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So this is what happens if you pander to psychotic fujos and tell them their civil war is none of your business......
An attempt, lmao
deserved for keep supporting niji
the irony
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who are these people and why should anybody care?
see what i would do is that i would set up a glory hole in a hotel somewhere and live there for a while. i would then send out invites one by one and have each of my fan girls give me sloppy head. afterwards which ever one of my fan girls gave me the best head would earn the honour of being my personal sloppy blowjob live in maid. i then announce the winner to all other girls and tell them they need to work harder.all the other girls will have to practice their head skills for next years audition (they dont replace the current girl when they win, i just add them to the harem). simple really
Yeah, everyone knows you give your classmates access to your social media accounts.
This totally happens all the time.
she really did #cut4hex seriously kek

kek his response

Basically: Not my problem
It's nijisisters doxxing each other for some reason I don't know, it's been happening for 2 weeks now.
Imagine Hex sisters now demanding him to stop the bullies or else they will blame him for the fan's attempt. I'm sure this will go absolutely well !
nah they won't ever blame him. his cock is too deep in their throats
It's funny either way
If it's true, Hexsisters are stupid enough to doxx each other and get doxxed and kill themselves
If it's fake, Hexsisters are clearly desperate for Hex's attention despite him on record saying he only cares for their money
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Unaffected status?
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Unaffected status is a privilege exclusively only for Hex, anon.
So it's true, fans do reflect th le talent.
How hard is it to kill yourself jesus, cunts keep stealing hero valor like cunts they are.
He’s completely correct and sensible here. I know he’s in particular shit in his bed to get here and is now eating it, but everything he says in that post is solid.
2 more weeks!?
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the clown hex pic in the PFP is perfect
An attempt, lmao
>took three tylenol
>an attempt
Kek all Gex had to do was denounce the bad actors instead of saying the fan civil war is none of his business.
I can't believe Gex would do this.
This is worse than a party on Riku Tazumi's yacht.
He is correct about this though? He is not a police officer, he is an entertainer, and his power to help people is really only limited to his own content and broad statements like "Don't bully each other, guys!" There's not much else he really has the power to do.
...are these teenagers/young adults that have nothing to do with their lives?...
Mentally ill SEAsters and their pretend "attempts" for every other day on twitter is pathetic honestly.
Hex's fans, the sickos.
since there is no management in en to tard wrangle him, he's basically weaponized his fanbase against non-believers.
kek true. but it's a slap in the face to the sicklings and I can't help but laugh
Enableb the worst in people. Surprised pikachu face when they start tearing each other apart. Sasuga with popcorn as the fires rise around him. Hey your chuuba isn't that bad for a Niji.
yeah. but this problem started because of him.
he run away from his responsibility
Holoniggers should come up with a new lie and falseflag
QRD what are these kids(?) fighting over? Doesn't this guy do r-18 asmr?
This is the perfect chance to destroy his career completely. The fuck is false doing?
This legit made my day, thank you, anon.
He is the one who started it.
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Because it's a stupid drama
Sounds fake.
Why would his viewers care about her
For the same reason she got targeted: she is a popular clipper
Do you like this cock with shit from another man nijislut, lol
NijiEN still has clippers?
What a fucking grifter
Stockholm sicklings. Its fine when hex do it.
Sister being a hypocrite forcing others on some moral highground but letting it pass when she cuts for certain people.
Back to doxxing and harrassing for more attention Hagsis.
Welp, as much of a shit contrast it is to his slimey fuccboi character, he's not wrong. He's in no position to tell people to decide over them for their insane behavior as long it's not directly targeted towards him. All he can do is to appeal to his fans to behave and seek legal/medical help if needed.
Why is it always just an "attempt"?
It was an attempt the same way mikeneko had an attempt.
Sicklings amirite
Tiktok lingo probably, like grape and unalived
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I honestly doubt most care
Well, one because the majority of suicided attempts by women aren't actual attempts, they are cries for attention. Two because platforms need to sugar coat everything these days, and saying you attempted suicide or tried to kill yourself will get you a slap on the wrist for being naughty.
>it is a form of parasocialism if you expect me to defend you
Why are they so obsessed with blaming parasocialism when the whole concept of vtubing (hell, streaming in general) is built around people being parasocial?
Maybe twitter or Youtube etc. censor posts with the word suicide or something? Kind of like how Youtubers had to pretend covid didn't exist for fear of demonitization.
Anon, let me explain:
>It's only bad when someone asks them to be accountable for their actions
Sickling guy? As in a male Hex fan? Those exist?
kek as expected from the #cut4hex psychos
Probably a "girl to guy" tranny.
So how did Hex start this? People keep saying that but I'm not seeing how he did it
He "kissed" Denise in front of the other Sicklings during an ASMR session. Probably a misguided attempt to personalise the experience for the fans. What makes it worse is that after the backlash, he decided to choose anymore fans for the roleplays, so now she's also the ONLY fan that got special attention.
This would be a really sensible statement, if he didn't establish his brand larping as a therapist who will make your pain go away. It rings hollow.
So the Vox-Reimu drama but with a more easy target, kek what a bunch of retards
It should have been my oshi and me...
lmao all the sisters degending this but demonizing doki for saying the same thing exactly
this board is lost
>You will die
But what if I don't want to be the greatest in Koridai?
Supposedly one of Hex' clipniggers are bullying and doxxing fellow Nijisisters or something and now Nijisisters are dumping all responsibility onto Hex.
He kept pandering to his underage fans, making spicy content for them and turning a blind eye when the kids started watching it. Then he visited their twitter accounts and made them feel special by liking personal pictures of them, giving a lot of attention to the ones who clipped his stuff, and was always pretty clear about who his favorite fans were the ones who gave him money Then he washed his hands when his fans started to bully each other.

Hex didn't do anything illegal, but he created, fostered, and encouraged that kind of community. And he knew what he was doing.
isn't that rape?
Sisters are right to be pissed then. I don't think any bfe/gfe fanbase would feel okay with that.
You need to not be willing for it to be rape, considering she is coming back to the stream from the hospital (allegedly) this is more an abusive relationship that is not even real
What a fucking piece of shit
I know what this looks like when the genders are reversed.
considering he's in a position of power over her she was clearly coerced into it
But then any time a man has sex with a woman it would be rape
How the fuck does one manage to make a fake virtual relationship toxic and life threatening?
something something PARASOCIAL FUCKS
Now you get it.
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Gay men exist anon
Kek wtf is this shit?
Women being women.
Or in this case, girls.
An Alban Knox clipper uploaded yesterday for the first time in five months. I immediately unsubbed lol
Niji fans are fucking psychotic.
Isn't this entirely his fault then
Anon's classmate here he's in hospital right now and will literally (trigger warning) ''att3mpt'' himself to death (hope you understand) the moment he gets out unless you contact his oshi and tell her to record him a personal blowjob audio. Please contact Mumei as soon as possible he doesn't have long

Who do these people think they're fooling with this shit. God I hate teens
how does the classmate know her twitter password
You don't have classmates whose first instinct given a suicide attempt is to post about it on Twitter to own your cyberbullies? Bleak, do you even have friends?
>He kept pandering to his underage fans [...] and made them feel special by liking personal pictures of them
This was very early on in his career, pretty much at debut. He joined Niji with a clear plan to become Vox 2.0
If we are assuming she is being fully honest and none of them are just doing it for attention then the only way for it to reasonable happen is that after "an attempt, lmao"ing either the hospital decided to keep her phone away from her or she herself doesn't want to log in to properly rest for now, so hexsister gave her password to her friend because she really wanted to tell her oh so many twitter followers not to worry
The events still have some holes however, since she apparently will log in to watch the stream anyways or just the weird leap from wanting to an hero because of harassment to "I really need to watch the next stream and chat there"
This works in theory for normal fanbases but what he's doing is:

>"Hex one of your fans doxxed me and threatened to kill me"
>Bro I don't care I'm not their mom
holy shit this is more fucking retarded that I could have possibly imagined
There was a tag for niji fan selfies, he went through it and liked photos.
He was selective though. Only cute girls got his likes.
Clippers, artists and other vtubers always get special treatment man, these people are making a fuss about something every vtuber does.
>Well, you know... both sides... I can't say who is wrong...
>Telling me stuff like that is just bullying me
>My job ends the moment I stop the stream
It's funny how many sisters are defending him, I'm not really that surprised that the one who tried to kill herself went right back to watch his next stream

>what about
Not every vtuber does what Hex does, this kind of drama is normal when you are encouraging your underage fans to treat you like their boyfriend
parasocial is such a buzzword
From what I'm seeing, unlike holocorns who get upset at a talent being fan of her male coworkers, the nijicorns only get upset if you interrupt or get attention during their roleplay/rapeplay sessions
Or I guess it could be less of a holo/niji unicorn thing and more of a male/female unicorn thing
Nah, they hated Nina because she went out of her way to become friends with the boys, and I remember plenty of sisters shitting on Selen when she bantered with vox
Why are female fanbases always so insane? Whether it's Nijisanji or Steven Universe or Kpop, they're all full of sniping and viciousness.
I would argue a larger percentage of Nina's antibase came from the PL smear campaign (a la Shiori or ERB).
It’s the same irl, just less public.
Isn't this really really bad? When is Jex gonna address this? Is he gonna wait till more sickles(forgot their fanname) off themselves and murder each other
Women are generally in reality both more horny and more toxic than men, they just don't wear it on their sleeves like men do. But women know women and therefore they hate women.
Then I guess it's just women being less autistic about coworkers interacting but far more unhinged about someone interrupting actual bfe content
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>/vt/rannies are so starved for official Niji drama that they're stalking underage hexsisters and reporting on their high school drama

congrats bros you're officially the sisters now
Most vtubers even gfe/bfe ones aren't singling out one person to kiss in asmr streams
Every ASMR dude winds up thinking they're the one. "Lol maybe I can be that guy that will build an actual harem." What a bunch of dumbasses.
I have always loved drama since the google plus days.
God how I miss it
That's the funny thing anon, he already did address it
>Don't expect me to do anything about this, I'm just here to stream (and take your money)
I read the thread already gomen, it was my knee-jerk reaction at only reading the OP, he's still a slimeball scum and it's hiss fault but they're not his responsibility
Women genuinely don't like each other, talks about the sisterhood helping one another is just really about getting ahead and using the others as stepping stones.
>but they're not his responsibility
I mean, the bare minimum thing to say is...
>Hurting people is bad, no matter the reasons. I have no power to stop you from doing it, but at least I can say that you are not welcome to my streams if you do that kind of stuff.
But he can't even do that because he knows some of the bullies are his own clippers and paypigs
>Nijisisters filtering themselves out of the gene pool
>admits hex grooms underage girls
This isn't the win you think it is
Youtube shits bricks when suicide is mentioned
Lol NijiEN filled with cucks.
Least insane hexsister
Well when the situation got worse to that extent usually you say something worthwhile to try to stop it

But he remains unaffected
Hex Groomwire
>vtuber Onision
It all makes sense now...
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>wonder what vtuber this is about
>it's just off-topic fanbase drama
That reminds me of messages sent by kids. "Yes, this is X's father, how can I help you?" and shit like that.
What an actual retard.
>hospital deems you mentally unfit
>takes your phone away from you
>you sneak to your friend who visits you and tell them your password
>ask them to update your twitter for you multiple times every hour, and also ask if they can get in flamewars on your behalf

>this is the best case scenario
Don't forget the part where as soon as the hospital gives her phone back or just discharges her outright she will go watch the next stream and probably update her twitter again
That's why Hex's best option is to just shut the fuck up, pretend that nothing happened and move away from the parasocial stuff for a long while (he won't do it)
>Selen tries to kill herself, banishes for 2 months and can only communicate through steam names
>sisters says she lied about attempting even if Niji document and black stream says she did do it.
>Rando claims she tried to kill herself, gave her twitter password to her classmate and is going to watch streams after one day
>Crazy sister gets apologies and people believe her
Did I get that right? sounds made up like the suicide attempt
As long as she doesn't curse Hex's or Nijisanji's name they are willing to give her the benefit of doubt
That's a pretty bad response when he actively seeks these fans
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Disable Chat

That will fix 110% of all problems.

Or at the very least paygate the communications so that only the highest bidder pays for access to directly chat with you.
>They keep protecting the names of all the doxxers and harassers to keep the reputation of their fandom safe
Actual, unironic mental illness
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Cute gif but what did you mean by this?
His statement is fine in a vacuum, but I can hardly sympathise with him when he makes bank off attracting sickos on purpose, and on his first months he was all in for letting people vent and would often act as a lover/shrink, which brings me to
>Parasocial is le bad
Fuck him, his whole thing is cultivating parasocial relationships with mentally unstable women, at least don't bring that up. He's reaping what he sow
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Reading OP and the rest of the thread made me smile.
I have a very dark and socially unacceptable sense of humor, you see.
>can only communicate through steam names
Sometimes I forget how insane the Selen saga actually was

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