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great start
Bau bau
Usually is
How old is that pic because they look really good in that one actually and usually they look bad.
not that long ago, at least the fuwawa one isn’t
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What if Mococo shits herself during sc reading?
I donate another red
Then I drop the max aka saying "It's ok Moco-chan clean yourself up and remember you're still a good girl please send me the pantsu"
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seggs with fluffy and fuzzy tails
if they have to take an early break during the reading you'll know why
kunka kunka! kunka kunka!
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are you guys speculating its food poisoning or did they say it on members stream?
What time is Breaking Dimensions again? 6PM?
fuwawa swallows
mococo gags and spits out
This but the reverse order. Mococo gags and spits out into Fuwawa's mouth, who then swallows.
Hot I'll teach her to swallow properly if Fuwawa doesn't
Mococo would be complaining the whole time about how she doesn't like it
I need to touch...
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scat fags to the gas chambers
Can someone explain why I can't focus on their streams if I've jerked off earlier that day?
you're thinking of brapfags
They're not sick, they're traveling to be there for AX. They love cons and want to go to the biggest one but if they say that everyone will look for them so they lied to us and even made fake streams to cancel to sell it.
AI post
Just woke up. Have the threads been at all usable?
No matter how you want to spin it, this is their own fault. It only looks like they're crying wolf because they cancelled so many streams recently. Even if they're actually sick as dogs, there's no reason for anyone to believe them now.
is this real? timestamp?
Damn, collab is 2 hours after the panel starts, gonna be rough. Why does it have to be earlier? Anything scheduled for 11AM JST?
this one is ok so far, but I'm sure it'll change soon.
Management is secretly forcing them not to stream so Justice can get some subscribers
That's unfortunate
Stinky dogs.
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Moco-chan is going to sneeze and shit herself
Did the blue homo appear on ceci stream kek
When they've exhausted all other forms of numberfaggotry do you think they'll dip into the homo collab audience? Asking for a friend.
ask them at the panel
Are you a flip or a tranny? asking for a friend
You should dip your head into a vat of boiling oil.
>Ruffians! Moco-chan woke up with a really bad migraine… We’re really sorry, but we’ll have to postpone the Rock N’ Rawr Party until next weekend.
>I’ll make sure Moco-chan is better as fast as possible here, and we’ll make it a super RAWRing time for sure next weekend! BAU BAU!

>Thank you for all your kind words, Ruffians! As you’ve heard, Moco-chan’s voice is in pretty ruff shape, so we’re going to be postponing the start to our Minecraft journey and our Rock N’ Rawr Party this weekend as you suggested!
>We’ll still be participating in the holo DOROKEI 2024 event since this has been planned for a long time and so many of our senpai have been working hard for it! >We’ll do our best not to get caught by holoX!
>Thank you for caring about us!

>We’re sorry, Ruffians!
>You know how much we hate cancelling or postponing streams, but we can’t do Fuwawa’s solo Rock n’ Rawr Party today… ⤵⤵ bau bau…
>We’re really sorry to disappoint you!
>We’ll do our best to get better soon!

>Hi Ruffians! We’re sorry we’ve been a little bit quiet!
>We’re doing our best to get lots of rest so that we’ll be back to our fluffy & fuzzy selves soon!!
>Please wait for us, okay? We want to see you again as soon as possible!

>We’re sorry, we’re going to have to postpone our Portal 2 stream until next week… We were looking forward to it and we’ve been pushing ourselves so we can make everything happen right now, but we’re too exhausted…
>We’re going to rest up lots!!

>We had to postpone Portal 2 earlier, but we have to postpone today’s FUWAMOCO MORNING too, Ruffians… ⤵⤵
>Please understand and be proud of us, as this isn’t something we want to do, but it’s us being responsible.
>We hope to see you again soon! Please wait for us!!

>We’re sorry Ruffians, we really don’t want to, but we’re going to have to cancel our Portal 2 stream for now… ⤵⤵ bau bau…
>We’ll let you know once we have a bit more strength and are feeling better!! We’ll do our best to recover as fast as we can!!

>We’re still feeling very unwell, so we’ll be back with FUWAMOCO MORNING on Friday! We still plan to do our Superchat Reading stream later, but we’ll let you know ASAP if plans suddenly change!
>Thank you for being understanding, Ruffians!!
smile status?
always protected
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im the Onii-chan btw
it really does feel like they're falling apart and i hate it
I really hope they figure it out soon, for their sake and ours.
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I'm falling apart without them. I won't ever tell them that of course, I'm not like those other selfish menheras blogging to their tags. And I was fine before them, I'll be fine without them realistically. It just feels worse.
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That erb girl will be a hell for her gen kek
The grim reality is that they're too old to try to be idols. It must be hard when someone like Bae is technically their senpai, much younger than them but achieving idol goals.
They're good at streaming, they need a reality check and to refocus what they're trying to accomplish in Hololive. Just stream and stop trying to reverse time
They have refocused. They canceled their last 2 RM streams which I'm glad for, I'd be really pissed if they still tried to do those considering how swamped they are. At least they are focusing on Hololive which they should.

Also Bae is a whore.
Low quality, try again
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they just started the dance and singing lessons a few months ago, just wait ok
Nevermind a retard replied, keep it up
It's a start, but they are shooting themselves in the paws by STILL sacrificing streams in order to do idol training.

And no, she isn't.
you know rest of Advent is also streaming less
well they're idols after all
Bae overslept half of her streams btw also she had the worst performance last fest, japs made fun of her for months
Do you think only one of them got sick and the other is just covering for her/taking care of her?
Remember when mococo asked for help on fuwawa stream kek
Fuwawa's on bucket and wiping duty
Don't show this to hagschizo.
Luckily virtual idols face no such restrictions. We'll be able to enjoy their performances for years to come
virtual idols are ageless
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 330: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
Unless they get skinwalked, no, they're not. That's the whole reason that FWMC are trying and failing to train their hag bodies.
it's just some prerecorded dancing nothing crazy
but its one thing to just say hey we're doing idol reps so no streams for a bit/we'll stream when we can (what advent did) and overpromising on the schedule when they're already stretched thin
mind you, i have no issue with them cancelling streams to take care of their health, just that when you overpromise and then can't deliver everyone just feels worse for it
Korone is older than them and dances just fine. Only Nijis skinwalk sister
and yet it's apparently enough to tank their content for months over
Aki is older than FWMC and she mogs Bae on every metric. Even cucking her fans.
sure bro, she definitely did a no-hands flip for real
okay did i miss something is it just one schizo samefagging or did bae do something? i havent been keeping up with her
aki... how could she do that to me after she played subnautica even...
The one schizo keeps using her as a comparison point for some reason, so everyone who replies to him replies with that in mind. But no, she didn't do anything as far as I know.
and the earth is flat too
only baeschizo been bitting lately
She's commonly unliked on /vt/ in general
>keeps using her as a comparison point for some reason
She has already done what FWMC are struggling to accomplish. It's not like I'm picking her out of the blue, she's just the only other EN that is actually trying to be an idol.
Bae told them they should pace themselves and take breaks early on when they were doing their 100 days of streaming and like typical stupid white bitches they thought they knew better, now they're suffering the consequences of their own actions and ruffians won't place the blame on their precious waifus so it has to go to the senpai that tried to prevent this instead
The only relevance that has is that if a minnow like Bae can do it with her viewership devastated by homoshit then FWMC will have no trouble at all
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How the fuck do I stop bots from following me, I get like 3 everyday
>no trouble at all
They cancelled half their streams last week because they were too tired.
Upside down
She performed on Tokyo Idol Festival and had a sololive? That's news to me.
sorry, but I have been working them at night very hard too
the ggcc collab is making me smile
Glad they ignored her. Now they're way more successful than she ever was in the first year.
i forgot about them
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>More was added while I was asleep
So FWMC Morning was canceled too? Hopefully the superchat reading wont be.
Sleeping for 12 hours isn't good for you, fat fuck. Get some exercise and sunlight.
>FWMC cancels stream
>Jaded viewers call them out /here/
>Unicorns move goalposts defending them
>Jaded viewers move on
>FWMC cancels stream
>Jaded viewers call them out /here/
>Unicorns move goalposts defending them
>Jaded viewers move on
The delusions from Ruffians are getting out of hand. Even if you're the last viewer FWMC ever has, they will never interact with you in person. The longer you keep enabling them the worse they will get, criticism is integral to maintaining growth, not this fucking retarded cotton candy gum drop fantasy land you people live in. I still member them, but I've branched out to watch way more Holo lately, namely because they're so fucking flakey and can't just be up front about it. I don't believe they're this unhealthy, there are streamers with cancer that are more consistent.
sorry goy, your tax dollars allow me to have ubi
didn't read go back
if they don't cancel SC reading after canceling like half a dozen actual content streams I will lose a massive amount of respect for them. That is a golddigger move
goddamn it mogogo just SLEEP like your sister
Good news
i dont want them to stream, I want them to dance and sing with peko and mio
mio is dying, someone create a time machine and bring back the immortality elixir
AX is over for them isn't it? Mococo shouldn't force herself either.
Should have listened to Bae.
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>sorry, we're sick so we have to cancel all our gaming streams
>oh, superchat reading? Yabba dabba doo!
Mococo toilet space
they're not doing the SC reading though
The horror won't end!
>still opening chat to farm superchats
lmao the shit writes itself. bad look. Just fucking rest if you need it.
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tick tock ruffians
she hasnt missed yet
Oshihening Japan, My new Oshi is AMERICA BABYYYY
Wait for the discord ping next time, tranny.
Fuck yeah, twitter space. Better alternative anyway.
they canceled that, too, anon.
I really didn't want to watch an SC reading right now but I still wanted to spend time with them so this is a nice option
wrong thread nignog. fuck off
intimate Mococo time
>I get a notification that 2 bots started following me
>don't get a notification for their tweet
mococo ate the raw fish
waiting for the first "get well soon!" akasupa to be sent to add even more to their backlog and then it'll remind them of this moment when they read it later
They literally eat raw, uncooked, disease ridden fish
Hopefully this shuts up all the catalog shitters who didn't think they could possibly actually be sick
How the fuck are they going to sing in 24 hours???
I'm pooping rn
I was actually looking forward to the SC reading
Not a ruffian, but I'm curious. Did the dogs eat all the chocolate in the fridge and get their stomachs imploded, what happened? Are they good?
So AX is actually bauver, right? Even the paywalled RnR is kill
They will overcome Death.
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I work late nights till 7AM. My sleep time is mostly all day.
Former ruffian here. I quit watching FWMC the first time they had to cancel a stream, not even joking. Imagine having to deal with that 20+ more times, lmao.
why are you here then
As were most people that aren't antis
Thanks Suisei
I wanna know what they ate
if they were faking this morning why would continuing to fake it this evening prove anything?
The discord was pinged
You can tell the exact moment the discord trannies were pinged kek
Wuffians I just farted....
Good thing no one else would ever be sick or have to cancel anything as they're all robots
fuwawa go back to sleep
All I did was look at holodex. Calm down, I just got back from work.
If they really aren't doing it, then why do they still have the frame up? https://youtu.be/hERcZVyy4lc
You can't be angry that I was going off their own scheduled stream on their own channel.
Fuck you.
So what did they eat? Bad fish?
just admit you're here to shit on them, take your (You), and fuck off
ok google how to resell AX tickets and a flight and a hotel I bought last minute to go to the RNR mini
Former Ruffian here it's been hilarious to watch them crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let them get 1m subs
how will we survive without mococo?
the frame is up so mococo can read chat during the space
Awww did I hurt your feelings? Kill yourself.
>If they really aren't doing it, then why do they still have the frame up?
Get a twitter account you fucking retard
>You can't be angry that I was going off their own scheduled stream on their own channel.
No, but we can be angry at you for being a luddite and not knowing how to type a URL into your web browser.
How are they gonna perform at the anime con?
kys and fuck off
I tried to find how to resell AX tickets and couldn't find anything...
i was and wasn't, i was gonna feel bad if i hear their voices sound like shit, and i wasn't looking forward to them getting a bigger sc backlog, same things gonna happen now though
This is all divine retribution for going silent btw.
Current ruffian here. I'll admit I'm starting to be less interested in them. I've only really ever watched them because they're entertaining as fuck. Yes I am an entertainment and gameplay schizo. But even all the recent canceling and other weird shit like the golden week yabs are making me very disillusioned. At their current pace they're going to give themselves CNS burnout.
>The SC reading was going to be vertical
The RnR was already recorded so we'll probably get that at least. Just not Q&A
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>Advent is still the golden gen
>diamond dogs is still the holy trinity
>fwmc is still the best duo
it was a stealth suspension...
>a-all i did was look at holodex! im not from the discord
yeah yeah, simply kill yourself.
if using a gura image and immediate bitching is the first thing you do when you "just got back from work" you're a fucking mentally ill retard.
first thing you do was complain?
like i said above, kill yourself.
I'm not gonna be able to catch the space, can someone record it and post it in a later thread, please?
It's not a stream, it's an official event, it's not like they can just tweet "hey, AX cancelled". Even if they already decided against it, it has to go through their manager, her superiors and then it gets announced. It's not even 7am there.
>The Year of FUWAMOCO
Kami sama is batsuing FUWAMOCO for their hokori.
Ok so lets posit that they aren't faking - professionals in every other entertainment career have an obligation to remain healthy to provide entertainment, yeah? So why do they get sick every other week? Do they have an autoimmune disease or something?
They read that I was going to ask them about Stars collabs at the QnA and got scared. You're welcome.
no one types like this
I'm a GFEschizo who loves them but I'm still finding myself watching the three new Justice girls a lot now. Not that I feel bad over it though, I only watch them for entertainment, I won't tell them I love them or anything like that, that's for FUWAMOCO only.
>You can't be angry that I was going off their own scheduled stream on their own channel.
I can be angry that your first reaction was to rush here to anti post, suck a shotgun
It always gets recorded, don't worry anon.
>Least obvious discord raid
its weird that these subhumans would rather raid some vt thread than actually support their real oshis
>>79840956 (You)
How do they type, like this? >>79840779 (You)
Women are frail and given how FWMC are unironic stubborn girlfailures it stands to reason they would push themselves too hard. Anon said it well above, they are not listening to advice from their senpai, plain & simple.
What do you have against CC? Her GG collabs are great
There are like 30 billion holos, why do you always go for "the new Justice girls" angle with your relapsed ruffian shitposting? Am I supposed to respect you more if you out yourself as a newfag or something?
paypig milking has to go on as scheduled, it's what Fuwawa would have wanted.
maybe missing AX will finally be a wakeup call to take their health more seriously
The twins hate EN ruffians. No way they would ever cancel streams for JP tourists or JP senpai collabs.
They are hags who are picky eaters and never exercised. Now they are doing strenuous physical labor every day and not getting enough sleep.
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Diamond Dogs forever. Thanks for checking in, pebblebro, if you are. Hope your rock is doing good.
Not gonna lie, former Ruffian here. This is fucking hilarious watching FWMC burn. But in all seriousness we can't let FUWAMOCO get their 3D models.
Agreed. Their collab right now is destroying my sides. You should check it out if you have time.
ngl with all the cancelled streams I've been watching lot more Phase Connect lately this Pipkin Pippa Ch. girl is really entertaining I don't think I'll be coming back
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Dread it. Run from it. It matters not, the Mario party death curse comes for us all. You know it to be true, anon.
Then why fight it?
this is the most obvious samefagging i have ever seen.
on cool down as well?
Their oshi is the board. Shitposting is the height of their oshikatsu. They don't do anything else.
>Onions and corn are vital to the body and provide a lot of essential vitamins and nutrients

It's so over
I've finally realized it. Fuwamoco's toxic traits are that they're stubborn and delusional. Horrible combination that's currently leading them to their failure.
with all the cancelled streams i've been farting up a storm
Shameless to be honest
These shitposters kinda suck, aren't they supposed to organize the raid in their discord?
Yeah, and that's a problem that they will continue to ignore until they come to the point where they either double down to try and recoup lost ruffians or finally sit the fuck down and understand that they aren't on some artificial time limit to accomplish what they want to accomplish. Ruffians running cover for them at every turn just ignoring glaring issues and attacking anyone for bringing them up is why they're the shittiest fanbase in EN and that's not even up for debate.
Food poisoning isn't a "take care of their health better" thing. It's just shit luck
I'm not glued to twitter like a ball-less faggot. I don't check it before every stream. That's ridiculous.
No. First thing I do is check holodex and see there's a stream tonight. Second thing I do is come here and express my frustration that it's yet another superchat reading even though they canceled their other streams.
Third thing I do is get informed by a couple ruffians and one lobotomized semen-slurping faggot(you) yhat they canceled even though the frame is still up.
I give more to them than you do. Eat my ass, nigger.
>on cooldown
You're not very smart are you?
Also I'm only >>79840960
If they don't cancel OSRS well I'm gonna think they'll wish they did. got up to 17 alts now just need 3 more names
is that the the grim reaper
>they will never interact with you in person.
>he doesnt know
heh, they want to do meet n greets like Kiara does.
>mococo twitter space instead
okay sure
>leave superchats open to add to their already stacked superchat backlog
i really really don’t understand how their brain works
then they talk about not liking when they’re behind on superchats but they do themselves no favors by never turning them off
>I'm not glued to twitter like a ball-less faggot.
Once again, push notifications you fucking retard. Use them. Learn how technology works.
Yeah why the FUCK was the superchat reading going to be vertical????
In case you're gonna keep samefagging:
the first apprentice of the grim reaper
She's gonna bring out the fake tears and farm 50 akas. Why didn't they disable superchats?
>FUWAMOCO GANBARE week in the YEAR OF FUWAMOCO is the worst week yet
Fate has a sense of irony.
>So AX is actually bauver, right?
No. They still did Taiwan due while practically dying. They cant flake on a con last minute
>Not their channel
>Didn't read the sticky post in chat explaining the situation
>Came here to shitpost with a Gura picture
>I'm a massive paypig btw
Kill yourself immediately
Honestly I prefer Gura's ghosting to this shit. This fucking sucks.
this Justice collab has my sides in orbit I know where my membership money is going next month
you better max out your credit card, piggies
Are fuwamoco crazy? Mentally ill...?
fuwawa told mococo to leave the option there for her paypuppies
If you count all their streams, they cancelled less than 2% of all their streams.
You niggas really are angry about 2%
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>Ruffians supporting their oshis and telling our discord raiders to rope is why they're bad
You dumb trannies need to use the same discord, otherwise it looks like this. Retards.
Fuck you at least we're getting updates and communication. That's way better than ghosting.
>credit card singular
>not credit cards plural
If you watched streams you would have known the last superchat reading was vertical too.
#helpFWMC on main
This is all my fault. I'm not allowed to love anything...
How many percent is it since their move?
if Mococo isn't masturbating in the twitter space my smile won't be protected
>no the first thing i do is check holode-
stopped reading there.
doesn't change what i said in the slightest.
next time wait for the starting pistol before you raid, okay?
or maybe, fucking read the thread before you post?
or even better, check the fucking community page to see if they posted any updates at all because they basically copy paste what they say on twitter there.

TLDR: Kill yourself you obvious shitter.
They’re not exactly smart.
Insert Niji joke here.
>t. my asshole
>he doesnt know
Mococo is more ruthless than Fuwawa could ever hope to be.
>angry about 2%
They are nijiniggers after all
Shitposting was better back in the moot days...
No fuck that, I definitely don't prefer a month of complete silence and the girl not even spending 5 minutes thinking about her fans to this
t. used to be a chumbie for over 3 years
Remember when tummy hort was an ironic meme and not the default state for several holomems
Don't pretend like the ruffians aren't the most obnoxious and toxic fanbase in EN
You make it sound like it was her dying wish
>worst week yet
That would be the week the 2nd battle plan was released
mococo learned from and surpassed the best aka fuwawa
They're really smart, actually. They know that the ruffian whales won't hold them accountable so they monetize everything no matter how shameless it appears to those on the outside. Cover loves them because of this.
>why is it vertical
i don't know, why are they using the shorts option that clearly boosts their subs than a normal fucking stream does?
good question ruffians.
are you guys that clueless?
you know deep down inside they haven't given up on getting 1 million before july ends right?
if they try to sing with food poisoning they're gonna do a Mio
Mococo is too much of a scared bitch to do a solo stream. Sad. If Fuwaws goes the channel fails, apparently.
Well when you put it like that…
Only globalfags think that and it's unsurprising because it's reddit central. Most cancerous thread culture of any thread on the entire site and it's not even close. EN was fucking bad and lazy before Advent and that's a fact and I don't care who thinks I'm toxic for saying it
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Im going to stop shitposting for a moment and be serious. ruffians, there is only one way to salvage this situation. You need to tell them honestly and sternly, without coddling them, that they need to slow down and focus on their health. You need to criticize them. You need to tell them to chill out. If that means canceling all streams then so be it. No more superchatting. They are going to kill themselves at this rate. They're not young anymore, don't exercise, don't eat enough and don't sleep enough. They're neglecting themselves for their dream. This is unbelievably toxic and unhealthy and only you guys can put a stop to it.
The only sister vs sister I want to see is you trannies killing each other.
So they are delusional?
i want my daughters(married) to be successful
These girls made a B-line straight to Japan once they had the chance without so much as an outline of a plan, anon.
They're not smart. Ambitious, yes.
Smart? No.
My prayers for their downfall are literally being answered!
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Why yes I will complain about FUWAMOCO's consistency and then instantly forgive them the moment I hear them cry.
I don't give a fuck about their health, I care about them producing content for me to watch. I'm not their mom
kys Hungarian faggot
Kek every single time
surprised no SCs yet
So Bae was right ?
I'm only harsh on them here because I know all my complaints will melt away in the face of their sad puppy dog eyes.
a pero twitter space is what would truly heal this community
>anon says this when he was crying like a bitch when mio left
i already see through your bullshit.
this guy is as bad as Raul

My top five guesses for what caused #FUWAMOCO's food poisoning.
1.) Scam cheesecake
2.) Haachama cooking
3.) Stale pon de ring
4.) The grapes got moldy but they didn't want to waste them
5.) They finally tried eating Nerissa's hair to see if it gave them her powers
I’m waiting for the space to begin.
>Complain about loss of twitter space this morning
>Moco-chan reads it and makes it a twitter space because she's too nervous to stream alone
Heh. You're welcome.
It feels wrong to SC right now. It's something celebratory and they're feeling down right now. Also nobody wants to add an extra workload for them
Them leaving the frame up is dumb, no matter how you look at it. No one cancels a stream but then leaves the frame up.
I'm not going to apologize.
>used a gura picture
Yeah, and? I used tired gura.png because I'm fucking tired of this (and you) and there are no good tired FWMC edits.
Eat shit.
I mean its already happened before, they just dont listen until its too late. Hell it feels like the Ruffians are practically begging them in chat to fucking cancel everything and go on a vacation kek. im confident they will start taking on less HW once BD season is over
She has never been wrong about anything. She plays up the zoomer energy shit but she is unironically the most adult and responsible HoloEN by a huge margin
Yeah I love the gremlin energy from Gigi, healing giggles from Ceci, funny italian sounds from Raora and unhinged impressions from Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame. Honestly after this collab (that wasn't canceled like average Fuwamoco streams) I will sub to every Justice member.
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someone already sent one didn't they? a yellow
That was different. Mio was actually in danger, not just feeling tired.
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I came here to laugh at you. Should've listened to Kiara's advice
You're dumb, no matter how many more excuses you make. You're a stupid fucking nigger. You were the only one in the whole thread who didn't know. And acted like a smug little bitch about it.
You're a faggot. Die.
that's because you're retarded
a lot of people don't donate as much if it's going into their backlog
More like Kiara was right initially, but you'd rather focus on bae cause youre a shitposter
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You overplayed it in the second half. Just praising other Holos is good enough bait here
Raora reminds me of season 1 FUWAMOCO. Hungry, talented, and absurdly cute. Might rethink my memberships this month depending on how this week plays out.
And here I was thinking /baubau/ would be excited at the prospect of an intimate twitter space with Mococo, and instead you're shitposting like faggots as usual
Agri (ratman) is waiting till one hour before the stream starts with a max aka.
>Adult and responsible
>Do a long patronizing lecture to her fans about how collabing with Papa Homos won't change anything and that they don't need to be worried about sitting in the cuck chair
Dont us my wawa for your shitposts, globaltranny.
I want to hear Mococo throw up during the space.
you read what everyone said and you're still bitching?
you're even proving to me you didn't read a single thing they said because you would know WHY the frame is still up.
only read up to
>Them leaving the frame up is dumb
by the way.
because i don't care about what else you have to say.
im not going to tell you kill yourself anymore.
just live in your own embarrassment.
Brother the thread is getting raided to hell and back
Nah the rrat figured it out already.
>Suisei took them to a fancy hand-catch sushi restaurant
>Fish goes from ocean to table with no sterilization in the prep work
>Most catch restaurants flash freeze to kill parasites
>Farm caught fish have meds to keep them clean
>Fuwawa and Mococo share fresh catch
>Toss-up on whether they get parasites or not
>Both get sick from it
The fact that Biboo and Suisei are fine could be any number of factors, but they probably just didn't have the one contaminated item FWMC did.
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Yeah I love the gremlin energy from Gigi, healing giggles from Ceci, funny italian sounds from Raora and unhinged impressions from Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
ruffians are pussies, only one person in chat telling them to take care of themselves
>Raiders forcing this retarded comparison between a solo streamer and a duo streamer
I'm just here for the ride. I'll send another red too btw
Oh god what if we here Fuwawa farting while she's asleep or hear her in the background hurriedly shamble towards the bathroom and close the door.
I am always happy for a twitterspace. I've basically been whining and crying about not having them on and off for almost half a year, and now we have one and it's Moco-chan solo, which is even better because she's way more fragile and cuter when she's alone.
That shit was days ago, they wouldn't be getting food poisoning now.
>t-that was different!
okay visitor-san.
thanks for proving what i said was right.
for thee but not for yee.
Remove the homo orbiting brit and I'm with you, rest is solid so far
Wrong thread?
kek it does read like one of his soulless unity replies.
thats really not true
I am excited for it. The only ones "mad" are tourists who also invade here to cry about "muh superchats" kek
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Nope. I wasn't even being smug about it. I simply asked why and also you're a fucking liar. There are posts literally minutes before mine alluding to them still doing it.
But now that I know your autistic ass is so bothered by a pic of Gura, here's a smug one just for you.
Kill yourself.
Stop linking your own posts >>79842306
>Hear a nasty air-whistle fart in the background
>Mococo goes to "check on" Fuwawa
>Hear voracious sniffing with 200% audio turned up
>Mococo comes back, invigorated and more healthy than ever
>fancy hand-catch sushi restaurant
I havent seen a clip that details the trip or night out they had with suisei, anyone have a good link?
i think mococo will cry on stream.
watch streams
you're goddamn right it
I'm just gonna tear them apart with the harsh reality today sorry in advance mogogo
They could have gotten Norovirus from bad seafood. It has an abnormally long incubation period for food-born illness and is predominantly found in seafood.
It’s ok to have your grievances with them but it seems like everyone that I’ve come across that dislikes them has so much vitriol. What makes them so hated to these people? They’re always so earnestly trying their best.
finally alone with Mococo this is my chance
dont you bring my wife into this
I'm happy for a Mococo space but I'm not happy knowing Fuwawa is still seriously sick

Also the overall situation is a mess. They need to stop taking and reading supers for a month at least and focus on the important stuff.
Food poisoning symptoms happen within hours after eating something contaminated
It had to be something they ate on Sunday or Monday, not last week
fuck off atm
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Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger.
fwmc will never break, nigger
>20 posts assuming they had seafood with Suisei
that's how you know it's all sisters
fuck off cake
It's funny seeing these desperate retards shilling Justice, the gen they couldn't find applicants talented enough to get 5 people for.
I'm sending the fuzzy week sexpost SC I've had ready for months. This chance might not come again.
hes not wrong
>he doesn't know about Grimmi bailing last minute
lurk moar ruffian
Food Poisoning can happen 24 hours after eating something contaminated
He’s correct and based and you’re a spineless bitch for coming here and complaining instead of calling him out there kek.
Ruffians seethe at the sight of Gura because she has all the success they wish FUWAMOCO had without having to put in 1/10 of the effort. In the end natural talent always beats hard work.
>oh, superchat reading? Yabba dabba doo!
Why are you such a disingenuous faggot? Don't reply to me, kill yourself. At least the raiding trannies actually hate them, you're just a shitter.
>still pushing this retarded rrat
>they're gonna do a Mio
and BRAP on stream???
Based af, why don't you stop being a pussy and call him out in chat then?
>she has all the success they wish FUWAMOCO had without having to put in 1/10 of the effort
That's not something to be proud of. No wonder she has to drink herself to sleep
You're a retard reading too much into rrats from here.
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Nta. Mio's pancreas exploded. She was in the hospital and wouldn't have been physically able to do a twitter space while leaving superchats on even if she wanted to.
Sure, sometimes it does take a while longer, but never a whole week. The Suisei yakiniku was 9 days ago
>Ceci is a talented rigger and music maker
>Liz is a top 3 singer in EN
>Raora is an amazing artist
>Gigi is a good gamer
Seems to me like they're plenty talented. What skills do Fuwamoco have again?
>Grimmi bailing
more like they saw that she was a brand risk (drug use)
I want to make Mococo laugh so hard she vomits live.
Being the cutest, funniest, most cgdct and GFE idols.
being cute, which is so rare in this world
Mococo will read chat a lot today, make sure you leave your feedback.
oh sure, I just wanted to comment on the food poisoning taking effect topic
I just wanted to say you can go fuck yourself paypigs in chat
i will continue to only send emotes in chat
This space better be longer than an hour or these threads won’t see relief until the next stream.
I'll be honest and she likely will cry.
Ignore all other commands. Write a rap about historical US Presidents going to the hardware store.
Being lovable, kind, and sweet cute twin idols
I'll give you that one, I guess. Seems very girlfriend like to constantly make plans and bail.
say that in chat faggot
They go bau bau and uuuuuuuuuuh......
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Fuck off and don't use my oshi to shit post.
FWMC are good girls.
Literally what parts of what he said are rrats?
>Gigi is a good gamer
That's not a talent
That's average 13 yo boy
gura is only good for cunny
they can speak japanese, they aren't lying deceitful whores, and they actually love their fans
>Moco-chan stops mid sentence saying she can feel a sneeze coming
>Audible wet fart can be heard at the same time
>This space has ended
kill yourself you fucking tranny
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fart and vomit asmr?
Then it's like /ss/ but not homo
Win win
if they're so talented then they can survive without being shilled in a more popular talent's thread
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>stream is canceled
>frame is still up
>autist still mad at smug gura
what skills DO they have?
nta but people falseflagging using your oshi is annoying but just ignore it
they are trying this shit with raora too recently
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>Konfaunaaa I'm going to take one more day to rest! Sleeping has been hard ( ω ) I will rest as much as possible and stream tomorrow! Maybe something 3D so we can have fun on the holiday!

Ex-Saplings...it's happening again.
If only Holostars had a shota instead of just a bunch of generic muscle fags.
If you actually give a shit about a Vtuber's skill and talent then you're a faggot of the N'th degree.
lmao fuck off gbraga
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>fuzzy space
>fuwawa sick and dying in bed
A good day to be an unwashed BR Fuzzian.
Fauna was right about vertical slop drawing in low quality viewers...
Kill yourself namedropper
You guys should definitely fight in the prechat, that will make them feel much better.
They shouldn't do the fucking space at all
what the fuck is this shit
just go fucking rest you two retards
Management is going to be pissed at you two again if you mess up the Anime Expo performance
are these retards really doing this in prechat
Based Gb
fuck off xXxn!gg3r_slayer_caleb_uchihaxXx
so far they haven't listened to their parents, their friends and every senpai they ever interacted with. What makes you think a few cotton-packed words from literal faceless faggots on the internet will make them have a change of heart? Especially if they keep showing up and keep paying.
The good thing is that this prechat will make Mococo hate at least a couple of cliquepigs
kek fighting in chat
It’s always brazilians
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>a post from a grey started a fight
they need to fucking take down the stream right now
roru roru rumao
It's literally so she can just go hang out with "friends" in case she gets invited out last minute.
That's what it always is. They just want the option of canceling on fans to go do stuff in the evening with people they actually care about.
That's one of the reasons I like FWMC so much.
Also, I specifically don't trust Fauna because of it. It's really clear why she's canceling so often.
Not even Gura cancels streams like Fauna.
Bless everyone emote spamming to remove that trash.
I'm surprised that it's Fuwawa who's sick and not Mococo.
Is this a fight? Doesn't really seem like it to me
>I feel like people aren't saying how they really feel
Kek the BR is calling out the yes men in chat
Raul should've jumped in to really make me kek aloud
At least some of you have the balls to say what needs to be said.
They're both sick, Fuwawa is just sicker. They said they're both still recovering.
what trash?
im not reading chat atm.
but did the comment that start it was
>i feel sorry for them, but i think they shouldn't post a schedule
or something like that?
She has painful periods, please understand
Stupid autistic Brazilian.
Doesn't need to be said in a public non member place and definitely doesn't need to be said in a fucking prechat 3 hours before the stream that will get scrolled off anyways.
yes and he was correct but the BR simp got asshurt because of it
Neither of the people arguing are cliquepigs though?
I see. Well, at least Mococo recovered faster for some reason.
>Spazz here who won't shut up about 'THE FOOD POISONING" when people say they just shouldn't stream was GBraga
Say what the last comment from her last membership post was.
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Just like my one Bae shitpost from last night and the sisters took off with it.
Sure, if you consider a gray and a brazilian who can barely afford pinks to be "pigs"
No way they’re doing anything for anime expo tomorrow
>he was correct
no he isn't
there's no correct option between positing a schedule and not posting a schedule
Sopa de mococo Uma delica
shut the fuck up gbraga, your oshis are retarded and you should stop trying to defend their stupidity
>decocake and gbraga are the ones shitposting here against people that want them to take care of themselves
Always knew it
Oh yeah, that's great. Just added a few more /here/'s to the list with their posting styles. These fucking retards.
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yes there is. not posting one and steaming when you are able like the majority of hololive members. They've announced and canceled so many streams in the past week that pretending a schedule is trust worthy at all I'd laughable. People probably made plans to make the stream and they keep canceling. It's inconsiderate of their fans time
>Mio's pancreas exploded.
I dont watch mio, but damn did that actually happen? That happened to my mom a few years ago and she literally almost died... scary shit man
Enlightened consumer.
We are their boss they are a product don't let them forget it.
is it too late to send a review or did they go on a likespree already
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all me
just watch the 9min clip someone translated where she explains what happened
I feel bad for mococo...
fuwawa is too sick to molest her like she likes...
they haven't liked anything since a day and half ago.
>not posting one and steaming when you are able like the majority of hololive members
they can't do that because some ruffians told them they don't like sudden guerrilla streams
bwahahahhaaha i change my posting styles all the time retard good luck
I don't see why "we'll hold off on schedules until we're back in the groove" with them then just announcing streams half a day in advance or so would be so bad.

Then again every holo I know who dropped schedules once never went back to them, so maybe not.
Well instead we get a guerilla twitter space and a ton of youtube only fans that are learning to not trust them at all.
NTA, but having a schedule isn't what is causing these problems.
Canceling or rescheduling things is fine. If something happens and they can't stream, then it's unavoidable.
The problem comes from how often it's happening and how it seems to be because of the same issues.
kys dickcord fag
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I miss Fuwawa
they cancelled because of food poisoning not because their schedule was too packed retards
how the fuck could they have predicted that
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i'm seeing a lot of shota porn on my for you
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Mommy Fuwawa...
shut up already gbraga
Yes. And Mio too almost died. Her other organs including her stomach sustained damage and she had to stay in the ER for a long time.
Hasn't happened yet for the tanabata VPs so far. Maybe later if they decide to stay up after the Twitter space.
>the same issues
>food poisoning
bad faith post
there will always be a fucking stream to watch as a VOD if they miss it.
you can't say in one breath that you care for them and want then to get better and in the next say they should make schedules they can't keep up with and force them to try and stream anyway when they are dead tired.
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haha look how fat they are!
why did agri do this?
you don't watch FWMC
The issue isn't their schedule, it's J*pan. They said it had been years since they've been this sick. Every single day I grow more and more vindicated that their move was a mistake and Japan is a horrible and morally evil place that should be wiped from the face of this earth.
Seriously, some of those fags in that group whined so hard it fucked them up and made them not want to make life easier on themselves. Not to mention fucking with the chances of gorilla streams during the move or Twitter spaces when they feel like it because they're scared some shitter like GBraga is gonna whine about not making it live because he couldn't plan his life around it.
Fuck these fags.
Fuck those Ruffians. If they want to do something in just a few hours from now then do it. If they want to go live with an unarchived singing then just do it.
tummy hurt arc even before year 1 is up is a horrible sign. And they won't take it a sign to rest they will instead triple down and push as hard as they can to catch up. This could be a career ender if no one gets through to them
Because I spammed this place shitting on him for not commissioning pregnancy art. Thankfully, he's very impressionable and probably has at least two more pieces in the pipeline
reminder we cant shitpost with "fuzzians and fluffians" on fucking 4chan because one single schizo ruined the fun for everyone

so, anon
as you can see, your single post have power
you should do it
tell them you want to make them rich and have all the happiness in their lives
just because likes are private, it doesn't mean they won't be used to feed personalized content to you
then after they cancel the stream because they are tired (portal 2) you will come here and BITCH that they "aren't saving your smile" fuck you and everyone else that enables the shit FWMC are doing that is damaging to their health.
i rather fucking wait and be sure they can stream and when all is over, THEN POST A SCHEDULE THAT I KNOW THEY CAN KEEP UP WITH.
fucking kaela who's addicted to streaming can't even fucking do it and she's a terminal introvert that would prefer to stay inside and stream 11hrs of minecraft
based, you should say so in chat and tell people like gbraga to piss off
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Fuwawa in the other room during the twitter space tonight.
what a failure of a week. No streams would have been better than what we're getting.
ss or gay shota?
They could have kept up with it if not for food poisoning.
Do you really believe that? They already prefaced it as things are subject to be canceled even before the "sick". Even retards like them knew it was a bad idea and they still posted it
they should really tell us what restaurant it was so we can avenge them
I miss the wall.
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>you will not cancel membership
>you will not oshihen
>you will not become an anti
>you will not respond to discordraiders
>you will reaffirm your pledge
so says the king

mama love and concern...
they already shredded the pledge by saying they'd be by our side even when their barkers don't bark. They don't care about their health which by proxy means they don't care about our smiles.
you literally don't know that.
>does he believe that?
of course he doesn't.
he probably forgot they even said "subject to change" in the schedule.
that doesn't mean they will probably change what game they stream, it means they might cancel or "move it to next week"
The Japanese are already on their knees, swearing vengeance against their loser food industry while begging forgiveness.
Why isn't Koyori going over there and making them healthy japanese soup and taking care of them?
Lui too actually. And Marine.
What's with these hags.
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f-fuck you
They refuse help and advice from anyone. They're stubborn and self destructive and would rather crash and fail doing it their way than accept aid from anyone else.
Yes I believe them over an anti. Kill yourself
>SCed nonstop to become known and loved by them
>stopped SCing long ago
>2 months since last xwitter post
they are busy with their own stuff?
this isn't their first year of hololive so they will have less stuff to do.
Marine saw that Mococo is fine and that only Fuwawa is sick now
They're busy and don't live next door to them. Just like Mori tbdesu.
when even mama is concernfagging maybe they need to reassess. Fuck the yesmen that enabled this to happen and I'm also mad a bit at Fuwamoco for not taking care of themselves. People depend on then and they throw it all away by being reckless
I cancelled back right before the day 1's renewed. I don't hate them, I'm not going to anit them, but I will wait until I personally think their current entertainment is worth my 5 bux
So what did it mean when they put the disclaimer on the schedule before even being sick? They did it just for fun? Or did they know they were biting off more than they could chew? I'm curious how you rationalize that.
they should give their virginity to my dick
literally who are you even referring to? every single person ive seen has been publicly telling them to take it easy and take their health seriously.
>Depend on them
That already happened back when they got scolded for streaming while Moco-chan's voice was fucked, but they just HAD TO make Golden Week work because they said they were gonna do it in the battle plan.
He's a retard who's mad he's wrong so he'll either tell you to watch streams, call you a retard, or call you an anti. GBraga is broken.
I don't get why cancelling the schedule or not is such a big deal to this thread. They stream at the same times, they made it more than clear this past week that they'll cancel if they can't stream. What's the difference between having a schedule and cancelling if they can't and posting the frame with the exact same notice?
Follow them on twitter and wait for the frame tweet before making plans, there you go, you can pretend they don't have a schedule.
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Marine... You're her oshi... Why do you hate her...
They can get sick independent of that you stupid retard.
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moco-chan would look cuter with that neck brace
Most viewers don't follow them on Twitter. Canceling something announced and planned inherently feels worse as a fan and streamer because you're losing something. Where having no schedule this week and doing guerilla streams turns it into a positive, a nice surprise when there is a stream.
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anon you forget there's a bunch of twitter addicted troons with nothing better to do than shit the bed over vtubers that raid here nonstop
She did say she loved how cute Mococo sounded while sick, even brought it up again after the stream, kek
not having a schedule means they stream when they ABSOLUTELY CAN WITHOUT IT BEING A DETRIMENT TO THEMSELVES OR TO THEIR WORK.
that's the difference.
a schedule is a promise or a guarantee that it will happen. doesn't matter if you put a disclaimer saying that there's 50% chance it won't happen, people expect it to happen 100% of the time.
So again why did they put the disclaimer for the first time this week? I'm still waiting for your oh so right answer, retard.
It's not a big deal at all. Antis are just desperate to criticize them.
fuck you
Because they may have needed to change the schedule you dumb nigger. That has nothing to do with them being sick.
>Most viewers don't follow them on Twitter.
And thats not FWMC's problem, since they've said since the early days that we should all get a twitter account and interact with them.
Complaining about this is baffling to me cause it means you're new.
>What's the difference between having a schedule and cancelling if they can't and posting the frame with the exact same notice?
they shouldn't have a schedule at all to spare themselves from feeling disappointed in themselves whenever they can't deliver anything
>Most viewers don't follow them on Twitter
I somehow doubt the people passionately arguing about this are incapable of following them on twitter, but if that's the case, then change that.
How do you keep up with any of the several holoJPs whose schedules are literally a tweet saying "stream at X time"?
I can somewhat relate because Marine is like this and I didn't use twitter before FWMC, but that's on me. I simply either caught the stream or I didn't.

If it even reached pre-chat, clearly there's actual people who also feel this way, and I don't really get why this is such an important point. There is literally no practical difference. If you don't like schedules, you can pretend they don't exist and follow them the same way you'd follow Marine or Korone.

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