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Filling Out Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Nobody is LIVE! And it's Wednesday, so don't expect anyone for a bit. That's it. Keep things comfy, etc.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>79814574
I love Michi so much.
I want to eat out Sushi
I guess I'll repost here
for any anon who got matara debut merch, how long did it take to move from preorder phase to shipping?
I'm asking because I ordered michi debut bundle and I wonder if there's any news
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ironmouse is sexy
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I want Sushidog
17 years
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Love my wolf wife
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Love my /lig/ wife
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WCT officially in effect
mouse live on her second channel
Shared channel live, btw
Didn't get any Mata merch, but it took 6 months to get my Haruka merch
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Fuck ya, time for kino
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>Another sponsored collab
I'm not complaining about more Mouse and Monke but do they do anything else now?
They actually hate each other and will not be seen together unless they are paid.
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what a simp
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It's the middle of day two with no wife stream. The struggle weighs heavily on me folks.cthe crumbs from Mouses stream can only hold me for so long.
cinnamoroll money.
Geega's heist crew completed the art heist yesterday, which is good vibes all around, naturally, but Sykkuno has a tendancy to go wild to cause drama when there's not a new heist to figure out and he seemed to flip that swtich right away instead of it taking a couple days or weeks. Their group is at war with another group, Hades, which is led by Sykkuno's real life friends. Hades came to their warehouse and robbed Leah, who runs the food stand and does farming with Geega. Sykkuno came out and saw this happening and not only didn't help, he ran over to invite the leaders of Hades into the Warehouse to show them the intel his group had built up around them and also revealed their network of surveliance cameras. This is going to force Buddha to actually punish or kill Sykkuno's character or make a lot of his most productive earners angry. And Geega will have to pick between friends too, obvously. It should be fun, but it could always get ugly.
Too many fucking sponsors
It hurts so bad
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I miss them
we dont really watch these 2 collab for the gameplay dont we let her be least that pays for the cinnamon rolls and yea obviously mousey is gonna have tons of sponsors coz numbers
You're right to correct him, because shes MY wife
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We will survive. Somehow.
>mousey is gonna have tons of sponsors coz numbers
Sell out
the fuck is this esl
I like this art it reminds me of that one ds game I forgot the name of
Step aside pal. YOU are not taking my wife
Mouse fell and sprained her ankle
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Mouse sprained her ankle
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At least you only have to wait a day. I'll be without a Mel stream for at least a week thanks to AX. Pray for me anon.
This is the only place I can admit I'm in love with a green moose.
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Bathroom breaks are gonna go from 20 mins to 45 mins lol
Or they'll be faster than ever if she goes back to the wheelchair.
The World Ends With You
She's mine
I don't remember posting this but I'm colorblind so I'm going to assume this is Sinder in which case yes I do with all my soul.
After the debut they are never coming back
I thought mouse was gonna play but she is there just to watch, do they miss each other that much even though they talk everyday
Connors having too much sex in America so he has less time to speak to her
fuck the jps
i want HER to be in
>Connors having too much sex
lmao. you made me spit out my water there, nice one anon.
is mouse still pretending she isnt dating connor?
See kqsii title. Yeah I don't think she's applying
You want /lig/? I'll give you /lig/.
>Connors having too much sex
he has said on stream that if there was a pill that would kill his libido he'd probably take it so he doesn't have to waste time fapping
shes not but she's fucking Bubi tho
easy to pretend when it's true
Unless he's started up a monetizable OnlyFans, his content brain doesn't allow sex.
sponsor might have offered more if she sat in to watch. just looked up the game and it's from level-5 so they've definitely got the money to pay well
wtf that's not normal
Mousegoslings rise up. Mouse is aromantic and Connor is asexual, they couldn't be more incompatible
That was the shortest hour of my life
She's never said this stop making shit up about her sexuality its fucking creepy
based. that's not why I take my pill but it does that for me and yeah it frees up a lot of time
uh oh melty
thank god
oh no
Mouse is aromantic and demisexual. Connor is more private about everything, but from what he has said graysexual would be more accurate than asexual.
I jerk off because I want to
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They should bring on Chinami (former Gundou). I say this purely because she has a sex model and rtx. She is also JP Vei.
I want a source on the aro bit because a woman who's consumed thousands of romantic VNs doesn't strike me as aro
The only think Mouse said is she's pan
You were making shit up before, but now you're being real creative.
Collab + cop time
She's not anon is being a weirdo
That doesn't mean he doesn't like sex, what he mean is he thinks fapping is a waste of time and he could use that time to do better things like work or going to the gym. I think most people would agree that fapping is a waste of time, i feel like i'm wasting my life everytime i finish
>he thinks fapping is a waste of time
now that's fucking deranged
She also has that thing where you are only attracted to people you connect to emotionally. Whatever that is called.
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Geegin' out
Geega should be fighting for VshojoKR, not JP.
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what did geega mean by this
>Hi @TalentMSM can you manage me?
Uh, even if you don't buy all the drama between them and certain indies and other agencies. Seth has done enough wacky shit to make this a questionable first choice after beating cancer so I'm assuming she missed all that.
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I find Geega sexually attractive.
I hear she has a horrible personality. So nope.
she misses her angel wife
yeah but she still think people are sexy
where is geegas korean cover song
Geega will never sing or dance.
Yeah, I meant relationship wise. Idk I can't keep up with all this.
>That doesn't mean he doesn't like sex, what he mean is he thinks fapping is a waste of time and he could use that time to do better things
The guy only cares for content so anything that's not content is pointless to him, that's just how he is
enjoying yourself is a totally normal thing for everyone, be it from a video game, a movie or a fap, nothing weird or shameful about having preferences
Guess we're getting a JP shota Vshojo.
geega has polyps
That's also what people said about Vei but as we all know she is a loveable sweetheart.
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She wants to get into the JP GTA server and a JP chuba as a kohai would be an easy ticket
I fap since i was 13 and i regret everyday what i could have done with all that wasted time
Yeah I think that's it because we know she's watched a lot of hentai and played a lot of nsfw VNs
So what you're saying is that he should be recording his masturbatory sessions and making monetizable content out of them.
youtube shorts content
Why. jerking off is fun I can't imagine regretting it all the time
oonga boonga where the /in/posts at
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how can you post on 4chan and complain about anything being a "waste of time"? have some self-awareness.
This. Vei is loved and admired by all vtubers
reading this post was a waste of time
Mouse is going to go live in an hour to catch that Connor raid
vei and numi collab happening eventually.
yeah kind of embarrassing, these guys are just lazy and blame external factors like fapping or porn instead of themselves
im highly productive and a proud coomer
>84 KB
you couldn't find a lower resolution?
>Take over HONEYZ and rename it VShojoKR
>Use HoneyChurros as leverage to get Lily /in/
Start making your CHZZK accounts boys.
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Bring back this look one last time Mouse
I guess at some point i was not doing for fun or pleasure. I was doing just out habit and it was just depressing, porn addiction is no joke
I don’t think they are blaming anything. It just doesn’t leave them feeling good about how they spent their time
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4chan is the only source of absolute knowledge still valid in today's world. The 21st century Oracle of Delphi.
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First Vshojo to comment on the JP expansion.
Let's hear it Geega.
I watch plenty of porn but I would not say I'm addicted and I still enjoy it
her first order of business is to get everyone to stop saying chuubas
I am away from my computer. What do you want, the fuckin psd file?
Too sexy she'll never show it again
sex with froot, fruit themed vtubers, any vtuber that has ever mentioned anything fruit related
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y she so cute
geega shitting on clickbait. shes coming for you mouseydawg
geega HATES /in/posters
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Michi has Geega's approval. She is so /IN/.
hope she gets in
hope the auditions result in more than one new member too
kek based
Kuro was so real for that.
end of august
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kqsii passed auditions and made it to OTK shes /out/
shots fired at nazzy
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be less vague
naz is a hussy
geega soft confirming they don't need to know good english
I dont think the winner gets into otk at the end..
>don't need to know good english
Ironmouse is /in/
"good english"
so they need to at least know some?
like more than nazuna but less than henya?
GEEGA genki desu
Pol yp on deez
no, she said she'd use the few jp words she knows and doesn't give a fuck
no, she said she and everyone else don't care, they'll just scream at each other.
it's a universal language
Geega picked her name so it would be easier for people that don't speak english to talk to her. But all that's easier is for them to say is her name. Did she really think this through? What kind of conversations is she having where the other person is just saying her name over and over?
Pretty much every nip can spit out "herro sankyu berry machu", they learn it in school.
okay so she's just saying her own preference then and is not speaking on behalf of vshojo management got it
She lived in Korea dude
She probably picked up that from there
someone post the giri audition
General "Vshojo is looking for ambitious people" Geega
kinda glad vshojo fumbled giri if she was just gonna become a fleshtuber regardless
>be geega
>entire style and lore is based on disgaea
>never talk about or play NIS games
what did she mean by this
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good afternoon
i love nyanners
that is all

uhhh you better not look what Kson is doing then
Of course, this collab was not to be missed.
its not like she had a chance with 2 month into streaming at that time
Talent freedom, bitch.
at least she shows ayuss
wake up, its not 2021 anymore
i'm not
imagine constant kson groping giri collabs
fuck you aethel you lucky fuck
What if the new JP is just Geega speaking Japanese
That can still happen now. Kson is like Kobe Bryant: it's gonna happen.
This put a smile in my face, was it because of the archive diving of the other day
She did her usual model + floating hands stream today.
>Kson is like Kobe Bryant
keep her away from helicopters
She flies first class.
Don't let her visit Colorado.
and she plays in the jp gta server
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Geega telling new members that they have to apply literally ten times to 'show persistance'. This is like an interview where they tell you to come at 8am and they just make you wait until 3pm to prove how dedicated you are. Kind of awful, honestly.
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y-yeah, who would do that...
esl or stupid?
Fly Kson to Colorado via helicopter.
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you know
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Geega is going to personally make sure VShojo gets a shota and that they personally move in with her so she can give them "English lessons"
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The only word they'll learn is her name though.
I'm a Vtuber purist. : ) I have to gatekeep
They should honestly try to push for an interview or an announcement, I don't think VShojoJP has enough power in Japan for people to see it
god I wish that were me...
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So now its been a while I wonder what this was all about? Maybe it was the swimsuit collab
Oh and Mouse has an ear infection again too along with the sprained ankle. I swear this rat can't go one week without issues.
Panini cosplaying as demon princess Mouse. NOW.
If I pull that off, would she die?
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Those xoxo, mine.
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if you're crying about Geega gta remember
it could always be worse
Geega could always larp as an actual literal dog
Why do these teasers look like some screen from a hentai?
focus conor, you can esex with mouse later
Mouse is going to be on lewdcast on CB
Because she's going to flick my prostate with her xoxo finger.
letter drop at the end
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>vshojo gets a new jp member
>doesn't know english, just few phrases like "hello" and "sankyuuu"
>she exclusively plays valorant/apex/league
Might as well be possible
Tho, as long is a cute singer
Im ok with it
Best outcome, honestly.
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this cannot be real
this debut is weird timing because so many people are away for ax right now. it'll be interesting to see who is able to show up for it, unless she does that elden ring stream idea she had instead.
highgai told geega she's /out/
>never collabs with anybody
>streams once a month
anon that was Nazuna lol
it is real
there are people larping as actual dogs in gta
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Insanely cute
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i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with every fiber of my being.
no idea, autism I guess
she's got that dog in her
i do hope the bastard sisters reconnect or their alternate personas scissor at least
broccoli kitty has at least three different characters on that server. and if anyone could pull it off it would be her since shes crazy for rpgs.
Pull what off? Barking?
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Mouse live
Thread ruined
am I back in 2022? oh no the COVID lockdowns again noooooo
WCT Doubters where are you at?
mouse already said she is adjusting in preparation for ax
No. The swimsuit would have been in the works for a long time when she tweeted this
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Best girl in the universe is live! On her main account.
So its still something to come probably.
These statements don't contradict each other, you obsessed shippers.
Yes, she moves her timeslot mostly because of outside factors, one of them being her meds/health, the other is her work, and the other is her relationships. Of course, if one is shitting the other, the others have to move. Would you expect her to be almost dying of sleep during the fucking panel
Presumably, yes. Hard to say wether it will be merch, an event, or something else
zen saved geegas career
With Panini's reaction hopefully something sexy
Damn Jurard just catching strays from Mouse like that.
Geega is pushing JP and ES branches because she just supports them and not because those are the two largest GTA rp communites.
Honestly the 'literal dog' arc has been better than the hunt:showdown arc
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didn't she became a fleshtuber, got shit on by her community, and stopped streaming?
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Sanest Mousefag.
Wasn't she involved in big drama?
and chased off by her own community
sounds like he's turning to the dark side
Probably an event, likely something Mouse just planned at the moment or in her brain before telling Panini.
Panini is the director of talent, if there's something like current merch, she would have some knowledge of it.
My guess is something they wouldn't like be doing, and considering the conversation about one IRL, it's not like Panini is all that excited to be in IRL all the time.
He sounds pretty reasonable to me too, I'd also want to hunt someone down if I gave them thousands of dollars only to get dumped.
this is why his girl left him lmao
bro is venting in anime girls chat
Someone get a sound clip of that pls
did mouse says she was doing elden ring today?
subathons over buddy no more elden ring lol
Seems like Mouse doesn't give a fuck about the auditions or is not happy about it kek
>Geega's audience overlap is 50% VShojo vtubers and 50% GTA streamers
did she say anything about it I'm catching up on michi vod ??!
>we dont need to waste time with auditions, i can already tell you who i want in
>I'm excited, I can't wait
btfo sperg
Perfectly balanced
Chat keeps mentioning Sushidog
Leave the girl alone
I love /in/ posting here but some people go a bit too crazy with it.
Has Mouse still not spoken much about her swimsuits on stream?
if you watched streams you'd know
Outside of the initial announcement and who she might want to see wear it, no.
Mouse just said no more /in/ posting. It's over. She's killing our traditions.
She showed them off on stream yesterday after Heavenly said he'd wear it
Bro there are literally too many streams to watch. Not everyone can watch literally everyone in an org that has like 500 hours of streams a week.
>Heavenly said he'd wear it
He really is becoming the Connor replacement.
skill issue
I hope our shit doesn't rub off on chat or fans in general, it should stay /here/.
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heavenly is busy with another cosplay rn
Watch all chatting, skip all gaming.
Nah, /in/posting is ok as long as it doesn't leave this site.
she can't stop us
>anon thinks /in/posting is a /here/ thing
every since niji fucked up there is no line anymore
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>he doesn't overclock his neuralink to perceive time x10 slower
stfu you retard she's gone days without sleep atleast pretend to be a mousefag
cope harder
I know people do that anyway I just hope I'm not contributing to it with shitposts.
People literally sent Michi superchats /in/posting her while she was graduating as Mika.
Mouse just called me honey.
......let me know when his fat ass does irl streams
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all of your posts and edits will end up in some dramatuber's shitty video, it is what it is
>Rage game
I like Mouse playing rage games for 3 or 4 hours but I would never expect her to finish them but it is funny to watch her rage and call things sluts or cunts for a little bit
mika will never get /in/ stop being delulu
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I hope it's this one
Yes nigga, and how did it go for her, breaks of two days and terrible health.
anon /in/ posting is basically like speculating whos the next character for smash bros its not just a /here/ thing its all over preddit and twitter too
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If that anon who was asking about shipping and bought Mata merch is around: I just got an email saying some of my merch shipped lmao. Not even the full order, just some pieces.
To be fair, shitposts aren't the worst part of it. It's when they do something like they went Pomu was barely graduating (discussing shit like it was a guaranteed choice), or remember that Pikamee drawing.
Do you not know about kson and giri fishing in skirts and tights?
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Katie just posted a pic of a bunch of vtubers who met up IRL. Shylily, Dya, Camila, ipn, Saiiren, Numi, Katie, Froot, Bipsy, and Fufu are the ones I recognize. I'm sorry Fraikibros https://twitter.com/LichVtuber/status/1808396269825458279
Yeah I had the same thing happen with my order. Some items I had ordered had shipped to other people months ago, but I put them in the order with some items I have not seen in the wild yet.
>I'm sorry Fraikibros
she and auteru were busy making out in the bathroom
imagine the smell
I mostly said that because aside from Teru the person I see most with Fraiki is Fufu lmao
stroke your belly button with your pinky after a week of not bathing
I love the chibi Mouse but its best at the end of stream when she's winding down
This is how vtubers get covid.
It's about time I chrome up
>Froot inbetween Katie and Bipsy instead of Katie and Bipsy being beside each other
I now believe they fucked
That's why you fill it with hand sanitiser and finger it a bit every once in a while
froot sandwich...
that's her choice parasocial fuck
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>finger your belly button
how fat are you faggots that you can fit an entire finger in that shit
Fingering only means sticking your entire finger into something when you're talking about sex
collab startin
I really apricate that Mouse is trying to do at least an hour of chatting at the start of streams again
Do you have an outie
i do
there's nongroping though
inauthentic english speakers btfo'd
American privilege, us europoors are starved for streams when Michi isn't here.
you can just say Americans
Americans are fat with streams.
Michi's the one I want to watch the most at the moment but I have to grind degen hours to do it. The duality of streams.
its a wash when half of it is talking about games
Nah I'm not picky chatting is chatting. same with videos and solo she's been doing a bit more and I love it
Fuck you soulsfags.
cannot wait for my michi bundle, 2025 Xmas will be a great one
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Mata update
>matara is forcing her chained up children to drink
I find the bit she does where she pretends like she's drinking every day, starting early in the morning even, kind of hard to understand. I know it's meant to sort of play off the failgirl/gremlin stuff a lot of streamers do, but it just comes across as a little too serious and sad to work as a funny character trait.
So Deluta
yes, it's totally a bit
That video Mouse is watching is funny as shit.
She's actually just an alcoholic. Remember when she got too drunk on New Years and told everyone about Antarctica?
konbini confessions is always great
When will the streamer IronMouse of the Vtuber agency Vshojo get her huge fucking tits out on stream?
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Never. She's been deslutified.
vshoujo purified her
Soon Henya will be able to have real friends, and she won't have to suffer through these western whores.
When she joins Mel on CB
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Vshojo is a dead corpo, no one wants to stream anymore.
Will Henya drink at the festival?
what are you talking about? Everyone knew that Mata wanted to visit antarctica after she got out of Hollywood but Ironmouse told Gunrun to catch her in LA.
new thread
>Froot with the man hand
that explains her 40 incher
Honestly I feel that so much and wish such a thing was possible.
Mouse hates Connor's beard

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