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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

Thats not CC
I dream of a day where everyone can get waiting room recovery like this
we were pretty close to that in nov-march stretch
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>Holo girls streaming
>Use some random shitter OP
At least use gacha cunny if you're gonna do that. Whatever happened to the BA OP's anyways?
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How long until GG has a remote control vibrator inside CC during collabs?
this is the gura birthday fan meeting gura talked about during her birthday stream, looks fun.
Found a interesting link
Gacha is for faggots
It'll be the other way around
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I am tired of dolphin porn...
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>he doesn't know
They will have shock collars on each other first
Management will bonk them once one of them cums so hard she audibly pisses herself from it on stream
They had sex right?
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You're a faggot
No Brazillian Lunaito...
Sorry, I already installed an onahole module in there.
What did you think they were doing during the "training" period?
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Nobody cares about the games themselves, it's the cute girl art.
Do we have any GG fans here, can you give me a rundown on her?
>held hands in a haunted house
yeah, pretty much
It'll be both ways.
Do you think gg will stay on yuro hours long term or switch to another time zone in a few months?
She's surprisingly alright with CC
Numberkek, do you guys really jerk off each other while reading your own made-up scenarios?
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She's a hebe, loud, and horny
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come home, sapman.
GC noises...
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CC saying disgusting with her german accent does things to me
those are copy pasted reddit posts my dude
>crossposting just to seethe
Kill yourself.
cc makes her somewhat watchable
kys crossposter
>Vietnamese Lunaito
Worldwide princess.
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What a magnificent view.
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i watch both
what are the expectations for this drone show?
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what is dodgervision?
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>can you give me a rundown on her?
Here (You) go
She's a favorite in this thread. Good at games, passionate yapping about her otaku interests, and probably will be very skilled at erp when she does asmr.
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I'm in this image
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>Day 23 of the Justice girls debut
>Still no Gigi porn
Pay attention to your stream, GG.
What? Korosan playing passpartout? I will watch it after the collab, I like her weird drawings.
Probably whatever the baseball field equivalent of a jumbotron is
She's a genuine brat. Annoying, a bit tomboyish, needs correction, the works.
what does porn even mean? there was an image of a naked Gigi fucking CC in the previous thread
The only 2 of their gen that support idol journey
Simple design is the way to go, her current design is very convoluted.
she is funny i like her
No spoiler, but she does some good drawings in this
some big screens past the outfield
people look at them when a ball might hit them
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pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it
Porn means not being sub 5k without raids even with the debut buff.
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Oh Fuwawa is the sicker one
If they are like mio, I'm for it.
solo Mococo my beloved
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good kouhai
The fuck did they eat to fuck them that hard?
First, mococo get sick and now fuwawa get sick. They should stop having incest sex.
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Thank you CC, but I will not pay for this session
Check previous thread
None of the artwork have eggs, if thats what you mean
no way they make it to AX
Cece said torillas and it was the cutest thing ive ever heard
Poisoned by Niji chef. I knew they'd stand out over there
>None of them give a shit about Fauna
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Japan, so raw fish I assume.
Did Cover actually rush out Justice because they knew the rest of EN would be busy and hardly stream?
is this allowed?
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Holo for this feel?
Take your meds
Unless they ate from a really sketchy place it shouldn't have had this effect on them.
No nipples = SFW, them's the rules
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You wouldn't do anything lewd to a Cici head, would you?
Cover isn't that smart
GG loud
Just a guess as I got food poisoned by sushi before. Could be anything they bought outside.
In my country they barely give a fuck about clean fish because most sushi places are owned by chinks, and yet you do not get food poisoning.
In Japan that would make go out of business instantly.
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Nips undercook all their meat
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>move to Japan
if the meme about her and feet is true, gura
does she bite?
it's Pero, isn't it
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Chicken sashimi
Sometimes you just get unlucky even if the best precautions are taken. Some people are also just more susceptible to it.
They are fucking late, omega era was a mistake. Also, I think mid july most of the girls will have more time or at least spare more time for streams.
Pero is just Mococo using voice changer
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Maybe to her mouth
medium rare chicken...
I really love her design.
That's an old screenshot, retard.
Nips even eat raw egg...
She reminds me of Kanbaru from Monogatari Series. But she also gives me the impression of being the genki girl in anime.
>they will only watch da boiz for ERB
Not the win you think it is beggarchama
that's fookin raw
so where was this from? I can't find it anywhere in the usual places
Well, the other end does not have teeth.
I'd chu~ her mouth.
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>medium rare
it can be straight up raw
>medium rare
I like my steak on the rarer side and even I wouldn't consider that medium rare
anon,consuming raw egg is not Japan only culture
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That's kinda sick but I'm sure GG would enjoy watching that spectacle
Stake is one thing, chicken can't be rare at all, need to be well done.
because that is chicken and you should never eat chicken like that
Chicken Sashimi is not that bad you get like a 1 in 20k chance to get salmonella. So even if she did eat that shit, she just got really unlucky
Considering he learned to use starmin, probably some beggar on the stars sub.
I'm so horny bros
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Been playing Elden Ring and watching CCGG. These two are fucking hilarious. Does anyone else keep a png of their oshi on screen when they play games?
It actually can but on extremely tight regulations. Japan has a few farms that produce chicken meat that can be eaten raw.
A lot of people do anon. I eat eggs sunny side up but very runny. It's generally fine if you live somewhere civilized.
I wouldn't eat medium rare chicken ya tards, I'm just saying that's not medium rare by any definition.
>/ck/ talk
slow day huh
Nice detachable pussy
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I feel better now that Fauna tweeted
The nausea has subsided and the lump in my throat went away
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Are you brave enough?
Would you trust GG or CC with a gun?
I-is that a..?
Cute chumbud
Idols don't poop
I'm current filtered by her, but working on my taste, don't worry.
this is what mental illness looks like.
What is going on
Why doesn't he draw Fauna anymore?
Thanks for the update Mori
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pls tell down
I just have the stream up on a different monitor
no pancreas either
Would. Especially the inverted nipple holes. Even better if they're floppy enough to kind of stretch into.
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>2k views, 78 comments
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>save your oshi grim number
Be thankful to her numberkek
what is that fucking build? looks terrible.
Hey, you too? I hate it.
Literally and figuratively who?
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Watch your homos, sister.
No but it's a good idea
Turn of chat to fix
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I'm doing the exact same thing, no png here, just CCGG audio.
doesn’t stream
Doesn’t stream
Doesn’t stream
lol ahahahaha doesn’t stream
Doesn’t stream
Doesn’t stream

Hmmm all the favorite of GFE psychos don’t fucking stream hmmm wonder why :)
I keep my dino gura on my desk instead
why don't you educate me, sis?
Watch your whore unikek
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AI!!! s---s-slop???
Parasocial fucks
Is that why the homos don't stream
wtf youtube
>Does anyone else keep a png of their oshi on screen when they play games?
That sounds retarded
Just keep a picture next to your screen
Yea, it's good for playing during zatsu heavy streams. Somehow I can divide my attention with it.
Is there any reason CC put her bird as watermark?
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Meanwhile your homos do stream and you faggots still don't watch them.
They have credit.
Almost max credit.
Infinite undepleteable credit.
High credit.
High credit and uni cope.
High credit.
Ran out of credit and doesn't even stream.
>ennacuck discord raid
How many people can you fit in this game?
Fauna has her apple no?
is gigi a tomboy?
That's the point.
now this is the actual definition of leeching
how do people still have patience with Mumei honestly
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>chumbud has to keep a png of his oshi in the corner to stay sane
People won't watch your homos, sister.
Are CC and GG the most entertaining pairing in EN currently?
This is next level attention-whoring.
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Unicorn queen SEX in the morning.
don't know about that but they are good together. wish they'd played Chained Together
ceci and gura
>Gura, Fauna, Mumei, IRyS, CC, GiGi, Biboo, and Ina
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one hour to sexy rock wife
Same as my nieces father candidates. None of them turned out to be the father though. because it was me
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Will she beat it today?
Honestly same, all the college tak gets lame when she can just earn more money in holo if she tried. Got tired a yr ago and even tho I check every now and then it’s still the same shit. Thankfully I got Phase oshi now that actually fucking streams and actually wants my money
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wdym I'm watching her collab with her new kouhai
It would probably be a justice collab and not a duo collab
you aren't being very subtle there
all the other good pairs rarely stream together. we have to enjoy while the weekly collabs are still a thing
alright, they can add Raora
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>phase oshi
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Is this real
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Milking Fauna
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I need to do this and find a way to mute ONLY gg
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>Phase oshi
That's pretty cute fembud
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This is just sad
I was actually agreeing with you until you mentioned phase. Kill yourself.
You're right I put the most CGDCT other FWMC
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Addentum because it doesn't stop being funny.
fuck around and find out
>Basically does this to shitpost
>Mad when people call her out on it
These indies are really thin-skinned.
>I don't hate Holo
>I'm just leeching
Bravo Nolan
>default outfit with the new head accessory
chumbuds are retarded like their oshi.............
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>Phase oshi
Phase oshi is unironically better than Mumei tho. Go do your Reps retard
She wanted People to kneel or to attack her. She got the the worst outcome she wanted
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do you really want people to post it
Everyone collectively ignoring her?
>holos stream with a fucking 1080TI
>meanwhile VSPO! EN
I'm the only one who thinks fauna should have inverted nipples?
streams but no one cares so much so that zhang cocks are her best bet
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>solo Mococo
Hell yeah!
I'd watch that
>Back from work
>Check some vrabi shit before opening my streams
>ERB barely made 10k
When's the collab ban up? She's going to die at this rate.
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Why do you hate raora
was it a TI?
For holoEN it ends this Saturday, theoretically for the rest of the company it'll end in 2 weeks.
Feels like a such a waste of time to stream while not being monetized
Aaaaaand she will be forgotten.
They're trying to make up for the 2 year wait between EN2 and EN3.
I sometimes feel bad for the actual honest to god homofans
They really are entertaining together. The only other pair that is regular is a unit by design (FWMC). I hope they keep this up.
>collab begging
>art career never took off
>sensitive topic
uh oh
This is such a woman move.
NTR experience maybe, but not GFE
>art career never took off
CC noo You can't make that joke
I feel like Roara and Ceci were much better than CC and GG
This chicks love larping dont they
Not me, they can all fuck themselves, it's how they feel about us.
>b-but you have to be a better person
No I don't, the more good will you show the worse they treat you
Don't worry she's German not Austrian
its funny how defensive they get if you ever point this out to them
>Sugar daddied all of that
Yeah rather CC have a 1080 cus any Online BF would have upgraded that shit for her
the irony
she can't help it
their silence is what is causing this anon
if just 5 of those 30 people pushed back on the begging (or call out the okbh brigaders) you'd see the entire nexus crumble into dust
Don't be, they are seething /here/ rn. Also, they didn't fight back, so they are overrun by trannies and self insert monkeys.
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sorry, HoloENs are too busy investing in multiple properties in the states and in JP. VSPOEN can compete with Kaela if you want to compare PC specs lmao
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I know they deserve it, that's why I said sometimes
You retards didn't see the Raora CC collab this morning huh?
CC is just amazing at bantz and males any collab good.
Vsposhills are getting a bit too comfortable here
Yes she is a yap god.
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CC is good at banter because she is male-coded
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its all about winning the culture war
>CC amazing at bantz
Literally this. CC just seems to make any pairing fun to watch. Want to see CC with non-justice members after the collab ban lifts
The actual homostar fans have made it obvious they don’t give a shit about girl interactions but they get swamped in #s by beggars. Even here when people shit on actual holobeggars paypigs /vt/ has defended some of them
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and the mask slips off
They just need someone as aggressive as Helmite if they want to fight homobeggars back.
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oh nyo
Green = Brotuber
>Raora CC
it's RRCC
The closest they got is Richard, I think
Flashbacks to Takodachis overlaying Ina's outfit on various Holomems during her break.
>and males any collab
!!! She puts on her cock attachment and makes if Female X Male collab! No wonder it instantly becomes kino
Fauna doesn't deserve to be in Hololive.
I want to see her break through Ina's shell.
CC has strong dad joke energy.
CC is an example of how great the homos could be if they don't give in to the low quality sex humor
>Want to see CC with non-justice members after the collab ban lifts
with all this "senpai" bullshit they got going on it might be hard for her to be the way she is with justice
Nah, it's Futa x Female.
A dude being autistic and saying bad jokes is so common, it's worthless.
Decisions Decisions
If you guys think CC is so great then why can't she break 10k, hmm?
>Raora's savings could only buy one high-end PC (~$3000)
>CC is using a 7-year old GPU, probably bought it 2nd hand
What were these hags/cakes planning to do if the "hololive or bust" plan didn't work out?
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>it's working
CC is an example of how great the homos could be if they were cute girls in hololive instead of homo$harts who leech off them
I enjoy the bantering like newlyweds these two are having
Just shill you FPS shitter normally
I think that's the reason they made Justice lore related to Advent. I believe that Justice x Adevent collabs will not be as rare as Advent x Myth/Promise are.
VSPOEN shills should be banned on sight
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Does that make me gay then
She could with a holostar collab, everyone can cope but it’s true
cute model and vomiter though
This is sadder than when NeneProfags were gloating about "beating Hololive" at having the first vtuber concert in US soil by literally one day before CtW
keep being a wagie
Apex pros are doing scrims right now
Fuck off
Bust, I guess
cute stretching noises
That's just being European
They need to move in to a multistory building so they can experience the kino of the zombies destroying the support beams.
>male coded
The fuck does that mean
will Arya vomit in my mouth
CC was a wagie her entire career and Raora is an illustrator
my fucking sides
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Is your general THAT dead?
Because there are not a lot of us numberGODS.
Not everyone can be the cream of the crop.
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Not gonna lie, these huge jumps for Bae are weird.
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Why liggers didn’t save CC if they loved her so much? One of their other favs couldn’t even fill a $150 donation goal the other day……
They are the closest to their oshis.
Tell them in mengen or something that this is a problem.
The 3rd gen homos ENCOURAGING this shit is what gives them strength.
>tinder with guns
No thanks
Seriously though how does Cover not buy a brand new top of the line PC for every talent every year and administrate them remotely with a small round-the-clock IT staff hired for support.
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The Puking Princess
The Hurling Hussie
The Spewing Sweetie
The Vomiting Vixen

Arya "Better Out than In" Kuroha!
CC rocking a 2 PC setup is not helping finances either.
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I wonder
>One of their other favs couldn’t even fill a $150 donation goal the other day……
I think she has no choice with a 1080ti and how heavy the Cover App is.
Why are you having a conversation with yourself?
NTA but that's a last samurai thread, pretty sure vspoen is discussed in the v4m (aka brave EN) thread.
APEX is so fucking back.
Still a huge buff for people that are good for like 4 years now.
>One of their other favs couldn’t even fill a $150 donation goal the other day…
PC funds goes straight to lifeline the Holostars, pls understand
Kek what the fuck are these two doing
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It's over...
/Lig/gers are poorfags
Did people not get her stuff the first time around?
How do some people still not get the business model? The jank tech issues are intentional
You're only allowed to shitpost about Hinano in that thread.
Guys I think GG might be a little... you know...
>/lig/ as whole actually worse than the $600 eupiss
Holy shitto
>Gigi is raiding Biboo
>Ceci is raiding Mori
Ok, I will now watch your Vomit Comet for 30 minutes
Nina, liggers want her to be poor rather than apply and join Hololive
I was going to >what about the bois, but none of them are streaming. Lazy fucks
>qpi shows up in vspoen shitter's chat
>have to listen to the whitest sounding girl in the world with a fat voice act like she's the biggest qpi fan in the world
How does hololive make it work
great stream(s) at least
m-maybe just a crumb of the holoearth budget. I know that Cover’s software is the really valuable part of the company but just a scrap of support for those cartoon girls they use for advertising so at least the game they’re scheduled to play works every time
Be less obvious
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Yes, I love my sweet German wife
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I think they're a watamate, just less aggro.
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>2 CC streams today
I'm overflowing in immergoodness
>Unikek is making up a scenario to seethe with
They probably taught them not to fawn over the talent. Not that they wouldn't do it anyway given that Gura Flanderized Sora. Couldalso be that they're so used to being in the prescence of Hololive that they don't feel like they have to fake it.
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for once i wish was bae
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Is she good enough that they have a justified fear that Cover will human traffic her?
>proceeds to play OW2, apex, Valo and whatever the next VCR server is
>I know that Cover’s software is the really valuable part of the company
So it's also fucking heavy. It was using up half of Bae's 3060. That's why all the girls need to upgrade despite having setups that worked ok when they were indies.
They are an actual starmin. They just happened to also like Watame
literally who
The other girls are, honestly speaking, still selling really well for reruns though if it was just about "not getting it first time around".
Wasn't Cover used to provide that until Hitomi Chris happened?
Im watching the South Park ep where Bebe gets boobs.
It reminds me of this thread.
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just another proof that most of Twitch CCVs are bots or embeds. NotRaora was a high three-view to a low four-view, yet her twitch prime subs are ass
>Don't support their oshi
>Get mad when she looks for greener pastures
They don't deserve them, I will welcome them if they are fit for hololive.
Which Holo will cover this first
No. She sold her body or said she will if the dude bought her a computer. At that time over sent you a phone and a good luck message luck
Because she had zotto head on her tits
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Recent clip numbers
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That was years ago and when Cover was a poorfag company as well. They should move well beyond that at this point. Utterly shocking that they don't have pre-built workstations with OS images being shipped to their talents as a 100B JPY company.
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>54,721: Miko (Hololive)
>33,316: Chiroru (Indie)
>31,036: Aqua (Hololive)
>26,553: Pekora (Hololive)
>21,859: Watame (Hololive)
>21,033: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>19,688: Elizabeth (Hololive)
>18,740: Raora (Hololive)
>16,391: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>15,602: Okayu (Hololive)
>13,113: Korone (Hololive)
>12,719: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>12,180: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,086: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,179: Lamy (Hololive)
>10,101: Lize (Nijisanji)
>10,097: Cecilia (Hololive)
Kanata have full permission
>look him up
Holy shit, nice.
>At that time over sent you a phone and a good luck message luck
That's what Myth/5th gen got, too. I don't see any evidence it's gotten better
I'm ready to say it
Gigi was a good hire, shes going to shine brightly in hololive
>JP company does poorly optimized PC graphics
would be funny if they were using Denuvo too
Kanata or Fauna
>One of their other favs couldn’t even fill a $150 donation goal the other day……
Yeah but she gets to keep 100% of that not $150.
So who is the real winner here?
No,Cover support your project and you payback by Installments.they never provided free support unless it a lottery or cover project
Ok cc
Who is this chiroru faggot I keep seeing in the tally?
The 4090 is such a rip off, imagine paying double the price of a 7900 XTX for maybe 15% better peformance. Fucking Nvidia can charge anything and retards will pay it
Is this CGDCT anime?
Baseball watchalong vtuber
they're using some Unity live2D plugin
They will give you a budget for debut, but you need to have your own shit to stream. Even Justice had to use their own stuff
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Oh yeah, speaking of the raw stuff topic we had earlier. I just remembered this bit from Miggers, looked it up and found an animated clip of it.
Numberkek... Gigi exists; you are worrying about the wrong chuuba
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so this girl is not actually carried (unlike Dokibird) and can prob solo to Predator... huh...
no wonder why people here are starting to fear their growth...
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>concedes juspion lost to SatanGoss
Juspionkeks, your response!?!?
I'm surprised they allowed that sex new outfit. Pure sex.
A man of fantastic taste
It's all it takes for nips huh
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>raw stuff
Yeah, mine. Inside CC.
she's stomping silver noobs on her new account.
>4090 is such a rip off
Doesn't matter if it is for work.
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>3 (THREE) raids
>Still going to lose
No it is not if you are doing art & animation related job
This is the same company where streams, the daily lifeblood of the chuubas, require perms which is only done whenever the legal intern gets off their ass and does a bit of work rather than having a dedicated staff department to acquiring perms. I'm not saying western companies are great but jap tech corporations are absolutely retarded.
yeah niji is fucking dead in the west
if they hate holo, they should start doing their vspo reps, brave group ACTUALLY works out with TOs to shill their groups
imagine reincarnating just to smurf
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except anything related to art, development, AI, etc. requires nvidia, so it doesn't matter how much your amd costs
>JDON my soul
>3D birthday
>holosama NYcountdown CtM Dreamhack world tour
she got huge exposure since the first run
Except for the ASMR specialists and professional singers, only Botan seems to have a "prosumer" quality audio setup. The rest are using toys. Cover doesn't even give them a shopping list...I hope. Huge, visible (audible) gap in their competence.
Tech company btw.
Please andastand, the boys stacked 300 perm requests
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man, stop shilling the who here. Just go to r/virtualyoutubers. It might work there
>no wonder why people here are starting to fear their growth
yeah okay intern. why would anyone watching hololive fear an esports corpo?
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>that model
A more honest personal assessment.
Cute autist, though it may be her german-ness, kinda can tell since my favorite chuuba is also german.
Her zoomer energy kinda filters me, but she's overall solid.
I'm not big on artist chuubas but I can appreciate the kinda comfortable silence of their streams.
Weak yap game even with the accent helping her, kinda getting better at singing I think, but this comes from a regular music pleb.
I mean she is more entertaining than GG
>Which Holo will cover this first
first? not sure. But last would 10000000% be Gura
This is the girl who follow Axel but not Hololive.
Already had enough with ERB and now you bring this girl
yeah yeah. Would still not watch
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Brave interns are a sad bunch.
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already passed
Sport chuuba. Very niche, but it seems he captured the baseball ojisans.
Double Mori tonight!
Sisters status?
Aren't they the original vtuber black corpo?
Niji interns are a sad bunch.
That faggot is anti because she is a better player than doki
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>kobo is almost 2,5M subs
>gura 30k
she ticked again? Safe to assume that when she's active for at least a month, she can still get 30k huh
Nah , that's the other two. This girl follows holos but no homos (yet). /v4m/ going gosling for her is only going to end in tears though.
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CC should start weekly holoEN news streams.
Do any of them follow Doki? Brave are idiots if they block her
Twisty is doing it. She's going to actually become the legendary 2view...
How long until red dino camp her chat?
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Huh I didn't expect the dogs to be this high considering their schedule the past couple of weeks.
Is she squatting behind the desk?
Wow Aia is doing a stream about her time in nijisanji?
what is the highest tempus subs? pretty sure ERB already beat it no?
All of FWMC's streams are vertical streams, so that's why the sub increase despite all the cancels
The question is, how long until she reaches 5M? End of the next year?

She's german, so she's bound to run into a segment-ending yab at some point. I approve of your idea.
I doubt anyone want the rest of the organs, all of them are now radioactive.
Do the main branch collab with Niji's main branch? Associating with her might close some doors on that front.
>Timezone cope
I was talking about the fans, nijiEN built nothing
well, maybe Vox was something, but he belongs to the Chinese uggos now
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Your mistake was thinking it was from interns. Our regular schizos just use everything that sticks.
She beat Magni and Vesper already, literally just check Altare’s since he was the highest thanks to the kobo leeching
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is there any search engine that works on youtube and internet?
even brave is being retarded nowadays
its fucking over
>is there any search engine that works on youtube and internet
You should instead worry about shutting up Kiara and Kronii holokek. Covers black corpo tactics leaking out already
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CC is unyabbable.
>low level yabs are just handwaved with the excuse she's german so the culture is different and her accent is funny
>mid level yabs just bounce off her since she won't give a shit
>high level yabs will melt once she catches wind of it and calls the drama vermin stupid while giggling and threatening to kill them (in minecraft).
>4 years ago
>No views
How do we save Kanatan?
Ironically watching kurosanji strawberry numbers are more entertaining than whatever the vsbot girl doing.
browser, he means browser
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Weird,I am seeing her follow Gigi and Raora
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The active highest overall was 328k who ticked down to 327k today. For Tempus only it's 295k.
Mmmm? Wait, that graph style...
Oh shit did it finally end
>likes kids and Italians
Holy based
NTA, but Youtube's search algo is fucking useless and consistently brings up unrelated doxxnigger videos
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is there a google for google that searches for what I'm looking for and not unrelated shit?
>the reveal EN management has sisters in their midst
>eventually stuff like when Kiara heavily implied Omega got canned happens
No, google is just shit now
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I was gonna make a kanaleech post for old times sakes but it's unironically hard to write out that kind of drivel. No wonder so many of our schizos just copy paste shit.
>played it as pomu
>played twin snakes as mint
>now replaying it again as mint
diagnosis - terminal brainrot
How the fuck are Roberu and Astel losing subs lol, aren't they the least unsuccessful jp homos
This girl gonna average more CCv than Gigi in 2 mths. Calling it now
Terminally dead eop subs.
>sub 100k shitter
jesas, they are the uproar of EN
Was that a joke?
EN4 was Project 75% EU. If EN5 were to come out at some point, what would the theme be?
Oh so you want to continue the 'ALL OUT WAR' thing.
>Jurard gained 10k after fucking dying for months to get to 100k
is there some explanation as to why this happens for vtubers?
So when is Ame and Doki collabing again? Does Hololive block Doki collabs or what is the deal?
Don't you get tired of writing the most retarded shit you can imagine for some (You)s, you fucking (You)slut?
didn't know the russian gura is still alive
He got 10k from hounding girls cus it was based and anti unicorn. No literally that’s why
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newfag seeing his first apesex graph
biboo cute
>a frenchie
>a spaniard
>a ruskie
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Going by current growth, Goldbullet will hit 100k just before 2026 kek
What is there to shut about?It common knowledge that Yagoo and management will help da bois as much as they can including giving retard to advice to Nene
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He'll break Uyu's record.
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Enna responded to someone who QRT'd Quinn(Kyo) on her Enna account. I'll eat the ban because what the fuck.
Not if he collab with ERB and owns the unicels
Holo Español

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