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The 80th Wind

>NEXT STREAM: 【A WAY OUT】Stream! with GIGI!!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

>LAST STREAM: 【MINECRAFT】Mining with Raora!!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79810550
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>correction: Crab game is at 12pm JST! o7
Geh kacken Bernd, it's a schedule.
where are the violin streams?
>inb4 "schedule not zeitplan"
too late anon
Because it is? It's EN not KRAUT.
His autism was too strong...
Stop seeking original content. You will get game streams and you will enjoy it.
maybe she's waiting till elizabeth stops doing karaoke so they don't clash?
I wonder how bad the perms autism is for playing songs on violin
Shiori's done some piano streams and she's had to mostly limit herself to improvised pieces because of perms bullshit.
Is public domain a thing in Japan? They are retarded about copyright so might as well ask.
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>Is public domain a thing in Japan?
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when she sees your penis
Thunderbolt fantasy watchalong when?
Cecilia would never use that racist gesture
she's going to have to bring out the micrometer for that one.
hello ceci love u
You will get maybe 4 per years, max
I like the way she handles her lore with things like eating and sleeping. Not going full lore autist, but also not abandoning it completely.
Ceci's violin player relies on ancient gadgetry that doesn't get manufactured anymore. She has to carefully budget their use so they don't wear out.
fuck I had a meeting for the last like 50 minutes, what did I miss
I'm so confused, what exactly is the familial relationship between Otomos, Chattini, Raora, and Cecilia?
they flirted a lot and then made out for 30 mins
They took maybe 10 to 15 minutes or so to get warmed up, but past that it was pretty consistent good times. Just go ahead and watch it.
yes. they can play most classical music
Raora is the mama of both otomos and chattini
On stream
You cant find it anymore because they had to cut it out from the vod
Right, that's the only consistent part
send lewd
I was talking about holo, shippers, at least in the early days fucking ruined amesame and takamori, glad that shit don't work anymore
Thinking about it, the doll joints mean that armpit art won't have that skin stretch thing that most armpit art has as part of its appeal
ceci and raora love us
what would happen if you crank her too much
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We are fraternal twins and we are loved
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why do chattini bully their mamma so much? are they the evil twin?
You hear the faint clicking you get if you overwind a mechanism and you might get a brief burst of frenetic activity but overall the winding won't last as long as usual and you'll have damaged her brain until she can go in for proper maintenance.
Is that even possible? She'd probably bottom out and can't be cranked more.
Cause she is cute when she is angy
She helped Raora give birth to us
Is that why CC bullies her then?
Bros, my penis is 2 inches long. Will that be enough to satisfy Cecelia Immergreen?
You won't even poke her gears
With modulation anything is possible!
don’t even bother
is this true?
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You can still modify yourself to save the situation
Don't think so. There have been plenty variety streams or streams where they played different games etc
i’ve seen a bunch of streams without the official logo so no. maybe for certain games at least.
Catching up on the stream with Raora, and it feels to me like CC has better synergy with her than anyone else in her gen.
CC's bgm is so damn good, we really lucked out
She's just great in collabs in general
doing variety streams with multiple different games in one is very rare and seems to be a bit of a permissions nightmare from what I remember
She giggles when Raora's heavy accent gets in the way and Raora has no issues with self-awareness, so it becomes cute
They can't do variety streams anymore. Have to make a new stream if they start a different game
it's not about the size of the lever,
ahahaha sorry it totally is. good luck moving the world.
Yeah, I think Raora is amazing at handling those sort of self-awareness things like her accent and the pizzapasta Italiano stereotype things
>>79822416 (me)
Forgot to say the second part of this
Cece definitely plays off well with collab partners that handle strong banter well, so we'll have to see how she does with collab partners she might clash more with.
That's a shame. I look like this:
not even a sapling but really looking forward to her collab with fauna. Although she has to be the one to ask so is she shy about asking for collaborations?
She showed up in Shiori's chat and they seemed to hit it off well there, and Shiori is famously not one to collab much, so who knows.
That’s still only about 2 inches. Remember how small we are
Cecilia Immergreen only wants white sheep. She literally killed a sheep on-stream for having a slightly darker color.
more doll sex
Cecilia seems just good at collabs in general since she doesn't hold back from bantering. The most common problem in Hololive collabs is when you have two meek and shy girls playing it safe. You need at least one of them to break the ice.
Joints could be better but otherwise nice
Hololive x Bandai Namco collab. Would you want an HG 1/144, RG1/144, or a MG 1/100 Ceci kit?
Immerheim über alles!
Shiori has anxiety issues, she hardly collabs with anyone. And her fanbase mostly prefers it that way.
Fauna likes collabs and saplings are unity pilled as long as it's CGDCT, but she pretty much never initiates. The fact that they've spoken in discord already augurs well though. (Fauna asked her if she's cool with herbal tea.)
None. Give me a BJD.
But of course they would bond over tea..
Can't wait until she calls one of her shy senpais stupid
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>unity pilled as long as it's CGDCT
Every single itnernal HoloEN collab is CGDCT by definition, oits a type of content not a type of streamer. I know this is going to become an issue in the future with liggers getting strange ideas so I am correcting you now
Give me 30MS for that modularity
Fauna is a tea supremacist. Team green unity is at an all-time peak.
Ceci kit with Gegi left right hand, Raora Right hand, and Liz’s Great sword as a main weapon.
Figurise standard joints already look like doll joints, so probably one of those instead of a proper gunpla. Perfect Grade Unleashed Full Armor Immergreen or bust.
Most of them would probably love that. So many are M, while Cecilia has S tendencies.
I think you understood what I meant. Certain holos are more focused on certain types of content, and this affects how each fanbase regards each other and potential collabs. This is not me being judgemental, I'm just calling a spade a spade.
I have seen more Ceci lewds than ERB ones which genuinely surprise me (Raora is still the one with most from justice)
CC has the novelty factor of being a doll. ERB's model is pretty standard by comparison.
>more cici today
shes the best
>Full Armor Immergreen
That sounds like a proper Gundam.
You can count the few with S tendencies on one hand and still won't need to use all your fingers.
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Good news segment.
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His usage of CGDCT was correct
Meh, I don't want to give people more excuses to find holo vs. holo shitposting routes in an attempt to "fit in" as it were. The voicepack incident from eariler today shows how easy it is to get one of those going.
I won't be using my hand!
Maybe you should just shut up about it then.
>Every single itnernal HoloEN collab is CGDCT by definition
How else will I get my coins back?
Do you look like a cute shota?
Ceci is pretty much Fauna's ideal type as far as I can tell
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i think fauna and cece should have sex
Not submissive enough
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with Mumei and GG watching
I hate corpos.
With me.
I love how you can read this as Gigi or Gawr Gura, and both make sense.
I think so too. Polite and well-mannered but not afraid to dish out the banter. Smart and well-read. Above-average knowledge of memes. Talented and cute.

She loves brats though.
Brats are still subs though, Cece isn't a brat
if Mumei, Gura and GG watch that's a whole fucking audience, might as well sell popcorn there
This robot has been pretty bratty on-stream so far IMO. But every person has multiple facets to them of course.
Also, Fauna is more of a switch. She likes feisty girls like Gura and Kronii. Cecilia is very feisty.
>Are you sure this will help us catch Advent?
Nah I mean don't get me wrong I'd be interested to see green woman collab, but I disagree with your assessment here. I think Fauna is strongly dominant-leaning at least and Gura and Kronii are both submissive, Gura brat variety of course. And nothing submissive about Cece from what I've seen so far
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Cecilia soon!
Both of these assessments are wrong, and silly. The collab with CC and Fauna is going to be more like Fauna and Mumei's perfurson drawing stream than anything she's done with Gura and Kronii.
>NEXT STREAM: 【A WAY OUT】Stream! with GIGI!!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice
CC set up the room wrong, she has fixed it by now.
I miss CC
she worked hard guys, make sure to support her!
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you shake the machine until product or money falls out

be sure to wear jockstrap before such attempt
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I did, I bought both versions
technically doable on twitch but it's bit of a hassle, easier to just make new frame on youtube

and yes technically every streamer should have the legal notification in their description if they have obtained perms to stream the game
Their collab will be going to idol meetings and crank windings every 15 minutes
I have a hard time thinking of any real woman as genuinely dominant-leaning, much less a waif like Fauna. Same impression I've gotten from CC so far. Yes, they're not complete doormats like some of the other girls, but they still love getting teased. It's about the struggle.

We're just talking about their personalities and compatibility, not exactly how a collab stream would look like. It'll take a while for them to get on the same level as Faumei since those two know each other very well by now, but it might end up like that eventually, yes.

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