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Blade of miquella Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79813930
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
stronny gonna have to organize another powerwash stream....
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girls please
anon sex
I like when Shibi walks away from the mic. It feels unprofessional in a good way. Intimate.
comfy af
truly the muppet next door
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it's the best mang
The economy wordcloud
>icey need lil schizo post
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maybe the other thread will draw the tourists away from here
This thread will be better
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
I want the beta cuck to come back and post more about Shibi
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
>fat comes
>bitch talking retarded made women based
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But I barely even know her
>icey need lil schizo
>Icey, against all odds and better judgement, joins the fancord
>groomers rejoice, their prayers have been answered!
>its actually a stealth management account that adds all the members' names to a corpo-wide shitlist and bans them from all chats
isnt that like, entrapment? theyre not grooming the real icey because its a staff member
reeflings eating good tonight
What are you a judge? This is street justice
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Ojisans grooming ojisans
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lil schizo sounds like a rapper name
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Shibi Cottonbum? More like Sibi CottonBOOMER am I right fellas? hahaha :D
it just ads so much soul i love it when she does that
I can't wait for her to just tie you down and use you as her new gaming chair, holy fuck that is cringe.

you have to reply to her, anon. if you love her, that is
i want the one i can't have
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But if it bothers you so much then why do you want me to be rewarded?
She has to understand how I feel when she doesn't respond to my tweets
Because it makes her happy, and that's all that matters.
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uuuuuuu... need mommy azu thighs....
She's very pretty anon, you're a lucky man.
let's say you wind up in a situation where you're in bed with all six vallure girls.
what do you do?
Tell everyone besides Stronny to leave.
Watch Icey engage the other girls in gladiatorial combat for my attention
hahah this actually happened to me yesterday
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Take Immy and leave.
Pray my dick will still function the next day. Oh, and ask where the bathroom is. I gotta pee.
Do you think immy realizes how much we love and miss her?
Kick shibi out
Tell stronny to go sit in the chair and record
Tell azura to go warm some milk and cookies up for me for when I'm done
Mercy would be frozen stiff so I'd send her with azura to calm down.
Alternate between Immy and icey for hours.
In an ideal world it would just be me and icey though.
she's thinking about you right now, wishing you would tweet at her
Unironic psychopath behavior
tuck em all in and kiss them goodnight, then fall asleep at the foot of the bed
Open /vag/ and ask for advice
its kinda weird, but you gotta respect a man with a plan
hey thats what im doing!
Thinking about sucking on Immy's toes
Thinking about fucking Immy's brains out
I’m not good enough to tweet her directly
Thinking about the time Stronny called me darling
i would do anything for immy uuuuu literally anything.
Thinking about Azura giving me a nursing handjob
Thinking about Icey paci sucking
Thinking about hammers.
I've had someone say that before but I have no idea why.
It just makes sense playing them to their biggest strengths.
Thinking about mercy having to search online what a rusty trombone is because she is too shy to ask to stronny
immy i would fly across the atlantic ocean and fight 100 canadian homeless people just to get a little bit of attention from you
Icey, I'm not a cheater
for me, it's mercy modiste
I would ask where I find these women but they never leave their bedroom. What is a man meant to do these days to find a cute hidden sexual deviant to marry
Home invasion gacha
Creator circles or FF14
You pick right and she'll be into it. You pick wrong and you'll end up with room and board on the taxpayer's dollar. Win-win
Play League of Legends, Overwatch, and Valorant.
I only play FF14 though
It's so over.
women really have the worst taste
TRUE THOUGH, and dota
Toxic dota gf is the best of times and the worst of times
I just realised I'm never going to be able to go back to regular chubas ever again if my oshi dies.
Normally you grieve for a while and try your best to move on but how am I meant to do that with this company. Me and icey have basically had sex, we're joined at the hip and joined through marriage. Where do you go after you lose something like that. It's added an entire new layer to this that I wasn't ever thinking about. I'll never be able to move on.
Lewd gfe changes the game and destroys everything before it.
Just buy your discord kitten a few skins
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this is true, i've met quite a few girls in overwatch
but they're always support players like me and they tend to be worse than i am so its no fun playing with them
Are you a femboy
That's kinda what I would expect from a mercyposter.
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no i just have mediocre aim so i play melee characters
Are you trying to make me want to fuck you? Is that your game?
Guess I'm downloading OW2 tonight, shit
God I miss immy, why is god so cruel to take her away from me as soon as he she come into my life.
Relax bro surely you aren't that good either just enjoy the time playing with more people
i swear to god, if you say something the lines of "but I enjoy playing efficiently" im going to anti so hard that you will run out of angy reaction pics
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i mean im not the best player on the planet but im decent, i solo queued to gm. but my fault in the game is my mediocre aim, so i have a limited pool of characters im good at and in my anecdotal experience girls also have limited pools so we're stuck with inherently difficult team compositions
overwatch is a silly game, thank you for reading my blog
>pass out listening to Stronny
>wake up
>come back to catch up on the general
>retard maledumb baiting again
>Shibi is a png-furrytuber now
immy hasnt streamed in over a week and shes still one of the most talked about girls here
I just got home, why is Shibi trying to turn me into a furry?
She has a 1070
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what happens if I rub her tummy?
That makes perfect sense then.
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tracer/soj senpai reporting in life isn't worth living because mercy will never pocket mercy me
you become hers
You wake up in the basement
stop playing onlywatch
has anyone asked Stronny about a robot/android type chuuba for gen2?
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It is kind of crazy how the girls managed to summon such devotion so quickly
during one of her elden ring streams she asked her viewers for ideas and got a ton of them, i think someone mentioned androids but i dont remember her response. sorry
ah it's alright man, thanks anyways
into the barrel he goes
Hey guys just wanted to let you know im still riding the high of Immy responding to a post i made yesterday. Hope your day has been/will be as good as mine. Not to brag just a unity bro
Small toot
I just want friends anon
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yeeeah.. very lucky indeed...
I want a doll girl. I have a thing for doll joints.
>Multiday high from interaction with his oshi
it's fucking great
good taste
>alternative mind flayer by kenkou cross type outfit for Stronny
i'm a simple man, i ask for simple things
ok yeah, not to brag either but she's replied to my posts twice before
No. Its even better I made a post /here/ yesterday and she did her reps today and made a tweet about it but i will still be riding this high tomorrow so yeah.
You fools, that's how they pass you the brain worm
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She is asleep and that means so shall I be.
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Doll joints are hot
Whenever the brainworms start to flair up just think back on them and remember she does love you. It helps me
Hope it made you feel as good as i feel right now. Unity!
okay now that's something worth envying
Was it the one about the shock collar?
Yes! I will absolutely do this.
Doll joints are so fucking hot I don't why but they just do it for me. I started playing honkai star rail because of Herta's doll cunny that shit drives me insane
No, it was the one about plugging her butthole with my cock so she has to beg me to let her fart
He’s taking about the fart plugthe shock collar was me
>Are you gay? Why are acting so gay
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look guys all i want in life is immy to hot richard me. is that really too much to ask?
So you’re saying you wouldn’t suck the farts out of her little butthole like a vacuum cleaner?
i want to put my tongue on kouhai's armpits and lap at them like a dog
This but Immy God help me when i listen to her armpit audio FUCK
I want to kiss her tummy
I don't know what to write about today. Maybe today will be a break day.
This may be rather controversial but I'd rather literally eat her. I'd rather mess with her period blood or her piss or her regular blood. Shit, farts and obviously to a way lesser extent burps are all things I'm not a fan of. Vomit is fine, I actually like vomit quite a bit.
I'm ngmi I know.
i was memeing, i agree with you
Yeah I figured but I wanted to post.
If Immy's similar to me then anything that sort of has to do with pressure build up and then release is really hot. It's why orgasm denial is hot.
Thats alright Greentext anon? take your rest. You've earned it.
let the juices flow a bit and come back with a banger
Yeah! Thats what makes it hot for me too.
t. The anon that made the original post
Her rats are cute. I wish they streamed more.
I wonder if she ever lets them craw on her while shes naked...
i think this month i'll member stronny and immy
You remember that south park episode about lemmiwinks…
look, I was being a little silly, lets not get actually cursed...
She probably does that rat in a hot bucket thing to herself
she lets the rats watch when we have sex, but no she doesnt like them crawling over her naked body
What I'd give to just lick Immy right now. I just want to study every inch of her body with my tongue...
it's up
Crazy how i made this post while playing elden ring
Imagine how stiff her nipples would get if you sucked on them and have them a little nibble.
Fuck you guys for always making me hard
you know guys, when I read what you say here and tweet at her, I starting to think I might just be too uninteresting for Immy..
not like I wouldn't wanna try or do these things, but coming up with these things..
No homo bro
Hey man, not everyone has a creative mind. You don't have to come up with stuff if we do it for you, and thats not a bad thing.
Only has homo as Immy wants
Imagine listening to her breathing getting heavier, you know she’d be panting like a dog in heat. You could look up and meet her eyes and I bet she’d shudder and let out a little moan just from staring at you
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>holding immys cute little hand while going to the stores (she tried jumping the road once) to buy snacks to munch on while we gaym all night but she fell asleep an hour in and now i have to carry her to bed and make sure she's comfy and cozy
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Simply stop worrying about it
Imagine moving from her breasts, lower and lower, leaving little kisses as you go, maybe slip your tongue into her cute navel. You’d reach her slit and look up from between her thighs to see her biting her lip in excitement. Unblinking eyes having watched you explore her sensual body. She’d be craving what comes next like nothing else in her life.
news: stronny is crying
Stronny is so cute... I just want to hold her and tell her it'll be alright, it's just a game. Stronny...
mummeh need a hug
Jesus christ Immy has fat wrists. Not envious of pinpals.
not like icey is any better
I wanna take care of sick Shibi and have her keep calling me on the bedroom for little pillow adjustments and stuff just so she can see my face
Are her wrists fat too?
Half the posts here are just some variation of saying "I love Immy" or "I miss Immy". I'm not creative either anon, but I find my own ways to contribute and I hope you can too
Just be yourself dont try to be what your not in order to impress immy or any girl for that matter it never ends well
Immy if you read what the baiters are saying please don't listen to them they're faggots i love you i love you i love you please don't let them get to you
Kill yourself
Your wife has fat wrists.
she literally described herself as a bbw in her past life
Imagine immy squeezing your head between her legs. She’d have her finger tangled in your hair pulling that much more into her sensitive womanhood. Lapping up her nectar like her good little dog. You know she’d squirt so much when she cums, her hips jerking and breath hitching, you might not be able to drink all of it. Not for lack of trying though.
How can Immy be fat while appealing to lolicons?
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more for me to love
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Immy is awake and shitposting
>he doesn't know
Retards everywhere I swear
Can’t help shitposters immy, sorry love. Just don’t read them
Two of them at once right after the short published. Interesting.
We've seen irl pics of both Immy and Icey. Neither of them are fat. Both of them are sex.
Immy's reposting like Icey now. The size difference ones are so hot man
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Not even a pinpal, but you obviously wouldn't ever get it.

Baby fat.
Thought the same exact thing.
Immy... you gotta stop or im ngmi........
immy how many homeless people do you want me to beat up for you?
fuck that last one is extra hot immy
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need her to play a puppy game so she has to put puppy ears on and gets too horny so she has to stop mid stream for a 3 minute break and go record herself cumming
I hope she doesn't cry. She doesn't even look that fat. Just chunky soft wrists. They're cute.
I love how its horny, horny, meme, horny
The thing is if she makes us this pent up, we're just going to get even more feral. I just want to kidnap her, hold a gun to her head and demand that she choke on my fat cock.
she's just like me fr fr
There is nothing immy can do right now to make me lose and cum before she gets back. I’m unbreakable
Make sure to have her put a collar on too.
i dont get the one about the phone alarms
the person who sets it doesn't wake up but everyone else does
I do. Was a problem with 2 of my brothers But i wake up easy anyway so
guy who set the alarm is sleeping through it while his roommates are all pissed off because his alarm woke them up
zoomer attention span pls andastan
Verification not required.
anon trying to make her comatose
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That one image Immy retweeted reminded me of this.
Would you stick your dick in the Shibi muppet?
I want, NEED, immy to tease me more. I need her to tell me what to do
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wow that minigame was boring
i'm assuming the muppet shibi png hasnt been uploaded anywhere?
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i dont think so it was a last min thing tomakeys came in clutch with this its so funny
i can fucking tell
Seeing her grin while I choke her our would just send me into another dimension. It's the only way I can express the overwhelming feeling of affection I have towards her.
I want to hold Immy at gunpoint and repeat this word for word.
She's gone...
All I'm going to say is: A woman who looks like this would never have to touch a pot or pan again. We would be thousands of dollars in debt to Doordash
Imagine being too much of a bitch to choke or hit Immy so she devises a plan to anger and frustrate you so much that you can't help but grab her by the neck and squeeze and once you finally break and have your hands around her neck she just looks at you with a smile of pure excitement
ejaculating, even
Stronny on stream
Mummeh wants to stick her dick in the Shibi muppet.
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Don’t forget about the shock collar. If she wants to act out just to rile you up you don’t have any other choice but to put her in her place. Reminder her who she belongs to

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