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A Healthy Drink Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! And she finished Elden Ring earlier. That's it. Nobody else is around. So keep things comfy, etc.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>79837449
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Who are some vshojos that are like this?
After giving it some thought: Nobody. If you want to include +'s: Buff
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I prey for one last stream with them
wolves suck
I think he is looking for Bao more than even Buff. But the JD screams Juni more.
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the fuck
it looks like her
I love Michi so much.
When did Mel say her subathon is going to be again?
$3 for Civ6 is silly dumb if you're into 4X games. Same with Witcher 3 complete for $13 if you're into RPGs and don't have it.
$20 for Red Dead 2 is a steal if you don't already have it.
$4 for Disco Elysium is a fire sale if you like complicated mindfucks that quality as legitimate literature instead of a video game.
Celeste for $2 is great if you enjoy torturing yourself with ball-breaking platformers.
Everything else looks super fucking weak and barely counts as a sale.
In August for her birthday celebration. I believe her birthday will be on the 16th.
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i don't know of any vshojos that are incestous ever since vei left
Cool thanks
>Michi wants to fuck her cousin
I wished Geega was incestpilled. She's 4'10 and all her brothers are 6' plus. Imagine.
The Michi and Kuro panel won't be streamed anywhere?
none of the panels will be streamed unless it's a bootleg. I do expect all the panels to at least have bootleg audio recordings that people will post afterwards though
Oh I'm so dumb.
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I'm almost entirely certain Henya has a whole system accounting for how much physical activity she gets and how many days she can go without showering for cooch scratches to be just the right level of ripe and pungent but not nausea-inducing.
She probably spent puberty keeping notebooks about her crotch fragrance and playing eroges instead of interacting with other humans.
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holy shit, you weren't kidding
I, personally, doubt this.
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Mouse would only ever use meme models if chat had their way
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horny sushidog
imagine the crust
Bro wtf
That had to have been planned but jesus christ
>Fireworks Sim
Mouse kino tomorrow
Nah. Been there, done that. I'd rather not induce Nam flashbacks.
You know what? I believe this I don't fucking care.
Recreating kino is never successful.
So, just regular Sushidog then?
it was an obvious set, but of course children can't tell and want to be the first to break the news to Mouse
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No, westernized sushidog. Corrupted by Vshojo sushidog.
what's the sponsor?
Oh neat, I got some Vshojo merch in today. They're the hand towel and standee from Mel's Cyber Succubus debut earlier this year. The hand towel is a bit bigger than I expected.
zenless zone zero i think
Zenless Zone Zero, according to Monke's title.
>this song
not happening
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me and the bad bitch I pulled in AX
VShojo became her hako-oshi in 2020, that don't happen unless you're already "corrupted"
The only thing that happened is a bigger audience and some proper streamer friends have her coming out of her shell and being more bold
So Mint is officially /out/ for, at a minimum, another year, right? Now that Vshojo has shifted focus to the JP side, the EN branch is going to be on hold, since there's only so many resources to go around.
MGS is not a personality
>>79856133 (me)
New to vsj, but following her now
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being a dork is tho
V Show Joe
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They just threw loutlot enough rope to hang himself with. It has nothing to do with the rest of the org.
Mouse + Conner = <3
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7/5 bros, your response?
New voice
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>7/5 bros, your response?
Had to move it a day early because they just got told they can't stream the panel
Other way around. If auditions don't close until August then having someone inbetween now and when someone from the results of that debut which would probably be around VShojo's anniversary at the end of November at minimum, with 2025 being much more likely would make the most sense
i can't belive Zen is announcing the new G Gundam anime herself
7/5 on 7/4.
>Now that Vshojo has shifted focus to the JP side, the EN branch is going to be on hold
silly tourists and their branches
Doesn't Doki have something big tomorrow too?
Henya smells like crusty flowers dipped in kasons used tampons
kson kek
Fuck this shill game I'm going to rewatch Lord of War again and fall asleep.
Idk, you are the one bringing her in here so you tell us
Maybe Mint won't join but ミント・ファントーム
They want Japanese talents, not weebs.
the nick cage movie?
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something something a pure japanese princess
Any IRL AX streams with Highgai planned? Last year was nice.
flirting on a sponsor
> pure
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>Why did you do that!? Now you have to buy it! I can't sell a used backpack...
Not yet but I'd like to think it happens. It wasn't planned last year either. Zen just sprung it on everyone out of nowhere lol
As of right now, we don't know. If there's a chance, then we'll find out on Zen's stream tomorrow since she set that up last time.
No mention of it.
We might need to survive on Aethel and Pete if they do it
Now this is banter
Is Aethel and Nyan going?
banter these nuts mei
Yeah, Aethel is wearing his new armor, he mentioned maybe a stream one day
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Not on her lap
lol AS you post
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>>79857856 (me)
FUCK she moved it as soon as I posted this
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Isn't Nyan also doing a Fire Keeper cosplay at AX as well?
Think so, either that or for the Ren fair
>just friends
We need art like this but with the girls
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You alright /vsj+/?
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haruka's ass has got to be huge
based on loulots previous comments, there's no way he's signing some complete unknown, right?
Details pls
Collab so boring it almost killed the thread
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i'm bored and watching bao
I mean the bar for a new JP is probably lower than it is for a new EN, but they're not going to sign on someone who's never streamed before if that's what you mean.
I'm mainly curious if we could be blindsided by someone we never heard of
they didn't say or specify anything. could be a anything or anyone
Probably. The others will have had a chance to get to know the person even if we don't know them so it wouldn't matter. Not like most people in this thread know more than 5-6 JP indies period.
sometimes I get really bored so I shit into my hands and clap
I'm watching liggers
I looked at monkeys latest charity auction tweet replies and man the clout chasing game must be exhausting
good for you
JP indies I can actually name. Karubi, kqsii, Sushi, Monaca, and Uto. Exactly 5. Unless Uto died again. I don't know what became of her post-Nazuna
I could name you like 45 different apex jp indies that could join for zen to play with
i am starting to really not like conner
Uto came back like a week ago
What are the chances that she will audition? Considering that Voice Ore is dead now.
I just saw fefe reply lmao, poor girl if only she knew he muted her
sisters don't want to attract annoying spergs
ZZZ debuff. The game is microwaved diarrhea at the moment. It's like some spilled Genshin Impact and Yakuza: Like A Dragon on the floor and then thought shitting every random generic near future pseudo-cyberpunk anime on the puddle would fix it.
Did froot get dicked down by Katie
other way around

In that part of the world cousin marriage is very much a thing. And I don't think they're first cousins.
hime's grandma getting wild
It should have been me
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>In that part of the world
In every part of the world where humans live and days end in Y.
no one wants to touch your tit
Tell her to stop yuribaiting, its getting stale
the models not the person
Tell her to yuribait more
What're you gay
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>But for me, it was Wednesday.
Did she at least return the favor? I feel like it would be rude not to.
unironically yes
shes the queen of degeneracy for a reason
she lost that title ages ago
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What did she mean by this
hmm you sure about that kek
one pregnant stream is nothing kek
I wonder when Hoyo will make a game.
do these niggas really spend money on gacha during these sponsors?
average Sanrio GF
they get paid to pull, garnt, joey have used all their sponsor money on pulls before kek
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Recap anon here. Was skimming through videos and found a JP audition submission
/in/ kson wannabe
We do need a Green chuba
trash panda live, dawntrails obvs
I want to post the video of her flipping out over sleeping with kson but I don't have the link saved
She started as an asmr vtuber and is a huge sonch fangirl.
like if kson and moose had a secert love child
That's Monaca
JP auditions will be just all kson buddies huh?
wtf lmao
just looked her up and yeah your right
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Well, at least its not gacha...

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