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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream:
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_jOVM1AvDk
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
TUE - Busy day - no streams
WED - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
FRI - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SAT - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SUN - ???
>Runescape advent collab
Wow that’s really random
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the depths of yoUR BRIGHTNESS
It's the start of Biboo's OSRS addiction, please be excited
It's Nerissa's fault and I hate her
It's retarded as fuck and I thank Nerissa for that
osrs is a dangerous game for her. Firemaking skillcape when?
Man... I actually like OSRS though...
Isn't this that early mmo where you can grind like a whole bunch of professions and farm for super rare shit with ridiculous drop rates? Can't say I'd be happy if Biboo gets into it, and I hope she doesn't replace other streams with this after the collab...
are they gonna do it on nerissa's server with all of her jailbirds already on it? i feel like that's what they're gonna do
I don't see why they wouldn't
If they continue there, it might end up as a full Adventrix server... no, I've quit that mmo crack over a decade ago, Biboo...
Jesus Christ my eyeballs
But... I can't look away
lets all love Biboo
Yes, my Biboo.
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Quite literally the radiance
That's a lot of MMOs but yeah. You spend thousands of hours clicking on trees and monsters. The high level combat is still just lots of clicking, it's not her kind of game.
I've seen youtubers get exclusive Runescape worlds from the devs to play on without hundreds of players crowding them. Maybe they'll do that
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the last thing a person sees before turning into a pebble
That explains the googly eyes. Lost our actual vision after staring at this for so long
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wtf why did it become smaller
>biboo went to Mor
ri's house and had dinner with her
>now is having lunch with her
Its over. She's gonna start singing wigger songs
I'm reality she's probably giving biboo some tips and stories about living alone in Japan as a non-JP speaker, because she has a lot of experience with that before she actually learned the language
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Having finally beat the DLC all I can say is I have no fucking idea how Biboo, let alone anyone less jamer, is supposed to be able to beat that boss without either a fuckton of summons/ashes or bleed thrusting weapon while never dropping your shield yanno what I mean? Perfect.
It's fucking insane. The only stagger I ever got was from two lucky guard breaks with a heavy greatshield and colossal weapon. No idea how she's going to do it with the Yamato.
More like tips about doing drugs in Japan
Good luck with that lol
Well she got him a bit under half hp before she quit last time so I have faith
Her build is crap for it but moonveil is really the only katana that can kill him reliably if you're not a dodge god
Another thing she could try is the deflecting tear (sekiro sword parries) but I dunno if she thinks that is motivated enough
A lot of what's making the run so hard is her talisman choice. Think if she swaps those out she'll have a much easier time.
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For me the problems only truly began then, especially because of the post-attack holy pillars fucking you if you dodge the wrong way AKA any way but into said attack, but sometimes if you dodge into the attack he'll just queue up another ready to fuck you since now you can't dodge out of the way in time. And god forbid the actual attack where Miquella offers to fuck you.
I honestly forgot about that... doesn't really help with the big problem attacks but could make for a much cleaner phase 1.
She just need better defence. Second phase is pretty much the same as first but with a fuckton of chip damage that you kinda have to just tank. The best strategy with moonveil is to keep distance and not go melee if possible to bait his gap closer moves that are very easily punishable (but that's not very Bergil thing to do)
Only one hour left until Biboo voice pack. Can't believe I'm staying up until 5am for it.
getting close pebble, keep it up! Biboo SOON!
I know what I must do.
I think i have enough biboo voice packs now that I can put them on a playlist and listen to them for hours during sleep if I'm feeling particularly obsessed with her
Good luck on your tulpa
Survive, /gem/
Just woke up. Rock status?
In my lap
miss bibbles
Rocky. Crunchy, even.
Biboo today?

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