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Gamer Friend Experience Edition

This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave US branch, V4Mirai. globie and VSPO! EN are welcome too!

The talents of V4Mirai:
>Gen 1: Crystalis
【Graduated】 Abi Kadabura:
https://www.youtube.com/@AbiKadabura | https://twitter.com/AbiKadabura
Serina Maiko:
https://www.youtube.com/@SerinaMaiko | https://twitter.com/SerinaMaiko

>Gen 2: Petalight
Kou Mariya:
https://www.youtube.com/@Kou_Mariya | https://www.twitch.tv/mariya | https://twitter.com/KouMariya
Mono Monet:
https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMonet | https://twitter.com/Mono_Monet
Yae Yugiri:
https://www.youtube.com/@YaeYugiri | https://twitter.com/YaeYugiri
https://www.youtube.com/@V4Biscotti | https://twitter.com/V4Biscotti

>Gen 3: Lunalia
Alias Anono:
https://www.youtube.com/@AliasAnono | https://twitter.com/AliasAnono
Dr. NOVA(e):
https://www.youtube.com/@DrNovae | https://www.twitch.tv/drnovae | https://twitter.com/DrNOVAe
REM Kanashibari:
https://www.youtube.com/@REMKanashibari | https://twitter.com/REMKanashibari
Yumi the Witch:
https://www.youtube.com/@YumitheWitch | https://www.twitch.tv/YumiTheWitch | https://twitter.com/YumitheWitch

Sensei's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeeSensei

Current happenings:
>You should try reporting and hiding instead of biting
>AX is coming up so let's suffer together. Cheaters will be demoted one class on their fanbase hierarchy :)
>The Petalight ASMR race is over (for now)
>It's V4Mirai's anniversary! Make sure to stock up on merch for all the girls! Maybe consider getting a full manju plush set for a bonus Sensei plush! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/products/v4mirai-1st-year-anniversary-merch
>We've been invited to the minecraft VSMP server! https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp
>Alicja is having a drawing contest! Check out her twitter for more info
>Mariya's birthday merch is up for grabs! It'll be available for purchase until July 8th!
honse <3

Other Brave EN groups:

>Gen 1
Kumanui Miel:
https://www.youtube.com/@KumanuiMiel | https://twitter.com/KumanuiMiel
Reina Ronronea:
https://www.youtube.com/@ReinaRonronea | https://twitter.com/ReinaRonronea
Taring Hu:
https://www.youtube.com/@TaringHu | https://twitter.com/TaringHu
Pippa Pebblesworth:
https://www.youtube.com/@PippaPebblesworth | https://twitter.com/PippaPebble

>Gen 2
Bonnie Barkswell:
https://www.youtube.com/@BonnieBarkswell | https://twitter.com/BonnieBarkswell
Kiri Kilovolt:
https://www.youtube.com/@KiriKilovolt | https://twitter.com/KiriKilovolt
Rhubarb N. Kustard:
https://www.youtube.com/@RhubarbNKustard | https://twitter.com/RhubarbNKustard
Alicja Da Lontano:
https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano | https://twitter.com/AlicjaDaLontano

Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki

>Other Useful Links

Previous Thread >>79749667
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VSPO EN really hitting the jackpot with this one.
I am watching apex because of a girl
Yeah, she's perfect
My wife is cracked.
But why are you watching the girl?
your "girlfriend" is talking to random men
2/3 have been jackpot for me for now, except the OW girl.
It is over Bravebros...
Why are we the main Brave general?
My escort is out of town and I need a fix
Remia and Arya got it. Jira, though...
I'm not as down on her as some people are but, yeah...
2k applicants across globie, V4Mirai and VSPO EN is kinda small to be honest. I would've thought they would've been able to get more people. The only issue is the fact they aren't doing anything else other than an apology at this time and offering help only on a case to case basis.
Split or no split. Vote

>except the OW girl.
If she drops those and goes back to a more natural voice, or maybe even just speaks korean, then I would prefer it.
Even then I don't like her outfit.
The coasters are legitimately super cute, makes me wish Mono would put up her source artwork for them. The tapestry is also very nice, I hung mine up and Mono's thighs are as big as my outstretched hand.
It's okay it's just rando matchmaking
Now, if she collabs with males, she is betraying me.
2k over a 20 day period seems like a lot or did I read it wrong?
That's just the period when the information was able to be viewed/accessed.
It's too soon for a vote, give it at least a week back once everyone is back streaming to see how it is. This thread was shit during lunalia debut phase too and it worked out in the end
Arya got cucked
Mono made this poll btw
another easy win for my wife
Mari vs Arya in who's more toxic?
Is my wife Arya actually good?
I sort of regret not buying a second set of coasters because im smiling as i use these. An anon here convinced me to buy a second mug too
She is mid
Cute yapping though
She's legitimately good. Don't listen to her when she says she's not doing good. She has excellent aim and recoil control, but more than that, she has very good game sense.
Arya would be lonely without me
God I hate Cons
She's not at her best and almost every game of hers has beaten Mari's 1 kill= 1 dollar for food, you tell me
Mari only played Apex for views
What else do you expect them to do than apologize and offer compensation?

Yes, she's actually good. For now she's breezing through bronze lobbies and casually getting 4k damage.
Too early to tell but she seems ok so far.
I want Arya to baby me
Jira is my precious cinnamon bun
Mono is still a stupid cunt, and I have not forgiven her yet.
>If I go alone I'm just gonna get turned on
Split but keep a friends section for the girls we actually care about.
I knew I didn't mishear that. Arya...
Yeah, at least enough to be who she claims at least but if you want to compare her to someone like Doki, I don't know enough to tell.
They didn't offer compensation, they offered to help if you encountered trouble and were affected.
The Kouromi rp didn't prepare me this and I don't even play or care about apex
ok that was funny
When people have a certain amount of skill and practice in Apex it feels like they're playing a completely different game.
She did her best
male voice on stream
General English auditions don't include Globie but they do include Project Vox
Regardless if you've looked at the split between different auditions in JP the general auditions are the least popular since most people aim to join a specific group
>It's been over 2 hours of Apex
and she is not even at her limit
I have some nice healthy cum for Arya to consume.
Yeah, mine, she gets horny after carrying me in Apex
Not able to watch stream, how cute is Arya?
Her cute yaps are heavenly and she is trying to make it a fun stream to watch, but she has game voice chat on so you also have to hear mouth breathers
Very cute, yappy and sick (both skill wise and literally)
Very cute and very cool
Cute baka
she cannot be stopped
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All my wife Arya does is win
Arya is just walking all over these bronze dudes
Mari would actually have to get good to play with Arya
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Casual Arya stats
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Imagine being random 16y old boy playing Apex and suddenly some girl with sex voice drops by and carries you.
I don't really care for Apesex, but I really like Arya
I think Arya would be fine with carrying her. She's surprisingly forgiving and not overly toxic.
She is botting
Arya will carry Mari to plat and then princess carry her to their bed
I have been edging to yae's teasing asmr every night and I need to tell you guys that
>cheating accusations
she's good but not that good, right?
She is so sweet
Which one is that
The only people playing apex these days are ojisans, and this is true even for NA/EU. zoomers and under play valo now.
What's that tournament where each player is worth a certain number of points depending on how good they are? They could join that
Nah, she even admitted her best in solo queue is diamond
The members one from recently called teasing and testing
I need more
I feel bad for the two VSPOs doing the collab
Jira is debuff, Mia unironically does better solo
It's just a boring game + overlap, I think all three will get good numbers when they play their signature games.
They're doing fine and having fun. The company just needs to learn how to do timeslots and raiding even among other Brave Group branches.
Sorry, but Arya just satisfies my Apex GF needs
Apex was the buff game all along?
It carried Mari before and after she went corpo before she went full Wife mode
If you are good at it yes.
Same. I even think it's more fun to watch her play it than it is to watch my wife do so
i think is a bad game to play for a collab, specifcially because it's the tutorial phase as they learn the game. but once they are more on an advance stage of farmin gspecific materials or doing specific content (much like with genshin and similar gachas) it can be great for a collab environment; it would be better for a non-collab stream as it would have time for chat interaction.
The one Hal organizes?
She is so nice to her team
Apex is enjoyable to spectate. There's room to yap, there's frequent action, and If you throw and lose, it doesn't take long to get into another match. It's the polar opposite of Valorant and CS.
She's pretty good damn
actual jumpscare
Arya is literally shaking right now
Vsaikyo arc would be kino.
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You'll never see the random guy standing in the middle of a battlefield until it's too late
She is hydrating!
Apex really is the vtuber game.
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>all of our girls are gone this week
>all of idol's girls are gone/going to America this week
Brave is formally buying them out
Is that a promotion for Vee sensei?
Okay, I'm fine with sharing a thread with vspo, but I am not sharing a thread with /jidf/.
Yeah to many pedos
Every whore is going to the whore con, doesn't mean anything
There's no reason to merge when it is clear both threads can live on their own already.
No, the statement they released clearly says they offer compensation for changing a phone number and also compensation for moving expenses for those that mistakenly put their full address in the application.
Arya HATES World's Edge
Arya will tell me her secret
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Found Arya's keyboard
Arya won't eat on stream
Why is it wet
Arya is gonna fall asleep in my arms
>While we have not identified any concrete breach of personal information such as personal phone number or address, we will still be offering our close support by reviewing each case individually.
That's not a direct offer of compensation, it's support in case it happens and tells you to contact them if it is the case.
Explains Jira, they are trying to get /jidf/ to watch her
She even apologizes when she has ignored you for a bit...
Arya such a sweetie
No Arya don't go....
Arya is dying...
Never play more than 3 hours of Apex while sick, it's lethal
I miss Arya...
No Arya my beloved come back...
Nooooo, my wife is dying
So did she say what her keyboard is?
Jira please don't rope Remia into playing shitty koreaslop games again. Also no Overwatch.
I'm gonna concern...
Arya I love you
>sick gamer gf (no rp)
I'll save her
My goth gamer GF is actually pushing herself and dying. I am going to be concerned...
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Fuck I am going to Gosling
No... we could have had vomiting noises...
She's so sweet... my kind sick mistress...
God she is incredible
Hearing her so sad hurts me.
>doesn't want to give a lick of sneezing noise
>gives vomiting noise instead
Would've been kino
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Now this is some sick gameplay.
She's burning up the last of her life force to kick ass...

Girl is going to pass the fuck out cold and be exhausted with her cold after this.
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She loves me
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She pushed herself for us...
That was real Apex GFE
She's too cute bros
Yeah let's split
I've only known her for a short while but god did those last minutes hurt me...
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Did you say good bye to JoJo?
Don't be jealous Mono
Pippa is shitting on v4m on stream right now lmao
Woman, it's been like 3 days
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I love this woman
??? If your Pippa isn't a blue penguin nobody cares
VSPO actually got the best GF material
Wish I could hear her vomit noise
Yeah. She said the booth was shit and the managers and talents were unwelcoming to the average tuber fan. "I'd rather give my business elsewhere " she said.
Can't wait for the inevitable male collab for these nigs to fuck off
It reinforces my need to groom her to do Apex Aftercare ASMR
Brave groups problem not mine
Seeing how these threads have been on the past few days I'm honestly not surprised
Why do women suck at games?
genetics diff
As someone who mostly watches only Holo, VSPOEN might just be my favorite corpo now.
I knew Vee sensei and Mono were awful cunts
Pippa is fucking retarded so this just reinforces my love for the girls
They are great so far despite scuff.
I'm sure that's why V4M and Globie were invited to VSMP while Phase only had a limited appearance and nobody appears to be formally invited by them
How much do you get paid to post this
Based staff filtering mouthbreathing con-goers
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Hand eye coordination difference between men and women, it's basically an entire standard deviation of difference on average.
basically the perfect week for vspoEN to debut, when anons are needy and prone to cheat.
sasuga Brave Group
Is vspo en gfe like v4mirai?
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except they didn't account for VSMP giving me a bunch of other girls to start watching
Arya is literally my girlfriend yes
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You know where this question leads anon.
Don't get your hopes up, VSpo JP does male collabs very regularly. Entirely possible that EN won't, but there's nothing suggesting a difference currently.
Mia and Arya look good for now though male collabs could still be a thing
if a girl talking to (you) specifically and she tells you how much she loves psending time with you si enough for gfe, then yes
Do you like gamer GFs?
Two of them follow male vtubers on twitter. It's best to just not get too attached yet.
Fans here don't seem to mind when Mariya does male collabs though, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue I'd think?
Jira fell off
Being Korean is not an excuse if Alias can make it big
Jira is the daughter experience
Arya is the sweaty gamer GF that gets horny from showing you her skills
Mia is the dom gamer GF that will feminize you
Jira is the daughter experience
Good list
personally, I prefer to be love bombed by horny Arya after a game.
>daughter experience
The only thing worse than gfe is being a pedo.
she's hecking wholesome though
She's bait for /jidf/ for after the acquisition, I was just explaining what to expect from each
Keanu reeves big chungus?
>Mia is the dom gamer GF that will feminize you
Do I need to start watching Mia?
Now we die without any gfe streams
Which one is most groomable
go back to twitter
But you see, it's apparently bad to talk about the girls that are streaming and in the OP while nobody else is streaming
Probably Arya, Mia will switch the roles, Jira is a secret hag so she knows your tricks, both Mia and Jira have also mentioned pushing Arya to do stuff for them
I will get Arya to do ASMR
This is VSPO, you should expect all of them to collab with males, so don't get too attached if this is a deal breaker for you. It will happen.

VSPO JP owes a lot of its growth to Oreapo which used to be the ship name of the current biggest JP member together with another male. They used to spend all the time together on and off stream to the point people thought they were together for real. Aside from Oreapo all the JP girls compete or play ranked with other high profile males from the FPS scene.
You've been warned
Was Alias going to do a space tonight
see you tomorrow for more vspo streams, tabe kouhai seamen mono quettes.
Good night cutie
holy shit....was this her plan the entire time?!
Did the black heart and knife emojis not make it obvious enough for you?
I don't watch her much anymore so its just starting to click she was prepping all the kouhais for this actual apex girlfriend
Cuckqueaning is serious business
D-does this mean Mari won't stream Apex anymore?
She'll do a collab with Arya and shut up whenever Arya talks to chat
After the collab is done Mari will do an outro zatsu asking if the kouhais liked it
>VSPO JP owes a lot of its growth to Oreapo which used to be the ship name of the current biggest JP member together with another male.
What the fuck lmao
I am so glad coed ships are basically alien to non-twitch vtubing, I can't imagine how much more hellish it would be if those became a thing
check them out
We haven't seen Arya in a collab yet, but I think that she'll likely try to keep Mari talking the entire stream asking for forgiveness before and after the collab starts, Mari needs more focus when playing Apex so she'll probably still talk little but more than her usual
They're pretty funny, they even get a little daughter for an oreapo family
any hints on where i can watch more of jira's pl ? want to catch up on any remaining vods if they exist
No she already did a zatsu
I'm sorry anon but I am not a woman and thus have no interest in the love life of anybody but myself and the lack of one in women I'm attracted to, still comfortably sitting in the "real men don't watch nor enjoy romcoms" camp
It should be possible to find out considering what we know of her but I think nobody checked on her PL assuming she has one
I really hope Arya is okay has she tweeted at all?
Only this immediately after stream
Her YT and Twitch were both wiped outside of some clips from her graduation stream 4 months ago.
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My poor sick wife...
sauce ?
>She blames herself
Girl you carried every single match you were in you have not a single fucking thing to feel bad about, what the fuck
Woman brainworms
I can give her the love she needs
>menhera gamer gf
She's literally perfect for GFE
I'm surprised people forgot that Arya has a boyfriend that she plays with all the time in apex back in her PL. You can find it in some of her old clips with the guy she always stacks with
i've watched enough of her PL, she's much better than doki

yeah, me
Yae update: She's tired, they worked a lot today
doesn't she only spam apex in her PL compared to doki who doesn't play anymore
Are they all at AX or are they all at the 3D studio?
They're all in my bed.
No Yumi isn't there
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Go vote
Vee sensei is bitch and didn't want to pay a plane ticket for Yumi
I miss Mono
Newfag here, do they have a studio in the US or just the one in JP?
They have a 3D studio in Los Angeles.
It's so kouver
can only compare what's in front of you, right?
i've watched enough of selen, too, she has poor game sense and brings bad intangibles to a team and can't IGL, and she's not even good at shooting her gun
the past couple of challengers circuit "content" weekends were just embarrassing; round 2 is like a diamond level ranked match but she's busy putting up 0 kills and a negative damage ratio there
whereas arya's pl was legit probably the best female en vtuber at the game, even if that's a low bar since she didn't do any real comp stuff
I can't even find any old apex clips of her, she scrubbed clean
Till you show proof I will treat this as bait from now on
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Just wanted to remind you anons that vspo is not gfe friendly. Two of the girls already followed this niji male on twitter.
Thanks for the reminder
Nevermind I found some
I'm just using VSPO as a coping mechanism until I can see my wife Mari again
Piece of shit Kouhai
>Not followed by Arya
we won
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Based I love her
can someone link jira's PL ?
This general was very quick to adopt the VSPO girls
They're cute.
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this general is stupidly weak to any girl who's willing to show them an ounce of affection and charm
They're seem like pretty good hires (mostly).
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I miss my wife
Kouyasumi /v4m/
Blame Vee-sensei for no v4m all week
I also miss my wife even though I am a whore. Goonai.
If vee-sensei was smart, she prepared a hotel room full of booze and a 3dio for petalight.
Where is Alias's Ku100?
How do I punish her?
I wonder if that is enough to get you on the spreadsheet?
She has her birthday soonish so booquets can try again although I hope she puts it on the throne this time.
how good is arya's pl leading skill comparing to her senpai like noa? because there is plenty of en or esl vtuber who can got to master rank but still lack a skill for a leader. if she's the one who is following-type, she should be treat not different to doki/selen.
Seriously, who the fuck was that guy? Alot of FPS vtubers follow him, even Mariya follow and interacts with him.
The funny thing is that in the end, everyone realized they like the guy more (Kamito). Now he plays the most with Hinano's beat friend, Lisa.
Just another Master rank Apex player who's good at movement, I think Arya is better than him in terms of aiming and game sense
dunno, we don't exactly have videos to review anymore and I don't know japanese to understand what goes on in VSPO streams
but we have selen's tournament footage and her time in the role of attack dog on TSB was a disaster
if you're going to be a brain off fragger you have two jobs - shoot the gun and don't interfere with your IGL, and she accomplished neither of those
I love Arya...
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I love and miss Mari. Goodnight.
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My witch wife
If they can cheat so can I
So am I free to watch Arya then?
If my wife can have a husband (me) and three wives (Petalight) then I can have two (Mari and Arya)
comparing with footage from one of sweaty vtuber tournament to normal rank play, isn't it unfair to judge already?

also that's why i bring up noah because she has proven and got treat as a one of the best jp vtuber at apex with her skill balanced in both leadership and her aim, which doki also lack one of those...if you said so.

but how about our arya? it's not confirmed yet but you've already stated that she is the best one in en.
>Mia is the dom gamer GF that will feminize you
I will now anti Mono
valid point, but we also have plenty of selen's ranked matches to judge from
when she did her attempt to touch pred, she was getting carried by nicewigg (who hasn't played professionally in years and would happily describe himself as washed) to the extent of averaging like 200 damage per game in those "predator" lobbies while he was doing 1k+
it was bad
ok...till this point, we can agree that selen lack something and got someone who carry her to pred on one season. but isn't the same to arya about her pred touch? or did she stated that she can solo to touch pred on one season(am i missing something?) and not got carried to that point? that's why we just need to wait for arya to achieve something to prove her talents which is maybe comp scene or some tournament if only she can enter. otherwise, someone outside this box will still think doki is the best one .
It isn't about being carried. Solo pred is incredibly difficult because most other players will be in 3 stacks. You either need to be a communication god with randoms or be playing with people you know.
Don't know what these two guys are talking about but I want to say that I'm a sexual predator and Alias touches me every night. Sorry booquets.
Fuck I still hate commiesubs for making that up
I was just thinking when I saw that name
is that skiddiks' org or something?
Is it true V4Mirai uses subscriber bots?
yeah, you're right, I can't really validate my faith without some more evidence that I can't access because there's no archive of her PL's stuff
I am a believer, though, so I hope she has the opportunity to show it soon
Yes, now go back to /#/
I hope so. I want them to reach their subscriber milestones faster
it WAS, they lost all (both) talents and are closing soon
i try to keep uo with biji (at lesst to know how they fuck up) but i swear i've never heard of him. how mismanaged are they behind the scenes that not even the board can tell you who their affiliation by name alone

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