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Is there a reason she isn't streaming as much as she used to?
too busy having sex with me
Strange. I do not remember posting this. Maybe I need to lay off the chans.
I came into this thread only to find out I already posted this. I must have forgotten quickly.
Now we have real life and virtual girls ghosting us. I'm done with them.
shes given up on not being the runt of Promise
pregnanate with mah baby
Fauna is a lesbian
Funny how all the professional doxniggers trying to anti her conveniently ignore this fact
Fauna brownfeet baitthread #345284
yeah, with me
get off the site mumei
Fauna is one of the most consistent streamers in Hololive EN, my guy; everyone else is either dull, or a flake.
She gets more periods than she used to
Her sub growth have stagnated. She gave up
All me btw
What do you call this mental illness?
>posted his .ph college enrollment form
how does this happen and how can you be sure it's not someone trying to pin this on some random flip
Brownfeet stirrs from his slumber. Yet another day of flailing ineffectively at the target of his obsession lies ahead of him.
sounds like jutard or that other fag, pretty sure millie is his kamioshi
man they really missed the mark twice in a row with erb and armpiss
dam this brownfeet lore drop
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Naw, there's more than 1 schizo in the fauna threads (there's about 5), brownfeet is just the most active and the one we have the most info on outside this site.

I live in a town with a lot of flips straight from the philipines. There's definitely more solid and jacked flips (some even slightly fat). I personally find that the ones that are solid are actually pretty cool and have a low schizo index, it's always the twinks that are are awful.

That said I can't talk myself since I'm a white boy with similar proportions to the twinks.
She's in Hololive
Damn, guess he got mad and got the thread purged. Verifies it as true
Be sure to check the archives for the latest brownfeet lore
She's letting Justice have their turn at the spotlight
kys troon
I'm gonna be real with you OP. If a Hololive member streams at least twice a week she's doing GOOD. All of them do have to do Idol stuff after all.
My name is Idol Stuff
saplings will defend this
even most stream addicted streamers of holo are being drafted to something big, cover is cooking something
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brownfeet will defend this
if by cooking you can also mean baking
and by baking I mean pregnancy
All of them having my children btw
And just in case anyone were wondering, this is my post.
I posted this.
Damn, I'm not even in my 30s yet and I'm getting dementia. I don't recall making this post at all...
>20 streams last month
really schizo?

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