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>schizos out
White Fox Trio Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
Filian x Kirsche x SmugAlana cringe videos


>Previous Thread
The whole "MOOOODS" thing is starting to be transformative.
haha pettan
that is my wife and we love her you harlot
I might be getting addicted to hearing yeah cha-tuh
Was that yandere dev
Was that guy even an adult? Reminds me of some cringe shit I would do in high school.
>we have tecnicaly never talked
>i still love her

like me frfr
someone post one of filian's grapefruit technique slurpy soundposts
neither of these are the one but thank you
>Yo he a freak
Don't you be speaking, vrchatter
I love and enjoy filian I hope filian has a good day
filian sure does go after dr disrespect a lot for a woman who makes lewd content for an audience that’s half underaged boys
You underestimate how many men want a girl like her.
filian should send me her pubic hair
No. It mean trimming, or worse, shaving. Not allowed.
we'll have to settle for me pushing my face into it in person, then
That chatter? Me.
pluck one strand for me
>Kirsche saying a snacker will break into Filian's house to take her pubes
How did she know
Filian selfreport. Cute.
filian lore
i think she told that sometimes ago right i rember this
I wish I was Filian's senpai...
i don't remember this one
i remember the one where she drew heads on anime tittites
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I do wonder sometimes if she's into that. She does make an awful lot of underage related jokes, and AFAIK has mostly mentioned 'small' when relating to the sizes of dicks. She also hasn't really shown much interest in actual grown men. She's also mentally young because of her autism.
This is one of those moment I am glad my weeb phase was silent
My shotacon streamer
still in high school, she said she doesnt like them small since every woman wants them big right?!
I don't understand why that was so embarrassing to admit but also if Filian called me senpai I would get hard every time.
Conspiracy theories of /flip/ are being born right in front of our very eyes. The worst part is that it is belivable.
This will be perfect for the Filian voiced JOI I'm making.
It always amuses me when filian mogs just about anyone with exercise or any kind of physical activity
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Filian makes me grip it.
I'd die of cringe. Love her, but japanse inserts like that are just cringe I can't handle
I know I'm not much older than these chuubas because I'm not even 30 but when I was going to high school there was no such thing as "anime club" and if there was it would basically be like painting a target on your back because bullying still existed.

Drill sergeant RP?
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Holy shit Kirsche
>Kirsche is not fat confirmed.
Seething Femanons btfo
did she say "vagina bacon" or "vagina baking"
Unfortunately fellow big schlonged snacker, I don't think so. She hasn't alluded to liking them big at any time I remember, and has 'jokingly' mentioned small ones.
kek what was the original context for this
>breast milk and vagina yeast muffins
I'm not sure if any big chuuba is actually fat. I feel like all of them are at least normal weight.
She was shaking a bottle of something
She has protein shake breaks every single stream. It was pretty obvious she was gonna be fit.
pokemon on subathon some ice creamcone named creampie
>imitate the video
Kek imagine
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Maybe this Mint.
Filian you already scratch your slit on stream
Filian is about to bake us some cinnamon buns
would you eat filian's yeast buns, flipsnacker?
it was in collab and some other experienced ones dissagreed since its hurts, its not porn idk something along those lines
I would. Primarily because I'm blessed in that I never actually looked up what that is in my life, so I have the gift of ignorance.
its already over NOOOOO
I would rather use the Filly yeast to make some Filly brew.
She mentioned
*she mentioned us
She has the same "jovial chuckle" that >>79849557 has but that's not exactly proof since people like Mello Mutinus "sound" fat.
It's how it is for us
Camilla is overweight. Not that it matters.
Man I thought Bao was on Saturday. This felt like it was cut way too short.
sponsor > yapping time for bed wathcing vod tomrrow
Desktopian, my beloved, is back again let's goooo!
Desktopian, my beloved.
Thank you for not calling Kirsche a grifter constantly, friendly.
I'll first check what is being shilled. If it's alright I'll watch rest of the stream.
I don't think there's anything definitive, she might have expectations based on porn or something but there's really nothing to work with
Layna has told Fil and Melody she enjoys them smaller, though
I remember she mentioned something once about messing up her throat once when she was younger She was from Boston so I think it make sense.
>filian starts sponsor content
>yellow woman ccv goes up
maple story? people still play this?
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who the fuck is the guy???
>male on stream
RIP viewership.
/flip/ overall is pretty friendly. Outside of some occasional hate (that one tattoo anon) we rarely say anything bad about her collab partners.
Sponsor manager or guy who is overseeing i guess
4chan turned me into a lolicon so it's not totally false.
probably maplestory rep/handler right?
I don't think they're an actual snacker, I think they're from another thread.
Seems like some employee of the company behind the game... Just wondering why?
why the fuck is he on stream then
bro stay in the dms
stream ruined tf
I’m fairly certain it’s our marimari_en fan semi-tourist who comes by now and then
explaining the game to her ig lmao
i wonder if bao has someone helping her too
As long as you don't move to actual stuff it's not bad. At the end of the day in form of art I enjoy a lot of weird fetishes that with IRL put me off.
I watched the entire gacha game sponsor but I think maplestory is a bridge too far for me kek
Very likely, honestly /flip/ sometimes doesn't feel like a thread on 4chan.
Honorable chatter here. Never really watched Filian before. She seems fun though, gotta check her out. Apparently fruit snacks are the prefered offering?
Yeah this place seems very friendly. Thank you for the good times bros.
Your zoomer oshi is cute.
The only thing that's going to kill her viewership is that a lot of snackers don't like watching her game, which is unfortunate because I really want to watch her play The Finals or Siege.

Well, that's obviously a given. If you want to go full creep over little girls you become a /tv/ main.
Maplestory is super anal about how their game is portrayed on streaming services. They have active agents combing through any MS stream on twitch just to make sure that they're not playing on private servers. Knew a vtuber who almost got banned over that shit.
it’s cuz we kicked out the one dude who wanted to gatekeep early on
So why did they close Maplestory 2 but still support Maplestory?
These monsters are about as intimidating as YUY IX
But I'm a marimari_en fan and I don't say anything bad about Filian or her collab friends.
Yeah, I sometimes wonder if the tattoo guy is not him dropping by every now and then, but doubt it.
okay, but are you THE marimari_en fan who always pseudo avatar fags with images of this anime
i don't like kirsche but that's not a reason to start shit
at the end of the day it was a fun stream and it seems everyone had fun, so we're good

fil's contentbrain at the beginning was a little annoying but it smoothened out
Nobody likes tattooed up whores. If somebody doesn't talk about it, doesn't mean it isn't so.
>>79850930 (me)
i think i just implied her brain becoming smoother made the stream better, which i didn't mean to, but i guess that's sometimes true anyway
>male voice
>NTR simulator
I'm out
This guy sounds like he could be Sakana's normie son.

That buzzword is pretty much never appropriate in the context of vtubers unless they get exposed for hating their fans which is rare.
Saw someone in chat
>Im a Bao viewer, you got this
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This is just Chibidoki.
I can do kusoge or male voice but both at once is just too big of an L
Most people who use that word nowadays use it incorrectly because they "learned" it from 24 hour news television.
That's kind of weird.
Never played it but I heard it was a huge IP.
Chibidoki’s retarded model with the weird eye’s is so funny
ill watch the rest on VOD later, i'm gonna watch a movie rn
later snackers
cheers mate have a good one
What movie, snacker?
Yeah this might be the first sponsor that I might just sleep through and watch it later at like 1.75 speed. The game is a little boring and well her guide, while I don't mind men in streams, he just is not even a streamer or at least interested in vtubing so he kind of kills any vibe or fun Filian could provide. Just 2 universes that don't mix too well.
Yeah but consider this: https://streamable.com/v1gdpl
he’s watching Иди и cмoтpи by Гepмaнoвич Климoв
yeah, I like supporting filian but this is sort of objectively bad
I find it kind of amusing that the guy is basically a normie guiding this hyperactive idiot
Bubble bubble
Damn this game looks boring, who plays it?
I'm starting to think most shittalkers on this boards threads are just seething Femanons.
Calling people Grifters/fat is usually female tier insult.
The Quiet Duel (1949)
Women. Same with Stardew Valley.
I’m pretty sure it’s one of those games that was created back when people’s attentions spans weren’t goldfish tier and it somehow never completely died
There no women here you retard. I use those insults and sure as hell I have cock and balls. Would be a vtuber otherwise though.
there are pockets of the board with women in it, but they’re not watching the same chuuba’s you and I would
20% female audience reveal yourselves
tell me about your experience as a Vulva Smacker
i wanna be scissor sisters with filian
20% female audience (all males who lied on their twitch account registration form)
wallahi may your muff entanglement fantasy come true
>I use those insults
Low T then.
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Hey guys, I'm back. I asked the person running the fansly dms (def not fil) what the 100$ photo set is and they said it's more of the maid set (pic related) but "more spicier"
I think I might buy it for you guys
please do
oh my
Stop pushing your headcanons unto people you schizophrenic lunatic. I'd gape your ass more than your dad already did.
Ask him if he is the real filian. And ask him if it is really the real filian posing in her VR model. And then tell him it is fraud and you will sue.
my lewdtuber
kinda gay bro
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All the smackers been smacking it to a dude cosplaying as Filian
You're a real one if you deliver.
yes now show hole
>Do you text women?
>I'm sorry??
She forgot she wasn't talking to her chat.
So it's just panty shots.
I question how this level of blue balling is legal.
it's in preparation of her fansly streams where she shows hole
thatd be me and this is my first post since, so no.
not only was i not "kicked out", i never left. i simply stopped posting, but i lurk every /flip/ for soundposts, the few good shitposts left, art and whatever else.
im just indifferent to the state of the general, because you people made it clear i shouldnt call /flip/ home. now you have to deal with threadshitters by yourself.
okay drama queen dont forget to dilate
hi anon
I actually did just ask. And I said "I've already given you 120$ so please be honest, it won't affect whether or not I buy more"
the guy who runs the fansly and messages people is a dude in India, he’ll talk to you while filian is streaming sometimes
And you seriously believe the guy who runs her fansly isn't in a discord channel were all of Filians mods are that share all of the information?
You posting here will be posted there and we will definitely not get an answer now.
Never messaged me during a stream, usually only messages early in the morning or late at night
You really think they care that much LOL
then ask him to show feet
I love filian so much I’m gonna watch her play god damn maplestory frick it
You really think they don't? So it turns out all of the photos there are by some indian dude. Great. What do you think the reaction of everyone that buys "her" fansly would be?
>no one talking about the collab, just some VR tranny selling rindo lewds
go boot up the stream rn and you will see very quickly why none of us are bothering to discuss
yeah, this really turns me off filian. the fansly is at best distasteful, but defrauding her snackers is going too far.
it's just Filian and the MapleStory guy rn, not much to talk about
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
None of Filian's mods are on 4chan, they are so afraid to go onto the memes channel in their own discord they made a whole new role for other people to do it for them
Maplestory is the shiftiest MMO ever and its shat up to heavens and back to hell with microtransactions
seriously it has a 6/10 on stream, I didn’t even know it was possible to have a score that low
I'm more suprised it's not even lower
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MS will always pale in comparison to Ragnarok
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I still remember playing the english alpha of this and the glove item was misspelled as globe.
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>zesty indian selling his ass on the internet but with fils skinsuit
nigga we only tried to warn you like 20 times, it’s the literal only thing flip can be bothered to anti filian over
it's ok we have Filian grapefruit technique sounds, Filian bouncing on chair, Filian parasocial webms, filyBush clips, and more
it's all I need...
I can hear the rep sweating in real time over Filian's use of cuck
>tfw she bleleles into your heart
he gets it
>snackers fapped to an indian middle aged man that was pretending to be filian
this will never not be funny
love at first bleble…
she needs to go full sadist on this guy
you mean smackers
there’s nothing gay about gooning to and/or fucking dudes in the rindo outfit. VRC already debated this to death a decade ago
sorry I don't need Indian Fansly man when I have filyDarkSyde
fat and not in a good way
Idk how people even find panty shots of a fucking shitty vrchat model hot anyway.
That's why I see Rindo as the shadow on the cave wall, imagining the real filian on the other side of, and dream of violently physically abusing her for my entertainment.
the classic, DarkSydeFil
oh it's this guy again
Do you think she also had the “incident?”
context? new here
she's been caught in 1080p multiple times
“Aw frick the camera was on. Fuuuu- the camera’s been on the whole time huh? Wassup chat?”
Filian confirmed green eyed ginger.
So when's the pvp..?
DarkSydeFil is an internet lolcow who was featured in a viral clip comparing him doing a legend of Zelda puzzle to ame doing a legend of Zelda puzzle (fil spergs out and screams about how the puzzle is bullshit and ame effortlessly solved it or at least the clip is edited to make it look like she does)
I'm phoneposting so hopefully another snacker has the soundpost somewhere
He’s known as the Guy
>>79854961 (me)
sorry I’m being dumb, obviously you know who DSP is
i actually didn't, thanks tho
he also masturbated on stream on accident once
hey just like filian
Someone post her beating her filussy
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Damn it feels good to be a Gumi-Snacker(?)
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I made it all the way to my pc and then someone posted it before me anyways, so have a filyCrawl
imagine doing that to her
you fricker
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is there sound for this clip?
Filian letting her leaf leak out again
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in order to listen to "soundposts" on 4chan, you need to install the rcc soundplayer from github
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I'm apprehending you for not lurking enough before posting.
Bro, the slowing down to the hand flick to the instant leg cross and trying to play it casual—damn that is so hot
for me it’s the leg crossing and then the face she makes at the end that really takes it to gem territory
Anyone have a link to the video about her she was going to watch at the beginning of the stream that was supposedly wholesome?
imagine her doing this with the mocap
Thanks anon
who has the other one where she scratches her minge while playing crane game
Her what
i posted it a couple of threads back someone get it
j'm on phone too otherwise i would
extremely cute
extremely HOT
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Filian will be the first indie to collab with Yuy. She's a 4view who is isolated just like Mega. Also her sense of humor would mesh well with Fil despite her voice and model making you think otherwise.
>they gave filian a male tardwrangler while bao got a female
They probably thought a woman couldn't handle filians retardation.
i think they are more scared of bao's unmatched horny thirst
i dont want the stream to end :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
gods strongest snacker
I want jam my nose up filians unwashed post-stream asshole.
gods strongest smacker
Saturday irl with Bao
Monday hot ones with nerissa
Nerissa?? Ravencrap???
ye it was first announced a couple days ago
I find it difficult to look at things that aren't beautiful for long periods of time. Feels bad and I wish it weren't true but it is. Can't watch her because of this.
Oh sex lets go
Suck my ravencock and bals
horny dominate ai from wando.ai
you know
honestly me too
Not him. I don't watch her, but I like the occasional clips I see of her in that retarded model.
also monday stream will have around 3 hours of stalling before starting the collab since Nerissa is JP timezone
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what's Friday
who doesnt amirite
Random schizo? Source on this?
She wasn't sure, she just gave us a maybe
he also posted about it in flip
did he at least comment on his dick?
>be able to make sexual conversation and playfully embarrass yourself in front thousands of horny teen boys

god I wish that were me
No screenshot as proof? Just a random claim?
>Btw guys Filian's fansly is actually run by none other than Forsen, he admitted it to me over DMs trust me guys.
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it’s too late filian we know stinky saars in Bangladesh are your fansly chatters
wait, she pretends to personally message people? I thought she just had the AI
Filian's Fansly is run by me
I filter out all of the lewd voice recordings for my sole enjoyment
her fansly also sends ppv images, i bought most of them and compiled them in high-res. here you go
is the only thing we’re missing the $100 set of 3 images? how do I buy the ones we don’t have?
yeah that's the only one we don't have, honestly i'm not sure how you could pay me for it, maybe i could post my paypal LOL
i'm already considering buying it to post here but i have 0 money for it
She simply hasn’t been treated to my penis yet. She will refine her palate quickly once she samples perfection
do you know how to use cryptocurrencies?
are you in the snackers hq discord? i will post a codeword in there so you can dm me and we can work it out from there, i'm willing to blow my cover for this LOL
This is true, this is why she was trying so hard to groom Vedal, who was still 19 at the time.
no, but see my post about the discord rn, you can show me
The code word is “faggot”
I’m not in her jewcord but I’ll join on an alt I’ll consider this a social experiment to see if you scam me or not
What do you think Friday will be? The legendary Filian AI stream? Her collab with CookieSwirl or the rain cheque from Lia? An unplanned YLYL? Oh the possibilities...
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>>79848894 (me)
Oh god have I spawned a Filian shotacon meme? What have i done.
sorry but I've already shown her perfection with my box munching, she's mine now, you can't piss on her to claim her anymore
fair enough lol, also that is NOT the code word. i will ping your alt when you join
The code word is “faggot”
She ruled out ylyl and if the AI was ready she'd probably have announced it. Sounded like she was considering a KokoNuts collab during their spitting match last Saturday so maybe that, if we get anything.
I'm still waiting to see what she meant when she said Vedal and her were cooking the stream "of the century", most likely Filian AI rigged to that Live2D Filly model. That'd be fun,
Hmm, flipping filian’s skirt and laughing while jeering “I see London, I see France”
I remember joking a while back about Fil being a shotacon during the Vedal streams, I see the conspiracy is back
Time is a circle
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>"Vedal, show us where she touched you on the doll."
I wish she touched me
Would filian have gone to epstein's island?
I'd pay for her to touch me
she would be the ghislaine type figure at OTK island
Is it true that filian had epstein murdered to keep him quiet?
that was obviously miz
There's no evidence to support that accusation.
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anon and i bought the 100$ photo set, it has been added to the folder
so he didn't get scammed
She can't be into shotas because I'm a grown mam
Extra lewd maid Filian my beloved...
nope he actually did it lul I sent him USDC and he didn’t even try to feed the village with it
She makes this face while milking my cock in a vicegrip
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Not for long!
*pulls out wizard wand*
doesn't seem like it's worth 100 bucks
yeah i did it for the people
I dunno man. Maybe nothing major. It has been a stacked week regardless of what happens Friday.
this image made my night. thanks anon
I managed to not get scammed by sending money to random anons and then I got scammed by filly anyways
she should take responsibility by bending over in the center of the screen on stream in the maid outfit for us
I lose some interest in fil everytime she gets lewder, am I gay?
Yep. Terminally gay.
probably homosexual, but not entirely clear.
She knows how to skirt the line.
she knows how to extremely short skirt the line amiright
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Probably depends where it's coming from. Women acting sexually flirtatious around other men is I think generally seen as an extremely unattractive quality to everyone except cucks. It also means there's less likelihood of knowing that her child is yours, which means genetic death, the ultimate fear/betrayal. This is probably why any culture that prides itself on being sluts is artificially created, forced, and temporary.

That said, I don't think Filian is one. Just saying that's some thoughts on what possible unconscious things could be at play.
>Server not found
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As you say that, loads for me
who baking
this is the best thread on /vt/
Yes, because it is about the best vt
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>when he tells you that he bakes threads on Aztec bricklaying community forums
you’re god damn right it is
I am going to post the words "inb4 breadpost" b4 the breadpost in the next thread.

I have a new strategy, if I was baker I'd be shitting and pissing my pants right now.
if no one does it I'll be forced to phonebake
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there should be a decently large window where people are copy and pasting after posting the OP image
I can bake if no one else is.
sounds like an exciting wednesday night my snacker
I'm baking
it won’t come to that, I was being lazy because I’m stoned and watching my current 3 view oshi on my phone, but I can get up and bake on my pc
this is the chosen baker
I've been seeing you for a few threads and I've been rooting for you this whole time. You can do it! Even if you don't do it today, there's always tomorrow!
or am I just stewing chaos?
Yes. He has called it. No other bake will be accepted.
then I will emergency phonebake...
do it
If we end up with three different threads there will be consequences.
/flip/ baking wars - return of the phonebake
someone just post a bake you dumbasses
our wife will not be pleased with us otherwise
If >>79864040 is not actually baking I can do it so you don't have to phone bake.
Make a /flip/. Make a /flip/. Make a /flip/.
Get in here

Get fucked neeeerd
Filian is madly in love with (me)

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