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Previous: >>79819487
/#/ is declining
The people that call Gigi boring must have never watched ERB, in which case I envy them.
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This is ERB thread now
I wanna bury my face in those luscious mounds
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ngl this is on the lower trajectory compared to her art/zatsu stream
I'd rather listen to ten ERBs in a single room than listen to an Enna-adjacent voice
The only good (solo) Gigi stream so far was her Prosekai one though.
>check filename
anyone else noticing that ERBs mouth rigging is kinda shite
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Sex with brotubers
Any ERB homos tweet today?
Ngl man, I can see why what Cover saw in her.
She's a natural motormouth.
But bloody hell her selen laugh is fucking horrendous.
It's so shit that not even Selen even doing it anymore as Doki.
That's pretty good compared to ERB's zero.
>watching either of them to begin with
She didn't talk
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links doko
Already better than gigi
how does this thread keep making niggas seethe
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
Which communities are these management dick riders from
what's with homobeggars and phase being allied against holo and niji?
Her art/zatsu stream was at 8.5k ccv 30 minutes into the stream?

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

Obsessed faggot
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Too busy spamming their streams
Gigi can yap and plays videogames regularly at least
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yes, check your DMs
Didn't vesper use to get 7k during these hours with a zatsu? Pretty low ccv for debute month from erb
/#/ watches Gigi on the regular.
As for ERB, I thought I should watch at least 1 non-collab non-karaoke non-FPS stream of hers in order to gauge her ability.
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/#/ is inclining
qrd on CC and GG?
>catalog threadshitter
Then watch her stream now and tell us your impression, anonchama
I did not think it was possible for a holo gen to perform this badly in the first few weeks of debut buff
What happened?
Ban all homocollabers mention. No one cares about Mori, Kronii, Bae or ERB
>Sub 9k
Oof. On her way to absolute runthood. Without debut tourists she would be 5k. And after homocollabs she will be 1k-2k
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homobeggars, avert your eyes.
>homobegging ledditors defending management over Kronii for the perms bullshit
They aren't even pretending they are wearing masks. Jesas.
That's what I did >>79825545
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saplings and otomos kissing
Don't worry Iofi will raid her to that mythical non-karaoke 10k ERB stream.
Homocollabers stronk together
CC is an automaton and GG is an orange goblin
is 7 days to die any good?
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My Mori!
We love all EN girls here.
They always seems weirdly defensive of the management for some reason
This but unironically
I'm watching ERB for the first time now and I'm actually surprised by two things.

One, her normal speaking voice is actually... significantly worse than I was expecting? She sounds great voicing characters, but for just narrating her own gameplay I was expecting her voice to sound a lot different than it actually does. It's not nearly as smooth as I thought it'd be.

Two, is her chat always this bad or is it just an Undertale thing?
ERB is holostars
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I honestly feel bad for erb. I only hate her legion of blatant Holoantis. She should be able to collab with whoever she want without causing a whole culture war. “She could’ve just not join Hololive if she was going to male collab”. But then again, Hololive is the only actual ticket to success considering the alternatives... It’s a pretty shitty situation for everyone involved. :/
Easily mogs shitrys play thru if it
idk, i've never seen it before.
You know, had this been anyone from the CGDCT group, anons would have side with them. But since it's Kronii, no one gives that much shit about it
it's ok, don't know if is less jank
they know
homo management is in talks with beggarcords
Simplified Project Zomboid in 3D i guess?
ogey phasecuck
>her chat always this bad or is it just an Undertale thing?
Undertalefags are known to be obnoxious
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In a perfect world unicorns, holoantis, and homobeggars would not exist. but this is not a perfect world
I mean they know that any sane management will just cut off the contact between Homo and Holo entirely, so they're trying to preserve what they have now.
Some of those moves looked at bit... Awkward... With a little girl.
assuming ERB doesn't try to pull a fast one with the girls, this doesnt change anything, the war against the homo antis continues as it always has
is Kronii speedrunning termination? even Gura is not this straightforward whenever she calls out management
Respect didn't last
Homo gold today?
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Pretty close to Fauna-tier.
If Liz actually gets 10k I'll shove the head of my Kiara figure in my ass
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unicorns are the good guys.
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based and same
okay nijicuck
Kronster need to collab with Jutard to regain her good grace among them
vtubers wouldn’t exist in a perfect world because there would be no demand for it
There needs to be some sapling otomo art where they're dressed up like Kenny and Kyle
I think Fauna would like that
>doesn't try to pull a fast one with the girls
aaaaahh Bae
Any honest opinion on why is GG the runt of Justice?

>Mine is that she sounds and feels like a Chink with Twitchwhore humor.I don't hate her, though. I just can't get myself to like her stream
>miku gachaslop actually did decent numbers
Nice, she should play more rhythm games.
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>no red bars.
why do fauna and ame hate doing voice packs, I just want to sling money at them without also giving it to google
>60k views on superchat reading
This bitch is a perfect picture of consistency.
Like, borderline perfect stagnation.
Voice acting is actually not much of a buff outside sc bait then? Viewers prefer a girl who can zatsu.
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>homo management is in talks with beggarcords
I'm subscribing to this Rrat.
Your brain is rotted by the internet
>Viewers prefer a girl who can zatsu.
lol if that were true Shiori and Kiara would be the most popular
Lmao Bae did try it. Remember Mumei collab with homoJP? It was Bae who tricked her into it. Mori and Kronii also tried the same shit with IRyS and Fauna
i dont think its even a rrat, i remember one of the managers having a clique in the main discord or some shit
Stop bringing that up intentionally, I know you're doing it so you can shit on Mumei 100 posts later
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God I wish I was that dude. Saw this posted in /sp/ yesterday.
Voice is one thing, but honestly her debut didn't show anything to get excited about her.
>I want those sickass radiators and she's just there smugly reminding me that I will never
I literally hear enna and Selen in her voice. People wanna call it shitposters bringing that up but for me it’s 1000% true.
>how you know what they sound like!!
Cus I’ve been here for 3+ yrs now and I click on links sometimes
all i know is a mod for hololive reddit was letting a bunch of discord homobeggars tell them how to moderate.
Just look at their superchats compare to their gen mate (FWMC SCs will get divided by 2 for fairness reason)
Not just zatsu but doing it well. Shiori is random and jumps around topics a lot. And Kiara's voice filters people.
>already mogged GG and she still has her karaokes to buff her ccv and subs
Unless GG pulls a Fauna she's the runt.
Lmao sis learn how to read
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design debuff (design is too busy + cunny)
mediocre debut debuff
enna voice debuff

I like gigi but the problem I see is that whats her avenue for growth or improvement? she already feels "matured" as a streamer with not much room for imrpovement besides being a big better at yapping
>he thinks it's only T-chan
Jesus christ ERB is retarded
This is the first time I am watching ERB, She really feels like early Mori
I am guessing she is not used to streaming
>tricked her
How so
>Mori and Kronii also tried the same shit with IRyS and Fauna
How so
She's never played vidya before please be nice
We knew of the ties between tranny-chan and trannycord for years already, anon.
>Shiori and Kiara would be the most popular
Shiori/Kiara don't zatsu they yap, big difference
Here we go.
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Debut Vesper got like 8-5k for a month then kept falling after that. This is better than that, but not an enormous amount better. The big difference being Vesper had fallen down to like 2k in this slot within a year and ERB will probably never get that low. Her floor is most likely just Kiara's floor.
Why are you so defensive hooman
Cover needs to pay for Gigi and Liz to go to streamer school.
>zero experience with games
>chat wants her to play Elden Ring for the memes
Has any holo actually understood this puzzle?
Go back to your discord vermin
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Undertale chat is always bad, except Fauna playing Deltarune because Saplings overpowered talefags.
But this is like, common sense shit. This isn't even "oh she doesn't know how to play games" this is "she has literally no critical thinking to figure out patterns"
Bae invited Fauna to be her emotional support in a horror game playthrough and mid stream Bae paused her playthrough to go over to Magni's stream to celebrate his bday in a call-in.
Leaving Fauna alone in a very awkward position in her stream on Bae's channel.
kek fucking called out
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So Gura fucked off after all and ERB is the star of the gen. Fuck, how were we so wrong # bros?
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AVERAGE CCV after 1 year assuming HoloEN 5 wouldn’t drop
Cecile = 3k
gg = 2k
Raora = 2.5k
ERB = 1.5k
how is this possible? even my turbo normie sister has played games
Oh look, what a surprise, least obvious parasite
Ah yes, people love the good ol' retard gamer like ERB.
she can start doing hardcore gfe
He did yeah, at least for the first week or so. There was a pretty steady drop off over the next month after that though.
They held at like 3k-4k for a bit then started to decline again consistantly
Nothing to do with my question.
So what's the trick?
Holy fuck i remember it.
Fauna is a fucking saint because even in the chat there's some shitstirrers who tried to call her out about it.
I am going to guess that your sister is not a genuine hag especially a british hag
this doesnt answer the question
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N-No bully...
Even Shiori gets 3k, I don’t think Anyone other than GG gonna go below that Kek
dosent raora already have that front covered
you guys think these two sound the same?
Everybody knew Gura would fuck off after her birthday. No need to state the obvious anon.
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Kronii beating IRyS what?!
God I really want to see ERB play Elden Ring for the memes
Fucking 6 hours to beat Margit
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>stinky gachabrain fujo GFE
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Threadshitters cant help but telegraph their shitposting from a mile away. Why are we stuck with the dumbest antis
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I see the word enna, I skippa skippa.
Kek wait until you hear her natural laugh.
Also yeah, undertalefags are just fucking obnoxious anywhere.
Meh design, voice kinda annoying for some people, nothing particularly special about her ("gamer" with no specialty like Biboo with Fromsoft), streams at a time she's overlapped by her own Genmate and then Ina and Fauna, very low spec background (small corpo girl interchangeable with 50 others), random PST American in a "Euro Gen". We just have to trust they saw something in her that isn't immediately apparent.
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Fauna doko? Her eu femsapling gonna drop her for Liz at this rate
>Enna = Energetic Enna
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im not clicking on an Enna clip dude
IRyS... please do more Japanese Splatoon streams and alienate your dwindling fanbase more.
Ah, an optimist
Pretty sure they hate her as much as they hate FWMC because she ignored the bozos graduations, but they have been trying to not the mask slip too much
its a virus, dont click
Yeah mi sister is a normie that likes korean shit and tiktok and she loved to play mount and blade, especially the warsword and perisno mods
dat tummy fat
Just buy their starting voices as many times as you want
>Fauna best on Geekjack
Euros love her
>normie that likes korean shit
Not all the time but yes the enna voice does slip out when GG is talking and I can’t stand it
There is no streamer school, the only way to get better at streaming is to stream. If they wanted a polished streamer there's plenty out there. CeCe and Raora are.
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Formula was wrong for Holopro Mumei. It's fixed now
Margit?! She'd be stuck at the tutorial boss I cant even remember the name of
I don't click any NijiEN-related content, sorry
But Nah, Gigi need to revert back to her post-debut justice collab stream's voice.
She sounds like a proper cunny there, unlike the current voice.
how about the justice acrylics?
Now she did a cute voice for one of the NPCs, which I liked.
I wouldn't have guessed that it's supposed to be a Bijou impression if 1) that NPC wasn't a mineral and 2) she hadn't namedropped her.
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You guys are still mad about it to this day Fauna clearly didn't really care. Omg how horrible she had to wait 7 minutes on a single stream one time. Wonder how she was able to get on with her life.
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Can you link the initial quantities?
ok well gigi sounds clear, energetic, and cute while enna sounds nasally, weak, and ugly.
why target Kronii then? a Squad member. If anything, Kronii should be favored like Mori
Now that the dust has settled, what is the verdict on ERB?
>likes mount and blade with mods
u wot
ERB gold again
>6 hours
Anon it would take 600 hours before getting to Margitt
I miss her so much
was 5000/500
OG council fags will buy everyone but IRyS unironicaly
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its sarcasm you fucking sperg
fake and gay
5000 holopro 500 geekjack
my veredict is that you should jump off a building, the highest one you can find.
No one likes her and I think its funny
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No. I do sometimes hear the Selen inflection in her voice, but rarely. The only similarity to Enna is the nasal tone, but that's like saying Mori and Towa sound the same because they have deeper voices.
>ERB back to back 9500 streams
Man fuck you Neal.
>why target Kronii then? a Squad member.
Ex-Squad member, on top of also being an ex-homocollaber
She will be treated even lower than the known CGDCT girls
The topic was about Bae baiting though, how did you interpret it as something against Fauna
It was rude and stupid since she was the one planning the stream. It could've easily been avoided.
Didn't take you long to go back to shitting on Gura vermin
she was very cute typing to chat during that time actually
FauMei fans buying the rest of the set
IRyStocrats bought first round
she can sing, she can do voices but she normal and homo sympathizer
>plays Mount and blade with mods
Hmmmmmmm I don’t believe it cus a normie would find it boring
Didn't watch except debut and 5 minutes of karaoke and don't plan to watch again
>ERB will probably never get that low. Her floor is most likely just Kiara's floor
I don't watch homos but I have never seen a holo grt numbers this low so close to debut before. I can't imagine how low her and Gigi's floors will go but 2k seems ridiculously optimistic.
irYs' beegsmol is kinda shit tbqh desu ne.
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Mori gave her 2 cents to mag and ves and wished them well on their next thing. She's also cool with the Jpboys like rikka and the ones in the VCR rust.

Kronii has completely persona non grata the entire branch
The runt of Justice.
What is the cope for no horror collab October last year?
nice voice but that's it. might tune in for karaoke occasionally
We need to wait a year to evaluate her, like the 2 more weeks cope
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aside from Fuwamoco, Haachama and Mori, this schedule is GRIM
I already bought this the first run
The verdict is Jap is retarded and I have little faith in him or any other staff at this point
Is a creature that shouldn't exist
it's an EN anon, dosent matter how debuffy they might be none will ever drop to 1K and even 2K seems like a reach, i think ERB's and GG's floor is gonna be near the 3K-4K ish spot
Kronii actually has shame unlike ERB
>con in USA
>more SEA creatures than proper EN talents
? ? ?
She's good at selling hits. Japan should make cunny wrassle a real thing.
Seems fine to me. Everything but the homos and indogs looks great.
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I swear this wasn't a holo clipper a few days ago. Oldest video was 2 days ago with 1.4k subs. I don't watch hololive, and it even shows the old channel's picture in my newpipe (the new one has Ayame). Can't remember which one that was, though.

We're not talking about Gigi though
now that you mention it, isnt it crazy that homobeggers cry foul because of the fuwamoco thing but fauna willfully avoiding the boys birthday with bae right infront of her, i almost never see it brought up(here)
Do you want us to seethe about this or something? Multiple people have made the comparison /here/ as well, and I agree with it. A bubbly girl that can draw.
The problem is that increasingly, /#/ have become sana antis since who the fuck is left to defend her, and some of you newfags have only threadread that dislike of her. Sana had real potential she never lived up to cause of different interests in life unlike Gigi
You've never seen one stream at 1 PM either.
I like her
She brought me snacks.
Anyone recognize this name?
Fantastic singer.
Fun voice acting talent that could definitely be used for buff content like talent imitation and such.
Two things hold her back:
She's not a good streamer and she's a homoshill. She really lacks the ability to properly engage her audience, she has a lot of dead air, and she just doesn't think. The good entertaining streamers like Fauna and Gura do bits and say things that get their audience going. ERB doesn't. She has room to grow and there's certainly a charm to being a newbie at vidya and streaming, buts that a pure saviorfag charm. The Homoshill stuff is gonna kill her even more. All in all, I'll give her a chance but if in one year she doesn't improve she's gonna be EN ollie/roboco.
I am waiting for her anniversary
>Nenechi karaoke
>Kanade karaoke
How is that grim?
Mori was sub 2k today
hot, took him long enough
Mori is in Japan. Do you really want to piss her off when she could easily deal with you in person?
That was my fault, she saw me playing it and fell in love with the game, especially with some guy called emir Uqais
I tried to get her into medieval 2 but she got bored
Look I don't like ERB and see her losing massive amounts of numbers as the bad decisions of FPS+ collabing with the flip homos unfurl, but why the fuck are we doomposting 9k 2 weeks in? It's pretty standard stuff for non buff games, FWMC and Biboo did similar performances.
those two you mentioned are whos in NA
Kek probably because Fuwamoco set themselves up as the face of anti-homo by manually unfollowed the homostars twitter account.
How many times did ERBschizo reply to this post
Rio and fuma? How zoomed in will that press image be jesas
It's simple. She's not CGDCT so I won't make excuses for her.
Not enough doll joints.
Undertale isn't even "non buff". It's done well for EN recently.
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Man when did these fags turn into such bootlickers? Talents=gods and managers should know their place, I recall this sentiment in JP clips. It seems EN has attracted management fags
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FWMC embarrassed them on an official stream, that's what really got to them. Most Holos, even ones who don't collab with males, would at least make a noise or something there. Even Gura has done that on a panel when Holostars was mention. They were purposefully stone cold silent, which was really a big "fuck you" to Stars, and to their fans, that's why they take it personal. No one expected Fauna to go with Bae in the first place.
>schizo posting schizos
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Who the fuck starting?
Still an hour before CC and GG started
I really have no idea, haven't watched her at all past her debut and the first Justice collab. My opinion doesn't matter, I was never going to be her target audience.
Into the trash it goes
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Did you not watch Advent, anon?
My lunch ended
I have, it happens.
Dude no one fucking knows who that is. Regloss fell off a cliff in EOP mindchair, like it's the first JP gen I've seen EOPs go "you know what we have enough good JP holos from before" or "I guess i'll just stick to EN then"
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Now that the dust has settled, what is the verdict on CC?
Twisty just started 2 mins ago, sorry. She needs every single viewers she can afford
>increasingly, /#/ have become sana antis
You can't anti someone who no longer exists, retard.
And the problem isn't with Sana herself. It's the fucking assholes who keep bringing her up when she has long since moved on and is pretty comfortable with her life post-Hololive.
Probably because they think management is the fine line between da boiz getting preferential treatment and them getting their asses thrown on the seat.
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*steals ur viewers*
nuthin personell wanker
>shark attack
Channel buying was a hololive tactic since day 1. They did this with a lot of Kizuna Ai channels.
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>designated music gen
>Has shitty numbers for karaoke
What did they do wrong?
Advent keks have short memory
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She's joined the council of white princesses.
how does CC have more lewds than ERB?
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these are the same people who worship Yagoo and Jap, so what do you expect?
I saw a post on twitter that said something along the lines of "i know it has been 2 years and i should not care about sana, i still do"
sana enjoyers are fucking weird
Some beggars actually dislike Mori since they perceive her as having "abandoned" the new EN boys. I think she still hasn't followed Armis
>Even Gura has done that on a panel when Holostars was mention
Man shut the fuck up. Don't bring pretempus homos in as if they were toixc to the fanbase or something, back then anyone could acknowledge them just fine because no one expected Gawr "not one lick of japanese" Gura to collab with them.
Kek first they say homos are the girls coworkers now they wanna put management on the same level as them too
That gen has 1/5 solid singers. There is no saving Raden's voice
another wife for my collection.webm
>Uproar paved the way
Since my IQ is above 100 and I'm not a bunch of mouth breathers like you guys I am going to accurately predict that Justice girls will be low ceiling high floor Holos thanks to the free timeslots and the somewhat revitalized EU fanbase. This does not apply to GG because she streams in PST with all the other big dogs so she's fucked.
No one
People just realize watching a bitch narrate the dialogues without giving an interesting reaction is not actually fun when it's your #6764 undertale stream
Beggars and nijjers are cut from the same cloth. They both lick boots of their respective company no matter how talent is treated.

It's absurd to me that anyone would side with pencil pushing retards that do not know who butters their bread.
I bet that was was overlapped and with today's youtube cull would be 11k
made for hugs and lovey dovey kisses
still seething I see
I went to watch a small corpo.
A fucking viet mongoloid
ERB always bleeds after an hour
It's thanks to to the homobeggar fanbase. They're not loyal like CGDCT chads.
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ERB's "10K doryaaa" is not (yet) recognized btw
I will not take my meds.
There's no way it got 1.4k subscribers from a total of 3k views. It's a channel that got sold 3 days ago.
Anon, wrong target. These are the people that fell for
>management is favoring homos
meme and are willing to die in the hill to defend them
kill yourself ennacuck
she is just a regular hag with a nice voice
>girl with accent steals from girl with accent
makes sense i suppose
Most of these fags never even watched her, they can’t name a single moment of hers that they loved outside of maybe her final month tour
t.homobeggar loving management
Thai on facebook
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the true Queen of Justice
we hate Sana because of her fans who can't move on. you don't make the rules.
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Now that the dust has settled, what is the verdict on Himemori Funa?
>Cecelia is the merch runt
what? how?
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I just checked at it was overlapped by Biboo Elden overlap. Gura Holocure, and then one hour later Fuwamoco karaoke. Actually amazing numbers considering overlap.
I want to drop $500 on the monetization stream of each of the Justice girls I like, but I feel like it'll be awkward if I dump $500 on Gigi, Cece, and Raora but don't give ERB anything. I don't have anything against ERB, she just doesn't appeal to me as a potential fan.
So many fake lolicons here
>Man when did these fags turn into such bootlickers?
Because management bends over backwards to keep the boys happy and let them get away with any stupid bullshit they pull
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My poor Subscriptions tab...
Why does it cost $11 for an acrylic? Shit costs more than a dollar to print. They would've just put a price tag of $4 and shit would start selling.
>these are the same people who worship Yagoo and Jap, so what do you expect?
Nigga they legit HATE on Jap, like no shit.
They really get themselves psyopped by /#/ that even xitter now think he's anti-homo when in reality he just doesn't give a fuck about them
>Because it's Gori-mane's responsibility
>Did you not watch Advent, anon?
Not really, no. But still that's fucking hololive error not undertale
You only hate ERB because she is a britbong
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I don't think CC has tried to shill it a single time. GG was the runt until she pushed it with her stand bit.
sex model and funny gal
just buy an RTX 4070 super with that money
Huh why is liz selling better on geekjack than the other girls?
This was overlapped by a Nerissa holding 8k+ also, with no debut buff.
>keeps starting her streams quite late EU time
seems like she doesnt build a fanbase by streaming often in between EU prime time and US prime time
>the Mumei drunk handjob audio
AI or something cut together?
IRyS beegsmall doesn't look that good imo, her friends for u looks much better.
Whereas I think Kronii's beegsmall looks better then her firends wiith u, same for Bae's
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They think they are unique fucking snowflakes for remembering and mentioning Sana every opportunity they get. With the number of people missing her you would think she was a 20k average streamer back then.
Fuck I want to go now.
I don't need one
>first time
>sub 10k
grimmity grim
erb is mumei tier confirmed
Did we suddenly forget the EU slots are way worse for numbers? Why are we comparing them with NA girls?
>They really get themselves psyopped by /#/ that even xitter now think he's anti-homo
Are you telling me Unicorn Hydra isn't real?
Omankozako mogged
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Here it goes
>54,721: Miko (Hololive)
>33,316: Chiroru (Indie)
>31,036: Aqua (Hololive)
>26,553: Pekora (Hololive)
>21,859: Watame (Hololive)
>21,033: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>19,688: Elizabeth (Hololive)
>18,740: Raora (Hololive)
>16,391: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>15,602: Okayu (Hololive)
>13,113: Korone (Hololive)
>12,719: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>12,180: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,086: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,179: Lamy (Hololive)
>10,101: Lize (Nijisanji)
>10,097: Cecilia (Hololive)

Miko gold with Chained together (feat. Subaru) with Chiroru for silver, getting stronger as the baseball season progresses and Aqua for bronze in a day with a rare partial triple Lamy conjunction (two pink and one blue tho, making it partial)
9pm is perfectly fine EU time, would be worse if she was starting at 10pm regularly like the few streams she did tho
>/#/ sweetheart of the gen
>actual merch runt
yeah, he's a thai homobeggar.
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well now I cant trust these numbers anymore. How do I know you didnt just make these up
Why is Mumei always hailed here as some kind of pillar of en
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i tune in to her electone streams and she holds her pee like gura so i approve
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I swear to god the promise is accurate, I an not use to Justice that I can't go by looks alone.
Spliced together I assume, Mumei's voice doesn't work with AI. It's the one that's been reposted dozens of times uhh the sea turtles one
>debuted 10 days ago
>lower than overlapped Mumei
>music gen
>no one can sing
Feels like the choose a theme by RNG
>ERB is thanking her translators
kek. you jinxed it
The baby is pretty neat. Also Luknights are some of the coolest fan representation in Hololive
The best IRyS plush to this day is still her first birthday DollRyS
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Kuzuleech status? Nijibots status? "400k box" status?
lol how many jp viewers does she even have at this time of day?
do jpniki love erb?
They're not gonna name check you, you're not that important
Weird, this shows ERB above CC in merch sales.
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Same guy btw
Retards, if Mumei streaming a game can beat a fresh debut, its pretty much over for ERB
If you were going to do that you wouldn't say that here because of opsec, you're just a larper
Did Mumei ever finish this?
So it's ok to shit on Nerissa and Mumei numbers without context, but once someone adds the overlap it's suddenly EU slot?
See >>79828115
This is ACTUALLY correct. My dumbass should never touch Justice.
Save this cope for at least a month after debut idiot. She just debuted and this ia her second gaming stream
I don't know, can you count how many NEETs are in nipon land?
Of fucking course. Why does reality have to be this way?
>3 years after debut vs one week after debut
Yikes. Not looking good for Justice's future. Imagine what it will look like in their FWMC-esque sickbusy arc a year from now
Her flip translators?
What opsec violation would that be? That I use 4chan?
The nice thing about merch stock remaining is that anyone can check it themselves. You can check it right now. The only thing that can't be checked is the initial stock unless you were there at the start.
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Actually if you look at Nerissas 8k+ under 40k overlap pre November it's actually the same as the EU debuff.
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How can we trust you now, anon?
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What are you referring to? The comment chain contained none of that.
Why is a nijifag caping for holo management?
>Raora 763
>Ceci 705
>Gigi 690
>Erb 674
Uh oh, Erb is the runt...
please spanish cat why must you continue to murder your numbers
what do you think
"Coworker" is a major nijinigger/homobeggar red flag.
You can easily verify by checking it yourself. What I'm doing is not rocket science.
>Some People here thinks Stars&Hololive have the same Management team since they are being handled by one Twitter/x Handle. IMO, i think Stars have different management, different Perms Management, Different merch management. Etc. Stars are slowly growing that managing them might be easy than the HololiveSide. The Hololive Side is way too big compared to the Stars. Even in JP. Stars have different management, Regloss also have a different management.
No one even brought up the homos.
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>3rd fucking GG collab before 1 ERB collab
She hates ERB huh. Feel like the rrat gets stronger everyday.
Imagine being a third wheel on their date
the jappas love ERB and call her japanese suisei
You are a "JPkek" Scott
no... where are the vcr bros....
are you faggots seriously green texting reddit posts
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she had more overlap than the first justice collab sum of peaks...
Who even wants this kind of content?
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just the way i like em
Gigi is on a path to 3viewdom
She just needs that jrpgslop marathons pt 16 to give her a nudge
I believe in her
is it good to spam collabs this soon
Globie enjoyers
this is practically a date
This thread is so obsessed with homobeggars it's insane.
I don't know why you guys like to pretend Mumei's game numbers are always trash, they're mid to mid-high for EN.
Also, Undertale isn't exactly buff. Check IRyS's Undertale streams
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I bought more Fauna and Mumei plushies, to add to my previous smols plushies
I checked and it says
>Raora 1,234
>Ceci 849
>Gigi 759
>Erb 726
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Go to sleep Homo Monkeys
IRyS game numbers are mid too
I just can't imagine what kind of person would enjoy watching their oshi flirt with some shitty male vtuber in minecraft for a few hours.
I also can't imagine what kind of idiot would think this is good content for their audience
There's no reason they would have a different perms department, they share the same game permissions. There are some games that have JP or EN specific perms (usually related to localization, VA, or different publishers) but most perms are universal.
So what's the full formula to obtain accurate view numbers?
The same kind as Homobeg-... wait, no, I forgot they don't even watch stream
So true sis!!!
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cant believe dems managed to guarantee four more years of this
Anon they're the niji refugees who bring niji habits with them.
This happens to holos from time to time after a niji exodus. Remember the whole
> Iroha doesn't respect her senpai
thing, for her FF14 fumble?
Yeah, HoloX attracted a HUGE niji audience early on (which was why their numbers were ultra high) resulting in niji style yabs until some of those retards got integrated and the rest got filtered.
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No overlap and sub 10k is sad but erb is boring as fuck
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>holo vs holo
Just nuke EU already
>a holo unicorn shitting on erb
> homo monkey??
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why did ERB's growth stop when primetime started
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EU debuff is equal to a minimum of 30k NA overlap in the official number formula
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This same stuff is what made Selen lose her shit too. Being ignored and left on read. Kronii didn't take it *that far*. Yet.
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Yeah same as no one watch haachama and gigi right unikek?
>they're mid to mid-high for EN.
Whose game numbers can be considered "high", then? One or two HoloENs not counting Gura?
Dumbass posted this on multiple Kronii clips by the way.
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I love them the most
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Indie comic Kamen America partners with Merryweather and Kawa Entertainment to debut Kamen America as a Vtuber.

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Sure but for Undertale I'd only expect Fauna and Gura to definitely do better numberwise. FWMC/Biboo would be somewhere in the mix, mayyyyyybe Ina too.
>inb4 gigi
She's a boring fuck too
Looks like Raora will have to carry my number dreams for Justice
Beggars are only willing to spend an hour of their time on her
It's genuidly the most boring undertale stream i've seen in a while i check every 5 minutes when CC and GG will start to stream i'm fucking bored, i have an anime runing on the side.
no more GTA clips?
I stand corrected
Should've just straight up say Homo audience, yeah.
This but gigi
This already looks terrible from the get go
is it true that erb hates lolis?
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ERB may honestly be the en member that worst at games she makes fuwamoco look like pro gamers
Didn’t they shut down like half a.year ago?
It's the niji/homo overlap rearing its ugly head again
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Gura Tier:

High Tier:

Good Tier:

Mid Tier:

Bad Tier:

Kiara Tier:
Respect raora bf
No, Liz advocates for you to post more cunny
minus uncull, divide by debut buff and the numbers spell disaster for her
I know you're shitposting but ERB definitely the type who call hentai as child porn
If you care about numbers so much why don't you just buy shares? There's a lot of places that let you play with virtual money so it's basically a game.
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Built for ojisans (me).
Fauna is my oshi and will remain so but honestly CC has stolen my heart.
They keep comparing this to Vesper, who got fucking suspended.
My Hero Academia looking ass
go to bed SEA fag
I personally only consider Gura high since she's a tier above everyone. Then you have Fauna who does well on certain types of games and FWMC for horror games.
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Just remember when monetization opens up that any sc to raora is basically an sc to this fag
its either
>sex with CC (but she berates you for your technique, laughs at your dick and calls you stupid whenever you try something)
>sex with ERB (but she's a dead fish and will be watching homos stream on mobile while you do it)
No but she hates pedos
kill yourself
I don't understand how merryweather gets work, i find his style to be an unpleasant amalgam of early 2010s tumblr, american comics, and japanese anime style. It's kinda gross, reminds me of Newgrounds cartoons.
Just fucking leave you faggot no one wants you around
She won’t recognize da new boiz. That is a din worthy of termination.
what's kamen america?
It goes like this, by tier:
Justice has not stabilized so they're not on the list.
Do you think this is a game motherfucker?
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Why is Gigi such a failure? Is it her voice? Her shitty mic? Her annoying laugh?
Why so hostile man
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>Failed to make her Shiori 2.0 on debut
>Still trying a week later
kys SEAster
It would only be Biboo with her audition storyline. I have a hard time seeing Ina and FuwaMoco hitting 5view with Undertale these days
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>anon comparing girls on the high 4 views with homos on low 3 views
You can't make this shit up
Vtubers are fucking stupid. Is it shocking?
I don't think Vesper got suspended for perms issue lol. It was more serious than that.
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The Niji GTA clipwatching streams do not stop.
>his style
doesn't this guy outsource his comics lol. he's a "writer"
genuinely fascinating that she manages to get good numbers when she does her specialist content in that garbage corpo
He's consistent and actually delivers if you commission him for something.
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hows it look bros? before you cry, i already have beegsmol fauna
You faggot already post this at global
Gura's best friends in Hololive are Ame and Kiara. Kill yourself.
Listen dude, comparing debut buffed girls with any normal girl except Gura is retarded. None of them are even kissing these same numbers in half a year, except GG who copefully, might have just exhausted her buff the fastest and isn't STILL buffed.
yeah, the comic artists are like all third world asians
Same reason why kanaru gets so much work
who is merryweather and why are they taking raora's money?
>NijiEN losing to globie
>not throwing a Fauna plushie for the pair with Mumei
If he called someone a nigger *over* perms that's plenty serious. It doesn't really matter what the initial issue was, it was his inappropriate reaction to it.
>his style
KEK it's not even his style, he's only the storywriter in his comics.
The actual artist is this.
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she's beautiful and will soon be the top justice.
>i already have beegsmol fauna
Good thing you clarified. Looks great
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???? Doesn't change the fact he is raora's bf lmao
oof yea, the worst part of this is that fag is actually a public figure. Compared to other holos they are nobodies and doesn't interact with the community at all
What does that have to do with anything. It's not a list of friendships.
??? Doesn't change the fact that whatever you're trying to do is not working lmao
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Haha look at this dude
Copying reddit posts here with no context has been popular shitpost material for months now
Shut up schizo
That's fair I guess, as long as you watch and appreciate them both and didnt drop Fauna for CC
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I still think about the rrat that vesper tried to pretend to be gura to get free factorio codes since gura personally had to address it on stream
I don't know about that one anon...
Raora's cousin is live by the way
Eh, Kiara is consistently above Shiori, isn't she? And her June should be like at least IRyS tier with all the buff streams she stacked there.
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Are CC's thumbnails even worse than Nerissa's?
wdym, it's already a part of this thread's culture since a year ago
do we need to post phase again to stop these doxx posts?
>related to a southerner
she would kill herself
No way Biboo's numbers in general are any notably higher than Mumei and IRyS w/o bots
I agree with most of this. Just found it weird to call Mumei only "mid or mid-high" among ENs when there are only two EN members who has clearly higher gaming numbers than hers
What i'm trying to do? The one who get raora's pussy is not me lol
Don't call yourself a Chumbud if you're a Kiara anti then
I thought they were doing a zatsu stream from that thumbnail.
Not a schizo, you're a stupid piece of shit
No one wants this kind of fairweather fan.
>Who even wants this kind of content?
Unironically, parasocial fucks. People who just want to ship others and get invested in their relationships. People who watch reality tv/celeb drama shit basically
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During the whole perms discussion I checked the old 80 perms thing from that homo and there was a timestamp dropped (>>68708235) but NO ONE posted a fucking transcript for that, despite it being a public stream.

So here it is for the record -
> "I hope you can get the perms" - chat
> Yeah..
> My.. hmm.. I have like 80? 80 game perms I think? That are waiting.. um..
> I guess I'll just let you all know, I have not played ANY *thanking chat*
> For all of the game that I have put in perms for that I did not get an outright rejection.
> Like, where the developer/publisher just says "No. Sorry. You cannot stream our game".
> "Didn’t you say 133 last time?" - chat
> Yeah 133 last time. But a 133 is in total.
> It accounts for all of the ones that I have put in, have gotten OKs, have not gotten OKs, gotten flat out rejected, gotten approved with conditions, without conditions etc.
> So that's all in total.
> But like 80 of those I'm still waiting on, there has not been a final decision yet.
> All of the ones that I've not got a finalized decision on, I have actually not played.
> In the hopes that when I do get perms for it, I can play it with you guys.
Putting IRyS above Fuwamoco makes you a retard.
you can't just attack hololive and then post phase links.
Kiara and Mori should be switched
Then Fauna isn't your oshi. That's not how any of this works
The panko poster is a well known holoan.
nobody cares about your bots ennacuck
>kronii asks for perms
>Crickets for 20 days
>Homos asks for perms
>Within 5 seconds, here you go
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Fauna I need you
Finally a good stream
>comparing debut buffed girls with any normal girl except Gura is retarded. None of them are even kissing these same numbers in half a year
>except Gura is retarded. None of them are even kissing these same numbers in half a year, except GG who copefully, might have just exhausted her buff the fastest and isn't STILL buffed.
Incorrect. Debut buff doesn't completely wear off until several months in. Even under the weird assumption that GG's is somehow wearing off faster, there is no chance it's completely gone yet.
What you can hope for is that she changes up her voice at some point, since that accounts for 90% of the problem with her numbers.
There's a stat called something like: average watchtime, which the channel owners can see but isn't public.
You would need that stat to get the full picture
and they solve this by punishing everyone instead of doing the obvious thing and just put restrictions on the homos as a collective punishment so they wont start shit again
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Any more Gigi soundposts?
I'm not a chumbud or a kiara anti.
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absolutely mind-broken. Put them in the same timeslot with the same game, and the twins will be higher.
>Otomos and Guremurin using ERB as the waiting room
Cam on bonggirl, it's your last chance to get that 10k
70% voice, 20% awkward timeslot, 10% being her meh yapping game
Showing Justice how robust she is.
Why does he put in so many and then like 70% of his content is zatsus. if it annoys people when GURA does it, a random holostar is gonna annoy them more.
Hey I said copefully
I hate Fauna but I love CC because she brings the bantz.
Saplings love to undermine Mumei's numbers, even if the PST timeslot has objectively less NA viewers available
I will always said it, for whatever reason the only time Gigi turned into proper cunny was on her post-debut justice collab.
Other than that she has that loli selen voice for whatever reason.
They see the homos as guniea pigs, that is why they get to stream unknown games first.
Same with collabs. Kiara asked for nijien collabs for a collab with Pomu for like 14 months, but the first nijien-holopro collabs was a homostars-nijien homo collab
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Stream today, I believe.
>The one thing Niji have better is they seemingly get perms for seeming every game. They're not restricted to popular gacha games esp Hoyo games which a lot of Holo pros talents love but can't play (Holo ID streaming then on BiliBili is kinda a grey spot rn). Not to mention I saw a JP Niji streamer playing Pokemon BW. Ain't no way Nintendo or Gamefreak will give perms to old pokemon games like that when the pokemon perms for Holo is only a few months.
Even a talent like Kronii, now much diminished from her huge heights, is still worth like 10 of these fucks, so it's extremely irritating to hear about her getting ignored by the perms guy while this useless retard submitted hundreds of perms for no real reason
>even if the PST timeslot has objectively less NA viewers available
You fucking what, are you stupid? 8PM onward has the most people, this isn't even a fucking argument.
>FST has more NA viewers than PST
How do they come up with dumber and dumber posts every day
>Kiara asked for nijien collabs for a collab with Pomu for like 14 months, but the first nijien-holopro collabs was a homostars-nijien homo collab
Kek always love how Kiara shat on the blue homo for saying that the HoloEN-NijiEN connection only happened because of him
8PM PST is midnight on the east coast.
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i miss fauna uuuuuu...
Yes, 8 PM EST.
FST isn't a real time zone THOUGH
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It's about time for us to have a conversation on why female armpits are so sexy
buy an ad.
She's not cunny you need to stop coping, she's a stinky fujo
So midnight isn't good anymore if it's NA expected to watch something? You shit on EU for less.
>Morning in Asian and fucking Midnight in Europe has more people than Noon in Asia and nightime EST/PST
These threads are retarded
PST fags are getting up now that they're second fiddle to ESTchads.
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>FST isn't a real time zon-
they won't defend their copyright against niji, so frankly the should lose their copyright.
>tfw to stupid too understand american time zones
oh nyo
Is this the VSMP server?
Shipping seems to have gotten a lot better
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Reminder for the tourists that these are niji refugees. See >>79828598
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cant believe i downloaded the thumbnail
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Watching ERB is like watching a movie it's fun
Majority of Holo's NA viewers are in east coast. That's why Gura's timeslot (8-9AM JST / 7-8PM EST) was considered EN primetime.
FST starts around 7:00AM JST / 6:00PM EST. That's definitely a more comfortable timeslot (and closer to EN primetime) than Moom's usual starting time (~11-13:00 JST / 10PM-01:00 AM EST)
11 minutes
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It is good, just not as good as 8 PM EST or 6 PM EST
Not to mention the fact that those slots usually have less overlap than 10 PM+ EST
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I can save her
I dunno why OP posted here then but to gawk at cuckoldry of his oshi
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My Kanna wouldn't allow dirty males in her server
10k doryaaaaaaaaaaaa
I killed her on accident the first time because I thought it was supposed to be a tutorial fight to progress the story...
God, flat adult women aren't sexy at all. Leave that to the lolis/hebes.
Why does Cici's thumbnail make it look like she's thinking about kidnapping Gigi?
the Toriel hug fucking did it lol
Finally, god
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Such a weak dorya
because she made the thumbnail on a whim during her collab with raora(which means she was thinking about gigi while with raora, THEY ARE)
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>forgot she's streaming since i'm not subbed to her and don't really follow her
I love how FST evolved from shitty timeslot that poor Fauna had to settle on in the dark ages of her career, to that ultra giga mega buff slot with the most potential viewers that makes it so easy for Fauna while everyone else struggles.
Cry more GGfag
Liz has no streams below 10k so far
She's the host/mastermind? Isn't she a new girl recently debuted? Impressive pull actually, like, why tf did it take that long and for her to be the to do it and not the dozen bigger small corpos
>t. seething 2 view
>Fauna glazing
Anon, fuck off its euro time.
Why would you lie in /#/
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Nigga this just happened yesterday
Thanks for the correction.
People shit on EU for complaining about 9-10PM, so you’re right if that’s what you mean by less. I personally don’t mind the late night Moom streams, but I know it’s not for everyone.
Bizarre lie, what's even the point? She had a chatting stream only a few days ago even if you ignore the 4 pov collab
Why lie?
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Culled by negabots so it doesn't count
>shitty timeslot
It has always been a great timeslot, WTF are you talking about? It's the Ina to Gura timeslot, for goodness' sake.
Feel free to go ahead and dig through the archive to find anyone who called it a shitty timeslot for viewers
Anon the figure
stop samefagging
Fuck, he's onto me
Now how many non raided solo 10k streams does Gigi have?
She’s an organizer and tard wrangler also her company was willing to help out.
I'm honestly shocked Saplings still lie about this incident to this date by deliberately excluding the part that Fauna and Bae both decided together the days they were going to stream and Fauna still agreed to the collab on that particular day
Thanks, bros. Too lazy to open vrabi. I knew I could always count on you
theres no downside on the Gigi option
Fucking brutal
Fauna isn't your oshi then
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
I don't even like Fauna but Bae could've sent a video. I'm not sure how anyone can defend that shit.
STFU samefagging retard
ERB is an ultra normie brit sister
She's the ultimate homo gachi wrecking ball
post pics
we're waiting
>Gigi option
Where's the downside on CC? you did this same shit with fauna where you refuse to put a downside
also CC
also fauna
>non raided
How the fuck is she supposed to control if someone raids her or not?
Don't be mad lmao
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Likewise, I'm not sure how anyone can piss their pants over that shit so hard when Fauna wasn't involved and had to wait 5 minutes as if it was a big deal.
Mooms Papyrus is so much better
Fun fact neither raora or cc have never had a sub 10K stream
idk, how many bots does Erb have?
Clear her whitelist
Oh it was Cece? even better then
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JWU but wtf is up with this graph?
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What's better? The destruction of NijiEN or the destruction of HolostarsEN?
ERB split is looking pretty active
[Panko news] Panko knew RR since 2015, claims RR knows her too.
The sane way Gura does
Because it was a shitty thing to do on stream, how is it hard to understand? Everyone moved on from it. It's only brought up by thread shitters, probably to get a reaction out of (You).
She got unraided.
Better put a "solo" there
you guys are both retarded the ones to blame here is management
that shit was 100% forced
She was raided by the red bong, the rest you can guess.
Collab soon
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Are we pretending that everything ERB does is bad because of homos?
Holostars so they stop being direct leeches. Without them wasting money, and creating an army of homobeggars, niji wouldn't be a problem anyway.
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the succ begins
/#/ just can't accept that they were wrong about ERB's performance
Looks like hat bots, that's an extreme vertical drop
>just $30 shipping for all that
I'm so fucking jealous.
Only two streams in the last 7 days; it's so fucking over.
what do you do with all this junk
So, I guess the bots don't raid cope was wrong. Unless we saw a cull happen in real time.
Contractually obligated?
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CC is permanently making the :D face
>It was a shitty thing to do on stream
It really wasn't, Fauna knew what she signed up for on that day, Bae had to be reminded by her manager via DMs that she has to go wish the homo so she did and nobody got hurt. It was the equivalent of a slightly extended piss break There was objectively nothing shitty about it. The crying over it by people like you sure was shitty though
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cgdctkeks... your response?
ERB is pretty cool. She needs more practice but overall great pick for Hololive.
shes stealing mumei's and biboo's bit....
Are you retarded or something
gosh CC is such a dork
i love it
Raora will beat that easily later
RetardGODs please watch streams
>ERB isn't a cute girl even according to beggars
Obviously I put it in designated Areas for Holomerch. like display cases and such. They make good decorations for my gaming area for when friends come over.
>Fauna knew what she signed up for on that day
Not even fucking Bae knew what she signed up for because she thought that Fauna could still talk to chat when she was going to go off to do her thing and then realized she couldn't so put up a loading screen.

I don't fucking particularly give a shit that she did it or not, I just don't understand how people can defend this. It was a fucking stupid thing to do no matter WHO's totsu she left for, if Fauna wasn't going to go join her.
Ina is a brotuber?
If ERB raids GG we know she hates CC
She was just the waiting room lmao
i like how gigi has a little snaggle tooth when her mouth isnt wide open
I understand hating ERB for the homos, but when people say things like
>She sucks at singing
>Her voices/impressions are horrible
it becomes hard to take them seriously.
my mom? fauna
my wife? rissa
my sister? GG
my daughter? beejoe
my cousin? irys
my drug dealer? kronii
fucking hell
gigi really is bae 2.0 without the homos
Are you asking the thread to pretend that 10k on debut week is Gura tier to make you feel better about your choices?
Globalturds are an embarrassment to CGDCT. Can't expect much from the thread that still glazes Myth.
Gigi voice should be lower and CC should be higher, on CCs stream
What if she's saviorfagging?
Also wtf they fixed shipping for real
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I'm watching this both the first time aside from debut... It's 3am here
Shut up Greenturd we know you're the one behind the culture war
Right on cue
Sorry for not being poor. I hope your situation improves. I buy all merch from HoloEN. You'll understand someday when you have a bit of extra spending money. Maybe your mommy will increase your allowance.
Anyone who likes literally all Holos is a faggot with shit taste. You need some sort of filter.
It doesn't matter if Fauna knew or not, Inviting someone to collab and leaving to talk with homos was a shitty thing to do.
>Also wtf they fixed shipping for real
Not always. I wish I saved it but I had upwards like $45 shipping so I ended up sending it to a forwarder
Classic homobeggar response. You're a woman aren't you?
>p-please like my homobeggar chuuba...
>s-she's really cool and sweet I promise...
No. Enjoy your homos once collab ban ends, sis.
what the fuck is this dynamo thing that CC is talking about? Some europoor thing?
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yeah she gave me a brotug last night
Around 20k viewers for this timeslot
Absolute fucking seethe. You fags really getting upset about another man's spending habits.
You never had a dynamo on your bike?
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I think ERB is okay at singing but if you've been on /vt/ long enough you'd know that literally every singer has been called trash at some point, people just have different singing tastes.
It's also easy to see why people wouldn't like her voice, but I don't think it's terrible or anything. Good impressions though.
>ERB already bled from 10k to 6k
KEK she's finished
Who said she's Gura tier? Not me. But saying she sucks at everything because of homos is just stupid.
American educational system...
It wasn't
It was 5 minutes of putting a stream on hold
We have had EN curse difficulties longer than that
Nobody got hurt, except your feelings
>inviting someone to a collab
Once again you utter fucking retard, They had mutural planning regarding every facet of that month, Bae didn't "invite" Fauna on that day. They both chose set days together. Fauna should not have agreed upon that particular day if she knew Bae had prior arrangements but she did. The fact of the matter is that she didn't really care and only you do.
isn't this kinda grim
NTA, but post-Wallet, so no one can refute your claims.
Why not. Every chuba i've disliked has flopped. I killed Luxiem with sheer "doesn't count"
Ceci is Gigi's GF
I'd say that it's very unlikely someone would really like all 60+ holos considering they all have their own personality that is different with their own traits and character
At least a few of them will not be for you and that's only normal
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We've seen Biboo and FWMC raid while they were being botted and those didn't transfer. It looks like the bots started around 1:04 into the stream (went from ~15521 to 18740 for a 3219 increase) and ended around 3:17 into the stream (dropped from 14257 to 10607 for a 3650 drop). Seems to be around 3k-3.5k bots
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>homobeggar getting aggressive over someone buying Gigi merch.
They should kiss
wrong, they are both my girlfriends
Classic unicuck response. You're a faggot aren't you
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>/#/ can't count
She sucks at getting numbers is what was said.
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Why do americans speak through their nose?
still better than Gigi's solo streams
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That's an increase from like Kiara's 3k to 20k. HoloEU is doing its thing.
she is going to make Hololive great again
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>You better hurry up, my quest is much shorter!
Gigi is hilarious.
Did they change the YouTube layout again?
So they can speak and eat burgers at the same time.
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Why would I have some shitty American soccer team on my bike?
Read my post again, retard. >>79831300
I don't care if Fauna agreed to it, it was a shitty thing to do.
Cece has gigi set up wrong or something, she sounds clearer on her own stream
This homo does not play games
I got the old one back today
20k box for this slot is pretty good
Way better than letting Indies and small corpos run free in this slot for years
Why does GG want to die so much...
Why does Gigi look like she is crying
She looks so bullyable I can't take it
>p-please like my unicuck chuuba..
>p-please she really cute and virgin i promise...
No enjoy your whore sis
Cause their trachea is already stuffed with fries
>his parents were too poor to buy him his own soccer team
i'm watching gigi and it sounds good.
So you're just going to ignore
>Not even fucking Bae knew what she signed up for because she thought that Fauna could still talk to chat when she was going to go off to do her thing and then realized she couldn't so put up a loading screen.
Because it doesn't suit your argument or what?
It looks like there are way more recs per row on the home page imo
debut buff
thats what im saying
He is not playing shit if he can not request 50+ games
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who exactly are you calling a whore, beggarkun?
>11k 3D
is this worse than nijiEN?
Jesus Christ his last game stream was literally a sponsored one
didn't he just play subnautica?
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CoverUSA, you useless fucks
Unicuck.. Your reading comprehension
I fucking hate to defend a homo but he clearly couldn't play because of the 3D showcase, if you look like 2 months ago you'll see he does.
She has a 1080 please understand

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