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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Sayonara Chrii, never come-back

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed) (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed) (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

You now gonna make it. Thanks random anon
I usually never click an FFXIV stream or any MMO for that matter as I don't expect anything interesting or cool to happen, and the story bits all get skipped so there isn't even any funny VA stuff to listen to by the streamer. However;
-There was the one time Millie and Fulgur did a collab where it was Fulgur's first time playing with Millie guiding him. It was a pretty nice stream.
-Ria made the DQ MMO possible to watch because she talks with chat all the time during the gameplay.
-I recently watched a Guild Wars 2 stream by someone else which actually looked fun and cool to play.


Captcha: RADD
Imagine being this much of a fag to care enough to make the OP about your personal grudge. Let dead be dead instead of dancing and pissing all over the grave.
Nigger look where you are this thread is only crabs and bad actors. Not a single person to ever post here has been a good person. Every artist is a scammer a sexpest or both. The only way to win is to leave
I just asked to play magic with people bro.
So why did chrii remove everyone and leave so many discord servers too?
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Exhausted Butler plays videogame

I gave her dick correction so now she is sane. You can thank me now
There is some drama going on in the shadow community. The rat is that the person fartrune was also runespoon and killed himself after dming shadow went wrong or something
>Camui closed all his accounts
What the fuck is going on
torn between "why do I even bother trying to put something positive back into this thread" and "because if I stop the schizos win" right now
thank God dude maybe we can have some peace now.
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Now we just need Patchery to do the same
who the fucks cares, neither of them have anything to do with asp
I actually did the thing I'm accused off doing, the rrats are real
i need to draw sexy art for myself but im not sure whats erotic or not
bro is trying to make himself into an ARG but this just looks bad and poorly made
you will never amount to anything other than being a racist weirdo ineda
Whatcha getting into today, /asp/? Gonna stream? Kicking back and relaxing? Waging? Throwing money at skebs? Contemplating making a Throne page? Thinking up ways to refine yor content? Thinking about them? Assembling a crew for a collab? Whatever it is, I'd like to hear a bit about it.
Me? I'm probably taking it easy today, might see about getting some art/video editing reps in.
Rest in piss. Learn not to be an obnoxious dick wherever you go next.
I was going to ask him about Chrii but I guess we ran into the same issue. Joining the server just for that purpose seems inappropriate and asking the other person closest to her (poppy) seems like a bad idea.
Learning she wasn't single broke me
Hahaha, get fucked
He just changed the name of all accounts
Not an asp and not part of the community. Shut the fuck up about him
Am I going to hell for jerking off to the photos miu sent me (couldn't help it she looks so cute in that outfit)
share with the class
The guilt finally got to him and he ran away.
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Recording a song for the future 3D Live, learning how to use Reaper at all.
>albert has the newest /asp/ies all over him
Maybe she decided to leave before becoming a vtuber
I was close with chrii and without giving too much away she got in a corpo (good on her)
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Praying it's vallure
Hope it's a good one and not a scam, good on her then.
The era of buff men is now
God I hope so too. I already told chrii before that I will pay her to verbally abuse me and degrade me in french but she didn't feel up to it at the time
Wait so her "first" stream wasn't actually her first one?
how is this /asp/ related? take it to her thread
Hot female asp that will blackmail me and extort me for money if I send her all my info?
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>resident thirsty faggot squid
>regularly spamming thread talking about getting raped by old men
Gee what a shocker
Alpin, I recommend just pirating Adobe Audition. It's more indepth and better than Reaper.
>regularly spamming thread talking about getting raped by old men
He does?
Take your pick
Denpafish (with malice)
Yumi (only if you pay extra)
Fwofi (only for fun)
Wiplashvt (only rp no real blackmail)
Mond (will doxx you even after you pay)
Pafu (will have her bf join in to cuck you)
Miu (if you pay her tuition)
Dumb fox (only for fun too sweet to be mean)
Thanks, I'll check it out, but I think Reaper serves the need pretty well since all I need is raw vocals (I'm outsourcing editing since I really don't have time to learn it for this one)
no rice cakes also does
I heavily doubt that, have you seen his response every time a fag goes into his streams to ask if he is gay?
What's his deal? Something seems off every time I see stuff about him.
Man you really can tell bascilly is an mtf, tweets like a fucking woman
another gaybaiter like kliff?
you mean ftm
I saw a couple of threads ago bring up Sleepybunsu. She's a long time friend from before she became a Vtuber, what's the crab on her? Do I have to avoid her?
Yeah sorry that
she's not from /here/ isnt she also just a vtweeter now?
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I've got a Hunt Showdown collab next week, so I may get some reps in tonight to get ready and not hold them back. Other than that, lately I've been wanting to do something with my 3Dio, since the last time I used it was on Halloween, but idk what to do. Suggestions? Maybe do some gunpla/plamo ASMR? Positive affirmations? More story reading?
Malphon you dumbbutt, pin your ref post.
I ate over a pound of salad as my only meal today so far and feel actually good. Gonna stream later today and hopefully complete the MSQ for Dawntrail so I can get back to my Zeldathon.
Olga sounds so cute... i want her to give me big hugs
>a poun of salad
zeph are you turning into a goat?
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Starting the Endurance Elden Ring stream
come say hello
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Is this person a vtuber? I can only find art they do
Not anymore
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Whoopsies lol should be fixed! I'll have my full body ref pinned when it's done!
Right after her husband finishes pounding her.
nah, just felt the need to eat some more greens recently. diced up an apple and added some walnuts and blueberries to it too. Remember to eat some fruit and veggies every once in a while, your body will thank you!
Maybe I should take some animal inspirations for an outfit...
How? With what content portfolio? Did she lie about not having a PL?
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Asps for this feel?
Roleplay you comforting a tired, overworked lover coming back home after a long shift and you reminiscing on all the cute moments we shared together
Or positive affirmations, that's fine too
Sounds pretty good, actually
Me, next week, on Friday night, 9PM ET, at WIPlash's channel.
I want her to draw yuri art of me and grace
I have 25 VGen tabs open and 10 Skeb tabs open

Despite the fact that my model's original design was meant to be more fantasy/traditional, as a child of the net, I resonate strongly with this iconography.

LCOLONQ is probably the most accurate answer. That and that guy who got twitch to fry rice.
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i miss him bros
Get more uwu
What is he doing with all that ass?
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what the fuck I just woke up
let her die pedochama
he's working on becoming a vtuber again, trust the process
His artist/rigger bailed on him, so he is super far behind again.
Honestly, at this point, he should just commit to full Fleshie, the vtuber opportunity has sailed an it's too late to capitalize on it like others like Randon and Dokibird did.
He even has a fleshie podcast now, I don't think being a vtuber is a priority to him now.
this will not make you grow, put that money somewhere else
This will make you grow xommmision thousands of dollars in skebs a month
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He's around on a different account and followed some /asp/ies
bro, just let him move on
He isn't giving up on the Vinesauce larping?
I was really hoping we were done with this shit
Camui is vinny from one of the dark timeliness. You can read all about it in my upcoming book
Naming himself Vine-something was a terrible idea.
He is gonna get called a copycat at some point.
Let him fucking die
are you really surprised, aspies are dramawhores and will cling to any bit of drama they latch onto even if both parties have moved on
did you forget what shit thread you are in right now? you want non schizo stuff you need to go to https://discord.gg/TTujtdpEMr
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Does anyone know why I don't get notifications on Twitter that someone new is following me?? I know twitter automatically hides bot follows but some of them aren't.
His chat has been calling him Vin lately so I think his name might actually be Vinny too lmao
any translators in chat?
>Shaina is the least schizo and most sane poster right now
What the fuck is going on here
That happens if there's too big a difference between the size of the twitters
It usually only lets you know if it's someone equal or bigger than you, or someone who you're following (so they followed you back).
Imagine if celebrities got a notification every minute because some random followed them.
am i annoying if im talking in a streamer's chat and im mostly the one replying and commenting..
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Yeah it's a very niche skill. There are some crazy prices. Try looking for SEA or Russian riggers.

Just translate the page.
You're doing god's work anon
You are the only one keeping the stream afloat and giving a streamer something to talk about.
Im my experience, no. Without you the chat would be dead, so you're an important feature for small chuubas to feel less lonely
Think he just plays into it at this point which he should since he gets that comparison all the time anyway
Should I stop taking my schizophrenia medicine wait a few weeks then stream again
thank god
i was worried its like, bad manners or something
Not really, the most loved viewer in recent memory was like that, and if it wasn't because he is a literal schizo and a sexpest he would have become one of the thread darlings
I mean that's 2win who rigs for fucking Ironmouse, but yeah I'm just going to #doitmyself
The prices get worse if its a moderately popular vtuber.
>the wild jump from 4k to 15k
>no example of professional style because no one in their right mind would buy that shit
there's a few riggers /here/ like marburg and tlny who can rig for better prices
they better fuck me while rigging at that price
lmao if someone is charging 15k usd JUST for the rigging my model better come out the screen and suck my chats dick
edgy song about ending their own life but also about love
is she 16 or something? she's basically being an attention seeking whore
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You are a hero, I'm a lurker and feel happiness in streamer voice when somebody starts chatting. I don't have such a power.
its sad knowing that majority of asp is males which means the dramafags are most likely males too. who knew males could be so pathetic
they're thirsty for drama just like little girls, the only thing is they try and act like it's only women
Just because you are similar to someone doesn't mean you should try to look similar.
Look at the ShyLily/SmolLola situation.
It goes from "you both sound similar" to "you both also have similar names, have similar models, etc."
No one loved Mami, I'm talking about the actual sexpest that no one wants to call out
Commision today for rigging at a good price
Who dafaq is chrii
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I understand. We are talking about hanabi
Shouldn't a streamer refrain from constantly exhaling dead air, even when they're a 0view though?
yeah but that's infinitely easier if you have a chatter
bush or no bush
No Corpse ignores chat and gets more ccv then every male here so chat engament and talking means nothing
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So you want to be a male vtuber? Maybe you already are one, and you're seeing zero growth. If so, this guide may be for you. I can't guarantee that you'll see any growth, any advice is better than no advice.

Don't be a male vtuber. I know you don't want to hear this but it's the truth.

There is objectively not an audience for you in the vtubing sphere. We see this right now with the current hatred for the Holostars for interacting with the new HoloEU talents. The majority of viewers are unicorns. The majority of viewers absolutely hate men with every fiber of their being. There is a reason many viewers were ecstatic when Magni and Vesper were fired from Holostars. It is why there was no announcement unlike with Rushia, who was a beloved Hololive talent.

Normies think vtubers are cringe. They are going to think you're extra cringe. You won't make any inroads with normal streamer culture.

Still undeterred? I admire your bravery. I can respect it. Here are a few pieces of advice I've seen through the years. Many of these are to preserve your mental health more than anything. For males, that is the most important thing.

1. Accept your place in the universe. The majority of viewers are only watching you until their oshi goes live. Enjoy their company until then. Those who would watch a male first are already watching Vox Akuma or Holostars. If you want to try to get an established audience you have to either be a femboy or go hard on appealing to yumejoshi or fujoshi. There's a reason all the corporate males look the same.

2. Don't actively chase or pay attention to numbers, ever. Check occasionally to track your growth, maybe every two weeks, but don't leave the number of viewers or followers visible. That will surely lead to brain worms when compared to any femchuuba.

3. Mind your niche. Overplayed categories have no way to be discovered. Play niche games, especially if you don't like them.

4. Be somewhat parasocial. Unlike the fems, you have to try your hardest to hold on to any viewers you may have. Anyone who willingly chooses to watch you over a woman who is doing the same thing as you should be cherished.

5. Invest in good equipment when possible. 2d or 3d Models over PNGs, audio interfaces over a USB microphone, the works. When a cute girl has a scuffed stream, it's cute and endearing. A fem could have a still PNG on screen and will still have more viewers than you. When it's you, it's cringe and will cause people to !lurk. You don't want that.

6. DO NOT INTERACT WITH WOMEN. If they choose to interact first, respond. Do not approach. You will draw the ire of their community, as they see you as a threat. Along with that, they will almost universally have a bigger following than you. This could hurt you mentally if you have invested more than them. You want to avoid any controversy.

7. Avoid controversy! This goes for everyone, but I've seen so many male vtubers get canceled and ruined over takes and opinions that's called based when it's a woman. Pippa's entire fanbase is built on her being a creature that should have been canceled years ago, but she continues to be more and more popular. Fems are immune to cancel culture. You're not. Be diligent.

8. Stream on Twitch. There is no discoverability on YouTube. If you use YouTube, make edited videos on your interests. Do not store VODs on your main channel. An objective truth is that no one watches VODs.

9. Avoid dead air. Yap constantly. A lady can be quiet for hours and still have viewers. You don't have that luxury. Avoid narrating your actions in game though! Keep track of things to yap about while streaming.

10. Know your limits. More than likely you will never even come close to partner or joining a real vtuber agency. As a male vtuber, you will most likely hit your viewer ceiling at under ten viewers. Try your hardest to break them, but know there just aren't a lot of people who want to watch males.
no bush
here comes the retard
And if they had 1000 ccv vtuber as a client - time to hike prices.
Obviously paipan
>offer advice
>called a retard
You deserve to stay a 0veiw.
>any advice is better than no advice.
False. Bad advice is worse then no advice. Fruit of the poisonous tree means the entire rest of this post can be discarded. Better luck next time schizo larper
nikola was fun to watch today but he needs to fix his mic
>copy paste this
>call it an "advice"
>get called a retard
a fair trade imo
What advice would you give males? This thread is majority male so you have an audience.
exactly, all drawfags are sexpest and should be outed ASAP
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The people asked so I give it. Here is advice for the femchuubas! I know there are none in the thread, but I have to be impartial.

You naturally grow so you don't have to think about it too much. I have never seen a stagnant femchuuba of multiple years of streaming. The only way forward is up and that's what you get by being a femchuuba!

1. Be cute! This comes naturally to you.

2. Lewdness isn't mandatory. You're not a male. You don't have to pander to coomers as a gay little femboy to succeed.

3. Play whatever you want! As a femchuuba, you're going to draw in viewers who want to see you play their favorite games for the first time.

4. Don't associate with males at all. Any viewers you have will hate his presence and not show up to those streams. Only stream with other femchuubas.

5. Find your niche! Unlike a male, you have the added benefit of being a cute girl. Niche doesn't matter, just fill it!

6. Keep calm and keep streaming. You will grow naturally. You aren't a male. You actually have an audience that isn't other male vtubers. You have the bonus of also getting other male vtubers you can string along for viewership!
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what the hell
I would not be surprised if these are chatgpt at this point.
For the newfags, this is the anti-male schizo offering "advice" that's actually just a thinly veiled way to shit on males.
>you will grow naturally
yeah ill grow something alright
Not a good person so be glad she's gone, anon
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Fuck you.
Post numbers
>shit on males
They don't need me to do that. I would rather see the few entertaining males succeed, but they don't want to.
Name five femchuubas who have evidence they were bad people.
Pitti Pafu Yumi Miu Layla
I'm in talks to do professional voice acting for promo material for a game!
>There is objectively not an audience for you in the vtubing sphere.
You underestimate the power of the Fujoshi audience.
kys crab bait
oh sweet congrats anon!
>Concern trolling
Get new material
You do one wrong thing and they're gone. Coomer femboy audience is easier.
There are a infinite number what kind of response did you expect
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i'm getting a new mic soon!!! hit me up if you want good morning kisses from me once it arrives :3c
With Camui it's like there is no clear distinction between him and Vinesauce they are extremely similar in ways that couldn't be played up for a stream like making music and that they both started on 4chan and Vinesauce had a schizo similar to Camui's. For all intents and purposes he's an alternate reality Vinesauce that got stuck in our dimension

Wonder if we have any other alternate reality /asp/ies here among us right now

Who from /asp/ is the next Jerma? The next Xqc? The next Pewdiepie?
This poster is a schizo, like all male vtubers.
happy for you, lil bro.~
I've found a lot of success that's lead to doing stuff that gets a lot of attention, but I have never been able to do it on my own channel with any of my branding. I love it, but I hate it.
for every good morning kiss you send me I will send you two kisses
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but he's MY little schizo, so it's fine
>since he gets that comparison all the time anyway
The only person who compares him to vinesauce is himself
Pitti made a discord invited known crabs and schizos like denpafish and mel nekomata and used the discord to coordinate hate raids on various streamers and boards
"Vin/Camui was here"
"How do you know?"
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Post stream Vocaroo requests?
Alpin reminds me of someone but I can't place who
Maybe he just has big streamer energy
could you make getting hit by a car sounds for me
Not true if you watch streams but it's true he is aware of the similarities
Tell me I'm a good girl
Do you have any evidence? Denpa seems like an entertaining girl, nothing more.
He is noir vesper streaming on the downlow for fun since this is his alt
they are his friends who are stroking his ego, they literally have nothing in common
You would think Camui wouldn't want to keep the Camui name in his Twitter because of the negative associations it's going to have when someone googles him but I guess he's forced to so that the people he follows actually know its him and not some generic nocam streamer
give me MORE

"I will rip the bones from your body and leave your skin to rot! But your skull I will give to the Skull God, and it will be one among the multitude."
No you're just a fan girl who eats up whatever he tells you

Vinesauce has actual jokes with set ups, punchlines and layers, Camui does not have that
They're almost the exact same person which is why I don't watch him
Vinesauce is boring no idea how he has that many viewers, seniority ig
>Vinesauce has actual jokes with set ups, punchlines and layers, Camui does not have that
>Vinesauce has actual jokes with set ups, punchlines and layers
Vinesauce is boring and gets by on le random = funny meme and doing annoying voices, just like Camui and that's why Camui sucks
Camui is just a fanboy without a real personality
The only funny Vinesauce member is Joel
Further proof the crabbing and schizo behavior of all the girls during the wasp time will forever stain them. I feel bad for people like rura that ended up in the aftermath of this despite doing nothing wrong unlike the others
None of them are funny
Vinny = sex jokes in annoying voices
Joel = scream laughing about poop
Mike = screaming about cum
The only one worth watching is Revscarecrow because he doesn't try so hard to be funny like a five year old trying to get their moms attention
Hah, classic Joey
What happened to Chrii?? I can't contact her anywhere and I'm getting worried since she seemed normal and joyful yesterday?
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>mfw i realise i have to draw emotes
>mfw my frugality refuses to commission someone cause i can definitely draw my emotes but im fucking TIRED
Menhera drawfag deleted their accounts, many such cases


Did my best with the amount of people sleeping here i could do alot better than this.
She told me she is planning to kill herself
what does this prove? where did you all get the conclusion is hate raid?
If you knew anything about what was happening to Suka, you wouldn't be saying that.
No one except trolls care and my fans also certainly don’t care lol
what's the one wrong thing? gotta know for the future reference
>female collabs - bad
>no collabs with a shipped male - bad?
>lying about being a fag - bad
>having a gf/non vtuber bf - bad(?)
anything else?
But why? She's doesn't strike me as the type to do such a thing, there must be something wrong
She's done it before
>idiot doesn't know how to read the archive
How new
I feel bad for Layla, she just wants peace
Shouldn't keep being on this thread and joining /asp/ adjacent drama servers then
Majority of the girls barely posted there and only got invited a couple days before this stuff all happened. It's stupid to assume all the girls were in on it, since most of them just thought it was a safe haven for them away from the crabs.
thanks im using the car one as my alarm
One of them has made it and has a few hundred viewers and whales and Elfin alone is getting partner numbers and thriving.

/wasp/ was a massive succes.
You're welcome
anyone who joined that server is an absolute fucking moron
I haven't seen anybody really get shit for it outside of the ones actively chatting in that screencap
Can we not devolve into a schizo shitflinging thread?
Who is live/about to go live? Linkposter, save us.
it's just the schizo parroting this narrative because the girls dared to talk to each other outside the threads and to shit on the schizo. Now he's mad and is going to schizo at them for years to come.
I feel bad for *rolls dice* sukadrii who is actually the new account for *spin wheel* rin wasabi who used to *throw dart at board* schizo my home boy berly for *examine rng table* being too cute
Believable, if I was her I would have done it a long time ago, it really is a miracle that she stayed alive this long
>One of them has made it and has a few hundred viewers and whales
You mean Mel
no because people keep spreading misinformation because theyre sad they cant be girls
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how do I go back to drawing more sovl like this? I'm really spiraling down whenever I look at my older doodles
Idk about successful but I know one of the ones talking and active in that discord IS a whale if that counts as having whales
It's really insulting the female vtubers decided to leave the thread after we kept calling them whores and telling them to do dick sucking ASMR. My schizo feelings were hurt.
What is this, evidence for ants? No one can read that.
The dick sucking ASMR worked for Zenya
t. one of the female vtubers
>she doesn't strike me as the type to do such a thing
Fucking KEK, thanks for the laugh, anon.
The one that got into Vallure dumbass
Rinna wasn't a waspie you fucking retard
if you want to make a soulful doodle then the most important skill you've gotta learn is knowing how to turn your brain off while drawing and only hating it after you hit "post" instead of hating it the entire time you're making it.
i'm still working on that part, admittedly, but still.
We need male dick sucking asmr
dick sucking asmr is actually good advice desu
Hey iriya, you up for this?
>he doesn't know
dick sucking asmr but it's rape and im crying the entire time
>schizo shit

Rinna was in /asp/ a long time before /wasp/ was ever conceieved
Making any joke a woman could find disgusting, being slightly coomer, becoming friends with any singular chatter, being poor, being unpopular, being lonely, being menhera but not in the sexy way. Women are notoriously picky.
Why are people so negative about Chrii to the point of wishing her death? I can understand from where Camuischizo comes from (even if I don't approve of it) but not Chriischizo
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Thanks anon I followed your advice
Chrii shitted up this board with camui fangirlism for fucking ages and it's nearly guaranteed she crabbed the people Camui didn't like
Click on the image retard.
All women from /asp/ who posted there were considered /wasp/. Only the schizos and /asp/s that wanted the girls back would shun them and call them 'not original wasps'.

Here's the wasp tierlist:
What's not to understand that the annoying number 1 fangirl of the number 1 most hated dude in the thread would be hated too?
She crabbed people he did like too
I wouldn't doubt he finally got fed up with her which is the reason for her menhera episode
don't be afraid to take on more ambitious subjects or compositions. often your esrly stuff you over estimate ehat you are capable of so it seems more like taking on a mountain
>who posted there were considered /wasp/
No they weren't this is a schizo theory you just pulled out of your ass
Schizos and crabs tell several aspies to kill themselves and wish them death without any reasons to do so constantly she is just another one in their list
Haru should kill herself!
You're a fucking retard and you must be one of the schizo posters that spammed the thread with the 'This is the only real wasps' tierlist. People like you made everyone else feel unwelcomed in /wasp/ if they weren't 'born from the threads'.
Keep being schizo monkeys I just got done making my homemade chochlate drizzled popcorn. Whoever makes the best rat gets a share of my snack stash
reminder you are all niggers
What reason is there to post here and not move to discord if everyone just calls you a whore or hornyposts about you? It's networking on a silver platter since it happens to all the girls here so might as well take advantage of it and bring them all together somewhere we can actually talk normally.
Why did no one bless this thread this is all your fault
great idea go to the only good discord https://discord.gg/TTujtdpEMr
Ah yes you are a schizo
Just dm ElliottAmbers on twitter to get the aspcord invite.
don't worry if you get called menhera in this thread, what's even more menhera are the schizos and crabs who keep bringing people down.
>DM a creep who last time told me I have to send a picture of my vagina if I want the link
No thanks I am good. Honestly he should probably be banned by every girl here if that's how he treats other new people
only a man would type something like this
Please explain to me how accepting every girl who wanted to be part of the community is being a schizo?
Reminder Elliott Ambers is a pedophile who started dating Xia Xenos as a 30+ year old man while she was in high school
Why are all /asp/ teachers pedos?
Elliott, Kuku...
>cliqueposting shows it's true colors once again
It's almost like making this thread about individuals and not solely about advice and improvement was a bad idea... wow who could have forseen this? Multiple people actually.
She was 20 and he just had his 30th birthday this year.
Because Rinna is an /asp/ie

/wasp/ie implies that she did not start in /asp/ and instead reached associated with /wasp/ first when that is not reflected in reality
Imagine being a 30 year old man and vtubing. Fucking pathetic. Deserves to be a 0view forever.
Pafu said before coco was excluded from the server for being trans. Seems pretty crabby to me
half the people in vtubing are 30+
only men don't know the difference between vagina and vulva vagina is the tube not the external part retards
/wasp/ie doesn't imply starting in wasp. You can be a /jong/er and an /asp/ at the same time.
Is this what jealousy looks like?

Are you going to kill yourself before hitting 30 retard? Or do you think there is some magic switch that activates when you become 30 years old that changes all your interests and hobbies into something else?
Why would I be jealous that some faggot is a pedophile?
um based???
Yes I am so jealous of a late 30s pedo vtuber that's been grinding for 3 years for a 14 viewer average
No because /asp/ie and /wasp/ie are mutually exclusive

You can't start from two different points
Why would I be jealous of someone that sings so much worse then I do?
Who cares about the balding schizo faggot?
>Check out different free models to use in meantime
>Find one that's my vibe
>Looking to see artist on google so can credit correctly
>Link turns up woman that was using model
>It was a redebut in March
>She got a different model sometime after that and then went on indefinite hiatus the 28th of June
I just want to do vocaroo requests....
Name five that aren't males lmao
Hi elliot!
This entire thread has turn into coping and seething. Tell me asp, how did you improve your content today?
you do clearly
double based, trannies should hang
How do you find free models?
>t.Chrii seething she got kicked
All the members of HoloJustice and Kson.
That's 5.
go to booth to find free models or at least cheap ones.
And they're all vetted by Hololive, so they were already entertaining. Now name five more lmao
so who are the trannies?
If you reply to the schizo again I'm gonna find where you live and strangle you to death
Why does denpa do this to her friends
>buy a live2d asset
>its literally perfect for my model
im gonna fucking cum on stream
Denpa hate
>moving the goalpost
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Are you some retarded tiktok kid and age gap above 3 years for you = pedo?
>Daily broadcast time: 2 hrs
That doesn't look like grinding to me.

Live2D - https://booth.pm/en/search/live2d%E3%83%A2%E3%83%87%E3%83%AB?max_price=0
3D - https://booth.pm/en/browse/3D%20Characters?max_price=0
Seems like cougars are cuter than 30 year old balding males like elliot. That's what I'm picking up.
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Elliott you are so insecure that you haven't grown since 2021 that you are still here arguing with aspies it's really pathetic but we all know the real reason you're here is to add more unsuspecting underage girls to your groomercord
cute little dum... uh, what animal is she, again?
all holos up to gen 3
Not my problem, you should've read the "no glubbing" sign. Now pay the fine or it's off to jail.
Now name a few successful 30+ males lmao
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Kuku had to leech from his PL where he LIED about being female (and never apologized for it, says if you were fooled it's your fault).
Lex Parte
He never posted here he was just added into an /asp/ies discord server and he never posted there before leaving either
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Why are you making up such lies? First you lie about denpa who never did anything wrong in her life and now make up stuff about kuku who is next
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Fix your detector, I'm not Elliott, this was the first time I had to look him up because I've just read some dumb shit here.
I was thinking about streaming and being part of /asp/ but looking at retarded shit you always say about people who at most posted their link couple times and asked for advice (I checked old warosu archives) made me disgusted. After realizing that a lot of streamers I watch are from /here/, I changed my opinion on them. I hate everything about this place now and I wish I never discovered it.
It's easy. You can't. You'll just change what is successful for every example given.
Sea bunny
this is not a lie at all, he had another account where he said he was female and got x times more followers on twitter and then came out he is actually kuku, reps
Fuck off runespoon go kill yourself
>never did anything wrong in her life
lol, lmao even
Honestly based but Elliott is an actual groomer who co runs a discord server with a 50 year old babi called Abigail that schizos here whose best friend is an actual CP hoarding pedophile Hargmentor who is an incel loser and Jingx who is notorious for his full on sexpesting of any new female who posts here
The closest we have to Lex posting on /asp/ is this >>3760847 but I can't even find the thread where he was told to play rogue likes, its likely he's just talking about the aspcord.
Technically Lex is a /wvt/ chuuba not an /asp/.
What do you have against kuku and denpa to keep making stuff up schizo
Hes probably in his 20s right? I think he had just graduated from law school iirc. Though I suppose nothing would be stopping you from graduating from law school in your 30s.
>male on stream
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that's her manager
For males success is objective, and it is make streaming your career. For femchuubas it can be anything. Now that I have set a standard, can you find me five indie male vtubers who made streaming their stable career?
Ineda is there!
Not just on stream but IN THE SAME ROOM
I can name any 5 that stream daily even if they make 0 money since you didn't say it has to be a profitable carrier choice. Many companies even make negative money so it should be ok for a indie male too.
Name five that make make profit streaming, then. You won't because there are none. I can name ten fems that made streaming a profitable career.
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juni you're a disgust fat bitch and your new model already looks worse than the old one some how
Pafu just admitted she was the one who posted the clip that baited Patchery into posting the vocaroo
God I'm glad Pafu blocked me, I've never interacted with her but jesus christ what bad optics, this is just painful to watch.
Runespoon, shouldn't you be busy begging to get unbanned from Shondo's discord?
He needs to block her asap
Getting recognized in Japan just by my voice was pretty Pog (male)
i was lurking during some of your streams before, just wanted to say i was happy to be able see you live. your fanarts will always be dear to me
We mog you fags
Pafu strream is kino. Suka is yelling at her live on stream
hes failing
she was obviously joking. it was a bit retard. she's trying to get a rise out of you that's her whole thing.
Loudest i've ever heard him speak
Ok Pafu
move when ready
not pafu but thanks :3
That drama hurt her friend and it's not something to joke about
At best she's a bad friend at worst she's a schizo drama whore

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