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▼Phase Connect Links
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▼Lia 鈴香アシェリア (EN)
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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝ナサ (JP)
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▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠みちる (JP)
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▼Tenma Maemi 天満マエミ (EN + JP)
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▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
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▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
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▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]
Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
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▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
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▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川しいな (EN)
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▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
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▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
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▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
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▼ Runie Ruse ルニ・ルーズ (EN)
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Previous Thread: >>79797007
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I love Pico
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She is pretty cute. If I understood Nihongo I would probably like her too.
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Remember, Lisa is about to take over Idol and turn it into the Pippussy company so she can legally scam Pippa out of MILLIONS of dollars and sodomize her in wallmart on a leash, do not forget the rrat.
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Pico ending
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Lisa is a SLUT!
Wemi bros, I know very little of her aside from her speaking like a literal toddler. I just stumbled across this via timestamp and would very much so love to hear more about her. This turned me on in a way that I feel nothing but shame over.
I'm out of rape
I would fuck the loli.
did you mean tape?
Rape is bad
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Nuh uh
Whatever she is, I hope that losing half her CCV when joining Idol was worth it
Surprised Pippa didn't spawn about 30 catalog threads after that stream
Which phase girl with convince you to go raw and then lock her legs around your waist with a devilish smile on her face to prevent pulling out?
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me when pippa starts spamming owls again
Gumis do you kiss your hot wife even when her mouth tastes like other men
is there a single moment in your life when you dont think about other men?
Did that actually happen, that's sad.
if you knew pico old videos you would know that's 100% her memory too
Unfortunately yeah. I really like Lisa but god why Idol...
>>79805018 #
I'm being realistic around the fact that she said she wanted to go and how little she's streamed the past few months around shit like this. Streaming with kyOreau is just a cherry on top of her middle finger.
What's your counter interest since that upsets you so much?
Why is this thread so obsessed with pregnancy?
Femanons' biological clock is ticking
Every night at midnight.
Like oshi, like fans.
It's a shame the cunny model was wasted on that tranny enabler Lopi.
>"The celebacy channel"
Leftist Cunny, it will draw in views at least you gotta admit
>with pregnancy
You can't "obsessed" with the most natural thing a living being can do - procreate.
I like to take ecstasy with Hina.
Hina doesn't do drugs
Glad to see antisemitism is still alive and well around the globe
Yep, she sells them to young boys.
Do You Folks Like Coffee?
Vtuber Coffee,
From the Hills Of Phase World?

The Phase Coffee awake You
From A Thousand Deaths.
A Cup Of blackened Blood.
(Die, Die)
You're Dying For A Cup.

Pippakistani Blend,
Jerry-picked Beans,
Burnt Wemilia Roast.
(Die, Die)
You're Dying For A Cup.

Prepare For Ultimate Flavor!
You're Gonna Get Some... now
And Scream... For Muyu's Cream-er

[guitar solo]

Phase Connect,
Phase Connect,
Phase Connect Coffee.

I could not give two fucks about if they're Jews or not, my hatred for them goes deeper
Hime is a drug
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She sure is
And being apathetic for the possibility of one or two streams means apathy over others. It's the inverse of being hyped for a planned stream.
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>Nasa love you
>You will love Nasa
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what the fuck is Pippa's endgame?? why is she actively propping ex-Idol? I get Rye is her friend or whatever but how does Kyoresu fit into this? screw that, how does Lisa fit into all of this??
You think I don't already?
Not tonight. I'm tired.
Idol sucks and it's talents deserve better, that's the TLDR
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Can we all just stop bitching about who people are collabing with like a bunch of doomer autists and get back to talking about Phase members being fun and cool to watch?
she hates Israel as much as me, not that deep
In the stream today she said something about the part she will be playing though in limbus company is long or something.
How long are we talking here?
Kyoresu is a whore
Pippa is a whore
Birds of a feather flock together.
>stop bitching about who people are collabing with
>fun and cool to watch
Somehow these are unrelated in the retard's mine...
Pippa hates idol. Not that deep.
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I love Runie
She a cutie
I have no clue, I didn't watch any of her LobCorp or Limbus streams
Pippa isn't a whores
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My short nap before Jelly was not a short nap
What an awful start to the day
Its starting to feel like she has an unironic hate boner for idol, could be cause of something rye said, could be over the Lisa situation, who knows?
>claims other people are retards
If you don't find Phase to be fun and cool, you're more than welcome to leave the general and go to the general of whatever chuubas you enjoy.
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the gloue
>Idol collapses
>Pippa is happy because that means Lisa will finally join phase
>monkey paw curls
>Lisa joins Holo and never interacts with her again

Screenshot this.
>Still missing the point
apparently it was bad stream so you did not miss out on much
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you didn't miss much, retards started spamming super chat pickup lines that ranged from good to absolutely annoying cringe (mostly cringe)
>texas bbq mentioned
Stop trying to gaslight me. Offkai was shit. SHIT. For everyone that wasn't there or didn't explicitly want to be there.
Lisa would still work with her
Been here much longer than you fag, will be here much longer after you wander off too.
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No. I stopped watching streams 6 months ago.
I was there, it was pretty fun :)
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Lisa is too good for holo
Holo doesn't hire 2 views
Pippa has had a dislike for them for a long ass time. Even before Rye was having issues, Pippa seemed to dislike them.
>Lisa cucking Pippa twice in a row
Why are you guys acting like drama exists between Pippa and Lisa
That is true
And I hope you get mugged and shot to death.
Because she scammed Pippa out of MILLIONS of dollars and paraded her through Wallmart naked on a leash!
*Lisa is too good for phase.
Because they're tourists who came to the thread specifically just to shit it up. Report and hide their posts.
>Pippa takes it out on her fans by cucking them
I agree.
I won't :)
I'll post some pics of the next con im at so you can see what you're missing out on :))
You will never be a janny femanon.
Dizzy after she sees my bank account
>be in drama
>suddenly pippa feels sympathetic and comfortable around you
she does this to flesh streamers all the time, why is this a surprise
>Pippa Hates Brits so much she won't do anything for me VeXPo
It was objectively bad in every metric except you jerking yourself off in the lobby. Deal with it.
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Lisa is EVIL
Lisafags are the most insufferable cunts here even hexxa shills were better
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>phase owes about £300 worth of unshipped merch
Ik they got scammed on the plushies but still grim
pippa is a bad person. she didn't gave me pipkisses
i will anti her for the rest of my life i will stop when I get some pipkisses
Where the fuck is my Lumi mug fish?
So how many cocks did you take Femanon
But anon... You are Pippa
Pippa owes me pipsex. Pippa owes all of her fans pipsex. She should hold all big event to give all of her fans pipsex in one go.
Hexa shills never existed. They were only Pippa antis.
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Wemifriends, can you please tell me about your oshi and explain her appeal? Heard some of her most popular ASMR and got caught off-guard by it. What's her sexiest stream?
Hexxa shills we're just low level fruit farmers that liked a fellow farmer.
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You guys ever thought about how sucking on toes is like putting a bunch of tiny cocks in your mouth haha
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Let me suck your toes.
You have said this already
This nigger
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Liacons and Himebitos ran a train on me when I tried to sneak into OffKai and now my ass is perma lose and my dick is red
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Get new material
Don't worry anon, I'll have enough fun for the both of us while you hold onto your sour grapes :)))
so what you're telling me is that Pippa tends to hang around people who have some drama tied to them so that her own shit doesn't feel that bad in comparison?
Why else do you think would she be around big ol' Kirsche?
Is there any other conventions that care about the unpaying customers at home even?
yeah, ME
Invader news in 3 hours 42 minutes
Likers pretend to be gay to get Lia to let her guard down so they can groom her
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They don't know she's the one actually grooming them
That's a pretty good way to put it.
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hey its lumi, your favourite bard!
Most cons stream whatever they are doing.
Yeah? Why do you think all the videos she liked to watch for react streams was bad shit happening to other people or why she was so into lolcows?
>spends 1000 dollars to get out so they can buy merch (+300) and have 3 minutes with talents
My sour grapes are that you wasted the time of everyone that isn't one of you faggots by stealing time away from streaming. You could have spent 10,000 and you'd still be a thief.
She's very endearing and expresses a lot of love to her fans like writing letters to her members. If Muyu is the daughterwife fantasy then Wemi is the daughterwife reality. Stream somewhat related.
>Shiina lectured panko for saying retard
>But calling a plushie a cripple is fine
I think she just gave up after seeing all the times she dropped the hard r
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wtf he got in a accident, he is literally a cripple
I hate Shiina.
What a retard.
Isn't daughterwife more of a teenage thing than a toddler age thing? Also, does it end at being loving towards her members? And was the thing you linked the answer to my spoilered question? If so, it doesn't seem like it would be, given it's a zatsu collab.
It's time to take your meds femanon.
Sweaty hardcore hate sex with Shiina
Shiina thought she was in a respectable corpo lmao
Cripplemaroll is very cute tho
i WILL take Jelly to Hutchins bbq
i WILL take Wemi to the Costco right down the street
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>used goods
ewww no
I think the funniest thing to come out of this is how now panko is convinced that calling someone a retard is more likely to get her banned than dropping a slur
They can give everyone a month of free subs if it isn't theft.
Between japanshit, offkai, and being consick they wasted a full month of every members money. We didn't even get to see the concert that they sunk so much of this shit into.
There are no meds to take.
Come on you know you want it
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Once the WHO develops a vaccine for tummy hort, everything will be alright.
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Good morning, /pcg/.
Phasers are the best livers.
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The WHO? The HWAT?
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Not the guy but yeah, I do.
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>Isn't daughterwife more of a teenage thing than a toddler age thing? Also, does it end at being loving towards her members?
It's less about age and more about innocence and vulnerability that is endearing, I think. Pic related.

>And was the thing you linked the answer to my spoilered question?
No, it's just one of the streams I like and something to get your feet a bit wet. If you're unironically looking for lewd streams then her Unlimited Mouthworks is practically the only one iirc.
Why did Pippa buy foot fetish porn of her coworkers?
How is it you're still trying to loop this a year later over a warning of "hey watch out YouTube might get you in trouble for saying that"? Even Lumi pulls it back on YouTube vs Twitch. It's not a moral thing it's a practical thing. Youtube bots hide channels over saying shit like kill or murder now or cursing in the first 10 minutes of a video.
I thought shiina was just warning her because she thought panko was too esl to know that twitterfags would get mad over it
I hope Panko has at least clicked this soundpost once and had a good laugh
because she's a gooner
I think her retarded act is getting a little bit stale.
Cause she's based like me
Panko doesn't come here
Leech Shiina got scared and debuffed Panko.
>Slept from 7pm-2am to catch Jerry's stream
>Have been awake since
Feel fine now but I know for a fact I'm crashing around noon. This was not a good decision
I think Shiina SUCKS
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This but Pippa.
just like the food she cooks
I can't stop laughing at Pippa saying "fanny pack"
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Anon, I genuinely don't think it's an act. It's like Kanade from Hololive. They're unironic fucking retards. There's a clear statistic tendency for those who are in creative fields to have some form of mental illness (which is a neat subject, honestly).
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Yeah me
Man I wish I was Japanese I hate having to worry about if I look retarded and/or severely autistic before saying anything to my oshi
If it wasn't at least partially an act your first instinct when something catches fire in your house wouldn't be "OK now get a nicely framed and in focus picture of the fire and send a tweet panicking for my followers"
i think it's more like she views herself as really bad and thinks she's sullying people "better" than her, but if you drop to her level, she will go to bat for you out of solidarity
Then how come I am retarded but uncreative. Although I do stifle my interest for not wanting to be harassed by my family.
Sing me a song and pour me another round you wench
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Yeah but only because:
A) we don't post enough titties and
B) She can just get them from the source.
The statistic isn't 100%. Although your stifled interest may be repressing potential. Try letting your potential out in various ways, anon. It's good to work out those parts of your brain.
That is a response where people with traumatic experiences gravitate together.
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Why does Panc get free Dizzy nipples and I can't?
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>it doesn't know
have you tried being a cute Italian girl?
because she's cute and probably also triggers Dizzy's motherly instincts
What's the difference between daughterwife and daughter? In terms of criteria, I mean.
Its sus that Panko immediately wanted to see them after she heard Hime saw, its almost like she isn't straight.
You don't fuck your daughter
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Mein Furhrer...
>people stole cutouts from offkai
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She would never say on stream she prefers here as opposed to youtube and she would never have the thread on her browser history
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Wait... You don't?
It's performative yuri. We know Panko has no issue with getting dick.
Which phase connect is most likely to buy a dodge charger?
VeXPo isn't going to be as fun as offkai, is it?
Holy fucking cringe
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Feet connect?
She cute huh
Oh, hai Pippa!
So the difference is just whether or not you get a boner?
women do gay shit because it attracts male attention, not because they're actually gay
isn't that the chick that sucks her anal ice cube?
did you ask?
this bitch is obese and nasty do not post her here ever again
What the fuck? Context?
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Daughterwife is a wife that triggers a form of parental instinct within you while still being romantically attracted. Whereas Daughter is just nothing but parental instincts firing off like Anya from SpyxFamily without any of the romanticism. I don't know how else to put it into words other than what they say about differentiating porn from art, you know it when you see it.
Anon you just got done architect posting every phase chuuba.
Hey she's not Kirsche...
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OW BOY, BIG NEWS, Pippa is flying to Anime expo
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yeah it's her,
she talked about cleaning her asshole once a month with an ice dildo and sucking on it
That tweet just makes me mad because I hate dirty living spaces after dating women who lived like that and know it's a choice to be that lazy and retarded. I fucking hate filth and rot and bugs and the people who choose to live in it.
I wanna kill myself after seeing this
She doesn't actually do that, it's just a joke, no one is that bloody revolting, I don't believe it,
doubt there ain't nothing on that
Why is Shiina so erotic to me?
Why anon why?
Just found out she's fat ruined my boner I'm sticking with Emoechi
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the cute Pippa cosplayer will cosplay Lia and Lumi at AX
Nigga this is the internet, do not be suprised
daughterwife = child you want to molest
daughter = child you don't want to molest (yet)
Stop watching vtubers
loki-sama's lokis...

Doesn't look fat
>No hime cosplay
>No Jelly cosplay
Off model
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>no one is that bloody revolting
I see you don't remember /meat/ and the girl who stapled her pussy shut or shot her cervix with a BB gun https://files.catbox.moe/gan6ze.jpg
hime is in the work
Make me bitch
it's obnoxious that you can't see shit on twatter without an account
I don't see no poo
nta, but you're right

Hey Dizzy, can I get a free pic of your nipples please?
>I clicked
I might be retarded
There was far, far worse done. The chick in question had her family find out and she was taken for mental help. None of the Phase girls will get that bad, but don't underestimate the depths of human stupidity.
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What did you think would be in there?
Could have been the chuuba that tore off her fingernails for being late. Lmao
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I forgot about that and now I'm mad you reminded me
Yuu is live



it's not even that bad
I like her mediums though...
>overwatch slop again
Yeah nah
We need more chuubas like this
this bitch tweets way too fucking much but she said a bunch of times that she's given herself freeze burns fucking herself in the ass with it
joined and thumbs downed the stream. all is good in the world.
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Thanks, doc.
Can I post this in the phase discord?
>her Unlimited Mouthworks
>"I like to pretend the tip is a pacifier"
This made me as hard as diamonds.
What does this say about me as a person?
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Didn't she get in her third car crash?
Have any of the origins, alias, and invaders NOT been featured at a convention yet?
I genuinely miss her. She made my nights with her random endless yappings over meaningless things. She is the true Wife Experience chuuba.
... Fourth?
She's at like 8 in the last decade
How many of those accidents have been when she was driving? Furthermore, what in the unholy fuck does her insurance cost look like at this point?
>what in the unholy fuck does her insurance cost look like at this point?
thats why she can never quit her job
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what >>79811735 said
Retard if she wasn't at fault then typically it won't go up. Also not at fault accidents will most of the time not count as a claim so she'll get the annual no claim discount.
If you're in 8 car crashes over a 10 year period, that's a shockingly high amount and implies you're doing something wrong. I've only been in 1 car crash over the past 20 years and it was only because some old dude passed out at the wheel.
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Damn Airi needs to stop driving
wonder if airi or sakana is a worse driver
These numbers are so off for where she lives that she's full of shit



It's a meme, retard-kun.
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
Or she could be unlucky on top of driving in a shitty state. I'd bet more than half her accidents involved a stupid fucking degree behind the wheel of the other car
Would you let Dizzy eat your ass?
Me on the left
Bitos it's time for your daily limbus session
I'm going to assume "food" is groceries excluding take-out and that her rent is split, but yea.
Sell the car, take public transport
Anon that's an old meme template
>Jelly will never berate you for 20 minutes after you "accidentally" forget to pull out on dangerous day
>You will never realize few weeks later that she planned whole thing from the start
Airi stop trying to incite class wars in the thread

Is phase weekly on the schedule anywhere?
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Just got done watching Eimi's Hello Charlotte Ep.2 stream. Dumping 1/9
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Goo morning /pcg/!!
In another universe Hime joined a now-defunct corpo, graduated, and gradually became a /meat/tuber
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Thread bgm:

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Good morning Jellyposter

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