister
Shiori also play a lot of very niche short titles though. Also she's unironically quite competent at gaming. I'd love for FWMC to play Hollow Knight and especially Ender Lillies, but that would take them over half of a year if DKC is any indication
Poison Rrat...for real this time.
Not korone but some other holomem did this during the busy weeks. I hated it so fucking much.
No fuck chilla games.
You should have died instead of A-chan. How dare you stand where she stood. Pretender.
Begone Whore of Yagoolon!
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But where is the fun in that?
Nodoka is a whore now?
Love her tweets that are just

Watch streams, read members posts, read tweets.
It was my motivation to keep a healthy schedule so I can wake up early for the tweet announcing if there's going to be a stream, or be met with complete radio silence
Always has been. Played along with the Axel flirting ever since it started.
I don't pay attention to whores
At least we know the SC reading will most certainly happen tomorrow
Weird angle
Until it got real and she went into hiding for about a year
Are you prepared for 20 glad you feel better SCs
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Oh no...the names...over and over again...
I think Shiori could take it as a compliment but not as anything more.
And yes, I wanted to give Shiori a chance. I think the only thing I don't like about her is her videos of her for the maximum level of her members.
For now I like what I see, but as for you ruffian.
Don't feel bad if you really want to take some time away from FWMC, you've already supported them a lot up to this point, they managed to fulfill their dream of living in Japan, I think you deserve to seek your own happiness even if it's with another girl, even if it's temporary or permanent.
>i put up with them because they put up with me
if people say
>ruffians is the worst fanbase
just remember, phasefags exist and the person who said it's ruffians might actually be a phasekek.
Many such cases
Can't wait for all those freechat SC that say "Oh my gosh we're so close to when you guys come back! I'm so excited for you to start streaming again!"
>11 games finished solo
>3 games finished in a collab
>planetarian technically finished
>5 Chilla games
>Exit 8, Platform 8, and Escalator
FWMC would win if Chilla counts
It's just globalfags who think the peak of oshi katsubis shitposting in global all day
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>I think Shiori could take it as a compliment but not as anything more.
And that's fine, I don't plan on going "Shiori you're so gorgeous that you make my heart swoon with every autistic thought that exits your mouth" but I enjoy saying cringy things to FUWAMOCO more so they get my cringe instead.
It's a game of give and take.
I can't believe we went through 8 indie JP horror slops. Can hardly mbembe the specifics of most of them
i put mbembe and irisu syndrome under the solos so 10 indie slop
Why care about the opinions from global cucks. Their oshi collabed with men
These threads have been shit since monetization. If you’ve found enjoyment in them it’s probably cause you’re a shitposter, a schizo, or both. Anybody complaining about the lack of streams is a selfish asshole who doesn’t care about them. They’re working hard for you ungrateful assholes and you still complain even when they drive themselves to sickness. Not saying they’re perfect but you’re delusional if you blame the quality of these threads on them
And then I say they should stop being dumb, be more realistic with their time and take a little time away from streaming, and 10 people call me a faggot and tell me to kill myself. Hell, you're probably one of them who says that when they aren't outwardly saying their collapsing.
I simply ignore incorrect posts.
They make everything fun, but sometimes I wish they can make fun thing even funner
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I want them to off collab with Korone and sing boomer mecha songs together
Good luck ruffian, if one day you want to visit Shiori or her general I hope we can talk amicably.
FWMC is very lucky to have you as a fan.
and I hope they recover from her poisoning.
>I say they should...
You'll never be able to micromanage them. Go and play the sims instead.
>unironic tummy hort after a week of canceled streams
ahahahahahaha no one deserves this more than ruffians
>Don't talk about them in any way, positive or negative
>Don't comment on their current situations, what they're saying on stream or their tweets
What in the flying fuck am I supposed to talk about here?
>FWMC in The Sims 4 with sex mods
You might be on to something there ruffian... There is a streamer career in-game after all.
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Thanks for the invite, I'll watch Shiori again sometime in the future. And she's lucky to have a fan like you.
And also thanks for the hope they get over the food poisoning, I'm sure they will it's just a shitty time all around.
Go back to your cuck thread, kill yourself
You do realize that even if I post things on twitter saying I don't mind if they look after themselves instead of stream, it doesn't mean shit because I, you, and everyone here has ZERO power over what they do. You have to have some level of power to actually micromanage someone you stupid faggot.
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>be more realistic with their time and take away from streaming
Isn’t that what they’re doing right now? Resting and not streaming and yet people here still complaining.
>who says that when they aren't outwardly saying their collapsing.
idk what the fuck you’re talking about because I don’t give any of this that much thought. Just give them love when they’re here and wish them well when they’re not. It’ll make your mental better
are they in LA right now?
>another cancellation of portal 2 because they can't find a way to make it #shorts compatible
this is fucking pathetic, jesus christ
If Marine can't convince them, nobody can. They're untrainable, get the choke chains.
They're still in New York
stop using goslings if you're going to cheat
Is the 3D debut or 1 year anniversary the season 2 finale or the season 3 opener?
That's kinda my point though. I just wish they'd enjoy themselves a little more with all of this. Shit like cancelling streams makes them feel bad, and while today's wasn't really avoidable, last week's was.
Funny how you guys would nonstop talk about other girls even when told not to but now that EN4 is here enough is enough. You did it to yourselves
Everyone will forget about them in a couple of weeks. Their sub growth is grim, their ccv is grim and they got a giga homo fan as their leader.
I know you are just shitposting but this rrat is almost believable
I mean we could talk about men more often if you like
Eh, not as grim as the double food poisoning bullshit to avoid another stream that won't give them subs because it isn't shorts friendly. Getting sick of it honestly.
Uh think we need another emergency battle plan stream soon they are in danger of losing everything and need blunt feedback soon or they risk doing something unforgiveable like messing up a con appearance and getting blacklisted
Sure thing bud. I’ll leave you alone with all the fun stuff you’ve got going on here
are you talking about FUWAMOCO?
Come on now bud, they would do everything in their power to show up to stuff like con appearances. Stop acting like they're completely helpless. They might be dumb sometimes but they're not that stupid.
The husband race is thinning out rapidly.
Throw yourself into a fire
The vast majority of ruffians are sycophants.
Fuwamoco no longer stream, and more broadly are not hungry for fan attention anymore, unlike the justice girls.
Just like my brothers hair lol
The last battle plan VOD comments disproves that immediately.
they married sub count instead of their 'husbands', it was bauver before the JP move fuckup.
The Taipei karaoke was in great jeopardy based on their retardation to the point they got suspended for a week. They have done it before and are doing it again now
I like talking about cute girls not whores.
There were like 20 comments out of hundreds that were critical so yes, the vast majority of ruffians are yesmen.
Taipei wasn't in jeopardy, everything after that solo RnR would have been had Fuwawa actually gone through with it. So whatever was planned those coming weeks on the back end probably would have had major issues, because not only would Moco-chan have had a general hard time doing any recording, Fuwawa would have been blown out too.
The globohomo stands out really bad
I love my ambitious wives. I watch Koyori you're not going to dissuade me by shameless numberfagging, I love that stuff
It was a ratio of 10-ish%, which is pretty fucking crazy on Holo VoDs.
I told you I would oshihen from FWMC if the new generation debuted and this shit continued. I cancelled my membership and I'm dropping at least $1,000 in a week on Raora when monetization happens. I'm fucking done with these dogs, return them to the shelter.
>like messing up a con appearance and getting blacklisted
Sounds like less homework to me
Sure thing little man
Post membership leaving message or you're full of shit.
That's bait but I do really hope their monetization opens soon. I have a lot of money set aside for superchats I haven't had any good stream to send it on for FWMC. And I'm not rewarding them tomorrow with anything more during the reading unless they genuinely indicate they're finally listening to everyone that's been telling them to stop being retarded for half a year now
These trannies have been "leaving" for months. I wish they'd actually fuck off
You Oshien fwmc for Biboo last month and now you Oshihen fwmc (again) for Raora?
Why Phasecuck are like that?
Not me, I will be the only actual fan that calls mistakes mistakes and not just brush it under the rug
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>tummy hort
Dumb dogs will never be true idols like Bae at this rate.
part of me hopes they miss the rmr party mini or even the figure panel. Of anything would finally be the wakeup call for them to stop killing themselves with stupid decisions that would be it.
You're not even the Baeschizo but I will take this opportunity to call her a whore anyways.
This doesn't stop until one of them hits the Haachama arc.
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>gay af thread
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Fuck off. I want them to take better care of themselves, but that's a largely detrimental thing to their career as a whole and you should never want that.
>baefag is back
Don't you fucking start.
Didn't ask cuckold
Maybe they should start taking their career seriously then. They've shrugged off all advice so far so the only real option is for them to hit rock bottom and finally see the light as much as it pains me to say.
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Don't use my oshi to shitpost, faggot
kill yourself
Brats and Chatini run this thread now, rufflet.
Don’t post this homo collabing whore here
Bae is the type of whore that desperately begs good looking men for cock but can only get ugly drunk men
She still accepts obviously
Stop wishing it on them. That's the problem, you're HOPING they hit rock bottom. I do think there's a possibility they'll be slapped pretty hard by management with that 'Sorry Mane-chan' tweet though.
I hope bae gets raped to death in an alleyway.
They've shrugged off all advice and have been way more successful than anyone else in their gen. They should continue to ignore stupid niggers like yourself.
Good luck, these faggots live to eat shit with a smile which is why the twins content has drastically declined. I come /here/ just to laugh at the massive copium addiction every now and then, but the thread will probably dissolve into an advent general within the next month or so. There's a reason it's so slow, people are tuned out and the only ones remaining are the actual schizos fingerpainting fan messages with feces and the gorillas who don't even watch streams and just post porn.
that homo collabing whore is more of an idol than FUWAMOCO ever will be. Where is their music? Where is anything indicating they're close at all to being able to perform at any level? It's been a year and all they've done is talk about how they want to be idols but there is no indicator they have the ability or intelligence to do it successfully.
nta but that might only make them comply. Some people can only truly learn by hitting rock bottom.
>that homo collabing whore is more of an idol than FUWAMOCO ever will be
hey that's not fair, they've sung happy birthday like a thousand times this year.
Ignoring advice worked when they had momentum pre Japan move, no one cam deny that was wildly successful. Now in Japan when there were legitimate worries coming from even people like Marine and Koyori they still ignored them and are going to suffer from completely predictable and avoidable issues because of it.
>have been way more successful than anyone else in their gen
Define success
They’ve done more idol like things in less than a year than your homo collabing whore did her entire career. The runt of EN is only good at pleasing homo cock. Keep supporting that whore u cuck
300+ posts, i completely skipped to the bottom is there anything worth reading or is it the same loops and shit
Give me one bit of evidence or content that FUWAMOCO have done since moving to Japan that indicate they've made any progress towards being idols. And no "we're doing our best trust us" isn't enough, all of Advent are doing the same practices. Just because they're hags falling apart physically and practice is 10x harder doesn't mean they're actually improving in anyway beyond being able to idol step if we're lucky
We had a jiggie room up for a while, that's it
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Holo v Holo niggers should die
>all they've done is talk about how they want to be idols but there is no indicator they have the ability or intelligence to do it successfully
And all you've done is talked like a retard and exposed you don't watch streams. Fuck off and die in a ditch
First you give me proof that your backup dancer whore is an idol
Bae has so much more music and performances than FUWAMOCO it isn't even a fair comparison. try harder.
Kill yourself globohomo
>Its GetterRay seething about gachikoi again
What a fag
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She is, unless you consider coombaiting lonely men more important to being an idol than actually singing and dancing
Released an original album, performed on an international stage in multiple huge events like Riot One, 5th fes and is headlining a world tour for hololive this year. And all of this is just in the past four months.
Bottom of the barrel backup dancer whore
Cope and seethe cuck
JPs love Bae much more than FWMC.
She has released an album and does her own choreography. She also moved to Japan without completely ruining her content. She is literally what FWMC aspires to be.
Ruffians are in utter denial if they think FWMC are on the same level of idol success as Bae and I don't even watch either of them. I understand it's hard to believe they succeeded in their dream of finding a wealthy Japanese man to ruin their holes on the nightly with all their fucked up BDSM fantasies come true, but it's bauver, Ruffians. They gave up on you, their grift was a success and they could announce their graduation tomorrow and live without any problem for the rest of their lives.
I watched every stream and so far since the Japanese move the closest we've gotten to musical content from them were the two offcollab karaokes.
I kind of get this too. I feel like they're getting a little desensitized or just used to all the attention they get. All the I love yous don't really seem to phase them anymore and they're more ready to gloss over SCs if they can't come up with a tangent. They're prioritizing bigger things like projects and opportunities, and it's a bit lonely compared to how close it felt back in season 1 when streaming and being with us was their only concern, the only thing they can do, but it is what it is. Their dreams are in their hands and achieving them is something that makes them happier and feel more fulfilled than anything ruffians can provide. We're with them on the journey cheering them on, and I know they do care a lot about us, but ultimately their goal isn't to pander to our individual needs, but to perform on the stage, make what they love, and to be something that can inspire and motivate people
Bae has had weeks of practice dancing and singing with the homos for her birthday 3D and to top it off, a dinner with the homos after all the hard work. Truly the idol of cocks
have any of you tried tofu?
might try it for the first time soon and i wanna get feedback on if it's good or not.
also, should i order something else to go along with it?
nice bait after getting blown the fuck out on your claim FWMC are idols. Kill yourself.
tofu is shit eat meat
FUWAMOCO's "ruined" content is better than Bae's best content.
They realize the affection isn't genuine and it's more for the schizos gratification than their own.
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>Don't use my oshi to shitpost, faggot
Right back at you
You might be a little repressed, bro. You got dicks on the brain.
tofu is garbage that people eat when they're poor or trying to look healthy. it's empty food, eat real protein
Tofu is nice, it mostly just takes on the taste of whatever you cook it with. Fried tofu is good, but I like it best stir-fried with vegetables. If it's just tofu, then get it with something like garlic string beans or bokchoy.
i already eat it, i wanna try something new.
i always order the same shit off the chinese menu and want something new to add to the list.
Eat natto instead
if you're bored of chinese eat something else then
believe it or not, tofu is more expensive than stir fried noodles with chicken here. $7 difference.
Of all the EN girls sisters could have picked for their holo v holo bullshit why do they keep thinking Bae is a good one? She is one of the few that actually are well on their way to the same dream FUWAMOCO are just starting to chase now.
Paid for most of it herself and sucked dick for the rest
There is more than one baenig here?
>Blatant tourist schizo who has a found a loophole using base talking points everyone knows about regarding Bae in order to try and dunk on FWMC using her while not actually knowing anything of substance about her or watching either of the streams of the parties involved
>Riling up the local seethelords to enter rage mode and respond to his bait en-masse, prompting them to shit on Bae unreasonably
a timeloop that has existed for months and only because retards can't stop biting obvious bait from a schizo who has found out what gets a reaction from the retards who bite it
It's tiring being a ruffbrat
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Doesn't bother me at all, that performance was kino.
No one likes it
Cope more
when you pander to unicorns you get unicorns. it's a great financial model but terrible for your mental health
Half of all ruffians are brats the other half are incels
Why is Bae such a stupid fucking homocollabing whore? Could she be fixed if she spends a million years being mentored by FUWAMOCO? Can FUWAMOCO fix a disgusting whore like Bae?
Bae and Raora are the best. FWMC could learn a lot from them.
That’s some pure kino right there. Sasuga bae keks
Parasites always group together
Kill yourself
How's lifetime showtime doing lately?
FWMC were on track to be at Bae's idol level, but Bae puts in 10x the work. She's younger, she has better networking, and isn't crippled by having the worst fanbase in HoloEN.
>Bae and Raora
You really like being cucked by whores, huh? I'm not kink-shaming you, just asking...
im not "bored" im just tired of ordering the same thing.
the only thing i order is noodles and chicken. and i only just recently tried stir fried noodles with chicken.
or i get fried rice and beef which is like a rare purchase.
i just wanna add something new to my very fucking limited list.
>Ruffians vs sewer rats
Is this the ghetto?
Are you really trying to numberfag with bae? LMAO
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Male idols are still idols.
No. A real ruffian wouldn't watch a whore like Bae. One of the things we love about FWMC is how much they hate the homos.
more like baiters fighting amongst themselves with 1 - 3 ruffians biting the bait.
No they aren't
Nobody can save her except for the boys. The brrats and the homos share many fans after all
The rats are biting themselves and claiming it was a dog
man, Liz debut actually killed /baubau/
>Male idols
You mean sexpests, right?
Like I said, you're in that second half.
terrible thread
Male idol hands WILL touch FWMC before yours do.
It was bad from the start
I don't even remember a single good thread today
Ruffians actually support their oshi instead of unityfagging in global all day how does that make them bad? In terms of passion they are the only EN fanbase that approaches the JP fans. Most EN fans can't even be bothered to tweet about their oshis voice packs even if they buy them
Only if you’re a bae fan. We don’t watch homocollabers here
>revealing his cuck fetish
Do brats really?
>One of the things we love about FWMC is how much they hate the homos.
This is true, but stop biting bait retard
>Can FUWAMOCO fix a disgusting whore like Bae?
No. A whore like Bae is never going to be "fixed". She'll get a hundreds of STDs and she'll die a slow and painful death.
This; I don't get exactly what has the schizos all riled up tonight in particular but there's low-effort bait all over /vt/ right now and people are unfortunately biting. Multiple threads with the dumbest bait possible, "homocollabs" this, "tummy hort" that, it's tiresome.
the ruffians moved on to the new gen, now it's just you 3 schizos remaining to get dunked on while your oshis cancel at least two streams weekly. talk about cucks LOL
What is the best stream of season 2?
kek no. You might have a few brats /here/ during sister looping hours, but when there's actual streams everyone hates her.
whisper karaoke
A fitting end for a whore
Are all brats cucks? Is that the reason you like a whore like Bae?
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>hundreds of STDs
She fuckin Nergal?
I didn't click, but I did hover over the spoiler thumbnail with my mouse
fluffy hitman
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Why do so many people use Bae to shitpost?
It's homobeggars and Myth/Promisefags looking to get their kicks in while they can. It won't be long until FWMC is mogging the rest of EN again so just bear it for now
They are!
Are those all of your posts, samefag? KYS and I hope your oshi gets raped to death.
>why do so many use a $1 chink hooker to shitpost
No idea
I have no issue with homocollabers outside of homocollabs
>While fighting the schizo, he himself became the biggest schizo of them all
Are they going to stream regularly or get food poisoning (see: dating) every week?
On the plus side I haven't seen FWMC doxx in a while.
I mean if your oshi keeps on interacting with the homos over and over again and you still stick with her then yeah, it’s safe to say you’re a cuck or a casual clip fan
ERB is better than FWMC. This is bait.
>A whore like Bae is never going to be "fixed". She'll get a hundreds of STDs and she'll die a slow and painful death.
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He's too busy simping for his rat whore, gomen
There I fixed everything.
He isn't talking about your mother
They hate me. This is not bait.
I'm not a schizo. Wishing death upon all whores and homocollabers is a perfectly normal thing to do.
>muh bot views
I dislike Bae for many other reasons than Homocollabs. Homocollabs are just the quickest reason that everyone understands. She's also a loud annoying zoomer who thinks that repeating something by shouting it = comedy. She doesn't get any references to any pop culture, even moreso than FUWAMOCO, both western and Japanese. She tries too hard with PP jokes and other stuff. Don't even need to mention the Halloween collab but I will. Even if she never collabed with Homos, I'd still dislike her, it's just Homos is the thing that stands out the most.
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I know it’s bait but I can’t pass on the opportunity to call bae a whore
based af
You are just proving my point
Go out and say that at the top of your lungs, watch what happens
>using globohomo sister speak
Extremely based

Might get a few funny looks
>cope cope cope
You have severe projection issues, likely stemming from your own family members such as your sister and mother engaging in such activities. You like to project those onto a girl out of self-hate and a form of cope. There, I described you in your entire being.
This but unironically.
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Yea this made me hate bae more than anything
>She doesn't get any references to any pop culture
Who gives a fuck? If this is making your list you're either weirdly autistic or stretching like crazy
You know it's a shitty raided thread because we're not asking how the mechanic is today, or posting Mocoweegee.
I guess I'll have to remember to bring up Bae any time I want to get /baubau/ riled up.
Mechanic has been run into the ground, Mocoweegee is one guy trying to force a meme.
Everyone will support me if I do that.
What did Bae do there that the others didn't do?
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is this your first day here?
Do it right now, go outside and record yourself
I would love to see it
people only ignore FWMC in collabs because in a large group setting it's impossible to tell if they're talking to each other or the group
inshallah death to homo collabers
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I'll never forgive that homocollabing whore.
They also tend to pair off like most twins do in real life.
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I forgot about OSRS, I should add a few new names about tummy hurt and spam about how their stupidity is going to ruin their careers. Might take a few of the hungarian's replies as inputs too. Probably best opportunity to call them out anonymously and give real feedback.
I'm going to ask FWMC about collabing with the Stars at the Q&A
No balls.
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Homocollabing is just a good shorthand for low quality Holo. Mori, Bae, Kronii, Ame, ERB, out of all of them, Ame is the only one I'd watch if she didn't homocollab (out of pure spite no less), and even then she'd have to come back and stream regularly again. The rest would still be boring or annoying or lazy or some combination of those traits.
Please record it so I can laugh at you
Discordsisters going all out
KEKY yeah sure... a poorfag like you won't have the money to go to a con
Sure, I'll be there to record you :)
>Mori, Bae, ERB
The ones with actual musical talent don't need to rely on GFE to stay relevant
If you'd just let FWMC collab with some of the male idols you'd see they're actually pretty funny. They'd probably even get Fuwawa to giggle for us.
Sucked copious amounts of dick
most attendees at AX support or are indifferent to stars. FWMC are on right after a homo collab karaoke, they will have lots of stars fans in the audience
I see you in /gem/, faggot.
How do you suck dick in Minecraft?
I'm not a sister, I'm calling that schizo exactly what he is, a son of a whore, who projects his mother's habits onto Bae
I'm against tourists and bringing up others as much as much as any other poster but I will always shit on that son of a whore when he seethes about Bae, every single time
They will laugh at you, fat ugly brownoid
KEKAROO stop LARPing, poorfag. It's depressing
??? Fucking retard
>actual musical talent
Cuck behavior. Are all brats like this?
They will answer politely because they are professional and treating the word Holostars like Voldemort is only a weird headcanon in this place
Ask bae
KEKAROOO FWMC will just ignore the question
You should ask them why they won't collab with Stars.
>I'm not a sister
>proceeds to schizo out like a sister
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>They'd probably even get Fuwawa to giggle for us.
>They will answer politely because they are professional and treating the word Holostars like Voldemort is only a weird headcanon in this place
Between them, signed to major record label, released albums, famous PLs, so yes. Liz has done more karaoke since debut than FWMC did all year
Anon, the joke is that a homo made that post.
The globohomo cuckcord is really trying hard tonight. Though I guess it's morning for them.
>The ones with actual musical talent don't need to rely on GFE to stay relevant
While this is true, that applies more to Suisei or Azki, not people like Mori, Bae, and ERB. Out of the three you listed, only Mori can really be considered a "musical talent' and that's being really generous to the terms "musical" and "talent".
I'm a man and Fuwawa giggles because of me all the time and I don't see anyone upset about it.
Calling a son of a whore exactly what he is is not sister behavior. I am just merely speaking the truth.
What are you even afraid of? What do you think they're gonna say?
don't bake the next thread
If that's what you say about Bae and ERB what do you think of FUWAMOCO and music? it can't even be called talent according to your standards
Suisei is very talented, but ERB literally has videos with 4X the view count of Bibbidiba.
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They haven't learned a GODDAMN FUCKING THING.
Of course bae made noise
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>made a shitpost with Bae
>leave for 40 minutes
>come back
>thread turned to shit
I'm sorry
They aren't yet. Fortunately they are very skilled in CGDCT.
no u fuckin aint
I helped carry that torch for you.
it would've been some months ago not recently
What is that
All of Advent is there you dummy, do you really think they'd pass on that?
And yet no one cares
another date VP, yawn. get back to streaming already you lazy retards
new voice packs
That excuse is wearing thin, also Justice is there too.
Why not, it's not a group voice drama.
h-have you tried clicking on it
Gave me a golden opportunity to shit on bae and her legion of cucks. Thanks
GTFO, brat.
Bae is a persona non grata /here/ thanks to you and your kind.
Stop projecting discordsis
>revealing who you are
attention whore or wasn't intentional.
are you a drawfag or something?
They recorded that months ago, you stupid retard.

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